Academic literature on the topic 'Approche multiéchelles'
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Journal articles on the topic "Approche multiéchelles"
Nineb, Shéhérazade, Pierre Alart, and David Dureisseix. "Approche multiéchelle des systèmes de tenségrité." European Journal of Computational Mechanics 15, no. 1-3 (January 2006): 319–28.
Full textMounajed, Ghassan, Abdellah Menou, Hocine Boussa, Alexandre Pineaud, Sébastien Remond, and Richard Cabrillac. "Comportement au feu des bétons. Approche multiéchelle de l'endommagement thermique et identification expérimentale." Revue française de génie civil 7, no. 10 (December 28, 2003): 1299–323.
Full textDe la Mora-De la Mora, Gabriela. "Policentrismo y su relevancia para el análisis socioterritorial: Características, enfoques y dimensiones analíticas." Regions and Cohesion 7, no. 1 (March 1, 2017): 69–86.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Approche multiéchelles"
El, Jabri Mohammed. "Etude de l'organisation spatiale du tissu conjonctif par analyse d'images basée sur une approche multiéchelles." Phd thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2008.
Full textTrabelsi, Wassim. "Approches multiéchelles d'expérimentation et de modélisation pour prédire la rupture d'un composite textile : Critère de classement des architectures tissées." Thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2013.
Full textThis PhD work is part of global collaboration project with Cobra Europe company.The main motivation is to better understand in order to model the physical degradation mechanisms of woven composite with a well specified design.The present work takes benefit of the results issued from Piezelthesis. It aims at investigating the mechanisms of degradation leading to the failure of woven fabrics but also at introducing relevant parameters dedicated to their design.A multiscale experimental investigation on virgin and degraded samples of fabric is first carried out in order to analyze and characterize the damage phenomena observed within these samples.Tensile tests (with or without pre-cycling) were performed on the composite material (at the macroscopic scale) to detect a decrease in the stress at failure. Tomographic inspections with high resolution allowed for observations inside the constituents of the fabrics (mesoscopic scale)Thus, the main origin of the failure of the fabric was revealed : the warp yarn break with its localisation and information about the orientation of the normal to the fracture surfaces. A multiscale modeling was then performed, motivated by the degradation mechanisms observed previously. Under macroscopic loading representative of in service solicitationapplied to the present woven fabric (tension/bending), the periodic cell of theRepresentative Volume Element was investigated. Namely, a complete analysis of the stress state (heterogeneity, gradient, triaxiality, orientation) is carried out within the reinforcing yarns. It turns out that relevant parameters able to analyze any woven fabric were identified. Their characteristics were in good agreement with the experimental evidences. Furthermore, they allowed for a better understanding of the failure process of the fabric. With the experience acquired during the present work, these parameters were utilized to classify two specific woven architectures.This opens the perspective of a third thesis dedicated to refine and render systematic the present approach
Kergaravat, Charlie. "Dynamique de formation et de déformation de minibassins en contexte compressif : exemple du bassin de Sivas, Turquie Approche terrain et implications structurales multiéchelles." Thesis, Pau, 2016.
