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Simamora, Hetty Gustina. "POLA MAKAN DAN STATUS GIZI PADA ANAK ETNIS CINA DI SD SUTOMO 2 DAN ANAK ETNIS BATAK TOBA DI SD ANTONIUS MEDAN TAHUN 2014." Elisabeth Health Jurnal 1, no. 2 (December 12, 2016): 27–36.

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Pola makan yang salah dapat menyebabkan terjadinya obesitas pada anak. Anak yang obesitas berisiko menjadi obesitas di masa dewasa dan berisiko untuk terkena diabetes, hipertensi, dyslipidemia, obtructive sleeep apnea, dan osteoarthritis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pola makan dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) anak etnis cina di SD Sutomo 2 dan anak etnis batak toba di SD Antonius. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi adalah seluruh anak SD Sutomo 2 dan SD Antonius. Sampel sebanyak 100 orang dimana 50 orang dari SD Sutomo 2 dan 50 orang dari SD Antonius. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan proporsional random sampling. Data pola makan diperoleh dari formulir food frequency (FFQ) dan food recall 2x24jam dan untuk data IMT/U diperoleh dari pengukuran BB dan TB. Perbedaan pola makan dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) anak etnis cina di SD Sutomo 2 dan anak etnis batak toba di SD Antonius dianalisis menggunakan uji t-independent. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan pola makan berdasarkan konsumsi energi, karbohidrat, protein dan lemak pada anak SD Sutomo 2 dan SD Antonius. Rata-rata konsumsi energi, karbohidrat, protein dan lemak pada anak SD Sutomo 2 dikategori kelebihan dan SD Antonius dikategori normal. Ada perbedaan berdasarkan IMT/U pada anak SD Sutomo 2 dan SD Antonius. Rata-rata IMT/U di SD Sutomo 2 dikategori obesitas dan rata-rata IMT/U di SD Antonius dikategori tidak obesitas. Dan dari penelitian ditemukan hubungan pola makan dengan status gizi ditinjau dari konsumsi karbohidrat dengan nilai p value = 0,018. Disarankan kepada orang tua khususnya ibu agar selalu menyiapkan makanan yang bervariasi seperti sayuran, lauk pauk dan buah-buahan sehingga anak terbiasa mengkonsumsi sayuran, lauk pauk dan buah-buahan yang bervariasi dan kebutuhan gizi anak juga dapat terpenuhi dan membiasakan anak utuk membawa bekal makanan yang dipilih dan disiapkan sendiri oleh orang tua.
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MENSA I VALLS, Jaume. "Antonius Andreae y la cultura clásica / Antonius Andreae and Classical Culture." Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22 (January 1, 2015): 23.

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Tomàs and Joaquim Carreras stated (1943) that either the Scriptum super Metaphysicam Aristotelis was not genuinely by Antonius Andreae († ca. 1333), or it was subjected to interpolations because its author demonstrates knowledge of classical culture and a mentality characteristic of the fifteenth century. Experts currently consider this work to be genuinely by Andreae; but could it also have been subjected to interpolations? Only a detailed examination of the manuscript and printed tradition will, in the future, allow this question to be answered definitively. For the moment, this article analyses the knowledge of classical culture demonstrated in this work, and concludes that it is compatible with the knowledge available to an author from the beginning of the fourteenth century.
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Eck, Werner, and Andreas Pangerl. "Zu den Konsulnfasten der Zeit des Antoninus Pius. Konsequenzen aus einem neuen Militärdiplom." Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, no. 16 (December 15, 2017): 91–101.

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A new military diploma for the province Dalmatia mentions the pair of suffect consuls Q. Antonius I[sauricus, L. Aurelius Flaccus], known from the Fasti Feriarum Latinarum for May of an unknown year. Till now this pair was dated to the first years of Antoninus Pius, no later than 144 AD. But since in the diploma in the emperor’s title cos. IIII = 145 AD is mentioned, this is excluded. It seems that the suffect consuls can be dated only to one of the last years of Pius, either in 156 or 157, because in all the other years the consuls of the relevant months are known.
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Ramsey, John T. "DID CICERO ‘PROSCRIBE’ MARCUS ANTONIUS?" Classical Quarterly 69, no. 2 (December 2019): 793–800.

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Pliny's celebration of Cicero's consular achievements contains a striking anomaly, namely the assertion that Cicero proscribed Marcus Antonius (HN 7.117). That statement turns Cicero, the victim of Antonius’ murderous vendetta, into the one who wielded the executioner's axe, and it abruptly shifts the focus of the passage from 63 to 43 b.c. Two slight corrections to the Latin text can eliminate the intrusion of the proscriptions by substituting a reference to the control Cicero exercised in 63 over Gaius Antonius, his consular colleague and an old ally of Catiline. In his In Pisonem (§5), Cicero takes credit for combatting the threat posed by his colleague, and it is highly probable that HN 7.117 mentioned Gaius (not Marcus) Antonius as well, since Pliny's summary of Cicero's consular deeds and honours is nearly identical to the one found in Pis. 4–6. The beauty of the emended text is that it restores both historical fact and a logical progression to the overall structure of Pliny's encomium.
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Devriese, Luc. "Zonderlinge en bijzondere Gentse straatnamen: Sint-Antoniuskaai en Kolveniersgang." Ghendtsche Tydinghen 48, no. 1 (January 3, 2019): 2–17.

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Een van de meest populaire heiligen in onze streken was Sint-Antonius. Dat was een belangrijke vroegchristelijke figuur (derde-vierde eeuw) die in kerkelijke teksten meestal onderscheiden wordt van een andere Sint-An tonius (‘van Padua’) door de toevoeging eremijt of abt. De Antonius ie ons hier bezig houdt, trok zich in een Egyptische woestijn terug en als werd als het ware de verpersoonlijking van de asceet, de heremiet of eremijt. Hij zou geleefd hebben van 251 tot 356, en dus 105 jaar geworden zijn. De heiligennaam kan dus tot verwarring leiden, vandaar ook de betiteling Antonius ‘de Grote’ of ‘van Egypte’ voor de sint in de titel hierboven.
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Devriese, Luc. "Zonderlinge en bijzondere Gentse straatnamen: Sint-Antoniuskaai en Kolveniersgang." Ghendtsche Tydinghen 48, no. 1 (January 3, 2019): 2–17.

