Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Approches biographiques'
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Joffredo, Thierry. "Approches biographiques de l'"Introduction à l'analyse des lignes courbes algébriques" de Gabriel Cramer." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0255/document.
Full textThe publication in 1750 of the Introduction à l'analyse des lignes courbes algébriques, the only published work by Gabriel Cramer, professor of mathematics at the Geneva Academy, is an important milestone in the history of geometry of curves and algebra. Almost ten years passed between the time when the Genevan wrote the first lines of his treatise on curves in the autumn of 1740 and its actual publication, making it a lifetime achievement.This book has a history, both intellectual and material, which takes place in the scientific, professional, academic and social contexts in which evolve its author and its readers. From the genesis of a handwritten text as a work in progress of which we will follow the evolutions during the process of writing and according to the events of its author's life, to the various mathematicians and historians' readings of the published text which are made in the two centuries following its publication, I would like to write here, insofar as this expression makes sense - which I shall endeavour to demonstrate - a « biography » of Gabriel Cramer's Introduction
Michel, Claire. "Praticiens réflexifs et pouvoir d'entendre en travail social : quelle place pour les approches biographiques en formation ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ULILH052.
Full textInterested in the people that are being supported and the listening to the psycho-social suffering of users by social intervention professionals, the author questions the training systems in this field of activity. After having observed a strong injunction to reflexivity in the training of future social workers, she questions this reflexive turn based on the links that exist between the ideal-typical figure of the contemporary individual and the taking into account of social overdeterminations in the work of listening and support among professionals in the field of special education. Concerned by the way in which the training system could further support a « technicist » perspective of social intervention, the author introduces the pratice of life stories through a collective and clinical support system, with eight students. Biographical research, and more precisely clinical sociology, seem to be particularly pertinent with the skills-based approach, for the training of future social workers and the construction of their professional identity. Promoting the development of the « power to hear » of future professionals, these approaches indeed give a prominent place to processes of subjectivation, while sharing the collective project of « taking care of others ». It is then a question of paying attention to the construction of a specific professional posture from a work of existential rereading aimed, for the students, at better specifying « what I do with what I am » in the professional activity
Moukarzel, Joseph. "Gabriel ibn al-Qilā'i (+1516) : approche biographique et étude du corpus." Paris 4, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA040001.
Full textThis study aims to propose a new approach to the biography of Gabriel Ibn al-Qila'i (+1516 AD) and the study of his corpus, based on the manuscript sources. The author, of Maronite origin, becomes Franciscan. After several years of studies in Italy, he returns to the Orient where he tries to defend the latin tradition facing the oriental ones, mainly on the level of both liturgy and sacraments. He argues against the Jacobites (Syriac Orthodox) and encourages his Maronite coreligionists to follow Rome in all what relates to faith issues. The corpus includes several treatises by medieval authors that have been translated into lebanese dialect (Astesanus, Duns Scotus, Bernardin of Sienna, Augustine, Marin of Troppau, Hugues Ripelin of Strasbourg, Nicolau Eymerich, Antonin of Florence, Raymond Lulle). Moreover, it contains several works by Syriac and Greek Fathers, atcs of councils, sermons, confession manuals, treatises on ethics and canon law, letters and poems about various subjects: astrology, medicine, hagiography, bible and history. Part of the corpus is studied for the first time while the rest is corrected or completed with new information. The author remains, till present, an important figure of the Medieval Maronite historiography, and most subsequent historians are tributary of him in their vision of the origins and medieval history of Maronites
Ecault-Bellec, Aurore. "Le choix d’habiter des travailleurs handicapés accompagnés : une approche biographique mixte. L’exemple de la région des Pays de la Loire." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nantes Université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NANU2009.
Full textFrance is promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in ordinary work and housing environments, (re)questioning the boundaries between ordinary and sheltered environments. This thesis in social geography proposes a spatialized analysis of the housing choice process of supported disabled workers in the Pays de la Loire region. The aim is to understand the impact of individual characteristics, the residential environment, biographical trajectories and public policies on the residential choices of this population. The methodology adopted is based on a mixed biographical approach using a 'questionnaire- interview' tool, which is sent to disabled workers supported by work, accommodation, medico-social or social support structures. In addition, semi-structured interviews were carried out with people from the Departmental Councils and the Departmental Houses for the Disabled in order to understand the impact of public policies on the respondents' residential paths. In addition, semi-directive interviews were carried out with stakeholders from the Departmental Councils and the Departmental Houses for the Disabled, to understand the impact of public policies on the respondents' residential paths. This methodological protocol reveals the socio- spatial dimension of the housing choices of 229 disabled workers in the Pays de la Loire region. The tendency is to seek (closer) proximity to amenities, services, work and surroundings. The departmentalisation of public action and the attachment to the area in which people live lead to low levels of residential and professional mobility. Decompartmentalising services is therefore a response to the challenges faced by disabled workers in the Pays de la Loire region
Morel-Brochet, Annabelle. "Ville et campagne à l'épreuve des modes d'habiter : approche biographique des logiques habitantes." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00264308.
