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Tillborg, Adriana Di Lorenzo. "Disabilities within Sweden’s Art and Music Schools: Discourses of inclusion, policy and practice." Policy Futures in Education 18, no. 3 (June 28, 2019): 391–409.

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The aim of this paper is to investigate the discourses that emerge when Sweden’s Art and Music School leaders talk about the inclusion of pupils with disabilities in relation to policy. A starting point is that both earlier studies and policy documents have revealed inclusion problems within Art and Music Schools. The research question is: how are Art and Music School practice, policy and inclusion of pupils with disabilities connected within and through leaders’ discursive practices? The data are based on three focus group conversations with a total of 16 Art and Music School leaders from northern, central and southern Sweden. Discourse analysis as a social constructionist approach is applied since it provides a means to investigate the connection between social change and discourse. Concepts from both discursive psychology and Foucauldian-inspired discourse analysis are applied in order to investigate connections between rhetorical strategies on a micro level and discourses on an institutional level. The concept of multicentric inclusion is introduced and applied in the analysis. In addition, concepts from educational policy theories are applied in order to analyse how policies are conceptualised and enacted in the context of leaders’ discursive practices. Regarding terminology, the results challenge this researcher when the concept of mixed abilities is introduced by the participants. The analysis exposes three discourses: multicentric inclusion discourse, normality discourse and specialisation discourse. There are tensions between the multicentric inclusion discourse and the normality discourse, as well as between the multicentric inclusion discourse and the specialisation discourse. The analysis leads to the following suggestions in order to achieve justice in music education practices and policies: (a) to enforce a specific national inclusion policy, (b) to challenge the normality discourse and (c) to bring together the multicentric inclusion discourse with the specialisation discourse.
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Khaemba, Josephine Mulindi. "The power of words in political discourses of the general election campaigns in Kenya." Journal of Languages and Linguistics (JLL) 3, no. 1 (April 15, 2024): 22–32.

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This paper examines the power of words in political campaign discourses in Kenyan media. The study focuses on the several meanings of concepts employed by politicians in the run-up to the general elections of August 2022. Discursive practices and linguistic tactics are employed in discourses to achieve a particular political, social, psychological or linguistic goal. Critical theories of language see the use of language as a form of social practice. Critical discourse analysis claims that major social and political processes and movements have a partly linguistic and partly social and political character. Social relations of power are linguistic and discursive in nature. They are exercised and negotiated in discourse. The study utilised Mitchel Foucault’s approaches to political discourse and Norman Fairclough’s critical approaches to discourse analysis. Fairclough’s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis was employed in the study. First is the analysis of text; words are a part of the community, and texts contain interpretation. Secondly, language is viewed as a discursive practice, which is the production or the constitution of text and, finally, the analysis of language as a social practice, which includes the analysis of norms. The study sought to contribute to studies dealing with the discursive construction of power and ideology in political discourses. The study demonstrates that Kenyans do not vote independently; rather, they are persuaded to vote through the power exerted by the rhetoric of the politicians and the professional media practices that assist their presentation.
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Lucero, Edgar. "Discourse, Knowledge, and Practice." Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 26, no. 2 (December 5, 2024): 143–59.

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This article presents the findings of a three-stage qualitative study examining how English language teacher education in Colombia conceives its teaching practicum and student-teachers. Insights emerged from three key sources: English language student-teachers’ autoethnographies, Colombian-authored scholarly articles, and undergraduate programs’ relevant institutional documents. We analyzed each source using tailored methodologies: narrative analysis, epistemic discourse analysis, and documentary analysis. The findings reveal that the practicum is understood by three points of convergence: foundation, knowledge, and practice. This framework defines English language student-teachers by their discourse, knowledge, and practice. The study highlights that the teaching practicum is a pivotal space where student-teachers apply language education discourses and their knowledge in practice. Reflecting on how English language student-teachers are formed and how the practicum is conceived has prompted the undergraduate programs and the community to advocate for a transformation from a theoretical approach to a more flexible, experience-based approach.
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Jansson, Noora. "Discourse phronesis in organizational change: a narrative analysis." Journal of Organizational Change Management 27, no. 5 (August 11, 2014): 769–79.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how discursive practices are involved in organizational change. Design/methodology/approach – This research scrutinizes organizational change by combining discourse and practice approaches. A case study at a public university hospital is conducted with a narrative analysis method. Findings – The key finding of this research is that discursive practices are involved in organizational change through discourse phronesis. Discourse phronesis is a socially and contextually developed phenomenon, and hence discursive practices are particular within context. The case study revealed four particular discursive practices as examples of discourse phronesis: field practices, mandate practices, priority practices and word practices. Practical implications – The results of this research advance awareness of the concealed power within discursive practices and, more importantly, invite practitioners to pursue the intellectual virtue of discourse phronesis while implementing organizational change. Discourse phronesis may be utilized as a gateway to advance change goals and to translate various discourses and actions that otherwise might remain unexplained. Originality/value – Although extensively studied, organizational change has not previously been directly approached through discourse phronesis, and by doing so this empirical research provides novelty value to both organizational change research and discourse analysis. By introducing the concept of discourse phronesis, this research offers scholars an alternative lens, the intellectual practicality lens, through which to approach organizational change and perhaps to develop new understandings of the great challenges that organizational change complexities usually generate.
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Gadassik. "Assembling Movement: Scientific Motion Analysis and Studio Animation Practice." Discourse 37, no. 3 (2015): 269.

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Narwaya, St Tri Guntur. "DISCOURSE ANALYSIS IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ERNESTO LACLAU AND CHANTAL MOUFFE." Journal Communication Spectrum 11, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 1–11.