Full textThis doctoral work studies the interaction between withdrawal of minibasins and regional shortening during evolution of a foreland fold-and-thrust belt. This is achieved by a multiscale structural analysis of the Sivas Basin (Turkey). Extensive field work and regional seismic lines interpretations helped to build a new and detailed geologic map of the central Sivas Basin and to provide a new tectonosedimentary framework highlighting the influence of salt tectonics and the regional shortening, starting in the Late Eocene by the autochthonous evaporite deposition. This level is remobilized by the northward migrating sedimentary load, shortening and tilting of the basin southern margin during propagation of the foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Evaporite flow is recorded by the withdrawal of a primary generation of continental Oligocene minibasins which are then covered by an evaporite canopy. The canopy extending northward allows the development of second generation of continental to shallow marine mini-basins from Oligocene to Middle Miocene. Secondary minibasins initiation in the central part of the Basin, is characterized by sub-circular minibasins surrounded by polygonal diapirs and walls. Flanking these minibasins, a large variety of halokinetic structures is described: halokinetic sequences (hooks and wedges), composite halokinetic sequences and megaflaps. Preliminary sand-box modeling study suggests the development of thesehalokinetic structures both with and without shortening. Furthermore, minibasins geometries are closely similar to those imaged or mapped in other salt provinces suggesting that mini-basin withdrew is first control by sedimentary load, probably due to decoupling by the salt. However, the fractures and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analyses suggests the record of shortening since the minibasins initiation. The increase influence of regional shortening on the minibasins domain is expressed by salt walls and diapirs squeezing inducing: (i) the development of linear mini-basins perpendicular to the shortening direction, (ii) salt sheet emplacement and (iii) the translation/rotation of minibasins. The minibasins province produces a discontinuity for the fold-and-thrust belt propagation. Indeed, the minibasins province accommodates the shortening deformation along the polygonal network of salt walls and diapirs forming multidirectional structures. Furthermore, the regional shortening accommodation by salt structures squeezing produce an evaporitic remobilization and migration of a salt canopy toward the foreland basin
Bu doktora tezi/çalışması, bir önülke kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının evrimi sırasında minihavzaların çekilmesi ve bölgesel kısalma arasındaki etkileşimi konu edinir. Çoklu ölçekteki bu yapısal analiz Sivas Havzası (Türkiye) ölçeğinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kapsamlı saha çalışması ve bölgesel olarak sismik kesitlerden ortaya çıkarılan yorumlamalar, Sivas Havzası’nın orta kesiminde detaylı bir jeolojik haritalama yapımına yardımcı olmuş ve otokton evaporit depolanmasının başladığı Geç Eosen’den başlayarak havza için tuz tektoniği ve bölgesel kısalmanın etkisindeki yeni bir tektono-sedimanter çatının ortaya çıkarılmasına neden olmuştur. Söz konusu seviye, önülke kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının ilerlemesisüresince kuzeye doğru sedimanter dolgunun göçüyle birlikte havzanın güney kenarında kısalıma uğrayarak ve eğim kazanarak remobilize olmuştur. Evaporit akışı, kıtasal Oligosen minihavzalarının ilksel olarak oluşumundan sonra çekilmesine bağlı olarak gözlenmiş ve sonrasında evaporit yaygılarıyla örtülmüştür. Kuzeye kadar uzanan bu yaygı, Oligosen-Orta Miyosen arasında kıtasaldan sonra sığ denizel tipteki ikincil minihavzaların gelişimine de neden olmuştur.Havzanın orta kesimindeki ikincil minihavza başlangıcı, poligonal diyapir ve duvarlar tarafından çevrelenen dairesel minihavzalarla karakterize olur. Bu minihavzaların kanatlarında halokinetik yapılar tanımlanmıştır. Kanca (hook) ve kama (wedge) tiplerde olmak üzere halokinetik seriler, kompozit halokinetik seriler ve megaflaplar bu yapılar arasında sayılabilir. Çalışmanın başlangıcında yapılan kum kutusu model deneyi, bu halokinetik yapıların kısalmayla veya kısalma olmaksızın geliştiğini göstermiştir. Buna ek olarak minihavzaların geometrisi, muhtemelen tuzun ayrışmasından dolayı tortul yükün ilkkontrolünden dolayı çekilen diğer tuz bölgelerinde önerilen haritalanmış minihavzalara benzerdir. Bununla birlikte kırık ve manyetik suseptibilite analizleri, minihavzaların başlangıcından itibaren kısalmanın kayıt edilebilmesi hakkında fikir vermektedir. Minihavza bölgelerindeki bölgesel kısalımın artışı, tuz duvarları ve diyapirlerin sıkışmasıyla birlikte(i) kısalma yönüne dik durumdaki çizgisel minihavzaların gelişimi, (ii) tuz örtülerinin yerleşimi ve (iii) minihavzaların yer değiştirmesi veya dönmesiyle açıklanır. Minihavzalar bölgesi, kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının gelişimi için bir süreksizlik üretir. Aslında, minihavzalar birçok yönde yapılar oluşturarak tuz duvarları ve diyapirlerin polygonal şekildeki yerleşimi boyunca kısalma deformasyonuna eşlik eder. Üstelik, tuz yapılarının eşlik ettiği bölgesel kısalma önülke havzalarına doğru evaporitik bir göçe de neden olmaktadır
Bugel, Mathilde. "Couplage entre la dynamique moléculaire et la mécanique des milieux continus." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2009.
