Academic literature on the topic 'Antibiotics'
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Journal articles on the topic "Antibiotics"
Bagga, S., and N. Patel. "An audit to evaluate the prescribing of antibiotics for acne against NICE guidelines in a digital setting." International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 32, Supplement_2 (November 2024): ii18—ii19.
Full textHochvaldová, Lucie, Renata Večeřová, Milan Kolář, Robert Prucek, Libor Kvítek, Lubomír Lapčík, and Aleš Panáček. "Antibacterial nanomaterials: Upcoming hope to overcome antibiotic resistance crisis." Nanotechnology Reviews 11, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 1115–42.
Full textJikia, D., T. Chkhikvadze, I. Mgaloblishvili, and K. Gzobava. "ანტიბიოტიკები: რაციონალური გამოყენების პრინციპები (ქირურგიული ანტიბიოტიკოპროფილაქტიკის საკითხები)." Guram Tatishvili Bulletin of Georgia Surgery, no. 09 (December 25, 2021): 36–43.
Full textSembiring, Pintata, Masria Sianipar, Sri Sudewi Pratiwi Sitio, Yunita Syahputri Damanik, and Efrata Sembiring. "EDUKASI PENGGUNAAN ANTIBIOTIK PADA SISWA/SISWI SMA NEGERI 1 STM HILIR, JLN. PENDIDIKAN DUSUN I TALUN KENAS, KEC. SINEMBAH TANJUNG MUDA HILIR, KAB. DELI SERDANG, SUMATERA UTARA." Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau 3, no. 3 (July 2, 2023): 29–31.
Full textSterling, Stephanie, Arnold Decano, and Evelyn Fabian. "1098. Perioperative Antibiotic Stewardship for Interventional Radiology Cases Improves Antibiotic Decision-Making." Open Forum Infectious Diseases 6, Supplement_2 (October 2019): S390.
Full textPatel, Payal K., Naoyuki Satoh, Masashi Narita, Yoshiaki Cho, Yusuke Oshiro, Tomoharu Suzuki, Karen E. Fowler, M. Todd Greene, Yasuharu Tokuda, and Keith S. Kaye. "172. Inpatient Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns Using the WHO Access Watch and Reserve (AWaRe) Classification in Okinawa, Japan: A Point Prevalence Survey." Open Forum Infectious Diseases 8, Supplement_1 (November 1, 2021): S195—S196.
Full textDanielewski, Maciej, Dorota Ksiądzyna, and Adam Szeląg. "NON-ANTIBIOTIC USE OF ANTIBIOTICS." Postępy Mikrobiologii - Advancements of Microbiology 57, no. 4 (2019): 301–12.
Full textSimonson, William. "Antibiotic stewardship: Revisiting quinolone antibiotics." Geriatric Nursing 38, no. 2 (March 2017): 152–53.
Full textHeinemann, Jack A. "How antibiotics cause antibiotic resistance." Drug Discovery Today 4, no. 2 (February 1999): 72–79.
Full textHeinemann, Jack A., Robert G. Ankenbauer, and Carlos F. Amábile-Cuevas. "Do antibiotics maintain antibiotic resistance?" Drug Discovery Today 5, no. 5 (May 2000): 195–204.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Antibiotics"
Dodgen, Taylor L. "Escherichia coli and Antibiotic Resistance to Tetracycline Antibiotics." Lynchburg, Va. : Liberty University, 2008.
Full textLee, Henry Hung-Yi. "A systems approach to the evolution of antibiotic resistance." Thesis, Boston University, 2012.
Full textPLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at Thank you.
Antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains continually arise and their increasing prevalence poses significant clinical and societal challenges. Functional analyses of resistant mutants and the study of general stress responses perturbed by antibiotic treatment have yielded valuable insights into how resistance arises through mutations. However, less is known about the population dynamics and communal interactions that underlie the development of resistance through mutations. In this work, we utilize systems approaches to study the functional dynamics of bacterial populations evolving antibiotic resistance. We follow a continuous culture of Escherichia coli facing increasing levels of antibiotic and show that the vast majority of isolates are less resistant than the population as a whole. We find that the few highly resistant mutants improve the survival of the populations less resistant constituents, in part, by producing indole, a signaling molecule generated by actively growing and unstressed cells. We show, through transcriptional profiling, that indole serves to turn on drug efflux pumps and oxidative stress protective mechanisms. The indole production comes at a fitness cost to the highly resistant isolates, and wholegenome sequencing reveals that this bacterial altruism is enabled by drug-resistance mutations unrelated to indole production. This work establishes a population-based resistance mechanism constituting a form of kin selection whereby a small number of resistant mutants can, at some cost to themselves, provide protection to other more vulnerable cells, enhancing the survival capacity of the overall population in stressful environments. Deeper studies into cooperative strategies bacteria use to evade antibiotics may prove critical for the rational design of more effective antimicrobial interventions.
Meng, Li. "Development of one-step strip test for rapid detection of antibiotic residues in animal body fluid and food animal products /." View abstract or full-text, 2006.
Full textMillar, Michael. "Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance : what do we owe to each other?" Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2014.
Full textWolken, Kathryn, and Velliyur Viswesh. "The Appropriateness of Antibiotic Therapy in Patients Initiated on Meropenem in a University-Affiliated Hospital." The University of Arizona, 2011.
Full textOBJECTIVES: To determine the appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy in patients initiated on empiric meropenem therapy. METHODS: Adult patients prescribed empiric meropenem therapy between January 1, 2010 and March 31, 2010 at a tertiary care, academic medical center were included. Data collected included site of infection, culture and susceptibility data, risk factors for multi-drug resistant organisms, and changes in antimicrobial therapy during the first seven days after meropenem therapy was initiated. Demographic variables included age, sex, weight, and race. RESULTS: RESULTS: A total of 89 patients were included in the study analysis. Initial culture(s) was obtained before administration of antibiotics in only 58% of patients. During the first 24 hours of admission, four or more different antibiotics were prescribed in 26% of patients often with overlapping spectrums of activity. The majority of patients received meropenem for either less than 1 day or greater than 4 days. CONCLUSION: The primary issues identified with appropriate antibiotic prescribing involved the timing of cultures, and multiple changes in antibiotic therapy without culture-driven reasoning.
Silva, Niléia Cristina da [UNESP]. "Remoção de antibióticos da água por meio do processo de adsorção em carvão ativado." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2012.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho trata da remoção de fármacos da água por meio do processo de adsorção, utili- zando como adsorvente o carvão ativado obtido da casca de coco da baía. Os fármacos utili- zados foram os antibióticos Amoxicilina, Ampicilina, Cefalexina e Ciprofloxacina. O adsor- vente de carvão ativado foi caracterizado por análise textural, determinação dos grupos funci- onais da superfície pelo método de titulação de Boehm e por FTIR e determinação do pH de ponto de carga zero (pHPCZ). Foi observado que o carvão apresenta uma área superficial de 745,38 m2/g , é constituído principalmente por microporos, é levemente alcalino (pHPCZ: 7,58) e possui tanto grupos funcionais ácidos como básicos em sua superfície. Os resultados mos- traram que a eficiência de remoção não sofre influência significativa do pH na faixa de 2 a 10. Os experimentos de adsorção foram realizados pelo processo de batelada, onde soluções aquosas de cada antibiótico foram colocadas em contato com diferentes dosagens de carvão ativado (0,05 a 2 g) a temperatura ambiente. As concentrações dos fármacos foram determi- nadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC), usando como fases móveis água e metanol em sistema de bombeamento gradiente. Os resultados de exatidão (repetibilidade), dos limites de detecção e de quantificação da técnica analítica demonstraram a aplicabilidade do método. A eficiência de remoção foi superior a 90% para todos os antibióticos. O equilí- brio de adsorção dos antibióticos foi alcançado após 4h e foi expresso por meio de isotermas de adsorção de acordo com os modelos de Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin e D-R. A isoterma de Langmuir foi a que melhor representou os dados experimentais da adsorção dos antibióti- cos em carvão ativado. A cinética de adsorção dos fármacos foi discutida...
