Academic literature on the topic 'Antonius'

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Journal articles on the topic "Antonius"


Simamora, Hetty Gustina. "POLA MAKAN DAN STATUS GIZI PADA ANAK ETNIS CINA DI SD SUTOMO 2 DAN ANAK ETNIS BATAK TOBA DI SD ANTONIUS MEDAN TAHUN 2014." Elisabeth Health Jurnal 1, no. 2 (December 12, 2016): 27–36.

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Pola makan yang salah dapat menyebabkan terjadinya obesitas pada anak. Anak yang obesitas berisiko menjadi obesitas di masa dewasa dan berisiko untuk terkena diabetes, hipertensi, dyslipidemia, obtructive sleeep apnea, dan osteoarthritis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pola makan dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) anak etnis cina di SD Sutomo 2 dan anak etnis batak toba di SD Antonius. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi adalah seluruh anak SD Sutomo 2 dan SD Antonius. Sampel sebanyak 100 orang dimana 50 orang dari SD Sutomo 2 dan 50 orang dari SD Antonius. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan proporsional random sampling. Data pola makan diperoleh dari formulir food frequency (FFQ) dan food recall 2x24jam dan untuk data IMT/U diperoleh dari pengukuran BB dan TB. Perbedaan pola makan dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) anak etnis cina di SD Sutomo 2 dan anak etnis batak toba di SD Antonius dianalisis menggunakan uji t-independent. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan pola makan berdasarkan konsumsi energi, karbohidrat, protein dan lemak pada anak SD Sutomo 2 dan SD Antonius. Rata-rata konsumsi energi, karbohidrat, protein dan lemak pada anak SD Sutomo 2 dikategori kelebihan dan SD Antonius dikategori normal. Ada perbedaan berdasarkan IMT/U pada anak SD Sutomo 2 dan SD Antonius. Rata-rata IMT/U di SD Sutomo 2 dikategori obesitas dan rata-rata IMT/U di SD Antonius dikategori tidak obesitas. Dan dari penelitian ditemukan hubungan pola makan dengan status gizi ditinjau dari konsumsi karbohidrat dengan nilai p value = 0,018. Disarankan kepada orang tua khususnya ibu agar selalu menyiapkan makanan yang bervariasi seperti sayuran, lauk pauk dan buah-buahan sehingga anak terbiasa mengkonsumsi sayuran, lauk pauk dan buah-buahan yang bervariasi dan kebutuhan gizi anak juga dapat terpenuhi dan membiasakan anak utuk membawa bekal makanan yang dipilih dan disiapkan sendiri oleh orang tua.
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MENSA I VALLS, Jaume. "Antonius Andreae y la cultura clásica / Antonius Andreae and Classical Culture." Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22 (January 1, 2015): 23.

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Tomàs and Joaquim Carreras stated (1943) that either the Scriptum super Metaphysicam Aristotelis was not genuinely by Antonius Andreae († ca. 1333), or it was subjected to interpolations because its author demonstrates knowledge of classical culture and a mentality characteristic of the fifteenth century. Experts currently consider this work to be genuinely by Andreae; but could it also have been subjected to interpolations? Only a detailed examination of the manuscript and printed tradition will, in the future, allow this question to be answered definitively. For the moment, this article analyses the knowledge of classical culture demonstrated in this work, and concludes that it is compatible with the knowledge available to an author from the beginning of the fourteenth century.
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Eck, Werner, and Andreas Pangerl. "Zu den Konsulnfasten der Zeit des Antoninus Pius. Konsequenzen aus einem neuen Militärdiplom." Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, no. 16 (December 15, 2017): 91–101.

