Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Analyse du mouvement – Simulation par ordinateur'
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Multon, Franck. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation du mouvement humain." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. http://www.irisa.fr/centredoc/publisHDRirisafolder.2006-06-01.0400865959/irisapublication.2007-02-09.5137418245.
Full textMulton, Franck. "Analyse, Modélisation et Simulation du Mouvement Humain." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 1, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00441143.
Full textFusco, Nicolas Delamarche Paul Cretual Armel. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation de la marche pathologique." Rennes : Université Rennes 2, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00293627/fr.
Full textChateauroux, Élodie. "Analyse du mouvement d'accessibilité au poste de conduite d'une automobile en vue de la simulation : cas particulier des personnes âgées." Lyon, INSA, 2009. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2009ISAL0037/these.pdf.
Full textThis study takes place in the context of Digital Human models used to test the ergonomics of environments such as automotives in the earliest stages of the design process. Yet, these tools do not take into account the aging of the population. The car ingress and egress motions are particularly problematic for seniors. This thesis aims at analysing car accessibly movements of elderly people in order to 1/ better understand their difficulties and 2/ simulate these motions using a digital human model. Eighteen elderly and 7 young subjects participated in the experiment. Ingress and egress motions were captured for four types of vehicle and discomfort ratings were collected by a questionnaire. As age effects differ from one person to another, the functional capacities were measured using clinical tests to draw a portrait of the abilities of each elderly subject. Results of these tests are used to define 3 groups of people: those who have a functional problem, those with “mediocre” capacities and those who have good capacities. Ingress and egress motions are analysed through the interaction between the subject and the environment in order to define the constraints linked to vehicle design. Two major strategies have been observed for the ingress and egress movements. The strategies “Sit First” and “Two Legs Out” are used by people with functional problems. The strategies “Right Leg First” and “Left Leg First” are the most observed ingress and egress strategies, regardless of functional capacities. These movements are decomposed into phases for which sub-strategies are defined. The interactions between the hands and the environmental seem to play an important role. Compensation mechanisms are observed in the movements of persons with functional problems. The discomfort questionnaires show that elderly subjects face more problems when exiting than when entering a car. Discomfort ratings are influenced by the functional abilities of subjects but the results are very heterogeneous. An explanation would be that these ratings also reflect the preferences of subjects in terms of car accessibility. An external examiner would then better assess the difficulties of elderly people. The captured movements are structured in databases in order to simulate the accessibility movements of elderly using the RPx software
Ait, El Menceur Mohand Ouidir. "Modélisation, analyse et simulation du mouvement d'entrée dans des véhicules automobiles à géométrie variable : application aux mouvements d'entrée des personnes âgées et/ou ayant des déficiences motrices." Valenciennes, 2009. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/9af8c69a-6673-4f19-a631-11a69e374902.
Full textThe difficulty from which suffer elderly and/or disabled people when entering or exiting an automobile vehicle can lead them to never use it again. The car manufacturers are conscious of this fact and they are more and more interested in these growing elderly and/or disabled populations prone to locomotor apparatus disorders and in this complex gesture requiring a precise coordination of the human body articular movements. An alternative to understand and predict this movement is to use the digital simulation. Works completed in this thesis fall under this context and concern the kinematic simulation of the vehicle entering movement of a humanoid (constituted of a head, a trunk, a basin and lower limbs) in variably-dimensioned vehicles by using real data resulting from the experimentation. To solve this "complex" problem, we propose a three stage methodological procedure. A first stage carries on the constitution of a base of movements that we name "exploitable" movements which are issued from the experimentation carried out on two variably-dimensioned vehicles. These "exploitable" movements are the result of digital processing applied to the measured entry movements. These processing allow, among others, to adapt the measured joint articulation angles to the humanoid in order to avoid possible collisions with the cockpit which would not have been noted during the experiments. A second stage relates to the automatically analysis and identification of the vehicle entering movement strategies. This stage proceeds in four phases and it allows the identification of 2 entry movement strategies and 6 sub–strategies. A third stage, made up of 4 phases as well, uses the assets resulting from stages 1 and 2 to simulate an entry movement of a subject of the base adopting a given sub-strategy in another vehicle of different geometry. The simulation of the entry movement of the same subject in another vehicle concerns an inverse kinematics problem solved by constrained nonlinear programming. Simulations, implying elderly and/or having prostheses people, make it possible to validate the suggested procedure for the two entry strategies. In spite of the differences with the measured movements, the simulated movements are in conformity with the sub-strategies adopted by the subjects during the experiments. Furthermore, the realized simulations make it possible to explain partly the changes of strategy operated by some subjects, during the experiments, when shifting from one vehicle to another. Finally, simulations on fictitious vehicles show the limits of the developed simulation tool. This work opens several prospects for research as well concerning the improvement of simulation, by considering for example the intra-individual differences of subjects or the dynamics of the movement, as the development of new ergonomic indices in order to consider discomfort associated with the simulated movements
Allain, Pierre. "Analyse et synthèse de mouvements de foules par contrôle optimal." Lorient, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORIS257.