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This article elaborates on the discourse analysis approach developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Laclau and Mouffe's ideas are still relatively new in the realm of communication studies in Indonesia. These two thinkers are more familiar with various contemporary political studies literature. Much of their theoretical arguments refer to the Neo-Marxist framework as well as the Post-structuralist perspective. This article provides the fundamental concepts developed by Laclau and Mouffe in assisting the broader socio-political discourse analysis. Laclau and Mouffe reject various basic assumptions from essentialism, foundationalism, discursive representationalism, and deconstructive approach. Using a critical literature review method, we examine the thoughts of Laclau and Mouffe in developing the discourse studies. Laclau and Mouffe's approach is practical for multiple communication studies such as political discourses, business communication, branding discourses, news analysis, and other social communication themes. It can be used to explore and study how, for example, a hegemonic discourse articulated in the practice of certain political discursive formation by various dominant political forces. Also, it is able to capture how a certain discursive topic negotiated and contested by various existing socio-political power. The implication can also extend to broader issues related to discursive practices because for Laclau and Mouffe, every social practice can be read from the lens of a discourse.
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Anderson, Gary, and Angus Shiva Mungal. "Discourse analysis and the study of educational leadership." International Journal of Educational Management 29, no. 7 (September 14, 2015): 807–18.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the current and past work using discourse analysis in the field of educational administration and of discourse analysis as a methodology. Design/methodology/approach – Authors reviewed research in educational leadership that uses discourse analysis as a methodology. Findings – While discourse analysis has been used in the field, little work has been done that explores “leadership” as a discourse practice. Originality/value – Increased use of discourse analysis in the field might unearth the ways principals and superintendents are creators of discourse and mediators of the discourses of others.
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Bunzli, Samantha, Nicholas Taylor, Penny O’Brien, Michelle Dowsey, Jason Wallis, Peter Choong, and Nora Shields. "How Do People Communicate About Knee Osteoarthritis? A Discourse Analysis." Pain Medicine 22, no. 5 (January 27, 2021): 1127–48.

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Abstract Objective To explore the ways in which people talk about knee osteoarthritis and how this may influence engagement in physical activity and activity-based interventions as recommended by clinical practice guidelines. Design A qualitative synthesis using discourse analysis methods. Methods Systematic review methods were used to identify qualitative studies exploring the perceptions of people with knee osteoarthritis, their carers, and/or clinicians. Methodological quality was evaluated through the use of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. Raw quotes extracted from each study were analyzed with inductive discourse analysis. Results A search of five electronic databases from inception until August 2019 yielded 778 articles. Sixty-two articles from 56 studies were included, reporting data (1,673 direct quotes) from people with knee osteoarthritis, carers, and clinicians in 16 countries. Two overarching discourses were identified—impairment and participation. The overarching impairment discourse prevailed in all participant groups and study settings. In this discourse, knee osteoarthritis was likened to a machine that inevitably wore down over time and required a doctor to repair. The overarching participatory discourse almost always coexisted alongside an impairment discourse. According to this discourse, a “busy body” was perceived as “healthy,” and people could remain active despite knee osteoarthritis. Conclusion The prevailing impairment discourse may potentially discourage people from using knees that have passed their “use-by date” and increase reliance on doctors to repair joint damage. Consistent with recommendations in clinical practice guidelines, a participatory discourse may provide an alternative way of communicating that may encourage people with knee osteoarthritis to continue to engage in physical activity by focusing on what they can do, rather than what they cannot do.
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Udasmoro, Wening. "Minangkabau peace literature in West Sumatra: A critical discourse analysis." Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik 32, no. 1 (March 31, 2019): 34.

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This research paper, focusing on the oral literature regarding peace in Minangkabau, West Sumatra, does not simply examine the meaning of oral literature, but also attempts to connect such literature with the social practices of its consumers. This has been carried out in an attempt to understand how, if peace literature is still a part of Minangkabau society, conflict and other acts of violence in the society can still occur. Three important questions must be answered: 1) How are works of oral literature regarding peace produced, consumed, and reproduced among the Minangkabau in Padang, West Sumatra? 2) Who is most involved in reproducing peace literature? 3) How is oral literature regarding peace related to social practices of peace? Critical discourse analysis can be a useful method for literary research. This can be attributed to the fact that works of literature are not simply fictional, but also social, meaning that they play an important role in bridging fact and fiction. The intent of this paper is to examine the connection between oral literature regarding peace and its discursive context through a strict investigation of the three layers of critical discourse analysis: linguistic practice, discursive practice, and social practice. The findings of this paper are that every generation creates their own definition of peace literature. Surau, family, schools, and media are the institutions that play important roles in producing peace literature. Young generations from different age categories consume and reproduce such literature based on their understanding of the discourses, despite the fact that they do not always follow the discourses in their social practices.
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NESSA, JOHN, and KIRSTI MALTERUD. "Discourse Analysis in General Practice: A Sociolinguistic Approach." Family Practice 7, no. 2 (1990): 77–83.

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Nika, Oksana I. "DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF PROPER NAMES OF UKRAINIAN EARLY MODERN PERIOD." Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology 2, no. 28 (December 6, 2024): 264–78.

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specific character of proper names discursive implementa- of proper names discursive implementa- of proper names discursive implementa- proper names discursive implementa- discursive implementa- tion of Ukrainian proper names in the early modern period of the 17th century. The research task is to char- acterize proper names as a resource of persuasiveness in the preaching discursive practice of the 17th cen- tury; to determine the discursive polyplanarity of proper names in early modern Ukrainian sermons; to an- alyze proper names in terms of text generation and cognitive processes of the speaker (knowledge, mem- ory reproduction, analogy); to reveal the principles of combining proper names and creating images (met- aphors, similes) in Ukrainian early modern practice; to establish the influence of ideology on the discourse and creation of the imagery of agionyms for the designation of the names of the Rus saints. Research methods: discourse analysis (to characterize the process of text generation in the preach- ing discursive practice of the 17th century, which is conditioned by historical sociocultural processes), ono- mastic discourse analysis (based on the analysis of proper names in discourse) taking into account axiolog- ical and ideological representations of discourses, contextual and interpretive analysis (two stages, contex- tualization and interpretation, are covered), linguistic and cultural interpretation (to characterize baroque conceptism and determine secondary meanings in the preaching discursive practice). Proper names are an active resource of text creation in the early modern sermon, which is analyzed in accordance with the traditional episteme and sociocultural conditions of the Ukrainian early modern of the second half of the 17th century, the requirements of institutional discourse, the type of discursive practice, and the author’s instructions. Baroque conceptism with the creation of new meanings contributed to the memorization and perception of the presentation, activation of attention, emotions of recipients, influence on the consciousness of Ruthenianas. The preaching practice of this period acquires certain signs of epistemic discursive transformations, which explain beliefs and partly knowledge that acquire symbolic meaning in the preaching activity to the discourse of faith. The encyclopedic nature of the author, the creation of new images, and persuasiveness accumulate in the preaching of multi-layered proper names that synthesize different cultural layers in the preacher’s updated interpretation. The onomastic discourse analysis not only studies the imagery of historical discourses, but also extrapolates the study of proper names to the peculiarities of ancient text generation and the cognitive processes of the speaker. Processing of information by the author is considered in the aspects of processing foreign language sources (analysis of methods of adaptation of borrowed proper names), reproduction of information from memory (inaccurate spelling of proper names), creation of analogies, images (metaphors, similes). The creation of images by analogy determines baroque syncretism, which combines theonyms and mythonyms, biblical anthroponyms and mythonyms, Christian theonyms and pagan theonyms. New fields of knowledge and secondary meanings of astronomical names (names of constellations, stars) become one of the resources of the baroque imagery of the sermon, its axiological representation. Sociocultural and ideological conditions actualize sermons in honor of the Rus saints in the Ukrainian preaching discourse. The comparison of these agionyms with biblical anthroponyms (parallels from the Old Testament), names of ancient philosophers, poets (Sophocles), names of world history (Alexander the Great) is characterized.
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Mulyaningsih, Hetti, Bagong Suyanto, and Rahma Sugihartati. "Discourse and breastfeeding practice in urban communities in Indonesia: A Foucauldian perspective." Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies) 4, no. 3 (November 5, 2020): 597.