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A new military diploma for the province Dalmatia mentions the pair of suffect consuls Q. Antonius I[sauricus, L. Aurelius Flaccus], known from the Fasti Feriarum Latinarum for May of an unknown year. Till now this pair was dated to the first years of Antoninus Pius, no later than 144 AD. But since in the diploma in the emperor’s title cos. IIII = 145 AD is mentioned, this is excluded. It seems that the suffect consuls can be dated only to one of the last years of Pius, either in 156 or 157, because in all the other years the consuls of the relevant months are known.
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Ramsey, John T. "DID CICERO ‘PROSCRIBE’ MARCUS ANTONIUS?" Classical Quarterly 69, no. 2 (December 2019): 793–800.

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Pliny's celebration of Cicero's consular achievements contains a striking anomaly, namely the assertion that Cicero proscribed Marcus Antonius (HN 7.117). That statement turns Cicero, the victim of Antonius’ murderous vendetta, into the one who wielded the executioner's axe, and it abruptly shifts the focus of the passage from 63 to 43 b.c. Two slight corrections to the Latin text can eliminate the intrusion of the proscriptions by substituting a reference to the control Cicero exercised in 63 over Gaius Antonius, his consular colleague and an old ally of Catiline. In his In Pisonem (§5), Cicero takes credit for combatting the threat posed by his colleague, and it is highly probable that HN 7.117 mentioned Gaius (not Marcus) Antonius as well, since Pliny's summary of Cicero's consular deeds and honours is nearly identical to the one found in Pis. 4–6. The beauty of the emended text is that it restores both historical fact and a logical progression to the overall structure of Pliny's encomium.
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Devriese, Luc. "Zonderlinge en bijzondere Gentse straatnamen: Sint-Antoniuskaai en Kolveniersgang." Ghendtsche Tydinghen 48, no. 1 (January 3, 2019): 2–17.

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Een van de meest populaire heiligen in onze streken was Sint-Antonius. Dat was een belangrijke vroegchristelijke figuur (derde-vierde eeuw) die in kerkelijke teksten meestal onderscheiden wordt van een andere Sint-An tonius (‘van Padua’) door de toevoeging eremijt of abt. De Antonius ie ons hier bezig houdt, trok zich in een Egyptische woestijn terug en als werd als het ware de verpersoonlijking van de asceet, de heremiet of eremijt. Hij zou geleefd hebben van 251 tot 356, en dus 105 jaar geworden zijn. De heiligennaam kan dus tot verwarring leiden, vandaar ook de betiteling Antonius ‘de Grote’ of ‘van Egypte’ voor de sint in de titel hierboven.
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Devriese, Luc. "Zonderlinge en bijzondere Gentse straatnamen: Sint-Antoniuskaai en Kolveniersgang." Ghendtsche Tydinghen 48, no. 1 (January 3, 2019): 2–17.

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Een van de meest populaire heiligen in onze streken was Sint-Antonius. Dat was een belangrijke vroegchristelijke figuur (derde-vierde eeuw) die in kerkelijke teksten meestal onderscheiden wordt van een andere Sint-An tonius (‘van Padua’) door de toevoeging eremijt of abt. De Antonius ie ons hier bezig houdt, trok zich in een Egyptische woestijn terug en als werd als het ware de verpersoonlijking van de asceet, de heremiet of eremijt. Hij zou geleefd hebben van 251 tot 356, en dus 105 jaar geworden zijn. De heiligennaam kan dus tot verwarring leiden, vandaar ook de betiteling Antonius ‘de Grote’ of ‘van Egypte’ voor de sint in de titel hierboven.
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Dementyeva, Vera. "Roman Quaestors/Proquaestors in Pro Praetore Status: Lucius Antonius (50—49 BC)." ISTORIYA 14, no. 2 (124) (2023): 0.

