Academic literature on the topic 'ANALYSIS ON CHALLENGES'

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Journal articles on the topic "ANALYSIS ON CHALLENGES"


Wagner, Larry. "Failure Analysis Challenges." EDFA Technical Articles 6, no. 2 (May 1, 2004): 28–30.

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Abstract Semiconductor trends, as embodied in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), provide a guide for the challenges facing the failure analysis community. This process is a risk assessment of key features forecast for the impact of future technologies on failure analysis. The technical challenges fall primarily into two categories: failure site isolation and physical analysis. The failure site isolation challenges are largely driven by the device complexity and reduced accessibility of circuit nets. Additional challenges arise due to the increase in device operating speed and pin count. The challenges in physical analysis are driven primarily by smaller device feature sizes and by the host of new materials being introduced. In addition to the technical challenges, infrastructure changes are also likely to occur. The industry paths for addressing these challenges are discussed.
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Conti, J. P. "Analysis: Chile's challenges." Engineering & Technology 5, no. 5 (March 27, 2010): 14–15.

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Roelofs, Freek, Lindy Blackburn, Greg Lindahl, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Michael D. Johnson, Philipp Arras, Koushik Chatterjee, et al. "The ngEHT Analysis Challenges." Galaxies 11, no. 1 (January 10, 2023): 12.

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The next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) will be a significant enhancement of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) array, with ∼10 new antennas and instrumental upgrades of existing antennas. The increased uv-coverage, sensitivity, and frequency coverage allow a wide range of new science opportunities to be explored. The ngEHT Analysis Challenges have been launched to inform the development of the ngEHT array design, science objectives, and analysis pathways. For each challenge, synthetic EHT and ngEHT datasets are generated from theoretical source models and released to the challenge participants, who analyze the datasets using image reconstruction and other methods. The submitted analysis results are evaluated with quantitative metrics. In this work, we report on the first two ngEHT Analysis Challenges. These have focused on static and dynamical models of M87* and Sgr A* and shown that high-quality movies of the extended jet structure of M87* and near-horizon hourly timescale variability of Sgr A* can be reconstructed by the reference ngEHT array in realistic observing conditions using current analysis algorithms. We identify areas where there is still room for improvement of these algorithms and analysis strategies. Other science cases and arrays will be explored in future challenges.
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Hovardaoglu, Ozan. "Turkey's demographic challenges for urbanization: a quantitative analysis." International Journal of Academic Research 6, no. 6 (November 30, 2014): 165–73.

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Kozikoğlu, İshak, and Nuray Senemoğlu. "Challenges Faced By Novice Teachers: A Qualitative Analysis." Journal of Qualitative Research in Education 6, no. 3 (November 28, 2018): 1–31.

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Fetzer, Anita. "Challenges in contrast." Languages in Contrast 9, no. 1 (March 24, 2009): 73–97.

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Challenges express the speaker’s intention not to comply with a proposition, force or presupposition communicated in and through a prior conversational contribution. This may be a directly adjacent contribution, some less directly adjacent contribution, or a conversational contribution uttered in some prior discourse. As for its sequential status, a challenge is a responsive contribution, and from an interpersonal perspective, it tends to carry a high degree of face-threatening potential. A felicitous analysis of a challenge thus needs to go beyond a single conversational contribution, not only accommodating context but also the nature of a challenge’s embeddedness in context. The contribution is organized as follows: The first section systematizes the necessary and sufficient contextual constraints and requirements for a conversational contribution to be assigned the status of a challenge. The second part argues for a challenge to be conceptualized as a particularized contextual configuration, which may serve as a tertium comparationis in contrastive pragmatics. The third section exemplifies the frame of reference with a contrastive analysis of British and German challenges adopted from a corpus of political interviews. In both sets of data, challenges tend to be realized implicitly, and in both sets, challenging the content of a contribution is more frequent than challenging its force or presuppositions. While the British data display a wider variety of challenges, the German data prefer the content-based, implicitly realized challenge.
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Bickford, John Holden, and Devanne R. Lawson. "Examining Patterns within Challenged or Banned Primary Elementary Books." Journal of Curriculum Studies Research 2, no. 1 (May 25, 2020): 16–38.

