Academic literature on the topic 'Analysis of HD-sEMG signals'
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Journal articles on the topic "Analysis of HD-sEMG signals"
Al Harrach, M., S. Boudaoud, M. Hassan, F. S. Ayachi, D. Gamet, J. F. Grosset, and F. Marin. "Denoising of HD-sEMG signals using canonical correlation analysis." Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 55, no. 3 (May 25, 2016): 375–88.
Full textDuan, Haiqiang, Chenyun Dai, and Wei Chen. "The Evaluation of Classifier Performance during Fitting Wrist and Finger Movement Task Based on Forearm HD-sEMG." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (March 28, 2022): 1–12.
Full textVeer, Karan. "Spectral and mathematical evaluation of electromyography signals for clinical use." International Journal of Biomathematics 09, no. 06 (August 2, 2016): 1650094.
Full textZhang, Yanyan, Gang Wang, Chaolin Teng, Zhongjiang Sun, and Jue Wang. "The Analysis of Hand Movement Distinction Based on Relative Frequency Band Energy Method." BioMed Research International 2014 (2014): 1–8.
Full textWang, Gang, Yanyan Zhang, and Jue Wang. "The Analysis of Surface EMG Signals with the Wavelet-Based Correlation Dimension Method." Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2014 (2014): 1–9.
Full textHerrera, Efrén V., Edgar M. Vela, Victor A. Arce, Katherine G. Molina, Nathaly S. Sánchez, Paúl J. Daza, Luis E. Herrera, and Douglas A. Plaza. "Temperature Influences at the Myoelectric Level in the Upper Extremities of the Human Body." Open Biomedical Engineering Journal 14, no. 1 (October 23, 2020): 28–42.
Full textShahbakhti, Mohammad, Elnaz Heydari, and Gia Thien Luu. "Segmentation of ECG from Surface EMG Using DWT and EMD: A Comparison Study." Fluctuation and Noise Letters 13, no. 04 (October 20, 2014): 1450030.
Full textHari, Lakshmi M., Gopinath Venugopal, and Swaminathan Ramakrishnan. "Dynamic contraction and fatigue analysis in biceps brachii muscles using synchrosqueezed wavelet transform and singular value features." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 236, no. 2 (October 11, 2021): 208–17.
Full textNaik, Ganesh R., Dinesh K. Kumar, Sridhar P. Arjunan, and Marimuthu Palaniswami. "INDEPENDENT COMPONENT APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF HAND GESTURE sEMG AND FACIAL sEMG." Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 20, no. 02 (April 2008): 83–93.
Full textLersviriyanantakul, Chaiwat, Apidet Booranawong, Kiattisak Sengchuai, Pornchai Phukpattaranont, Booncharoen Wongkittisuksa, and Nattha Jindapetch. "Implementation of a real-time automatic onset time detection for surface electromyography measurement systems using NI myRIO." Thermal Science 20, suppl. 2 (2016): 591–602.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Analysis of HD-sEMG signals"
Liu, Aiping. "FDR-controlled network modeling and analysis of fMRI and sEMG signals." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011.
Full textImrani, Sallak Loubna. "Evaluation of muscle aging using high density surface electromyography." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021.
Full textWith the aging of the population, preserving muscle function is important to prevent loss of mobility and autonomy. Nowadays, the prevention of the muscle disease, sarcopenia, is a major concern and important risk factors such as older age as well as modifiable factors including low physical activity and unhealthy diet have been identified. Considering the growth of older populations and the decreased physical activity, which also includes young citizens, muscle quality awareness can be crucial in promoting a healthy aging process in our societies. Muscle functional assessments needs were expressed by researchers and clinicians, The European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) recommends defining sarcopenia as the presence of both low muscle mass and low muscle function (strength, and physical performance). For this purpose, we have developed a method for muscle aging evaluation, using an ambulatory and non-invasive technology, called high-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG), through a clinical research project on five age categories (25 to 74 yrs.). We performed a comparative study with a complete and multimodal analysis of the rectus femoris, muscle involved in daily life motions, in order to reveal the promising potential of the HD-sEMG technique, compared to conventional clinical techniques, to detect early changes in the quality of muscle function impacted by aging and physical activity level. The clinical part of this thesis project was funded by a European grant, EITH Health. By analyzing both muscle contraction dynamics and intensity of the rectus femoris, our results showed that the HD-sEMG technique, was able to discriminate between the five age categories of healthy physically active subjects. More interestingly, the proposed HD-sEMG scores discriminated between active and sedentary participants, from the same age category(45-54 yrs.), in contrary to clinical parameters and others usual techniques (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, DXA and ultrasonography). In addition, these scores for sedentary participants from this age category were significantly closer to those of active participants from higher age categories (55-64 yrs. and 65-74 yrs.). This strongly suggests that sedentary lifestyle seems to accelerate the muscle aging process at both anatomical and functional level, and this subtle accelerated process can be detected by the HD-sEMG technique. These promising preliminary results can contribute to the development of an interesting tool for clinicians to improve both accuracy and sensitivity of functional muscle evaluation useful for prevention and rehabilitation to avoid the effects of unhealthy lifestyle that can potentially lead to sarcopenia. This can support also the actual public health concern alerted by Word Health Organization (WHO) regarding aging and sarcopenia, to promote healthy aging
Viljoen, Suretha. "Analysis of crosstalk signals in a cylindrical layered volume conductor influence of the anatomy, detection system and physical properties of the tissues /." Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2005.