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Breastfeeding coverage in Indonesia is under government target. Several works of literature illustrate that mothers in Indonesia face three classic problems. First, inadequate regulation to protect breastfeeding practices, second, the massive promotion of infant formula and breast-milk substitutes, and third, discrepancies in health services. This article aimed to explore the experiences of breastfeeding mothers and to relate it to broader discourse. The study was conducted in two metropolitan cities in Indonesia, Jakarta, and Surabaya. Both locations were chosen because the two cities share similar characteristics, namely urban communities with dense, heterogeneous populations and rapid changes. The study is a critical discourse analysis using the Foucauldian perspective to help examine the discourse and the social practices of breastfeeding. Data were collected with semi-structured interviews on 36 research subjects. The results confirmed that all subjects recognised the benefits of breastfeeding discourse. However, the practice of infant feeding was not always related to health recommendations. The study also found three issues concerning breastfeeding practice, namely: discourse on breastmilk and biopower, failed mothers, and mothers’ negotiation. The discourse on breastfeeding is recognised as a biopower discourse which is an extension of affected mothers’ identities. Mothers who fail to breastfeed feel guilt, frustration and shame. They tried to negotiate this condition by asking health workers for help and arguing that the identity of the mother is not only influenced by the practice of breastfeeding. Therefore, a constructive biopower discourse is needed to implement breastfeeding practices and discourses to normalise breastfeeding practices.
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Dzinovic, Vladimir. "Using focus groups to give voice to school underachievers." Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja 41, no. 2 (2009): 284–96.

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This paper analyses discourses on school failure of gymnasium students. Research strategy for establishment of dialogue with students is focus group. The method of analysis of the material obtained in the conversations with students is discourse analysis. First, two dominant strategies of focus group usage are discussed: as means for collecting data from subjects and as a social emancipatory practice. The prevailing discourses about school failure of students are mapped: the discourse of school as an insecure investment, the discourse of school marginalisation, the discourse of disinterest of students, the discourse of disinterest of teachers and the discourse 'school success does not have an alternative'. The concluding part discusses research implications on social position of students in power relations in education.
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Price, Steve. "Critical Discourse Analysis: Discourse Acquisition and Discourse Practices." TESOL Quarterly 33, no. 3 (1999): 581.

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Sarmadan, Sarmadan, Aceng Rahmat, and Siti Gomo Attas. "DISCOURSE OF HIZBUT TAHRIR INDONESIA'S RADICALISM: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ON TEMPO.CO MEDIA." Getsempena English Education Journal 9, no. 1 (July 19, 2022): 1–12.

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Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) radicalism discourse invites polemics and pros and cons that have not ended. The various perspectives on the existence until the dissolution of the mass organization need to be understood in depth, objectively, and comprehensively. This research was conducted with the aim of comprehensively dissecting the discourse of HTI radicalism which wants to substitute the Pancasila ideology by carrying the caliphate ideology. This research is a literature study using a qualitative approach. The knife of analysis is the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough's model which consists of three dimensions of analysis, namely text analysis, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. The data in this study are texts in the form of vocabulary, sentences, or discourses whose corpus is from a news story entitled "The Rise of HTI Rejection, Said Aqil: The Governor Must Be Able To Build Citizens" published by on Friday, May 5, 2017. The results show that in In terms of text analysis, especially in terms of diction and textual structure, represents the rejection of the caliphate ideology promoted by HTI which is reflected in the use of diction which has a positive meaning. The textual structure uses a strategy of accommodating sources as a news construction database. This can be seen in the construction of news where the four components, namely 1) news title, 2) selection of sources, 3) positioning of source quotes, and 4) the quantity of sources' statements lead to the collectivity of the meaning of rejection of the ideology of the HTI caliphate. Likewise, in the aspect of discourse practice, it is illustrated that the construction of news is in line with the public perspective which rejects HTI's radical ideology, as well as socio-cultural practices that strengthen or strengthen public knowledge and awareness that the disbandment of HTI must be carried out immediately because it can threaten the existence of Pancasila, UUD 1945, dan NKRI.
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Schmid, Jeanette, and Marina Morgenshtern. "IN HISTORY’S SHADOW: CHILD WELFARE DISCOURSES REGARDING INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES IN THE CANADIAN SOCIAL WORK JOURNAL." International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies 13, no. 1 (April 21, 2022): 145–68.

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This article reviews all items in the Canadian Social Work journal over its almost 90-year history that relate to child welfare practice in an Indigenous context. We review the journal contents as a way of understanding the profession’s voice, noting that a journal’s discursive practice reflects disciplinary discourse and that this journal positioned itself as a platform for social work debates. Our analysis contributes also to the truth-telling and accountability of social workers. While around 10% of the 1500 journal articles focused on child welfare practice, only 9 of these 152 articles addressed child welfare practice with Indigenous children and families. Our discourse analysis highlights that there was contemporaneous silence regarding social work complicity in the residential schools movement, the Sixties Scoop, and the current Millennium Scoop. In the 1980s, sustained critique around the role of social work in perpetuating colonization began to emerge. The journal, though, left child protection discourse unexamined and thus overlooked its role in maintaining dominant Canadian child welfare practice. We suggest that White supremacy and settler colonial discourses support the dominance of the child protection discourse, and that part of decolonizing child welfare practice relates to revealing and resisting these discourses and generating alternative decolonized discourses.
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Du Toit, A. B. "South African discourse analysis in theory and practice." Verbum et Ecclesia 29, no. 2 (November 17, 2008): 387–406.