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Public schools and public libraries often receive challenges—suppression or removal requests—to particular books, which can lead the book being banned. Research has examined challenges to books with multicultural themes and individuals, noted that authors of color are disproportionally targeted, and recognized the remarkable number of challenges to books deemed to be classic. This qualitative content analysis research utilized both with inductive and deductive elements—open coding and axial coding—to examine challenged books intended for primary elementary students. The theoretical framework blended critical multiculturalism, gay and lesbian identity, and radical politics in children’s literature. Findings included patterns based on era, frequency and location of challenge, demography of challenger, and oft-challenged themes, specifically sexuality (sexual reproduction and diverse sexualities), inappropriate humor, danger, death, racial and religious diversity, mysticism and wizardry, racially or culturally insensitive elements, concerning interpersonal dynamics, and evolution. Meaning is extracted for teachers, librarians, administrators, and researchers.
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Haslett, John. "Spatial Data Analysis-Challenges." Statistician 41, no. 3 (1992): 271.

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Concato, John. "Challenges in prognostic analysis." Cancer 91, S8 (2001): 1607–14.<1607::aid-cncr1174>;2-j.

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Nikravesh, Parviz E., and Adrijan P. Ribaric Omid Kazemi. "CHALLENGES IN MULTIBODY DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF VEHICLES(Keynote Lectures)." Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010.5 (2010): _KeynoteLe.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "ANALYSIS ON CHALLENGES"


Chung, Sooduck, and Michael Farrey. "Biofuel supply chain challenges and analysis." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.

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Thesis (M. Eng. in Logistics)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2010.
Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 78-86).
Liquid fuels such as gasoline and diesel are traditionally derived from petroleum. Since petroleum has the potential to be exhausted, there is interest in large scale production of fuels from renewable sources. Currently, ethanol and bio diesel are liquid fuels that are mainly derived from field crops. This paper examines the supply chain challenges and issues that exist for bringing biofuel production up to scale. One major challenge that exists is how to transport the feedstock from a farm to a refinery in the most cost efficient manner. One way to improve transportation efficiency of feedstock is to increase the energy density of the feedstock. However, increasing the density of a feedstock comes with a cost. We use switchgrass as a case study and examine the tradeoff between higher transportation costs in transporting a less energy dense feedstock to processing a feedstock to increase its energy density. We show that creating ethanol from switchgrass in the United States is not competitive in price to gasoline without government subsidies, but as the supply chain matures, efficiencies gained will narrow the gap.
by Sooduck Chung [and] Michael Farrey. Logistics
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Shaw, Edward Alan. "Weir management : challenges, analysis and decision support." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2012.

