Academic literature on the topic 'Apprentissage de site'
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Journal articles on the topic "Apprentissage de site"
Lamrini, Bouchra, Marie-Véronique Le Lann, El Khadir Lakhal, and Ahmed Benhammou. "Gestion supervisée d’une unité de coagulation pour la potabilisation des eaux à partir d’une méthodologie d’apprentissage et d’expertise." Revue des sciences de l'eau 20, no. 4 (January 21, 2008): 325–38.
Full textPuren, Christian, and Fátima Sánchez. "L'organisation d'un parcours d'autonomie guidée en enseignement/ apprentissage grammatical : comparaison entre un dispositif papier (manuel) et un dispositif informatique (site internet)." Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée 122, no. 2 (2001): 211.
Full textAlhadji, Mahamat. "Mouvements Armés, Déplacements Forcés Et Enseignement/Apprentissage Dans Les Établissements Scolaires Des Pays Aux Abords Du Lac Tchad." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 14, no. 29 (October 31, 2018): 152.
Full textCros, Sophie, and Raphaël de Vittoris. "Apprendre à favoriser les apprentissages entre acteurs privés et publics : cas d’un site Michelin." Gestion 2000 36, no. 5 (2019): 41.
Full textFasel Lauzon, Virginie. "Interactions et apprentissages dans des séquences d'exploitation de vocabulaire." Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, no. 48 (September 1, 2008): 83–104.
Full textLe Renard, Claire. "Apprentissages d’une expérimentation de site naturel de compensation : une ligne de crête à la croisée de logiques d’acteurs." Sciences Eaux & Territoires N° 38, no. 4 (April 1, 2022): 32–39.
Full textCasanova-Robin, Hélène. "La rhétorique de la légitimité." Rhetorica 32, no. 4 (2014): 348–61.
Full textDurand, Micheline-Joanne, and Solen Poirier. "La recherche collaborative au service du développement professionnel en ligne." Éducation et francophonie 40, no. 1 (July 5, 2012): 119–37.
Full textOlié, E., N. Franck, S. Gard, P. M. Llorca, M. Maurel-Raymondet, P. Nuss, J. P. Orth, et al. "Évaluation de l’intérêt d’un Serious game chez des patients souffrant de troubles bipolaires inclus dans un programme de psychoéducation." European Psychiatry 28, S2 (November 2013): 26.
Full textRiverin-Simard, Danielle. "El desarrollo vocacional del adulto: la búsqueda de sí mismo en el marco de la sociedad del saber." REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía 14, no. 2 (February 2, 2014): 7.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Apprentissage de site"
Bousbia, Salah Ben Hédi. "Proposition d'une architecture logique d'un système de pilotage hétérarchique évolutif par apprentissage." Valenciennes, 2006.
Full textWe are interested in this study in the performances’ continuous improvement of the Production Systems of Goods and Services (PSGS) which organization and structure of control have significantly evolved these last years. In this work, we propose a systemic modelling of the PSGS. In addition, we propose an original approach of control based on a total distribution of the decision-making capacities on the various entities which compose the system. This local decision-making is based on a set of strategies which takes into account the real state of the system. Moreover, capacities of learning are integrated in the control system. The learning’s mechanisms consist on an evaluation a posteriori of the performances realized by the last entities which leave the system in order to determine the best strategy to adopt for the entering ones. The results obtained through a simulation using a discret-event showed the interest of our approach
Gacquer, David. "Sur l'utilisation active de la diversité dans la construction d'ensembles classifieurs : application à la détection de fumées nocives sur site industriel." Valenciennes, 2009.