Full textChantraine, Gilles. "Expériences carcérales en maison d'arrêt : approche socio-historique et biographique d'une institution totale." Lille 1, 2002. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2002/50377-2002-7.pdf.
Full textEhrlich, Irène. "L' approche biographique dans l'orientation professionnelle : de la sociologie clinique aux contributions de l'existentialisme sartrien." Paris 7, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA070009.
Full textThe goal of this research is to analyze the theory and method of the Existentialism of J. P. Sartre for the development of a biographical approach in the field of career guidance. We propose with this work to examine to what extent the approach sartreana prorposciona a biographical Research Advancement in order to help the person to lie as subject of their history vis-à-vis socio-historical conditions,, as well as in consideration of the role of the profession within the set of personality for the future. The biographical approach was built in the field of vocational guidance during the years 80. Their integration was characterised by the attempt to overcome the initial proposition, since the development of industrial capitalism, focused on the extent of human skills to find the right place for the subject in the world of work. (Guichad Huteau, 2007). Contributing to the construction of a new perspective to the field, the biographical approach inuagurada by G. Francequin (2004) seeks to integrate the personal history of subject to the professional choice, considering the determinants of mental and social situation. In this sense, it is mainly from the Clinical Sociology and particularly the perspective developed by Vincent de Gaulejac, that Francequin is the theoretical and methodological bases for the development of a perspective biografica in op
Leconte, Mélodie. "Approche pragmatiste de la mobilité inter-organisationnelle : étude à partir de 21 cas d'analyse biographique." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA100117.
Full textInter-organizational mobility leads to the multiplication of work experiences, and to maintain their employability, employees must ensure the coherence of this professional path. To account for this, to themselves and their employers, employees are required to develop their professional biographies (Pineau & Le Grand, 2013). We can observe a biographical phenomenon linked to inter-organizational mobility.This research proposes an experiential approach to inter-organizational mobility based on Dewey's pragmatic philosophy (2010). Our research analyses twenty-one cases of professional biographies of individuals who want to leave their company or who have just left it. The objective is to understand, from the individual's point of view, how the biographical work inherent in inter-organizational mobility is developed. The research presents the development of this process in two stages: the time of rebuilding the experience and the time of developing the future experience. This transition to subsequent experience is the result of a valuation process involving the dimensions of current and future work experience. This research shows how the value sources of work experience are first problematized, then revised and created for the future
Leclercq, Catherine. "Histoires d'"ex" : une approche socio-biographique du désengagement des militants du Parti communiste français." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008IEPP0038.
Full textMany autobiographies of former communist activists have been published in France but the withdrawal of the French Communist Party's grassroots members has rarely been studied from a sociological point of view. This dissertation deals with this withdrawal process between 1978 and 2000. From a corpus of thirty biographical interviews conducted in two very different regions (the Pas-de-Calais mineral basin, representative of the crisis of the "workers'Party" and Paris, which used to be the showcase of the "intellectuals'Party"), it reconstructs the trajectories of former activists. By studying the evolution of the relationship between individuals and the party, from the joining process to the post-activism redeployments, it allows to understand the motivations for the defection. Identifying the narrative categories used in the biographical interviews makes it possible to understand the conditions of the joining, the inflexions of the activist carreer, the motives for exit, and the ways to biographically negotiate with the defection. The analysis of these processes is a way to break with the explanations of the defection that only focus on political events. It demonstrates the role of social roots, institutionnal changes and identity transformations in the exit phenomenon. It also shows the differentiated ability of people to adapt themselves to new situations and to give coherent image of the changes in their carreer. Eventually, the analysis of the communist exit raises the question of the changes in institutionnal configurations and individual identifications in a social context that values continuity
Lehoux-Fleury, Catherine. "L'influence de la reconnaissance sur la puissance d'agir : une approche biographique de personnes en situation de vulnérabilité." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCD085/document.
