Journal articles on the topic 'Analysis of HD-sEMG signals'
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Al Harrach, M., S. Boudaoud, M. Hassan, F. S. Ayachi, D. Gamet, J. F. Grosset, and F. Marin. "Denoising of HD-sEMG signals using canonical correlation analysis." Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 55, no. 3 (May 25, 2016): 375–88.
Full textDuan, Haiqiang, Chenyun Dai, and Wei Chen. "The Evaluation of Classifier Performance during Fitting Wrist and Finger Movement Task Based on Forearm HD-sEMG." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (March 28, 2022): 1–12.
Full textVeer, Karan. "Spectral and mathematical evaluation of electromyography signals for clinical use." International Journal of Biomathematics 09, no. 06 (August 2, 2016): 1650094.
Full textZhang, Yanyan, Gang Wang, Chaolin Teng, Zhongjiang Sun, and Jue Wang. "The Analysis of Hand Movement Distinction Based on Relative Frequency Band Energy Method." BioMed Research International 2014 (2014): 1–8.
Full textWang, Gang, Yanyan Zhang, and Jue Wang. "The Analysis of Surface EMG Signals with the Wavelet-Based Correlation Dimension Method." Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2014 (2014): 1–9.
Full textHerrera, Efrén V., Edgar M. Vela, Victor A. Arce, Katherine G. Molina, Nathaly S. Sánchez, Paúl J. Daza, Luis E. Herrera, and Douglas A. Plaza. "Temperature Influences at the Myoelectric Level in the Upper Extremities of the Human Body." Open Biomedical Engineering Journal 14, no. 1 (October 23, 2020): 28–42.
Full textShahbakhti, Mohammad, Elnaz Heydari, and Gia Thien Luu. "Segmentation of ECG from Surface EMG Using DWT and EMD: A Comparison Study." Fluctuation and Noise Letters 13, no. 04 (October 20, 2014): 1450030.
Full textHari, Lakshmi M., Gopinath Venugopal, and Swaminathan Ramakrishnan. "Dynamic contraction and fatigue analysis in biceps brachii muscles using synchrosqueezed wavelet transform and singular value features." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 236, no. 2 (October 11, 2021): 208–17.
Full textNaik, Ganesh R., Dinesh K. Kumar, Sridhar P. Arjunan, and Marimuthu Palaniswami. "INDEPENDENT COMPONENT APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF HAND GESTURE sEMG AND FACIAL sEMG." Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 20, no. 02 (April 2008): 83–93.
Full textLersviriyanantakul, Chaiwat, Apidet Booranawong, Kiattisak Sengchuai, Pornchai Phukpattaranont, Booncharoen Wongkittisuksa, and Nattha Jindapetch. "Implementation of a real-time automatic onset time detection for surface electromyography measurement systems using NI myRIO." Thermal Science 20, suppl. 2 (2016): 591–602.
Full textMendes Junior, José Jair Alves, Melissa La Banca Freitas, Daniel Prado Campos, Felipe Adalberto Farinelli, Sergio Luiz Stevan, and Sérgio Francisco Pichorim. "Analysis of Influence of Segmentation, Features, and Classification in sEMG Processing: A Case Study of Recognition of Brazilian Sign Language Alphabet." Sensors 20, no. 16 (August 5, 2020): 4359.
Full textHossen, A., G. Deuschl, S. Groppa, U. Heute, and M. Muthuraman. "Discrimination of physiological tremor from pathological tremor using accelerometer and surface EMG signals." Technology and Health Care 28, no. 5 (September 18, 2020): 461–76.
Full textWang, Junhong, Lipeng Wang, Xugang Xi, Seyed M. Miran, and Anke Xue. "Estimation and Correlation Analysis of Lower Limb Joint Angles Based on Surface Electromyography." Electronics 9, no. 4 (March 26, 2020): 556.
Full textCampanini, Isabella, Andrea Merlo, Catherine Disselhorst-Klug, Luca Mesin, Silvia Muceli, and Roberto Merletti. "Fundamental Concepts of Bipolar and High-Density Surface EMG Understanding and Teaching for Clinical, Occupational, and Sport Applications: Origin, Detection, and Main Errors." Sensors 22, no. 11 (May 30, 2022): 4150.
Full textVeer, Karan, and Tanu Sharma. "Electromyographic classification of effort in muscle strength assessment." Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik 63, no. 2 (March 28, 2018): 131–37.
Full textLim, Feraldo, Eka Budiarto, and Rusman Rusyadi. "Comparison of Hand Gesture Classification from Surface Electromyography Signal between Artificial Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis." ICONIET PROCEEDING 2, no. 3 (February 13, 2019): 177–83.
