Academic literature on the topic 'Arabo-Muslim culture'
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Journal articles on the topic "Arabo-Muslim culture"
Weil, Dror. "Islamicated China: China’s Participation in the Islamicate Book Culture during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries." Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 4, no. 1-2 (2016): 36–60.
Full textBernoussi, Mohamed. "Semiosis du corps dans la littérature sexologique arabe." Semiotica 2016, no. 208 (January 1, 2016): 259–84.
Full textAbattouy, Mohammed. "Nutaf Min Al-ΗΙYal: a Partial Arabic Version of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Mechanica." Early Science and Medicine 6, no. 2 (2001): 96–122.
Full textملكاوي, أسماء حسين, and حنان لطفي زين الدين. "عروض مختصرة." الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر (إسلامية المعرفة سابقا) 20, no. 79 (January 1, 2015): 215–05.
Full textYuzeev, A. N. "Sh. Marjani’s “Wafi yat al-’Aslaf” as a Monument of Arabo-Islamic Culture." Islam in the modern world 17, no. 1 (May 1, 2021): 89–100.
Full textMelvin-Koushki, Matthew. "Imperial Talismanic Love: Ibn Turka’s Debate of Feast and Fight (1426) as Philosophical Romance and Lettrist Mirror for Timurid Princes." Der Islam 96, no. 1 (April 9, 2019): 42–86.
Full textMarzouki, Nadia. "Conversion as Statelessness: A Study of Contemporary Algerian Conversions to Evangelical Christianity." Middle East Law and Governance 4, no. 1 (2012): 69–105.
Full textBessard, Fanny. "Itinéraires et mutations urbaines dans le Mašriq islamique (ier/viie-iiie/ixe siècles)." Arabica 64, no. 2 (June 13, 2017): 184–212.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Arabo-Muslim culture"
Guehaz, Lamia. "Rapport à la sexualité des femmes de culture arabo-islamique : entre traditions, religion et modernité(s)." Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Full textSex education is firstly cultural. Sexuality is a social construction which is being perpetuated inside families. For a long time, it has been inexistent and silent within Arab-Muslim families. Today, mothers are concerned about their culture and some principles. They adopted a new sex education, different from their mother's, combining religion and western vision. They are opting for educational strategies based on the quest of meaning, logic, reason and religion. That is why they transmit a morality and often refer to scriptural texts to convince their daughters about the benefits of a sexuality based on preservation. They insist on the “others” differences
Bonetti, Brunella. "Topographies de genre entre psychanalyse et anthropologie. Politiques et pratiques pour une thérapie au féminin : Quelle "traduction" possible au de-là de la Méditerranée ?" Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Full textOur thesis aims analyzing the question of the "translation" of the psychoanalysis in an Other Culture, specifically in the Arab-Muslim world, utilizing the psychoanalysis and the anthropology like Complementary Frames of Reference.Having put the theoretical and methodological basis for a “metis” psychotherapy, and having resume the history of the psychoanalysis in Maghreb, specifically in Morocco and in Tunisia, we shall bring the attention to the Islamic feminine, as well as to the relationship between sexuality, Islam and psychoanalysis.The presentation of the “Great Muslim Mothers”, the analysis of Holy Texts about the feminine, and the reconstruction of the history of the Arab-Muslim women from pre-Islamic period until the contemporaneousness, will allow us to raise the gap between the Muslim Tradition and its application.It will be clear, then, how much the interpretation of Texts and the reading of the words of prophet Mohammed, have been used by the political and religious authorities of any time in a patriarchal and misogynist sense, in order to submit and relegate the woman in a position of naturalized inferiority.Quite the opposite, we shall evoke the central place of the woman and the feminine in the Koranic Tradition, until assert that it represents one of the greatest removal of the history and the culture of the Muslim people.This main thrust will cross all the analysis bringing at the heart of the thesis according to which the "feminine psychotherapy" represents a privileged way in the "translation" and the transmission of the psychoanalysis in another country. We would support that this kind of therapy would be needed at three levels: individual, during the therapeutic relation; collective