Full textThis PhD thesis studies the mechanisms which play a role in the development of the empowerment of people in a vulnerable situation. To this end, we base our approach on previous works in sociology, philosophy, linguistics, and also on our professional experiences in the socio-educative area which allowed us to collect testimonies of social workers and their patients.The author thus proceeded to twelve conversational exchanges with people with disabilities or in situations of precariousness. These exchanges are transcribed into an annex, which constitutes the second volume of this thesis, while the first volume provides their analysis via biographical research tools (socianalysis stemming from institutional analysis, analysis via Walter R. Heinz's categories : an analysis framework adapted by Christine Delory-Momberger). What is more, our experience is summarized and analyzed here via a professional investigation narrative account. We also show how a « Third Place » (a group of exchanges of practices) was used in order to, to quote Edgar Morin, « unfold the complexity » of the biographical approach and of the issue of the researcher’s implication.The entanglements between empowerment and social recognition are here embodied, in this research, by each person we interviewed. On this occasion, we revisit in particular some thoughts by Blaise Pascal, Hegel, Hannah Arendt, and the works of Paul Ricoeur, Axel Honneth, and Emmanuel Renault. This theoretical approach is accompanied by two concrete interactions with the CPAM (the main institution of the French Health System) and a group home for people with disabilities : We illustrate how, via the junction of our university point of view and our sensibility as a social worker, we have been able to convince these two institutions to adapt their approach and their perspectives
de, Halleux Myriam. "Le métier d'éducateur : trajectoires sociales et construction identitaire." Université catholique de Louvain, 2007. http://edoc.bib.ucl.ac.be:81/ETD-db/collection/available/BelnUcetd-05282007-180339/.
Full textSaporiti, Lionel. "Comprendre des vies de plus de dix ans dans la rue par une approche biographique menée dans la durée." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STRAG007/document.
Full textRooted in an ethnosociological tradition and from a comprehensive perspective, this thesis is based on the analysis of the conditions of existence of ten men 'homeless' living on the Street outside the channels of assistance for at least a decade.The aim of this thesis was to collect on their place of life, the testimony of these men who feed this paradigm on the great 'exclusion '; same one making them, these " useless to the world " frequently present as human beings «desocialized», reluctant to all social action, under the influence of a psychic pathology explaining their situation of (auto) "exclusion". It was done to try to break these representations to the principle of this " negative individuality ' to understand proponents but especially outs of such lives, and to better show all logic in action in order to survive to their condition of existence subhuman and the effects of decommissioning by the phenomenon of social regression.To do that, and from a methodological point of view, the biographical approach was privileged by adopting the technique of the narrative of repeated life with observations in situ. The peculiarity of the method chosen was to be engaged over time, often over several months, in order to analyze in detail their social trajectories to ultimately discover, despite the uniqueness of people and their life stories, this common form of resistance in the interstices of the social space. Resistance based on identity renegotiation using reminiscences of a past of prior to the drop, well presented in the speech and acts, to let this continuity to be despite the circumstances and this saving constance in itself
Fuchs, Amélie. "Trajectoire de la maladie chronique et carrière sportive : une approche biographique de l'engagement chez des personnes atteintes de mucoviscidose." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA1040.
Full textHumbert, Nago. "Évènement, filiation et dépression : une approche psychopathologique de la douleur ou les "maux" pour le dire." Lyon 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987LYO1H071.
Full textDérégnieaux, Luc. "L'accès au logement des jeunes adultes des quartiers populaires à Bogotá (Colombie) : une approche biographique des mobilités et des choix résidentiels." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024REN20014.
Full textThis dissertation focuses on the life courses and residential trajectories of young adults living in Bogotá’s low-income neighborhoods. Its main goal is to shed light on the conditions of access to housing for this population group. This subject of study is both a blind spot in Colombian research and, until very recently, an neglected aspect of housing policies. This research lies at the crossroads of investigations on residential mobility and studies focusing on the passage to adulthood. We opted for a biographical approach, which led us to gather forty life stories in three survey sectors wich were selected to reflect the diversity of low-income neighborhoods in the District Capital. Set against a backdrop of changing socio-spatial dynamics in Bogotá and the increasing complexity of the transition to to adulthood, our analysis of residential paths and choices has led to the production of a series of typologies. Special attention will be paid to the residential practices and lived experience of young adults who had not left their parental home. We will then explore the modalities of decohabitation and their effects on these life courses. Where the trajectories under analysis testify to the increasing reversibility of biographical transitions, we will seek to understand the meaning of returning to their parent’s home and how this is perceived by young people. In addition, we'll be looking at how our respondents perceive the traditional markers of the passage to adulthood, in order to understand their impact on the definition of their residential projects
Perez, Mélanie. "Devenir·s séropositif·s : approche sociologique des expériences de la séropositivité au VIH des homosexuels masculins." Thesis, Montpellier, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017MONTS010.
