Academic literature on the topic 'Anthropologie de la ville'
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Journal articles on the topic "Anthropologie de la ville"
Vidal, Frédéric. "Conjuguer la Ville. Architecture, Anthropologie, Pédagogie." Lusotopie 15, no. 2 (November 1, 2008): 269–72.
Full textSadoux, Stéphane. "Ni ville, ni suburb." Socio-anthropologie, no. 32 (December 1, 2015): 123–38.
Full textLallement, Emmanuelle. "Quand on se rassemble en ville." Socio-anthropologie, no. 33 (June 1, 2016): 89–99.
Full textHayot, Alain. "Pour une anthropologie de la ville et dans la ville : questions de méthodes." Revue européenne des migrations internationales 18, no. 3 (December 12, 2002): 93–105.
Full textArlaud, Jean, Pascal Dibie, Christine Louveau de la Guigneraye, and Luiz Eduardo Robinson Achutti. "Conversation sur les préoccupations scientifiques et les perspectives de recherche au sein du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Visuelle et Sonore du Monde Contemporain." Horizontes Antropológicos 6, no. 13 (June 2000): 251–69.
Full textDuclos, Alexandre. "Marc Berdet, Fantasmagories du capital. L’invention de la ville-marchandise." Socio-anthropologie, no. 28 (December 15, 2013): 173–75.
Full textSelim, Monique. "Enjeux actuels de la connaissance anthropologique en milieu urbain." psychologie clinique, no. 52 (2021): 99–106.
Full textLeblanc, Julie. "Écologies urbaines. Actualités dans la recherche lyonnaise en anthropologie de la ville." Journal des anthropologues, no. 154-155 (November 15, 2018): 327–33.
Full textMongin, Olivier. "Michel Agier, Anthropologie de la ville, Paris, Puf , 2015, 248 p., 19 €." Esprit Novembre, no. 11 (October 26, 2015): XVIII.
Full textAgier, Michel, and Emmanuelle Lallement. "Carnavals de Bahia et d’ailleurs. La ville, la fête et l’incertitude du monde : entretien avec Michel Agier." Socio-anthropologie, no. 38 (December 31, 2018): 153–66.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Anthropologie de la ville"
De, Sousa José. "Une anthropologie économique de l'époque d'Uruk." Paris 1, 2001.
Full textHarpet, Cyrille. "Trilogie du déchet : corps, ville, indutrie." Lyon 3, 1997.
Full textGarbage is considered as something obtained in three different ways. The first one from the body in terms of organic matter system involving perception-representation patterns and opened onto rituals and practices. Besides language is used as a specific propper as far as ways of discriminating organic elements. It enables us to find out the connections realized in terms of repulsion/attraction towards the body and its parts. It so brings forth the notion of a body all the time seen as a symbolization. For examples, in medecine, anthropology, psychopathology but also in literary works, one can find out principles as well as main converging lines expressed through those sciences in terms of discriminative process of excremential abjection. The second system is that of the city through history. It implies the reinscription of any man's body inside a social body and connects it to all the process involving proscription, exclusion (urbanistically, socially and politically speaking). The town is also involved through its different places and dump spaces as sewers, dumps, garbage, slums, considered as many centers of corruption. Thirdly, means of garbage treatment from consuming activities and industrial production appear as a real specialised activity sector dealing with far ahead techniques. In it, garbage is thought as something taken in the regulation of flow controls in the present and further on the line (just to know what will become of it materially speaking). Then, slowly leaving behind its excremential value to reach a more and more complex materiological level because of technological progress garbage must be thought for its own condition, identification, conjuration and treatment implying a new deal such as social health protection, environment and the future of man
Suelves, Ezquerro Lorena. "Le parrainage : Des effets sur la vie des femmes immigrantes de la Ville de Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textThis research stemmed from the will to understand whether sponsorship immigration laws had an impact on relationships between men and women who chose to immigrate through this channel. At first glance, this law facilitating family reunification for permanent residents or citizens can seem positive, especially for women. The accounts of the ten women who took part in my research demonstrate that on the contrary, the situation is extremely complex and sometimes leads to diverse forms of violence. It also contributes to the creation of asymmetric relationships and inequalities among couples. The semi-directed interviews conducted with sponsored immigrant women living in Québec City clearly show that this immigration procedure has its own particularities, and that its effects on the subjects’ lives are not just positive.
Lantos, Zsolt Gábor. "Architecture urbaine et anthropologie culturelle de la ville nouvelle élamite de Dûr-Untas̆ (Tchoga-Zanbil)." Paris 1, 2012.
Full textTraore, Oula Paul. "Analyse des perceptions locales sur les alliances à plaisanterie entre groupes ethniques dans la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso." Thesis, Université Laval, 2008.