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The article analyzes information from sources about the quaestorship and proquaestorship of Lucius Antonius, during which he was empowered with pro praetore, namely, epigraphic texts (inscriptions from Ephesus, Magnesia on the Sipylos and Pergamun) and narrative texts — letters of Cicero and the writings of Josephus Flavius “Antiquities of the Jews”. The author considers points of view on the issue under study by R. Merkelbach, K. Eilers, E. Kondratieff, F. Pina Polo and A. Diez Fernandez and other researchers, does not agree with the dating of Lucius Antonius quaestorship of 49 BC, attributing it to 50 BC, consequently, recognizing that Lucius Antonius received an imperium in the rank of quaestor pro praetore, and then retained it for some period of 49 BC in the rank of proquaestor pro praetore. It is concluded that the sources consistently reflect the official status of Lucius Antonius during his stay in the province of Asia, his actions as the bearer of imperium and his observance of the one-year term of the magistracy of the quaestor.
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Carraway, Joanna. "Contumacy, Defense Strategy, and Criminal Law in Late Medieval Italy." Law and History Review 29, no. 1 (February 2011): 99–132.

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It is easy to imagine that on this early morning in 1395, Antonius, realizing the magnitude of his actions, had little time to fabricate a defense or construct a plan. In late fourteenth-century Reggio Emilia, flight was often the most desirable path open to those suspected of perpetrating felonies. Subsequent witnesses in this murder investigation speculated that Antonius fled the territory of the Villa de Vetto before the first light of day less to evade the law than to avoid the wrath of Caterina's relatives. Propelled by the need to escape retribution, Antonius, like almost half the defendants cited by the criminal court of Reggio Emilia, fled rather than appear before the criminal judge.
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Šterbenc Erker, Darja. "Kleopatra, Imperialismus und Orientalismus." Ars & Humanitas 16, no. 1 (December 22, 2022): 131–64.

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Im Aufsatz werden die literarischen Bilder der Kleopatra VII analysiert, der Königin des antiken Ägypten, welche die Verbündete des Antonius in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Oktavian war. Oktavian hat Antonius und Kleopatra in der Schlacht bei Actium im Jahr 31 v. Chr. besiegt und Alexandrien im drauffolgenden Jahr erobert. Er propagierte Antonius als den verweiblichten Ehemann der Orientalin Kleopatra, der vermeintlich in Ausschweifung und außerordentlichem Luxus gelebt und eine drohende Gefahr für das römische Imperium und den Westen verkörpert habe. Darüber hinaus werden die Transformationen untersucht, die Kleopatras Bild in verschiedenen literarischen Gattungen in der Antike unterlief, seine Rezeption in der Renaissance-Malerei und im modernen Film. Dabei wird der Orientalismusbegriff von Edward Saïd in Bezug auf Aischylos’ Perser nuanciert, um herauszustellen, dass er die Perser nicht nur als mit griechischen Sitten vertraut darstellt, sondern auch als Barbaren. Weiter wird diskutiert, wie Oktavian durch seine politische Invektive gegen Antonius das Bild von Kleopatra beeinflusst hat. Augusteische Dichter arbeiteten in ihre Gedichte einige Reflexe von Oktavians Bild der ägyptischen Königin im Einvernehmen mit den Tropen ihrer jeweiligen literarischen Gattung ein. Horaz stellt in der Epode 9 Kleopatras Ehemann Antonius in einer der Invektive ähnlichen Weise als ihren Sklaven und Eunuchen dar. Im ersten Teil der Ode 1.37 suggeriert Horaz, Kleopatra sei ein Monster und eine verruchte Königin, wohingegen er im zweiten Teil betont, dass sie ihre Niederlage mit der Würde einer guten Herrscherin angenommen habe. Römische Elegiker schildern Kleopatra passend zu den Tropen der Liebeselegie als elegische Herrin und Antonius als ihren Sklaven. Vergil inszeniert in seiner Aeneis den Zusammenprall zwischen Kleopatras Osten und dem Westen, welcher durch Augustus repräsentiert ist, aber der epische Erzählrahmen der Episode, die Ekphrasis von Aeneas’ Schild, betont ihren fiktiven Charakter und hebt die Fluidität der stereotypen Zuschreibung von Fremdheit und Weiblichkeit hervor. In der europäischen Malerei und in Filmen eignete man sich stereotype und orientalisierende Kleopatra-Bilder an. Seit der Neuzeit ist Kleopatra zu einer konstruierten Figur geworden, die häufig im Dienste der orientalistischen Machtdiskurse, des nationalstaatlichen Imperialismus und im letzten Jahrhundert auch der Käuferlenkung steht.
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Dymskaya, D. D. "ANTONIUS HYBRIDA AND CATILINARIAN CONSPIRACY." Ancient World and Archaeology 21, no. 21 (2023): 191–206.