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Discourse analysis should not be overly ambitious, but it can be a most helpful exegetical tool if it concentrates on the argumentative flow and thematic aspects of a discourse. A refined model of South African discourse analysis is presented. The different stages in this model are discussed and illustrated by means of Philippians 3:2-11. Special attention is given to problems regarding the dividing of the text into colons.
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Hjelm, Titus. "Empowering discourse: discourse analysis as method and practice in the sociology classroom." Teaching in Higher Education 18, no. 8 (June 14, 2013): 871–82.

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Lessu, Deasy Natalia. "A Critical Discourse Analysis." Koli Journal : English Language Education 1, no. 2 (December 8, 2020): 91–103.

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The study is about Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) which aimed to explore ideology in protest songs of Punk Rock music. The protest emerges due to dissatisfaction with any program or policy of the government or other organization. The musician sees these relevant parties as superior who have overused their power and ideology to control people and cause them suffered. Their music is a representation of their rejection of the condition and the system. Through their lyrics, they intent on raising people’s awareness of the existing issue and persuading them to agree with their beliefs and to fight for a change. The study has to investigate two research questions such as 1) What are the dominant ideologies revealed in Anti-Flag's song lyrics? 2) How are the ideologies revealed in the songs through the use of linguistic features? The study is library research that used CDA and Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) as basic theories. Under three dimensional framework of CDA: social practice, discourse practice, and textual analysis the study is directed to find out the social issues inside the 15 songs lyrics of Anti Flag and analyze the text with the help of SFG. The significance of this study is that it informs two main ideologies presented in selected songs of Anti-Flag are the anti-authoritarianism: anti-capitalism and anti-nationalism and the social movement and explains how the linguistic features work to present the ideologies.
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Ajie, Purwoko, Sri Kusumo Habsari, Raden Roro Ratnasari Dwi Riyanti, Dhelinta Fitri Pramadhanti, and Fadhilah Mahanani Saputri. "TRADITION IN TRANSITION: UNVEILING SOCIAL REALITIES AND LOWER-CLASS OPPRESSION IN THE FILM NYUMBANG." Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya 14, no. 3 (December 30, 2024): 417–34.

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The tradition of Nyumbang has long functioned as a social safety net within Javanese society. However, modernity has transformed the essence of Nyumbang, a shift clearly portrayed in the film Nyumbang. This study investigates how the film captures the evolving discourse of Nyumbang and its changing meaning over time. By employing Foucauldian Discourse Analysis (FDA), the research examines how the film utilises discourse as a tool for both knowledge and power, thereby revealing underlying shifts in societal dynamics. This approach uniquely uncovers the interplay between power structures and cultural practices, aspects that might be overlooked by other methodologies. The analysis identifies both dominant and counter-discourses, particularly through the narratives and dialogues of the characters. Notably, characters from lower social strata challenge traditional Nyumbang practice, signalling the emergence of counter-discourse. The dominant discourse portrays Nyumbang as a social obligation enforced by prevailing cultural norms, while the counter- discourse advocates for reevaluating this practice in light of modern societal values. The study concludes that the film Nyumbang effectively addresses the complexities of maintaining tradition amidst the significant societal changes brought on by modernity, including the tensions between traditional expectations and the reality of economic reciprocity.
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Ellermann, Antje. "Can discourse analysis enable reflective social work practice?" Social Work Education 17, no. 1 (March 1998): 35–44.

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Karlsson, Fredrik, Karin Hedström, and Göran Goldkuhl. "Practice-based discourse analysis of information security policies." Computers & Security 67 (June 2017): 267–79.

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Heartfield, Marie. "Nursing documentation and nursing practice: a discourse analysis." Journal of Advanced Nursing 24, no. 1 (July 1996): 98–103.

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Nurbayeva, А., and B. Karimova. "CHARACTERISTICS OF ADVERTISING TEXT AS A DISCURSIVE PRACTICE." BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences 74, no. 4 (December 9, 2020): 151–57.

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The article is devoted to the study of approaches to the concept of discourse and discursive practice. In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to address typical, routine, unproblematic, and therefore unnoticed discursive actions and events that are also part of the discourse. In this article, advertising is considered as one of the trends in consumer culture. The article reveals the nature of the impact of advertising on a person, the features of the moral content of advertising and the role of advertising in consumer society. The conclusion is made about the predominantly destructive influence of advertising on public culture. Ways to influence the advertising discourse to neutralize its negative potential are outlined. The concept of discursive practice in the aspect of linguistic analysis is considered. The basic principles of description are defined. The research focuses on the interaction of discourses and the formation of new discursive practices.
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Ryabchuk, Anastasiya, and Tamara Khurtsydze. "Using discourse analysis in contemporary social research." NaUKMA Research Papers. Sociology 6 (November 22, 2023): 3–15.

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The aim of this article is to sum up the principles of social constructivism as a foundation of all theories of discourse, and to identify key characteristics of main discursive theories, as well as perspectives of their use in the research of inequalities. We explore key theories of discourse (critical discourse analysis and theoretical frameworks based on works of Foucault and Laclau and Mouffe), and application of methodological approaches of discourse analysis stemming out from these theories, in current social research. All discourse theories are founded on principles of social constructivism: social construction of knowledge, existence of multiple variants of knowledge, simultaneous construction and reproduction of social reality in the process of social relations, and an idea that subjects construct knowledge inside of discourse, while discourse in turn constructs social reality. Characteristics of discourse theories were identified around criteria of the degree of inclusivity of discourse, functions of discourse, stability of discursive structure, degree of subjects’ agency. Approaches to discourse analysis that stem from the works of Foucault and Laclau and Mouffe suggest a strong link between theory and methodology, with research methods less clearly defined. Critical discourse analysis fills this gap in methodological developments. In particular, for social research purposes, Norman Fairclough’s approach to critical discourse analysis is widely used, looking at discourse as a social practice, a type of speech, typical of a certain area of knowledge, and as an articulation of a person’s or a social group’s lived experience that stems from their structural position. Fairclough’s analytical model consists of three levels: a detailed linguistic analysis of the text, analysis of daily routine practices and ways in which people construct social order, and macrosociological analysis of the social practice. The article ends with discussion of examples and common areas of discourse analysis usage in research of structural social inequalities.
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Beaumont, Susan, Stephanie Kelly, and Lee Smith. "Defining, teaching, and practising diversity: Another hegemonic discourse?" Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 33, no. 3 (November 14, 2021): 61–73.

