Academic literature on the topic 'Approches spontanées'
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Journal articles on the topic "Approches spontanées"
Goldberg, Michel. "Lésions pré-carieuses de l’émail et traitement orthodontique : ultrastructure, composition, prévention, diagnostic et thérapeutiques." Revue d'Orthopédie Dento-Faciale 57, no. 2 (May 26, 2023): 125–42.
Full textCORMIERSALEM, C. "Relations sociétés-environnement. Approches historiques. Pour une histoire des l'exploitation et de la valorisation des ressources naturelles spontanées." Nature Sciences Sociétés 7, no. 1 (January 1999): 77–78.
Full textPringuey, D. "De l’hospitalisation à l’hospitalité, une permissivité thérapeutique en psychiatrie." European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 585–86.
Full textDEROUIN-TOCHON, Flavie, Massimiliano BELTRAMO, Caroline DECOURT, Renaud FLEUROT, Nadine GÉRARD, Caroline PINET-CHARVET, Stéphanie MARTINET, et al. "L’ovulation chez les mammifères." INRA Productions Animales 32, no. 3 (September 20, 2019): 445–60.
Full textHamann, Aimé. "L’abandon corporel." Santé mentale au Québec 3, no. 1 (June 2, 2006): 85–96.
Full textKosmala, Loulou. "Euh le saviez-vous ? le rôle des (dis)fluences en contexte interactionnel : étude exploratoire et qualitative." SHS Web of Conferences 78 (2020): 01018.
Full textBen Khajjou, Ibrahim. "REPENSER LA COMMUNICATION SOCIO-PÉDAGOGIQUE DANS L'ÈRE POST-COVID." Conhecimento & Diversidade 15, no. 39 (November 6, 2023): 118–45.
Full textCedergren, Henrietta J., Hélène Perreault, François Poiré, and Pascale Rousseau. "L’accentuation québécoise : une approche tonale." Revue québécoise de linguistique 19, no. 2 (May 6, 2009): 25–38.
Full textGerard, Jean-Michel, and Julien Claudon. "Des trompettes photoniques pour les technologies quantiques." Photoniques, no. 91 (May 2018): 29–32.
Full textSévigny, Robert. "À propos d’une pratique." Santé mentale au Québec 4, no. 1 (June 2, 2006): 62–72.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Approches spontanées"
Jourdan, Géraldine. "Conséquences des altérations induites et spontanées du système nerveux autonome sur la fonction cardiovasculaire : approches physiologiques et pharmacologiques." Toulouse 3, 2008.
Full textOver the past 20 years numerous studies in humans have shown a significant relationship between alterations in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and mortality. Although the nervous system is autonomous, it is a key physiopathological element in diseases and morbidity of the cardiovascular system. Some factors, directly or indirectly, linked to alterations of the ANS have thus been indentified and allow for a stratification of risk in terms of mortality. Our work, therefore, has consisted in examining the alterations of the ANS in vivo and investigating their consequences on the cardiovascular system in three distinct situations that reflect morbid affectations : the effect of aminochromes, oxidative derivatives of endogenous catecholamines, on the cardiovascular system of dogs and mice; the cardiovascular effect of a combination of two drugs in dogs; modifications in heart rate variability and ventricular repolarisation (study of the QT space) in a canine model of nutritional obesity. A primary study conducted with mice, clearly shows the existence of morbid cardiac modifications - electric and echocardiographic - specific to aminochromes. If these results are confirmed through clinical studies of plasmatic dosage of these compounds in humans, aminochromes per se could be used as a dedicated novel factor combining physiopathology and cardiovascular risk of mortality. A second investigation suggests that combined use of midodrine and dihydroergotamine in the treatment of severe orthostatic hypotension in humans must be avoided and confirms in dogs, the clinical observations of a worsening of this symptom when these two drugs are given in association. .
