Academic literature on the topic 'Arbres forestiers'
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Journal articles on the topic "Arbres forestiers"
Bigsby, Hugh. "Le modèle spatial de rendement est-il une solution plus pertinente pour l¿exploitation des forêts tropicales ?" BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 314, no. 314 (December 1, 2012): 57.
Full textCordonnier, Thomas. "Caractériser l’environnement compétitif des arbres : dépassons la surface terrière !" Revue forestière française 73, no. 6 (October 27, 2022): 643–48.
Full textLefèvre, François, Thomas Boivin, Aurore Bontemps, François Courbet, Hendrik Davi, Marion Durand-Gillmann, Bruno Fady, et al. "Valoriser et renforcer les mécanismes d’évolution génétique par la sylviculture, pour l’adaptation au changement climatique." Revue forestière française 72, no. 5 (October 31, 2020): 383–410.
Full textLACAZE, J. F., and G. TOUZET. "Amélioration des arbres forestiers." Revue Forestière Française, S (1986): 20.
Full textCOCHARD (H.) and GRANIER (André). "Fonctionnement hydraulique des arbres forestiers." Revue Forestière Française, no. 2 (1999): 121.
Full textMetzel, Ruth, and Florencia Montagnini. "From Farm to Forest: Factors Associated with Protecting and Planting Trees in a Panamanian Agricultural Landscape." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 322, no. 322 (October 17, 2014): 3.
Full textGond, Valery, Emilien Dubiez, Marine Boulogne, Morgan Gigaud, Adrien Péroches, Alexandre Pennec, Nicolas Fauvet, and Régis Peltier. "DYNAMICS OF FOREST COVER AND CARBON STOCK CHANGE IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: CASE OF WOOD-FUEL SUPPLY BASIN FOR KINSHASA." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 327, no. 327 (December 19, 2015): 19.
Full textPILATE (Gilles), PAQUES (Marc), LEPLE (Jean-Charles), and PLOMION (Christophe). "Les Biotechnologies chez les arbres forestiers." Revue Forestière Française, no. 2 (2002): 161.
Full textFétéké, Fousseni, Jérôme Perin, Adeline Fayolle, Kasso Dainou, Nils Bourland, Yao Lambert Kouadio, Serge Jean Joel Moneye, et al. "MODÉLISER LA CROISSANCE DE QUATRE ESSENCES POUR AMÉLIORER LA GESTION FORESTIÈRE AU CAMEROUN." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 325, no. 325 (July 17, 2015): 5.
Full textBangata Bitha Nyi Mbunzu, Jean Christian. "Influence des essences forestières arborescentes sur la productivité des bananiers au deuxième cycle cultural à Kinshasa, RDC." Revue Congolaise des Sciences & Technologies 3, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 98–108.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Arbres forestiers"
Dupuy, Lionel. "Modélisation de l'ancrage racinaire des arbres forestiers." Bordeaux 1, 2003.
Full textKaushal, Parvinder. "Analyse écophysiologique des effets de stress liés aux transplantations des arbres forestiers." Nancy 1, 1987.
Full textKaushal, Parvinder. "Analyse écophysiologique des effets de stress liés aux transplantations des arbres forestiers." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textBertheau, Coralie. "Mécanismes d'adaptation des insectes forestiers à de nouveaux arbres hôtes : une approche intégrative." Thesis, Orléans, 2009.
Full textWith the intensification of forestry and global trade (insect introductions or plantations of exotic trees), forest trees have increasingly to face attacks by novel phytophagous insects. Understanding the adaptation mechanisms of these insects to their novel hosts, represents a crucial scientific issue involving many factors and complex biological processes. In this general topic, we focused on the role of two factors: (1) the taxonomic proximity between natural and novel hosts of the insects; (2) the host specificity of the insect. Four complementary approaches (meta-analysis, field inventory, behavioral tests and genetic analyses) at different taxonomic and geographical scales have been developed, the last three approaches focusing on the adaptation of indigenous bark beetles to exotic conifers. The objectives were, firstly to improve knowledge on the ability of forest insects to extend their natural host range, and secondly to provide useful information to forest managers, in order they can assess ecological and economic risks arising from these adaptations. Results from the four approaches agree to demonstrate the importance of both tested factors in the insect-tree relationships in general and conifer-bark beetle in particular. Forest insects with a broad natural host range appear to be better colonizers of novel hosts than insects with a narrow host range. The presence of novel tree species taxonomically related to native hosts seems to favor insect host shift. This work has also contributed to improve knowledge on the evolution of the host range of phytophagous forest insects in presence of novel host trees species, and consequently on the sensitivity of these hosts relatively to native ones
Bertheau, Coralie Lieutier François. "Mécanismes d'adaptation des insectes forestiers à de nouveaux arbres hôtes une approche intégrative /." S. l. : S. n, 2009.