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If humanity is to make the best of this planet then it is crucial that we develop the capacity to implement the most effective environmental management practices. Essential is a holistic approach to management, as is advocated by integrated catchment management (ICM), which proposes that catchment management issues will be best dealt with when interventions are planned together at the catchment scale and all stakeholder interests are given consideration during decision making. The issue of weir modification is a good example of a problem that would benefit from these principles. Many stakeholder interests are affected by weir modification, and if effective and fair weir modification decisions are to be made, all must be used to evaluate alternative weir modification options. So that decision makers can make the most of the synergies and avoid the conflicts that can occur between interventions, they need to know how multiple weir modifications interact. To do this decision makers must be able to manage and utilise a large amount of information and use it to help them make effective decisions. The objective of the research presented in this thesis is to develop an approach to the management of weirs in the Don Catchment that is holistic both a spatial sense and in terms of the assessment of alternative management options. An evaluatory framework for weir modifications is formulated by adapting published typologies of river ecosystem services (ESs). The prediction of how catchment interventions affect sociocultural ESs is recognized as a particularly challenging to the application of this framework because their qualitative and subjective nature makes them hard to predict. Bayesian Networks (BNs) are identified as a potential solution as they use probabilities to describe the relationships between variables. A BN was built to predict how weir modification affected weir danger and weir fun for canoeists by utilising the knowledge of canoeing groups. It is concluded that despite a number of caveats, BNs offer a potentially important method for allowing sociocultural ESs to be predicted in decision making processes. The consideration ofthe complex interdependencies multiple weir modifications can have is recognised as another of the challenges facing weir management decision making. A spatially explicit modelling approach is developed that can account for the interactive effect multiple weir modifications have on river connectivity for several river species in the Don Catchment. Expert judgement and hydrological modelling are used to discriminate between different levels of habitat quality for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and Atlantic salmon (Safrna safar). Several strategies to increase connectivity in the Don Catchment were explored. It was found that each had its own set of winners and losers, indicating trade-offs between species need to be considered when planning connectivity enhancements. The modelling approach shows the interdependent effects of weir modifications are vet: important in determining habitat accessibility, particularly the cumulative effect of multiple fish passes.
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Zhang, Qiang S. M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Analysis study of Chinese SMEs financing challenges." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015.

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Thesis: S.M. in Management Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2015.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 57-58).
Financing small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) is a prevalent challenge for most of countries, especially developing countries. Chinese SMEs have been suffering from difficulty in financing themselves for long. This thesis presents an overview of China's financial system development and current status and explains different financing sources for SMEs in China. Basing on the understanding of China's financial landscape, I described and summarized the financing challenges that are faced by Chinese SMEs and analyzed both the fundamental and temporary causes behind the challenges. In the end, I proposed a number of solutions to cope with Chinese SMEs financing challenges. Both statistical data and empirical studies are introduced in the thesis for demonstration and analysis.
by Qiang Zhang.
S.M. in Management Research
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Tsimpli, Dimitra. "Analysis and challenges in Bubble Curtain Technologies." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.

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The increasing demand for renewable energy has incited an increase in the evolveing rate of offshore wind energy. To meet the demands, more offshore wind power generators are being installed in the sea, where the air currents are stronger. The majority of the foundation of wind turbines uses mono piles.The installation process of the mono-piles supporting the wind turbines often includes foundation piles,driven into the seabed, using hydraulic impact hammers or vibratory devices. The pile in- stallation, that is an essential component in the erection of wind farms,has a thwarting by-product : the underwater noise pollution. Continuous high frequency sounds produced by the deformation of the shell of the pipe while it is being hammered to the sea bottom, can exceed 200 dB re 1μ Pa . Pile driving using impact hammers in open water increases the likelihood that marine mammals suffer disturbance or even instantaneous death, which lead to the implementation of new legislation. The aim of this thesis is to asses: (key points) 1. State of the art in sound attenuation during pile driving operations. 2. Sound characteristics, Attenuation, Soil Models, Response. 3. Perforated Pipe Analysis. 4. Macro, Micro, Nano bubbles.
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Muench, Marius. "Dynamic binary firmware analysis : challenges & solutions." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019.