Glas, Ludivine. "Développement du lexique précoce chez des enfants français monolingues : analyse des différences inter-individuelles via des approches complémentaires et une prise en compte des contextes de production." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textThe acquisition of early lexicon is very important for the development of language considering that it is the early lexicon that builds infants’ first significant utterances and that it prefigures to a certain extent infants’ future language skills. It is well established that lexical acquisition presents common developmental trends and milestones, nevertheless a great amount of individual variation exists. This variation comes from linguistic, social and/or idiosyncratic factors. Further research should be done to investigate the possible influence of evaluation procedures on the results. Although the use of a complementary approach could limit this bias, it has rarely been used in lexical acquisition research. This work aims at describing not only the common developmental trajectories of early lexicon in French monolingual children, but also the inter-individual differences. More specifically, we want to show the importance of applying a complementary approach and of exploring word production during spontaneous interactions in real-life settings to better interpret inter-individual differences. The parents of 10 French monolingual children aged from 8;16 to 32;27 months filled out a questionnaire (IFDC) regarding their child’s vocabulary. The same children were video-recorded at home (corpus TOTAL). Overall, the development and the composition of individual lexicon, evaluated through the IFDC, follow the trends already reported in the literature. As for the spontaneous vocabulary, we focused our study on 4 children at the 15-52; 50; 70-120 word linguistic stages (corpus CIBLÉ). The integration of two complementary approaches, i.e. parental questionnaires and spontaneous observations, proved to be efficient and allowed us to reliably evaluate the lexical development and to avoid the bias linked to the use of a single method. To better understand the results variations between the two methods, we explored the situational and interactional context on the corpus CIBLÉ. We defined and categorized the different situations in the corpus TOTAL, then we focused on the corpus CIBLÉ to calculate their duration and we found variations between situations. A Cross-analysis on word production as a function of the situation helped to understand the lexical measure on linguistic stages and enabled the reinterpretation of individual variations. For example, the two children with the smallest lexicon had the longest duration of solitary play. During this activity, the number of produced words was generally very low. Next, we describe the interactional context, and more particularly, the rate and the nature of the children exchanges. The analyses revealed an important variation between measures and differences in the exchange rate among children. To a certain degree, for some children the interactional measures provide a richer interpretation of lexical measures.Our work clearly shows the advantages of combining several types of data to evaluate the early lexical development and the differences between individuals and encourages this approach. The analysis of situational and interactional contexts shows that these are crucial for understanding children lexical measures and better interpreting intra- and inter-individual differences
Labriet-Barthélémy, Rachel. "Autismes, musicothérapie et mécanismes laryngés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2019.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effects of a mainly vocal work in active music therapy on the relational aspects of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It is also a question of defining the most relevant modalities of application and to draw some principles for the work around voice in music therapy with these children. In order to best circumscribe our object, we rely on various disciplinary fields such as music therapy, developmental psychology, musicology and ethnomusicology, anthropology, phoniatrics, neurosciences or psychoanalysis. On a first exploratory study, we developed gesture-voice coupling (GLM) and tried to identify what were the most relevant components to generate the interest of children. At the end of this step, we found that the laryngeal mechanisms at work in the couplings could be a determining factor. We kept the most efficient couplings and integrated them into a device of music therapy focused on voice, gestures and rhythmic games. Our main study was based on clinical video material collected as part of the current care in music therapy program over a school year. It concerns sixteen children with ASD, aged 2 to 8 years, who were admitted to a day hospital. From the films, we evaluate the impact of the sessions of our music therapy device on the evolution of the autistic behaviors of the children, thanks to the Revised Behavior Summarized Evaluation Scale (BSE-R), (Barthélémy, Roux, Adrien et al., 1997). We also compare the impact of gesture-voice couplings (GLM) with that of rhythmic activities or nursery rhymes, more specifically concerning gaze, imitation and emotional sharing. In a third study, we evaluate the effects of voice-gesture coupling on a young non-verbal autistic child in a situation of individual active music therapy. In this study, we perform an analysis of video films collected as part of routine care, and seek to evaluate the evolution of vocal manifestations, spontaneous approach behaviors and avoidance of the child. Our fourth study focuses on the use of voice-gesture couplings in non-verbal autistic children with severe visual impairment in individual music therapy. Through this case study, we try to understand the processes that GLM couplings would put into action. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that voice associated with co-modality, as presented in our GLM couplings, is of real interest for working in the relational sphere with children with ASD
Jouët-Pastré, Gabrielle. "Approche intonative et énonciative du récit oral spontané en anglais RP." Paris 3, 2006.
Full textThis PhD is a contribution to the analyses of the intonation of RP British English. Basing itself on a corpus presented in the second volume, it is specifically about the intonation patterns of provoked spontaneous narratives. The various parameters of intonation (pitch, intensity, duration) are taken into account from their iconic as well as their conventional values. After having given a detailed review of the different approaches to intonation, this analysis draws its inspiration from L. DANON-BOILEAU & M. -A. MOREL’s studies of spontaneous oral French. The intonation of paratones is closely studied in conjunction with discursive constituents within the theory of an utterer-centered approach. The differences between the two languages in the intonation and discursive patterns within the paratone and at its boundaries are to be found on several levels : if we consider discursive constituents in English, the preamble is reduced or non-existent whereas the rheme appears to be the major constituent of the paratone. As for intonation, modulations linked to the mobility of the accent do not indicate the same embedding phenomenon as can be found in French through pitch at the boundary between the preamble and the rheme. Pitch fluctuations create a phenomenon of expansion through the echoes of the nuclei, compensating for the rigidity of the syntax. The pitch amplitude more salient in English accentuates this phenomenon of looseness. This phenomenon enables us to understand the necessity for a narrower pitch amplitude in French so as to tighten the loose mesh of its syntax. Pitch fluctuations also have a highlighting effect of the position one adopts respect to what is believed to be the addressee’s thoughts : the relation to the co-utterer is constructed in French whereas its is taken for granted in English
Bataillon, Thomas. "Mutation spontanée et gestion des ressources génétiques : approches théorique et expérimentale sur le blé dur (triticum durum)." Paris, Institut national d'agronomie de Paris Grignon, 2000.
