Journal articles on the topic 'Anterior dentition'
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Tibolla, Claudiane, Lilian Rigo, Lincoln Issamu Nojima, Anamaria Estacia, Eduardo Gianoni Frizzo, and Leodinei Lodi. "Association between anterior open bite and pacifier sucking habit in schoolchildren in a city of southern Brazil." Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 17, no. 6 (December 2012): 89–96.
Full textShivani, Singh, and K. L. Vandana. "Assessment of gingival sulcus depth, in primary, mixed and permanent dentition-Part-1." International Journal of Dental Research 5, no. 2 (July 19, 2017): 130.
Full textSoares, Gustavo Hermes, Nayara Fernanda Pereira, Adrielly Garcia Ortiz, Maria Gabriela Haye Biazevic, and Edgard Michel-Crosato. "Functional dentition and prosthodontic status in an Indigenous population from the South of Brazil." Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences 18 (September 9, 2019): e191436.
Full textTissier, Jérémy, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, and Damien Becker. "New material of Epiaceratherium and a new species of Mesaceratherium clear up the phylogeny of early Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla)." Royal Society Open Science 7, no. 7 (July 2020): 200633.
Full textMurrieta-Pruneda, José, Dulce Varela-Ramírez, Araceli Rojano-Santillán, María Adriano-Anaya, and Tomás Caudillo-Joya. "Dental malocclusions in the anterior sextant, in a group of Mexican patients between 3 and 14 years old." Journal of Oral Research 9, no. 4 (August 30, 2020): 293–99.
Full textQuinzi, Vincenzo, Simona Tecco, Alessandro Nota, Eleonora Caggiati, Stefano Mummolo, and Giuseppe Marzo. "Mesial Rotation of the Upper First Molar: Association with Anterior Dental Crowding in Mixed and Permanent Dentition." Applied Sciences 10, no. 15 (July 31, 2020): 5301.
Full textReddy C, Dr Divya, Dr Santhosh T Paul, Dr UmmeAzher, Dr MihirNayak, and Dr Smitha M. "Early correction of anterior crossbite in deciduous dentition." RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences 11, no. 2 (2019): 54–59.
Full textM. Soni, Deepak. "Palatal Anterior Teeth Retraction Assisted by Temporary Anchorage Devices - A Review." International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 7, no. 3 (September 19, 2022): 297–303.
Full textZagdwon, Abdasalam, Anas Omar, and Mawlood Kowash. "Amelogenesis Imperfecta Restorations Survival Rate: A Retrospective Study." Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 19, no. 3 (May 15, 2023): 242–46.
Full textRashid, Haroon, FahimAhmed Vohra, and Mohsin Nazir. "Simplified management of anterior worn dentition." Journal of Orofacial Sciences 5, no. 1 (2013): 54.
Full textSager, H. "Increased anterior crowding in the dentition." British Dental Journal 171, no. 8 (October 1991): 237.
Full textBass, N. M. "Increased anterior crowding in the dentition'." British Dental Journal 172, no. 2 (January 1992): 47.
Full textChen, Zhen-Qi, Yu-Fen Qian, Guo-Min Wang, and Gang Shen. "Sagittal Maxillary Growth in Patients with Unoperated Isolated Cleft Palate." Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 46, no. 6 (November 2009): 664–67.
Full textMannan, Huda, Anam Ahmed, and Khandakar Nuruzzaman. "Mesiodense; a common dental problems in pediatric patient. A case report." Update Dental College Journal 10, no. 2 (November 7, 2020): 26–28.
Full textLira, Ana de Lourdes Sá de, and Guilherme Henrique Alves da Fonseca. "Anterior crossbite malocclusion." Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences 18 (November 12, 2019): e191502.
Full textMendes, Beatriz Praciano, Rebeca Canêda Magalhães, and Roberta Mansur Caetano. "Preventive and interceptative orthodontics: oral health benefits." Research, Society and Development 12, no. 6 (June 25, 2023): e23812642236.
Full textYaseen, Syed Mohammed, and Ravindranath Acharya. "Hexa Helix: Modified Quad Helix Appliance to Correct Anterior and Posterior Crossbites in Mixed Dentition." Case Reports in Dentistry 2012 (2012): 1–5.