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INTRODUCTION: Respect for diversity is a primary principle of the social work profession; however, the term diversity has been critiqued as meaningless and is often linked with cultural competence. Gaps in terminology, education, and knowledge about how to practise diversity have been identified in health and social practice literature, while attempts to teach diversity have uncertain results. The research question guiding this master’s study was “What are the factors that inform Aotearoa social workers’ practice when engaging with diversity?”METHODOLOGY: Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of four practising social workers to explore what informed their diversity practice. An inductive thematic analysis of the interview data was undertaken. Numerous themes and sub-themes were identified and grouped into seven thematic categories.FINDINGS: For research participants, the term diversity exists only in the discursive; and it “gets in the way” of practice. While acknowledging the importance of education and practice with Te Tiriti, participants could not seem to connect this knowledge with diversity and associated practices. The authors suggest that the definition of diversity for the purposes of social work education and competency frameworks requires a more critical approach: its associations with power, and its tendency to describe and classify otherwise complex, fluid, contextual identities. Aotearoa New Zealand social work education must also engage in critical analysis of monocultural, hegemonic discourse and power relationships through te Tiriti frameworks to prepare all students for practice with diversity in a bicultural context.
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Hewitt, Heather, Lucy McCloughan, and Brian McKinstry. "Front desk talk: discourse analysis of receptionist–patient interaction." British Journal of General Practice 59, no. 565 (August 1, 2009): e260-e266.

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Pavlichenko, Larysa V. "POLARIZATION IN MEDIA POLITICAL DISCOURSE ON THE WAR IN UKRAINE: CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS." Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology 2, no. 24 (December 20, 2022): 214–23.

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The war unleashed by Russia in 2022 is widely presented in online versions of English-language newspapers; Ukraine is constantly in the epicentre of the world news. This study highlights political and ideological contexts of the war in Ukraine, the sociopolitical and cognitive aspects of news according to an interdisciplinary approach considering the language as a social practice. The article highlights the polarization in the presentation of the events and the main actors entitled in the discursive strategies, representing the dichotomy In- versus Out-group. The study is aimed at the investigation of the ideological structures and their manifesting linguistic devices in political discourse based on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of discursive strategies for constructing the images of Ukraine and Russia in the British and American press. The integrated Critical Discourse Analysis was applied to the research of the news to study the media discourse and the language, where CDA focuses on social practice, social power and ideology. Political Discourse Analysis (PDA) is used to research the ideology of war images presented in the language of news reports. The relevance of this study determined by the aim is to show the main discursive strategies of polaeization in political media discourse. The research methods of the article combine three vectors of the analysis by Fairclough with explanatory tools (by van Dijk), and the elements of stylistic analysis and Critical Metaphor Analysis. The illustrative material was collected by information search and continuous sample from the open access newspapers and magazines issued in the US and Great Britain (The Daily Mail, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and others). Conclusion. This research argues that polarisation is being demonstrated in the media discourse on the war in Ukraine in 2022. The taxonomy of the identified discursive strategies of polarization deployed in the media political discourse includes labelling, evidentiality, number game, hyperbolism, victimization, personalization and analogy, that can either be used singly or intervened. The discursive strategy of evidentiality is applied to authorities, officials, witnesses that are accepted as trustworthy sources of data; the number game strategy combined with victimization are verbalized by metaphoric simile, metonymy, enumerating and magnifying the numbers with the modifying adverbs; the strategy of hyperbole conveys the positive impression of the in-group and negative acts magnification of the out-group verbalized by metaphor, metonymy, metaphtonymy; the personalization strategy is deployed with the purpose of foregrounding the positive actions of the in-group that implies negative out-group actions; the strategy of analogy is applied in the comparison of the war in Ukraine and the struggle of the Ukrainians for their independence with other historical events. Linguistic means used to realize the discursive strategies of polarization include the conceptual metaphor, metonymy, simile, idioms, metaphtonymy, intertextual allusion and personification.
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Bozic, Nick, Jane Leadbetter, and Phil Stringer. "Discourse analysis: elevating the mundane." Educational and Child Psychology 15, no. 3 (1998): 65–73.

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In this paper we describe the nature of discourse analysis (DA) and explain why it has particular relevance to the work of educational psychologists (EPs). We describe Potter & Wetherell’s (1987) model of discourse analytic method and illustrate it with reference to studies related to the practice of EPs. Finally, there is some discussion of the areas in which EPs might apply a DA perspective.
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Bager, Ann Starbæk. "A multimodal discourse analysis of positioning and identity work in a leadership development practice." Communication & Language at Work 6, no. 1 (May 6, 2019): 40–62.

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The paper shows an example of how interaction in a leadership development forum can be analyzed from a narrative-in-use perspective through a combined dialogicality and small story analysis strategy. This entails that a multimodal discourse analysis is conducted of the positioning and identity work accomplished in a research- and dialogue-based leadership development forum in a university setting. A micro-generic positioning analysis of the participants’ small story efforts is combined with an analysis of dialogicality involving other-orientation to show how storytelling takes place and how opposing discourses within organization and leadership studies co-emerge in multimodal interaction. Among other things the analysis shows how different sociomaterial interactional setups shape identity work in situ. The research contributes to the emerging study of organizational dialogical and narrative practices up close. It emphasizes both the broad (Discursive) and the local (discursive) dimensions together with sociomaterial aspects of discourse and storytelling, which are increasingly pursued and recommended within the fields of narrative, dialogue, and discourse studies.
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Cloud, Doug. "Rewriting a Discursive Practice: Atheist Adaptation of Coming Out Discourse." Written Communication 34, no. 2 (March 13, 2017): 165–88.

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Coming out is a powerful way for individuals to disclose, constitute, and perform membership in stigmatized identity categories. The practice has now spread far beyond its LGBTQ origins. In this essay, I examine how atheists and other secularists have taken up and adapted coming out discourse to meet their situational and rhetorical needs. Through an analysis of 50 narratives about coming out atheist, I show that atheist writers use coming out discourse to claim both high and low agency over their identities. They both follow and resist a low-agency approach that has sometimes characterized LGBTQ uses of coming out discourse. Furthermore, I argue that the attribution of high personal agency in coming out discourse and other discourses of identity can introduce themes of deliberation, choice, and uncertainty, leading to a richer public discussion of identity category membership.
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Molodychenko, Evgeni N. "Levels of context: how textual analysis becomes discourse analysis: the case of Internet lifestyle media." Baltic accent 14, no. 1 (2023): 107–25.