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Een van de meest populaire heiligen in onze streken was Sint-Antonius. Dat was een belangrijke vroegchristelijke figuur (derde-vierde eeuw) die in kerkelijke teksten meestal onderscheiden wordt van een andere Sint-An tonius (‘van Padua’) door de toevoeging eremijt of abt. De Antonius ie ons hier bezig houdt, trok zich in een Egyptische woestijn terug en als werd als het ware de verpersoonlijking van de asceet, de heremiet of eremijt. Hij zou geleefd hebben van 251 tot 356, en dus 105 jaar geworden zijn. De heiligennaam kan dus tot verwarring leiden, vandaar ook de betiteling Antonius ‘de Grote’ of ‘van Egypte’ voor de sint in de titel hierboven.
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Dementyeva, Vera. "Roman Quaestors/Proquaestors in Pro Praetore Status: Lucius Antonius (50—49 BC)." ISTORIYA 14, no. 2 (124) (2023): 0.

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The article analyzes information from sources about the quaestorship and proquaestorship of Lucius Antonius, during which he was empowered with pro praetore, namely, epigraphic texts (inscriptions from Ephesus, Magnesia on the Sipylos and Pergamun) and narrative texts — letters of Cicero and the writings of Josephus Flavius “Antiquities of the Jews”. The author considers points of view on the issue under study by R. Merkelbach, K. Eilers, E. Kondratieff, F. Pina Polo and A. Diez Fernandez and other researchers, does not agree with the dating of Lucius Antonius quaestorship of 49 BC, attributing it to 50 BC, consequently, recognizing that Lucius Antonius received an imperium in the rank of quaestor pro praetore, and then retained it for some period of 49 BC in the rank of proquaestor pro praetore. It is concluded that the sources consistently reflect the official status of Lucius Antonius during his stay in the province of Asia, his actions as the bearer of imperium and his observance of the one-year term of the magistracy of the quaestor.
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Carraway, Joanna. "Contumacy, Defense Strategy, and Criminal Law in Late Medieval Italy." Law and History Review 29, no. 1 (February 2011): 99–132.

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It is easy to imagine that on this early morning in 1395, Antonius, realizing the magnitude of his actions, had little time to fabricate a defense or construct a plan. In late fourteenth-century Reggio Emilia, flight was often the most desirable path open to those suspected of perpetrating felonies. Subsequent witnesses in this murder investigation speculated that Antonius fled the territory of the Villa de Vetto before the first light of day less to evade the law than to avoid the wrath of Caterina's relatives. Propelled by the need to escape retribution, Antonius, like almost half the defendants cited by the criminal court of Reggio Emilia, fled rather than appear before the criminal judge.
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Šterbenc Erker, Darja. "Kleopatra, Imperialismus und Orientalismus." Ars & Humanitas 16, no. 1 (December 22, 2022): 131–64.

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Im Aufsatz werden die literarischen Bilder der Kleopatra VII analysiert, der Königin des antiken Ägypten, welche die Verbündete des Antonius in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Oktavian war. Oktavian hat Antonius und Kleopatra in der Schlacht bei Actium im Jahr 31 v. Chr. besiegt und Alexandrien im drauffolgenden Jahr erobert. Er propagierte Antonius als den verweiblichten Ehemann der Orientalin Kleopatra, der vermeintlich in Ausschweifung und außerordentlichem Luxus gelebt und eine drohende Gefahr für das römische Imperium und den Westen verkörpert habe. Darüber hinaus werden die Transformationen untersucht, die Kleopatras Bild in verschiedenen literarischen Gattungen in der Antike unterlief, seine Rezeption in der Renaissance-Malerei und im modernen Film. Dabei wird der Orientalismusbegriff von Edward Saïd in Bezug auf Aischylos’ Perser nuanciert, um herauszustellen, dass er die Perser nicht nur als mit griechischen Sitten vertraut darstellt, sondern auch als Barbaren. Weiter wird diskutiert, wie Oktavian durch seine politische Invektive gegen Antonius das Bild von Kleopatra beeinflusst hat. Augusteische Dichter arbeiteten in ihre Gedichte einige Reflexe von Oktavians Bild der ägyptischen Königin im Einvernehmen mit den Tropen ihrer jeweiligen literarischen Gattung ein. Horaz stellt in der Epode 9 Kleopatras Ehemann Antonius in einer der Invektive ähnlichen Weise als ihren Sklaven und Eunuchen dar. Im ersten Teil der Ode 1.37 suggeriert Horaz, Kleopatra sei ein Monster und eine verruchte Königin, wohingegen er im zweiten Teil betont, dass sie ihre Niederlage mit der Würde einer guten Herrscherin angenommen habe. Römische Elegiker schildern Kleopatra passend zu den Tropen der Liebeselegie als elegische Herrin und Antonius als ihren Sklaven. Vergil inszeniert in seiner Aeneis den Zusammenprall zwischen Kleopatras Osten und dem Westen, welcher durch Augustus repräsentiert ist, aber der epische Erzählrahmen der Episode, die Ekphrasis von Aeneas’ Schild, betont ihren fiktiven Charakter und hebt die Fluidität der stereotypen Zuschreibung von Fremdheit und Weiblichkeit hervor. In der europäischen Malerei und in Filmen eignete man sich stereotype und orientalisierende Kleopatra-Bilder an. Seit der Neuzeit ist Kleopatra zu einer konstruierten Figur geworden, die häufig im Dienste der orientalistischen Machtdiskurse, des nationalstaatlichen Imperialismus und im letzten Jahrhundert auch der Käuferlenkung steht.
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Dymskaya, D. D. "ANTONIUS HYBRIDA AND CATILINARIAN CONSPIRACY." Ancient World and Archaeology 21, no. 21 (2023): 191–206.