Full textSavignac, Emmanuelle. "Strates et sédiments de l'imaginaire de la ville : Paris aujourd'hui." Paris, EHESS, 2001.
Full textLebreton, Florian. "« Faire lieu » à travers l'urbain. Socio-anthropologie des pratiques ludo-sportives et auto-organisées de la ville." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2009.
Full textJabiot, Isabelle. "Êtres et manières d’être à Chefchaouen, une ville rurale du Maroc : vers une anthropologie de la présence." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.
Full textThis work attempts to describe the copresence of urbanity and rurality in Chefchaouen, Morocco. In this small city of the western Rif Mountains, the expression of rurality is pregnant. Rurality manifests itself through practices and representations of the city and its neighborhoods, in ways of going to the souk. It finds expressions in relation to rural surroundings as well as rural products. Rurality is also given consistency with reference to origins and family histories, values and ways of being in society. Rurality can be understood out of daily routinized or on the contrary, unusual encounters with a variety of non-human beings, visible or invisible: God, jinn-s, Shaytan or animals, including cats, the sacrificial animal of Aid el Kabir or goats raised in the city and its vicinity. This Ph.D. thesis aims at rendering how urban and rural are present and are objects of varying attentions, according to the scales and individuals considered. Several disciplines are engaged with in this work: urban ethnology, anthropology of religion and the question of belief, human-animal relations and the question of ontology in anthropology. Grounded in an anthropographical perspectivism, this research demonstrates how the individual apprehended in his daily life and the continuity of its existence, offers a situated perspective on categories which enables to think from anew the diversity of relations between humans and other beings. It also sheds light on the plurality of experiences. This perspective allows two demonstrations: firstly, it sets the importance of the singular and unique relationship everyone is able to have with other beings, especially animals,; and secondly, it focuses on the question of “believing” keeping the attention on the commitment individuals develop from situation to situation while facing non-humans - especially God and jinn-s. These are the contributions the Ph.D. thesis intends to make to the "ontology debate." This can only be accomplished by putting individuals at the heart of the anthropological project, both in their singularity and in their ways of being as social beings
Lebreton, Florian. "«Faire lieu » à travers l’urbain : socio-anthropologie des pratiques ludo-sportives et auto-organisées de la ville." Rennes 2, 2009.
Full textThis research combines the benefits of urban sociology and the sociology of sports. It analyzes the logical and practical modalities of fun sports, both organized and self-urban. These practices are not only in the city but are first “from” the city. They are fully in line "to place" in urban public spaces. The investigation involves four communities practicing Paris urban spelunking, base-jump Urban street golf and parkour. Inspired by a socio-anthropological research methodology varies between a commitment (immersion in the communities) and distancing (analysis and reflective writing). With a population of thirty-four practitioners, we analyze precisely the highly sub-culture (subculture) of these very small minority communities. Grouped around representations and values developed within the group, the ownership of the practice architecture for modeling and rearrange according to their own logic of action. Thus, the modalities of practice reveal a motor developed in contact with the prevailing urban places. The combination of type crawl / walk / run, fly / jump and be in motion or at standstill arrangements are enhanced by the practice of wandering sports games
Rebucini, Gianfranco. "Les masculinités au Maroc : pour une anthropologie des genres et des sexualités dans la ville de Marrakech." Paris, EHESS, 2009.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the study of concrete parctices linked to masculinities, in their expressions and meanings in Morocco, in particular in the city of Marrakech, my main fieldwork location. This essay is both a general reflection on the question of masculinities and an anthropological and ethnological work centered on a Mediterranean area, Morocco, which is very lightly affected by Anthropology of Gender Studies with regard to the issues. Because concrete achievment of masculinity can find fulfillment in practices and behaviors that could appear in total opposition to ideal masculinity, thus I considered a complex dimension of this phenomenon: homoerotic and homosexual practices. In fact, both for Moroccans and Europeans Marrakech is generally seen as a city longstanding bound to male homoeroticism and a place where sexual categories are blurred. Thereby, in this thesis male homoerotic practices and homosexual identities are considered as privileged contexts of analysis for the comprehension of the masculinity construction in his whole. For this purpose, the concept of hegemonic masculinity seemed to me a particular resourceful tool for the analysis of relationship between ideal representations of masculinity, and the construction of gender and sexual male identities. This is true especially in relation to the issue of social classes and their consequences on the development plural conceptions of masculinity and sexual male practices
Books on the topic "Anthropologie de la ville"
Michał, Tymowski, and Instytut Historii (Polska Akademia Nauk), eds. Anthropologie de la ville médiévale. Warszawa: DiG, 1999.
Find full textde, Villanova Roselyne, ed. Conjuguer la ville: Architecture, anthropologie, pédagogie. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007.
Find full textEsquisses d'une anthropologie de la ville: Lieux, situations, mouvements. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia-Bruylant, 2009.