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Les systèmes embarqués sont un élément clé de la vie moderne. Par conséquent, le code fonctionnant sur ces systèmes, appelé "firmware", doit être soigneusement évalué et testé. L'analyse dynamique est un moyen courant d'évaluer la sécurité des firmwares, en particulier en l'absence de code source. Malheureusement, comparée à l'analyse et aux tests sur les ordinateurs de bureau, l'analyse dynamique des firmwares reste à la traîne. Dans cette thèse, nous identifions les principaux défis empêchant l’analyse dynamique et les techniques de test d’exploiter pleinement leur potentiel sur les firmware. Nous avons développé avatar2, un framework d'orchestration multi-cibles capable d'exécuter des firmware dans un émulateur à la fois de manière partielle et totale. À l’aide de ce framework, nous adaptons plusieurs techniques d’analyse dynamique pour pouvoir fonctionner avec succès sur des firmwares binaires. Notamment nous utilisons ses possibilités de script pour reproduire facilement une étude précédente. Nous montrons qu’elle permet d’enregistrer et de rejouer l’exécution d’un système embarqués et de mettre en œuvre des méthodes heuristiques pour une meilleure détection des pannes. En outre, la structure sert de base à une évaluation expérimentale des tests fuzz sur des systèmes intégrés et est utilisée dans un moteur d’exécution concolique évolutif pour les firmwares. Enfin, nous présentons Groundhogger, une nouvelle approche de décompression du micrologiciel des périphériques intégrés qui, contrairement à d’autres outils de décompression, utilise l’analyse dynamique
Embedded systems are a key component of modern life and their security is of utmost importance. Hence, the code running on those systems, called "firmware", has to be carefully evaluated and tested to minimize the risks accompanying the ever-growing deployment of embedded systems. One common way to evaluate the security of firmware, especially in the absence of source code, is dynamic analysis. Unfortunately, compared to analysis and testing on desktop system, dynamic analysis for firmware is lacking behind. In this thesis, we identify the main challenges preventing dynamic analysis and testing techniques from reaching their full potential on firmware. Furthermore we point out that rehosting is a promising approach to tackle these problems and develop avatar2, a multi-target orchestration framework which is capable of running firmware in both fully, and partially emulated settings. Using this framework, we adapt several dynamic analysis techniques to successfully operate on binary firmware. In detail we use its scriptability to easily replicate a previous study, we demonstrate that it allows to record and replay the execution of an embedded system, and implement heuristics for better fault detection as run-time monitors. Additionally, the framework serves as building block for an experimental evaluation of fuzz testing on embedded systems, and is used as part in a scalable concolic execution engine for firmware. Last but not least, we present Groundhogger, a novel approach for unpacking embedded devices' firmware which, unlike other unpacking tools, uses dynamic analysis to create unpackers and evaluate it against three real world devices
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Chen, Zhiwen. "Challenges in the spectrochemical analysis of complex materials." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2015.

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Raman and infrared spectroscopy offer characteristic molecular vibrational information that enables a rapid quantitative and qualitative analysis of many types of samples. Easy to operate and requiring little sample preparation, these techniques offer great potential for the classification and quantification of complex materials. The research described in this thesis has sought to apply vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis to tackle a variety of challenging analytical problems. In vitro fertilization has relied purely on embryo morphological appearance to select viable embryos. We explore the potential of Raman spectroscopy to profile embryo metabolism. By analyzing blank culture media, patient samples and bacteria spent media, we establish that Raman spectroscopy does not offer sufficient sensitivity to differentiate used culture media from control. Even using liquid core Teflon-AF 2400 fibre to enhance the Raman signal of aqueous solution, analytical information still lies beneath the sensitivity limit. Turning to a classification problem relative to variance on a larger scale, we investigate olive oil as a complex biomaterial. The adulteration of extra virgin olive oil with cheaper vegetable oils presents a serious food integrity problem. We demonstrate Raman spectroscopy can detect corn, canola, grape seed and walnut oil in extra virgin olive oils from various countries and cultivars, but only at levels greater than 20%. This contrasts with conclusions of many limited studies, suggesting Raman spectroscopy reliably detects a 5% adulterant. Our analysis shows that such high sensitivity relies on olive oils limited to a specific geographic region or cultivar. Bleached kraft pulps represent important economic resources. By referring to wet chemistry, we apply infrared spectroscopy to study alkaline treated bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp. Infrared spectroscopy shows how alkaline treatment modifies hardwood pulp structure. It also classifies bleached hardwood pulps based on species. Despite the natural biological variance presented by this material, we establish that spectroscopic analysis can accurately quantify the contents of hemicelluloses in a large variety of bleached kraft pulps (softwood, hardwood and their mixture) in industry.
Science, Faculty of
Chemistry, Department of
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Turner, Elizabeth 1978. "Analysis of prostate specific antigen "trajectories" : statistical challenges." Thesis, McGill University, 2002. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=29483.