Full textAl, Harrach Mariam. "Modeling of the sEMG / Force relationship by data analysis of high resolution sensor network." Thesis, Compiègne, 2016.
Full textThe neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems are complex System of Systems (SoS) that perfectly interact to provide motion. This interaction is illustrated by the muscular force, generated by muscle activation driven by the Central Nervous System (CNS) which pilots joint motion. The knowledge of the force level is highly important in biomechanical and clinical applications. However, the recording of the force produced by a unique muscle is impossible using noninvasive procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a way to estimate it. The muscle activation also generates another electric phenomenon, measured at the skin using electrodes, namely the surface electromyogram (sEMG). ln the biomechanics literature, several models of the sEMG/force relationship are provided. They are principally used to command musculoskeletal models. However, these models suffer from several important limitations such lacks of physiological realism, personalization, and representability when using single sEMG channel input. ln this work, we propose to construct a model of the sEMG/force relationship for the Biceps Brachii (BB) based on the data analysis of a High Density sEMG (HD-sEMG) sensor network. For this purpose, we first have to prepare the data for the processing stage by denoising the sEMG signals and removing the parasite signals. Therefore, we propose a HD-sEMG denoising procedure based on Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) that removes two types of noise that degrade the sEMG signals and a source separation method that combines CCA and image segmentation in order to separate the electrical activities of the BB and the Brachialis (BR). Second, we have to extract the information from an 8 X 8 HD-sEMG electrode grid in order to form the input of the sEMG/force model Thusly, we investigated different parameters that describe muscle activation and can affect the relationship shape then we applied data fusion through an image segmentation algorithm. Finally, we proposed a new HDsEMG/force relationship, using simulated data from a realistic HD-sEMG generation model of the BB and a Twitch based model to estimate a specific force profile corresponding to a specific sEMG sensor network and muscle configuration. Then, we tested this new relationship in force estimation using both machine learning and analytical approaches. This study is motivated by the impossibility of obtaining the intrinsic force from one muscle in experimentation
Lienhard, Karin. "Effet de l'exercice physique par vibration du corps entier sur l'activité musculaire des membres inférieurs : approche méthodologique et applications pratiques." Thesis, Nice, 2014.
Full textThe aim of this thesis was to analyze the effect of whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise on lower limb muscle activity and to give methodological implications and practical applications. Two methodological studies were conducted that served to evaluate the optimal method to process the surface electromyography (sEMG) signals during WBV exercise and to analyze the influence of the normalization method on the sEMG activity. A third study aimed to gain insight whether the isolated spikes in the sEMG spectrum contain motion artifacts and/or reflex activity. The subsequent three investigations aimed to explore how the muscle activity is affected by WBV exercise, with a particular focus on the vibration frequency, platform amplitude, additional loading, platform type, knee flexion angle, and the fitness status of the WBV user. The final goal was to evaluate the minimal required vertical acceleration to stimulate the muscle activity of the lower limbs. In summary, the research conducted for this thesis provides implication for future investigations on how to delete the excessive spikes in the sEMG spectrum and how to normalize the sEMG during WBV. The outcomes of this thesis add to the current literature in providing practical applications for exercising on a WBV platform
Mishra, Ram Kinker. "Muscle Fatigue Analysis During Dyanamic Conraction." Thesis, 2012.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Analysis of HD-sEMG signals"