Find full textHériter de la ville: Pour un anthropologie de la transformation urbaine. Paris: Donner lieu, 2014.
Find full textAgier, Michel. Anthropologie du carnaval: La ville, la fête et l'Afrique à Bahia. Marseille: Parenthèses, 2000.
Find full textRencontres cinématographiques de Besançon (1st 2002 Kursaal, Ostend, Belgium). Filmer la ville. Besançon: Presses universitaires franc-comtoises, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Anthropologie de la ville"
Kindt, Tom, and Robert Vellusig. "Anthropologie." In Komik, 78–88. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2017.
Full textGarber, Jörn. "Anthropologie." In Handbuch Europäische Aufklärung, 23–40. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2015.
Full textMüller, Jörn. "Anthropologie." In Platon-Handbuch, 196–205. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2017.
Full textRölli, Marc. "Anthropologie." In Handbuch Pragmatismus, 186–92. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2018.
Full textAntweiler, Christoph. "Anthropologie." In Grundbegriffe der Soziologie, 17–20. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018.
Full textBährle-Rapp, Marina. "Anthropologie." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 39. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
Full textAmrein, Ursula. "Anthropologie." In Gottfried Keller-Handbuch, 283–88. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2016.
Full textNennen, Heinz-Ulrich. "Anthropologie." In Ökologie im Diskurs, 14–67. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1991.
Full textAmrein, Ursula. "Anthropologie." In Gottfried Keller-Handbuch, 304–10. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2018.
Full textFischer, Joachim. "Anthropologie." In Handbuch Körpersoziologie, 157–75. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Anthropologie de la ville"
Benidir, Messaoud, and Boualem Boashash. "Polynomial Wigner-Ville distributions." In SPIE's 1995 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, edited by Franklin T. Luk. SPIE, 1995.
Full textGuanghua, Chen, Ma Shiwei, Qin Tinghao, Wang Jian, and Cao Jialin. "The Wigner-Ville Distribution and the Cross Wigner-Ville Distribution of Noisy Signals." In 2006 8th international Conference on Signal Processing. IEEE, 2006.
Full textPoulouin, Gérard. "La ville : bruits et silence." In Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, silence(s), bruit(s), musique(s). Fabula, 2019.
Full textGîrleanu, Simona. "La ville au pluriel. Présentation." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textTESSE, Sarah. "Les « villes à la Descartes » sont-elles imputables à Descartes ?" In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textSabatto, Steeve. "L’interprétation de la trame urbaine par Idelfonso Cerdà à la ville industrielle barcelonaise : entre innovation et exégèse." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2022.
Full textBoulanger, Alison. "Paradoxes spatio-temporels dans la représentation littéraire de la grande ville." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textSaldarriaga, Alejandro. "La musique dans la relation ville/campagne : Cartagena et son Palenque de San Basilio." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textGîrleanu, Simona. "De La Coste, voyageur à Londres. Enjeux de la description urbaine." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textPrungnaud, Joëlle. "Écrire la ville : Londres et Paris au tournant du XIXe siècle." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Anthropologie de la ville"
Stubbs, T., and R. Heinle. VILLE containment data report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1995.
Full textCastonguay, S. Québec ville fortifiée : patrimoine géologique et historique - guide d'excursion. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2017.
Full textCôté, P., A. Bolduc, E. Asselin, N. Morin, S. Careau, A. Pincivy, and A. Achab. Québec ville fortifiée : patrimoine géologique et historique, guide d'excursion. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2005.
Full textFeri, Vanessa. Von Pionieren der Kreislaufwirtschaft lernen. Freiburg: Departement für Sozialwissenschaften, 2023.
Full textWüthrich, Annik. Amon, dieu de la ville, dans le chapitre 23 du Livre des Morts. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, June 2021.
Full textWüthrich, Annik. Amon, dieu de la ville, dans le chapitre 23 du Livre des Morts. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, June 2021.
Full textRuedin, Didier, Dina Bader, and Chloé Salathé. Panorama de la diversité au sein du personnel de l’administration de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds. Université de Neuchâtel – Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), September 2023.
Full textRuedin, Didier, and Dina Bader. Panorama de la diversité au sein du personnel de l’administration de la Ville de Neuchâtel. Université de Neuchâtel – Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), December 2022.
Full textBehrens, Kristian, Florian Mayneris, and Marlon Seror. Répercussions socio-démographiques et retombées fiscales de la réhabilitation et de la mise en valeur du lieu historique national du Canal-de-Lachine. CIRANO, November 2023.
Full textRoscoe, S. M., R. J. Theriault, and N. Prasad. Circa 1.7 Ga Rb - Sr Re - Setting in Two Huronian Paleosols, Elliot Lake, Ontario and Ville Marie, Quebec. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1992.
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