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the paper analyzes the role of Caius Antonius in the events of 63 BC. The author comes to the following conclusions: despite the agreement with Cicero, which assumed the transfer the rich province of Macedonia to him after the consulship, Antonius considered other ways to get out of debts. Intrigued by Catiline’s promises and being under the influence of his relative Lentulus Sura, he could have taken part in the meetings of the Catilinarii, but retreated from them as soon as he saw that the matter was becoming futile. Since Catiline was popular among debtors, including Antonius, and also because of their electoral alliance concluded on the eve of the elections for 63 BC, Hybrida was considered a friend of Catiline and therefore was under suspicion. Unwilling to risk, he privately made it clear to Cicero that his connections with the Catilinarii were a thing of the past. The orator convinced the senate of Antonius’ loyalty and subsequently eulogized his colleague as a hero. His harsh assessment of Hybrida’s activities in a speech on behalf of P. Sestius was not due to the events of 63 BC but to the political struggle that unfolded in the 50s BC, when Cicero’s conduct during the consulate met sharp criticism and he was forced to defend his own decisions and the actions of his assistants, one of whom was P. Sestius, quaestor of Antonius. It is also possible that the perception of the latter’s role in the events of 63 BC could also have been influenced be the subsequent enmity between Cicero and Hybrida’s nephew Mark Antony.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Antonius"


Obermaier, Sabine. "Das Fabelbuch als Rahmenerzählung : Intertextualität und Intratextualität als Wege zur Interpretation des "Buchs der Beispiele der alten Weisen" Antons von Pforr /." Heidelberg : Winter, 2004.

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Matijević, Krešimir. "Marcus Antonius, Consul - Proconsul - Staatsfeind : die Politik der Jahre 44 und 43 v. Chr." Rahden/Westf. Leidorf, 2006.

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Kellerer, Christina [Verfasser], Antonius [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, Antonius [Gutachter] Schneider, and Hubert [Gutachter] Hautmann. "Diagnostic value of capnovolumetry in obstructive airway diseases / Christina Kellerer ; Gutachter: Antonius Schneider, Hubert Hautmann ; Betreuer: Antonius Schneider." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2021.

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Mutschler, Robert [Verfasser], Antonius [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, and Hubert [Akademischer Betreuer] Hautmann. "Versorgungssituation DMP Asthma in Bayern - eine Fünfjahresbilanz (2006 - 2010) / Robert Mutschler. Gutachter: Antonius Schneider ; Hubert Hautmann. Betreuer: Antonius Schneider." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2014.

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Schäffner, Julia [Verfasser], Antonius [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, and Hubert [Akademischer Betreuer] Hautmann. "Monitoring von Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale in der Primärversorgung / Julia Schäffner. Gutachter: Antonius Schneider ; Hubert Hautmann. Betreuer: Antonius Schneider." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2015.

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Gahbler, Lucia [Verfasser], Antonius [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, and Axel [Akademischer Betreuer] Preßler. "Beratungsanlässe und psychische Komorbidität in der Notfallsprechstunde einer Bereitschaftspraxis / Lucia Gahbler. Betreuer: Antonius Schneider. Gutachter: Antonius Schneider ; Axel Preßler." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2016.