Full textIn the communities of computer graphics and vision the study of human crowds phenomena has raised an increasing interest over the past years. The main reasons stem from a continuous increase in the world population and the associated problems, but also from a search of a good visual realism in computer games or computer-generated images for the movie industry. Yet, most of the navigation mechanisms or collision avoidance strategies among pedestrians are not fully understood, resulting in empirical models inspired by qualitative observations. On the contrary, data- driven methods oppose to this qualitative methods by giving ways to describe quantitatively those phenomena. From crowd videos, it should be possible to enrich the behavioral simulation models through parameterization or calibration. In this thesis, an original approach is proposed to analyze and simulate crowd motions from videos, which exploits the optimal control formalism, and more specifically the variational data assimilation principles. By exploiting some existing physical models describing the dynamics of a crowd flow, and combining this information to the perceived motion in the image, it is shown in this thesis how to extract a high level information on the flow related to a disturbance potential. The information conveyed in this process is by essence Eulerian, and opposes to the Lagrangian nature of pedestrians. To overcome this plurality of representation, a new powerful graph-based representation is introduced. The control of individuals driven by a dynamical method and under external constraints (designed by an animator or acquired from videos) is then studied and discussed
Begon, Mickaël. "Analyse et simulation tridimensionnelle de mouvements cycliques sur un ergomètre spécifique au kayak." Poitiers, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006POIT2318.
Full textThe main purpose of this PhD thesis is the analysis of paddling an instrumented ergometer specific to kayak. The first part describes the measurement and kinematics validation of an ergometer instrumented by mono-axial force sensors with a motion analysis system. The continuation of the project requires a three-dimensional anthropometrical model and three-axial force sensors. In the second part, a geometrical and dynamic model of the system athlete – ergometer is defined to simulate paddling. Then effects of material and movement modifications are tested. The last part presents the interest of a model that dissociates shoulders from the trunk and divides the trunk. Kinematic data are improved by the treatment of partial occlusions due to paddle motion closed to lower limbs and by a procedure, to determine the hip joint centre, adapted to athletes
Pronost, Nicolas. "Définition et réalisation d'outils de modélisation et de calcul de mouvement pour des humanoïdes virtuels." Rennes 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REN1S107.
Full textBenkhémis, Ines. "Essai de repérage du critère minimisé spontanément par le sportif : exemple du saut en longueur." Poitiers, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006POIT2357.
Full textThe aim of this study is to find criteria which is minimized by a long jumper at the take-off. After motion capture angular positionsand velocities at the initial and final time are used in parametric optimisation procedure with differents criteria. Energetic criteria are associated with economic goal. Sthenic criteria are associated with the musculo-skeletal concept. Results demonstrate that sthenic criteria simulate gestual with countermovement whereas energetic criteria simulate continuous gestual
Fusco, Nicolas. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation de la marche pathologique." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00293627.
Full textDecatoire, Arnaud. "Analyse tri-dimensionnelle de la gestion des mouvements vrillés en gymnastique : la simulation : vers un outil de formation des entraîneurs en activités acrobatiques." Poitiers, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004POIT2286.