Full textGaudy, Isabelle. "La négation en anglais oral spontané : approche intonative de "not, n't, no"." Paris 3, 1999.
Full textThe established difference between not and n't as representative marks of standard and colloquial english is brought into question through an intonative analysis dealing with the height and shape of these negatives. "Higher negation" corresponds mainly to not and is uttered in a binary or alternative context negating an already established predicative link. This negation of assertion exists on a diologal mode. N't corresponds mostly to "lower negation" and describes negative facts. This negative assertion belongs to a monologal type of expression. Question-tags reiterate the redundancy between not/n't and the upper and lower levels. N't question-tags with a falling intonation are self-sufficient utterances, whereas not question-tags with a rising intonation indicate discrepancy. However, redundancy is not always systematic. An intonative analysis helps decipher the compulsory or occasional forms. No contains both the values of the lower and upper types of negation. It can negate information or accept a negative content. Its shape and its links with the subsequent information must then be taken into account. No makes it possible to reconsider negation under the angle of anticipation
Rabhi, Yahya Abdelwahab. "Echogénicité spontanée du sang circulant : echogénicité et échostructure du thrombus, vers une approche objective et quantitative." Tours, 2001.
Full textJardani, Abderrahim. "Nouvelles approches géophysiques pour l’identification des dolines et des cavités souterraines dans un contexte karstique." Rouen, 2007.
Full textThe self-potential method has strongly evolved during the last few years. In this Ph-D thesis, We have investigated the usefulness of this method in the context of karstic hydrogeology. Our goals were (1) to test its efficiency to map the pattern of trensient aquifers in the shallow subsurface and (2) to use this method to locate preferential drainage pathways associated with areas of preferential dissolution of the undrlying chalk formation (sinkholes and crypto-sinkholes). The sinkholes are indeed preferential ground water flow pathways that channels the shallow ground waters inside the deep aquifer located in the chalk formation at depth. We suceesfully located sinkholes from their self-potential signature evidencing the localization of preferential drainage pathways. Self-potential maps were obtained during the rainy season (spring) and the dry season (summer). These maps reveal the relationships between the hydrodynamics of the shallow ground water flow on one side and the hydroelectrical parameters of the vadose zone and the seld-potential measurements obtained at the ground surface on the other side. These measurements confirm that the downward percolation of the ground water and the evapotranspiration in the vadose zone yield negative and positive self-potential signatures at the ground surface, respectively. In the field of engineering, we have developed a new application of the self-potential method to the detection of caves. Indeed, in Haute-Normandie (France), there are thousands of abandonned anthropic caves over the chalk plateau The development of a simple method to locate these abandonned caves was a really challenge for the geophysicists. We have demonstrated the usefulness of the self-potential method to detect the roof of the cavities because of the impact of the cavities on the geometry of the flow of the ground water and the electrical resistivity contrast between the cavity and the surrounding sedimentary formations. We have been working also on the inversion of self-potential signals made at the ground surface of the Earth and associated with groundwaer flow at depth (streaming potential). We have developed 3D algorithms to invert the self-potential response in term of geometry of the water table corresponding to the piezometric surface of the nunconfined aquifer. We have also demonstrated that the self-potential method can be combined with other geophysical methods, like low-frequency electromagnetic methods (EM31 and EM34), and jointly inverted
Asselin, de Beauville Eliane. "Une approche fonctionnelle du retard mental : étude comparative de l'influence de modalités de traitement (spontanées et induites) sur l'abstraction d'un système de relations." Aix-Marseille 1, 1998.
Full textSzlamowicz, Jean. "Contribution à une approche intonative et énonciative du rôle des ligateurs dans la construction du discours en anglais oral spontané." Paris 3, 2001.
Full textThis study investigates the various factors that contribute to the construction of conversational English (discourse units, intonation, etc. ) by focusing on initial connectives (and, but, because, so, well, yes, no, oh, etc. ). These connectives stand at the crossroad of various linguistic problems (turn-taking, formulation attempts, discourse marking). Taking into account the various constituents of intonation (pitch, intensity, duration) and their iconic as well as conventional values enabled us to highlight discourse values vs intersubjective values and explore concepts such as colocution and co-enunciation. .
Book chapters on the topic "Approches spontanées"
ABOHALTAM, Ahmmad. "Ecriture collaborative sur Wikipédia." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 163–86. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
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