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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'And Babka'

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Hesoun, Hubert. "Fotograf Pavel Baňka." Master's thesis, Akademie múzických umění v Praze. Filmová a televizní fakulta AMU. Knihovna, 2006.

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Doležal, Jiří. "Světová banka - vznik, organizace a kritika." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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This thesis is focused on The World Bank, it's beginning, organisation and analysis of critique. This thesis begins with reasons for foundation, historical aspects and problems. This involved the world stage before Second World War and the beginning of the IBRD. The thesis continues with a frame look at the organization, projects, finance and the World Bank position. The study shows the righteousnees of critique, analyse it and interpret it. The remainder of the thesis is concerned about the decision power in the bank and it's consequences.
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Ganic, Mekto. "Baba Jaga - Häxan utan egenskaper : En studie i Dubravka Ugrešics Baba Jaga je snijela jaje." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Litteraturvetenskap, 2011.

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Jag har i den här uppsatsen analyserat Baba Jaga je snijela jajes (2008) hybridlika struktur genom att göra en postmodernistisk analys. Under uppsatsens gång har jag läst och tolkat vad olika teoretiker har skrivit om postmoderna begrepp; såsom hybriditetsbegreppet, det ontologiska tvivlet samt även med att definiera myten och fiktionen. Jag har genom citat och analys gjort en personlig tolkning och skildrat detta i analysen. I min uppsats har jag visat att romanen har en hybridliknande struktur genom häxan Baba Jaga som saknar egenskaper och genom myten som saknar kärna. Jag har även visat detta genom den lekfulla berättarstrukturen och genreblandningen. Detta tydliggörs framförallt genom karaktärena i romanen som alla saknar identiteskärnor samt genom att författaren hävdar att alla kvinnor kan vara potentiella Baba Jagor.
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Bayani, Babak [Verfasser]. "Interacting quantum-dissipative tunnelling systems / Babak Bayani." Mainz : Universitätsbibliothek Mainz, 2012.

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Bjurell, Malin, and Katarina Amnéus. "Framtagning av ICC-profil för VTAB Backa." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Grafisk teknik, 2003.

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The following degree project deals with the production of an ICC-profile, this in the form ofproducing ICC-profiles for VTAB Backa. The company previously had their own profile butthey weren’t satisfied, so earlier this year they started using the TU standard profile, but theyalso wanted a complement to this in form of a profile created for solely their printing press.The separation settings used when creating the new profiles were based on information fromTU and their profile. Two basic profiles were created and then edited to obtain a better result.The test printings made with the edited profiles showed that the less adjustments that are made,the better. It was also discovered that the TU standard profile eliminates the highlight toneswhiles the new profiles are somewhat darker. VTAB Backa has at the end of this degree projectdesided to conduct more test printings before making their decision.
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Hosseini, Babak [Verfasser]. "Interpretable analysis of motion data / Babak Hosseini." Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2021.

