Academic literature on the topic 'Arbres en ville'
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Journal articles on the topic "Arbres en ville"
OSSENI, Abdel Aziz, Gbodja Houéhanou François GBESSO, Karl Martial NANSI, and Agossou Brice Hugues TENTE. "Phytodiversité et services écosystémiques associés aux plantations d’alignement des rues aménagées de la ville de Grand-Popo au Bénin." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 345 (November 2, 2020): 87–99.
Full textZOHOUN, Prucelle Elisée, Mama DJAOUGA, Soufouyane ZAKARI, David M. BALOUBI, and Ibouraïma YABI. "Diversité, structure des arbres et description du boisement dans les concessions de l’espace urbain de Parakou au centre du Bénin." Journal of Applied Biosciences 154 (October 31, 2020): 15842–52.
Full textCALTRAN, Hervé, Johana SANABRIA, and Julie WEISS. "Mise en œuvre du concept d’arbre de pluie, une solution fondée sur la nature, pour contribuer à désimperméabiliser et végétaliser la ville existante." Techniques Sciences Méthodes 10, no. 10 (October 20, 2023): 63–70.
Full textRomanowska, Marta. "Uposażenie wójtów dziedzicznych miast Małopolski w XIV-XV w." Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne 53, no. 1 (June 30, 2001): 71–92.
Full textARSALAN, K. "Les arbres d’alignement, une contribution au paysage et à la biodiversité urbaine, cas de la ville de Rabat." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 12 (January 20, 2020): 27–43.
Full textDel Rey, Marie-José. "La réglementation des arbres et espaces boisés en ville." Droit et Ville 42, no. 1 (1996): 197–222.
Full textHaninec, Peter, Petr Madera, Martin Smola, Hana Habrová, Martin Šenfeldr, Luboš Úradnícek, Milan Rajnoch, et al. "ASSESSMENT OF TEAK PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS USING 1 M SPACING IN A PLANTATION IN NICARAGUA." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 330, no. 330 (July 21, 2017): 37.
Full textChacalo, Alicia, and Marius Pineau. "Problemes Environnementaux Et Situation Des Arbres Urbains Dans La Ville De Mexico." Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 17, no. 2 (February 1, 1991): 49–54.
Full textGARREC, J. P., and Véronique PEULON. "Les arbres de ville en hiver : le problème du sel de déneigement." Revue Forestière Française, S (1989): 109.
Full textOuellette, G. B., and R. Pronovost. "Anomalies de croissance et dépérissement du tilleul au Québec : à prévenir dès la production des plants en pépinière." Phytoprotection 79, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 71–85.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Arbres en ville"
BLANDET, PIERSON ISABELLE. "Le releve des vieux arbres de la ville de nancy." Nancy 1, 1993.
Full textSchuehmacher, Laurent. "Les espèces ligneuses plantées à Paris depuis les travaux d'Haussmann : nomenclature et origine géographique, étude des plantations d'alignement du 10e arrondt." Paris 5, 1991.
Full textMaison, Alice. "Modélisation des impacts des arbres sur la qualité de l’air de l’échelle de la rue à la ville." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 2023.
Full textTrees provide numerous ecosystem services in cities, helping to reduce some of the consequences of urbanization, such as the urban heat island and water run-off. Their thermo-radiative effect improves thermal comfort.Trees can also have an impact on urban air quality through various processes. The deposition of gaseous and particulate pollutants on tree leaves can help to reduce concentrations. However, the aerodynamic effect of trees modifies the airflow in street canyons and limits the dispersion of pollutants emitted in the street. Trees also emit biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), which can contribute to the formation of O3 and secondary organic aerosols. BVOC emissions vary depending on the tree species, and are influenced by climatic factors (temperature, radiation) and by the tree water status.The objective of this thesis is to quantify the impacts of these different processes on urban air quality. Numerical simulations are performed over the city of Paris during summer 2022 using the CHIMERE/MUNICH model chain in order to quantify the impact of trees on atmospheric concentrations of pollutants at the local and regional scales. The simulated concentrations are compared to measurements.Urban trees are not generally taken into account in air quality models, either at regional or street level. In order to integrate BVOC emissions into the CHIMERE regional model, an inventory is developed using the tree database of the city of Paris. A method is set up to estimate the characteristics of the trees, which are used as input data for the various models (leaf area, dry biomass, crown size, etc.). On average over the months of June and July 2022 in Paris, local biogenic emissions from trees lead to an increase of 1.0% in O3, 4.6% in organic PM1 and 0.6% in PM2.5. Biogenic emissions from urban trees strongly increase concentrations of isoprene and monoterpenes. Compared with measurements, terpene concentrations tend to be underestimated, given the uncertainties associated with emission factors and the missing part of the vegetation in the inventory. Terpene emissions from urban and suburban vegetation greatly influence the formation of organic particles, it is therefore important to characterize them properly in air quality models.The various effects of urban trees on air quality at street level are then added into the MUNICH street network model. The aerodynamic effect of street trees is parameterized using computational fluid dynamics simulations. It leads to an increase in the concentrations of compounds emitted into the street. This increase can reach +37% for NO2 in streets with a large leaf surface and high traffic. Deposition on tree leaves is computed using a resistive approach adapted to the scale of the tree in the street. However, its impact on concentrations remains limited for the gases and particles studied (< -3%).Finally, a coupling between the TEB (urban surface model), SPAC (soil-plant-atmosphere continuum model) and MUNICH models is developed. This coupling provides a better representation of the impacts of the urban micro-climate heterogeneities and of the thermo-radiative effect of trees on gas and particle concentrations. The effects of the micro-climate and of the tree water stress on BVOC emissions are also taken into account in order to refine the calculation of emissions
Ricaud, Sophie. "Recherche sur la physiologie des bourgeons latents des arbres : étude chez platanus acerifolia willd : contribution à l'étude de la physiologie de l'arbre en ville." Nancy 1, 1994.