Full textStojanovic, Ljiljana. "Etiological aspects of anterior open bite." Medical review 60, no. 3-4 (2007): 151–55.
Full textSockalingam, S. Nagarajan M. P., Khairil Aznan Mohamed Khan, and Elavarasi Kuppusamy. "Interceptive Correction of Anterior Crossbite Using Short-Span Wire-Fixed Orthodontic Appliance: A Report of Three Cases." Case Reports in Dentistry 2018 (2018): 1–5.
Full textKumar, K. Sudheer, B. V. Thimma Reddy, B. Uday Kumar Chowdary, R. Hemanth Kumar, J. Raghavendra Kumar, and E. Lilly Grace. "“Watch them Young – Treat them Grow”: Management of Developing Anterior Cross Bite in Mixed Dentition Period Using Versatile 2x4 Appliance." Asian Journal of Pediatric Research 13, no. 3 (September 5, 2023): 41–46.
Full textLiou, Eric J. W., and Yu-Chi Wang. "Orthodontic Clockwise Rotation of Maxillomandibular Complex for Improving Facial Profile in Late Teenagers with Class III Malocclusion: A Preliminary Report." APOS Trends in Orthodontics 8 (March 1, 2018): 3–9.
Full textDevasya, Ashwin, Naveen K. Ramagoni, Mahantesh Taranath, Kamavaram EV Prasad, and Mythri Sarpangala. "Acrylic Planas Direct Tracks for Anterior Crossbite Correction in Primary Dentition." International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 10, no. 4 (2017): 399–403.
Full textKOURI, Débora, Carla Andréia Veiga BERTAIA, Rossimary Coelho de Freitas SANTOS, Patrícia Xavier da COSTA-NOBRE, Eliane Silveira GARCIA-LEITE, Fernando Borba de ARAUJO, and Gisele Pedroso MOI. "Aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of a supernumerary peg-shaped tooth in the primary dentition." RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia 62, no. 2 (June 2014): 191–95.
Full textShivani, Singh, and Kharidi Laxman Vandana. "Assessment of gingival thickness in primary, mixed and permanent dentition: part 3." International Journal of Dental Research 5, no. 2 (July 19, 2017): 125.
Full textDinesh Rao, B., and Sapna Hegde. "A Talon Cusp on Fused Teeth Associated with Hypodontia: Report of a Unique Case." European Journal of Dentistry 04, no. 01 (January 2010): 075–80.
Full textKhanna, Tulika S., and Sandeep Vivek Gurav. "Occlusal Rehabilitation of Severely Mutilated Dentition." Journal of Contemporary Dentistry 5, no. 1 (2015): 48–52.
Full textKavitha, Swaminathan, Haridoss Selvakumar, and Rajendran Barathan. "Mandibular Talon Cusp in Primary Lateral Incisor: A Rare Case Report." Case Reports in Dentistry 2012 (2012): 1–3.
Full textNelson, Jennifer S. "An examination of the differential susceptibility pattern of the dentition to linear enamel hypoplasia." COMPASS 2, no. 1 (November 21, 2018): 54–69.
Full textNomura, Yoshiaki, Ryoko Otsuka, Wit Yee Wint, Ayako Okada, Ryo Hasegawa, and Nobuhiro Hanada. "Tooth-Level Analysis of Dental Caries in Primary Dentition in Myanmar Children." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 20 (October 19, 2020): 7613.
Full textYounus A, Abrar, M. Divya Sri, P. Navya, Y. N. Sasidhar, Som Sudheer, and Uroosa Aymen. "A Comparative evaluation of stress distribution in bone and mini-implant during en-masse retraction of anterior teeth in maxilla using forces from anchorage units (mini-implants and molar hook) to both canine hook and arch wire hook. An FEM study." Journal of Contemporary Orthodontics 7, no. 3 (October 15, 2023): 213–18.
Full textRatheesh, MS, MM Sunil, MA Zareena, and G. Anjana. "Early orthodontic interception of anterior crossbitein mixed dentition." Journal of International Oral Health 9, no. 2 (2017): 88.
Full textMiyoshi, Sakuichiro, Hitoshi Kunimatsu, Atsuko Sato, and Tamotsu Shimizu. "Heredity of fused anterior teeth in permanent dentition." Japanese Journal of Oral Biology 36, no. 6 (1994): 636–43.