Full textThe purpose is the understanding of the aerial movement's management during complex acrobatics in gymnastics using a mechanical analysis. A three-dimensional cinematographic analysis method and a simulation algorithm of aerial movement are developed, presented and validated using twisting somersaults. The concept of angular momentum transfert is clarified; its measure leads us to express an hypothesis concerning the difficulties of the beginner who perform a false twist. An original evaluation quantitative method of the contact, aerial and cat twist contributions in a twisting somersault are proposed. The upper limbs' action in the twist creation is analysed by changing the original coordination during the aerial phase. The effectiveness of the upper limbs' delaying adduction, which create twists is evaluated by considering several cases. The shoulder joint torques are calculated using inverse dynamic's method during a twisting somersault and compared with the ones obtained during the realization of same coordination without somersault. It leads reflexion elements relating to the training of these kind of movements
Lardy, Julien. "Analyse et simulation cinématique du mouvement du bras lors de la manipulation d'un objet pour la simulation ergonomique à l’aide d’un mannequin numérique." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LYO10018/document.
Full textThe thesis work presented in this manuscript focuses on the simulation of an handling motion, more specifically on the grasp followed by the rotation of a sphere along a fixed single axis. The aim here is, from the analysis of actual motions, to be able to propose an simulation algorithm reproducing motions comparable to experimental data, with the less input as possible and trying to introduce some variability into the simulated motion. 12 volunteers participated to the experiment. Subjects were asked to grasp and turn a sphere of 60mm of diameter. Amplitudes of rotations were ranged from 45° to 360°, in both directions. Experimental data analysis, completed with some simulations of the effect of joint limits on motion, allowed us to investigate several motion control hypothesis as the end-state comfort hypothesis or the minimum work principle. One of the main conclusions is that postural anticipation when grasping seems to be more explained by the comfort at the end of the motion than when grasping. Based on these observations, we proposed a simulation algorithm being original by the way of how it takes into account possible motions allowed by joint limits and by the introduction of variability into the simulated grasp posture. The first results seem to follow most part of the experimental observations giving a strong basis to go towards simulation tools that will come closer to a “human” behavior
Bideau, Benoit. "La réalité virtuelle pour l'analyse des duels sportifs : application au duel entre un gardien et un tireur au handball." Rennes 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003REN20046.
Full textThe comprehension of the sporting duels is a complex task, because it requires to control an interaction between two subjects. Under real conditions of play, it is impossible to control all the parameters. Thus no relation can be made between a movement and the response of the opponent. Virtual reality offers new prospects to make interact sportsmen in environments entirely under control. In this thesis, we propose to develop and validate a process for the analysis in sporting duels, in a precise application: the duel between a goalkeeper and a thrower in handball. First, we show that the reactions of the goalkeeper are identical, for the same throw, in a real and virtual environment. Once our tool is validated, we modify the gesture of the humanoid thrower thanks to a model of movement. This enables us to define the influence of the thrower's movements on the reaction of the goalkeeper. We quantify thus, the influence of the wrist, climbing the bust, and the modification of ball release on the goalkeeper's reaction
Maurice, Pauline. "Virtual ergonomics for the design of collaborative robots." Thesis, Paris 6, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA066121/document.
Full textThe growing number of musculoskeletal disorders in industry could be addressed by the use of collaborative robots, which allow the joint manipulation of objects by both a robot and a person. Designing such robots requires to assess the ergonomic benefit they offer. However there is a lack of adapted assessment tools. This work presents a generic tool for performing accurate ergonomic assessments of co-manipulation activities, with very little input data. This tool relies on an evaluation carried out within a digital world, using a virtual manikin to simulate the worker. A framework is developed to enable the estimation of the different biomechanical solicitations which occur during manual activities. Multiple ergonomic indicators are defined and measured through a dynamic simulation of the considered activity. The virtual manikin is animated through a LQP optimization technique, and the robot is controlled according to the manikin-robot interaction force. The proposed framework is validated with motion capture experiments. However, the high number of indicators that are measured makes any kind of conclusion difficult for the user. Hence, a methodology for analyzing the sensitivity of the various indicators to the robot and task parameters is proposed. The goal of such an analysis is to reduce the number of ergonomic indicators which are considered in an evaluation, while sufficiently accounting for the global ergonomic level of the considered activity. Finally, an application of the proposed methodology is presented. The evaluation framework is linked to a genetic algorithm software in order to optimize the morphology of a collaborative robot for a given task
Lemercier, Samuel. "Simulation du comportement de suivi dans une foule de piétons à travers l'expérience, l'analyse et la modélisation." Phd thesis, Rennes 1, 2012. https://ecm.univ-rennes1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/03ce7038-80f3-4c57-bf93-47adc49be8fd.