Full textToledo-Peral, Cinthya Lourdes, Josefina Gutiérrez-Martínez, Jorge Airy Mercado-Gutiérrez, Ana Isabel Martín-Vignon-Whaley, Arturo Vera-Hernández, and Lorenzo Leija-Salas. "sEMG Signal Acquisition Strategy towards Hand FES Control." Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2018 (2018): 1–11.
Full textVeer, Karan, and Renu Vig. "Identification and classification of upper limb motions using PCA." Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik 63, no. 2 (March 28, 2018): 191–96.
Full textFeng, Yongfei, Mingwei Zhong, Xusheng Wang, Hao Lu, Hongbo Wang, Pengcheng Liu, and Luige Vladareanu. "Active triggering control of pneumatic rehabilitation gloves based on surface electromyography sensors." PeerJ Computer Science 7 (April 19, 2021): e448.
Full textDJUWARI, DJUWARI, DINESH K. KUMAR, SRIDHAR P. ARJUNAN, and GANESH R. NAIK. "LIMITATIONS AND APPLICATIONS OF ICA FOR SURFACE ELECTROMYOGRAM FOR IDENTIFYING HAND GESTURES." International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 07, no. 03 (September 2008): 281–300.
Full textDeng, Yanxia, Farong Gao, and Huihui Chen. "Angle Estimation for Knee Joint Movement Based on PCA-RELM Algorithm." Symmetry 12, no. 1 (January 8, 2020): 130.
Full textSangaboina, Swathi. "IOT Enabled Wearable Gloves with SEMG Subsystem with Posture Analysis." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. 9 (September 30, 2021): 1690–95.
Full textArozi, Moh, Wahyu Caesarendra, Mochammad Ariyanto, M. Munadi, Joga D. Setiawan, and Adam Glowacz. "Pattern Recognition of Single-Channel sEMG Signal Using PCA and ANN Method to Classify Nine Hand Movements." Symmetry 12, no. 4 (April 3, 2020): 541.
Full textLv, Ying, Qingli Zheng, Xiubin Chen, Yi Jia, Chunsheng Hou, and Meiwen An. "Analysis on Muscle Forces of Extrinsic Finger Flexors and Extensors in Flexor Movements with sEMG and Ultrasound." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (May 12, 2022): 1–10.
Full textKahl, Lorenz, and Ulrich Hofmann. "Removal of ECG Artifacts Affects Respiratory Muscle Fatigue Detection—A Simulation Study." Sensors 21, no. 16 (August 23, 2021): 5663.
Full textMartinot, J., N. Le-Dong, V. Cuthbert, S. Denison, D. Gozal, and J. Pepin. "0792 Mandibular Movement Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence Analysis for the Diagnosis of Sleep Bruxism." Sleep 43, Supplement_1 (April 2020): A301—A302.
Full textOstojic, Mirko, Milan Milosavljevic, Aleksandra Kovacevic, Miodrag Stokic, Djordje Stefanovic, Gordana Mandic-Gajic, and Ljiljana Jelicic. "Changes in power of surface electromyogram during breath-holding." Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 148, no. 7-8 (2020): 440–46.
Full textHernandez, Luis, and Clayton Camic. "Fatigue-Mediated Loss of Complexity is Contraction-Type Dependent in Vastus Lateralis Electromyographic Signals." Sports 7, no. 4 (April 2, 2019): 78.
Full textHajian, Gelareh, Ali Etemad, and Evelyn Morin. "Automated Channel Selection in High-Density sEMG for Improved Force Estimation." Sensors 20, no. 17 (August 27, 2020): 4858.
Full textRuvalcaba, J. Antonio, M. I. Gutiérrez, A. Vera, and L. Leija. "Wearable Active Electrode for sEMG Monitoring Using Two-Channel Brass Dry Electrodes with Reduced Electronics." Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2020 (August 1, 2020): 1–11.
Full textKhoshdel, Vahab, and Alireza Akbarzadeh. "An optimized artificial neural network for human-force estimation: consequences for rehabilitation robotics." Industrial Robot: An International Journal 45, no. 3 (May 21, 2018): 416–23.
Full textSavithri, Chanda Nagarajan, Ebenezer Priya, and Kevin Rajasekar. "A machine learning approach to identify hand actions from single-channel sEMG signals." Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik 67, no. 2 (February 22, 2022): 89–103.
Full textChen, Lin, Jianting Fu, Yuheng Wu, Haochen Li, and Bin Zheng. "Hand Gesture Recognition Using Compact CNN via Surface Electromyography Signals." Sensors 20, no. 3 (January 26, 2020): 672.
