Academic literature on the topic 'Anomalies de rayleigh'
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Journal articles on the topic "Anomalies de rayleigh"
Gao, Hongtao, Wei Yan, Song Hu, and Yudong Zhang. "Eliminating the Rayleigh anomalies in metal grating." Optics Communications 405 (December 2017): 8–11.
Full textvan der Lee, S. "Observations and origin of Rayleigh-wave amplitude anomalies." Geophysical Journal International 135, no. 2 (November 1998): 691–99.
Full textSavoia, Silvio, Armando Ricciardi, Alessio Crescitelli, Carmine Granata, Emanuela Esposito, Vincenzo Galdi, and Andrea Cusano. "Surface sensitivity of Rayleigh anomalies in metallic nanogratings." Optics Express 21, no. 20 (September 26, 2013): 23531.
Full textHara, Tatsuhiko, and Robert J. Geller. "Anomalously large near-field Rayleight waves excited by the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 84, no. 3 (June 1, 1994): 751–60.
Full textMo, Ruping. "On Adding Thermodynamic Damping Mechanisms to Refine Two Classical Models of Katabatic Winds." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70, no. 7 (July 1, 2013): 2325–34.
Full textSchreier, Frank, and Olof Bryngdahl. "Confined wave packets in the domain of Rayleigh–Wood anomalies." Journal of the Optical Society of America A 17, no. 1 (January 1, 2000): 68.
Full textKolkowski, Radoslaw, and A. Femius Koenderink. "Gain-induced scattering anomalies of diffractive metasurfaces." Nanophotonics 9, no. 14 (July 26, 2020): 4273–85.
Full textCui, Yan, and Yanfei Wang. "Velocity modeling based on Rayleigh wave dispersion curve and sparse optimization inversion." Inverse Problems & Imaging 15, no. 5 (2021): 1121.
Full textDarweesh, Ahmad, Stephen Bauman, Desalegn Debu, and Joseph Herzog. "The Role of Rayleigh-Wood Anomalies and Surface Plasmons in Optical Enhancement for Nano-Gratings." Nanomaterials 8, no. 10 (October 9, 2018): 809.
Full textBado, Mattia, Joan Casas, and António Barrias. "Performance of Rayleigh-Based Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors Bonded to Reinforcing Bars in Bending." Sensors 18, no. 9 (September 16, 2018): 3125.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Anomalies de rayleigh"
Hamdad, Sarah. "Synthèse et étude de réseaux de nanoparticules métalliques pour l'exaltation de l'électroluminescence des OLEDs via l'effet plasmonique." Thesis, Paris 13, 2021.
Full textIn this thesis work, we were interested in studying the improvement of the optical and electrical properties of OLEDs using square arrays of Ag nanoparticles. In particular, we focused on the study of surface lattice resonance (SLR) modes in order to understand the interaction mechanisms between the NPs in a grating. We have also studied the influence of these modes on the emission characteristics of an organic layer first under optical pumping and then under electrical pumping. For this, we have set up within the LPL laboratory several optical experiments and developed several numerical calculations in order to interpret the obtained results. These latter confirm the crucial role of Rayleigh anomalies in the appearance of directional emission. In the case of OLEDs, the studies carried out show that the presence of short period metallic structures can help to improve the electrical injection process of holes into the organic device. Besides, we show that the insertion of a longue period grating can improve the efficiency of the OLED. However, the existence of collective SLR modes is not guaranteed in this type of configuration and the emission directivity effects require further studies. The results obtained within the framework of this thesis work constitute an important step towards a deep understanding of the interactions between the grating of metallic NPs and the organic emitters and could open the way towards the study and the realization of superriadiant OLEDs, which would constitute an intermediate step to go to the organic laser diode
Bersan, Silvia. "Piping detection by Distributed Temperature Sensing: Understanding the development of thermal anomalies." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2015.