Full textRealistic crowd simulation is an open and challenging problem due to the high quantity of information that is taken into account by a human to determine his walking trajectory. In this thesis, we aim at modeling and simulating the following interactions between individuals moving in crowds. We propose an approach in three major steps. Firstly, we build up a kinematic database to observe following behaviors during pedestrian groups movement from an original experimental process using motion capture. Acquired data treatment requires to develop a specific reconstruction method of the raw data. The obtained database is our first result. Secondly, we propose a detailed analysis of these data. We highlight both the nature of the local interactions between participants and the global patterns that emerge from the combination of these interactions, in particular, the formation of propagating speed waves. This analysis is our second major result and leads up to our third and last result : a numerical model of following behavior between pedestrians calibrated on our experimental data. Simulation results are evaluated on their capacity to reproduce the macroscopic patterns we have observed and analyzed. We finally show different applications of our model
Lemercier, Samuel. "Simulation du comportement de suivi dans une foule de piétons à travers l'expérience, l'analyse et la modélisation." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00724072.
Full textLi, Ying. "Analyse dynamique des systèmes multicorps flexibles et contrôle des robots déformables." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995ECAP0464.
Full textGolovanov, Cristian. "Développement de formulations éléments finis 3D en potentiel vecteur magnétique : application à la simulation de dispositifs électromagnétiques en mouvement." Grenoble INPG, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INPG0133.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to develop adapted numerical methods to model 3D electromagnetic equations coupled with electric circuit equations and with the displacement of moving parts, applied to the electric rotating machines. The formulation use as the principal unknown the non-gauged magnetic vector potential, interpolated with the edge elements. The compatibility of the formulation is ensured by the representation of the source CUITent density with the help of an electric vector potential. The electric circuit is analysed using the method of time integrated electric potentials and the direct coupling of the magnetic and electric systems. The connection between the moving mesh and the stationary mesh is realised by an original interpolation method. Specific numerical methods for the integration of the frrst order temporal system using an stepby- step algorithm and different techniques of system resolution were also developed. AlI these developments were validated on a switched reluctance motor
Quirion, Sébastien. "Segmentation temporelle de mouvements cycliques humains à partir d'une représentation squelettique." Thesis, Université Laval, 2006. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2006/23739/23739.pdf.
Full textPhilippe, Sabine. "Développement d'une formulation Arbitrairement Lagrangienne Eulérienne (ALE) pour la simulation tridimensionnelle du laminage de produits plats." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00431051.
Full textGolovanov, Cristian. "Développement de formulations éléments finis 3D en potentiel vecteur magnétique : application à la simulation de dispositifs électromagnétiques en mouvement." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1997. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00904770.
Full textGatti, Filippo. "Analyse physics-based de scénarios sismiques «de la faille au site» : prédiction de mouvement sismique fort pour l’étude de vulnérabilité sismique de structures critiques." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLC051/document.