Full textSelmi, Wissal. "Services écosystémiques rendus par la végétation urbaine : application d'approches d'évaluation à la ville de Strasbourg." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014.
Full textThis research work provides two assessment tools based on both ecocentric and anthropogenic approaches. We argued that these approaches are complementary and they lead not only to understand ecological functions of urban green spaces but also to quantify ecosystem services provided to society. Based on bottom up approach, two urban habitats were assessed : lawns and urban forest. Due to the lack of knowledge about ecological functions of urban lawns, it was required to implement a monitoring protocol that helps to provide a baseline and measure the changes of flora composition and structure across urban green spaces. Although monitoring protocol had some limitations, it intended to highlight the response of lawn flora to environmental patterns and to particular human activities such as management techniques and trampling. Urban forest was assessed by quantifying it structure and some ecosystem services and desservices using i-Tree model Eco. Based on biophysical indicators, the model quantify the total carbon stored and the annually carbon sequestered, the annually amount of pollution removal, and the annually amount of biogenic emissions by trees. Although some uncertainty remains about the application of this model, it was shown that urban trees improve local air quality. However, to alleviate air pollution within urban area, planting and managing trees should be associated with an integrative planning strategy that takes into account other factors. Our study also incorporates operational items, so we have tried to provide some guidance to planners and green spaces managers with reference to our assessment results
Alsayed, Mahmoud. "Commerce et transformation des produits d’arbres et d’arbustes (bois, fruits frais et secs, racines, rameaux, feuilles, fleurs, graines, farine, poudre, parfum, encens, vin et huile) pour l’architecture, l’économie, la médecine, le culte et la magie à Ougarit et dans les royaumes et les empires environnants et au Bronze récent, d’après les données des sciences naturelles, des sources archéologiques et épigraphiques." Thesis, Paris 4, 2011.
Full textThe subject of our dissertation is the trade and use of various products derived from trees and shrubs in the Kingdom of Ugarit, located on the coast of Syria and whose written documentation informs us about the Late Bronze Age, mainly fourteenth and thirteenth centuries BC. The kingdom is well known thanks to the thousands of tablets found in the last 82 years on the site of Ras Shamra and more recently that of Ras Ibn Hani. These tablets are written overwhelmingly in two languages and two systems of cuneiform writing: first, the local language, called “Ugaritic”, noted in an alphabetic system, on the other hand, the Babylonian Akkadian, noted by a logo-syllabic script. Situated between the coast and mountains, this kingdom was located between two major regions suppliers of timber in the most remote antiquity, as evidenced by Egyptian and Mesopotamian literature and the Bible, the Lebanese mountains and the Amanus mountain. The place is thus particularly important for this topic. Following an overview of geographical, demographic, linguistic, historical and economic on the kingdom of Ugarit, we studied successively ebony, pine and fir, cedar, juniper, cypress, boxwood, ¶Rgz, palm-tree, olive-tree, ñlmg-wood and vineyard, the vine and its products .We started each chapter with a botanical and linguistical identification. We tried to locate what were the areas that were the main sources of these natural resources. Then, we established a historical overview on the trade in products from trees and transportation. We tried to clarify their nature, quantity, quality, weight and price in Ugarit and outside. Finally, we examined the various uses and their role in craft, medicine, religion and magic. In doing so, we could also approach the symbolic value of these trees and woods
Grosfils, Matthieu. "Les espèces ligneuses plantées à Paris depuis les travaux d'Haussmann : nomenclature et origine géographique. Etude des plantations d'alignement du IIe arrondissement." Paris 5, 1996.