Full textThe thesis proposes a sociological analysis of gay men’s experiences of HIV, in the time of biological undetectability of the virus in their bodies. The conduct of a longitudinal survey during the first two years following the medical diagnosis, which essentially involves repeated biographical interviews with these men, and multi-site observations within the different spaces they use and cross - the Infectious Diseases and Tropical hospitals; HIV / AIDS and/or LGBT NGOs; spaces of gay sociability; private sphere: friends, family and couple, allows us to grasp the plural forms of appropriation of their HIV status. The concept of career helps us to analyze how the individual stories of these men articulate with the experience of the HIV institution and its devices, both within and outside the walls of the hospital. From guilt to empowerment, through accountability, from the same moral itinerary emerge different HIV-positive outcomes, depending on the resources and social and moral dispositions of the respondents.The thesis shows the processes of subjective transformations that take place among these men, facing changing and divergent moral issues linked essentially to homosexual responsibility, to redeem themselves and / or change. HIV positivity is the subject of a specific socialization, marked by a disqualification process. The experience of this social disqualification, both biological and moral, where the body is now subordinated to biomedical surveillance and power, also disturbs the gendered dispositions. In this context, HIV-positive outcomes are the result of HIV socializations articulated to previous ones, in particular in terms of morality and gender. They are also linked to how these men built their commitment and then their homosexual career, participating in a redefinition of masculinities during the process of HIV socialization. The thesis eventually highlights the HIV institution works in France, the characteristics of its devices, as well as the normative and / or moralistic impacts of biotechnologies and use of biochemistry that have generalized in the discipline of bodies and public health surveillance
Bartel, Anja. "Parcours de jeunes réfugiés en France et en Allemagne : contextes politiques et expériences biographiques de la reconstruction d'une vie en exil." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2022. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/restreint/theses_doctorat/2022/Bartel_Anja_2022_ED519.pdf.
Full textBased on biographical interviews conducted with refugees and inspired by the method of “biographical policy evaluation”, this dissertation examines how young men who fled to France and Germany between 2014 and 2017 reconstruct life in exile. Through the comparison between the case studies different types of “flight dynamics” where distinguished. The research also shows that the logics of reception and integration policies implemented by the two States shape people’s experiences at different stages of their life course after the flight : when entering the category of “asylum seeker”, during the asylum application and after obtaining “refugee” status. However, the study also highlights that the possibilities of reconstructing life in exile do not only depend on the objective living situations of the refugees in the two countries. Subjective interpretations of exile, either as a rupture of a successful life or as a biographical opportunity, also affect refugees’ courses of action
Busson, Hurmaci Adeline [Verfasser]. "Retour en images sur la vie en RDA : une étude de cas à partir de photo-interviews biographiques pour une nouvelle approche de la question identitaire / Adeline Busson Hurmaci." Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1140784099/34.
Full textDerennes, Eric. "Henri V (duc de Bordeaux, comte de Chambord) ou la monarchie traditionnelle française à l'épreuve de la modernité post-révolutionnaire (1820-1872) : approche biographique d'une rupture progressive." Paris 10, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA100085.
Full textHenri d'Artois, duke of Bordeaux, then count of Chambord, was the last child of the eider branch of the Bourbons. Driven out France with his family by the July-august 1830's revolution, he lived consequently in exile (Scotland, Austria), where he finally died, without never really to have been able -nor perhaps wanted- to go up on the throne. Indeed, his archaically conception of the traditional monarchy -revisited more than real- ran up against modernity resulting from the Revolution without an arrangement being possible. Attached to his principle of monarchical legitimacy (cf. The white flag), he was let lock up in the long space time of the exile which found his roots in impregnated education and training of the values of Ancient Regime that he had received when he was a child. The legitimist party, on which Henri V exerted himself a control, was able never to revive the royalist flame in France worked with a crescent scale by new problems (dechristianization, democracy, proletariat, socialism, etc). His history was initially that of a latent renouncement, before appearing an obvious refusal of the requirements of the modem times
Pailot, Philippe. "L'articulation entre l'évolution de la firme et l'évolution du dirigeant dans un contexte de changement mutationnel : De l'emprise au deuil : Approche qualitative inductive basée sur la méthode biographique." Lille 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995LIL12004.
