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Ulum, Iip Ropiatul. "Cerita Pantun Sri Sadana atau Sulanjana Analisis Struktur dan Semiotik." Sutasoma : Jurnal Sastra Jawa 10, no. 1 (June 30, 2022): 92–105.

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This study aims to examine structur of Sri Sadana Sulanjana based on model analysis develoved by Vladimir Propp and Semiotik structure. The principal issues examined in this study include character functions, schemes and pattern of stories, function distributions among characters, and the elements semiotic. The mothod used qualitative descriptive method with classification techniques through literature. The result of the analysis proves that Sri Sadana or Sulanjana hast thirty eight character functions who distributed into seven circles of actions. Thirty eight character functions mentioned found in ten episodes and the semiotic element refers to the symbols in the story content. Keywords: poetry story; Sri Sadana or Sulanjana; structure; semiotics
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Suhemi, Emi. "Semiotics in Qur'anic Interpretation: The Application of Semiotic Theory in the Tafsir of Jalalain, Ibn Kathir, and Al-Tabari on QS. An-Nur Verse 35." El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies 2, no. 1 (April 30, 2024): 93–108.

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This study investigates methods of Qur'anic interpretation through a linguistic approach, with a focus on semantics and semiotics—both of which are essential for mufassirs (Qur'anic interpreters) in understanding Arabic. The primary objective is to explore how semiotic concepts are applied in interpreting the word نُور (Nuur, meaning "light") in verse 35 of Surah an-Nur. This research adopts a library-based content analysis with a qualitative descriptive approach. Semiotic theory is employed to examine the tafsir works of Jalalain, Ibn Kathir, Quraish Shihab, and al-Tabari. Semiotics, the study of signs and their meanings, reveals that these mufassirs have applied semiotic principles in their interpretations. In Tafsir Jalalain, Saussure’s semiotic theory is evident in the treatment of نُور, where the signifier represents meanings such as light, guidance, and Islam. In Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Roland Barthes’ semiotics is utilized, highlighting both the denotative and connotative meanings of the word. In Tafsir al-Tabari, Roman Jakobson’s communication model is applied, incorporating elements like sender, receiver, and message. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that semiotic concepts are widely integrated into the interpretative practices of mufassirs in their analysis of Qur'anic verses.
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Chartier, Jean-François, Davide Pulizzotto, Louis Chartrand, and Jean-Guy Meunier. "A data-driven computational semiotics: The semantic vector space of Magritte’s artworks." Semiotica 2019, no. 230 (October 25, 2019): 19–69.

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AbstractThe rise of big digital data is changing the framework within which linguists, sociologists, anthropologists, and other researchers are working. Semiotics is not spared by this paradigm shift. A data-driven computational semiotics is the study with an intensive use of computational methods of patterns in human-created contents related to semiotic phenomena. One of the most promising frameworks in this research program is the Semantic Vector Space (SVS) models and their methods. The objective of this article is to contribute to the exploration of the SVS for a computational semiotics by showing what types of semiotic analysis can be accomplished within this framework. The study is applied to a unique body of digitized artworks. We conducted three short experiments in which we explore three types of semiotic analysis: paradigmatic analysis, componential analysis, and topic modelling analysis. The results reported show that the SVS constitutes a powerful framework within which various types of semiotic analysis can be carried out.
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Chernenko, О. "SEMIOSIS OF INTERPERSONAL CONFLICTS IN ENGLISH ARTISTIC DISCOURSE." MESSENGER of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology 25, no. 1 (August 26, 2022): 134–41.

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The current paper presents an overview of interpersonal conflicts in discourse area of character in modern English fiction discourse from the standpoint of multimodality theory, pragmalinguistics, and semiotics. In this respect semiosis is defined as the action of a sign, a dynamic process of meaning-making and meaning-interpretation realized through multimodal semiotic modes which collectively construct the meaning, communicated in these situations. This constructing is proceeded with the help of conflictives as emergent discursive constructs, the result of interactive constructing by means of verbal, nonverbal and graphic semiotic resources functioning in different stages of conflict communicative process. The linguosemiotic space of their realization is in the plane of disharmony of interpersonal relations of characters and its semiosis is built on cognitive, semiotic, communicative, and pragmatic specifics of conflictives as operational units of conflict discourse. Moreover, the appropriate inferences require understanding of cognitive, psychological, social, and cultural aspects accompanying narration.The aim of the study is also to establish a link between different approaches to the interpretation of conflict communication development and methods of their research in modern scientific studies. Multimodal nature of conflictives comprises several modes of multimodality for the analysis of conflict semiosis in fiction discourse: verbal, nonverbal, visual, auditory, kinetic etc. These patterns of meaning combination or meaning multiplication through different semiotic modes together construct the meaning, communicated and interpreted in the situations of interpersonal conflicts in discourse area of character in modern English fiction discourse. To achieve the objectives of research, a semiotic approach to the paradigm of conflict discourse approaches is applied, together with the elements of conversational analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, pragmatic analysis. The obtained results show the capacity of the semiotic approach to the conflict studies to enhance the effectiveness of linguistic research in the field of conflict studies.
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Gluck, Myke. "Content Analysis, Semiotics, and Social Semiotics for Cartographic Analysis: Interpreting Geospatial Representations." Cartographic Perspectives, no. 31 (September 1, 1998): 4–25.

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Several mutually informing methods for analyzing cartographic and geospatial images are presented and illustrated in this work. First, an apparently objective method, content analysis, is applied to a collection of corporate annual reports' geospatial imagery resulting in a categorization and description of those images. Then a traditional semiotic analysis is conducted on the same data done by experts who describe and express out of their personal expertise and intuitive insights the meaning of signs contained in the imagery. Subsequently, a user/viewer epistemological and ontological framework called sense-making is discussed and combined with semiotic processes enabling social semiotics. Sense-making permits map users to present their point of view providing a method to go beyond the experts' traditional semiotic interpretations. These user/viewer based interpretations incorporate postmodern meanings from the various users of signs exposed by the corporate annual reports' geospatial imagery.
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Poythress, Vern S. "Semiotic analysis of the observer in relativity, quantum mechanics, and a possible theory of everything." Semiotica 2015, no. 205 (June 1, 2015): 149–67.

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AbstractSemiotic analysis of the role of the observer in the theory of relativity and in quantum mechanics shows the semiotic function of basic symmetries, such as symmetries under translation and rotation. How can semiotics be relevant to theories in physics? It is always human beings who form the theories. In the process of theory formation and communication, they rely on semiotic systems. Included among these systems is the semiotics involved in our pre-theoretical human understanding of space, time, and motion. Semiotic systems thereby have an influence on theories in physics. As a result, key concepts in fundamental physical theory have affinities with semiotics. In terms of Kenneth Pike’s tagmemic theory, applied as a theory of theories, all symmetries take the form of distributional constraints. The additional symmetry under Lorentz transformations introduced by the special theory of relativity fits into the same pattern. In addition, constraints introduced by the addition of general relativity suggest the form and limitations that might be taken by a “theory of everything” encompassing general relativity and quantum field theory.
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Eddahbi, Mohamed. "Semiotics... Introduction to "Signs Computing"." Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 50, no. 6 (November 30, 2023): 10–17.

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Objectives: Figuring out the importance of the semiotic perspective in computing signs. in addition to setting up databases that can be invested in designing flexible applications of the automated diacritization, automated translation. Methods: It is designed as follows a theoretical part dedicated to evoking some of the manifestations of the flexibility of semiotics, as well as mentioning some studies that have taken semiotics as their general framework for analysis, such as kinaesthetics and computational semiotics. An applied part in which a model based on semiotic concepts is presented to set up a synthetic database for the Arabic language, the automated diacritization as a model. Results: With its theoretical concepts and applied procedures, semiotics can serve as a basic entry for signs computing. Conclusions: The study recommends researchers to evoking semiotics during the automated processing of the Arabic language and its culture, both theoretical and applied, to overcome the inadequacies of the Arabic language applications and software.
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Dashinimaeva, P. P., and S. V. Dambueva. "Semiotics of the Chinese Hieroglyph: From Iconic and Indexical Sign to Symbolic." SibScript 26, no. 4 (August 14, 2024): 576–86.