Full textSaurat, Jessica. "L'arbre et le droit." Thesis, Montpellier, 2017.
Full textThe tree is a special legal object because of its importance to the environment, the economy and the quality of life. It is therefore at the crossroads of various rights : environmental, forestry, rural, town planning, civil, tax, european and international laws. Thus, it is apprehended according to its place of situation but also the quality of its owner (private person or public person).While it is recognized as belonging to the common heritage of the nation, the possibilities of protection offered by the rights which are applicable in France generally lack efficiency and realism. To overcome this situation, it is envisaged to link the belonging of the tree to the common heritage of the Nation with binding legal consequences and thus confer on it a status that transcends property rights and the different areas of law
Leclerc, Juliette. "Les espèces ligneuses plantées à Paris depuis les travaux d'Haussmann : nomenclature et origine géographique, étude des plantations d'alignement du XIè arrondissement." Paris 5, 1994.
Full textBennour, Myriam. "La patrimonialisation des arbres urbains : le cas de Tunis." Thesis, Paris, AgroParisTech, 2014.
Full textThis thesis is part of a geographical and anthropological field. It analyzes historic and contemporary relationships between Tunisians and trees in the city. Taking as a case study the city of Tunis, it aims to show that there is, from the beginning of colonization, among Tunisians a complex process of appropriation but also rejection of trees depending on their public or private location, and their personal history.Multiple values are indeed associated with trees. Analysis of the interviews shows that these values are based primarily on individual memory, family practices and social memory. Before colonization, the Medina had few trees in public space because the spatial organization drew its roots from the traditional settlement pattern, which did little or no appeal to trees in private patios. In addition, the traditional urban law did not use trees in public space. Upon initiation of the French Protectorate, the capital has been extended beyond the walls with the city called European. Large avenues and streets were lined up with rows of trees. New species were then widely introduced and disseminated, modeled on the French cities of that time.After independence, the capital swelled by the spread of rural migration, wealthy Tunisians lived in new neighborhoods that combined European style and Tunisian traditions (especially in the north). Rural Tunisians in search of a better life have occupied smaller areas (west and south). The capital has become a socially heterogeneous space marked by abundance and different types of trees in public and private spaces of the various neighborhoods.This thesis is a first step in the interpretation of urban living from recent history, marked by the functional, symbolic and aesthetic uses of trees. It shows that today the trees in Tunis are or become social, individual and collective markers that define different types of heritage; private, collective and public. This heritage process is not necessarily tied to an institutional setting
Books on the topic "Arbres en ville"
Peulon, Véronique. Le dépérissement des arbres en ville. Paris: Service technique de l'urbanisme, Division des équipements urbains, 1988.
Find full textLes arbres de Ville-Évrard lorsqu'ils deviennent passage des cigognes dans le ciel: Poème. [Lagrasse]: Verdier, 2009.
Find full textCamille, Desmarais, and Fondation Louis-de-Gonzague-Fortin, eds. L' arbre en ville et à la campagne: Les pratiques de végétalisation : actes du. La Pocatière, Québec: Fondation Louis-de-Gonzague-Fortin, 1994.
Find full textSuzanne, Richman, ed. Tree conservation ordinances: Land-use regulations go green. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association, 1993.
Find full textMichel, Mazoyer, ed. L' arbre, symbole et réalité: Actes des premières journées universitaires de Hérisson organisées par la ville de Hérisson et les Cahiers Kubaba, Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne les 21 et 22 juin 2002. Paris: Harmattan, 2003.
Find full textHashem, Akbari, United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change Division., Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and United States. Dept. of Energy., eds. Cooling our communities: A guidebook on tree planting and light-colored surfacing. Washington, D.C: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy Analysis, Climate Change Division, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Arbres en ville"
Percheron, Bénédicte. "Les sociétés savantes d’histoire naturelle : les arbres et la ville (1800-1940)." In La nature en ville, 71–88. LISAA éditeur, 2022.
Full textNguyen, Thi Hanh. "Chapitre 7. Les arbres en milieu urbain, entre mise en valeur d’un patrimoine végétal et conservation de la nature en ville au Vietnam." In Paysages et patrimoines, 135–53. Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Arbres en ville"
Hellström, Lisa, and Linda Beckman. Att främja hälsa och förebbygga ohälsa bland ungdomar : En nationell och internationell kartläggning över initiativ och insatser. Malmö universitet, 2020.
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