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Baxová, Lucie. "Mikrofinance: Grameen banka a chudoba v Bangladéši." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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Diplomová práce se zabývá otázkou mikrofinancí v rozvojovém světě. Cílem práce je zjistit, jakou hrají mikrofinance roli v dnešním světě, jakým vývojem prošly a zda jsou mikro finanční instituce z dlouhodobého hlediska udržitelné. Dále je otázka mikrofinancí aplikovaná na bangladéšskou Grameen banku, která je považována za průkopníka mikrokreditu ve světě. Budou zkoumány principy jejího fungování, kritéria pro poskytnutí půjček a hlavní důraz bude kladen na analýzu inovativního systému Grameen II. Poslední část práce pojednává o chudobě v Bangladéši a také zkoumá, jaký tam mají mikrofinance vliv na chudé lidi.
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Čech, David. "Centrální banka - výhody a rizika její nezávislosti." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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This work is about central bank independence and about advantages and risks resulted from this position. The beginnig of the work is about history of central banking in the world and in our republic. The next capture is dedicated to the question of necessity of central banks and it uses especially the work of F.A.Hayek. It also describes his suggestion to implement the competition between private issuers of money. The last and the largest chapter is about central bank independence. After the definition of independence, there is a part concerned types of independence, mainly the legal and the actual one. The level of independence can be usually measured by few indexes. The way how to calculate them is also in the text of this work. Final part of the work is aimed on advantages and risks resulting from the independent status of central bank. The main advantage is represented by elimination of time inconsistency problem, on the other hand the main risk is the absence of responsibility of central bank for her policy.
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Suchomel, Marek. "Česká národní banka a perspektiva přijetí eura." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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The diploma thesis is focused on evaluating the state of convergence process of the Czech Republic to the European Union with major accent on areas governed by the Czech National Bank. In the theoretical part a brief description of past and present monetary cooperation in Europe is presented, as well as a description of the Czech National Bank. Next part deals with the achieved level of convergence, from the perspective of both the Maastricht criteria and real convergence. The main contribution of the thesis is an evaluation of the prospects of adopting euro under conditions of the expected economic development.
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Andžič, Srdjan. "Marketingový plán Nova Banka a.d. Banja Luka." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyze marketing plan of Nova Bank A.D.Banja Luka from the year 2010. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the main parts of any marketing plan and creates the base for practical part of this thesis. Practical part starts with description od Nova Bank A.D. Banja Luka, it takes us deeper into issues. In the next step I'm creating the situation analysis of the bank, which helps me with analysing bank's marketing objectives and strategies. After that I'm evaluating fulfillment of those marketing objectives. In the end I'm trying to think of some new ideas and to suggest possible steps, that could lead to improvement in functioning of the Nova Bank A.D.Banja Luka
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Slavíčková, Zuzana. "Evropská centrální banka a monetární politika eurozóny." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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The thesis deals with the European Central Bank which is a central institution of the European Monetary Union; its establishment, structure, organs and its relationship to other European Union institutions. Core principles of monetary poli cy and instruments are described. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of monetary policy with focus on changes in the rate of main refinancing operations with respect to the economic development (inflation rate, GDP growth etc.). The time from 1999 is divided into several periods and particular attention is paid to the contemporary economic crisis and ECB's non-standard measures.
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Kolářová, Eva. "Novostavba polyfunkčního objektu na ulici Jana Babáka, Brno." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2014.

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Project's goal is to test the large buildings' design options in regards to permanently sustainable construction. The author's aim is to design energy efficient multipurpose building, with minimal negative effects on environment. The positive impact on environment is visible on the preference of natural materials used in construction. External constructions of thermal conductivity coefficient at the level of passive standard are designed using objects of renewable energy. The location in Brno has been chosen for the proposed building, specifically the location known as brownfields. Lot is accessible from the street of Jan Babak, where public transport is available. The shape of the lot is in the form of incomplete oval with internal open atrium. The administrative part of the building takes half of the area with the rest of the area being used for other businesses, such as fitness centre and restaurant. Garages are proposed to be located underneath the main building, which is built on rigid structure. This rigid structure is a steel skeleton one with linked ceilings. The foundation of building is on stilt. The roof is of a flat type with variable slope, its structure and slope are of metal construction. Claddings are designed in the form of wooden structure filled with straw bales, the exterior is thermally insulated using fibreboard thermal insulation. Inner tract facade is proposed to be panelled with wooden planks. Photovoltaic panels will be placed both from the south and southeast of the outer oval. The rest of the facade will be panelled with grate for creepers. Only environment-friendly sources of energy are considered for the proposed building. Heating and cooling is based on the heat pump air-water system; using the rainwater as an example of renewing natural energy. The surroundings of the building are designed as meadows for of infiltration of rainwater. The proposed building has been assessed in terms of environmental sustainabilit
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Compeĺ, Pavol. "Stanovení ratingu společnosti J&T BANKA, a.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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Práce se zaměřuje zejména na metodologii, na základě které je určována ratingová známka. Tato oblast ratingu ještě stále zůstává poněkud neodkryta, byť ji ale světové ratingové agentury v tajnosti nedrží. Spíše naopak, dobrovolně ji na svých internetových stránkách zveřejňují. Metodologie nebude vysvětlována pouze v teoretické rovině, ve které je poměrně složité si představit, co všechno se v některých formulacích a definicích může skrývat. Záměrem práce je jednoduchou formou, v postupných krocích, provést všechny důležité analytické kroky, které by též udělal ratingový analytik.
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Kleštinec, Ivan. "Európska centrálna banka: asymetrické dopady jej menovej politiky." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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The ECB was established during the third phase of the economic and monetary union and its activities launched on 1. 7. 1998. It has become a new independent institution whose primary task became the conduct of monetary policy for countries that have accepted the euro currency. This master thesis examines the impact of monetary policy of the euro area and its asymmetric effects. ECB affects individual national economies using its strategies and instruments. Using especially interest rates makes monetary policy expansive or restrictive. For every country, belonging to euro area, has this policy different implications. Although ECB attempts to implement monetary policy for every country equally, for some countries has a monetary policy asymmetric effect. Using the Taylor rule of monetary policy, we can find contradictory effects of monetary policy.
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Krtička, Pavel. "Finanční analýza společnosti J&T Banka a.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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The aim of this thesis is to assess the financial health of the company J&T BANK for the five-year economic period from 2010 to 2014 based on various methods of financial analysis. The entire thesis is structurally divided into two main parts. The first part, purely of a theoretical nature, deals with the very financial analysis, or its main aspects, which can comprehensively evaluate the bank's performance using financial and analytical methods. In the second part, there is application of the selected methods, which were introduced in the theoretical part, on the bank. First, absolute and ratio indicators are analysed-also in the context of the bank's competitive position-which are then supplemented by a detailed breakdown of return on equity, results of selected prediction models of financial distress, and SWOT analysis. In the conclusion, the thesis sums up all partial results obtained, which are then used for the prediction and evaluation of the overall financial situation of the company.
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Léonard, Yves. "The Baka, a people between two worlds." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Baba-Ali, Mehdi. "Système de nomination hiérarchique pour les systèmes paramétriques." Poitiers, 2010.