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Chinese hieroglyphic writing has developed ways of recording meanings that differ from those in alphabetic systems, which generates interest in the hieroglyph as an object of research. This study complements the semiotic theory, which is usually applied to alphabetic systems, while looking for a complementary way to describe the ambiguous semiotics of Chinese writing. The study relied on a cross-disciplinary approach, i.e., the theory of semiosis in synthesis with the cultural-historical concept and a tertiary artifact as a link between them. A tertiary artifact corresponds to the semiotic sign-symbol, which is an implicit valuable textual category that cannot be manifested in a specific sign. The theory of artifacts was used in conjunction with a semiotic approach to the analysis of Chinese writing, both at the level of individual signs and at the text level. Diachronically, Chinese hieroglyphic signs tended towards symbolic semantics as they evolved, especially in cases where object nomination was motivated. As a synchronic example, the authors used a compositionally complex text of Wang Wei’s poem Magnolia Valley (辛夷坞), which illustrates the symbol both implicitly and explicitly. The analysis proved that semiotic ideas applied to alphabetic languages can be applied to Chinese writing but with the following caveat: in Chinese text, the implicit semantics of the symbol, being associated with a visually vivid imagery, hints at the symbol hidden behind the lines. Unlike letters, the hieroglyph possesses an additional technical potential for constructing an explicit series of images, thus contributing to a more effective comprehension of the main idea and morals, the emergence of which is regulated by its symbolic mode.
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Barreto, E. Israel Chávez, and Donald Favareau. "Introducing Paul Cobley: a graphic guide." Chinese Semiotic Studies 19, no. 1 (February 1, 2023): 3–14.

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Abstract Within the discipline of semiotics, written text remains the primary mode of communication and analysis, despite the fact that, as all good semioticians know, signs occur in all modalities – which is why we think of artists and musicians, no less than novelists and poets, as applied semioticians par excellence. In 1997, Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz combined the semiotic tools of words and drawings to produce what is undoubtedly one of the most successful and influential texts for the dissemination of semiotic theory: the illustrated graphic guide called Semiotics for beginners (later published as Introducing semiotics). On the occasion of this well-deserved festschrift honoring Paul’s life of work in semiotics, the authors felt it most appropriate to pay homage to Paul – and to the graphic guide with which he has inspired countless readers across the world to better understand the fundamentals of semiotics – by once again combining the semiotic tools of words and drawings to illustrate the ideas and history of this master semiotician.
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Rezeki, Tri Indah, and Rakhmat Wahyudin Sagala. "Semiotics Analysis on Students’ English Textbook in Elementary School." VELES Voices of English Language Education Society 5, no. 2 (October 28, 2021): 120–31.

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One of the most important components in teaching-learning activities is textbooks. The author of the textbook must tailor it to the cognitive development of children at a given age. Semiotics is one of the factors that can be examined in a textbook since the illustration of semiotics is a particular feature that substantially influences children's visual perception. The purpose of this research is to examine Semiotics in Elementary School English textbooks. This study applied qualitative research in terms of library research to collect the data from the students' English textbooks in the second-grade Elementary school. Semiotic analysis based on Pierce's semiotic theory, namely representamen (signifier), object (referent), and interpretant, was used to analyze the data (signified). Because the activities contain symbols, pictures, and signs that are extremely engaging for the second-grade students of Elementary school at SDIT Al-Hijrah 2, this study concluded that this book is very suited for learning for the second-grade students of Elementary school at SDIT Al-Hijrah 2. The researchers looked at the most important images relevant to the theme of the activities. In addition, the exercise imagery and meaning are linked to one another.
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Falah, Zulfikar, and Miftahur Rohmah. "Aplikasi Semiotika Roland Barthes terhadap Makna Takwa dalam QS. al-Hajj [22]: 37." Al-Dzikra: Jurnal Studi Ilmu al-Qur'an dan al-Hadits 17, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 119–40.

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AbstractThis article examines how Roland Barthes' semiotics can be used to understand the meaning of piety in QS. Al-Hajj: 37. The author's background involves the application of the definition of piety as it pertains to the role of the physical and spiritual as it has existed in humans. This study aims to ascertain the true meaning of the word "piety" as it appears in QS. Al-Hajj: 37 from a semiotic standpoint. The descriptive analysis used in this article's research was discovered through library research. Before helping one comprehend how Roland Barthes' semiotics can be applied to the meaning of piety in QS. Al-Hajj: 37. Following a description of Roland Barthes' semiotic theory, the author then discusses the meaning of "piety" in the Qur'an. When Roland Barthes' semiotics are applied to parse the meaning of piety in QS, it leads to the conclusion that there are two levels of the signification of Al-Hajj: 37. In summary, the relational interpretation between the signifiers lafaz al-taqwa and al-wiqayah has been known to be central to the denotative and connotative meanings of piety.Keywords: QS. al-Hajj: 37; Roland Barthes; Semiotics; The meaning of piety. AbstrakArtikel ini menganalisa tentang aplikasi semiotika Roland Barthes terhadap makna takwa dalam QS. al-H{ajj: 37. Latar belakang yang diambil penulis adalah implementasi makna takwa yang disebutkan telah melibatkan peran jasmani dan rohani sebagaimana telah bersemayam dalam diri manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna hakiki terma takwa pada QS. al-H{ajj: 37 perspektif semiotika Roland Barthes. Metode penelitian dalam artikel ini menggunakan deskriptif analisis yang diperoleh melalui library research. Sebelum mengarah kepada pemahaman perihal aplikasinya semiotika Roland Barthes terhadap makna takwa dalam QS. al-H{ajj: 37, penulis memaparkan dahulu terkait teori semiotika Roland Barthes, dilanjutkan pembahasan terma takwa dalam al-Qur’an. Sehingga menghasilkan bahwa terdapat dua tingkatan signifikasi pada pengaplikasian semiotika Roland Barthes dalam mengurai makna takwa dalam QS. al-H{ajj: 37. Singkatnya, makna denotatif dan konotatif makna takwa telah diketahui terfokus pada interpretasi relasional antara lafaz al-taqwa sebagai penanda dan al-wiqayah sebagai petanda. Kata Kunci: Makna takwa; QS. al-H{ajj: 37; Roland Barthes; Semiotika.
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Ni Made Sila Ulati. "Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis on advertisement of Colgate." International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics 4, no. 1 (November 4, 2021): 10–13.

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This study aims to analyze the advertisement of Colgate in audiovisual formed, when Colgate advertisement is one of the Super Bowl commercial break in USA. This study applies on semantic approach focused on the multimodal discourse analysis. In the semiotic sense, signs are words, images, sounds, gestures, and objects are also called multimodal, as it is said (Anstey & Geoff, 2010) a text is said to be a multimodal text if the text has two or more semiotic systems. There are five types of semiotic systems, e.g. linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, and layout. The method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative method. The result of this study is Colgate Total advertisement covers five aspects in a multimodal semiotic system, namely linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, and location aspects. These five aspects come together to make the ad appearance very attractive and easy to remember. Keywords: multimodality, advertisement, analysis
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Stoian, Claudia Elena. "Analysing Images: A Social Semiotic Perspective." Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara Transactions on Modern Languages 14 (March 20, 2020): 23–30.

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The present paper introduces briefly one of the most important theories and models of visual social semiotics, namely Kress and van Leeuwen’s grammar of visual design. An image, advertising honeymoon packages, is used to illustrate to the reader the points presented by the theory. The conclusion includes practical implications of the theory, pointing out several areas where visual social semiotic analysis can be applied.
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Konstantinov, Mihael. "ROLAND BARTHES AND YURII LOTMAN: SEARCH FOR MEANING IN FILM NARRATIVE." Вісник КНУКіМ Серія «Мистецтвознавство», no. 41 (December 30, 2019): 35–43.

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The purpose of the research is to carry out a comparative analysis of the concepts of semiotics of cinema by Roland Barthes and Yurii Lotman in the context of their understanding of the nature of film language, since understanding and methods of studying of contemporary digital audiovisual art are the topic of current interest in contemporary art history. The research methodology. The contemporary study of digital audiovisual art, as a rule, takes place within the context of interdisciplinary work, therefore, one of the methodological principles of such work is structural and semiotic approach. Today, this methodological approach to study the audiovisual art is the most developed in the semiotics of cinema, therefore the visual semiotics is viewed through the semiotics of cinema. The scientific novelty of the research. For the first time a comparative analysis of Yurii Lotman’s and Roland Barthes’s semiotics of cinema within the framework of the structural and semiotic approach was carried out. The potential of this methodological approach in the study of audiovisual art has been revealed. Conclusions. The article highlights the special aspects of understanding and application of semiotic concepts by the mentioned authors based on the cinematographic material. Thus, Roland Barthes thought that problems in a semiotic study of the cinema occur when a linguistic approach is applied, and Yurii Lotman believed such study to be completely acceptable. This resulted in a different understanding by these scientists of the nature of film language, its minimal meaningful unit, the role of syntagmatics and paradigmatics in the film narration. Different perceptions of the nature of film language and its components are an important basis for the study of contemporary digital audiovisual arts. The main difficulty of semiotics of cinema is the issue of non discrete iconic (analogue) sign in the study of cinema within the framework of the structural and semiotic approach. This problem can be solved based on the legacy of semiotics of cinema of R. Barthes and Yu. Lotman. Another important characteristic of the structural and semiotic approach is its ability to be combined with other methodological approaches in the interdisciplinary study of digital audiovisual art
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Wibowo, Saptari, and Tasnim Lubis. "Naming Paya Badau at Taman Cadika Pramuka Medan: Semiotic Narative Analysis." Tradition and Modernity of Humanity 2, no. 1 (January 19, 2022): 47–55.