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Today the so-called problem of discourse should boil down to (1) identifying relevant con­textual variables, (2) matching these to specific linguistic categories, and (3) operationalizing the former vis-à-vis the latter. Having posited this, the purpose of the article is twofold. In a more theoretical sense, the purpose is to outline one possible model of context each 'tier' of which is potentially related to certain linguistic categories and linguistic analytical toolkits. The suggested model has five tiers of contextual variables and two dimensions cutting through the five tiers. These dimensions are discourse (in the most general sense — as one of the 'moments' of social practice) and individuals (theorized here in two ways — in terms of cognition and as a complex of semiotic resources used to 'perform' identities). In a more prac­tical sense, the purpose of the article is to use (certain fragments of) the model to analyze dis­course. The discourse used for such analysis is a lifestyle instruction video from YouTube. Methodologically, the analysis draws on (1) the category of engagement as described in the Appraisal Model within Systemic Functional Linguistics and (2) the interpretation of dis­course/text as simultaneously invoking different discourses and genres, as suggested in the Faircloughian approach to discourse analysis. When seen as a complex semiotic happening, the discourse is analyzed in terms of it being part of the YouTube media platform. It is con­tended that as a result of the communicative technology in question, which has drastically changed participatory frameworks for mediated communicative events of this sort, a minimal discursive unit of analysis and interpretation should include, in addition to the text and ac­companying modalities (the discourse of the original video), comments made by other users (collaborative discourse). When seen more through the Foucauldian lens, the discourse of the video is analyzed as a discursive and generic hybrid invoking several social practices associat­ed with consumer culture, which can (to a certain extent) be shown to have (pre)defined the contents, the language and possible interpretations by the tentative addressee.
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Bernild, Camilla, Karin Vallgren Seyfarth, Anne Mørup Mellergaard, Anette Lykke Hindhede, and Niels Sandholm. "Praksis- eller metode-orienterede ‘forandrings-agenter’?" Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier 20, no. 38 (December 16, 2024): 70–83.

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This article examines the testing of a new bachelor program in nursing education (intervention program) aimed at increasing the integration between theory and practice in bachelor projects and harnessing the potential for contributing to practice development. Specifically, the purpose is to investigate which discourses about nursing are present in bachelor projects and the final examination in the intervention program compared to the regular program (control program). Based on this, the analysis explores how students' bachelor projects are constructed as agents of change for clinical practice. The empirical data consists of 12 bachelor projects and 12 observations of the final examination in both programs. Analytically, the methodological approach is inspired by critical discourse analysis. The analysis reveals that the two programs share the same types of discourses: scientific, caring, improvement, institutional, medical, and societal discourses. The difference lies in the weighting of the discourses and the way they are presented. Thus, the two programs are co-constitutive of two different forms of agents of change: the intervention program for a practice-oriented agent of change and the control program for a method-oriented potential agent of change. The latter is rewarded in the final examination for focusing on scientific discourse. Based on this, the article initiates a discussion on whether the discourse of change in the future should have as central a place as it does now, and, not least, how.
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Rai, Jiwan Kumar. "The Representation of Limbus: A Discourse Analysis of Upendra Subba’s “Dumb Hill”." Prithvi Academic Journal 2 (May 1, 2019): 95–105.

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What is the literary value of representing the culture of common people and making cultural discourse of marginality? For what purpose do the writers represent everyday lives, experiences, and cultural practices of marginalised groups? To answer these questions, this paper attempts to analyse Upendra Subba’s “Dumb Hill,” the title story of the anthology Dumb Hill, aiming to explore the whole way of life of ethnic Limbu people of Panchthar district, the eastern part of Nepal, including their lifestyles, socio-economic conditions, cultural values, and practices. It tries to interpret the purpose of representing everyday lives and cultural practices of common Limbu people. To interpret the text, Michel Foucault’s concept of discourse and power/knowledge, and Stuart Hall’s concept of representation have been applied as the theoretical tools to achieve the objectives of the study. Foucault argues that there is no truth, but truths which are constructed by power/knowledge and defined by the discourse. Discourse produces, constructs and defines a body of knowledge or truths. Hall undertakes the representation as a process and practice of conveying the meaning using the material objects or images, which are selected and constituted by power. In this sense, representation is a cultural product rather than an autonomous process of constructing a meaning. From this light, the story as a cultural discourse of marginality produces and defines overshadowed body of knowledge about ethnic Limbu people through discursive representation of Limbu people, and their distinctive cultural practices. This study provides a new insight to see and understand Limbu People’s distinctive ways of life that have been ignored and unheard in the dominant literary discourses.
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Sulistyan, Media Febriana, Muhammad Aras, Intansari Putriani, and Febyanti Syafitri Hartono. "YOUTH WORK PRACTICE THROUGH ADVERTISING: A MULTIMODAL CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS." Journal of Scientech Research and Development 5, no. 1 (February 24, 2023): 52–64.

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This article aims to examine the discourse on the practice of youth workers in Indonesia, constructed by commercial advertisements for A-mild cigarettes on television and social media, using semiotics multimodal critical discourse analysis research method. This article will analyze the ability of advertising communication to criticize several influential parties in young people's work practices. The commercial advertisement produced by A-mild shows how the younger generation works and how the relationship between young workers and their seniors; the result is that there are three views about the work practices of young people, namely (1) young workers are a multitasking generation, (2) productivity of young workers will be optimal if under the supervision and appreciation of experienced professionals, and (3) senior distrust of the abilities of young people is because they prioritize interpersonal relationships that have been established.
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Libánská, Anna Řičář. "The People of the So-called New World and the Practice of Othering in Czech Written Sources of the 16th Century." Ethnologia Actualis 22, no. 1 (June 1, 2022): 1–27.

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Abstract The article deals with the issue of representation and the practice of othering of the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas – the so-called Indians – in selected Czech written sources from the 16th century. Using the concept this/that/the other by literary historian John Barrell, it examines how the practices of othering, i.e., the production of signs of difference, are produced in analysed sources and identifies key discourses for their formation. Applying the concept to concrete textual passages, the article explores its benefits as a tool in textual analysis. It enables to categorise different types of otherness, among which it identifies the interrelationships, and the way power is distributed. Othering is produced through discourses of civilization and barbarism, religious discourse, and the discourse of power. Textual discourses are based on existing European literary production, strongly dominated by Christian discourse and the resulting Eurocentric interpretation of the world. European ideas about society and its organization are also transmitted to the New World.
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Lin, Qiuming. "Human Agency and Its Discursive Practices." International Journal of Linguistics 11, no. 4 (August 7, 2019): 70.