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Au début des années 60, les systèmes de modélisation géométrique sont apparus. D'abord cantonnés à de simples outils d'esquisse, ils ont su, au fil des années, se doter de modèles géométriques plus élaborés (tant sur l'aspect plongement avec les courbes et surfaces paramétriques ou les surfaces implicites que sur l'aspect topologie avec des modèles à base combinatoire) et des informations additionnelles permettant la gestion de divers aspects du processus de modélisation industrielle. Les modèles géométriques permettent de décrire des formes géométriques en s'appuyant sur des structures topologiques très variées. Cependant, les opérations de modèlisation menant à ces descriptions ne prennent pas en compte les intentions de l'utilisateur du fait qu'elles n'utilisent ni son langage, ni ses gestes et moins encore son expérience métier. C'est pourquoi on a associé aux modèles géométriques initiaux des informations supplémentaires connues sous le terme de caractéristiques (features) et en particulier les caractéristiques de formes (rainure, bossage, arrondi, etc. ). Si la description par caractéristiques (géométrie, paramètres des opérations de modèlisation de haut niveau, contraintes) est enregistrée pour être exploitée dans la perspective d'être réutilisée (réévaluée en faisant varier les paramètres), on parle alors de modèlisation paramétrique basée historique (ou history-based en terminologie anglo-saxonne). Aussi, un modèle paramétrique, de par sa structure duale, pose le problème de la nomination persistante qui dérive de la nécessité de maintenir un lien entre la géométrie et sa représentation implicite en termes de script de modèlisation. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs solutions ont été proposées. Chacune d'entre elles s'efforce de caractériser (de façon unique et non ambigüe) puis apparier (c’est-à-dire mettre en correspondance) les entités des modèles initial et réévalué. Dans un environnement 3D extrêmement variant, les approches actuelles s'appuient sur des éléments invariants -les faces- pour mettre en oeuvre différents procédés de caractérisation. En les étudiant de plus près, on constate d'une part que ces procédés ne proposent pas de caractérisation homogène pour les entités ou les agrégats d'entités de dimension supèrieure ou égale à 3. Cela limite la généralisation en toute dimension des mécanismes de nomination (caractérisation et appariement). D'autre part, ces méthodes pêchent de façon plus ou moins importante lorsqu'il s'agit de manipuler des objets dans un contexte non-planaire. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons à la nomination persistante et homogène des entités de toute dimension (sommets, arêtes, agrégats d'arêtes, faces, agrégats de faces (« coques »), volumes, agrégats de volumes, etc. ) et celles résultant de l'interaction d'objets non-planaires. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une plate-forme hiérarchique mettant en scène, par des relations d'agrégations, des entités de n'importe quelle dimension. Notre idée est alors de commencer par nommer, c’est-à-dire caractériser et apparier, les entités de la plus petite dimension exploitable : les arêtes. La gestion des noms au niveau des arêtes s'effectue principalement via un graphe traçant l'évolution de ces entités au cours du processus de modèlisation paramétrique. Ensuite, nous faisons en sorte d'exploiter l'appariement calculé entre ces arêtes, en parcourant la structure hiérarchique et agrègative, afin d'en déduire celui entre les entités de dimension supèrieure. Notre solution est implantée sur un noyau géométrique basé sur le modèle des cartes généralisées
Nowadays, many parametric systems support history-based , constraint-based and feature-based modelling. Unfortunately, most systems fail during the reevaluation phase when various kind of topological changes occur. This issue is known as “persistent naming”. It refers to the problem of identifying entities in an initial parametric model and matching them in the reevaluated model. Several solutions have been proposed to solve this problem, but they remain insufficient. In this thesis, we focus on the persistent and homogeneous naming of entities in any dimension (vertices, edges, aggregates of edges, faces; aggregates of faces (“shells”), volumes, aggregates of volumes, etc) and entities resulting from the intersection of non-planar objects. To do that, we propose a hierarchical platform which gathers, by relations of aggregations, entities of any dimension. Our idea is then, to begin by naming (i. E. ) to characterize and to map) the smaller usable entities: the edges. The management of names of the edges is mainly carried out by a graph tracing the evolution of these entities during the process of parametric modelling. Then, we used the computed matching between these edges by exploiting the hierarchical and aggregative structure of the topological model, in order to deduce the matching between the entities of higher dimension. Our solution is implemented on a geometric kerned based on the generalized maps model
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Pospišová, Zuzana. "Fundamentálna a technická analýza akcie Komerční banka, a. s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Diploma thesis focuses on fundamental and technical analysis of the stock Komerční banka, a.s. The aim of the work is to applicate techniques of both analyses and prepare investvment recommendations according to acquired results. This work also provides theoretical background of particular analyses and applied methods. The first chapter contains global fundamental analysis supplemented by analysis of relations between main factors and index PX using correlation coefficient. Another two chapters deal with sector analysis and calculation of intrinsic value of the stock. The last chapter is devoted to technical analysis using chart's methods and methods based on technical indicators.
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Kilian-Hatz, Christa. "Das Baka : Grundzüge einer Grammatik aus der Grammatikalisierungsperspektive /." Köln : Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität zu Köln, 1995.