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This study aimed to investigate and reveal the spoken myths and verbal stories conveyed by the locals and how such social phenomena have constructed the existing local wisdom at Taman Cadika Pramuka (TCP) Medan. A descriptive qualitative method with narrative semiotics was applied in this study as one of the semiotics approaches. It focused on the narrative in the form of myths and verbal stories (folklore). Therefore, the data were obtained through both fieldwork and library study. They were collected through observation, documents, and interviews about the raised question addressed to the name of Paya Badau. The applied narrative semiotic as one of the semiotic approaches has enabled the writer to find and reveal five existing myths and verbal stories of 'Paya Badau' attributed as the given name of the lake at Cadika park which has brought up some certain positive effects toward the sustainability of the ecosystem. The existence of TCP and its lake, called 'Danau Cadika' (Paya Badau) merely remains significant as a protective green open space (GOS), besides its other functions as one of the flood buffer zones, and seeding centre of rare plants and trees in Medan. Furthermore, the issue of 'Paya Badau' will turn out to be a critical 'sign' for the authorized officers in charge (government), when the water level of the lake raises or overflow after rain. The name has successfully built a harmonious bond of community awareness to protect and conserve TCP as one of the most worthy mutual assets among stakeholders (community, government, private, etc.).
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Tausya, Resi Syahrani, Muhizar Muchtar, and Alemina Br Perangin-Angin. "Semiotic Analysis on Morris Lifestyle Advertisement." Radiant 3, no. 1 (May 30, 2022): 64–75.

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This research aimed to analyse about the signs contained in marketing advertisements of Morris Lifestyle, as well as the meaning of the sign through the symbolic relation between the signifier and the signified. This research applied a qualitative descriptive method with the data source is Morris Lifestyle advertisement video, and the data used in this study are text, images and sound. The findings of this research consist of signs found in advertisements. There are thirteen signs found in the advertisement, for example; Creative, Woman expression, Stylish, Adventure, Manly, Metropolis, Big, Freedom, Long Lasting, Independent, I Want More, Vintage, and Approved 100% Kamu Ganteng. The findings of this study are expected to be a useful resource in other research and for the development of semiotic studies towards commercial work.
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Bandura, Oleg, Oleksandr Lytvynov, Sergiy Maksymov, Oleg Pavlyshyn, and Irina Smaznova. "Semiotics of law in modern philosophical and legal research." Cuestiones Políticas 40, no. 72 (March 7, 2022): 89–107.

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The objective of the article was to assess the semiotics of law in modern philosophical and legal research. Recently, semiotic scientific research on the analysis of legal reality has become increasingly relevant, its demand is explained by the active search for meta-legal foundations for the integration of modern legal theory. The research carried out in the proposed article is applied using dialectical, systemic structural, genetic, and other methods, which allows us to affirm that interdisciplinary studies of law from the point of view of semiotics compete with many other approaches and contribute to solving important problems of philosophical and legal ciencias. It is conceptually concluded that the semiotics of law has direct and indirect organic relations with all the main subdisciplines of the philosophy of law: legal ontology, epistemology, anthropology, axiology, and praxeology, and represents one of the interdisciplinary approaches to law. The importance of semiotic analysis of the problems of legal reality is emphasized, which demonstrates the logic of its construction, systemic and structural connections, reveals the internal mechanisms and symbolic patterns of its development.
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Gaines, Elliot. "The Semiotic Analysis of Myth: A Proposal for an Applied Methodology." American Journal of Semiotics 17, no. 2 (2001): 311–27.

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Ifatun Nisak and Muyassaroh. "A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS AT INSTAGRAM FILTER." English Language Teaching Journal 2, no. 1 (March 30, 2022): 97–110.

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Semiotics has an expression related to sign as a part of human life. In this study,researcher chose the Ferdinand de Saussure Theory to understand the meaning of the signs.Where, in this study, the researcher examined all the signs that appeared in the Instagram filterstarting from the image, sound-imagery, or acoustic imagery, the objects used as signs in thisInstagram video filter. The main aim of this research is to understand the meaning signsconveyed by the creator in the Instagram filter. This research uses a Qualitative research, Theresearcher analyzed data into 3 stages that are data reduction stage, Interpretation stage, andconclusion stage. The finding shows if the most common or commonly found are signifiers in theconcept section, while in the dimensions section they are semantic and pragmatic. It can be saidthat semiotics can be applied and found in various parts of life show personality in representingtheir emotions and memories. So, it can be conclude if humans use signs in their daily lives toshow what they feel and their emotions towards life, both the social environment and so on. Oneof which is through this Instagram filter.Keywords: semiotics, visual sign, instagram filter.
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Lawes, Rachel. "Big semiotics: Beyond signs and symbols." International Journal of Market Research 61, no. 3 (January 24, 2019): 252–65.

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This article is for marketers who use semiotics. It argues that semiotic analysis is not complete until signs and symbols are meaningfully connected to society, culture, and ideology. The unique qualities of top-down semiotics are explained. The implications for semiotics of structuralism and post-structuralism are discussed. Research questions are suggested and various kinds of analysis are demonstrated: diachronic, synchronic, and ideological analysis. Key concepts in analysis are explored such as power, simulation, and reading against the grain. Readers are directed to Foucault, Baudrillard, and Derrida as leaders in postmodern and post-structuralist thought. Theory is applied to examples likely to be of interest to marketers such as celebrity merchandise, smartphone accessories, and the TV advertising of a British department store.
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Putriayunda, Putriayunda, and Mac Aditiawarman. "Semiotic Analysis of Memes Insulting Others on Facebook." Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Scholastic 7, no. 3 (December 29, 2023): 133–45.

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This research is entitled semiotic analysis of memes insulting others on Facebook. The semiotic study aims to explain the signs as well as to know the meanings of dark joke memes on Facebook social media. The theory used in this study is Peirce's theory, namely by using the triadic model. The method used in this study is by using a qualitative descriptive method. The data analysis method uses the second data, namely the uploaded image and the researcher selects it by taking a screenshot and then interpreting. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and note-taking techniques. Peirce's semiotic analysis is an analytical technique that researchers use to find out the signs and meanings of dark joke meme images on Facebook social media, namely the triadic model consisting of representamen, object and interpretant. The results of this study, namely being able to find out the signs and meanings that exist in writing and images of dark joke memes on Facebook social media.
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Pratiwi, Cindy, Muhizar Muchtar, and Alemina Br. Perangin-Angin. "Visual Semiotic Analysis On Webtoon True Beauty." International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics (IJEAL) 2, no. 1 (April 1, 2022): 41–48.

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This research is aimed to identify the signs in the webtoon True Beauty and aim to interpret the meaning of signs in the webtoon True Beauty by using Charles Sanders Pierce’s triadic theory. This research is applied the qualitative method. The data source in this research are the webtoon True Beauty. In collecting the data, researchers need to download the True Beauty webtoon to get softcopy data, then researchers take several panels from the selected True Beauty webtoon episodes. There are five data analyzed from the 149th episode of the webtoon True Beauty and each data of consists of the sign and interpreting meaning. The signs found on webtoon True Beauty consisted of representamen (legisign), object (icon), and interpretant (rheme) and there are three steps to interpreting the meaning of signs that are found on webtoon True Beauty, they are non-verbal communicative legisign, framing techniques, and communicative act.
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Fuadhiyah, Ucik, Andrik Purwasito, Wakit Abdullah, and Teguh Supriyanto. "Eroticism in Modern Javanese Poetry (Geguritan); an Analysis with a Semiotic Approach." Sutasoma : Jurnal Sastra Jawa 11, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 95–108.