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Hilbert, Bernadett Maria [Verfasser], Antonius [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, and Claas [Akademischer Betreuer] Lahmann. "Psychosomatische Aspekte an der Schnittstelle Hausarzt – Spezialist: eine Überweisungsstudie / Bernadett Maria Hilbert. Betreuer: Antonius Schneider. Gutachter: Antonius Schneider ; Claas Lahmann." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2015.

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Hötte, Daniel Antonius [Verfasser]. "Die kartellrechtliche Zwangslizenz im Patentrecht / Daniel Antonius Hötte." Münster : Verl.-Haus Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2011.

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Grafen, Julia [Verfasser], Antonius [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, Antonius [Gutachter] Schneider, and Wolfgang L. E. [Gutachter] Huber. "Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ärzten und Pflegeheimmitarbeitern / Julia Grafen ; Gutachter: Antonius Schneider, Wolfgang L. E. Huber ; Betreuer: Antonius Schneider." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2019.

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Rosenberger, Stefanie [Verfasser], Antonius [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, Antonius [Gutachter] Schneider, and Michael [Gutachter] Quante. "Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines deutschsprachigen Selbstmanagement-Handbuchs für Patienten mit Reizdarmsyndrom / Stefanie Rosenberger ; Gutachter: Antonius Schneider, Michael Quante ; Betreuer: Antonius Schneider." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2020.

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Books on the topic "Antonius"


Thöne, Jost. Antonius Stradivarius. [Cologne?]: Jost Thöne Verlag, 2010.

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Santoro, Elia. Antonius Stradivarius. Cremona: Libreria del convegno, 1987.

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Sievers, Gotthold Reinhold. Antonius Pius. Hamburg: Meissner, 1991.

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Plutarch. Marcus Antonius. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1992.

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Nilsson, Elis. Antonius pojke. Skellefteå: Ord & visor, 2007.

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Weelden, Dirk van. Antonius Servadac: Novelle. Amsterdam: Bezige Bij, 1994.

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Lundgren, Åke. Antonius och Lyckan. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Trevi, 1995.

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Höckelmann, Antonius. Antonius Höckelmann: Passionen. Hamm [Germany]: Gustav-Lübcke-Museum, 2002.

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Shakespeare, William. Antonius ve Kleopatra. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1994.

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1965-, Trentin-Meyer Maike, Weber C. Sylvia, and Hirschwirtscheuer, eds. Antonius Höckelmann: Sammlung Würth. Künzelsau: Swiridoff Verlag, 2015.

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Book chapters on the topic "Antonius"


Jessé Guimarães da, Silva. "Benkö, Antonius." In The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, 1–4. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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da Silva, Jessé Guimarães. "Benkö, Antonius." In The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, 1–4. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Jessé Guimarães da, Silva. "Benkö, Antonius." In The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, 148–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Mudimbe, V. Y. "Amo, Antonius Guilielmus." In Encyclopedia of African Religions and Philosophy, 47–48. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2021.

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Buhr, Maylin de. "Rosenboom, Thomas Antonius Henricus." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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de Buhr, Maylin. "Thomas Antonius Henricus Rosenboom." In Kindler Kompakt Niederländische und Flämische Literatur, 193–94. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2016.

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Soares Júnior, Renan da Cunha, Heloisa Bruna Grubits, and Rodrigo Lopes Miranda. "Rozestraten, Reinier Johannes Antonius." In The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, 1–4. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Soares Júnior, Renan da Cunha, Heloisa Bruna Grubits, and Rodrigo Lopes Miranda. "Rozestraten, Reinier Johannes Antonius." In The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, 1122–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Cleveland, William L. "The Worlds of George Antonius." In Auto/Biography and the Construction of Identity and Community in the Middle East, 125–38. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2001.

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Dupré, Sven. "Rheita, Antonius Maria Schyrleus de." In Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 1822–24. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Conference papers on the topic "Antonius"


Funk, Markus, Albrecht Schmidt, and Lars Erik Holmquist. "Antonius." In UbiComp '13: The 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013.