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Inaug.-Diss.--Philosophischen Fakultät--Universität zu Köln, 1994. Titre de soutenance : Das Baka, ein morphosyntaktischer Überlick aus der Grammatikalisierungsperspektive angenommen.
Bibliogr. p. 327-334. Index.
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Nguimatsia, François. "Etude ethnopharmacologique chez les pygmees baka du cameroun." Rennes 1, 1990.

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Geylân, Ramazan. "Ticari banka yönetimi ve Türk ticari bankalarının temel yönetim sorunları." Eskişehir : Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, 1985.

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Andreoli, Daniela, and Sara Darabi. "En sociologisk undersökning Bilden av ungdomskriminalitet i stadsdelen Backa, Göteborg." Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), 2007.

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Andreoli, D. och Darabi, S. (2006) En sociologisk undersökning av hur bilden av ungdomskriminalitet konstrueras i stadsdelen Backa, Göteborg, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för Hälsa och Samhälle, Sociologi C, 40-60p, VT 2007

Ungdomsbrottsligheten är idag ett välkänt samhällsproblem. Som samhällsmedlemmar i en stor stad som Göteborg stöter man på fenomenet i verkligheten eller i media. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv skapa förståelse för hur ungdomsbrottsligheten som fenomen konstrueras i samhället.

Vi har utifrån vår insamlade empiri samt utifrån relevanta teorier valt att belysa hur ungdomskriminaliteten konstrueras utifrån skilda perspektiv i stadsdelen Backa i Göteborg.

Ett avgränsat bostadsområde i en större stad där ungdomskriminaliteten har framställts som ett problem i media. Vi har valt att arbeta med en kvalitativ intervjumetod och genomfört våra intervjuer med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide.

Analysen har skett genom att vi sammankopplat vår insamlade data och med hjälp av våra valda teorier analyserat vårt arbete.

Vi pekar i uppsatsen på att den stigmatisering som kan ske på individnivå har en motsvarighet på samhällsnivå där hela stadsdelar pekas som mer problemtyngda och kriminella än andra. Detta drabbar samtliga som bor där. Upplevelserna av hur det är att bo eller arbeta i stadsdelen kan dock skilja sig från den mediala bilden. Det finns dock samtidigt en risk att denna påverkar de boendes egna uppfattningar om bostadsområdet. Vi tycker oss ha funnit stöd både för detta och för motsatsen, nämligen att dem som bor och verksamma i området har en annan bild av ungdomsbrottsligheten än media.

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Mayelzadeh, Babak [Verfasser]. "Tacrolimus : eine neue Option bei therapieresistenter Otitis externa / Babak Mayelzadeh." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2010.

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Soleymanzadeh, Babak [Verfasser]. "Femtosekundenlaser induzierte Modifikation in hydrogenisierten amorphen Silizium-Dünnschichten / Babak Soleymanzadeh." Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2016.