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Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a biochemical marker used to monitor prostate cancer following treatment. We have analyzed serial PSA data for a cohort of men who underwent radical surgery for prostate cancer in the early 1990s. We first describe the development of a statistical model that reflects the characteristics of these data. It accommodates, via a mixture model with constrained parameters, two sub-populations of men who are and are not cured, along with the biologic pattern in the latter. We then describe how we fit this model using Gibbs Sampling. We describe how the output can be converted into parameters of interest to patients and their physicians.
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Holmgren, Rachelle. "Challenges Involved in the Automation of Regression Analysis." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2016.

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Extracting meaningful insights from massive datasets to help guide business decisions requires specialized skills in data analysis. Unfortunately, the supply of these skills does not meet the demand, due to the massive amount of data generated by society each day. This leaves businesses with a large amount of unanalyzed data that could have been used to support business decision making. Automating the process of analyzing this data would help address many companies' key challenge of a lack of appropriate analytical skills. This paper examines the process and challenges in automating this analysis of data. Central challenges include removing outliers without context, transforming data to a format that is compatible with the analysis method that will be used, and analyzing the results of the model.
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Weldu, Hailay Gidey. "Analysis of Lattice Reduction Algorithms : Solving SVP Challenges." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för matematik (MA), 2018.

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Lattice-based cryptography which holds a great promise for post-quantum cryptographyis naturally concerned by lattice reduction algorithms, the essential tools in the algorithmicstudy of lattices and its applications. In order to precisely estimate the securityparameters of these cryptosystems, it is a necessity to assess the practical diculty of theshortest vector problem (SVP) by analyzing the known ecient algorithms for solvingit.In this thesis project, we revisit a recursive lattice reduction methodology going back toPlantard & Susilo's work (SCN 2010) and analyze practicality of an SVP algorithm byCheon and Lee (Cryptology ePrint Archive 2015). We show that the SVP algorithm is,in general, a theoretical progress, with little practical implications in somehow. Moreover,we have performed experimental analysis of a recent progressive BKZ algorithmproposed by Aono et al. (Eurocrypt 2016) on the Darmstadt's SVP Challenge (TUD10).From our experiments, using its open source library, we found that the simple blocksizestrategy of the algorithm is better in terms of output quality than the optimized strategy.Applying the recursive reduction methodology to the simple blocksize strategy andsome heuristics to the LLL preprocess, we have improved all of the previous records inthe SVP Challenge that are obtained by the algorithm. Moreover, our improved resultsin dimensions 117, 119 and 121 are the current best records published in the Hall ofFame of the challenge that outperformed previous records by other algorithms.
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Soligo, Lorenzo <1996&gt. "Secure deployment of HTTPS: Analysis and open challenges." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020.

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Users on the Internet unknowingly rely on HTTPS, a protocol whose goal is to cryptographically secure the communication between users and websites by providing confidentiality and integrity. HTTPS relies on the SSL/TLS protocols, but many versions and implementations of these protocols exist and some of them have been proven to be vulnerable to malign attackers. Furthermore, the communication's security depends on other key factors related to a wider application of security best-practices on the web pages: restrictions on the entities that can run code or access cookies, enforcement of the usage of HTTPS, and many more. In this thesis we analyze the state and security of the HTTPS deployment of the most visited websites for different categories, considering the overall quality of the deployment by evaluating many key aspects. We carry out an analysis that takes into account the usage of HTTPS itself, the quality of HTTPS certificates, the security of the SSL/TLS implementation used, the presence of server-side cryptographic vulnerabilities, and the adoption of other modern techniques to enforce security. Finally, we analyze the obtained results and draw some conclusions on the overall state of the HTTPS deployments analyzed. One of the main goals of this work is to raise awareness on the importance of a careful deployment of HTTPS, thus encouraging site operators to keep cryptographic stacks updated and enforce strict security guidelines.
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Books on the topic "ANALYSIS ON CHALLENGES"