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the paper analyzes the role of Caius Antonius in the events of 63 BC. The author comes to the following conclusions: despite the agreement with Cicero, which assumed the transfer the rich province of Macedonia to him after the consulship, Antonius considered other ways to get out of debts. Intrigued by Catiline’s promises and being under the influence of his relative Lentulus Sura, he could have taken part in the meetings of the Catilinarii, but retreated from them as soon as he saw that the matter was becoming futile. Since Catiline was popular among debtors, including Antonius, and also because of their electoral alliance concluded on the eve of the elections for 63 BC, Hybrida was considered a friend of Catiline and therefore was under suspicion. Unwilling to risk, he privately made it clear to Cicero that his connections with the Catilinarii were a thing of the past. The orator convinced the senate of Antonius’ loyalty and subsequently eulogized his colleague as a hero. His harsh assessment of Hybrida’s activities in a speech on behalf of P. Sestius was not due to the events of 63 BC but to the political struggle that unfolded in the 50s BC, when Cicero’s conduct during the consulate met sharp criticism and he was forced to defend his own decisions and the actions of his assistants, one of whom was P. Sestius, quaestor of Antonius. It is also possible that the perception of the latter’s role in the events of 63 BC could also have been influenced be the subsequent enmity between Cicero and Hybrida’s nephew Mark Antony.
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Richardson, Laurie L. "Arnfried Antonius, coral diseases, and the AMLC." Revista de Biología Tropical 60 (June 25, 2015): 13.

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<span>El estudio de las enfermedades de los corales, los patógenos de los corales y los efectos de estas enfermedades sobre los arrecifes tropicales y subtropicales son actualmente áreas importantes de investigación. El interés en este tema ha crecido continuamente desde el primer informe sobre una enfermedad de coral que se publicó en 1973. El autor de este informe fue Arnfried Antonius y la publicación fue un resumen en el Libro de Programa y Resúmenes de la Décima Reunión de la Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos Isleños del Caribe (conocida ahora como la Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos del Caribe). Desde esta comunicación pionera, Antonius siguió trabajando sobre las enfermedades de los corales en arrecifes alrededor del mundo, a menudo documentando la primera observación de una nueva enfermedad en un nuevo lugar. Cada enfermedad de coral descrita por primera vez por Antonius es actualmente el objeto de investigaciones actuales en lo que se refiere a patógenos, ecología de las enfermedades y los efectos sobre los arrecifes de coral. Muchas de las observaciones en sus trabajos tempranos siguen siendo relevantes en la investigación actual. Este trabajo examinará ciertos aspectos de los estudios tempranos de Antonius sobre las enfermedades de los corales, poniendo de relieve sus contribuciones novedosas que incluyen los primeros experimentos <em>in situ</em> que tenían como objetivo el estudio de la etiología de las enfermedades de los corales y los primeros análisis cuantitativos de la incidencia de las enfermedades de corales y de los patrones de distribución en función de los factores ambientales. Las contribuciones iniciales de Antonius se discuten en términos de las controversias actuales sobre el tema.</span>
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Tri Novantri, Aman Simaremare, Anita Yus, Gita Noveri Eza, and Srinahyanti. "The Influence of the Storytelling Method on the Speaking Ability of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Kindergarten St-Antonius 1 Medan." Indonesian Journal of Advanced Research 2, no. 11 (November 30, 2023): 1443–52.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the presence or absence of the influence of the storytelling method on the ability to speak children aged 5-6 years in TK ST-Antonius 1 Medan. This research was conducted at the St-Antonius 1 Medan TK which is located at Jalan HM Joni No. 52 A Medan. The population in this study was all children in TK ST-Antonius 1 Medan with a total of 103 children. The research design used is pretest-post-test design. Sampling techniques, namely with Purposive Sampling techniques in class B3 as many as 28 children. The data obtained were analyzed using non -parametric statistics Wilcoxon signs rank test. The results of the analysis obtained the average class value using a conventional storytelling method of 16.21 with SD = 3.26 and the average class value with an interactive storytelling method of 25.78. With SD = 2.10. From the hypothesis calculation data obtained asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) worth 0,000. smaller than 0.05 (<0.05), it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of the interactive storytelling method on the ability to speak in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. St. Antonius 1 Medan compared to the ability to speak children taught by conventional storytelling methods.
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Pulakiang, Anthoni R., Lanny Sitanayah, Noula J. Mokorimban, and Apriandy Angdresey. "Pelatihan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi kepada Siswa-Siswa SMP Katolik St. Antonius di Kota Manado." Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Abdi Putra 4, no. 2 (May 31, 2024): 111–15.

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Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer terus berkembang sampai saat ini sehingga dijadikan salah satu mata pelajaran di sekolah. SMP Katolik St. Antonius di Manado merupakan salah satu sekolah yang menerapkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer dalam kurikulumnya, akan tetapi di sekolah tersebut terdapat pengajar yang tidak memiliki latar belakang Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer, sehingga dibutuhkan tenaga pengajar yang sesuai. Atas dasar kebutuhan tenaga pengajar dari sekolah tersebut dan dharma pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang wajib dipenuhi oleh dosen setiap semester, tim dosen dari Program Studi Teknik Informatika melakukan kegiatan pelatihan Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer di SMP Katolik St. Antonius dari bulan Oktober 2023 sampai bulan Desember 2023. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dalam bentuk teori dan skill (praktik) kepada siswa yang ada di SMP Katolik St. Antonius untuk mempelajari materi dan bahan ajar tentang mata pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer.
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Aichinger, Wolfram. "Das Schwein des heiligen Antonius." Historische Anthropologie 7, no. 1 (April 1999): 1–32.

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Fassina, Filippo. "Antonius Arena, Meygra Entrepriza… 1537." Studi Francesi, no. 196 (LXVI | I) (April 1, 2022): 162.

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Silsby, Susan. "George Antonius: The Formative Years." Journal of Palestine Studies 15, no. 4 (1986): 81–98.

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Winkelmann, Ingo. "Antonius “Tono” Eitel † (1933–2017)." Volume 60 · 2017 60, no. 1 (January 1, 2018): 11–14.

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Çakır, Erşah. "Marcus Antonius and Legionary Denarii." History Studies International Journal Of History Volume 4 Issue 2, no. 4 (2012): 53–93.

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Stanonik, Janez. "Marcus Antonius Kappus : a reevaluation." Acta Neophilologica 40, no. 1-2 (December 15, 2007): 61–74.