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This paper is aimed to provide a review about the studies on how people practice their agency in various types of discourse and to suggest the possible directions for future research. The paper begins with the introduction to different conceptualizations of human agency in philosophy and sociology. Next, it reviews how human agency has been explored in written discourses like textbooks, news stories and novels, as well as in spoken discourses including conversations and oral narratives. Then, it highlights the relationship between agency and systemic functional linguistics, as the latter has been effectively applied to analyzing human agency in discourse. The review shows that studies on discursive practice of agency have demonstrated the following features. First, human agency has been studied in various types of discourse with methodological biases. Second, the majority of the studies take a relatively static view towards agency within a particular discourse. Third, most of the studies are qualitative analysis to selected individual sentences or utterances. At the end of the paper, suggestions are given for further research based on the research gaps identified.
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Armstrong, Denise, Stephanie Tuters, and Snežana Ratković. "Which Hill Would You Die on?: Examining the Use of War-Normalizing Metaphors in Social Justice Leaders’ Discourse and Practice." Journal of School Leadership 30, no. 1 (May 16, 2019): 42–61.

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Metaphors are deeply embedded in educational discourse, yet few studies examine how educators use these linguistic devices to conceptualize, articulate, and make sense of their professional practice. This article examines the metaphors that 38 Canadian and American school leaders used to describe how they accomplished their social justice work in complex political environments. Our analysis revealed that while participants used a variety of metaphors to describe how they subverted inequitable practices to achieve their social justice goals, for the most part, their discourse coalesced around war-normalizing metaphors. We explore the nature of these metaphors, how they contradict and cohere with popular educational discourses and ideologies, and their implications for practice. We further discuss how policy makers, practitioners, and professional development programs can employ metaphors as discursive tools to assess and reconceptualize practice and advance social justice leadership.
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Gee, James Paul, and Judith L. Green. "Discourse Analysis, Learning, and Social Practice: A Methodological Study." Review of Research in Education 23 (1998): 119.

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Langer, Roy. "Germans welcome? Reflections on media discourse analysis in practice." International Journal of Applied Linguistics 10, no. 1 (June 2000): 7–24.

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Floyd, Rita. "Security as Practice — Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War." Journal of International Relations and Development 10, no. 2 (June 2007): 214–17.

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Nafri Dwi Boy and Anwar Efendi. "Pros-Cons of Nasi Padang Containing Pork on Social Media." International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 6, no. 3 (February 26, 2023): 27–38.

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This study aims to find out and describe the pro and con discourses on social media about nasi Padang containing pork which is currently viral. The discourse is seen from the text dimension, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice based on the model put forward by Fairclough. This is a qualitative descriptive study that used the theory of Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis to analyze the data. From the result of the analysis, nasi Padang containing pork has raised various pro and con discourses. The contra party considered nasi Padang containing pork to have insulted the Minang people, so they asked the authorities to take action. Meanwhile, the pro party defended the business owner and considered the contra party to have played on the SARA issue to break tolerance. Besides, it turns out that historical factors have also sparked the viral issue of nasi Padang containing pork.
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Espinosa García, Reynier, Elizabeth Guerra Roblejo, Maylin Yero Perea, and Alisa Natividad Delgado Tornés. "Discursos juveniles desde un caso en la ciudad de Bayamo-Cuba. Reflexiones en tiempos de la Covid-19." Revista Científica Retos de la Ciencia 4, no. 9 (July 1, 2020): 57–65.

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Discourses are viable mechanisms for the study of different positions in relation to certain objects and phenomena. As a form of social practice, discourses refer to agents, institutions and practices that are structured in certain contexts. This preliminary exploratory study analyzes the diverse discursive positions of young people in the face of the emerging social situation in the context of COVID-19. It was carried out from the perspective of the sociological analysis of discourse, in the perspective of socio-hermeneutical analysis. The object of study consisted of the provoked speeches of 13 young bayameses residing in an interval between the Urban Historic Center (calle 3 de Camilo Cienfuegos) and the northern periphery (calle 24 de Ciro Redondo), using the semi-structured interview technique. The results show some discursive positions regarding the perception of risk of contracting the pandemic, the main changes associated with hygiene standards, local initiatives, the protection of vulnerable groups, and the management evaluation of the information they receive. Key words: discourse analysis, discursive positions, COVID- 19, youth discourse.
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Masitoh, Masitoh. "PENDEKATAN DALAM ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS." Edukasi Lingua Sastra 18, no. 1 (April 27, 2020): 66–76.

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Abstract The basic understanding of critical discourse analysis is that discourse is not only understood as an object of language study. Language in the analysis of critical discourse in addition to the text also in the context of language as a tool that used for specific purposes and practices in the scope of setting, situation, history, power, and ideology. The Context is everything outside of the language itself. The main purpose of critical discourse analysis is to reveal the blur in discourse. To analyze the critical discourse, there were several approaches presented by experts, as follow; First, Norman Fairclough's approach produces a three-dimensional framework in understanding and analyzing discourse, namely the dimensions of discourse as text, discourse as discursive practice, and discourse as social practice by utilizing semiotics. Second, the approach to critical discourse analysis offered by Van Leeuwen centers on describing social actors in discourse and explaining how social actors were represented in a text. Third, Van Dijk's discourse analysis approach assembles sociocognitive ideologies, so that critical discourse analyzers could reveal ideologies hidden behind the text. Fourth, Wodak proposes a historical-discourse approach, which always integrates analysis of the historical context into the interpretation of discourse. While the fifth, Sara Mills’ approach emphasizes how women who were always marginalized were displayed in the text.
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Brünner, Gisela, and Ina Pick. "Bewertungen sprachlichen Handelns und good practice in der Angewandten Gesprächsforschung." Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 72, no. 1 (April 8, 2020): 63–98.

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AbstractThe article focuses on methodological issues of practice-oriented discourse research and suggests several methodological approaches to assess conversational practice. It makes an argument for the relevance of assessing conversational practice and for why aspects of good practice should be included more systematically in the analyses by way of considering objectives in the examined practice domains. We provide examples of different institutional fields (mostly doctor-patient and lawyer-client interaction) and discuss how actual communicative practices can be assessed with methods of discourse analysis. We thus aim to expand the methodological spectrum of conversation research by including matters of immediate social interest and aspects that are relevant for practitioners.
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Ardiani, Aimie Sulaiman, and Citra Asmara Indra. "Critical Discourse Analysis Of Child Marriage Practices In The Yuni’s Movie." Social Science Studies 3, no. 5 (September 30, 2023): 395–420.