Full textHybrid atomistic-continuum methods allow the simulation of complex flows, depending on the intimate connection of many spatiotemporal scales : from the nanoscale to the microscale and beyond. By limiting the molecular description within a small localized region, for example near fluid/fluid or fluid/solid interfaces (breakdown of the continuum), these methods are useful to study large systems for reasonable times. Besides, there is a wide variety of applications for such hybrid methods, ranging from the micro- or nano-scale devices, and other industrial processes such as wetting, droplet formation, and biomolecules near interfaces. In this work, we present one scheme for coupling the Navier-Stokes set of equations with Molecular Dynamics. Among the existing alternatives to couple these two approaches, we have chosen to implement a domain decomposition algorithm based on the alternating Schwarz method. In this method, the flow domain is decomposed into two overlapping regions : an atomistic region described by molecular dynamics and a continuum region described by a finite volume discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The fundamental assumption is that the atomistic and the continuum descriptions match in the overlapping region, where the exchange of information is performed. The information exchange, requires the imposition of velocity from one sub-domain in the form of boundary conditions (Dirichlet)/constraints on the solver of the other subdomain and vice versa. The spatial coupling as well as the temporal coupling of the two approaches has been investigated in this work. To show the feasibility of such a coupling, we have applied the multiscale method to a classical fluid mechanics problems
Nambiyankulam, Shahul Hameed. "A multi-scale approach for the transformation plasticity in steels." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024.
Full textWhen a steel undergoes phase transformations under applied stresses a phenomenonknown as transformation plasticity occurs. This phenomenon has been widely studied because of its significant impact on various industrial fabrication and forming processes (e.g., heat treatment, welding, runout table, and coiling). To analyze this phenomenon and optimize steel fabrication and shaping processes while managing rising costs, an accurate computer-aided simulation at multiple scales has become an essential tool in the field of metals. Steels are multi-phase materials with several phases exhibiting different crystalline structures and compositions, leading to non-linear mechanical behaviors (elasto-viscoplastic). Under major thermal and mechanical stress conditions, phase transformations occur alongside plastic deformation. Therefore, it is crucial to consider various couplings between thermal, metallurgical, and mechanical factors. Several analytical macroscopic models based on idealized microstructures and strong assumptions have been proposed. However, most of these models predict a linear (or weakly non-linear) relationship with applied stress, limiting their applicability to small loads. Experimental evidence shows that transformation plastic strain is highly non-linear with increasing applied stress. Moreover, analytical models often predict logarithmic behavior as a function of product phase proportion, which is not always consistent with experimental data, particularly for diffusion-controlled transformations. To overcome this difficulty, the first key contribution of this thesis is to exhibit the detailed mechanisms leading to transformation plasticity in steels undergoing austenite to ferrite phase transformation at high temperatures and to explain the non-linear dependence between the transformation plastic strain and the applied load. Also, this work focuses on a multi-scale study in developing a macroscopic scale model to be implemented in an FE code used by ArcelorMittal. The model, based on full-field simulations of polycrystals, aims to better understand transformation plasticity at the microstructure scale, incorporating microstructural evolutions. The approach utilizes parameters from existing experimental data on austenite-ferrite phase transformation. Firstly, mesoscopic model simulations using an RVE of periodic microstructures are performed with FFT algorithms, initially considering only volume expansion due to phase transformation. Full-field FFT simulations, including visco-plasticity (e.g., Chaboche law) and complete eigenstrain associated with austenite to ferrite transformation (e.g., Bain strain), are conducted with varying grain distributions, orientations, precipitate locations, and applied stresses. The objective is to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for non-linearity with respect to applied stress and the evolution of average plastic strain as a function of product phase proportion. The second key contribution consists of upscaling the outcomes obtained at the scale of the polycrystal into a macroscopic statistical model that can be used for large simulations of industrial processes. A database of computations with various initial microstructures, grain shape distributions, and applied loads has been performed and used to derive the macroscopic statistical model. Finally, the developed macroscopic model of transformation plasticity will be numerically validated with new FFT computations before implementation in an ABAQUS usermat. This ABAQUS usermat model will be applied to numerical simulation processes for industrial applications. The limitations and inadequacies of the model will be identified by comparing calculations with numerical results. This model aims to accurately describe the evolution of the morphology of ferrite from austenite and mechanical fields during various thermomechanical histories on the RVE scale
Puel, Guillaume. "Problèmes d'identification paramétrique : vers des approches multiéchelles." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2013.
