Journal articles on the topic 'Analysis of practice and discourse'
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Tillborg, Adriana Di Lorenzo. "Disabilities within Sweden’s Art and Music Schools: Discourses of inclusion, policy and practice." Policy Futures in Education 18, no. 3 (June 28, 2019): 391–409.
Full textKhaemba, Josephine Mulindi. "The power of words in political discourses of the general election campaigns in Kenya." Journal of Languages and Linguistics (JLL) 3, no. 1 (April 15, 2024): 22–32.
Full textLucero, Edgar. "Discourse, Knowledge, and Practice." Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 26, no. 2 (December 5, 2024): 143–59.
Full textJansson, Noora. "Discourse phronesis in organizational change: a narrative analysis." Journal of Organizational Change Management 27, no. 5 (August 11, 2014): 769–79.
Full textGadassik. "Assembling Movement: Scientific Motion Analysis and Studio Animation Practice." Discourse 37, no. 3 (2015): 269.
Full textNarwaya, St Tri Guntur. "DISCOURSE ANALYSIS IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ERNESTO LACLAU AND CHANTAL MOUFFE." Journal Communication Spectrum 11, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 1–11.
Full textAnderson, Gary, and Angus Shiva Mungal. "Discourse analysis and the study of educational leadership." International Journal of Educational Management 29, no. 7 (September 14, 2015): 807–18.
Full textBunzli, Samantha, Nicholas Taylor, Penny O’Brien, Michelle Dowsey, Jason Wallis, Peter Choong, and Nora Shields. "How Do People Communicate About Knee Osteoarthritis? A Discourse Analysis." Pain Medicine 22, no. 5 (January 27, 2021): 1127–48.
Full textUdasmoro, Wening. "Minangkabau peace literature in West Sumatra: A critical discourse analysis." Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik 32, no. 1 (March 31, 2019): 34.
Full textNESSA, JOHN, and KIRSTI MALTERUD. "Discourse Analysis in General Practice: A Sociolinguistic Approach." Family Practice 7, no. 2 (1990): 77–83.
Full textNika, Oksana I. "DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF PROPER NAMES OF UKRAINIAN EARLY MODERN PERIOD." Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology 2, no. 28 (December 6, 2024): 264–78.
Full textMulyaningsih, Hetti, Bagong Suyanto, and Rahma Sugihartati. "Discourse and breastfeeding practice in urban communities in Indonesia: A Foucauldian perspective." Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies) 4, no. 3 (November 5, 2020): 597.
Full textDzinovic, Vladimir. "Using focus groups to give voice to school underachievers." Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja 41, no. 2 (2009): 284–96.
Full textPrice, Steve. "Critical Discourse Analysis: Discourse Acquisition and Discourse Practices." TESOL Quarterly 33, no. 3 (1999): 581.
Full textSarmadan, Sarmadan, Aceng Rahmat, and Siti Gomo Attas. "DISCOURSE OF HIZBUT TAHRIR INDONESIA'S RADICALISM: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ON TEMPO.CO MEDIA." Getsempena English Education Journal 9, no. 1 (July 19, 2022): 1–12.
Full textSchmid, Jeanette, and Marina Morgenshtern. "IN HISTORY’S SHADOW: CHILD WELFARE DISCOURSES REGARDING INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES IN THE CANADIAN SOCIAL WORK JOURNAL." International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies 13, no. 1 (April 21, 2022): 145–68.
Full textDu Toit, A. B. "South African discourse analysis in theory and practice." Verbum et Ecclesia 29, no. 2 (November 17, 2008): 387–406.
Full textHjelm, Titus. "Empowering discourse: discourse analysis as method and practice in the sociology classroom." Teaching in Higher Education 18, no. 8 (June 14, 2013): 871–82.
Full textLessu, Deasy Natalia. "A Critical Discourse Analysis." Koli Journal : English Language Education 1, no. 2 (December 8, 2020): 91–103.
Full textAjie, Purwoko, Sri Kusumo Habsari, Raden Roro Ratnasari Dwi Riyanti, Dhelinta Fitri Pramadhanti, and Fadhilah Mahanani Saputri. "TRADITION IN TRANSITION: UNVEILING SOCIAL REALITIES AND LOWER-CLASS OPPRESSION IN THE FILM NYUMBANG." Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya 14, no. 3 (December 30, 2024): 417–34.
Full textEllermann, Antje. "Can discourse analysis enable reflective social work practice?" Social Work Education 17, no. 1 (March 1998): 35–44.
Full textKarlsson, Fredrik, Karin Hedström, and Göran Goldkuhl. "Practice-based discourse analysis of information security policies." Computers & Security 67 (June 2017): 267–79.
Full textHeartfield, Marie. "Nursing documentation and nursing practice: a discourse analysis." Journal of Advanced Nursing 24, no. 1 (July 1996): 98–103.
Full textNurbayeva, А., and B. Karimova. "CHARACTERISTICS OF ADVERTISING TEXT AS A DISCURSIVE PRACTICE." BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences 74, no. 4 (December 9, 2020): 151–57.
Full textRyabchuk, Anastasiya, and Tamara Khurtsydze. "Using discourse analysis in contemporary social research." NaUKMA Research Papers. Sociology 6 (November 22, 2023): 3–15.
Full textBeaumont, Susan, Stephanie Kelly, and Lee Smith. "Defining, teaching, and practising diversity: Another hegemonic discourse?" Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 33, no. 3 (November 14, 2021): 61–73.