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This article intends to highlight the expressions and depictions of symbols and meanings of eroticism that are present in modern Javanese poetry texts (geguritan) as a form of Javanese literature and cultural products of society. This study seeks to reveal the symbols and meanings of eroticism that are expressed in the text of the modern Javanese poem geguritan entitled "Aku lan Dheweke" by Poer Adhi Prawoto, a poet who is also known as a critic of moderen Javanese literature. The formulation of the problem in this article is 1) How is eroticism expressed in the geguritan “Aku lan Dheweke” by Poer Adhie Prawoto? 2) What are the symbols and meanings implied in the geguritan “Aku lan Dheweke” by Poer Adhi Prawoto? The aims of this article are 1) To describe the form of erotic expression in the geguritan “Aku lan Dheweke” by Poer Adhie Prawoto. 2) Reveal the symbols and meanings implied in the erotic geguritan “Aku lan Dheweke” by Poer Adhi Prawoto. Methodologically the approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a paradigm of critical analysis of cultural studies. Qualitative descriptive research reveals the analyzed data by providing detailed and in-depth descriptions of each problem formulation. The theoretical approach uses a semiotic approach. Semiotics is a science or method of analysis to study signs. Signs are tools that we use in trying to find a way in this world, in the midst of humans and with humans. Keywords: Eroticism, Modern Javanese Poetry, Semiotic
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Masorong, Sharifa Khalid. "Cultural Colors Used By Maranaos And Tausugs As Reflections Of Their Characteristics And Behaviors." Proceedings Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (October 10, 2015): 96–103.

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Human intelligence and social life are very much dependent on the existence of signs. Looking for signs and finding its meaning may vary from one person to another. Human lives are basically characterized by signs that are intertwined. Charles Peirce even equated life as “perfusion of signs.” In this study, a semiotic analysis was applied to identify the color semiotics and if it has an impact to the Maranao and Tausug culture when it comes to social interaction in school and in society. Theories of Peirce and Kress’ multimodality were used. It was found out that true to the color semiotic analysis, the dominant colors used by the cultures Maranao and Tausug demonstrate their characters in dealing with society. The results showed that the use of signs and symbols are really important in meaning-making. In cultural semiotic, the uses of these signs basically lead to the culture's understands of themselves as well as the community. The signs and symbols were teamed together because society see and believes in their connection. These colors were used unconsciously as part of their culture. The research also showed that the use of colors is generally dictated by the cultures’ lifestyle and behaviors.
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Utami, Ratih, Eddy Setia, and Deliana. "A Semiotic Analysis Found on Movie Poster “Shutter Island”." LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research 2, no. 3 (October 1, 2021): 20–26.

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This research aims to know the meaning from the semiotic signs on the movie poster. The data is collected from movie poster “the shutter island” which is taken from internet site. This study used qualitative approach since the researcher focused on identifying the sign found in the movie poster of The Shutter Island. This study applied some theories of semiotics, there are theory of sign by Saussure (1974) and some other theories such as Theory of Colour Term by Wierzbicka (1996) which is used for identifying the meaning of colors found in the movie poster and Verbal and Visual Aspect Theory by Dyer (1986) which applied for identifying verbal sign and visual poster in this research. It can be concluded that there are two aspects which is formulated in movie poster Shutter Island, they are verbal and visual aspect. The verbal aspect includes some categories such as the masthead which exolained who is the main character in this movie, the title of the film to inform the audience about the film, where the line on the poster inform the audience the spoiled that it was the island where once people got into that island, it could be so difficult for the to get away from the island, and it shows the date the film will be released.
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Swandhani, Ahmad Riyadi, Deddy Wahjudi, and Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih. "SEMIOTIKA ROLAND BARTHES SEBAGAI PENDEKATAN UNTUK MENGKAJI LOGO KANTOR POS." Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa 12, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 182.

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Semiotics is a language of signs, semiotics is widely used as a tool to translate something, one of which is the post office logo, the purpose of this study is to see how the semiotic language developed by Roland Barthes can represent the post office logo in the form of a bird and lines and colors. unified, Roland Barthes theorized semiotics is between signs and signs, besides that there are also levels in the meaning of this semiotic theory, this research approach is Semiotic analysis is a qualitative data analysis technique whose goal is to find or systematically analyze symbols or signs in a text , from the results of this study there is a distortion of myth, as a marker is a dove which has a meaning or a sign that a bird has a strong myth as a means of sending letters in historical times, so that the use of Roland Barthes' semiotics can analyze the semiotic language of a h the post office logo, the thing that must be emphasized is the important role of the reader, in the sense that the meaning of a work depends on the person who is of course influenced by many factors both internal and external.Keywords: semiotics, roland barthes, post office. AbstrakSemiotika merupakan Bahasa tanda, semiotika banyak digunakan sebagai alat untuk menerjemahkan sesuatu, salah satunya ialah logo kantor pos, tujuan penelitian ini ialah melihat bagaimana Bahasa semiotika yang di kembangkan oleh roland barthes ini, dapat merepresentasikkan logo kantor pos yang berupa burung dan garis Tarik serta warna yang tersatukkan , roland barthes berteori semiotika ialah antara tanda dan pertanda, disamping itu juga ada tingkatan dalam pemaknaan dari teori semiotika ini, pendekatan penelitian ini ialah Analisis semiotika adalah teknik analisis data kualitatif yang tujuannya untuk menemukan atau menganalisis secara sistematis simbol atau tanda dalam sebuah teks, dari hasil peneltian ini terdapat distorsi pada mitos, sebagai penanda ialah burung merpati yang memiliki makna atau pertanda burung memiliki mitos yang kuat ikatannya sebagai alat pengiriman surat pada zaman sejarah, sehingga penggunaan semiotika roland barthes dapat menganalisis Bahasa semiotika dari sebuah logo kantor pos, hal yag harus ditekankan ialah pentingnya peran dari pembaca, dalam artian pemaknaan suatu karya tergantung dari personal yang tentunya dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor baik internal ataupun eksternal.Kata Kunci: semiotika, roland barthes, kantor pos. Authors:Ahmad Riyadi Swandhani : Institut Teknologi BandungDeddy Wahjudi : Institut Teknologi BandungLukitaningsih : Universitas Negeri MedanReferences:Aulia, F., Afriawan, H., & Faisal, D. (2022). Konsistensi Logo Dalam Membangun Sistem Indentitas. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa,11(2), 439-444.Barthes, R. (1964). Rhetoric of the Image. Communication 4, 40-51.Barthes, R. (1967). Element of Semiology. New York: Hill & Wang.Barthes, R. (1972). Mytholgies: New York The Noonday Press Cooper, J.C (2013). An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. London: Thames & Hudson.Barthes, R. (2010). Membedah Mitos-Mitos Budaya Massa. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra.Saussure, F. D. (1988). Course in General Linguistics. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada Univesity Press.Direktorat Jendral Pos dan Telekomunikasi. (1980). Sejarah Pos dan Telekomunikasi di Indonesia Jilid IV Masa Demokrasi Terpimpin. Jakarta: Cahaya Makmur.Gunalan, S., & Hasbullah, H. (2020). Analisis pemaknaan semiotika pada karya iklan layanan masyarakat. Jurnal Nawala Visual, 2(2), 44-51., S., Haryono, H., & Yasa, I. N. M. (2022). Analisis Pemaknaan dan Tanda Pada Desain Logo GP Mandalika Series. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(1), 212-219., D. (1991). Manusia dan Seni. Jakarta: Kansius.Khairi, A. I., & Hafiz, A. (2022). Kajian Estetika Lukisan Realis Kontemporer Drs. Irwan, M. Sn. yang Berjudul di Ujung Tanduk. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(1), 138-146., A. (2003). Dasar-Dasar Komunikasi Antar Budaya. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.Linschoten, J., & Mansyur. (1983). Pengantar Ilmu Jiwa. Bandung: Jemmars.Miswar, M., Rian, R., Muler, Y., & Rajudin, R. Studi Warna Dan Gaya Pada Karya Yazid. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(2), 370-378., B., & Nur, E. (2013). Semiotics In Research Method of Communication [Semiotika Dalam Metode Penelitian Komunikasi]. Jurnal Pekommas, 16(1), 73-82., Y. A. (2004). Semiotika Teks: Sebuah Pendekatan Analisis Teks. Mediator: Jurnal Komunikasi, 5(2), 189-198., L. (1876). The Theory of Colour. Boston: Massachusetts.Purbasari, M., & Jakti, R. A. (2014). Warna Dingin Si Pemberi Nyaman. Humaniora 5(1), 357., J., Platt, J., & Weber , H. (1985). Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. Harlow: Longman.Rustan, S. (2009). Mendesain Logo. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.Tinarbuko, & Sumbo. (2008). Semiotika Komunikasi Visual. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra.Zakiy, R. A. (2020). Analisis Semiotika Iklan Cetak LA Lights "Jangan mau diadu" Versi Ayam. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 9(2), 232-235.
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I Gede Dayuh Suryantara, I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika, and Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi. "Semiotic Analysis in Victoria Secret Product Advertisements." ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies 2, no. 4 (November 10, 2022): 80–89.