Full textEmayavaramban, G., A. Amudha, T. Rajendran, M. Sivaramkumar, K. Balachandar, and T. Ramesh. "Identifying User Suitability in sEMG Based Hand Prosthesis Using Neural Networks." Current Signal Transduction Therapy 14, no. 2 (October 10, 2019): 158–64.
Full textVeer, Karan. "Experimental Study and Characterization of SEMG Signals for Upper Limbs." Fluctuation and Noise Letters 14, no. 03 (June 29, 2015): 1550028.
Full textWang, Lin, Hong Wang, Rong Rong Fu, and Ning Ning Zhang. "Characteristic Parameters of Surface Electromyography Signals of Cervical Muscles." Applied Mechanics and Materials 249-250 (December 2012): 1308–12.
Full textQing, Zengyu, Zongxing Lu, Yingjie Cai, and Jing Wang. "Elements Influencing sEMG-Based Gesture Decoding: Muscle Fatigue, Forearm Angle and Acquisition Time." Sensors 21, no. 22 (November 19, 2021): 7713.
Full textCheng, Juan, Fulin Wei, Chang Li, Yu Liu, Aiping Liu, and Xun Chen. "Position-independent gesture recognition using sEMG signals via canonical correlation analysis." Computers in Biology and Medicine 103 (December 2018): 44–54.
Full textKarthick, P. A., M. Navaneethakrishna, N. Punitha, A. R. Jac Fredo, and S. Ramakrishnan. "Analysis of muscle fatigue conditions using time-frequency images and GLCM features." Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2, no. 1 (September 1, 2016): 483–87.
Full textPietraszewski, Przemysław, Artur Gołaś, Michał Krzysztofik, Marta Śrutwa, and Adam Zając. "Evaluation of Lower Limb Muscle Electromyographic Activity during 400 m Indoor Sprinting among Elite Female Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 24 (December 14, 2021): 13177.
Full textLiu, Lizheng, Jianjun Cui, Jian Niu, Na Duan, Xianjia Yu, Qingqing Li, Shih-Ching Yeh, and Li-Rong Zheng. "Design of Mirror Therapy System Base on Multi-Channel Surface-Electromyography Signal Pattern Recognition and Mobile Augmented Reality." Electronics 9, no. 12 (December 14, 2020): 2142.
Full textZhang, Xianfu, Yuping Hu, Ruimin Luo, Chao Li, and Zhichuan Tang. "The Impact of Load Style Variation on Gait Recognition Based on sEMG Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network." Sensors 21, no. 24 (December 15, 2021): 8365.
Full textLin, B., S. F. Wong, and A. Baca. "Comparison of Different Time-Frequency Analyses Techniques Based on sEMG-Signals in Table Tennis: A Case Study." International Journal of Computer Science in Sport 17, no. 1 (July 1, 2018): 77–93.
Full textSaid, Sherif, Abdullah S. Karar, Taha Beyrouthy, Samer Alkork, and Amine Nait-ali. "Biometrics Verification Modality Using Multi-Channel sEMG Wearable Bracelet." Applied Sciences 10, no. 19 (October 5, 2020): 6960.
Full textWang, You, Hengyang Wang, Huiyan Li, Asif Ullah, Ming Zhang, Han Gao, Ruifen Hu, and Guang Li. "Qualitative Recognition of Primary Taste Sensation Based on Surface Electromyography." Sensors 21, no. 15 (July 23, 2021): 4994.
Full textXi, Xugang, Wenjun Jiang, Seyed M. Miran, Xian Hua, Yun-Bo Zhao, Chen Yang, and Zhizeng Luo. "Feature Extraction of Surface Electromyography Based on Improved Small-World Leaky Echo State Network." Neural Computation 32, no. 4 (April 2020): 741–58.
Full textLi, Shunchong, Xinjun Sheng, Honghai Liu, and Xiangyang Zhu. "Design of a myoelectric prosthetic hand implementing postural synergy mechanically." Industrial Robot: An International Journal 41, no. 5 (August 12, 2014): 447–55.
Full textChen, Jingcheng, Yining Sun, and Shaoming Sun. "Muscle Synergy of Lower Limb Motion in Subjects with and without Knee Pathology." Diagnostics 11, no. 8 (July 22, 2021): 1318.
Full textShe, Zhu, Tian, Wang, Yokoi, and Huang. "SEMG Feature Extraction Based on Stockwell Transform Improves Hand Movement Recognition Accuracy." Sensors 19, no. 20 (October 14, 2019): 4457.
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