Full textDiscussions about the influence of diversity when designing Multiple Classifier Systems is an active topic in Machine Learning. One possible way of considering the design of Multiple Classifier Systems is to select the ensemble members from a large pool of classifiers focusing on predefined criteria, which is known as the Overproduce and Choose paradigm. The objective of this PhD Thesis is to study the trade-off between accuracy and diversity which exists in multiple classifier systems. We review some well known Machine Learning algorithms and ensemble learning techniques from the literature and we present in details the concept of diversity and the way it is used by certain ensemble learning algorithms. We propose a genetic heuristic to design multiple classifier systems by controlling the trade-off between diversity and accuracy when selecting individual classifiers. We compare the proposed genetic selection with several heuristics described in the literature to build multiple classifier systems under the Overproduce and Choose paradigm. The application of our research work concerns the development of a supervised classification system to control atmospheric pollution around industrial complexes. This system is based on the analysis of visual scenes recorded by cameras and aims at detecting dangerous smoke trails rejected by steelworks or chemical factories
Battesti, Marine. "Transmission sociale d’un choix de site de ponte au sein de groupes de Drosophiles." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.
Full textUnderstanding how the process of non-genetic transmission as social transmission influence species behavioral evolution is an important issue in evolutionary biology. This thesis seeks to understand the diffusion mechanisms and information maintenance within a group studying social transmission of a choice of oviposition in Drosophila melanogaster. The first part of this thesis show social transmission occurrence of oviposition choice between informed demonstrator and naive observer females and try to determine social learning processes underlying. Social information transfer of oviposition choice occurs through direct interactions between demonstrators and observers. Analysis of these interactions by a video tracking method reveals a bidirectional information transfer: the more observers and demonstrators interact, the more observers gain oviposition choice behavior and the more demonstrators lose it. Personal information acquisition of oviposition choice by demonstrators is not sufficient to induce its transmission to observers, observers social learning seems to require special conditions. The second part of this thesis analyzes how social context influence social information use and how an individual realizes the balance between social and personal information use. The influence of group composition on social transmission efficiency is studied through different parameters such as the ratio between demonstrators and observers, group size, and the presence of genetic variability within the group. Flies show a “copy the majority” social learning strategy in their oviposition site choice behavior. Females acquire social information matching with their innate preference in presence of two contradictory social information. Group size does not affect the social transmission but perturbs demonstrator’s use of personal information. Genetic variability within the group stems from foraging gene polymorphism shows differences of social learning strategy between allelic variants. This thesis highlights a social learning use fully integrated into individuals’ decision-making and brings new elements on behavioral adaptation mechanisms based on social transmission processes
Prémaillon, Mélody. "Hiérarchisation des facteurs d'érosion des falaises côtières du site au globe." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018.
Full textThe aim of this PhD is to understand factors controlling sea cliff erosion at both local scale, based on Socoa cliff (Basque country) and at global scale. The specificity of Socoa's flysch cliff is its strong structural control. A 6 year photogrammetric study from annual records was conducted. This resistant cliff erodes slowly at 3.4 mm/yr and rockfalls occur mostly at cliff edge. A database called GlobR2C2 (Global Recession Rates of Coastal Cliffs) was set up. It is the first one to compile erosion rate data extracted from literature and to compare it to marine and continental forcing, extracted from worldwide grids and reanalyses. It was statistically analysed through exploratory analysis and random forest. At global scale, rock resistance appears to be the primary factor controlling cliff erosion. Second orders factors are the number of frost day per year and the average tidal range
Gressier, Alain. "Réseaux d'émergence d'une construction de communautés de pratique : impacts d'une formation de la mise en oeuvre." Lille 1, 2006.
Full textCao, Xiao-Bin. "Contribution à l'élaboration de systèmes d'aide à la conception à base de connaissance ayant des facultés d'apprentissage : application à la confection." Valenciennes, 1992.
Full textArmand, Stéphane. "Analyse quantifiée de la marche : extraction de connaissances à partir de données pour l'aide à l'interprétation clinique de la marche digitigrade." Valenciennes, 2005.