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Lengová, Jana. "Briefe Hans Richters in der Sammlung von Johann Nepomuk Batka." Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa an der Universität Leipzig, 2005.

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Briefe sind wichtige Zeugnisse von Lebensereignissen und Haltungen von Musikern, des schöpferischen Prozesses und der soziokulturellen Beziehungen. Diese Feststellung gilt auch für die Sammlung von Johann Nepomuk Batka, die einige tausend Einheiten seiner Korrespondenz enthält und im Archiv der Stadt Bratislava (Archív mesta Bratislavy) aufbewahrt ist.
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Ahmadi, Babak [Verfasser]. "Graphical Models and Symmetries : Loopy Belief Propagation Approaches / Babak Ahmadi." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2020.

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Mikšová, Lucie. "Potíže bank v České republice v letech 1993-2003." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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At the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, most banks in the Czech Republic got into trouble. Some banks overcome this problems, but others have to cease their activities and lost their banking license. Difficulties of banks varied from case to case, but there were some common attributes. The first objective of this work is to find these common attributes. The second objective of this work is to identify "culprits" who were most involved in the difficulties of banks in the Czech Republic in the years 1993-2003. Method of incomplete induction will be used in this work. First of all, from all banks, which had difficulties in the years 1993-2003, I selected a sample of ten banks. Then for each bank I will detect the main causes of its problems. Subsequently, through a comparative method, I will determine the most frequent causes of the problems of banks in the years 1993-2003. To each cause I will assign a group of persons or institutions that contributed to its emergence. Finally, according to frequency of institutions and groups, I will identify the main "culprits", who were most involved in the difficulties of banks in the years 1993-2003. This work will be based primarily on the sources available in the library of University of Economics, the Library of the Czech National Bank and specialized literature, which deals with this issue.
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Beattie, Rose Marie. "Becoming Baba a performance guide to Menotti's The medium /." Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2009.

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Caldas, Juliana. "Borda, baba e buraco: Hilda Hilst e Lygia Clark." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.

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Esta dissertação aproxima o livro Fluxo-floema, 1970, de Hilda Hilst (1930-2004), e as obras relacionais de Lygia Clark (1920-1988). Contemporâneas, apesar de não estabelecerem diálogo explícito em vida, as poéticas dessas artistas tangenciam temas comuns à arte da segunda metade do século XX. A despeito de se expressarem em linguagens diferentes, elas tematizam em sua obra literária ou plástica o desejo da comunicação e da alteridade como topos recorrente e privilegiado, a ponto de tal questão deslocar-se para rupturas formais que colocam em xeque a materialidade de seus códigos as palavras e as imagens e os limites de suas gramáticas a narrativa e a pintura. Além disso, Hilda Hilst experimenta o desenho e Lygia Clark se aventura em textos poéticos, memórias e cartas, o que permite uma leitura transversal das artistas. Ao comparar o gesto criativo de ambas, pode-se ver na escritora a plasticidade sugerida pela artista, ou ainda, ler na artista as palavras evocadas pela escritora.
This research brings closer the book Fluxo-floema, 1970, by Brazilian writer Hilda Hilst (1930-2004) to the relational objects by Brazilian artist Lygia Clark (1920-1988). Despite there is no evidence that they have established a dialogue in life, their contemporary poetics affect themes shared with the art from the second half of 20th century. In their literary and plastic works, Hilst and Clark, respectively, express the wish of alterity and communication as privileged topics. Such issues disrupt the form and even challenge the materiality of the adopted codes words and images and the boarders of their system of rules that is, the narrative and the painting. Moreover, Hilst experiments with drawing and Clark experiences adventures with poetic texts, memories and letters, which allows us a transversal reading of their oeuvres. The comparison of their creative gestures allows us to see in the writer the plasticity suggested by the artist and to read in the artist the words evoked by the writer.
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Nguede, Ngono Jean-Pierre. "Résilience des Baka face aux mutations socio-environnementales (Cameroun)." Paris, EHESS, 2016.