Manni, Carla, and Hendrik Speleers, eds. Geometric Challenges in Isogeometric Analysis. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Weaver, John Michael. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Intelligence Analysis Challenges. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Mensah, Priscilla, David Katerere, Sepo Hachigonta, and Andreas Roodt, eds. Systems Analysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Kateri, Maria, and Irini Moustaki, eds. Trends and Challenges in Categorical Data Analysis. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Marta, Kurkowska-Budzan, and Zamorski Krzysztof, eds. Oral history: The challenges of dialogue. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Company, 2009.

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Sergiy, Butenko, Chaovalitwongse W. Art, Pardalos P. M. 1954-, and DIMACS Workshop on Clustering Problems in Biological Networks (2006 : Rutgers University), eds. Clustering challenges in biological networks. New Jersry: World Scientific, 2009.

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Sergiy, Butenko, Chaovalitwongse W. Art, Pardalos P. M. 1954-, and DIMACS Workshop on Clustering Problems in Biological Networks (2006 : Rutgers University), eds. Clustering challenges in biological networks. New Jersry: World Scientific, 2009.

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W, Cotterman William, Senn James A, Georgia State University. Information Technology Management Center., Andersen Consulting, and International Business Machines Corporation, eds. Challenges and strategies for research in systems development. Chichester: Wiley, 1992.

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Banerjee, Santo, and A. Gowrisankar. Frontiers of Fractal Analysis Recent Advances and Challenges. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.

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Ríos, Sixto, ed. Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Book chapters on the topic "ANALYSIS ON CHALLENGES"


Schlosser, W., T. Schmidt-Kaler, and E. F. Milone. "Spectral Analysis." In Challenges of Astronomy, 135–46. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1991.

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Coifman, R. "Challenges in Analysis." In Visions in Mathematics, 471–80. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2000.

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Santosh, K. C. "Conclusion and Challenges." In Document Image Analysis, 163–69. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Andreescu, Titu, and Răzvan Gelca. "Algebra and Analysis." In Mathematical Olympiad Challenges, 33–58. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 2000.

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Andreescu, Titu, and Răzvan Gelca. "Algebra and Analysis." In Mathematical Olympiad Challenges, 151–95. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 2000.

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Kumar, Anoop. "Challenges." In Meta-analysis in Clinical Research: Principles and Procedures, 111–15. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Bresnick, Terry A., and Gregory S. Parnell. "Decision-Making Challenges." In Handbook of Decision Analysis, 22–45. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

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Roy, Bernard. "Paradigms and Challenges." In Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, 19–39. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2016.

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Wang, DeLiang. "Computational Scene Analysis." In Challenges for Computational Intelligence, 163–91. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Siemiginowska, Aneta, Martin Elvis, Alanna Connors, Peter Freeman, Vinay Kashyap, and Eric Feigelson. "AXAF Data Analysis Challenges." In Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II, 241–57. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1997.

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Conference papers on the topic "ANALYSIS ON CHALLENGES"



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Tuura, Lassi A. "Analysis environment challenges." In ADVANCED COMPUTING AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES IN PHYSICS RESEARCH: VII International Workshop; ACAT 2000. AIP, 2001.

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Sinquin, Jean-Christophe, Arnaud Bastard, Emmanuel Beaufort, Benjamin Buisson, Olivier Casier, Mathieu Gervais, Denis Groëninck, et al. "Adaptive optics challenges for CILAS." In Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods & Systems. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2020.

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Tuanaya, Rugaya, Andi Abdurrahman Manggaberani,, Rina Safitri, and Syahri Ramadan. "Meta-analysis study: Analysis of the Effect of Digital Platforms on Learning Outcomes." In Challenges of Science. Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation, 2022.