for the benefit of all Muslim women; and, epistemological degree concerning the most theoretical aspects of the "translation".By drawing the metaphoric image of a "psychotherapist-frontier", we shall draw the passage between the geographical and socio-cultural, psychic and relational, professional and symbolic borders, that she would recompose through her movement of detachment, discovery and return in the Arab-Muslim world. This should be made possible through her characteristics of being be able to emancipate and mediate between the opposite of the tradition and the modernity, or the local and the global, or even the subjective and the collective.This figure, therefore, would arrive to represent the cause and the consequence of the women’s emancipation and would complement every woman towards the realization of her desire contributing to the empowerment of the community of the Arab-Muslim women.Modern representative of the mythical “Goddesses Mothers”, the "therapist-frontier", above all, will have to learn certain capacities of the anthropology in order to not confuse the cultural problems with a psychological disorder or, on the contrary, in order to not reduce an individual illness in a socio-cultural disease.Still, she will have to acquire an holistic “know-how” and an extraterritorial thought essential to dominate both the scientific or clinical terminology and the popular one. And still she will have to become a container of traumas and changing of the subjects or of the groups, as well as a crossroads of different knowledges and disciplines
Ed-Dahbi, Malika. "La structuration et le développement du sport au Yémen : Contexte et contraintes." Grenoble, 2010.
Full textFrom « Arabia Felix » to the Republic of Yemen, contemporary Yemen reunified in 1990 know difficulties of development and growth, and remains one of the poorest country in the world with major inequalities. Among the priority areas of development, sport and Western model know a development in Yemen? Since its introduction around 1900 by the British occupation of South Yemen, the sport has a colonial history until its unification with North Yemen. The Ministry Youth and Sports, the sport (federations and clubs), the Olympic movement getting down to the development of sport for strengthening of national unity and international performances, in respect of Islam. However, a multitude of structural blockages is observed as well by leaders that by youth people representing three quarters of the population. Where the place of women is discriminatory and often reduced to the closed space of family's space, the possibility of women's sport can be considered? Between occidental culture and Arabo-Muslin culture, how sports in Yemen are structured and how can it be the development?
Pires, Monica Kalil. "A tradução cultural em romances históricos : análise comparativa entre Léon, l'Africain, de Amin Maalouf, e A Incrível e Fascinante História do Capitão Mouro, de Georges Bourdoukan." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2009.
Full textA tradução cultural, fundamental para a comunicação entre os povos, é uma tarefa complexa, devido à subjetividade dos agentes envolvidos e aos vários aspectos que interferem na apresentação da cultura de origem para a cultura de recepção. A literatura é uma forma privilegiada de fazer esta mediação entre culturas. Léon, l´africain e A incrível e fascinante história do Capitão Mouro, de Amin Maalouf e Georges Bourdoukan, respectivamente, são romances históricos que apresentam a cultura árabe-muçulmana ao leitor ocidental. Exploram a História, a linguagem, a construção espacial, o relacionamento interpessoal, os costumes e os rituais, dando voz a uma cultura tradicionalmente sufocada no Ocidente, e com isso contribuindo para a mediação de conflitos.
The cultural translation, essential for communication between peoples, is a complex task due to the tranlator´s subjectivity and the various aspects involved in the presentation of the culture of origin for the culture of reception. The literature is a privileged way of doing this mediation between cultures. Léon, l'africain and A incrível e fascinante história do Capitão Mouro, from Amin Maalouf and Georges Bourdoukan, respectively, are historical novels that present the Arabic-Muslim culture to the Western reader. They explore the History, language, design space, interpersonal relationships, customs and rituals, giving voice to a culture traditionally smothered in the West, helping to mediate conflicts.