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Cette thèse propose une analyse approfondie de la résilience des mutations socio-environnementales au sein de deux communautés autochtones de chasseurs/cueilleurs, les Baka et les Bakola du Cameroun. Ces communautés qui jadis nomades, habitaient la forêt où ils tiraient l’essentiel de leur vie et survie. Aujourd’hui qu’elles ont été déplacées de leurs terroirs ancestraux pour des raisons de création d’aires protégées, de complexes agro-industriels, d’exploitation forestière et d’exécution de grands projets miniers, ces communautés sont plus que jamais en contact permanent avec des « grands noirs » ou bantous qui influencent en grande partie leurs modes de vie (chasse, cueillette et pêche) et conditionnent très souvent leur devenir. Pour faire face à ces mutations, l’Etat du Cameroun et des Organismes nationaux et internationaux à travers de vastes Programmes, accompagnent progressivement les Baka et les Bakola à se reconstruire une nouvelle vie qui intègre les exigences de la « modernité ». Malgré cet accompagnement, ces peuples restent encore sous l’emprise de grands fléaux tels que : l’alcoolisme, les maladies, la malnutrition, la marginalisation, la sous scolarisation, la non reconnaissance de leurs droits, etc. Comment réagissent-ils face aux mutations survenues dans leur vie ? La thèse vise à identifier les différentes mutations, à les décrire et d’en analyser les stratégies mises sur pied par des Baka et des Bakola pour s’y adapter. Certaines mutations peuvent apparaître en surface sans pour autant remettre en cause de manière fondamentale leur attachement à la forêt et à certaines valeurs ancestrales. Toutefois, les différentes pressions exogènes (i. E. Sédentarisation, mondialisation) et endogènes (i. E. Attitude des individus, transmission) qui déterminent le degré d’avancement des différentes mutations ne doivent pas être sous-estimées, en tant qu’elles sont une menace pesant sur leur développement. Le concept de résilience s'avère opératoire pour évaluer l'adéquation des politiques d'accompagnement des minorités par les acteurs de développement et un outil de compréhension de l'adaptabilité de ces sociétés en transition rapide
This thesis proposes a thorough analysis of the resilience of socio-environmental in two communities of hunter / gatherers, Baka and Bakola Cameroon. These communities formerly nomadic lived in the forest where they drew most of their life and survival. Today they have been displaced from their ancestral lands for the sake of creating protected areas, agro-industrial, forestry and execution of major mining projects, these communities are more than ever in touch Standing with "big black" or Bantu largely influence their lifestyle (hunting, gathering and fishing) and often determine their future. To cope with these changes, the government of Cameroon and national and international organizations through extensive programs accompany gradually Baka and Bakola to rebuild a new life that incorporates the requirements of "modernity. " Despite this support, these people are still under the influence of scourges such as alcoholism, disease, malnutrition, marginalization, in schooling, non-recognition of their rights, etc. . How do they cope with the changes occurring in their lives? The thesis aims to identify the different mutations, to describe and analyze the strategies established by the Baka and Bakola to adapt. Some mutations may appear on the surface without question a fundamental attachment to the forest and some ancestral values. However, different exogenous pressures (such as settlement, globalization) and endogenous (such as attitude of individuals, transmission) which determine the degree of progress of the various mutations should not be underestimated, as they are a threat to development. The concept of relience proves operative to evaluate the adequacy of policies accompanying minorities by the actors of development and a tool to understand the adaptability of these societies in rapid transition
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Ask, Julia. "Decoration and Death : The Sringar of Baba Shamshan Nath." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Religionshistoria, 2019.

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Miraftab, Babak [Verfasser], and Reinhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Diestel. "On infinite graphs and infinite groups / Babak Miraftab ; Betreuer: Reinhard Diestel." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2019.

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Nikfar, Babak [Verfasser], and Han A. J. [Akademischer Betreuer] Vinck. "Multichannel power line communication / Babak Nikfar ; Betreuer: Han A. J. Vinck." Duisburg, 2018.

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Figlovský, Jan. "Analýza vzdělávacího programu pro nové bankovní poradce společnosti Komerční banka,a.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Training program for new financial advisors analysis of the company XY examines the whole training process in this company. The amalysis concentrates on distribution employees training. It tryes to find out the problems existing here. The analysis especially solves the evaluation of the training process. The work involves the recommendations leading to improve the training program in the future.
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Miraftab, Babak Verfasser], and Reinhard [Akademischer Betreuer] [Diestel. "On infinite graphs and infinite groups / Babak Miraftab ; Betreuer: Reinhard Diestel." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2019.

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Siarheichyk, Galina. "Ancient echoes: Baba Yaga and contemporary Russian literature (Ludmilla Petrushevskaya)." Diss., Connect to online resource, 2005.

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Singeot, Marie-Claire. "Les renonçants Udasin : l'ashram de Mauni Baba et ses territoires." Paris, INALCO, 2005.

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Taleb-Araghi, Babak [Verfasser]. "Inkrementelle Blechumformung und ihre Kombination mit Streckziehen – Grundlagen und Anwendungen / Babak Taleb-Araghi." Aachen : Shaker, 2012.