Full textClinical Gait Analysis (CGA) is used to identify and quantify gait deviations from biomechanical data. Interpreting CGA, which provides the explanations for the identified gait deviations, is a complex task. Toe-walking is one of the most common gait deviations, and identifying its causes is difficult. This research had for objective to provide a support tool for interpreting toe-walker CGAs. To reach this objective, a Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) method combining unsupervised and supervised machine learning is used to extract objectively intrinsic and discriminant knowledge from CGA data. The unsupervised learning (fuzzy c-means) allowed three toe-walking patterns to be identified from ankle kinematics extracted from a database of more than 2500 CGA (Institut Saint-Pierre, Palavas, 34). The supervised learning was employed to explain these three gait patterns through clinical measurement using induced rules from fuzzy decision trees. The most significant and interpretable rules (12) were selected to create a knowledge base that has been validated in terms of the literature and experts. These rules can be used to facilitate the interpretation of toe-walker CGA data. This research opens several prospective paths of investigation, ranging from the development of a generic method based on the proposed method for studying movement to the creation of a pathologic gait simulator
Hadj-Mabrouk, Habib. "Apprentissage automatique et acquisition des connaissances : deux approches complementaires pour les systèmes à base de connaissances : application au système Acasya d'aide à la certification des systèmes de transport automatisés." Valenciennes, 1992.
Full textMejri, Lassaâd. "Une démarche basée sur l'apprentissage automatique pour l'aide a l'évaluation et à la génération de scenarios d'accidents : application à l'analyse de sécurité des systèmes de transport automatisés." Valenciennes, 1995.
Full textUseille, Philippe. "Une approche informationnelle du document : Vers l'émergence du sens formatif." Valenciennes, 2007.
Full textUnderstanding the possibilities of educational ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is of primary importance not only for learners but also for researchers interested in blended-learning. It is, however, difficult to establish direct causal links between ICT use and knowledge construction. This work thus seeks to determine the conditions by which a blended ICT mode generates “sense-making” in the knowledge construction process. The present work addresses this issue by studying 12 semi-guided interviews in using a novel mode of formative evaluation, called DIGOR, for French as a Foreign Language. It is argued that formative evaluation includes a decisive informational process that has an effect on learning, and therefore on knowledge construction. This key point is presented in a new conceptual framework of the learning process. Our approach leads us to apply a theory-driven model to encapsulate the blended ICT processes step-by-step as an emerging and personal “Document” based on the learner’s point of view. In addition, the conceptual framework enables us to look into the specific relations between different dimensions involved in the learning process, and to collect relevant data in a systematic way. In this way, it helps us to see whether learning and evaluation in an ICT context contribute to the learner’s sense-making process
Books on the topic "Apprentissage de site"
Side by side: Essays on teaching to learn. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991.
Find full texteLearning with Dreamweaver MX: Building online learning applications. [Indianapolis, IN]: Macromedia Press, 2002.
Find full textSide by Side. Stoddart Publishing,Canada, 1998.
Find full textCAWS, Catherine, Marie-Josée HAMEL, Catherine JEANNEAU, and Christian OLLIVIER. Formation en langues et littératie numérique en contextes ouverts. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textNo One to Play With: The Social Side of Learning Disabilities. Warner Books, 1986.
Find full textBruce, Betsy. eLearning with Dreamweaver MX. Peachpit Press, 2002.
Find full textC, Colpaert Francis, Balster Robert L, European Behavioural Pharmacology Society. Inaugural Congress, and International Meeting on Drug Discrimination and State Dependency (3rd : 1986 : Antwerp, Belgium and Beerse, Belgium), eds. Transduction mechanisms of drug stimuli. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Apprentissage de site"
Jousse, Anne-Laure, Alain Polguère, and Ophélie Tremblay. "Du dictionnaire au site lexical pour l’enseignement/apprentissage du vocabulaire." In Les apprentissages lexicaux, 141–57. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2008.
Full textYUN, Hyeon. "Sites de réseautage social pour l’enseignement-apprentissage d’une langue étrangère:." In TIC, technologies émergentes et Web 2.0, 223–42. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2013.
Full textOrtega-Cordellat, Maria-Iluminada. "Niveaux de compétences et apprentissage de la taille du silex au Paléolithique supérieur : l’exemple des sites du Bergeracois." In Apprendre, 100–112. La Découverte, 2020.
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