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In the first part of my study I investigate the background in which Marcus Kappus had lived in his youth, before his departure for America. I consider that analysis of these early European formative years of a person who later had a visible role in his part of America can be a useful contribution to American studies. To this I add a brief summary of our present knowledge of Kappus' life in Sonora, and a survey of Slovene studies on him.
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SCHEPER-HUGHES, NANCY. "Response to Antonius C.G.M. Robben." Social Anthropology 16, no. 1 (July 10, 2008): 85–87.

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Afshar, Ahmadreza, David P. Steensma, and Robert A. Kyle. "Antonius Mathijsen and Plaster Casts." Mayo Clinic Proceedings 92, no. 5 (May 2017): e83.

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Silsby, Susan. "George Antonius: The Formative Years." Journal of Palestine Studies 15, no. 4 (July 1986): 81–98.

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Steven Un, Antonius. "EDITORIAL." VERBUM CHRISTI: JURNAL TEOLOGI REFORMED INJILI 1, no. 1 (September 6, 2017): 1–6.

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Penurunan tajam penglihatan pada anak usia sekolah merupakan masalah kesehatanyang penting. Kelainan refraksi biasa disebabkan oleh adanya faktor kebiasaan membacaterlalu dekat, pencahayaan, durasi, posisi sehingga menyebabkan kelelahan pada mata.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan membaca denganketajaman penglihatan pada anak usia sekolah SD Santo antonius Banyumanik,Semarang.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian casecontrol atau kasus control. Penelitian telah dilakukan di SD Santo AntoniusBanyumanik, Semarang pada agustus 2015 dengan jumlah popolasi 490 denganmengunakan teknik Sampling Purposive di dapatkan sampel 84 responden Alatpengambilan data menggunakan kartu snellen dan kuesioner. Analisa data yangdigunakan adalah Chi Square .Hasil uji Chi Square didapatkan p value 0,047≤0,05 sehingga ada hubungan yangsignifikan antara Kebiasaan Membaca Dengan Penurunan Ketajaman Penglihatan di SDSanto Antonius 02 Banyumanik Semarang.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapkan siswa siswi SD Santo Antonius 02Banyumanik Semarang mengubah kebiasaan membacanya yang salah menjadi benar danberkurang angka kejadian anak mengalami penurunan ketajaman penglihatan.
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Frolov, Roman M. "Ad urbem futurum cum exercitu, introiturum quotienscumque vellet: Cicero on Antonius’ Presence Near the City of Rome in 43 BCE (Phil. 3.27; 5.21-22)." Vestnik Yaroslavskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. P. G. Demidova. Seriya gumanitarnye nauki 17, no. 2 (June 19, 2023): 190.

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In the speeches delivered on 20 December 44 BCE (Phil. 3.27) and 1 January 43 BCE (Phil. 5.21-22), Cicero refers to Antonius’ public statements, according to which the latter planned to stay near Rome with an army and enter the city as he pleased. Cicero must mean the words which concerned Antonius’ plans for 43 BCE, when his consulate would end and he would become a proconsul. The episode can be approached as part of a broader analysis of promagistrates’ intervention in the political processes in the city of Rome (the sphere domi). Cicero’s insinuations are not entirely unfounded, even if, in reality, Antonius never intended to enter the city as a proconsul. As the orator outlines an alleged formal violation of rules, he is able to emphasize the proconsul’s genuine intention to retain control over the political initiative in the Republic despite the end of his term as consul.
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Pak, N. "Concerning the Time of Creation of the Life of Antonius the Roman." Slavianovedenie, no. 2 (2023): 88.

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The article analyzes the literary sources for the early East Slavic hagiographical works devoted to St. Antonius the Roman (†1147). The task of the study is to establish the relationships between the Life of Antonius the Roman, known in editions A and B, and the Panegyric of Antonius the Roman, also in two editions, in order to define the time of their creation. As a result of the study, it was found that the following works have the common sources: the preface to the Life in the edition A and the Panegyric in the edition A (the Panegyric of Sergius of Radonezh by Epiphanius the Wise), the Life in the edition A and the Life in the edition B (the Spiritual testament of Antonius the Roman), the Life in the edition A and the Panegyric in the edition B (the Panegyric of Philippus the Apostle), the Life in the edition B and the Panegyric in the edition B (the Life of Zosimas and Sabbatius of Solovki). On the basis of common sources of different works of the cycle and dating of the Panegyric in edition A to 1581–1582 and the Panegyric in edition B to 1582–1584, it is concluded that both the editions of the Life belong to the same author of the XVIth century,whose name is unknown for us.
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Zarecki, Jonathan P. "Utinam Avum Tuum Meminisses! Threats and Allusions in the First Philippic." Mnemosyne 72, no. 2 (March 11, 2019): 273–83.

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AbstractIn sections 34-35 of the First Philippic, Cicero makes a powerful threat against Antony by engaging in allusive role-play that makes dual use of Marcus Antonius orator as an exemplum. Cicero first declares himself Antonius to Antony’s Cinna, thus acknowledging the limitations of rhetoric in the face of violence and indicating that he is prepared to accept a martyr’s role. Second, Cicero invites conflation of himself with Marius/Cinna and Antony to his grandfather Antonius, thereby declaring that Cicero had decided to oppose Antony and work towards Antony’s destruction. This role-play represents not only a powerful warning to Antony, but also a sign of Cicero’s change in attitude towards Antony, an attitudinal change reinforced by Cicero’s wordplay on reversio. The allusive threats in sections 34-35 also indicate that Cicero had decided by no later than 2 September 44, and not with the dissemination of the Second Philippic, that there would be no reconciliation between himself and Antony.
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Volpe, Paola. "Cleopatra: 2050 years after death: woman queen lover enemy." Ploutarchos 19 (December 28, 2022): 103–11.