Full textL'erosione interna è causa di una percentuale significativa di danni riguardanti le opere di ritenuta idraulica. Nella maggior parte dei casi tuttavia l'identificazione precoce del fenomeno permette di evitare incidenti drammatici. Sviluppare tecniche di monitoraggio in grado di individuare l'erosione interna in atto con sufficiente anticipo rappresenta pertanto un passo significativo verso una maggiore sicurezza idraulica. Questo lavoro indaga l'efficacia della misure distribuite di temperatura per l'individuazione precoce dell'erosione interna negli argini fluviali e costieri. La ricerca si concentra sugli argini suscettibili a sifonamento, intesa come l'erosione retrogressiva che interessa lo strato di fondazione di strutture poggianti su terreni sabbiosi. Vengono presentate e discusse le misure realizzate in un esperimento di sifonamento a grande scala. Il test ha permesso l'identificazione dei principali fattori che influenzano l'insorgenza delle anomalie termiche nelle regioni affette da sifonamento. Successivamente, l'effetto dei suddetti fattori è stato studiato quantitativamente con l'ausilio della modellazione agli elementi finiti e dell'analisi dimensionale. E’ emerso che l'individuazione precoce del sifonamento si non può basare esclusivamente sulla propagazione di un fronte termico (caldo o freddo a seconda della stagione) che si muove dal fiume verso campagna con velocità differente nelle zone integre ed erose. Infatti, in funzione della permeabilità e spessore dello strato sabbioso e della dimensione del rilevato, la durata della piena può non essere sufficiente affinché il fronte raggiunga un sifone non ancora pienamente sviluppato. Tuttavia si può sfruttare un meccanismo alternativo: l'effetto della velocità del flusso idraulico sul gradiente verticale naturale. Poiché tale gradiente diminuisce con la temperatura, l'efficacia di questo meccanismo dipende dalla profondità a cui il sifonamento si manifesta. La tesi contiene anche alcuni consigli per una modellazione numerica efficiente del problema di avvezione-diffusione in terreni permeabili, sia integri che affetti da sifonamento. Infine la tesi descrive un apparato sperimentale sviluppato per studiare in piccola scala la distribuzione di temperatura nei dintorni di un sifone. Il modello incorpora un sensore distribuito in fibra ottica con risoluzione spaziale sub-centimetrica. Tale risoluzione è stata ottenuta adottando una tecnica di misura innovativa basata sull'analisi della componente di Rayleigh nel dominio delle frequenze. I risultati preliminari mostrano l'influenza sulle misure della contemporanea sensibilità del sensore a temperatura e deformazione e come questo problema è stato parzialmente risolto.
Gongora, Renan. "Theoretical Tailoring of Perforated Thin Silver Films for Surface Plasmon Resonance Affinity." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2013.
Full textB.S.
Ahmidayi, Najat. "Déformations de systèmes plasmoniques : application aux nanocapteurs de déformations." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Full textBased on the exploitation of the optical properties of metallic nanoparticles in combination with flexible materials, plasmonomechanics has recently emerged as a subfield of nano-optomechanics. Plasmonomechanical systems, which enable the measurement of mechanical strains applied to flexible substrates through the plasmonic response of nanostructures, have attracted much attention in the scientific research community due to their potential applications, notably in strain detectors.Understanding the microscopic mechanical response to macroscopic deformation is a foundation of plasmonomechanics, essential for comprehending the optical response of nanostructures and its evolution. The first objective of this thesis is to understand, through numerical simulation tools, the mechanical and plasmonic responses, and more precisely, how interparticle distances evolve at the nanometric scale when macroscopic mechanical strain is imposed and influence the plasmonic response of the system. This will be studied through simple plasmonomechanical systems composed of gold nanodimers deposited on a PDMS membrane.Another challenge in this field is the design of plasmonomechanical systems with high sensitivity to mechanical deformations. This can be achieved through plasmonic systems supporting resonance modes with minimal losses (narrow linewidth). Thus, the second objective of this thesis is to realize plasmonomechanical systems supporting resonances such as the Fano resonance in a rod-disk system and the surface lattice resonance in a 2D array of gold nanorings, both known for their sharp and narrow resonance profiles
Xu, Chao Qiang. "Localization of Near-Surface Anomalies Using Seismic Rayleigh Waves." 2010.
Full textWen-YuChen and 陳文瑜. "Theoretical Studies on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances of Nanoparticle Arrays—Standing-Wave Modes, Optical Phase Characteristics, and Rayleigh Anomalies." Thesis, 2014.