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Learning media are required to use digital platforms to maintain online learning. The Covid-19 pandemic stimulates technological developments in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, especially in the education sector. Utilization of various digital platforms is carried out to support the learning process. Various digital media platforms are used in the online learning process. This study aims to analyze the effects of digital platforms on the impact of learning. The digital platforms used are Zoom Meeting, WhatsApp, Google Classroom, Schoology, and Edmodo. This type of research is meta-analysis. The steps in determining this research according to Borenstein: (1) formulating a dilemma, (2) searching the literature, (3) collecting issues and findings from individual studies, (4) evaluating the quality of the study, (5) analyzing and interpreting the results of the study, and (6) interpreting what will happen or evidence. The data collection technique is done by browsing the journals using Publish or Perish. Thirteen journal articles met the appropriate inclusion criteria and concluded that the digital platform had an effect on student learning outcomes.
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В статье приводятся результаты экспериментальных исследований химического со-става (катионы и анионы) геотермальных вод 5-и источников «Баден-Баден» юго-западной Германии. Опыты были проведены с использованием атомно-эмиссионного спектрометра с индуктивно-связанной плазмой (IRIS Intrepid II Optical Emission Spectrometer) и ионного хроматографа DX 100
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Rimmele, Thomas, Jose Marino, Dirk Schmidt, Greg Taylor, and Friedrich Wöger. "Solar Adaptive Optics: Challenges and New Developments." In Adaptive Optics: Methods, Analysis and Applications. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2013.

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Santoso, Agus. "Challenge of Analysis of Polytomous Item Characteristics with Item Response Theory." In Challenges of Science. Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation, 2022.

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In the world of education, a lot of scoring is done with a polytomous, for example, on items that are constructed responses. Likewise, at the Open University of Indonesia, the questions for the final exam of a course called the take-home exam (THE) are presented in the form of a constructed response. This problem is done by students who take this course, but the number of students who take this course is not stable. Sometimes, this course is taken by a few participants. On the one hand, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of item characteristics. On the other hand, doing so will face many challenges. In this study, the challenge of analyzing polytomous data is presented on the polytomous score in 3 courses whose final exam is presented in the form of a take-home exam (THE). This study is a mixed research, quantitative analysis packaged in qualitative research with a narrative tradition. Documentary data in the form of students' answers to 3 courses' take-home exams are then analyzed for their characteristics by using various models of IRT polytomous data analysis. Obstacles in conducting analysis are told in narrative form. The analysis was carried out on the take-home exam package of three subjects, namely the Statistical Method II course (89 test participants and two questions), Experimental Design (67 test participants and three questions), and the Sampling method (206 test participants and three questions). Based on the results of the analysis, there is only one package of questions that can be thoroughly analyzed with item response theory, namely the package of questions with the sampling method. Based on the analysis process, it was found that there are challenges in conducting an analysis with item response theory. The challenges are mastery of the R language, the syntax of the selected analysis package, the length or many items in one test package, many test takers, and, last, foresight in rescoring to produce a more proportional pattern. This limitation can be used as a consideration for other researchers in analyzing the polytomous data.
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Gross, Eilam, and Ofer Vitells. "Statistics challenges in HEP." In 13th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2011.

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"STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONAL MRI DATA USING INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS." In Special Session on Challenges in Neuroengineering. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2011.

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Bidokhti, N. "Allocation analysis - challenges & solutions." In 2013 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). IEEE, 2013.

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Reports on the topic "ANALYSIS ON CHALLENGES"


Weber, Gunther H., and Peer-Timo Bremer. In-situ Analysis. Challenges and Opportunities. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2012.

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Lambon-Quayefio, Monica P. The Challenges of Child Labour Research: Data Challenges and Opportunities. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), May 2021.