Full textThe ambition of this work is the prediction of a synthetic yet realistic broad-band incident wave-field, induced by strong ground motion earthquakes at sites of strategic importance, such as nuclear power plants. To this end, an multi-tool platform is developed and exploited to simulate the different aspects of the complex and multi-scale phenomenon an earthquake embodies. This multi-scale computational framework copes with the manifold nature of an earthquake by a holistic local-to-regional approach. A complex case study is chosen to this end: is the MW6.6 Niigata-Ken Ch¯uetsu-Oki earthquake, which damaged the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant. The observed non-linear site-effects are at first investigated and characterized. In the following, the 3D source-to-site model is constructed and employed to provide reliable input ground motion, for a frequency band of 0-7 Hz. The effect of the folded geological structure underneath the site is quantified by simulating two aftershocks of moderate intensity and by estimating the spatial variability of the response spectra at different locations within the nuclear site. The numerical outcome stresses the need for a more detailed description of the incident wave-field used as input parameter in the antiseismic structural design of nuclear reactors and facilities. Finally, the frequency band of the time-histories obtained as outcome of the numerical simulations is enlarged by exploiting the stochastic prediction of short-period response ordinates provided by Artificial Neural Networks
Hoffet, Guillo Françoise. "Analyse assistee par ordinateur du mouvement des spermatozoides." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992CLF13806.
Full textDiener, Julien. "Acquisition et génération du mouvement de plantes." Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPG0080.
Full textThe primary goal of my Ph. D. Has been to develop innovative animation techniques for virtual plants. Two main approaches have been explored: the reproduction real motion and real-time simulation. First, I have mixed vision algorithms and user interface in order to extract reliable motion data from videos. An innovative method has then been designed to estimate a valid hierarchical structure of branches using statistical study which is used to retarget the video movement on a wide range of virtual plants. Second, I have developed new animation method that computes the response of plants to interactively controllable wind. The main contribution has been to show that simple approximations of the wind load model leads to a drastic reduction of the run-time computations. The simulation algorithm takes full advantage of the parallel processing capabilities of computer graphics cards allowing the animation of thousand trees in real-time
Mehdi, Nima. "Approches probabilistes pour la perception et l’interprétation de l’activité humaine." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LORR0202.
Full textFrom industry to services, intelligent systems are required to observe, interact with, or cooperate with humans. This thesis is therefore set in the context of intelligent perception methods for the analysis of humans, using the pose and activity associated with them. Due to the variable and changing nature of humans, it is difficult to obtain an accurate representation of theprocesses guiding their movements and actions. These difficulties are compounded when it comes to estimating or predicting movements or activities. In order to take account of the uncertainty inherent in humans, we propose a Bayesian approach to the perception and analysis of human activity. The first contribution is dedicated to the simultaneous estimation of human pose and posture. Using a monocular camera and wearable sensors, we aim to estimate human 3D pose in real time. For robust estimation, a multimodal fusion approach is suggested, incorporating measurements from wearable inertial sensors with camera observations. In this way, we overcome measurement ambiguities related to the camera and inertial drift due to inertial units. We use a particle filter so as to take into account the non-deterministic nature of human motion and thenon-Gaussian nature of posture. In order to reduce the computational cost, we put forward an architecture composed of two consecutive filters. A first filter estimates the posture in a factorized way from inertial observations only. Then a second filter estimates the complete pose from the camera, incorporating the estimation of the first filter. Our approach achieves fusion by constructing the sampling distribution of the second filter. This architecture makes it possible to estimate pose and posture simultaneously, at low computational cost, and is robust to cloaking and drift. The second contribution pertains to the prediction of human activity. Hidden Markov models have proved effective for the analysis of human activity through segmentation and activity recognition tasks. However, they have modeling limitations that make them insufficient for prediction. We therefore propose the use of semi-Markovian models for prediction. These models extend the definition of Markov models by explicitly modeling the duration spent in each state. This explicit modeling of duration enables better modeling of non-stationary processes and improves the predictive capability of these models. Our study thus demonstrates the usefulness of such models for activity prediction while taking uncertainty into account
Evrard, Matthieu. "MIMESIS, un environnement de conception et de simulation de modèles physiques particulaires masses - interactions CORDIS - ANIMA pour l'animation : du mouvement généré à l'image du mouvement." Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPG0073.
Full textThis thesis deals with the design of a computer framework dedicaced to animation by the physical mass-interaction CORDIS-ANIMA networks. Genericity and modularity of CORDIS-ANIMA having been still largely proved, the design and the implementation of such framework have to face with other theorical and practical problems that are discussed here in order to include every function that are required for an interactive creation of models and the communication inside a global chain of production of animated pictures. This thesis ends on the report of various situation of use in pedagogical, research and creation contexts
Asselin, Bruno. "Analyse sportive par superposition d'un mouvement avec sa simulation théorique." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape16/PQDD_0003/MQ31672.pdf.