Full textGreenfield, Leonard O. "The Anterior Dentition of Adapids and Anthropoid Origins." Folia Primatologica 65, no. 2 (1995): 59–84.
Full textLunardhi, Cecilia G. J., and Eric Priyo Prasetyo. "Esthetic rehabilitation of crowded and protruded anterior dentition." Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 42, no. 1 (March 1, 2009): 46.
Full textVadiakas, George, and Anthony D. Viazis. "Anterior crossbite correction in the early deciduous dentition." American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 102, no. 2 (August 1992): 160–62.
Full textEaglen, Robert H. "Morphometrics of the anterior dentition in strepsirhine primates." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71, no. 2 (October 1986): 185–201.
Full textJangra, Babita. "A Rare Concomitant Occurrence of Talon Cusp in Fused Mandibular Permanent Teeth: Report of Two Cases." International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 10, no. 2 (2017): 208–12.
Full textMandal Dhritiman Barman, Ruma. "Orthodontic Management of Midline Diastema and Anterior Spaced Dentition: A Case Report." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 12, no. 3 (March 5, 2023): 1360–63.
Full textBrăilă, E. B., D. E. Jumanca, A. Gălușcan, A. M. Lozici, E. L. Crăciunescu, R. M. Horhat, A. Igna, M. Popa, and Ș. Dinu. "Management of anterior dental crossbite in mixed dentition: case presentation." Medicine in Evolution 28, no. 4 (December 31, 2022): 431–36.
Full textNystrom, M., M. Könönen, S. Alaluusua, M. Evalahti, and J. Vartiovaara. "Development of Horizontal Tooth Wear in Maxillary Anterior Teeth from Five to 18 Years of Age." Journal of Dental Research 69, no. 11 (November 1990): 1765–70.
Full textSari, Saziye, and Hayriye Sonmez. "The relationhip between occlusal factors and bruxism in permanent and mixed dentition in Turkish children." Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 25, no. 3 (April 1, 2001): 191–94.
Full textKametani, Mariko, Tatsuya Akitomo, Momoko Usuda, Satoru Kusaka, Yuria Asao, Masashi Nakano, Yuko Iwamoto, et al. "Evaluation of Periodontal Status and Oral Health Habits with Continual Dental Support for Young Patients with Hemophilia." Applied Sciences 14, no. 4 (February 6, 2024): 1349.
Full textPacher, Martina. "Anterior premolar variability in Pleistocene cave and brown bears and its significance in species determination." Fossil Imprint 73, no. 3-4 (December 31, 2017): 482–94.
Full textJackson, Kate, and Thomas Fritts. "Dentitional specialisations for durophagy in the Common Wolf snake, Lycodon aulicus capucinus." Amphibia-Reptilia 25, no. 3 (2004): 247–54.
Full textKrump, Michal, and Zelmira Krumpova. "Esthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Dentition with Different Types of Ceramic Restorations: Two Case Reports." European Journal of Dentistry 16, no. 01 (October 1, 2021): 234–39.
Full textK. M., Jamal, Khalid J. Falah, and Faisal S. Mayuof. "Occlusal Characteristics of The Primary Dentition in Salah Al-Din City." Tikrit Journal for Dental Sciences 11, no. 1 (October 19, 2023): 76–88.
Full textFialho, Melissa Proença Nogueira, Célia Regina Maio Pinzan-Vercelino, Rodrigo Proença Nogueira, and Júlio de Araújo Gurgel. "Relationship between facial morphology, anterior open bite and non-nutritive sucking habits during the primary dentition stage." Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 19, no. 3 (June 2014): 108–13.
Full textRivera, Sandra, Francia Triana, Libia Soto, and Antonio Bedoya. "Form and size of the dental arches in a school population of Amazonian’s aborigines." Colombia Medica 39, no. 1.Supl.1 (March 31, 2008): 51–56.
Full textShin, Jonghyun. "Management of malocclusion with pre-fabricated myofunctional appliance in the primary dentition." Journal of The Korean Dental Association 60, no. 6 (June 30, 2022): 363–74.
Full textStepco, Elena, and Gabriel Bergman. "Considerations on the diagnosis of gemination or dental fusion. Case study." Journal of Stomatological Medicine, no. 1(61) (February 2023): 21–25.
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