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his Rapid Review is an attempt to instigate a broader discussion on child labour by considering the various dimensions and angles associated with the phenomenon beyond the straitjacket definitions provided in most reports. Its objectives are threefold. First, it aims to determine whether re-analysis of existing data sets is likely to yield new insights into the forms, prevalence and drivers of children’s work in agriculture in Ghana. Second, it aims to provide specific guidance on how these re-analyses might be undertaken and framed. And third, it aims to determine whether any of the available data sets might be used to map the number or density of children to the main agro-ecological zones or agricultural systems. In doing this, the review describes the nature of child work in the agricultural sector, highlighting areas that have often been ignored in the literature. The conclusion offers suggestions for future research on child labour based on our renewed understanding of the broad concept of child work.
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Sinfield, Joseph, and Romika Kotian. Framing Complex Challenges. Purdue University, August 2023.

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Innovating to achieve impact at scale in ill-structured environments is a complex challenge, with numerous socio-techno-economic dimensions. Whether tailoring a product or service offering to meet the needs of a global customer base, forecasting the socio-economic implications of a new technology, or working to address a societal challenge in a low-to-middle income country, problems that encompass social, technical and/or economic uncertainty, significant variations in involved stakeholder characteristics, and even subtle differences across the focal environment, inevitably benefit from a holistic analysis that spans multiple levels of abstraction, encompasses a plurality of perspectives, and can be tailored to include contextual nuances. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, these types of problems require an accurate definition of the problem to be solved. To foster effective progress in this class of challenges, we herein introduce a novel problem analysis method, termed Comprehensive Success Factor Analysis (CSFA), that provides a rigorous and structured approach to attain holistic problem frames across an array of challenge types to inform decision making, innovation, and capacity building with the goal of achieving impact at scale.
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Badua, Reginald, and Shalanda Warr. Canes Implementation: Analysis of Budgetary, Business, and Policy Challenges. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 2014.

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Go, Eugenia, Sam Hill, Maria Hanna Jaber, Yothin Jinjarak, Donghyun Park, and Anton Ragos. Developing Asia’s Fiscal Landscape and Challenges. Asian Development Bank, June 2022.

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This paper analyzes how substantial fiscal policy stimulus in response to COVID-19, combined with the impact of the downturn on revenues, has severely weakened public finances in many developing Asian economies. Analysis drawing on newly compiled data shows that while tax revenues in developing Asia steadily rose in the 2 decades before the COVID–19 pandemic, they continued to lag well behind high-income economies and some developing peers. The region relies on indirect taxes, creating a relatively efficient but less progressive tax structure, while government expenditures on education and health were comparatively modest.
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García Zaballos, Antonio, Pau Puig Gabarró, and Enrique Iglesias Rodriguez. Digital Infrastructure in Trinidad and Tobago: Analysis, Challenges, and Action Plan. Inter-American Development Bank, February 2022.

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This document presents an analysis of the state of digital connectivity in Trinidad and Tobago and an action plan to close the existing gap between the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. There is also a large gap within the country between urban, densely populated regions and rural, remote, or difficult-to-access regions. Among the impediments to closing the gap are: lack of investment in infrastructure in the most remote areas; limited bandwidth of citizens, institutions and companies that are far from this infrastructure; and lack of competition among internet companies. The government is making efforts in the areas of a universal service fund, spectrum management, and the formulation of the national ICT plan to improve access conditions in the country. Finally, the document estimates the investment gap in the region and in Trinidad and Tobago specifically.
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Lagarda, Guillermo. The New Challenges of Greater Financial Complexity in Central America: A Network Analysis. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2017.

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Deboever, Jeremiah, Xiaochen Zhang, Matthew J. Reno, Robert Joseph Broderick, Santiago Grijalva, and Francis Therrien. Challenges in reducing the computational time of QSTS simulations for distribution system analysis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2017.

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Stiles, Dennis L., Susan A. Jones, Rick J. Orth, Bernard F. Saffell, and Yunhua Zhu. Biofuels in Oregon and Washington: A Business Case Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2008.

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Woolf, Tim, Ben Havumaki, Divita Bhandari, Melissa Whited, and Lisa Schwartz. Benefit-Cost Analysis for Utility-Facing Grid Modernization Investments: Trends, Challenges, and Considerations. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2021.

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