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This research generally strives to see the discourse of the marriage practices of children who are raised in the movie Yuni with the method of researching the critical discourse discharge of the Norman Fairclough known as 3-dimensional analysis is text, scholary practice) (socialche practice) and social practice. According to him there is a kind of dialectic that occurs between social context (macro) and language (micro) itself. Thus, Fairclough tries to combine linguistic traditional and socio-linguistic. According to him, to know the meaning of the text as a whole, not enough if it only sees the linguistic aspects that it is necessary to connect it to the social context. That way, although the film is part of the literary study, this study will not lose its sociological aspect. This study will analyze each scene containing text or discourse of child marriage practices, analyze how the audience interprets the film through the application that has comments and analyzes the social context outside the media affecting the text raised in the movie Yuni. Data collection was done through the analysis which was then captured the screen in the scene containing child marriage text. Not only that, researchers also collect data through library studies and documentation which then the overall data was analyzed using 3-dimensional analysis of Norman Fairclough. From the results of the analysis conducted by the researcher, at least 9 scenes containing discourse of child marriage practices in Yuni's film including themselves that there is still an assumption that education for women is not important, some societies do not know the existence of the law Article 7 Number 16 of 2019, the marriage of children is not equipped with physical, psychic and mature knowledge, the environment plays an important role in directing teenagers, the income of the pigs that encourage the practice of marriage of children, and the school that has not functioning maximally.
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Filipe Madre De Deus De Sousa, Samantha Banbury, Olaide Phillips, and Joanne Lusher. "How counselling psychologists address issues of race with clients from black Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds: A discourse analysis." World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 21, no. 1 (January 30, 2024): 1209–19.

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The prejudiced experiences that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) clients report when discussing culture, racial discrimination and race has been documented. However, research seldom investigates the practitioners’ interpretations when engaging with clients from non-White ethnic backgrounds. This raises questions about how professionals address individuals' needs in clinical and supervisory practice. Therefore, the present study shed light on the discourses counselling psychologists use to address and discuss issues of race and discrimination when talking with clients in clinical practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of six counselling psychologists (mean age 40 years) who had engaged with clients or supervisees from a BAME background. A Discourse Analysis (DA) was employed to analyze dialogue used by participants in discussing race and discrimination in counselling psychology practice. This analysis yielded three main discourses when counselling psychologists described their therapeutic interactions with BAME clients and supervises. These were Systemic Institutional Racism; Legitimizing Racism; and Challenging Systemic Racism. The first two discourses alluded to similar repertoires present in the discussions of white counselling psychologist participants, whereas the discourse challenging systemic racism was constructed by BAME counselling psychologists. Findings indicate that becoming attuned and open to discussing race-related difficulties supports favorable outcomes in practice when engaging with BAME individuals. This research offers valuable implications for service provision across counselling and therapeutic practice.
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Sarasati, Ruruh. "Analisis wacana kritis dalam pembelajaran: Peran AWK pada pembelajaran literasi kritis, berpikir kritis, dan kesadaran berbahasa kritis." HUMANIKA 19, no. 1 (February 12, 2020): 20–29.

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Critical discourse analysis has been used to determine the power relations thatoccur in the process of production and reproduction of meaning. The structure ofknowledge influences the course of the practice of disclosure. The intendedknowledge is not only knowledge that is known by the speaker, but the knowledgeof the listener or reader. This places critical discourse analysis in a multidisciplinaryview. The multidisciplinary view is currently inherent in the analysis of criticaldiscourse and raises the potential for the involvement of critical discourse analysisin the discourses that arise in the classroom. Furthermore, critical discourse analysiscan also play a role in learning. This article conveys the potential role of CriticalDiscourse Analysis in critical literacy learning, critical thinking, and criticallanguage awareness.
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McDonald, Cherelle. "Language in multilingual classrooms: Discourses regarding language and teaching practice in linguistically diverse primary schools." Educational and Child Psychology 38, no. 4 (December 2021): 35–47.

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Aims:This research explored discourses regarding language in multilingual primary classrooms and how the dominant discourse forms teaching practice.Rationale:Educational responses to linguistic diversity are set within a social and cultural context, and in the context of England responses have varied throughout history. The current context is one of increasing linguistic diversity where multiple languages are present in schools. This research sought to consider discourse within this context.Method:Interviews were held with eight teachers in linguistically diverse primary schools. Foucauldian Discourse Analysis (FDA) was used to analyse the teachers’ talk to consider how language and teaching practice were described.Findings:There was a dominant discourse of monolingualism. Within the talk languages other than English were restricted to cultural and transitional activities and the English language described as most appropriate for the classroom. There was also a contradiction in the suitability of curriculum and assessment structures for pupils learning English as an Additional Language (EAL), and the structures were described as restricting teaching practice within the discourse.Conclusion:The dominant discourse mirrors findings from past and recent literature, suggesting a dominance of monolingualism in English education. The findings support educational psychologists working in linguistically diverse schools to reflect critically on and interrogate discourses regarding language.Limitations:The findings can only reflect discourse within the research context, and due to the research positioning does not offer a recommendation of a particular response to linguistic diversity. Suggestions for future research include exploring discourse through the talk of bilingual teachers and EPs.
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Baumann, C., A. Tijé-Dra, and J. Winkler. "Geographien zwischen Diskurs und Praxis – Mit Wittgenstein Anknüpfungspunkte von Diskurs- und Praxistheorie denken." Geographica Helvetica 70, no. 3 (September 4, 2015): 225–37.

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Abstract. Current discussions about a practice turn in human geography raise questions about whether discourse analytical approaches are focusing too strongly on symbolic representations. However, practice-theoretical conceptions privilege the analysis of everyday practices, discussing issues of embodiment and materiality. Following the considerations of Ludwig Wittgenstein, we assume certain connections between these two fields of study and explore the links between discourse and practice theory by employing the Wittgensteinian concepts of language-games and rule-following. Focussing on the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe and the practice theory of Schatzki, we show to what extend both theories are informed by Wittgenstein's work and can be seen as different types of language-games analyses. We highlight the similarities and discuss the differences in the basic interests of these theories. Finally, we introduce an integrative „Wittgensteinian approach“ that is illustrated by two empirical examples of geographical inquiry – practices of a new rurality and rap-music in stigmatized banlieus.
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