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Milivojević, Zoran, Dragiša Balanesković, Bojan Prlinčević, and Dijana Kostić. "Tartini Tones on the Copy of Antonius Stradivarius Violin." In 2024 28th International Conference on Information Technology (IT). IEEE, 2024.

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Kurniasih, Dwi, Antonius Jumadi, and Elisabeth Wahyu Savitri. "FACTORS AFFECTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NURSE THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TO PATIENTS TREATED AT SANT ANTONIUS PONTIANAK GENERAL HOSPITAL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC." In The 8th International Conference on Public Health 2021. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2021.

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Petrukhin, I. N., and V. E. Senichev. "ANTONIUS RAST'S FENCING TREATISE AS A SOURCE ON THE TECHNIQUE OF PLATE COMBAT. ANALYSIS OF THE DEPICTED PAINTED PROTECTIONS, COMPARISON WITH OTHER TREATISES." In МИР ОРУЖИЯ: ИСТОРИЯ, ГЕРОИ, КОЛЛЕКЦИИ. Тула: Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Тульский государственный музей оружия», 2022.

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Diakonos, Fotios K., and Costas Papadopoulos. "Nikos Antoniou memorial." In Corfu Summer Institute 2019 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity". Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2020.

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Minnechanovna, Zakirova Ravilya. "INVESTIGATION OF ANTONYMS IN LINGUISTICS." In SGEM 2014 Scientific SubConference on ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. Stef92 Technology, 2014.

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Steadman, Douglas. "Engineering in San Antonio's History." In Third National Congress on Civil Engineering History and Heritage. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2001.

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Koning, D. J. "History of San Antonio." In 72nd Annual Fall Field Conference. New Mexico Geological Society, 2022.

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Niwa, Ayana, Keisuke Nishiguchi, and Naoaki Okazaki. "Predicting Antonyms in Context using BERT." In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021.

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Li, Rui. "The Relevance of the English Antonyms." In 2016 3rd International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2016). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.

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Reports on the topic "Antonius"


Gómez Tamayo, Daniel Fernando. Análisis jurídico de la causa criminal contra el General Antonio Nariño. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, July 2023.

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El General Antonio Nariño fue el precursor del movimiento independentista de la Nueva Granada con respecto de la Corona Española al traducir la declaración de los derechos humanos del francés al castellano, motivo por el cual fue enjuiciado y fue el defensor del centralismo político. Este proceso criminal contra el General Antonio Nariño tendrá como pretexto la traducción y publicación del documento en el que se contiene la Declaración de los Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano, traducida del francés al español hacia el año de 1793, pues temen que Antonio Nariño auspicie, sea el autor intelectual y geste un verdadero movimiento independentista y emancipatorio en contra de la Corona Española. Algunos de estos documentos fueron analizados en la Sala de Libros Raros y Manuscritos Históricos de la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango.
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Jones, James L. Resolving the Nurse Crisis in San Antonio. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2007.

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Muñoz Molina, Antonio. Cervantes and the Art of Storytelling. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2005.

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Meyer, Liza C., and Mary C. Hammer. City of San Antonio, Texas Better Buildings Program. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2014.

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Olmo López, Nieves, and Javier Turnay Abad. Mujeres en Bioquímica: María Antonia Lizarbe (1951 - 2019). Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, October 2020.

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Calderón, Richard. Planificación estratégica participativa: Municipio de Antonio Ante (Atuntaqui, Ecuador). Inter-American Development Bank, November 2007.

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Lau, M. H. S., and W. C. Brisbin. Structural geology of the San Antonio Mine, Bissett, Manitoba. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1996.

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Zund, J. D. A Mathematical Appreciation of Antonio Marussi's Contributions to Geodesy. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, November 1989.

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JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV BALTIMORE MD. San Antonio Creek Restoration, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2008.

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Jones, Nic, Ben Norris, and Lisa Meyer. The Value of Distributed Solar Electric Generation to San Antonio. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2013.

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