Full textMercier, Alain. "L'élève et les contraintes temporelles de l'enseignement, un cas en calcul algébrique." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00278299.
Full textLeur existence est établie par l'observation d'épisodes didactiques au moyen de techniques d'approche biographique originales. La méthode est appliquée à l'observation des difficultés des élèves avec le calcul algébrique au Lycée, et à leur explication.
Blorville, Gwenhaël. "Les formes d'adhésion au discours sur les créatifs culturels : approche sociologique de la diffusion d'une croyance dans le capitalisme vert." Thesis, Tours, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOUR2009/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with the forms of adherence to the discourse on « Cultural Creatives », grasped as a strap of dogmatic transmission of « green capitalism ». At the crossroads of sociology of commitment, ecology and the study of beliefs, the thesis first traces social construction within the social configuration of « green capitalism », of reformist entrepreneurial movement. Appearing in the early 1990s, this movement is engaged in a work of interweaving between New Age values and other ecologies specific to the economic field. In a second phase, the field survey, which is based on the production of biographical interviews with a cast committed to the dissemination of this discourse, shows how the putting into practice of this ideology is the subject of positioning a continuum going from an area of belief to a utilitarian one, resulting in ultimate heterogeneous socialisations
Avier, Grégory. "Les émotions, "ce que nous faisons nous-mêmes de ce qu'elles ont fait de nous" : identités et nouvelles logiques d'action du manager public dans les collectivités territoriales." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1126.
Full textAt a time in history when emotion wants to be an auxiliary driver in running local government, this research reverses the concept where snapshots and events are seen as ways of expressing and dealing with "fluid societies." Based on a critical, interdisciplinary and humanistic approach, it studies organisational behaviour in a social world seriously affected by a "managerialism" that is mutilating the history, culture, and identity of managers in local authorities. Reinstating the biographical approach as a strategy for getting to the core of reality, the research highlights a "psychological contract" based on a "stable equilibrium", the result of a "double biographical and relational transaction" which focusses on "the ethics of the common good", the midpoint between the ethics of conviction and responsibility. It then examines the working principles that are surfacing in local government today, where "the organisation's image" as a "mental prison" leads to behaviour ranging from defection to resistance
Avier, Grégory. "Les émotions, "ce que nous faisons nous-mêmes de ce qu'elles ont fait de nous" : identités et nouvelles logiques d'action du manager public dans les collectivités territoriales." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1126.
Full textAt a time in history when emotion wants to be an auxiliary driver in running local government, this research reverses the concept where snapshots and events are seen as ways of expressing and dealing with "fluid societies." Based on a critical, interdisciplinary and humanistic approach, it studies organisational behaviour in a social world seriously affected by a "managerialism" that is mutilating the history, culture, and identity of managers in local authorities. Reinstating the biographical approach as a strategy for getting to the core of reality, the research highlights a "psychological contract" based on a "stable equilibrium", the result of a "double biographical and relational transaction" which focusses on "the ethics of the common good", the midpoint between the ethics of conviction and responsibility. It then examines the working principles that are surfacing in local government today, where "the organisation's image" as a "mental prison" leads to behaviour ranging from defection to resistance
Etesse, Manuel. "Transitions postscolaires et inégalité sociale à Lima : poursuite éducative et insertion professionnelle des jeunes de la génération «Ochentas»." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019USPCB029.