This report is about medicine removal from water by using adsorption process, employing activated carbon as absorvent obtained from baía coconut nutshell. The medicines used were the antibiotics Amoxillin, Ampicillin, Cephalexin and Ciprofloxacin. The activated carbon adsorbent was characterized by textural analysis, surface functional group determination by Boehm and FTIR titration method and the pH of point of zero charge (pHpzc) determination. It was observed that carbon presents a 745,38 m2/g superficial area, its essentially composed by micropores, its slightly alkaline (pHpzc: 7,58) and owns either acidy or basic functional groups on its surface. The results showed that removal performance does not suffered signifi- cant influence from pH on a group from 2 to 10. The adsorption experiments were accom- plished by batch process, where watery solutions from each antibiotic were in touch with dif- ferent activated carbon doses (0,05 to 2 g) and environmental temperature. The medicine con- centrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatgraphy (HPLC), employing water as moving phases and gradient methanol pump system. The accuracy results (repeata- bily), detection limits and quantification of analytic technique presented the aplicability of the method. The removal performance was higher thn 90% to all antibiotic. The adsorption bal- ance of antibiotics was reached after 4 hours and it was expressed by adsorption isotherms according to Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and D-R models. Langmuir isotherm best repre- sented experimental data of antibiotic adsorption on activated carbon. The adsorption kinec- tics of medicines was discussed employing pseudo first and second order kinetic models, by Elovich and intraparticle difussion. The kinectic model of pseudo second order can better de- scribe medicine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Batista, Ana Paula dos Santos [UNESP]. "Degradação de antibióticos sulfonamidas por processo foto-Feton: identificação de intermediários." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2012.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A degradação foto-Fenton dos antibióticos sulfonamidas sulfadiazina (SDZ) e sulfatiazol (STZ) mediados por Fe(III)-oxalato foi estudada nesse trabalho. A influência da complexação de íons ferro, a concentração de H2O2 e o pH na velocidade inicial de degradação dos antibióticos foi avaliada. A degradação de SDZ e STZ foi melhorada na presença de Fe(III)-oxalato em comparação a Fe(NO3)3, alcançando completa degradação após 8 minutos de irradiação em pH 2,5 na presença de 5 mM H2O2 (equivalente a [H2O2]/[antibiótico] = 50). Também foi possível estender a faixa de pH do processo foto-Fenton na presença de Fe(III)-oxalato alcançando mais de 69% de degradação em pH 6, embora sem significante mineralização. A comparação da cinética de degradação dos antibióticos indicou que a STZ é mais recalcitrante provavelmente devido à baixa densidade eletrônica do seu anel tiazol em relação ao anel pirimidínico na SDZ. Experimentos de fotodegradação das sulfonamidas por irradiação gama da água na presença de N2O foram executados e seus produtos de degradação, identificados por análise LC/MS, foram comparados àqueles formados por processo foto-Fenton. Os intermediários de degradação formados são compostos hidroxilados após entrada de grupos hidroxilas no anel benzênico assim como no anel pirimidínico na molécula da SDZ e no anel tiazol na molécula da STZ, seguido por abertura dos anéis durante processo de descarbonilação
The photo-Fenton degradation of the sulfonamide antibiotics sulfadiazine (SDZ) and sulfathiazole (STZ) mediated by Fe(III)-oxalate was studied in this work. The influence of iron complexation, H2O2 concentration and pH on the initial SDZ and STZ degradation rate was evaluated. Degradation of both antibiotics is improved in the presence of Fe(III)-oxalate in comparison to free iron, achieving complete degradation after 8 min irradiation at pH 2.5 in the presence of 5 mM H2O2 (equivalent to H2O2/antibiotic = 50). It was also possible to extend pH range of the photo-Fenton reaction by the use of Fe(III)-oxalate reaching more the 69% degradation at pH 6, however without significant mineralization. Comparison of the degradation kinetics of both sulfonamides indicated higher recalcitrance of STZ due to the lower electron density of its thiazol ring in relation to pyrimidine ring in SDZ. The sulfonamides photodegradation experiments by water gamma-irradiation in presence of N2O were also executed and their by-products, identified by LC/MS analysis, were compared to that formed from photo-Fenton process. The intermediates of degradation formed are hydroxylated compounds with entrance of hydroxyl group in the benzenic ring as well as in both pyrimidine ring in the SDZ molecule and thiazole group in the STZ ring, followed by rings opening during decarbonylation process
Fisher, Morgane, (Dennison) Jaime Thomas, and Danielle Weimann. "Effects of an Educational Intervention on Parental Knowledge Regarding Antibiotic Resistance." The University of Arizona, 2008.