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This study concern with semiotic analysis and explains the meanings that are conveyed by verbal and non verbalsign found in Victoria Secret Product Advertisements. In analyzing this study the method that used was descriptive qualitative method to conduct a clear and well organized descriptions bout the problem. In regards of the analysis there are two theories and one supported theory applied in this research namely theory of Saussure (1983) in analyzing signifier and signified of the sign. The second theory is denotation and connotation meaning by Barthes (1986). And the last supported theory by Wierzbicka (1996) theory of colorterms. The verbal signs is to convey the information from the advertiser to the readers, meanwhile non verbalsigns used to make the advertisement look cool, attractive and impressive, but still contained the meaning that related to the product that offered in advertisements. The researcher found there are 22 data of verbal and non verbal signs Which also carried two types of meaning, those are denotation and connotation meaning Both of verbal and non verbal signs contained connotative and denotative meaning. Verbal sign consist of explanation of the product and non verbal sign consist of picture and color.
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Sirotina, Irina L., and Lyudmila A. Molchanova. "Conceptual Fashion: An Experience of Structural-Semiotic Analysis." Sphere of culture 5, no. 4 (December 8, 2024): 69–78.

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The contradictory, grotesque, paradoxical nature of the images of conceptual fashion positions the work of designers who have most clearly manifested themselves in this area. To analyze the specifics of their work a structural-semiotic approach is applied in the article, which allows exploring this phenomenon of culture as a complex of invariant relations within the framework of an integral system of official fashion. The unity of the syntactic, pragmatic and semantic stages of the analysis contributes to the identification of the concepts underlying the styles of such prominent representatives of the world of conceptual fashion as R. Kawakubo, M. Margiela, I. Miyake and others.
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Emerton, J. A., and Ellen J. van Wolde. "A Semiotic Analysis of Genesis 2-3. A Semiotic Theory and Method of Analysis Applied to the Story of the Garden of Eden." Vetus Testamentum 42, no. 4 (October 1992): 573.

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Arya Dwi Fatwa and Kurnia. "Analisis Semiotika Terapan terhadap Iklan YouTube “#CepetanGoSendInstant by Ariel NOAH x GoSend”." Bandung Conference Series: Communication Management 3, no. 3 (October 18, 2023): 909–13.

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Abstract. In this journal applying semiotic analysis in the field of advertising is the study of the elements of advertising text and their relationships. Semiotic analysis in combination with experimental tools in the context of market research makes it possible to emphasize the effect of individual elements of advertising text on the customer, and not the effect of advertising as a whole, as was usually observed in previous researchers. This journal uses a qualitative method consisting of primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that there is a correlation between the use of storylines in plots, the influence of advertising and consumer perceptions. The scale used can be applied to this advertising research, the combination of semiotic analysis and experimental methods presented in this study allows researchers to get deeper into advertising content in relation to advertising effectiveness. The results can also advance understanding of the impact of ad text elements on users in future theoretical and practical research. Abstrak. Dalam jurnal ini menerapkan analisis semiotik dalam bidang periklanan adalah kajian tentang unsur-unsur teks iklan dan hubungannya. Analisis semiotik yang dikombinasikan dengan alat eksperimental dalam konteks riset pasar memungkinkan untuk menekankan efek elemen individual dari teks iklan pada pelanggan, dan bukan efek iklan secara keseluruhan, seperti yang biasanya diamati dalam peneliti sebelumnya. Jurnal ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada korelasi antara penggunaan alur cerita dalam plot, pengaruh iklan dan persepsi konsumen. Skala yang digunakan dapat diterapkan pada penelitian periklanan ini, kombinasi analisis semiotik dan metode eksperimental yang disajikan dalam penelitian ini memungkinkan peneliti untuk lebih dalam tentang konten iklan dalam kaitannya dengan efektivitas periklanan. Hasilnya juga dapat memajukan pemahaman tentang dampak elemen teks iklan pada pengguna dalam penelitian teoretis dan praktis di masa mendatang.
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Kasper, Gabriele, and Johannes Wagner. "Conversation Analysis in Applied Linguistics." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 34 (March 2014): 171–212.

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For the last decade, conversation analysis (CA) has increasingly contributed to several established fields in applied linguistics. In this article, we will discuss its methodological contributions. The article distinguishes between basic and applied CA. Basic CA is a sociological endeavor concerned with understanding fundamental issues of talk in action and of intersubjectivity in human conduct. The field has expanded its scope from the analysis of talk—often phone calls—towards an integration of language with other semiotic resources for embodied action, including space and objects. Much of this expansion has been driven by applied work.After laying out CA's standard practices of data treatment and analysis, this article takes up the role of comparison as a fundamental analytical strategy and reviews recent developments into cross-linguistic and cross-cultural directions. The remaining article focuses on applied CA, the application of basic CA's principles, methods, and findings to the study of social domains and practices that are interactionally constituted. We consider three strands—foundational, social problem oriented, and institutional applied CA—before turning to recent developments in CA research on learning and development. In conclusion, we address some emerging themes in the relationship of CA and applied linguistics, including the role of multilingualism, standard social science methods as research objects, CA's potential for direct social intervention, and increasing efforts to complement CA with quantitative analysis.
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Vidiyah, Nurul. "Semiotik Roland Barthes dalam Film Animasi Entong Sebagai Implikasi Penerapan Bahan Ajar Sastra di Sekolah Dasar." Jurnal Perseda : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 4, no. 3 (January 7, 2022): 187–95.

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The problem in this research is the lack of alternative literature teaching materials used by teachers in the learning process. This study aims to analyze the semiotics of Roland Barthes in the animated film Entong which will be used as an alternative material for teaching literature in elementary schools. The research method applied in this research is content analysis method. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and documentation. The results of the observation show that there are semiotic codes of Roland Barthes in the episodes of the animated film Entong. This happens because, data retrieval is taken from the YouTube application. The semiotic codes contained in the animated film Entong are hermeneutic codes that function to see the problems of a narrative and create a solution or an answer, semiotic codes function to a connecting relation code which is the connotation of a person, place, object whose sign is a character, code symbolic functions as symbols, preauretic codes function to see the basic narrative actions in various sequences that may be indicated, and cultural codes function to see the cultural side of a story. Based on Roland Barthes' semiotics contained in the animated film Entong, it can be used as an alternative to teaching literature in elementary schools so that students can apply it in their daily lives.
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Babelyuk, Oksana A., and Yuliya Ya Zaza. "TENOR AS A MULTIMODAL REGISTER CHARACTERISTIC OF THE INSTAGRAM PROFILE (a compared analysis of Queen Rania’s official website and Instagram profile in Arabic and English)." Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology 2, no. 28 (December 6, 2024): 310–33.

