Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Approccio relazionale'
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Caputo, Francesco. "Approccio relazionale e co-creazione di valore in sanità: il caso dell’Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10556/2362.
Full textAim – The work aims to analyse the National Heath Care Service (NHCS) in order to trace pathways and evolutions that have produced its actual configuration. It highlights limitations of traditional managerial models in health care in order to define new approaches built on the tradition but oriented to a new vision of health service. The aim is to point out some relevant variable for the survival of National Heath Care Service that, in the last years, have been neglected. The purpose is to propose possible actions to focus the attention on the patient in the perspective of relational approach and value co-creation. In order to achieve this aim, an empirical investigation on the satisfaction produced by Integrated Home Care (IHC) in the Salerno province is proposed. Methodology – The work offers an analysis of the National Heath Care Service’ evolution and of the relationship among providers and users in health context. The increasing dissatisfaction in the health context is analysed through a Systematic Literature Review focused on the topics of knowledge management, information asymmetry and cognitive distance. Evidences of literature are analysed using a conceptual framework based on the Viable Systems Approach and on the Service Dominant Logic. Proposed hypothesis are verified trough an empirical investigation on the satisfaction produced by Integrated Home Care in the Salerno province. Specifically, the pathway of research is based on the collection and elaboration of direct data, through a survey, and indirect data, extracted from medical records of patients and analysed with a structural equation model. The investigation aims to measure the satisfaction of patients produced by IHC in the Salerno province and its evolution along the time in order to verify the validity of the hypothesis on which the work is based. Findings – The work offers an interpretation of National Heath Care Service based on the more recent indications of managerial studies. The adoption of a quali-quantitative pathway of research produces some reflections useful to improve the fitting of NHCS to the emerging context’s needs. Empirical evidences show the relevance of relational approach and value co-creation to face the emerging challenges in the health context. Approccio relazionale e co-creazione di valore in sanità: il caso dell’Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata IV Research limitation – Empirical evidences should be further checked with reference to different pathways of National Heath Care Service and observing a more extensive geographical area. Results, therefore, should be considered only the first step of a research pathways oriented to define the future evolution of NHCS. Research and Managerial implication – The study provides a new interpretative perspective of National Heath Care Service’s dynamics. Building on the existent literature and on the adopted conceptual framework, it traces some guidelines to improve efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability in the management of NHCS acting on the Relational Approach and on the value co-creation logic. Originality – The analysis of dissatisfaction in the health context as result of information asymmetry and cognitive distance among provider and user is an advancement of the existent national and international contributions on the topic. The definition of an interpretative model oriented to explain the relationships among providers and users in order to trace possible actions to improve the satisfaction in the health context opens to new possible research pathways. In the end, the empirical investigation on the satisfaction produced by Integrated Home Care represents the first step of an ambitious long pathway of research to which it is linked the evolution of NHCS. Keywords – National Heath Care Service; Integrated Home Care; Relational Approach; Value co-creation; Viable Systems Approach; Service Dominant Logic; Systematic Literature Review; Information Asymmetry; Cognitive Distance; Structural Equation. [edited by Author]
XIV n.s.
PASINI, ANNALISA. "Organizzazione scolastica e disagio giovanile. Un'analisi relazionale." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/1107.
Full textThe thesis analyses the way in which school organizations tackle the problem of young people in trouble, verifying if and where relational elements can be found in organizational orientations, following the relational approach to welfare. It is a qualitative and exploring research, conducted within the Province of Trento's educational system, through semistructured interviews with school executives, teachers, other professionals, students and families as well. Beginning with the theoretical framework and the institutional indications, the analysis focuses on individual helping process from the relational perspective; then moving to the organizational level in order to observe in three elements - goals, people and means - how the utilization of a relational approach can activate, in the school, practices of "care" capable of improving students well being. The analysis shows that, mainly in occupational training, the idea of "care" seems to be quite shared but it does not translate into true relational processes. A critical point refers to the activation of reflective networks with families and students. A potential innovation is expressed in certain institutes where the organizational framework reflects, at least partially, the relational approach: it does seam to support the school educational role, involving the school itself in a widespread society of "care".
PASINI, ANNALISA. "Organizzazione scolastica e disagio giovanile. Un'analisi relazionale." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/1107.
Full textThe thesis analyses the way in which school organizations tackle the problem of young people in trouble, verifying if and where relational elements can be found in organizational orientations, following the relational approach to welfare. It is a qualitative and exploring research, conducted within the Province of Trento's educational system, through semistructured interviews with school executives, teachers, other professionals, students and families as well. Beginning with the theoretical framework and the institutional indications, the analysis focuses on individual helping process from the relational perspective; then moving to the organizational level in order to observe in three elements - goals, people and means - how the utilization of a relational approach can activate, in the school, practices of "care" capable of improving students well being. The analysis shows that, mainly in occupational training, the idea of "care" seems to be quite shared but it does not translate into true relational processes. A critical point refers to the activation of reflective networks with families and students. A potential innovation is expressed in certain institutes where the organizational framework reflects, at least partially, the relational approach: it does seam to support the school educational role, involving the school itself in a widespread society of "care".
MURGIA, GIANLUCA. "La definizione di nuovi modelli di leadership per il conseguimento del vantaggio competitivo: un'analisi strutturale degli organi di governo delle imprese italiane basta sull'integrazione della upper echelons theory e della resource dependence theory." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/940.