Varghese, Aiswarya, K. B. Akshaya, S. Akshay Prakash, S. Sreehari, Divya Sasidharan, and G. Venugopal. "Analysis of Motorcycle Rider’s Posture Using sEMG Signals." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 471–81. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textBanerjee, Swati, Loubna Imrani, Kiyoka Kinugawa, Jeremy Laforet, and Sofiane Boudaoud. "Analysis of HD-sEMG Signals Using Channel Clustering Based on Time Domain Features For Functional Assessment with Ageing." In Biomedical Engineering and Computational Intelligence, 83–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textQuizhpe-Cárdenas, Carlos, Francisco Ortiz-Ortiz, Freddy Bueno-Palomeque, and Marco Vinicio Vásquez Cabrera. "Computational Feedback Tool for Muscular Rehabilitation Based in Quantitative Analysis of sEMG Signals." In Advances in Physical Ergonomics & Human Factors, 94–101. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textChen, Chao, Farong Gao, Chunling Sun, and Qiuxuan Wu. "Muscle Synergy Analysis for Stand-Squat and Squat-Stand Tasks with sEMG Signals." In Biometric Recognition, 545–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textStrazza, Annachiara, Federica Verdini, Alessandro Mengarelli, Stefano Cardarelli, Andrea Tigrini, Sandro Fioretti, and Francesco Di Nardo. "Wavelet Analysis-Based Reconstruction for sEMG Signal Denoising." In IFMBE Proceedings, 245–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textCarriou, Vincent, Mariam Al Harrach, Jeremy Laforet, and Sofiane Boudaoud. "Sensitivity Analysis of HD-sEMG Amplitude Descriptors Relative to Grid Parameter Variation." In XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016, 119–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textShamli Fathima, P., C. Sandhra, Dolbin Jojo, A. V. Gayathri, N. Sidharth, and G. Venugopal. "Fatigue Analysis of Biceps Brachii Muscle Using sEMG Signal." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 307–14. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textGhiatt, Kawtar, Ahmad Diab, Sofiane Boudaoud, Kiyoka Kinugawa, John McPhee, and Ning Jiang. "Nonlinear Methods on HD-sEMG Signals for Aging Effect Evaluation During Isometric Contractions of the Biceps Brachii." In Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 354–62. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textGuerrero, F. N., P. A. García, and E. M. Spinelli. "Signal modes for design-oriented analysis of active sEMG spatial filter electrodes." In VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, October 26th -28th, 2016, 504–7. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.
Full textChang, Xin, Xinyi Li, Jian Li, Guihua Tian, Hongcai Shang, Jingbo Hu, Jiahao Shi, and Yue Lin. "Muscle Tension Analysis Based on sEMG Signal with Wearable Pulse Diagnosis Device." In Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 756–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Analysis of HD-sEMG signals"
Sebastian, Anish, Parmod Kumar, Marco P. Schoen, Alex Urfer, Jim Creelman, and D. Subbaram Naidu. "Analysis of EMG-Force Relation Using System Identification and Hammerstein-Wiener Models." In ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textMarri, Kiran, and Ramakrishnan Swaminathan. "Classification of Muscular Nonfatigue and Fatigue Conditions Using Surface EMG Signals and Fractal Algorithms." In ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textEl-Daydamony, Eman M., Mona El-Gayar, and Fatma Abou-Chadi. "A computerized system for SEMG signals analysis and classifieation." In 2008 National Radio Science conference (NRSC). IEEE, 2008.
Full textKumar, Parmod, Anish Sebastian, Chandrasekhar Potluri, Yimesker Yihun, Madhavi Anugolu, Jim Creelman, Alex Urfer, D. Subbaram Naidu, and Marco P. Schoen. "Spectral analysis of sEMG signals to investigate skeletal muscle fatigue." In 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC 2011). IEEE, 2011.
Full textContreras-Ortiz, Sonia H., and Luis A. Flórez-Prias. "Analysis of sEMG signals using discrete wavelet transform for muscle fatigue detection." In 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, edited by Jorge Brieva, Juan David García, Natasha Lepore, and Eduardo Romero. SPIE, 2017.
Full textWorasawate, Raya Sakashita, Pined Laohapiengsak, and Muthita Wangkid. "CNN Classification of Finger Movements using Spectrum Analysis of sEMG Signals." In 2021 25th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC). IEEE, 2021.
Full textShair, E. F., T. N. S. T. Zawawi, A. R. Abdullah, N. H. Shamsudin, and I. Halim. "sEMG signals analysis using time-frequency distribution for symmetric and asymmetric lifting." In 2015 International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET). IEEE, 2015.
Full textSarmiento, J. F., T. F. Bastos, A. B. Botti, A. Elias, A. Frizera, M. Hubner, and I. V. Silva. "Characterization and diagnosis of fibromyalgia based on fatigue analysis with sEMG signals." In 2012 ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference: Biosignals and Robotics for Better and Safer Living (BRC). IEEE, 2012.
Full textSoedirdjo, S. D. H., K. Ullah, and R. Merletti. "Power line interference attenuation in multi-channel sEMG signals: Algorithms and analysis." In 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2015.
Full textGhosh, Diptasree Maitra, and Ramakrishnan Swaminathan. "Fatigue Analysis in Biceps Brachii Muscles Using Semg Signals and Polynomial Chirplet Transform." In the 2017 International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2017.
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