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Instagram is currently the object of linguistic research in various fields. For linguistic socio-semiotic research, Instagram is valuable, particularly for its multimodality. The methodological basis of the article is the theory of register, which is a tool of social semiotics. The article specifically examines Instagram as a subject of linguistic socio-semantic research and proposes a general methodology for analyzing the interpersonal function, using Queen Rania’s official Instagram profile as a case study. It explores this profile as a multimodal virtual situational context of communication, comparing it to official websites. As a virtual social context, Instagram provides its users with access to the implementation of three meta-functions: interpersonal, ideational and textual. The purpose of the article is to identify the relevant multimodal parameters of tenor of Instagram profiles and to compare them with websites in Arabic and English. Additionally, the article aims to describe the case characteristics of tenor of the official profile of Queen Rania of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan within the context of social semiotics. To describe tenor of the Instagram profile in comparison with the official websites in Arabic and English of Queen Rania, the following social parameters were stratified: social status, social role, and situational social role. The study has accomplished the following tasks: a review of current socio-semiotic research, which examines the functions of the language system in the context of their emergence; a consideration of M. Halliday’s provisions, which describe variations in language use as a combination of semantic resources influenced by contextual variations; and the practical multidisciplinary application of the theory of register. Additionally, the concept of “multimodal discourse” of Instagram as an object of linguistic socio-semiotic research is examined, and a general methodology for describing the interpersonal function of an Instagram profile as a multimodal virtual situational context of communication is proposed. The article employs various general scientific and linguistic research methods: a deductive method to identify tenor register characteristics as an expression of the interpersonal metafunction of an Instagram profile; a descriptive method, which includes external interpretation (to assess the influence of Instagram’s situational context on the interpersonal function) and internal interpretation. The method of semiotic decoding of visual information was applied for interpretation, and the comparative method was used to analyze the multimodal characteristics of websites in relation to Queen Rania’s Instagram profile. A qualitative method was used to describe the multimodal characteristics of websites in Arabic and English and Queen Rania’s Instagram profile. Additionally, a comparative method was employed to compare the multimodal characteristics of tenor of websites and Instagram profiles. Using the example of Queen Rania’s official profile, the possibility of highlighting the following multimodal parameters of tenor in the situational context of Instagram was demonstrated: visual semiotic (photo); multicultural language of social statuses; popularity; silence (absence of responses to comments); ability to assess a person of royal social status. Instagram is presented as a virtual semiotic space of emotionally significant signs, represented through verbal (text, hashtags), visual (photos), and video channels (short videos, reels). Socio-semantic analysis reveals that tenor, as the interpersonal function of an Instagram profile, is shaped by multimodal semiotic components, each contributing to varying degrees of interpersonal interaction within the communicative space. It has been proven that the components of the interpersonal function, as a register characteristic of tenor of an Instagram profile, include social stratification data and social activity as a variable component. As a register characteristic, tenor is dynamic and influenced by temporal, cultural, and situational contexts — the extralinguistic context in which Instagram’s multimodal meanings are created. The applied socio- semantic analysis of multimodal signs on Queen Rania’s profile revealed a correlation between the interpersonal and ideational functions. The most popular (tenor) hyper-themes (field), include ‘personal life, family, holidays, and children’ which are expressed through bright, emotional photos as multimodal resources. The color of the visual content serves both expressive and social functions, influencing the level of social interaction. The interpersonal, ideational, and textual functions of Instagram as a virtual situational context, with its registers as a configuration of semantic resources, are embodied by multimodal means, demonstrating the multimodality of Instagram registers as a combination of signs from different semiotic systems.
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Voutounos, Chrysanthos, and Andreas Lanitis. "A Cultural Semiotic Aesthetic Approach for a Virtual Heritage Project." Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 22, no. 2 (2018): 230–61.

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Continuing from Part A (2016), in which we discuss the semiotic foundation for designing a virtual museum of Byzantine art, Part B presents an applied methodology for the representation of cultural artifacts through virtual technologies and semiotic techniques. We discuss how our semiotic model, case study semiosphere, contributes to design and evaluation research of such unique art-form representation and why the approach contributes as a whole to the field of Virtual Heritage (VH). Theorizing further the design implications integrating the overall approach including the evaluation experiment of three VH applications with the participation of young users and its semiotic analysis, we formulate design guidelines that can be applied also to other types of cultural heritage and art.
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Vetrova, Kristina O. "Barthes’ Semiotic Analysis: Advantages, Limitations and Prospects." Вестник Пермского университета. Российская и зарубежная филология 13, no. 4 (2021): 5–11.

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The article provides an overview of semiotic analysis offered by Roland Barthes, its advantages and limitations. The author argues that the methodology presented by Barthes in his work The Rhetoric of the Image (1964) could become a basis for a more complex methodology of multimodal texts analysis in the field of advertising. In The Rhetoric of the Image Barthes demonstrates how to distinguish and analyze advertising messages based on the advert of the Italian pasta ‘Panzani’. Barthes’ methodology includes identification of advertising messages and their meanings. Barthes provides a description of the images and messages that the ‘Panzani’ advert contains. Those messages are linguistic, connoted and denoted. The methodology of semiotic analysis enables one to explore denoted and connoted meanings of the advertising message of a multimodal advertising text. According to Barthes, the connoted meaning is derived from the denoted meaning of the advertising message. This aspect makes the most valuable advantage of Barthes’ approach. The idea of connoted meaning also relates to another Barthes’ concept of myth integration. Myths might be integrated into advertising and thus convey a deeper meaning of it. The proposed methodology might be applied to analysis of multimodal advertising texts as their structure is formed by elements from different semiotic systems. However, the elimination of a recipient outlines one of the limitations of the proposed methodology since it makes one focus only on the linguistic features and ignore the perception process. Cognitive approach to multimodal texts could help to overcome this limitation. Due to analysis of conceptual domains of different structural components of a multimodal text it might be possible to explore interconnection mechanisms between the components.
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Refika Ayu Zellya, Gea, I. Komang Arba Wirawan, and I. Dewa Made Darmawan. "Artistic Arrangement as Semiotics of Criminal Messages in the Film “Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak”." Journal of Aesthetics, Creativity and Art Management 1, no. 1 (April 17, 2022): 13–21.

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The purpose of this study is to determine semiotics in the artistic arrangement of criminal messages in the film “Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak” (Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts). It uses a qualitative descriptive method that describes in detail the problems shown in this study. The analysis technique used is Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis where this theory is divided into two i.e. signifier and signified. The concept used is criminal messages in the elements of artistic arrangement, then the theory is the semiotic theory from Roland Barthes. The messages in the film contains many criminal ones. The film has meanings of signifier and signified in each scene. The criminal messages include robbery, murder, rape, assault, and threats. The meaning of the criminal message in this film describes the mistakes in people's lives today. The film has applied good elements of artistic arrangement, which pays attention to the aesthetics of each shot, so that such a film is able to present messages that are in accordance with the reality in society.
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Katkuvienė, Jurgita. "Strategies for Reading Visual Poetry: A Semiotic Approach and Its Practical Application." Semiotika 17 (December 30, 2022): 264–96.

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The article explores the ways in which the Greimasian method of semiotics can be applied to the analysis of contemporary Lithuanian poetry texts, specifically visual poetry. Bearing in mind the nature of visual poetry, I consider a semiotic approach, which allows explaining the strategies of meaning making in visual poetry. The methodological question goes back to the origins of Algirdas Julius Greimas’ semiotics, in particular the works of Louis Hjelmslev. I draw attention that based on Hjelmslev’s approach, it is important not only to treat any unit of meaning as a certain relationship between the plane of content and the plane of expression, but in the case of visual poetry, also to supplement it with a more detailed description of Hjelmslev’s levels of language (form–substance–purport) and their interrelations. It calls attention to the plane of expression, which has a special status in visual poetry. I argue that one of the most important conditions for the emergence of signification in visual poetry is the phenomenon of unstable correlation, which is a semiotic relationship between the plane of expression and the plane of content that appears as a process of production of reciprocal presupposition, which, in turn, is dependent on the focus point of reader’s gaze. In the first part of the article, in which I address theoretical considerations regarding all the above-mentioned topics, I examine how the model of structural linguistics can assist in complementing the semiotic analysis of visual poetry. In the second part, I analyze two works by contemporary Lithuanian visual poets using the proposed model of meaning creation: “PASTAZENKLAS ISLEISTAS KREPSINIO CEMPIJONATUJ” (“A POSTALSTAMP ISSUED FOR THE FOOTBALL CHEMPIONSHIP”) by Gytis Norvilas (2006) and “om rekonstrukcija I“ (“om reconstruction I”) by Donaldas Apanavičius from his three-poem cycle (1999). The analysis reveals the points of unstable correlation and various reading possibilities.
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Pavarina, Etefania, and Alexandre Robson Martines. "Representação da informação elaboração de objetos informacionais a partir de análise sob a Semiótica Plástica." Páginas a&b Arquivos & Bibliotecas, no. 18 (2022): 36–59.

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This research presents an intersection between the field of InformationScience and Semiotics, through a correlation between information representation and plastic semiotics, since both areas present concerns in relation to language and representation. The objective of this research, of qualitative approach, exploratory character and applied nature, is to analyze the theoretical foundations of plastic semiotics and discuss the possibility of establishing relations between information representation and these semiotic foundations in order to contribute to the theoretical and epistemological bases of Information Organization. Through bibliographic research procedures, in the Google Scholar, Periódicos Capes, Dialnet and BRAPCIdatabases, as well as consultations in specialized books on the theme, the results are elaborated using the content analysis method. As results, an analysis of comics is presented, as a practical and applied example of how such theory can contribute to the representation of visual and/or syncretic objects. It is concluded that plastic semiotics has much to contribute to the field of Information Science, especially in the thematic representation for document interpretation, by analyzing the visual aspects identifying signs and meanings present in the works, making it possible to direct the technical reading, identification and description of the content, important steps in indexing.
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Kotliar, Elena Romanovna, and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Khlevnoi. "Ethnic Cultural Codes in the Visual Semiosis of Crimea." Genesis: исторические исследования, no. 10 (October 2022): 34–48.