Full textObjectives: To evaluate changes in parental knowledge regarding antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance with an educational intervention given at elementary school parent-teacher association (PTA) meetings. Methods: This was an analytical pre-test/post-test study of an educational intervention given at two elementary schools in the Phoenix metro area. The primary dependent variable was a knowledge measure, calculated as a total score. The changes between the pre- and post-test total score means were compared using a dependent t-test. The a-priori alpha level used was 0.05. Results: The study sample consisted of 25 participants. Study data were collected between September 2007 and December 2007. The mean (SD) pre- and post-test scores were 33.7 (4.4) and 40.7 (2.7), respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The educational intervention presented at elementary school PTA meetings resulted in a significant knowledge increase regarding the appropriate use of antibiotics when pre- and post-test scores were compared.
Starosta, Agata Lucyna. "Antibiotics and translation." Diss., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2012.
Full textTangeman, Lorraine Susan. "Can Antibiotics From Recently Discovered Marine Actinobacteria Slow the Tide of Antibiotic Resistance?" Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2013.
Full textBooks on the topic "Antibiotics"
Sköld, Ola. Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textSadao, Teshiba, ed. Antibiotics.: Antibiotics by fermentation. Yverdon, Switzerland: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1993.
Find full textHays, Virgil W. Antibiotics for animals: The antibiotic-resistance issue. Ames, Iowa: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, 1989.
Find full textSass, Peter, ed. Antibiotics. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2017.
Full textWalsh, Christopher. Antibiotics. Edited by Timothy Wencewicz. Washington, DC, USA: ASM Press, 2016.
Full textGualerzi, Claudio O., Letizia Brandi, Attilio Fabbretti, and Cynthia L. Pon, eds. Antibiotics. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2013.
Full textShlaes, David M. Antibiotics. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010.
Full textLancini, Giancarlo, Francesco Parenti, and Gian Gualberto Gallo. Antibiotics. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1995.
Full textSass, Peter, ed. Antibiotics. New York, NY: Springer US, 2023.
Full textE, Tomlinson, and Regosz A, eds. Antibiotics. Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Pergamon Press, 1985.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Antibiotics"
Jeske, Arthur H. "Antibiotics and Antibiotic Prophylaxis." In Contemporary Dental Pharmacology, 39–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textJeske, Arthur H. "Antibiotics and Antibiotic Prophylaxis." In Contemporary Dental Pharmacology, 43–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textMillar, Michael. "A Capability Perspective on Antibiotic Resistance, Inequality, and Child Development." In Ethics and Drug Resistance: Collective Responsibility for Global Public Health, 225–42. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textÖzcan, Özal. "Antibiotics." In Musculoskeletal Research and Basic Science, 651–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textSurivet, Jean-Philippe, and Philippe Panchaud. "Antibiotics." In Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry, 433–75. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2017.
Full textMehlhorn, Heinz. "Antibiotics." In Encyclopedia of Parasitology, 1. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
Full textPhan, Yih Chyn, and Bob Yang. "Antibiotics." In Female Urinary Tract Infections in Clinical Practice, 29–38. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textPopella, Peter. "Antibiotics." In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, 1–5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textSchaub, Günter. "Antibiotics." In Encyclopedia of Parasitology, 157–60. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
Full textMarik, Paul Ellis. "Antibiotics." In Handbook of Evidence-Based Critical Care, 123–31. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2010.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Antibiotics"
Khudadad, Hanan, and Lukman Thalib. "Antibiotics Prescription Patterns in Primary Health Care in Qatar – A Population based study from 2017 to 2018." In Qatar University Annual Research Forum & Exhibition. Qatar University Press, 2020.