Tesrif, Moulay Mustapha. "La šu'ubiyya et la recherche d'un passé mythique commun dans l'adab du IIIe/IXe siècle : exemples d'al-Gahiz et d'Ibn Qutayba." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textBased on concrete examples from anti-Šu‘ūbiyya texts pulled from works of al-Ğāḥiẓ (d. 255/869) and Ibn Qutayba (d. 276/889), this thesis aims to demonstrate the pre eminence of the pre-Islamic period on the adab of the IIIe/IXe century. From a methodology which consists in a critical confrontation between these texts (especially the digitalized version of the texts), our point is to fuel the hypothesis of an adorned representation of pre-Islamic Arabia : This image produced a very important part of identical symbols of the Arab-Muslim culture, based on a mythical past in which all the Muslims without prejudice to their ancestries can find themselves."Myth" meaning the narratives of the origins created to explain data of the reality by registering them in a transcent and supernatural dimension, the symbolism of the adab places the essence of the values it is based on in the inheritance of the former Arabs. Trying to explain the world, the udabā’ made of the ğāhiliyya the source of the virtues and the cradle of the purest Arabic language. They devised new common genealogies to put forward the knowledge of the pre-Islamic Arabic traditions. Our two authors stand out the birth of the Arab-Muslim civilization in timeless narratives and in breach with the present time. Thus the non-Arabic Muslims can not refer anymore to their "historical" past and to take rather roots in a past which supports a common culture registered in a not historical time. Only this kind of blank culture, invented by our two authors, could allow the absolute beginning. Consequently, the markers of the supposed superiority could be shaken by the "anti-Šu‘ūbiyya effect" since the ethnical origin or the historical reality are not the only sense of the existence anymore
Dilmi, Zoheir. "Malek Bennabi (1905 – 1973 É.C.) et les conditions d’une nouvelle renaissance de la société arabo-musulmane." Thèse, 2014.
Full textMalek Bennabi (1905 – 1973) was a Muslim philosopher, and reformer from Algeria. He was born in Constantine. Bennabi was particularily interested in understanding the civilization of the Arab-Muslim world. As an engineer who graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, he combined both Franco-Western and North-African Islamic cultures. His publications received a number of awards and prizes primarily due to his unique combination of expertise, experience, innovation, and emancipation. He wrote numerous articles and books on a variety of issues such as civilizations, culture, ideology, societies, Orientalism, democracy, and the phenomenon of the Qur'an. His writings focused mainly on the causes of contemporary Arabo-Muslim social problems as well as the conditions for a new renaissance or rebirth. The colonial and post-colonial contexts of Bennabi affected his thought. He did not consider an independent and modern state as sufficient conditions for reaching economic development or socio-cultural advancement. Similar to other thinkers, like the late Al Djâbiri Mohamed Arkoun, Malek Bennabi pursued to the logic that only through empowering Arab societies can there be prevention of their underdevelopment and decadence. This thesis focuses precisely on this point: the rebirth of the diverse Islamic society. It seeks to answer the following question: “What innovative thinking did Bennabi contribute to improve the lives of Arab-Muslims?”
Books on the topic "Arabo-Muslim culture"
Alassane, Diop, ed. École de Ndiaye-Ndiaye Wolof: Histoire, enseignement et culture arabo-islamiques au Sénégal : 1890-1990. Dakar]: IFAN Ch. Anta Diop, 2009.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Arabo-Muslim culture"
El Shamsy, Ahmed. "Postclassical Book Culture." In Rediscovering the Islamic Classics, 31–62. Princeton University Press, 2020.
Full textBenkhaled, Walid, and Natalya Vince. "Performing Algerianness: The National and Transnational Construction of Algeria’s ‘Culture Wars’." In Algeria. Liverpool University Press, 2017.
Full textShilton, Siobhán. "Identity and ‘Difference’ in French Art: El Seed’s Calligraffiti from Street to Web." In Post-Migratory Cultures in Postcolonial France, 239–56. Liverpool University Press, 2018.
Full textRassi, Salam. "The Life and Times of a ‘Most Obscure Syrian’." In Christian Thought in the Medieval Islamicate World, 63–92. Oxford University Press, 2022.
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