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The subject of the study is ethnic cultural codes that are broadcast in the visual semiosis of decorative and applied art and architecture of the Crimea. The object of the study is architecture and decorative and applied art of various ethnic groups of the Crimea. The research uses methods of semantic, semiotic and artistic analysis of traditional images, the method of analysis of previous studies, the method of synthesis in conclusions regarding the formation of a unified Crimean style in visual semiosis. In the study, the author considers aspects of the topic: morphology and semantics of the elements of the visual semiosis of the Crimea and their belonging to a particular code of ethnic cultures; polyethnicity in the formation of the Crimean style of architectural and subject decor. The emphasis is placed on the multiculturality of the Crimea in the process of forming a semiotic universe in the visual semiosis. The main conclusions of the study are: 1. Crimea is a multicultural ecumene due to its geographical location, the interaction of ethnic groups on its territory generated various cultural processes, ranging from reception to integration, which led to the formation of a unique Crimean style in the visual arts. The elements of this style were the details of the ethnic art of various peoples who inhabited the Crimea from the first centuries of our era to the present. 2. Ethnic cultural codes defining the identification of the presence of a certain national artistic culture in the unified Crimean semiosis of architecture and decorative and applied art are elements and symbols characteristic of the traditional semiosis of a particular ethnic group. Over time, they have changed and experienced mutual influence, but the most persistent of them are still identified as belonging to a certain national and/or religious culture. 3. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the author for the first time conducts a semantic analysis of pictorial symbols in the visual semiosis of Crimea, identifies individual ethnic cultural codes, analyzes their genesis, commonality and differences of elements as part of a single Crimean stylistics.
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Octavia, Kevin, and Sujana. "A SEMIOTIC SIGNS ANALYSIS FOUND IN HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA: TRANSFORMANIA MOVIE POSTER." Journal of Language and Literature 10, no. 1 (2022): 99–109.

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Semiotics is a study that explains signs, and that all things in this world are signs. Even if some things have no inherent significance, we can infuse meaning into them to make them signs. This research aims to find the meaning of semiotic signs found in the Hotel Transylvania: Transformania movie poster using the trichotomy signs theory based on Charles Sanders Peirce’s. The source data in this research is the Hotel Transylvania: Transformania movie poster. Then, the data studied are to explain the meaning of the trichotomy signs, categorize the verbal and non-verbal signs, and understand the color concept. A descriptive-qualitative method was applied in the analysis of this research. The result of the research shows that there are 97 data. In the representamen, there are 22 data: qualisign 1 data, sinsign 14 data, and legisign 7 data. In the object, there are 38 data: icon 14 data, index 9 data, and symbol 15 data. And for the interpretant, there are 37 data: rheme 29 data, dicent sign 1 data, and argument 7 data. Furthermore, for the verbal signs, there are 7 data, and for the non-verbal signs, there are 90 data.
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Ni Putu Meira Purnama Yanti, I Nyoman Sujaya, and Mirsa Umiyati. "Multimodal Semiotics in Cosmetic Advertisement." RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 8, no. 2 (October 24, 2022): 173–82.

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This research deals with the elements of multimodal semiotics and the meaning of beauty. The theory used in this research was the multimodal semiotics theory by Kress and Leewuen (2011) in their book entitled Multimodal Discourse Analysis. The method applied in this research was a descriptive qualitative method. Based on data analysis, it was found that cosmetic advertisements have various multimodal semiotics such as verbal, visual, gestural, and audio. Verbal elements in the form of speech and writing which are dominated by declarative sentences. Visual elements refer to female figures in advertisements and other things with certain color. Gesture elements include smiling facial expressions, sparkling eyes, touching skin, and other movements. Audio elements come from bee sound effects, traditional Javanese music sounds, and so on. Meanwhile, the meanings of beauty conveyed through the multimodal semiotic elements refer to the meaning of physical beauty such as olive skin, white skin like jicama fruit, thick and beautiful hair, stormy hair, and graceful attitude.
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Lamb, Gavin. "Towards a Green Applied Linguistics: Human–Sea Turtle Semiotic Assemblages in Hawai‘i." Applied Linguistics 41, no. 6 (October 22, 2019): 922–46.

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Abstract This article argues that human–animal relationships are a key conceptual terrain for applied linguists to intervene in emerging interdisciplinary debates on how to address problematic human–environment relations in a time of growing ecological degradation. The scientific diagnosis of the Anthropocene has further generated critical discussion in the social sciences on the need to understand the diversity of local cultural responses to global environmental crises, ranging from climate change to species extinction. This article proposes that a ‘green applied linguistics’ can offer empirical insights into the role of language and discourse in mediating diverse human relationships with animals and nature. Taking human interactions with protected wildlife as one aspect of these wider socio-environmental debates, this article builds on recent embodied, materialist and posthumanist research in applied linguistics to suggest that nexus analysis offers a holistic methodology to examine the problematic ways people become caught up with threatened species through their semiotic practices. I illustrate these ideas through examples from my ethnographic research on the convergence of sea turtle conservation and ecotourism practices at Laniākea Beach, Hawai‘i.
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Lanigan, Richard L. "Netizen communicology: China daily and the Internet construction of group culture." Semiotica 2015, no. 207 (October 1, 2015): 489–528.

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AbstractIntercultural communicology is a complex system of intergroup communication and, in consequence, is a specialized case of human communication in which discourse is constructed in a semiotic world of experience, i.e., the Semiosphere. I look at the Netizen (online citizen) application of semiotic phenomenological theories and categories as we explore their emblematic presence as cosmologies and logics in the sociocultural discourses of the People’s Republic of China. The analysis examines stories published (2010–2011) in the online version of China Daily, a quasi-official newspaper of the Chinese government. The analysis is the main task that Umberto Eco called the semiotic quest for “the logic of culture”. I shall periodically cite the longitudinal statistical research of Richard E. Nisbett reported in his popular book The Geography of Thought. It is important to note that Nisbett’s research confirms the applied practice of the cultural group semiotic in use, rather than theoretically describing the logic constituted by the semiotic systems, which is my goal. In consequence as we shall see, Nisbett makes the mistake of describing the Asian semiotic in terms of a Western logic perspective – not the Asian perspective per se!
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Uwen, God'sgift Ogban. "Every corona is not a virus." European Journal of Humour Research 11, no. 1 (March 28, 2023): 117–42.

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This study is a visual semiotics analysis of Coronavirus memetic humour, aimed at ascertaining the implied meanings of selected Covid-19 related Facebook memes that stimulated virtual discourse among Nigerian netizens during the pandemic. The study adopts Visual Semiotics Theory and Encryption Theory of Humour to account for meanings derived from the presuppositional assumptions and shared sociocultural knowledge which serve as the decrypting ‘key’ to meaning. The ‘key’ activates the appropriate disambiguation and interpretation of the significations in the semiotic resources conveyed in the humorous memes. Nineteen Facebook Covid-19 related memes were selected as a representative sample for a descriptive and qualitative analysis. The analysis is coded into 11 discourse domains based on the related semiotic contents of the memes which include: preventive protocol, media reportage, religious beliefs, health sector, sociopolitical domain, socioeconomic domain, security, science, transportation, relationship and lifestyle to account for the differentials in perceptions by Nigerian netizens. Findings show that Nigerians created Coronavirus memetic humour to stimulate laughter in the rather consequential circumstances generated by the pandemic derived from the humorous contents of the image macros. In the Nigerian social context, the Coronavirus memes humorously instantiate the apprehension and helplessness of a people, and thrive to express protest, insecurity, corruption, religiosity, economic hardship and a poor health system. These, altogether combine as a myriad of the challenges facing a people who consolably devised coping strategies to trivialise the pandemic, while yearning for an inclusive government that prioritises the welfare of its citizens.
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Farida, NFN, NFN Supardi, and Jumardin Muchtar. "Semiotic Analysis of Language in Bullying Discourse: Unveiling Structures and Meanings." Bahasa: Jurnal Keilmuan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 6, no. 1 (July 31, 2024): 65–75.