Full textSince the 1990s, Peru has enjoyed sustained economic and social stability, which is the backdrop for a generation born during one of the worst crises in the country's history. This "Ochentas" generation (1980s) grew up during the neoliberal revival, under which the expansion of private education was dazzling and employment grew strongly but also more flexible. In addition, the patriarchal family model tends to evolve into new forms, including the erosion of gender roles and parental authority. In this context, where historical social inequalities persist, young people of the generation studied have gone out of college and faced the first decisive choices for their future, choices framed by specific possibilities and meanings depending on the social milieu they are from. The thesis deals with post-school transitions at the level of education (in higher education) and work trajectories in the city of Lima. It offers an in-depth look at the chronological dimension and the social mechanisms that influence it. On the one hand, it examines the social heterogeneity of transitions, in particular the influence of the family context in the pursuit of studies and professional integration, taking into account its educational, socio-economic, demographic and migratory characteristics. On the other hand, it identifies specificities of the male and female routes at the end of secondary education. Finally, she analyzes the specific influence of access to higher education in the environment of the young person, in the household and the neighborhood of residence. To trace the trajectories and socialization of the Ochentas generation, the work articulates an unprecedented quantitative approach (descriptive and multivariate analyzes) of the 2007 census data with a qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews conducted in 2017. The results show considerable differences in educational and vocational transitions after high school, particularly in terms of inequalities of access to higher education and through the type of study pathways. If several factors are decisive, the parental cultural capital is of first order, which is only marginally studied in the literature concerning the social dynamics in Peru. Similarly, gender relations give shape to these transitions, in particular concerning occupational integration. In addition, the research shows that social segregation in the metropolis, observed at the neighborhood level, is associated with post-school transitions leading to lesser autonomy and independence. Finally, the results obtained show the potential for census data -despite their limitation- compared to survey data
Desde la década de 1990, el Perú tiene una estabilidad económica y social que caracteriza el contexto en el que ha crecido una generación nacida durante una de las peores crisis de su historia. La generación "Ochentas" ha crecido en el contexto de reformas neoliberales, en la cual la expansión de la educación privada ha sido explosiva y el mercado de trabajo se ha expandido y flexibilizado. Por otra parte, el modelo familiar patriarcal ha tendido a evolucionar hacia nuevas formas, en particular con la erosión de los roles tradicionales de género y de la autoridad parental. En ese contexto, en el que perduran desigualdades históricas, los jóvenes de la generación estudiada han vivido su salida de la secundaria, y hacen frente a sus primeras decisiones importantes para su futuro. Estas se ven enmarcadas según las posibilidades y significados específicos según el origen social de cada joven. La tesis trata de las transiciones postescolares en las trayectorias educativa y laboral en Lima, ofreciendo una mirada minuciosa sobre las cronologías y los mecanismos sociales que las influencian. Por un lado, examina la heterogeneidad social de las transiciones, especialmente en cuanto a la influencia del contexto familiar en la continuidad educativa y en la inserción profesional, tomando en cuenta sus características educativas, socioeconómicas, demográficas y migratorias. Por otra parte, identifica las particularidades de las trayectorias y la socialización de los jóvenes de la generación. Finalmente, el trabajo analiza la influencia especifica del acceso a la educación superior en el entorno del joven, a nivel del hogar y del barrio. Para identificar patrones en las transiciones, la investigación articula análisis multivariado con datos del censo 2007, con entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas en 2017. Los resultados muestran importantes distancias en las transiciones educativas y profesionales a la salida del colegio, especialmente por la desigualdad de acceso a estudios superiores y el tipo de estudios realizados. Si se han identificado asociaciones particulares, el capital cultural de los padres es uno de primer orden, dimensión poco estudiada en la dinámica social contemporánea en el Perú. Asimismo, el género da forma a las trayectorias de los jóvenes, en particular en la dimensión laboral. Por otra parte, el trabajo muestra que la segregación social en la ciudad, observada a nivel barrial, está asociada con transiciones que ofrecen menor autonomía e independencia individual. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos ilustran el potencial del análisis de datos censales ¿a pesar de sus limitaciones¿ con respecto a datos de encuestas
Allard-Gaudreau, Noémie. "Représentations sociales : « femme leader, leader idéal et leadership personnel », une approche biographique du leadership." Thèse, 2016. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/8007/1/031627685.pdf.
Full textPorquet, Julien. "Roche, papier, relique : une approche biographique et comparative de la consécration des images de Bouddha en Birmanie." Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/20027.
Full textCharlebois, François-Xavier. "Processus de construction identitaire de jeunes adultes en situation de pauvreté dans un contexte de raccrochage scolaire : voies d'émancipation?" Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/21682.
Full textDumas-Frégeau, Myriam. "Récits de vie d’hommes ayant vécu une situation de détresse sociale : quels facteurs à l’œuvre dans leurs parcours vers un mieux-être?" Thèse, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/22760.
Full textGeorge, Hugo. "Une étude des conditions d’effectuation du travail artistique : organisation par projet et pluriactivité dans le monde des arts numériques montréalais." Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/22235.
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