Full textVasić, Katja, Mateja Primožič, Mislav Trbušić, Viktor Goričan, Marko Jesenik, Anton Hamler, Željko Knez, Yilmaz Yürekli, and Maja Leitgeb. "Magnetic Field as a Tool for Enhancing β -Lactamase Activity." In International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy. University of Maribor Press, 2024.
Full textNiyonshuti, Eric, Zacharia Waithaka Ng’ang’a, Özer Hakan Bayraktar, and Figen Kırkpınar. "Antibiotic Free Poultry Production-Focus on Antimicrobial Resistance, Challenges, and Alternatives." In 6th International Students Science Congress. Izmir International Guest Student Association, 2022.
Full textMalancea, Nicolae, and Nicolae Starciuc. "Date statistice privind consumul de antibiotice utilizate în creșterea păsărilor din Republica Moldova." In Scientific and practical conference with international participation: "Management of the genetic fund of animals – problems, solutions, outlooks". Scientific Practical Institute of Biotechnologies in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2023.
Full textPečan, Luka Irenej, Francisco-Righoberto Barrios, and Jeran Marko. "Cannabinoid Molecules from Cannabis Sativa L. as a Promissing Solution for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)." In Socratic Lectures 8. University of Lubljana Press, 2023.
Full textKumalasari, Yeni Indra, Agung Dian Kharisma, and Sri Yuwantiningsih. "Potential of Karimunjawa Island’s Plants as Antibiotic-Producing Endophytic Bacteria Sources." In The 2nd International Conference on Technology for Sustainable Development. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2022.
Full textTrentin, Kamila Mesacasa, and Jane Dagmar Pollo Renne. "Antimicrobial prescription errors and the impact on the patient's hospitalization in the ICU." In III SEVEN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.
Full textBelamarić, Gordana, Zoran Bukumirić, Gordana Marković, and Dejana Vuković. "Lessons from a cross-sectional study on antibiotic use in the population of the Republic of Serbia during COVID-19." In Proceedings of the International Congress Public Health - Achievements and Challenges, 115. Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanović Batut", 2024.
Full textMaia, Lucas Henrique, Thaís Galdino Diniz, Vitor Carvalho Caetano, Marina Gomes Diniz, Pedro Lucas Bessa dos Reis, Gabriela Vieira Marques da Costa Leão, Vitor Moreira Nunes, and Helton José dos Reis. "Antibiotic therapy as a risk factor in Parkinson’s disease." In XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Antibiotics"
Peñaloza, Blanca. Which interventions can improve antibiotic prescription in ambulatory setting? SUPPORT, 2011.
Full textLilley, Laura Margaret. Radiopharmaceutical Antibiotics. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2018.
Full textNaegeli, Hanspeter, Noémie Boillat Blanco, Benedikt Huttner, Mireille Meylan, and Vivianne Visschers. Optimized use of antibiotics and behavior changes. Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF, November 2022.
Full textNahas, Kamal. The Long Road to End Tuberculosis. Asimov Press, November 2024.
Full textWierup, Martin, Helene Wahlström, and Björn Bengtsson. How disease control and animal health services can impact antimicrobial resistance. A retrospective country case study of Sweden. O.I.E (World Organisation for Animal Health), April 2021.
Full textLopez Bautista, Cesar Augusto, and Sandrasegaram Gnanakaran. Permeation profiles of Antibiotics. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2017.
Full textCiapponi, Agustín. What is the effectiveness of interventions to improve antibiotic prescribing practices for hospital inpatients? SUPPORT, 2016.
Full textHelmut, Bürgmann, Adrian Egli, Andreas Endimiani, Roger Stephan, Sarah Tschudin Sutter, and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt. Routes and reservoirs of AMR-determinants & One Health AMR-surveillance. Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF, November 2022.
Full textMonteiro, Alvaro N. Restoring BRCA1 Function With Antibiotics. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2002.
Full textBienkowski, P. R., C. H. Byers, and D. D. Lee. Expedient antibiotics production: Final report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1988.
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