Full textHewitt, Heather, Lucy McCloughan, and Brian McKinstry. "Front desk talk: discourse analysis of receptionist–patient interaction." British Journal of General Practice 59, no. 565 (August 1, 2009): e260-e266.
Full textPavlichenko, Larysa V. "POLARIZATION IN MEDIA POLITICAL DISCOURSE ON THE WAR IN UKRAINE: CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS." Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology 2, no. 24 (December 20, 2022): 214–23.
Full textBozic, Nick, Jane Leadbetter, and Phil Stringer. "Discourse analysis: elevating the mundane." Educational and Child Psychology 15, no. 3 (1998): 65–73.
Full textBager, Ann Starbæk. "A multimodal discourse analysis of positioning and identity work in a leadership development practice." Communication & Language at Work 6, no. 1 (May 6, 2019): 40–62.
Full textCloud, Doug. "Rewriting a Discursive Practice: Atheist Adaptation of Coming Out Discourse." Written Communication 34, no. 2 (March 13, 2017): 165–88.
Full textMolodychenko, Evgeni N. "Levels of context: how textual analysis becomes discourse analysis: the case of Internet lifestyle media." Baltic accent 14, no. 1 (2023): 107–25.
Full textBernild, Camilla, Karin Vallgren Seyfarth, Anne Mørup Mellergaard, Anette Lykke Hindhede, and Niels Sandholm. "Praksis- eller metode-orienterede ‘forandrings-agenter’?" Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier 20, no. 38 (December 16, 2024): 70–83.
Full textRai, Jiwan Kumar. "The Representation of Limbus: A Discourse Analysis of Upendra Subba’s “Dumb Hill”." Prithvi Academic Journal 2 (May 1, 2019): 95–105.
Full textSulistyan, Media Febriana, Muhammad Aras, Intansari Putriani, and Febyanti Syafitri Hartono. "YOUTH WORK PRACTICE THROUGH ADVERTISING: A MULTIMODAL CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS." Journal of Scientech Research and Development 5, no. 1 (February 24, 2023): 52–64.
Full textLibánská, Anna Řičář. "The People of the So-called New World and the Practice of Othering in Czech Written Sources of the 16th Century." Ethnologia Actualis 22, no. 1 (June 1, 2022): 1–27.
Full textLin, Qiuming. "Human Agency and Its Discursive Practices." International Journal of Linguistics 11, no. 4 (August 7, 2019): 70.
Full textArmstrong, Denise, Stephanie Tuters, and Snežana Ratković. "Which Hill Would You Die on?: Examining the Use of War-Normalizing Metaphors in Social Justice Leaders’ Discourse and Practice." Journal of School Leadership 30, no. 1 (May 16, 2019): 42–61.
Full textGee, James Paul, and Judith L. Green. "Discourse Analysis, Learning, and Social Practice: A Methodological Study." Review of Research in Education 23 (1998): 119.
Full textLanger, Roy. "Germans welcome? Reflections on media discourse analysis in practice." International Journal of Applied Linguistics 10, no. 1 (June 2000): 7–24.
Full textFloyd, Rita. "Security as Practice — Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War." Journal of International Relations and Development 10, no. 2 (June 2007): 214–17.
Full textNafri Dwi Boy and Anwar Efendi. "Pros-Cons of Nasi Padang Containing Pork on Social Media." International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 6, no. 3 (February 26, 2023): 27–38.
Full textEspinosa García, Reynier, Elizabeth Guerra Roblejo, Maylin Yero Perea, and Alisa Natividad Delgado Tornés. "Discursos juveniles desde un caso en la ciudad de Bayamo-Cuba. Reflexiones en tiempos de la Covid-19." Revista Científica Retos de la Ciencia 4, no. 9 (July 1, 2020): 57–65.
Full textMasitoh, Masitoh. "PENDEKATAN DALAM ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS." Edukasi Lingua Sastra 18, no. 1 (April 27, 2020): 66–76.
Full textBrünner, Gisela, and Ina Pick. "Bewertungen sprachlichen Handelns und good practice in der Angewandten Gesprächsforschung." Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 72, no. 1 (April 8, 2020): 63–98.
Full textArdiani, Aimie Sulaiman, and Citra Asmara Indra. "Critical Discourse Analysis Of Child Marriage Practices In The Yuni’s Movie." Social Science Studies 3, no. 5 (September 30, 2023): 395–420.
Full textFilipe Madre De Deus De Sousa, Samantha Banbury, Olaide Phillips, and Joanne Lusher. "How counselling psychologists address issues of race with clients from black Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds: A discourse analysis." World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 21, no. 1 (January 30, 2024): 1209–19.
Full textSarasati, Ruruh. "Analisis wacana kritis dalam pembelajaran: Peran AWK pada pembelajaran literasi kritis, berpikir kritis, dan kesadaran berbahasa kritis." HUMANIKA 19, no. 1 (February 12, 2020): 20–29.
Full textMcDonald, Cherelle. "Language in multilingual classrooms: Discourses regarding language and teaching practice in linguistically diverse primary schools." Educational and Child Psychology 38, no. 4 (December 2021): 35–47.
Full textBaumann, C., A. Tijé-Dra, and J. Winkler. "Geographien zwischen Diskurs und Praxis – Mit Wittgenstein Anknüpfungspunkte von Diskurs- und Praxistheorie denken." Geographica Helvetica 70, no. 3 (September 4, 2015): 225–37.
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