Full textMachon, Nathalie. "Etude de la variabilité génétique des arbres forestiers. Exemples du chataîgnier et de l'orme." Paris 11, 1995.
Full textMoukoumi, Judicaël. "Effet des essences forestières sur la biodégradation des matières organiques : impact sur la dynamique et le cycle du carbone, de l'azote et des éléments minéraux." Nancy 1, 2006.
Full textThe aim of this study was to determine the relevant indicators of the dynamic of organic matter (OM) and some steps of the cycle of carbon, nitrogen and mineral nutrients in relation with the nature of tree species. The experimental site of Breuil-Chenue (Morvan), which allows on similar conditions, to follow the tree species effect, was used as work support. Field and laboratory experimental approaches show that 30 years after the plantation, the expression of the native forest (a coppice with standards dominated by beech, 150 year-old) disappeared, under the effect of young tree species. Marked differences were observed in litter decomposition, carbon and nitrogen mineralization, and dynamics of major elements, even in soil aggregate fractions. Groups of tree species stands were distinguished: the first one having a good potential of decomposition, concerns Douglas fir and beech, whose OM in the A1 horizon, was not abundant but relatively recalcitrant. Nitrate production was higher and implicated on Ca, Mn and Mg mobility. The second group was characterized by a low potential of decomposition. It includes native forest, and spruce plantation whose needles richest in lignin, Fe and Al accumulate on topsoil. Soil OM from these both stands presented a weak nitrate production, but release much more soluble organic compounds with a great potential of carbon mineralization in lab. Fe and Al were more mobilized. The oak plantation, with leaf litter low in lignin and richer in Ca, Mg, Mn and K, occupied an intermediate position. Plant materials were decomposed rapidly. However, strong production of litter and its high proportion of wood result in it accumulation on topsoil
Cordier, Tristan. "Structure des assemblages fongiques de la phyllosphère des arbres forestiers et effet potentiel du changement climatique." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012.
Full textPhyllosphere is the habitat provided by the leaves of living plants. Many microbial species -pathogens, saprophytes or mutualists of plants - inhabit this environment. These microbes therefore influence the dynamics and structure of plant communities. The main objective was to study the potential effects of climate change on the structure of phyllosphere fungal assemblages, and on the ecological niche of pathogenic fungal species of forest trees. We used two approaches, i) the study of altitudinal gradients and ii) the construction of bioclimatic niche models. Since phyllosphere fungal assemblages of forest trees are still poorly known, we first described their diversity and quantified their spatial variability at the scale of a forest stand.Our results show that the phyllosphere of a forest tree houses hundreds of fungal species, with few dominant species and many rare species. Factors structuring these assemblages include both abiotic and biotic factors: the temperature appears as the most explanatory variable along an elevation algradient. At the scale of a forest stand, the genetic proximity between trees is more important than the geographic distance. Analysis of the bioclimatic niche models of pathogenic fungi forest at the French scale highlights some climatic limitations, and the summer rainfall is an important explanatory variable. However, many introduced species already occupy the distribution of their host, without apparent climatic limitation. The effects of climate change on most pathogens will be exercised indirectly by very important depressive effects on the abundance of their host trees. Only pathogens adapted to the Mediterranean biotope would increase their impact
Parmain, Guilhem. "Contribution de différents éléments forestiers et non-forestiers de la trame de très vieux bois à la diversité des coléoptères saproxyliques." Thesis, Orléans, 2015.