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Alikhani, Babak [Verfasser], Norbert [Akademischer Betreuer] Pietralla, and Joachim [Akademischer Betreuer] Enders. "Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des DAGATA-Polarimeters / Babak Alikhani. Betreuer: Norbert Pietralla ; Joachim Enders." Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2012.

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Szórádóvá, Eva. "Briefe des Musikverlags Breitkopf & Härtel in der Musiksammlung von Johann Nepomuk Batka." Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa an der Universität Leipzig, 2005.

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In der umfangreichen Briefsammlung aus dem Nachlass von Johann Batka, die knapp 10.000 Einheiten umfasst, befinden sich auch fast 100 Briefe des Leipziger Musikverlags Breitkopf & Härtel, die aus den Jahren 1900 bis 1917 stammen. Bis auf einige Ausnahmen betreffen alle Briefe eines der größten Projekte dieses Verlags - die kritische Gesamtausgabe Franz Liszts, an der Johann Batka als externer Mitarbeiter beteiligt war.
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Hall, Anton. "Att tänka framåt genom att backa bakåt : Planerad reträtt ur ett policyanalytiskt perspektiv." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för fysisk planering, 2021.

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Klimatförändringar innebär att Sverige i allt större utsträckning utsätts för problematik relaterat till havsnivåhöjningar, erosion, ras och skred, vilket kommer bli mer påtagliga i framtiden. Det finns alltså ett behov av att klimatanpassa svenska samhällen och det finns växande förväntningar att den fysiska planeringen ska kunna hantera och främja strategiskt nytänkande i klimatanpassningsfrågor. Idag finns flera metoder och strategier för hur klimatanpassning kan ta form, men det är främst så kallade hårda åtgärder, såsom vallar och murar, som verkställs i praktiken. Vad händer om en vall brister eller feldimensioneras? För att lösa denna problematik krävs nya tankesätt och typer av klimatanpassningsmetoder, såsom planerad reträtt, vilket krasst innebär att delar av samhället förflyttas bort från riskutsatta områden. Men planerad reträtt är nästan helt outforskat i en svensk kontext. Till följd av praktisk frånvaro råder förvirring kring metoden, vilket begränsar dess relevans och bidrar till det inte övervägs som en legitim klimatanpassningsmetod. Det finns alltså en deskripans mellan den svenska klimatanpassningsplaneringen och målsättningar om långsiktig resiliens. Därför finns det ett behov av att undersöka hur svensk planerings- och klimatanpassningspolicy förhåller sig till planerad reträtt och hur det kan bli en aktuell klimatanpassningsmetod. Denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka vilka förutsättningar som finns och behöver finnas för att planerad reträtt ska vara en aktuell klimatanpassningsstrategi i en svensk kontext, samt bredda kunskapen för beslutsfattande om förhållningssätt och ställningstagande i det fortsatta klimatanpassningsarbetet. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av intervjuer och dokument används Advocacy Coalition Framework för att analysera och kartlägga policyläget för planerad reträtt i en svensk kontext. Resultatet visar att en version av planerad reträtt redan bedrivs idag, men att det finns ett behov av formellt ansvarstagande och institutionsövergripande samarbete för att planerad reträtt ska bli en aktuell strategisk klimatanpassningsmetod i Sverige.
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Silva, Juliana Hermenegildo da. "Quadrilha Junina Baba?u: processos folkcomunicacionais, identidade e representa??es culturais." PROGRAMA DE P?S-GRADUA??O EM ESTUDOS DA M?DIA, 2017.