Full textHouma, Jaouad El. "Analyses des effets des mouvements d'air dans les galeries d'antipistonnement d'un tunnel bitube sur le comportement dynamique des trains." Lille 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992LIL10072.
Full textCrouzil, Alain. "Perception du relief et du mouvement par analyse d'une séquence stéréoscopique d'images." Toulouse 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997TOU30228.
Full textLaveau, Nicolas. "Mouvement et video : estimation, compression et filtrage morphologique." Paris, ENMP, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005ENMP1346.
Full textThis thesis deals with video sequences and successively focuses on the main themes of video compression - motion estimation, spatial and temporal transforms, coefficient quantization and coding - then on these of spatio-temporal filtering and video segmentation. Two motion estimation schemes are studied, one based on the projection of the optical flow equation on a wavelet basis, the other on the multiscale minimization of a motion field described by a piecewise bilinear model. We then focus on the adaptation of a rate allocation model developped for still images in the h263 standard. We develop two lifting-based wavelet transforms, one for the spatial domain, the other for the motion field. Lastly, we introduce structuring elements that follow the motion field to create a 2d+t mathematical morphology
Hamonier, Julien. "Analyse par ondelettes du mouvement multifractionnaire stable linéaire." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00753510.
Full textBoubeker, Rabia. "La formation des structures équiaxes : mouvement des grains, croissance-refusion, conséquences sur les macroségrégations." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2004. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_2004_BOUBEKER_R.pdf.
Full textIn order to improve the predictions ofheterogeneitiesof composition observed on steel ingots at the end of solidification, a numerical study which takes into account the movement and the growth of equiaxed grains has been realized. After a bibliographic part related to the formation of the equiaxed grains, a diphasic approach has been adopted to describe the growth and the remelting of globular grains moving in the liquid bulk. This numerical study was implemented in the computer code SOLill. The movement of the grains has been described in a first part with the assumption that the grains move at the same speed than that of the liquid phase. The results obtained. " showed the influence of the movement and growth-remelting of the grains on solidification, especially in the evolution of the superheated zones. Then, we have taken into account the own movement of the grains which differs from that of the liquid phase. Ln this case, a solid fraction of coherence beyond which grains are imposed to be fixed has been introduced. This study showed that the final macrosegregation is strongly dependent on this fraction of coherency and on the flux density of fragments. Finally, we have demonstrated that it was possible to adjust the input data of the model in order to get a good agreement between the numerical and the experimental results
Discours, Christophe. "Analyse du mouvement par mise en correspondance d'indices visuels." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1990. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00338382.
Full textLouchet, Jean. "Identification de modèles physiques pour la synthèse d'images animées." Paris 5, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA05S004.
Full textMejia, Nava Rosa Adela. "Contrôle de l'instabilité et des vibrations de la structure pour les charges non conservatrices." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Compiègne, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020COMP2577.
Full textIn the first part of this thesis we study the control of instability and vibrations of slender structures under conservative loads. The first difficulty we study pertains to nonlinear geometric instability problem, asillustrated with a deep and a shallow truss, or yet a frame structure. The corresponding control strategy considers adding damping from either a viscous damper or a friction device. This kind of control belongs to the well-known concept of passivity. In the second part of the thesis we propose numerical solution procedures for solving the instability problems under both conservative and non-conservative loads. The proposed procedure is validated against the known analytical and semianalytic solutions when available for few academic cases, previously studied in classical works by Euler and by Bolotin. In the last part of this work, we explore the control strategy of instability phenomena by adding viscous dampers. The procedure is illustrated for a cantilever beam under a non-conservative compressive load and a small transverse disturbance both applied at the free end of the cantilever. The details of theoretical developments are given in terms of the non-linear dynamical equations obtained by using the principle of virtual work. All the structural models used for solving more complex problems are built with a numerical approach based upon the finite element method and the geometrically exact beam models capable of describing finite rotations. It is show as well that the proposed models can successfully handle large overall motion under static and dynamic instability (or utter) under both conservative and non-conservative loads. Different numerical simulations are presented in order to illustrate the performance of the geometrically exact models proposed in this thesis
Coppin, Olivier. "Modélisation et simulation du mouvement naturel humain : validation expérimentale et application au bras." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992ECAP0237.