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The subject of this paper is the representation of Cleopatra in Plutarch. Linked to the most important politicians of her age, Caesar and Antonius, she seduces her lovers with her charm, with her beauty, with her culture, with the ambiguity of her character and her actions. Egyptian and, therefore, far from the behaviour of Roman women, she made θαῦμα the weapon of her seduction, accompanied by all-female cunning, not without elegance and seduction. In the Life of Antonius Plutarch, alongside the merciless description of Antonius, naive in relationships with others (he easily fell into the hands of flatterers) and “slow in perception”, introduces a ‘cameo’ that portrays Cleopatra as a woman not beautiful, but of great charm thanks to the seduction of the voice that modulated words as if they were musical notes. Even her death was shrouded by that sense of mystery that had characterized her life: it was the asp that caused it, but no trace of the reptile was found.
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Umbrella, Gabriel. "Identify the Learning Styles of St. Anthony Junior High School Students in the 2023/2024 Academic Year." Jurnal Ar Ro'is Mandalika (Armada) 1, no. 3 (March 12, 2024): 151–58.

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Learning style is the way a person receives and processes information. Therefore, learning styles affect learning outcomes. Its significant influence raises understanding of learning styles, both as teachers and as learners is very necessary. This study is intended to describe the characteristics of the learning styles of students at SMP St. Antonius Padua Sentani. This study used accidental sampling method so that from 30 students who filled out the questionnaire there were 33% kinesthetic learners, 30% a uditory learners, and 27% visual learners. This figure shows that students of SMP St. Antonius Padua Sentani are active learners. They are more motivated to be directly involved in learning activities. Therefore, learning design at SMP S t. Antonius Padua Sentani needs to be more dominant in accommodating practicum and discussion activities to help kinesthetic and auditory learners. There is also a need to design more environments that feature diverse and engaging numeracy and literacy visuals to help visual learners.
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Sembiring, Mimpin, and Elisabet Sisilia Sijabat. "PERAN GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK DALAM MENINGKATKAN KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL SISWA KELAS XI IPA DI SMA SANTO ANTONIUS BANGUN MULIA MEDAN." HELPER : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling 40, no. 2 (September 29, 2023): 55–76.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Katolik dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan emosional siswa dengan menggambarkan keadaan yang sebenarnya dari objek penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA St. Antonius Bangun Mulia Medan, melibatkan 13 informan yang terdiri dari siswa, guru, dan kepala sekolah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan pertama: Terjadi peningkatan terhadap kecerdasan emosional siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA St. Antonius Bangun Mulia Medan. Kedua: Peran Guru PAK sangat penting dan sangat memperngaruhi peningkatan kecerdasan emosional siswa. Rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini bahwa guru PAK berupaya tetap berperan terhadap peningkatan kecerdasan emosional siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA St. Antonius Bangun Mulia dan tetap melakukan pendekatan yang kepada siswa tersebut. Kata kunci: kecerdasan emosional, peran guru Pendidikan Agama Katolik
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AbstrakBina Rohani dan Mental (Birontal) adalah kegiatan pengembangan spiritual dan mental. Mitra Pengabdian Masyarakat (Abdimas) menjelaskan, penyelenggaraan birontal ini sudah menjadi tradisi sekolah yang selalu dilakukan setiap tahunnya bagi siswa kelas IX di SMP Katolik Santo Antonius Kalipare Malang. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan dan membekali para siswa secara rohani dan mental sebelum mereka mengikuti ujian akhir atau ujian kelulusan. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan materi mengenai bimbingan atau pembekalan rohani serta bekal mental dalam menghadapi ujian akhir atau ujian kelulusan bagi mitra pengabdian masyarakat yaitu SMP Katolik Santo Antonius Kalipare Malang. Pada acara Birontal ini para peserta diberikan wawasan terlebih dahulu mengenai topik yang akan dibahas yaitu pentingnya kegiatan spiritual dan penguatan kekuatan mental dalam menghadapi permasalahan hidup. Pada sesi seminar, peserta diberikan waktu untuk tanya jawab setelah materi disampaikan oleh pemateri. Dari sesi tanya jawab ini peserta mendapatkan wawasan lebih mengenai materi yang dipelajari dari pemateri atau pelaksana pengabdian masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, ketika siswa mengikuti ujian akhir atau ujian kelulusan, mereka akan lebih siap secara rohani dan mental.Kata kunci : bina rohani, bina mental, smpk santo antonius kalipare. AbstractSpiritual and Mental Development (Birontal) is a spiritual and mental development activity. The community service partner of community service (Abdimas) explained that holding this birontal has become a school tradition which is always carried out every year for the IX graders at Santo Antonius Catholic Middle School, Kalipare Malang. This is done to prepare and equip the students spiritually and mentally before they take the final exam or graduation exam. The aim of this community service is to provide material regarding spiritual guidance or provision as well as mental provision in facing final exams or graduation exams for community service partners, namely Santo Antonius Catholic Middle School Kalipare Malang. At this Birontal event, the participants were given prior insight into the topic that would be discussed, namely the importance of spiritual activities and strengthening mental strength in facing life's problems. In the seminar session, participants were given time for questions and answers after the material was provided by the presenter. From this question and answer session, the participants gained more insight into the material studied from the presenters (community service implementers). Therefore, when the students taking the final exam or graduation exam, they will be better prepared spiritually and mentally.Keywords: spiritual development, mental development, SMPK Santo Antonius Kalipare.
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Marselina Nina Pusu Tenawahang. "PERHATIAN ORANG TUA TERHADAP BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DI SMPS ST. ANTONIUS PADUA LEWORAHANG." JAPB: Jurnal Agama, Pendidikan dan Budaya 1, no. 1 (February 25, 2021): 35–40.