Full textHabitat loss and fragmentation are considered as major threats to biodiversity in forests, one of the species-richest terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. The structural simplification and the loss of key habitat elements resulting from forest harvesting threaten forest biodiversity. Through the analysis of datasets shared between laboratories and two original datasets created during this thesis, I intended to evaluate the role for associated beetle diversity of several components of the saproxylic habitat network at local and landscape scales. The effect of local environmental variables has been evaluated and the biodiversity associated with ageing stands, forest reserves and isolated non-forest trees were explored. In parallel, we have analyzed the main technique used to sample our study group. We highlighted (i) strong effects of spatial or temporal replication of sampling on data, but (ii) negligible effects of data simplification by excluding a time-expensive family on results. We demonstrated significant effects of forest setting aside on the restoration, mainly of dead wood and tree microhabitats, but also on associated saproxylic beetle assemblages. Extended rotations in ageing stands did not provide such positive effects. Besides, we evidenced that a high density of forest reserves in the landscape (over 20%) seems necessary to efficiently favor the saproxylic fauna. In addition, we observed that a significant proportion of saproxylic species prefer non-forest solitary tree habitats. The whole saproxylic fauna is therefore not hosted by forests. These non-forest saproxylic structures have to be included in conservation strategies dedicated saproxylic biodiversity
Calvaruso, Christophe Ranger Jacques. "Quantification de l'effet des racines d'arbres et des microorganismes associés sur l'altération des minéraux de sols forestiers observations en forêt et expérimentations /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "Arbres forestiers"
Service canadien des forêts. Direction des sciences et du développement durable. Insectes forestiers ravageurs au Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Ressources naturelles Canada, 1995.
Find full textEdward, Hurley J., Magasi Laszlo P, and Service canadien des forêts. Région des Maritimes., eds. Les ravageurs forestiers dans les Maritimes en 1994. Fredericton, N.-B: Service canadien des forêts, Région des Maritimes, 1995.
Find full textSainte-Foy, Collège de, ed. Notions d'entomologie forestière. Mont-Royal, Qué: Modulo, 1988.
Find full textDajoz, Roger. Les insectes et la forêt: Rôle et diversité des insectes dans le milieu forestier. Londres: Tec & Doc Lavoisier, 1998.
Find full textMartineau, René. Insectes nuisibles des forêts de l'est du Canada. La Prairie, Qué: Editions M. Broquet, 1985.
Find full textCentre de foresterie des Laurentides. and Service canadien des forêts, eds. Les ravageurs forestiers exotiques: Tenir la menace a l'oeil. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Service canadien des forêts, Centre de foresterie des Laurentides, 2005.
Find full textKrcmar-Nozic, Emina. L' impact potentiel des ravageurs forestiers exotiques en Amérique du Nord: Synthèse de la recherche. Victoria, C.-B: Centre de foresterie du Pacifique, 2000.
Find full textCanada, Canada Forêts. Alerte verte: Relevé des insectes et des maladies des arbres. Ottawa, Ont: Forêts Canada, 1989.
Find full textAbgrall, J. F. La forêt et ses ennemis. 3rd ed. Grenoble: CEMAGREF-DICOVA, 1991.
Find full text1955-, Strauss Steven H., and Bradshaw H. David, eds. The bioengineered forest: Challenges for science and society. Washington, DC: Resources For the Future, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Arbres forestiers"
Bâ, Amadou M., Tiby Guissou, Robin Duponnois, Christian Plenchette, Ousmane Sacko, Daouda Sidibé, Kondé Sylla, and Baba Windou. "Mycorhization contrôlée et fertilisation phosphatée Applications à la domestication du jujubier, arbre fruitier forestier sahélien." In La Grande Muraille Verte, 251–62. IRD Éditions, 2012.
Full textBessat, Hubert. "6. La forêt, les arbres et arbustes, la flore sauvage, l’exploitation forestière et les métiers du bois." In Le patois et la vie traditionnelle aux Contamines-Montjoie. Vol. 1, 141–76. UGA Éditions, 2010.
Full textReports on the topic "Arbres forestiers"
Les forêts françaises face au changement climatique. Académie des sciences, June 2023.
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