Full textHammad, Tammam. "Comportement des sédiments marins de grande profondeur : approche multiéchelle." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2010.
Full textCharron, Morgan. "Modélisation basée images du comportement thermomécanique de composite C/C." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Full textC/C composites are used in very high temperature applications, especially in space activities. The ability to design these materials is essential in order to enhance their performances and lower their production costs. This work introduces an images-based multiscale modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of a C/C needled composites. Standard methods cannot describe this very complex architecture.The CEPI model (Computing Effective Properties using Images) is based on one hand on the components properties, some of them having been characterized in the laboratory, and on the other hand on the architecture of the material which is directly obtained using tomography images. The components properties were used on a microscopic model of an idealistic yarn, while the macroscopic model was based on the CT scan data itself. The influence of the internal parameters of the method was studied and discussed, and allowed validating some hypotheses. Finally, the comparison between the numerical and experimental results validates the CEPI model on the linear mechanical behavior and stressed the key axes of improvement for the thermal expansion behavior of these composites
El, Yagoubi Jalal. "Effet de l’endommagement mécanique sur les propriétés thermiques de composites à matrice céramique : approche multiéchelle." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011.
Full textIn this work the relationship between the evolution of damage and the loss of thermal propertiesof Ceramic Matrix Composites is investigated by a multiscale approach. Research are conductedboth experimentally and theoretically. The implemented approach is to consider two significantscales (micro and meso) where different damage mechanisms are operating and then assess theeffect on the effective thermal properties by homogenization techniques.Particular attention has been given to the development of a thorough experimental work combiningvarious characterization tools (mechanical, thermal and microstructural). At the two aforementionedscales, an experimental setup was designed to perform thermal measurements onCMC under tensile test. Thermal diffusivity of minicomposites is estimated using Lock-in thermography.Also, tranverse diffusivity mapping as well as global in-plane diffusivity of woven CMCare determined by suitable rear face flash methods. The evolution of damage is then derived fromacoustic emission activity along with postmortem microstructural observations. Experimental resultsare systematically compared to simulations. At microscale, a micromechanical-based modelis used to simulate the loss of thermal conductivity of a minicomposite under tensile test. At mesoscale,a multiscale Finite ElementModel is proposed to compute the effect of damage on thermalproperties of woven CMC
Couégnat, Guillaume. "Approche multiéchelle du comportement mécanique de matériaux composites à renfort tissé." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2008.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Approche multiéchelles"
Rose, Daniel, and Vincent Vivier. "Instrumentation pour une électrochimie multiéchelle : approches stationnaire et transitoire." In Instrumentation et Interdisciplinarité, 117–26. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textRose, Daniel, and Vincent Vivier. "Instrumentation pour une électrochimie multiéchelle : approches stationnaire et transitoire." In Instrumentation et Interdisciplinarité, 117–26. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textRose, Daniel, and Vincent Vivier. "Instrumentation pour une électrochimie multiéchelle : approches stationnaire et transitoire." In Instrumentation et Interdisciplinarité, 117–26. EDP Sciences, 2020.
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