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This research delves into the intricate dynamics of bullying by applying a semiotic approach to language analysis, aiming to uncover the inherent structures and meanings embedded in the discourse surrounding bullying. Bullying, a pervasive and complex social phenomenon, demands a nuanced examination of the language employed within its context. Employing semiotic analysis and qualitative research methodology, this study seeks to deconstruct the layers of meaning contained in bullying discourse by understanding the signs and symbols inherent in language. The data for this research were sourced from a diverse array of outlets, including everyday conversations related to bullying. The semiotic analysis was then applied to identify and interpret linguistic signs, encompassing words, phrases, and symbols, thereby elucidating the veiled meanings within the discourse of bullying. The results of the analysis illuminate that language in the context of bullying manifests itself through both verbal and non-verbal signs, collectively shaping structures of power and control. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the instrumental role of language as a tool for perpetrating bullying and the intricate process of meaning construction within such contexts. Understanding the dynamics of language in social interactions marked by acts of intimidation and humiliation contributes to a broader comprehension of bullying. Acknowledging the intricacies of language in bullying discourse is pivotal for devising effective strategies to address and counteract this prevalent social issue. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on bullying by underscoring the significance of linguistic analysis in deciphering the layers of meaning within this complex social phenomenon. Ultimately, it calls for a holistic approach that integrates linguistic insights into the broader framework of anti-bullying initiatives, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. AbsrtakPenelitian ini menggali dinamika rumit perundungan dengan menerapkan pendekatan semiotik terhadap analisis bahasa, bertujuan untuk mengungkap struktur dan makna yang melekat dalam wacana seputar perundungan. Perundungan, sebagai fenomena sosial yang kompleks dan meresap, menuntut pemeriksaan yang mendalam terhadap bahasa yang digunakan dalam konteksnya. Dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik dan metodologi penelitian kualitatif, studi ini berusaha mendekonstruksi lapisan-lapisan makna yang terkandung dalam wacana perundungan dengan memahami tanda dan simbol yang melekat dalam bahasa. Data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, termasuk percakapan sehari-hari yang terkait dengan perundungan. Analisis semiotik kemudian diterapkan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menafsirkan tanda-tanda linguistik, mencakup kata-kata, frasa, dan simbol, sehingga mengungkap makna terselubung dalam wacana perundungan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa bahasa dalam konteks perundungan terwujud melalui tanda verbal dan non-verbal, yang secara kolektif membentuk struktur kekuasaan dan kontrol. Temuan studi ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang peran instrumental bahasa sebagai alat untuk melakukan perundungan dan proses konstruksi makna yang rumit dalam konteks tersebut. Memahami dinamika bahasa dalam interaksi sosial yang ditandai oleh tindakan intimidasi dan penghinaan berkontribusi pada pemahaman yang lebih luas tentang perundungan. Mengakui kerumitan bahasa dalam wacana perundungan sangat penting untuk merancang strategi yang efektif guna menangani dan melawan isu sosial yang meresap ini. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada wacana yang sedang berlangsung tentang perundungan dengan menekankan pentingnya analisis linguistik dalam menguraikan lapisan makna dalam fenomena sosial yang kompleks ini. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini menyerukan pendekatan holistik yang mengintegrasikan wawasan linguistik ke dalam kerangka inisiatif anti-perundungan yang lebih luas, mendorong pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif tentang fenomena ini.
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Mulachela, Husen, Aurelius RL Teluma, and Eka Putri Paramita. "Gender Equality Messages in Film Marlina The Murderer In Four Acts." JCommsci - Journal of Media and Communication Science 2, no. 3 (September 13, 2019): 136.

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This research trying to analyze the meaning of symbols in the film Marlina The Murderer in Four Acts based on the indicators of gender equality namely, access, participation, control, and benefits. The unit of analysis in this study includes the audio and visual elements that exist in a selected scene for later analysis using the Roland Barthes semiotic method known as the "two order of signification" to find the meaning of denotation and connotation meanings and myths contained in both order systems. The whole series in this study refers to the framework of thinking with the aim of answering the formulation of the problem in research. From the results of the study, researchers found as many as 17 scenes containing the message of gender equality by including indicators of gender equality both in audio and visual elements. After going through the scene analysis process using the Roland Barthes semiotics method, control indicators in gender equality are found more prominently in films, then followed by indicators of access, participation, and benefits. This shows how the important role of control indicators in gender equality is applied so that other indicators can work.Keywords: Semiotic; film; gender equality; Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts
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Burtseva, A. V., O. V. Kalashnikova, and S. N. Trocuk. "Designatum Analysis in Forensic Linguistic Expertise: On the Question of Constructing a Methodology." NSU Vestnik. Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication 20, no. 3 (October 14, 2022): 75–89.

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The authors substantiate the use of the semiotic approach in applied research as adequate to the integrative nature of speech activity and clarify the concept conflictogenicity at the level of three components of a linguistic sign according to G. Frege: name, denotation, and especially designatum, which does not imply the existence of absolutely identical concepts in the minds of different people. Using the example of an expert opinion, the implementation of the semiotic approach in the situation of conflict designatum, as the most difficult element of semantics for language analysis, as well as the symbolic nature of the “controversial” text are demonstrated. The article highlights the differences between the interpretation of the text as “controversial” and “conflictogenic”.
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Widodo, Widodo, Siti Rohmah Soekarba, and Bram Kusharjanto. "Pemaknaan Motif Truntum Batik Surakarta: Kajian Semiotik Charles W. Morris." Sutasoma : Jurnal Sastra Jawa 9, no. 2 (November 29, 2021): 197–210.

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Batik is an artistic culture inherited from the ancestors of the Indonesian people which has noble values, has become the pride of the Javanese. This paper describes the meaning of the Surakarta batik Truntum motif in the semiotic study of Charles W. Morris and Frued's psychoanalytic analysis. Morris semantics are used to find the meaning behind the Surakarta batik Truntum motif: Tanjung flower motifs, stars, gurdho (garuda), rhombuses, and colors. Meanwhile, Freud's id is applied to the meaning of sexual desire for the perpetrator in the process of creating motives. The methodology used is multidisciplinary, combining historical approaches, semiotics, and cultural studies. The results of the analysis show that Trumtum batik as a noble art has crossed a long time and has a dialectic with cultural developments. The Trumtum motif is a unification of symbols which are interpreted in spiritual syncretism. Ratu Kencana (Beruk) in lamenting loneliness, sadness, and loneliness manifests itself through the distribution of 'id' and 'sublime' into Truntum batik art. Keywords: Truntum Motif, Meaning, Semiotics, Morris, Culture
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Yorukoglu, Papatya Nur Dokmeci, and Ayse Zeynep Ustun Onur. "Semiotic interpretation of a city soundscape." Semiotica 2019, no. 226 (January 8, 2019): 73–87.

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AbstractThis work presents a semiotic perspective of aspects of a soundscape evaluation of the city, Supino located in the Province of Frosinone in the Italian region of Lazio. The data and sound sample collection was accomplished through the soundwalk technique undertaken by students of Çankaya University, School of Architecture during the ‘Third International Summer School in Supino’ 17–24 August 2014. For the soundscape evaluation, three zones were identified in Supino as urban, suburban, and intersection. A total of nine samples across three zones were collected during three different times in a day by soundwalks from the areas located in the identified zones. A theoretical model of semiotic interpretations of soundscapes has been proposed and applied for the analysis of Supino’s soundscape. The results showed that the soundscape of Supino differs according to its cultural, habitual, and anthropological tendencies. In addition, the semantic analysis shows that the soundscape composition of the sound sources in the three zones varies by the change of time, sound composition and sources, topography, and settlement of the city.
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Kurniawan, Muhammad Hafiz, Wawan Gunawan, and Dadang Sudana. "Hot, fancy, and dangerous: The representation of female characters in three popular video games: Multimodal discourse analysis." EduLite: Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture 8, no. 1 (February 28, 2023): 135.

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A video game is one of the popular cultures that gained much popularity among teenagers and adults. However, with its popularity, it also has controversy where female characters in video games are frequently to satisfy a male fantasy. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the representation of female characters in three video games: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Mark of The Ninja, and Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. This research aims to address how the representation of female characters also portrays that sexism in video games still lingers. This research applied multimodal discourse analysis inspired by Haliday�s Social Semiotics. This research also uses Kress and van Leeuwen�s techniques in analysing visual semiotic sources. This research used four steps of collecting and analysing data proposed by Bezemer and Jewitt collecting and logging data, viewing, sampling data, and transcribing and analysing data. In the collecting and logging data phase, this research collected recorded gameplay and videogame cut scene using Bandicam software and took notes from semiotic sources representing the female characters. Viewing and sampling data involved the viewing process in the recorded video and taking a sample of data from four female characters. After that, the researcher transcribes and analyses the data using a multimodal discourse analysis framework. This research found that those first lead female characters are represented by wearing tight and obscene attire but having skills in influencing the main character.
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