Full textThis work analyzes the leadership model of the Italian firms through an approach that combines the upper echelons theory and the resource dependence theory. The integration of these theories favours the acknowledgement of the role played by the executive leadership in managing the resources of the firm’s internal and external environment, and, consequently, her contribution to the develop-ment of the firm’s competitive advantage. The executive leadership is developed through the firm’s government organs, and specifically through the Board of Directors (BoD), whose central role is due to the fact that it participates to the definition of firm’s strategies, acts a continuous monitoring of the firm’s management and represents an essential instrument for the access to the environmental resources. BoD can deal with these functions accordingly with the characteristics of its cognitive and relational capital, that are the whole of knowledge, values and relationships developed, singu-larly and collectively, by its members. Nevertheless, the BoD effectiveness, and so its impact on the firm’s strategies and performance, depends also on other factors, that concern with the firm’s inter-nal and external environment. In particular, it’s necessary to understand the corporate governance model adopted by the firm, which determines the relationship among stakeholders and the power equilibrium inside the organization. For this reason, I have given a wide description of the corporate governance models adopted by the Italian firms, before and after the legislative reforms passed since 1998, highlighting their characteristics in terms of ownership structure, of the role played by the different typologies of shareholders, and of the effects on the firm’s government organs. Inside the corporate governance models of the Italian firms, the BoD role is focussed above all on the functions of firm’s strategies development and of the access to the environmental resources, but the effectiveness in dealing with these functions strongly depends on the characteristics of BoD cogni-tive and relational capital. In order to evaluate BoD cognitive and relational capital, it has been car-ried out an empirical analysis using a demographic approach, which is based on the study of such strictly demographic variables, inherent to the singular director and to the whole BoD. Each of these variables can have a different impact on the strategies and the performance of the firm, as indicated by the wide literature linked to the upper echelons theory and to the resource dependence theory. In this work, coherently with some previous studies, I have focussed my attention on the impact that these variables can have on two populations of firms, belonging to a stable and to a turbulent sector, respectively the food and the IT sector; so, it’s possible to point in evidence the strict relationship between BoD cognitive and relational capital and the environment where the firm operates. So, I have carried out an accurate structural analysis of BoD composition, which has favoured the map-ping of such demographic variables that determine the degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity of the cognitive capital, while the measurement of the variables linked to the relational capital has been carried out through the use of Social Network Analysis techniques. Then, I have carried out a com-parison between the firms belonging to the two sectors, through the use of non parametric statistical techniques, which highlighted the existence of significative differences between the two populations of firms; in fact, the IT firms show a more heterogeneous cognitive capital and a relational capital more developed than the food ones. Finally, through the use of a cluster analysis, I have classified the firms of each sector accordingly to their degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity of BoD cognitive capital and I have pointed in evidence some positive relationships with the innovation strategies car-ried out by the firms and with their performance, measured in terms of ROE and ROI. Through this work, I have identified if a specific BoD composition con have a positive or negative effect on such firm’s strategies and results, but this does not imply that the cognitive and relational capital is the principal cause of the firm’s behaviour, which is determined by several factors, inherent to the ex-ternal and the internal firm’s environment.
Bernardi, Erica <1984>. "LA PERSONA CON DEMENZA: APPROCCI RELAZIONALI E TERAPIE NON FARMACOLOGICHE." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/3995.
Full textNARITA, DAN. "Urbanizzazione Emancipatoria. Sull’interdipendenza e l’indipendenza dei territori montani in relazione ai cluster di megacittà: Un approccio transetto." Doctoral thesis, Università IUAV di Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11578/293836.
Full textMORETTI, STEFANIA. "ANNUIRE E SCUOTERE LA TESTA COME AZIONI SIMULATE DI APPROCCIO ED EVITAMENTO Indagine sperimentale sulla relazione tra elaborazione cognitiva e gesti embodied." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/971190.
Full textPatriarchi, Viola. "Relazione tra prestazioni di TBM EPB di grande diametro in ammassi complessi e parametri strutturali e meccanici - Criticità e approcci risolutivi." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/3288/.
Full textBarazzetti, Arianna. "Violenza: una lettura sistemica." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10446/105009.
Full textThe present research is focused on historically and spatially generalized phenomena, which have been recently interested by important developments both in term of prevention and protection, on a global scale: the violent phenomena. The fast social and cultural changes, typical of the globalization era, lead us to speculate on what we categorize as violence and on the historical and cultural evolutions that these dynamics are referred to. Primary goal of this work is therefore the analysis and the re-interpretation of enlightening contributions provided by a vast range of disciplines in the context of conceptualization of violence. On our side, we also report two clinical cases seen through the lens of the systemic approach. It is in this way possible to understand in a straightforward and continuative manner the practical sense of what elaborated in the theoretical section. The analysis of the two clinical cases is made possible solely by means of an interaction among the different sciences which have dealt with the phenomena linked to violence, according to a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach.
ANTONELLO, LEONARDO. "Relazione tra gestione forestale e servizi ecosistemici delle foreste mediterranee." Doctoral thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/1041662.
Full textFAVAZZI, UGHETTA MARIA. "Genitori e insegnanti per una alleanza educativa: un approccio multilivello e integrato alla survey per studiare gli effetti della relazione genitori-insegnanti sullo sviluppo e sull’apprendimento dei bambini nelle scuole italiane dell’infanzia." Doctoral thesis, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1630526.
Full textRENGHINI, Cristina. "Il sistema di tutela brevettuale nell'Unione Europea: il Brevetto Europeo con effetto unitario e il Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11393/251086.
Full textFORMICONI, Cristina. "LÈD: Il Lavoro È un Diritto. Nuove soluzioni all’auto-orientamento al lavoro e per il recruiting online delle persone con disabilità." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11393/251119.
Full textRECCHI, Simonetta. "THE ROLE OF HUMAN DIGNITY AS A VALUE TO PROMOTE ACTIVE AGEING IN THE ENTERPRISES." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11393/251122.
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