Academic literature on the topic 'Analyse numérique : volumes finis'
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Journal articles on the topic "Analyse numérique : volumes finis"
Nessab, Walid, Brahim Fersadou, and Henda Kahalerras. "Etude d’un jet de ferrofluide confiné en présence de deux sources magnétiques." MATEC Web of Conferences 261 (2019): 04002.
Full textYoucef, Ahmed. "Simulation numérique du comportement dynamique et thermique d’un écoulement d’air à travers un canal muni des chicanes sous forme aile (Application aux capteurs solaires plans à air)." Journal of Renewable Energies 20, no. 3 (September 30, 2017): 521–29.
Full textHireche, Omar, Miloud Abidat, Leila Merahi, and Abbes Azzi. "Etude de l’Ecoulement Tridimensionnel dans un Rotor d’une Turbine Semi-axiale." Journal of Renewable Energies 2, no. 1 (June 30, 1999): 51–60.
Full textBenkhelifa, Abdelmadjid, Amor Bouhdjar, and Ameziane Harhad. "Influence des Forces d’Inertie sur les Performances de Stockage Thermique dans une Cuve Cylindrique durant les Phases de Charge et de Décharge." Journal of Renewable Energies 1, no. 1 (June 30, 1998): 53–63.
Full textCienfuegos, Rodrigo, Eric Barthélemy, and Philippe Bonneton. "Résolution numérique en volumes finis d'un système d'équations de Serre étendu." Revue Européenne de Génie Civil 9, no. 7-8 (August 2005): 889–902.
Full textCienfuegos, Rodrigo, Eric Barthélemy, and Philippe Bonneton. "Résolution numérique en volumes finis d'un système d'équations de Serre étendu." Revue européenne de génie civil 9, no. 7-8 (October 28, 2005): 889–902.
Full textMahfoudi, El-Ahcene, Abderrahmane Gahmousse, Athmane Harizi, Kamel Talbi, and Abdellah Hadjadj. "Simulation numérique de l’écoulement compressible supersonique Application aux tuyères propulsives à combustible liquide hydrogène." Journal of Renewable Energies 15, no. 3 (October 23, 2023): 365–72.
Full textCharef-Khodja, Nabila, Zoubir Belkasmi, and Azeddine Soudani. "Etude numérique des écoulements dans un micro canal rectangulaire." Journal of Renewable Energies 22, no. 2 (October 6, 2023): 237–49.
Full textEl motassadeq, Ahmed, Hassan Chehouani, Mohamed Waqif, and Sauveur Benet. "Simulation et Visualisation de la Couche Limite Thermique au-Dessous d’un Disque Horizontal." Journal of Renewable Energies 3, no. 1 (June 30, 2000): 57–69.
Full textOuarhlent, Faiza, and Azeddine Soudani. "Etude numérique de l’effet de la perméabilité dans un milieu partiellement poreux." Journal of Renewable Energies 22, no. 1 (October 6, 2023): 103–11.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Analyse numérique : volumes finis"
Agélas, Léo. "Schémas volumes finis multipoints pour grilles non orthogonales." Thesis, Paris Est, 2009.
Full textOne of the key ingredients for the numerical simulation of Darcy flow in heterogeneous porous media is the discretization of anisotropic heterogeneous elliptic terms. In the oil industry, the need to improve accuracy in near wellbore regions has prompted the use of general unstructured meshes and full permeability tensors. Our effort has therefore been devoted to find consistent and robust finite volume discretizations of anisotropic, heterogeneous elliptic terms on general meshes. Our research was focused on finite volume methods which are consistent and coercive on general polyhedral meshes as well as robust with respect to the anisotropy and heterogeneity of the permeability tensor ; yield well-conditioned linear systems for which optimal preconditioning strategies can be devised ; have a narrow stencil to reduce the communications in parallel implementations. To answer to this search, we have proposed several scemes such that generalized MPFA O, G scheme, CG method, VFSYM, DIOPTRE. We proved also the convergence of all these methods under suitable assumptions on both the permeability tensor and the mesh
Fosso, Pouangue Arnaud. "Schémas Volumes Finis précis : application à l'aéroacoustique numérique de jets subsoniques." Paris 6, 2011.
Full textColin, Claire. "Analyse et simulation numérique par méthode combinée Volumes Finis - Éléments Finis de modèles de type Faible Mach." Thesis, Lille 1, 2019.
Full textIn this thesis, we study some flows characterized by a low Mach number. In a first part, we develop a numerical scheme allowing the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations in the low Mach number approximation. The continuityequation is solved by a finite volume method, while the momentum and temperature equations are solved by finite elements. The scheme ensures the preservation of constant states. In a second part, we analyze a specific low Mach type model, in which the thermodynamic pressure is considered constant, and the viscosity is a particular function of the temperature. We show the existence, the uniqueness and the regularity of the solutions, as well as a maximum principle result for the temperature. Finally, in a third part, we develop a numerical scheme to simulate the equations of this model. Emphasis is placed on the discretization of the temperature equation, which is of finite volume type. Several schemes are studied and compared on criteria of precision and respect of the maximum principle. The momentum equation is discretized by finite elements, defining a new combined scheme
Ong, Thanh Hai. "Finite volume schemes for anisotropic and heterogeneous diffusion operators on non-conforming meshes." Thesis, Paris Est, 2012.