Full textPetelet, Matthieu. "Analyse de sensibilité globale de modèles thermomécaniques de simulation numérique du soudage." Dijon, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007DIJOS060.
Full textCurrent approach of most welding modellers is to content themselves with available material data, and to chose a mechanical model that seems to be appropriate. Among inputs, those controlling the material properties are one of the key problems of welding simulation: material data are never characterized over a sufficiently wide temperature range! This way to proceed neglect the influence of the uncertainty of input data on the result given by the computer code. In this case, how to assess the credibility of prediction? This thesis represents a step in the direction of implementing an innovative approach in welding simulation in order to bring answers to this question, with an illustration on some concretes welding cases. The global sensitivity analysis is chosen to determine which material properties are the most sensitive in a numerical welding simulation and in which range of temperature. Using this methodology require some developments to sample and explore the input space covering welding of different steel materials. Finally, input data have been divided in two groups according to their influence on the output of the model (residual stress or distortion). In this work, complete methodology of the global sensitivity analysis has been successfully applied to welding simulation and lead to reduce the input space to the only important variables. Sensitivity analysis has provided answers to what can be considered as one of the probable frequently asked questions regarding welding simulation: for a given material which properties must be measured with a good accuracy and which ones can be simply extrapolated or taken from a similar material?
Brocail, Julien. "Analyse expérimentale et numérique du contact à l'interface outil-copeau lors de l'usinage à grande vitesse des métaux." Valenciennes, 2009. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/6c282378-ea86-4bf0-8c06-48498e37e0da.
Full textThe study relates to the characterization of the tool-chip interface during the high-speed machining of metals. The existing numerical approaches do not generate good correlations of the process variables, such as the cutting forces and the shape of the chip. Recent studies show that the determination of an interfacial law according to the contact parameters (contact pressure, sliding velocity and interfacial temperature) is necessary to describe more precisely the process parameters. Experiments were carried out on the upsetting sliding test that reproduces the mechanics and thermals contact conditions of the HSM process at the tool tip. This specific device has been adapted and the antagonists have been modified for this study. A friction law according to the contact pressure, the sliding velocity, and the interfacial temperature was defined for the tribological system AISI 1045 steel / uncoated carbide. This law implemented in a numerical model of orthogonal cutting (developed in Abaqus) offers interesting improvements
Aheto, Kouassivi. "Conception et analyse non linéaire des oscillateurs à quartz ultrastables." Besançon, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990BESA2048.
Full textMarzani, Franck. "Contribution à l'analyse et au suivi du mouvement humain sans marqueur." Dijon, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998DIJOS008.
Full textLeclercq, Edouard. "Vision artificielle par modules bio-fondés spécifiques : forme et mouvement." Le Havre, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999LEHA0001.
Full textGareau, Alain. "Utilisation des systèmes de particules pour la simulation de phénomènes naturels : présentation d'une architecture permettant l'intégration de systèmes animés hétérogènes." Lyon 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LYO10089.
Full textPierreval, Henri. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation des systèmes de production : application au cas d'une fonderie." Lyon 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987LYO19029.
Full textGao, Yan. "Analyse modale et sous-structuration tridimensionnelle : application aux ponts thermiques." Lyon, INSA, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005ISAL0005.