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Perhatian orang tua terhadap belajar peserta didik di SMPS St. Antonius Padua Leworahang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perhatian orang tua terhadap belajar peserta didik SMPS St. Antonius Padua Leworahang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini tidak menggunakan istilah populasi tetapi oleh Spradley dinamakan social situation atau situasi sosial yang terdiri atas tiga elemen, yaitu: tempat (place), pelaku (actors), dan aktivitas (aktivity) yang berinteraksi secara sinergis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Leworahang-Flores Timur. Key informan dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua peserta didik kelas VII SMPS St. Antonius Padua Leworahang yang berjumlah empat orang. Sedangkan aktifitas dalam penelitian ini adalah perhatian orang tua terhadap belajar peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini teknik pengumpulan data yang peneliti gunakan adalah wawancara mendalam atau in-depth interview dimana wawancara mendalam adalah teknik pengumpulan data yang didasarkan pada percakapan secara intensif dengan suatu tujuan. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis yang dianjurkan oleh Miles dan Huberment yang dibagi dalam tiga bagian yaitu data reduction (reduksi data), data display (penyajian data), conclusing drawing atau verifikasi data. Pengujian keabsahan data, penulis menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Triangulasi yang peneliti gunakan adalah triangulasi sumber. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan beberapa alternatif yang diberikan oleh orang tua sebagai suatu bentuk perhatian yakni memberikan dorongan, memberikan fasilitas belajar, membantu memecahkan masalah, dan memberikan pengarahan kepada peserta didik kelas VII di SMPS St. Antonius Padua Leworahang dalam belajar.
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Priyastuti, Maria Theresia, Mike Resanti, and Guido Shyantica Yoga. "Peningkatan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris dengan Media Ular Tangga bagi Siswa SD Antonius 2 Semarang." ABDIMASKU : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT 3, no. 2 (June 15, 2020): 72.

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AbstrakBahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang wajib dikuasai oleh siswa Sekolah Dasar. Namun siswa mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi karena kurangnya penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Hal ini didukung pula dengan pembelajaran di sekolah yang lebih banyak menggunakan buku teks daripada menggunakan metode pembelajaran lain yang lebih menarik sehingga kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini perlu dilakukan di SD Antonius 2 Semarang. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih siswa sekolah dasar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kosakata dengan penggunaan media ular tangga.. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui pelatihan dengan pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas, yang meliputi tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan refleksi. Dengan penggunaan media ular tangga, siswa SD Antonius 2 Semarang semakin terlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris dan menguasai banyak kosakata bahasa Inggris yang ada di sekitar lingkungan mereka. Kata kunci : kosakata, bahasa Inggris, media, ular tangga AbstractEnglish is one of the subjects that must be mastered by the Elementary School students. But students have difficulty communicating due to lack of mastery of the English vocabularies. This is also supported by learning in schools that uses more textbooks rather than using other learning methods that are more interesting so that this community service activity needs to be done at Antonius 2 Semarang Elementary School. The purpose of this community service activity is to train the Elementary School students to communicate in English to develop vocabulary knowledge and skills with the use of snake ladder media. The method of implementing activities is done through training of conducting classroom action research, which includes the stages of planning, implementation, evaluation and reflection. With the use of snake ladder media, the Elementary School students of Antonius 2 Semarang are increasingly trained to speak English and master many English vocabularies around their environment. Keywords:AbstrakBahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang wajib dikuasai oleh siswa Sekolah Dasar. Namun siswa mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi karena kurangnya penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Hal ini didukung pula dengan pembelajaran di sekolah yang lebih banyak menggunakan buku teks daripada menggunakan metode pembelajaran lain yang lebih menarik sehingga kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini perlu dilakukan di SD Antonius 2 Semarang. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih siswa sekolah dasar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kosakata dengan penggunaan media ular tangga.. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui pelatihan dengan pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas, yang meliputi tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan refleksi. Dengan penggunaan media ular tangga, siswa SD Antonius 2 Semarang semakin terlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris dan menguasai banyak kosakata bahasa Inggris yang ada di sekitar lingkungan mereka. AbstractEnglish is one of the subjects that must be mastered by the Elementary School students. But students have difficulty communicating due to lack of mastery of the English vocabularies. This is also supported by learning in schools that uses more textbooks rather than using other learning methods that are more interesting so that this community service activity needs to be done at Antonius 2 Semarang Elementary School. The purpose of this community service activity is to train the Elementary School students to communicate in English to develop vocabulary knowledge and skills with the use of snake ladder media. The method of implementing activities is done through training of conducting classroom action research, which includes the stages of planning, implementation, evaluation and reflection. With the use of snake ladder media, the Elementary School students of Antonius 2 Semarang are increasingly trained to speak English and master many English vocabularies around their environment.
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Dementyeva, Vera V. "Marcus Antonius Orator and his quaestors: positions of imperium bearer and the order of lower magistrates’ service under him." Vestnik Yaroslavskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. P. G. Demidova. Seriya gumanitarnye nauki 15, no. 3 (October 23, 2021): 306.

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The article examines controversial questions about what positions Marcus Antonius Orator held in 102-100 BC and in what order were the quaestors Caius Norbanus and Aulus Gabinius under him as the bearer of the imperium. The following historical reconstruction is proposed: sent in 102 BC in the position of praetor to Cilicia to fight pirates, M. Antonius continued his mission in 101 BC in the status of proconsul of the province of Asia. The Greek designation for the office of Anthony στραταγὸς ἀνθύπατος (IGRP 4.1116) is interpreted as a «proconsul». In the same 101 BC to him, the governor of Asia, Aulus Gabinius arrived as a quaestor (and not in 102 BC, as is often stated in historiography), who, most likely, remained with him in the status of proquestor for the 100th year. It doesn’t not look possible for the author to determine the year of questorship of C. Norbanus under M. Antonius and assumptions in the scientific literature about 102, 101, 100 and 99 BC years are rejected in the article. According to the author, the questorship of Norbanus occurred some year earlier than 103 BC; at the same time dating to 113 BC is practically excluded. There are more reasons to believe that in the chronological period from the pro-praetorian powers of M. Antonius in 113 to his mission in Cilicia he was endowed with an empire in some year and had C. Norbanus as a quaestor, but due to the «silence» of the sources, it is not possible to establish this year.
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Rosenberger, Chandler. "George Antonius: The Historian as Liberator." Historically Speaking 6, no. 5 (2005): 18–20.

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Mastroianni, Michele. "Antonius Arena, Ad suos compagnones… (1531)." Studi Francesi, no. 169 (LVII | I) (April 1, 2013): 157.

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Boullata, Issa J. "Narrating Tragedy: The Lord. . Soraya Antonius." Journal of Palestine Studies 16, no. 3 (April 1987): 148–49.

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Herlita, Kristina Afrida, Ira Octavi Siagian, and Juliyanti. "The Relationship of Knowledge about Patient Care with Family Anxiety Levels in Intensive Care Unit of Antonius Pontianak Hospital." Formosa Journal of Science and Technology 2, no. 10 (October 31, 2023): 2739–50.