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Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica ( on 2017-04-03T23:10:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaHermenegildoDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 5637594 bytes, checksum: 939ecbb0ca8b5d89152fef6422f49638 (MD5)
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Ao longo de todo o s?culo passado os meios de comunica??o avan?aram nas diferentes esferas sociais, florescendo fen?menos diversos. A inser??o das manifesta??es culturais populares no campo midi?tico traz ? tona antagonismos entre tradi??o e modernidade e a constru??o de nossas representa??es identit?rias. Neste estudo problematiza-se a rela??o da visibilidade midi?tica com nossa identidade cultural e regional. Objetiva-se, de modo geral, analisar as representa??es da cultura popular nordestina ao ser colocado como produto midi?tico, econ?mico e tur?stico. Especificamente, demonstramos as pr?ticas sociais e comunicativas que se manifestam nas quadrilhas juninas ao serem introduzidas no cen?rio televisivo. Com a utiliza??o do m?todo etnogr?fico buscamos evidenciar que tais processos s?o mecanismos para a constru??o da identidade cultural da regi?o Nordeste. Nesse sentido questionamos a apropria??o das manifesta??es populares pela m?dia, analisando como os grupos juninos se mant?m dentro de um cen?rio cada vez mais restrito ao consumo e ao espet?culo. Embasados em autores como Marques de Melo, Benjamin, Lima, Chianca e Albuquerque Junior abordamos o cen?rio das festas populares do Nordeste e suas constantes reconfigura??es nos espa?os urbanos e de m?dia.
Throughout the last century the media have advanced in different social spheres, flourishing diverse phenomena. The insertion of popular cultural manifestations in the media field brings to the fore antagonisms between tradition and modernity and the construction of our identity representations. In this study the relationship of media visibility with our cultural and regional identity is problematized. In general, the objective is to analyze the representations of the popular culture of the Northeast when it is placed as a media, economic and tourist product. Specifically, we demonstrate the social and communicative practices that are manifested in the Juninas gangs when they are introduced to the television scene. With the use of the ethnographic method we seek to show that these processes are mechanisms for the construction of the cultural identity of the Northeast region. In this sense, we question the appropriation of the popular manifestations by the media, analyzing how the Junino groups remain within a scenario increasingly restricted to consumption and spectacle. Based on authors such as Marques de Melo, Benjamin, Lima, Chianca and Albuquerque Junior, we approach the scene of popular festivals in the Northeast and their constant reconfigurations in urban and media spaces.
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Kurniawan, Kemas Ridwan. "The architecture and urbanism of Indonesian tin mining : with particular reference to Mentok-Banka." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2005.

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Rumanová, Markéta. "Analýza účetních a řídících procesů v bance se zohledněním rizika. Banka na zelené louce." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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The aim of this paper is to analyse processes particularly connected with providing bank services. Accordingly, those which enable standard bank existence; lead to the bargain; hedge the risks which rise from this bargain; accomplish book entry of this bargain and assure the profit. The analysis provides the "big picture" of all the circumstances with influence on bank financial management and adverts to aspects determining the bank sector. The outcome of the analysis is the overview of bank regulations, risk management and achieving expected return on equity.
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Šoral, Dalibor. "Živnostenská banka a měnová reforma. Příspěvek k významu zájmových skupin v éře první republiky." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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In master thesis I have analyzed in detail the behavior of representatives of Živnostenská banka before and during entire process of Rasin's Monetary Reform (1919). I tried to prove that the bank representatives were closely linked with the political representation and thus were able to act as lobbying group that could pursue their specific interests. In some respects even substituted the role of the state, because of necessary knowledge of national economic and political influence. I have assessed whether corrupt practices were used. As of the described facts, I would draw conclusions to confirm my initial assumptions. To enforce its interests, bank used paradigm of economic nationalism. As a methodological framework I have used the theory of public choice.
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Saffar, Perez Amir Andre. "The Distorted World: Solomon Kane, Hajji Baba, the Mad Arab and She." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2020.

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Gil, Jerez Alicia Andrea. "Proyecto ordenador de caracoles: — Máquina para la extracción de baba de caracol." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2010.

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Nielsen, Wendy Louise. "The Rake's progress by Igor Stravinsky : the role of Baba the Turk." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1987.

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Babka, von Gostomski Christian [Verfasser]. "In Vorurteilen gegenüber türkischen Jugendlichen vereint? : eine desintegrationstheoretische geleitete Längsschnittanalyse zur Entwicklung von Einstellungen gegenüber türkischen Jugendlichen bei Jugendlichen deutscher Herkunft und Aussiedler-Jugendlichen mit Daten des IKG-Jugendpanels 2001 - 2003 / Christian Babka von Gostomski." 2006.

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Kouřilová, Zuzana. "Banka jako obchodní společnost." Master's thesis, 2009.

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RESUMÉ: Bank as a company The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the basic conditions of the creation and commencement of the legal existence of banks, business activities of banks, dissolution and the cessation of the legal existence of banks and organisation of banks. The reason for my research is that it is very interesting field of law that enables me to work with the variety of sources of law. Advantage and also disadvantage of the theme of this thesis is that not exist much literature concerning these problems. The thesis is composed of eleven chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of banking business activities. The short introduction of my work in Chapter One, a little of history in Chapter Two and short characteristic of joint stock company in Chapter Three are followed by Chapter Four dealing with the term "bank" and creation and commencement of the legal existence of a bank, including also the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, the banking licence and registered capital. Chapter Five concentrates on problems of bank's organisation and is divided into parts describing especially the general meeting, board of directors, supervisory board and internal audit. The following three chapters reports on the specifics that happen or may happen during the existence of a...
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