Full text[. . . ]. Even for some that do account for the deficiency, the transient behavior of thermal bridge is almost never taken into account in transient state approach. To make up (compensate) this shortcoming, in this theses, we propose and model multi-dimensional heat transfer in building components by state-space methods and solve its order-reduced by different ways to get a simplified model. Furthermore, a thermal bridge additional heat loss model was proposed and implanted this model into thermal simulation code to satisfy our demands for simulation. Firstly, induced the state-space model, and constructed heat transfer equation for thermal bridge by spatial discritation. Then, a ‘generator’ which can directly create the mathematic expression after the data physical and geometric for problem analyzed were input. Secondly, two methods for simplifying high-order model were used, transfer-function method from multi-dimensional state-space model and sub-space identification method. Then, reduced model is used for solving the high-order problem and a modal equilibrated was also proposed for efficient calculation. Compared among three reduced model method, realized equilibration method (Moore method) is accepted and suggested for getting low-order model. The results were validated through experimental data. The conception of thermal bridge additional heat loss matrix was proposed to deal with thermal calculation for thermal bridge in the code modeled heat transfer in un-dimensional. By this way, thermal bridge heat loss can be included and coupled with entire building thermal dynamic process. At the last, thermal bridge additional heat loss low-order model was implanted and connected in simulation code TRNSYS. Building simulation was realized in complex thermal phenomenon coupling with thermal equipment with heat bridge consideration
Riyanto. "Simulation, optimisation, et analyse de performances pour les systèmes industriels d'acquisition d'images." Toulouse, INPT, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INPT107H.
Full textAmbroise, Dominique. "Marrella ou la simulation guidée par les structures d'évènements premières." Paris 11, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA112309.
Full textThis report deals with algorithms applied to distributed systems, and more precisely with verification by simulation of distributed algorithms running on asynchronous networks. We use the model-checking approach : desired properties are checked on a graph that represents the whole set of executions of the system. It is well known that the main difficulty arises in the huge number of nodes of the graph. This is inherently connected to concurrency and non-determinism due to asynchronous communications. To cope with that problem, we propose two strategies the efficiency of which is due to the underlying model, that is prime event structures with binary conflicts. The first algorithm covers the graph by a tree; it is economic in the consideration that any state is constructed exactly once. The second algorithm, called CoMax, does not cover the graph but constructed a number of nodes that is sufficient for the detection of desired properties; it works by executing at once as many concurrent events that possible. We moreover show that this may be applied to a large class of distributed algorithms. The theoretical part of the work ends up in a concrete tool, our simulator Marrella, that has been developed in order to observe our strategies and to test their performances. The comparison of Marrella with other tools using known strategies technique is in favor of Marrella
Gagnon, Louis. "Calcul de la résistance aérodynamique d'un véhicule muni de pièces en mouvement." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27288/27288.pdf.
Full textLesaffre, Françoise. "Formation d'agrégats d'aérosols : expériences, analyse fractale et simulations." Paris 7, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA077244.
Full textDurieux, Séverine. "Analyse de performance par simulation et conception de systèmes de production robustes." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003CLF21444.
Full textBuco, Jasmin. "Analyse et modélisation du comportement mécanique des conduites enterrées." Lyon, INSA, 2007. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2007ISAL0028/these.pdf.
Full textAs a consequence of their aging, the performance of buried pipes has become a major concern for the urban sewer systems managers. Improvement of both the pipe design and its installation conditions or a more efficient management requires first a comprehension of phenomena that lead to pipe deterioration. This research starts a new long-term and multidisciplinary topic where the study of the structural pipe degradation in relation with soil condition represents only one part of the whole extent. Within this context, our approach consists in first identifying such phenomena, then describing their effects on sewers. This PhD thesis is composed of three different parts. In the first part, a statistical analysis of failures affecting the Greater Lyon sewer network and the factors that are likely to make them appear is achieved in order to determine in what circumstances these failures occur. It is then possible to identify some of the mechanical processes that may generate the pipe deficiencies. It appears that the phenomena identified as having a major influence on the pipe behaviour are completely ignored by the current design standards. The second part is dedicated to the experimental characterization, via laboratory tests, of the mechanical behaviour of the most unknown part of the sewer pipe: the joint. A rheological model of its behaviour under three types of loading is developed so that it can be easily adapted to all kinds of joint with rubber gaskets. The last part regards a numerical 3D modelling of a trench and a pipe which includes all the major parameters having a significant influence on the pipe behaviour. A numerical representation of the joint is based on the lab test results, while the rest of the model is validated with the results from the literature. This numerical modelling is then used to investigate the influence of the soil variability within the trench, particularly focusing on the longitudinal pipe behaviour