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In the intensive care unit of Santo Antonius Hospital Pontianak with p value = 0.00 Family members will experience anxiety when facing one of the family members who is admitted to the ICU. Anxiety in the family can interfere with the patient's treatment process, because anxiety can cause stress in the family that can affect treatment support. Method: This study is a quantitative research that uses a correlative descriptive design with a cross sectional design. Sampling sampling technique with Total Sampling of 41 people. Croncbach's Alpha validity test result of 0.901 and proven reliable with > result of 0.6 Result: Most of the respondents (56.1%) had good knowledge about treatment in the ICU of St. Antonius Hospital Pontianak. Almost half of the respondents (36.6%) experienced mild anxiety because their families were treated at St. Anthony's Hospital. The results of statistical tests using Chi Square and the level of significance (α) 0.05 were obtained There is a relationship between knowledge about patient care and the level of family anxiety in the intensive care unit room of St. Antonius Hospital Pontianak with a p value = 0.001. Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge about patient care and the level of family anxiety.
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Sinnema, Donald, and Henk van den Belt. "The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) as a Disputation Cycle." Church History and Religious Culture 92, no. 4 (2012): 503–37.

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The Synopsis Purioris Theologiae, a textbook in systematic theology, originated as a series of disputations held in Leiden University between 1620–1624. In presiding over a cycle of disputations, the Leiden professors Johannes Polyander, Andreas Rivetus, Antonius Walaeus, and Antonius Thysius continued a tradition from before the Synod of Dort. This article discusses the original academic setting of the disputations, shows that the cycle and its four repetitions replaced a similar cycle with repetitions that started in 1596 under Franciscus Junius Sr., and that the order of subjects was agreed on beforehand.The professors composed the theses and were responsible for the final text of the Synopsis.
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Kurniasih, Dwi, Elly Marce Titihalawa, and Elisabeth Wahyu Savitri. "Pelaksanaan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat dan Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya di masa Pandemi Covid-19." Malahayati Nursing Journal 4, no. 4 (April 4, 2022): 861–79.

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ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Hubungan perawat dengan klien merupakan relasi timbal balik yang saling menguntungkan dalam asuhan keperawatan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi faktor dalam pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik perawat di ruang rawat inap sebuah RSU Santo Antonius Pontianak dimasa pandemic corona virus - 19.Metode: Desain penelitian adalah analisis deskriptif crossectional. Di RSU Santo Antonius Pontianak, pada 1-31 Mei 2021. Sasarannya perawat di ruang inap menggunakan tehnik total sampling 154 orang. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Uji Fisher.Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 96,1 % pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik perawat dalam kategori baik; fase pra-interaksi sebanyak 94,8 % dalam kategori baik; fase orientasi sebanyak 95,5% dalam kategori baik; fase kerja sebanyak 96,1% dalam kategori baik; fase terminasi sebanyak 92,9% dalam kategori baik. Ada dua fator yang memiliki hubungan dengan pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik dimasa pandemi covid 19. Faktor tersebut adalah jenis kelamin perempuan p= 0.000 < 0.05 dan perawat pasien covid 19; p= 0.009. < 0.05Kesimpulan : Pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik perawat diruang rawat inap RSU Santo Antonius Pontianak dimasa pandemi Covid -19 dalam kategori baik. Jenis kelamin perempuan serta peran perawat pasien covid 19 memiliki hubungan melakukan komunikasi terapeutik. Komunikasi terapeutik terus dilakukan guna meningkatkan kesehatan pasien. Kata Kunci: Faktor, komunikasi, perawat, terapeutik ABSTRACT Background: The nurse-client relationship is a reciprocal relationship that is mutually beneficial in nursing care. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify factors in the implementation of nurse therapeutic communication in the inpatient room of Santo Antonius General Hospital Pontianak during the corona virus-19 pandemic.Subjects and Methods: The research design was a cross-sectional descriptive analysis. At the Santo Antonius General Hospital, Pontianak, on 1-31 May 2021. The target is the nurses in the inpatient room using a total sampling technique of 154 people. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The analytical method used is Fisher's exact test.Results: The results of this study were 96.1% of nurses' therapeutic communication implementation in the good category; the pre-interaction phase was 94.8% in the good category; orientation phase as much as 95.5% in the good category; working phase as much as 96.1% in good category; termination phase as much as 92.9% in the good category. There are two factors that have a relationship with the implementation of therapeutic communication during the covid 19 pandemic. These factors are female gender p = 0.000 < 0.05 and nurses for covid 19 patients; p= 0.009. < 0.05Conclusion: The implementation of therapeutic communication between nurses in the inpatient room at the Santo Antonius General Hospital in Pontianak during the Covid-19 pandemic was in good category. The female gender and the role of the nurse for COVID-19 patients have a relationship in conducting therapeutic communication. Therapeutic communication continues to be carried out to improve patient health. Keywords: Factors, communication, nurses, therapeutic
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Klooster, Jacqueline. "HORACE,CARMEN4.2.53–60: ANOTHER LOOK AT THEVITULUS." Classical Quarterly 63, no. 1 (April 24, 2013): 346–52.

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Carmen4.2 is one of the most commented upon of the odes of Horace. It is indeed a complex poem. To summarize roughly: addressing the young poet Iullus Antonius, Horace presents the dangers of emulating Pindar, offering what seems like a lengthy description as well as an approximation of Pindar's own poetic style (1–24). Not as a doomed Icarus imitating the grand Pindaric swan, but in his own preferred mode, like a bee on the banks of Tibur, Horace will continue to produce his own highly refined poems on a small scale (25–30). Iullus Antonius, on the other hand, will sing of Augustus’ triumphmaiore plectro(33, a phrase which in all likelihood refers to his activity as an epic poet). Modestly, Horace himself will be content to join in with the popular chants for Augustus’ triumphal return as one happy civilian among the crowd (33–52). Iullus Antonius will moreover offer a grand sacrifice of ten bulls and as many cows on that occasion, whereas Horace promises a single bull-calf that he is saving especially for the purpose (53–60). I will try to offer a new interpretation of these last two strophes by pointing out an unnoticed allusion to a Hellenistic subtext.
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Okhade, Sonal. "Book review: Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights, Rosemarie Buikema, Antoine Buyse and Antonius C. G. M. Robben, Electronic edition, Routledge, Abingdon, 2020." Asian Journal of Legal Education 8, no. 2 (July 2021): 259–62.