Full textWe present a new scheme for the discretization of heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems on general meshes. With light assumptions, we show that the algorithm can be written as a cell-centered scheme with a small stencil and that it is convergent for discontinuous tensors. The key point of the proof consists in showing both the strong and the weak consistency of the method. Besides, we study non-linear corrections to correct the FECC scheme, in order to satisfy the discrete maximum principle (DMP).The efficiency of the scheme is demonstrated through numerical tests of the 5th & 6th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications - FVCA 5 & 6. Moreover, the comparison with classical finite volume schemes emphasizes the precision of the method. We also show the good behaviour of the algorithm for nonconforming meshes. In addition, we give some numerical tests to check the existence for the non-linear FECC schemes
Mroue, Fatima. "Couplage Électromécanique du coeur : Modélisation, analyse mathématique et simulation numérique." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2019.
Full textThis thesis is concerned with the mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of cardiac electrophysiology models. We use the unfolding method of homogenization to rigorously derive the macroscopic bidomain equations. We consider tensorial and space dependent conductivities and physiological and simplified ionic models. Using the Faedo-Galerkin approach followed by compactness, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solution to the microscopic bidomain model. The convergence of a sequence of solutions of the microscopic model to the solution of the macroscopic model is then obtained. Due to the nonlinear terms on the oscillating manifold, the boundary unfolding operator is used as well as a Kolmogorov compactness argument for the simplified models and a Minty type argument for the physiological models. Furthermore, we consider the monodomain model coupled to Beeler- Reuter's ionic model. We propose a finite volume scheme and analyze its convergence. First, we show existence and uniqueness of its solution. By compactness, the convergence of the discrete solution is obtained. Since the two-point flux approximation (TPFA) scheme is inefficient in approximating anisotropic diffusion fluxes, we propose and analyze a nonlinear combined scheme that preserves the maximum principle. In this scheme, a Godunov approximation to the diffusion term ensures that the solutions are bounded without any restriction on the transmissibilities or on the mesh. Finally, in view of adressing the solvability of cardiac electromechanics coupled to physiological ionic models, we considered a model with a linearized description of the passive elastic response of cardiac tissue, a linearized incompressibility constraint, and a truncated approximation of the nonlinear diffusivities appearing in the bidomain equations. The existence proof is done using nondegenerate approximation systems and the Faedo-Galerkin method followed by a compactness argument
Blanc, Philippe. "Méthodes de volumes finis pour les équations de Stokes." Aix-Marseille 1, 2005.
Full textCautres, René. "Discrétisation par volumes finis et méthodes de décomposition de domaine pour des problèmes de convection diffusion." Aix-Marseille 1, 2004.
Full textOudin, Fabienne. "Schémas volumes finis pour problèmes elliptiques : analyse a priori et a posteriori par éléments finis mixtes, méthode de décomposition de domaines." Lyon 1, 1995.
Full textTournus, Magali. "Modèles d'échanges ioniques dans le rein : théorie, analyse asymptotique et applications numérique." Paris 6, 2013.
Full textThis thesis of applied mathematics deals with theoretical, numerical and asymptotic questions in transport, motivated by the renal physiology. To get into the details, the purpose is to understand and quantify the solutes exchanges in base case and pathological cases and to explain why nephrocalcinosis, i. E. Deposition of calcium salts in kidney tubules, arise. The manuscript is divided in two parts. The first part is made of the development and the mathematical analysis of a simplified kidney model. It is a system of 3 hyperbolic PDE's with constant velocities, coupled by a non-linear source term and with specific boundary conditions. This model can be considered in the framework of kinetic models with a finite number of velocities and reflexion boundary conditions. We prove that the system is well posed and relax to the unique stationary state for large time with an exponential rate of convergence. Thanks to a spectral analysis, we prove that the rate of convergence is exponential. We study the role of two parameters through an asymptotic analysis. One of these analysis is formulated in the framework of hyperbolic relaxation toward a scalar conservation law with an heterogeneous flux on a bounded domain. The second part is about the development and the numerical analysis of a realistic kidney model. It is an hyperbolic system of 27 hyperbolic PDEs whose velocities are solutions to 8 non linear ODEs, all coupled by their source term. The boundary conditions are also very specific. We interpret then the results from a physiological point of view, by predicting calcium concentration profiles in kidney, in base case and in some chosen pathological cases
Kluth, Gilles. "Analyse mathématique et numérique de systèmes hyperélastiques et introduction de la plasticité." Paris 6, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Analyse numérique : volumes finis"
Klinger, L. Simulation numérique 3D d'une torche à plasma par une méthode de volumes finis. Lausanne, Switzerland: Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2002.
Find full textEssentials of the Finite Element Method: For Mechanical and Structural Engineers. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2015.
Find full textPavlou, Dimitrios G. Essentials of the Finite Element Method: For Mechanical and Structural Engineers. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2015.
Find full textMathematical Theory of Subdivision: Finite Element and Wavelet Methods. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2019.
Find full textKumar, Sandeep, Ashish Pathak, and Debashis Khan. Mathematical Theory of Subdivision: Finite Element and Wavelet Methods. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textKumar, Sandeep, Ashish Pathak, and Debashis Khan. Mathematical Theory of Subdivision: Finite Element and Wavelet Methods. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textKumar, Sandeep, Ashish Pathak, and Debashis Khan. Mathematical Theory of Subdivision: Finite Element and Wavelet Methods. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textZhang, Yongjie Jessica. Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation from Scanned Images. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textZhang, Yongjie Jessica. Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation from Scanned Images. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
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