Academic literature on the topic 'Applications Web – Multimédias interactifs'
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Journal articles on the topic "Applications Web – Multimédias interactifs"
Etcheverry, Patrick, Sébastien Laborie, Christophe Marquesuzaà, Thierry Nodenot, and The Nhân Luong. "Conception d’applications web géographiques guidée par les contenus et les usages : cadre méthodologique et opérationnalisation avec l’environnement WINDMash." Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système Volume 3, Issue 1, Research articles (July 22, 2015).
Full text"Language teaching." Language Teaching 36, no. 3 (July 2003): 190–202.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Applications Web – Multimédias interactifs"
Sarkis, Mira. "Création d'applications multi-écrans à partir d'applications existantes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2016.
Full textThe ubiquity of web applications and the user possession and utilization of multiple devices are major factors for the increased demand for multi-screen applications. Multi-screen applications impose challenges on the application developer and designer especially if existing single-screen applications have to be transformed to the multiscreen environment. Designers should plan the user interface distribution and should adapt the layout for various devices. Developers should re-organize the application logic and associate it to the distributed user interface. They should preserve the application functionality and finally they need to adapt it to the underlying multiscreen platform. In this work, we propose an end-to-end refactoring system. The system allows the re-use of existing single-screen applications to automatically create multi-screen applications. The components of the multi-screen applications have their layout adapted to small and large device and they are ready to operate synchronously to provide a complementary usage experience. Our system is quantitatively evaluated on different sets of applications containing at least one video element and interactive content. The content division of our system corresponds to a ground truth division with an average recall of 0.84. In addition, our layout refactoring approach obtains 60% accuracy on the tested applications. In addition, we evaluate the performance of the run-time behavior of one application and we compute the delays that are caused by our system and by the network in a real physical environment: with a total delay of 5 ms, our solution is realistic
Bouillot, Nicolas. "La cohérence dans les applications multimédia interactives et distribuées : du concert réparti sur Internet aux jeux multi-joueurs en réseau." Paris, CNAM, 2006.
Full textIn Distibuted Multimedia Applications, the feeling of co-presence between users is a challenge for the system. However, network transmission delays introduce temporal ambiguities on the user interface. We provide formal descriptions that includes temporal (instantaneity, simultanneity and Delta legality) and scheduling properties and allow to take into account psychoperceptive constraints. Thus, we propose some consistency models and consistency protocols. We implement one of them in our Networked Musical Performance system. Our results allow to build a distributed metronome shared between remote musicians, in spite of high latencies on the network. Thanks to public demonstrations and user experiments, we show its pratical effectiveness. Moreover, our results can improve performance of distributed games. Currently, our results are the only ones that take into account network latencies while providing the Perpective Consistency in a fully distributed way
Bénel, Aurélien. "Consultation assistée par ordinateur de la documentation en Sciences Humaines : considérations épistémologiques, solutions opératoires et applications à l'archéologie." Lyon, INSA, 2003.
Full textIn Humanities (as in Medicine, Engineering, Law, Physics. . . ), neither database systems nor expert systems succeeded in supplanting documents. In fact, the expert cannot insert her data in a fixed and consensual model (database model, ontology). On the contrary, she needs to build her own hypothetic model regarding a corpus of reference documents. Moreover, the confrontation of different points of view stimulates a constant evolution of models. Born from an interdisciplinary dynamics (Archaeology, Computer Science. . . ), the Porphyry Project proposes a hypermedia solution. The main idea is that the human expertise "leaves traces": documents added to the corpus, highlighted fragments, organization of the bibliography, reading notes, etc. Provided that these traces are "collected", they can be used as a corpus structure for their author and her community. By offering a workshop for handling documentary corpora, we hope to assist humans in constructing the meaning
Iksal, Sébastien. "Spécification déclarative et composition sémantique pour des documents virtuels personnalisables." Paris, EHESS, 2002.
Full textThe Adaptive Virtual Document is a very convenient approach to adapt, reuse and automate information access on the Web. An AVD creates a real document on the fly with informations coming from various sources and according to user’s needs. Every users are not concerned by the same information, they don’t have the same objectives, experience, background and knowledge. All theses user’s features are represented in a user model. We propose a new approach for AVD in two parts. First, an author creates a generic document which is a declarative specification for the processes of selection, organization and adaptation, this author oriented specification increases the semantic coherence of a document. Next, the system composes on the fly an hypermedia from this generic document and according to a particular reader. This approach is based on four ontologies. Our approach is based on the reusability of information on the Web, and it was thought in order to be reusable in different contexts
Assossou, Didier. "Contribution à une méthode de modélisation et de conception des applications hypermédia." Dijon, 2002.
Full textDeuff, Dominique. "Structuration et représentation de contenus multimédias pour une applications dans le domaine de l'éducation." Rennes 1, 2003.
Full textCourtiol-Jullia, Patricia. "Analyse des situations "routinières" de communication médiatisées via le web." Montpellier 3, 2002.
Full textPresent day websites connecting the publication of documents, the potential of having a chat session and the possibility of remote access. In our attempt to analyse media objects from the point of view of communications in process, we have therefore tried to comprehend the uses that once institutionalised the long gone period of enchantement, discovery and knowing how to function le dispositif. Our research also intends to analyse and comprehend from the point of view of generalised communication how a web-user uses a site, on a regular basis, starting from his own bookmarks or from the mailing lists to which he has subscribed. Engaged to a communicational approach based on systemism, constructivism and phenology we have particularly stressed the concepts of situation and contextualisation
Pinot, Gilbert. "Concepts multimédia et technologies associées : applications : consultation d'une base de données d'images, bornes interactives." Mulhouse, 1993.
Full textReyes, García Everardo. "L'objet technique hypermédia : repenser la création de contenu éducatif sur le web." Paris 8, 2007.
Full textWithin information societies the World Wide Web is a kind of technology that takes advantage of an ever-increasing important role played by digital and network technologies. Respectively, the space of the Web may be perceived as a digital machine to communicate, but also as a signifying space where several codes of signification exist according to logics and pragmatics of usage. From this scenario, the main objective of our research is to analyze in which manner the Web may serve educational practices taking into account its multi-functionality as well as its possibilities to represent different knowledge structures. In first place, we examine the Web as a technical object in order to go beyond instrumental conceptions; rather we are interested to define a communicational perspective. Then, we study the evolution lines of technical objects with the intention to propose an applicative ground for educational structures. At last, we introduce a prototype system developed to support our theoretical framework and we discuss some conclusions from first user experiences
Amous-Ben, Amor Ikram. "Méthodologies de conception d'applications hypermédia : extension pour la réingénierie des sites web." Toulouse 3, 2002.
Full textBooks on the topic "Applications Web – Multimédias interactifs"
Concevoir et conduire un projet multimédia: Sites Internet, CD-Roms. Paris: Dunod, 2002.
Find full textAlvear, Jose. Web guide to streaming multimedia. New York: Wiley, 1998.
Find full textE, Nolan Diane, and Gallagher Susan M, eds. Web-teaching: A guide for designing interactive teaching for the World Wide Web. 2nd ed. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001.
Find full textWeb-teaching: A guide to designing interactive teaching for the World Wide Web. New York: Plenum Press, 1997.
Find full textActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, Calif: O'Reilly, 2002.
Find full textActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2003.
Find full textActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, Calif: O'Reilly, 2003.
Find full textMatières textuelles sur support numérique. Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2007.
Find full text1966-, Gross Michael, ed. Macromedia Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio for 3D: Training from the source. Berkeley, CA: Macromedia Press, 2002.
Find full textMoock, Colin. ActionScript: The definitive guide. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2001.
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