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Wille, Franz. "Vergnügen ist Arbeit." Theater heute 64, no. 6 (2023): 14–17.

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Tuturop, Hermina, and Aman Simaremare. "Studi Deskriptif Tentang Perilaku Prososial Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK St. Antonius 2 Mandala Medan." JURNAL BUNGA RAMPAI USIA EMAS 6, no. 2 (February 7, 2021): 1.

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Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku prososial pada anak di TK St. Antonius 2 Mandala Medan.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dan data dianalisi menggunakan analisis kuantitatif deskriptif. Dengan populasi yang diambil 85 terdiri dari 3 kelas yaitu kelas B1= 28 orang, kelas B2 = 28 orang, kelas B3 = 29 orang anak. Maka sampel ini adalah kelas B3 dengan jumlah 29 anak yang diambil secara acak yaitu terdiri dari 15 orang anak. variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku prososial Pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh peneliti dengan teknik observasi. Analisisi data menggunakan teknik statistik deskritif berupa terdensi sentral yaitu dengan Mean dengan presentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku prososial anak di TK St. Antonius 2 Mandala Medan termasuk kategori sedang (skor rata-rata 8,6)
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Dajč, Haris, Dejana Vasić, and Milica Kisić-Božić. "Antonius Merkel and Carolus Raissinger: Disputes regarding the Medical treatment of patients in Sombor in 1775." Acta historiae medicinae, stomatologiae, pharmaciae, medicinae veterinariae 42, no. 2 (2023): 19–63.

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This paper presents several documents kept in the archive of the city of Sombor in the fund of the Magistrate of the Free Royal City 1749-1918, which refer to an interesting case of an attempt to challenge the treatment given to two patients by the city surgeon, Antonius Merkel. The lawsuit was filed by another doctor, Carl Reitzinger, accusing his colleague of excessive treatment costs and the use of certain medication. Although the attached documents do not shed light on the conclusion of the dispute, one gets the impression that Antonius Merkel successfully justifies his actions. The transcribed and translated documents provide significant insight into the nature of medical treatment in Sombor in the second half of the 18th century
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Steiner, Sascha CC. "A sketch of Arnfried Antonius (1934 - 2010)." Revista de Biología Tropical 60 (June 25, 2015): 1.

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<span>Arnfried Antonius studied Zoology, Paleontology and Ethnology at the University of Vienna, Austria, gradually focusing his attention on the ecology and graphic microanatomical reconstructions of marine invertebrates</span>
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Parfyonov, Victor Nikolaevich. "Trajan and the revolt of Antonius Saturninus." RUDN Journal of World History 13, no. 3 (September 2, 2021): 319–28.

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The article points out that the starting positions of the young native of the Spanish city of Italica were provided by his father, a prominent follower of the Flavian dynasty, who became a consul, a patrician and, yes, was awarded a rare and prestigious award-the triumphal distinctions for the governorship in Syria. The future emperor himself held the position of military tribune for an unusually long time, which provided him with a career in the professional military ( vir militaris ). However, although Trajan the younger, after the military tribunate, passed all the necessary steps of the civil magistracies, up to and including the praetura, instead of the patrician consulship, he receives the unusual appointment of commander of the legion stationed in the province of Hispania Tarraconensis. From the authors point of view, this designation, despite its external lack of prestige, was a sign of special trust on the part of the bearer of supreme power. When a military revolt broke out on the Rhine in early 89, led by the governor of Upper Germany, Antonius Saturninus, Trajan, on the orders of the Emperor Domitian, immediately moved with his legion to campaign against the rebels. The zealous execution of the order allowed him to become one of the most trusted military leaders of Domitian. Trajan may have confirmed in the eyes of the emperor his reputation as a loyal and energetic supporter of the Flavian dynasty by taking part in punitive measures against the minuscule legions. About Trajans subsequent career in the surviving sources is silent, which makes it suspect that he was carrying out new government assignments of the tyrant. By the time of the dynastic crisis of 96-98. Trajan undoubtedly had a reputation as a recognized vir militaris , a major military and administrator.
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Roller, Duane W. "The Lost Building Program of Marcus Antonius." L'antiquité classique 76, no. 1 (2007): 89–98.

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Wels, Henrik. "Antonius Roccus — «parum versatus in Scotica doctrina»." Quaestio 8 (January 2008): 499–518.

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Morgan, J. R. "Lucian'sTrue Historiesand theWonders Beyond Thuleof Antonius Diogenes." Classical Quarterly 35, no. 2 (December 1985): 475–90.

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The 166th codex of theBibliothekeof Photios comprises a summary of a peculiar work written by one Antonius Diogenes, entitledτ⋯ ὑπ⋯ρ Θούλην ἄπιστα. This told the story of an Arkadian named Deinias, who travelled the worldκατ⋯ ζήτησιν ἱστορίας(109a 13–14), coming eventually to Thule, where he met Mantinias and Derkyllis, a brother and sister from Tyre, and struck up an erotic relationship with Derkyllis (109a 26). A narrative of Derkyllis, told to Deinias, seems to be inset at this point (109a 29–110b 15), relating her own travels and including much Pythagorean material associated with her wonder-working companion, Astraios, which was authentic-seeming enough for Porphyrios to make use of it in his biography of Pythagoras. TheApistawas a long work, running to 24 books, and it seems likely that a sizeable proportion of its length was devoted to paradoxographical material related to the places and peoples visited by the various narrators, but largely omitted from Photios' summary; the plot itself, though both complex and episodic, does not seem capable of sustaining such length.At the end of his summary Photios has a short discussion of the place of theApistain literary history (111 b 32ff.). Detailed analysis of this passage will form an important part of this paper, but for the moment it will suffice to say that Photios saw the work as germinal for Greek fiction, and in particular expresses the view that it was the ‘source and root’ (πηγ⋯ κα⋯ ῥίζα, 111 b 36–7) of Lucian'sTrue Histories.
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