Full text國立成功大學
This thesis presents theoretical studies on the optical characteristics of localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) in spectra of periodic nanoparticle arrays. Three subjects have been discussed: the excitations of standing-wave modes in split-ring resonators (SRRs), the optical phase characteristics of nanodot arrays, and the impacts of Rayleigh anomalies on LSPR spectra. We investigate the excitations of standing-wave modes of SRRs with different incident angles and polarizations. Two changes at oblique incidence with respect to normal incidence are investigated—the excitations of dark modes with linear polarizations and the deviation of spectra of right- and left-handed circular polarizations. We find that the parallelism between the incident electric field and the induced plasmon current is the key factor affecting the excitation. We propose the use of a P-factor to characterize the ability of incident fields to excite standing-wave modes. We analytically model the intensity and the phase spectra of silver nanodots with temporal-coupled mode theory (TCMT). The focus is on phase characteristics that are a π jump for reflection and a zigzag transition for transmission. We derive the equation of phase slope at the zigzag transition of transmission. The equation shows that the Ohmic absorption decreases the phase slope. We further investigate plasmonic phase retardation in anisotropic nanodot arrays. We discovered that the bandwidth of phase retardation could be much narrower than the LSPR bandwidth if the long and the short side lengths of the nanodots are very close. We propose the application of plasmonic phase retardation in refractive index sensing. In this sensing algorithm, the sensor figure-of-merit is greatly enhanced. We have developed a theoretical model based on TCMT for LSPRs coupled with Rayleigh anomalies (TCMT-RA). TCMT-RA is used for analyzing the spectra of nanodot arrays with various periods and dot sizes. We calculate the reciprocal of external quality factor, which means the percentage of LSPR energy radiating to far field per oscillation cycle, and find that the value is universally proportional to the nanodot coverage. The Rayleigh anomalies have four effects on the LSPR spectra, namely, redshift of LSPR, asymmetric line shape, bandwidth reduction, and increased phase slope. The results show that the decrease in the size-to-period ratio of nanodot array enhances the effects of Rayleigh anomalies.
Book chapters on the topic "Anomalies de rayleigh"
Ricciardi, A., S. Savoia, A. Crescitelli, V. Galdi, A. Cusano, and E. Esposito. "Sensitivity of Wood-Rayleigh Anomalies in Metallic Nanogratings." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 241–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.
Full textBaraldi, C., E. Casnati, G. Di Domenico, and A. Tartari. "Implementation of the Anomalous Dispersion of Rayleigh Scattered Photons in EGS4 Code." In Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, 75–80. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.
Full textCao, Kang, Zhi-Ming Yang, Zeng-qian Hou, Noel C. White, and Chao Yu. "Contrasting Porphyry Cu Fertilities in the Yidun Arc, Eastern Tibet: Insights from Zircon and Apatite Compositions and Implications for Exploration." In Tectonomagmatic Influences on Metallogeny and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: A Tribute to Jeremy P. Richards (Volume II), 231–55. Society of Economic Geologists, 2021.
Full textBertlmann, Reinhold A., and Nicolai Friis. "Perturbative Methods in Quantum Mechanics." In Modern Quantum Theory, 269–318. Oxford University PressOxford, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Anomalies de rayleigh"
Novikov, Mikhail, Artem Krylov, and Konstantin Roginskiy. "RECEIVER FUNCTIONS APPLICATION FOR STUDYING THE DEEP STRUCTURE OF THE LENA DELTA REGION." In 24th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 24, 507–14. STEF92 Technology, 2024.
Full textYu, Aisheng, Wei Li, Yuelin Wang, and Tie Li. "Mid-infrared bandwidth reduction of LSPR by Rayleigh Anomalies." In 2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on Nano/Micro-Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS). IEEE, 2017.
Full textTamir, T. "Wood's anomalies in Gaussian beams diffracted by gratings." In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1989.
Full textSharma, Swastika, Stephen Butt, and Ralph Phillip Bording. "Rayleigh Wave Modeling in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media with Subsurface Anomalies." In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2009. Environment and Engineering Geophysical Society, 2009.
Full textBelotelov, V. I., L. L. Doskolovich, V. A. Kotov, E. A. Bezus, D. A. Bykov, and A. K. Zvezdin. "Magneto-optical effects at the Rayleigh-Wood and plasmon anomalies." In The International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, edited by Oleg A. Aktsipetrov, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Sergey V. Gaponenko, and Nikolay I. Zheludev. SPIE, 2007.
Full textSharma, S., S. Butt, and P. Bording. "Rayleigh wave modeling in laterally inhomogeneous media with subsurface anomalies." In 22nd EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2009.
Full textRicciardi, Armando, Silvio Savoia, Alessio Crescitelli, Emanuela Esposito, Vincenzo Galdi, and Andrea Cusano. "Surface vs. bulk sensitivity of sensors based on Rayleigh anomalies in metallic nanogratings." In SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, edited by Francesco Baldini, Jiri Homola, and Robert A. Lieberman. SPIE, 2013.
Full textPetruskevicius, R., and Z. Kuprionis. "Wood’s Anomalies in Self-Diffraction." In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1996.
Full textLaamiri, Youness, Frederic Garet, Jean-Louis Coutaz, and Lindsay Botten. "Precise analysis of Wood-Rayleigh anomalies in the terahertz transmission spectrum of a metallic hole array." In 2010 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2010). IEEE, 2010.
Full textNatarov, Denis M., Olga V. Shapoval, Marian Marciniak, and Alexander I. Nosich. "Rayleigh anomalies in the E-polarized wave scattering by finite flat gratings of silver nanostrips or nanowires." In 2012 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET). IEEE, 2012.
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