Academic literature on the topic 'Analyse du mouvement – Simulation par ordinateur'
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Journal articles on the topic "Analyse du mouvement – Simulation par ordinateur"
Perez, Fabienne, and Jonathan Peterson. "10 ans de la revue @grh : une cartographie des publications en ressources humaines." @GRH N° 47, no. 2 (July 24, 2023): 23–41.
Full text"Usages et appropriations du jeu vidéo Animal Crossing: New Horizons en contexte de pandémie." Kinephanos 9, no. 1 (2023): 37–75.
Full textAguair, Mateus L., and Kamran Behdinan. "Design, Prototyping, and Programming of a Bricklaying Robot." Journal of Student Science and Technology 8, no. 3 (November 29, 2015).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Analyse du mouvement – Simulation par ordinateur"
Multon, Franck. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation du mouvement humain." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006.
Full textMulton, Franck. "Analyse, Modélisation et Simulation du Mouvement Humain." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 1, 2006.
Full textFusco, Nicolas Delamarche Paul Cretual Armel. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation de la marche pathologique." Rennes : Université Rennes 2, 2008.
Full textChateauroux, Élodie. "Analyse du mouvement d'accessibilité au poste de conduite d'une automobile en vue de la simulation : cas particulier des personnes âgées." Lyon, INSA, 2009.
Full textThis study takes place in the context of Digital Human models used to test the ergonomics of environments such as automotives in the earliest stages of the design process. Yet, these tools do not take into account the aging of the population. The car ingress and egress motions are particularly problematic for seniors. This thesis aims at analysing car accessibly movements of elderly people in order to 1/ better understand their difficulties and 2/ simulate these motions using a digital human model. Eighteen elderly and 7 young subjects participated in the experiment. Ingress and egress motions were captured for four types of vehicle and discomfort ratings were collected by a questionnaire. As age effects differ from one person to another, the functional capacities were measured using clinical tests to draw a portrait of the abilities of each elderly subject. Results of these tests are used to define 3 groups of people: those who have a functional problem, those with “mediocre” capacities and those who have good capacities. Ingress and egress motions are analysed through the interaction between the subject and the environment in order to define the constraints linked to vehicle design. Two major strategies have been observed for the ingress and egress movements. The strategies “Sit First” and “Two Legs Out” are used by people with functional problems. The strategies “Right Leg First” and “Left Leg First” are the most observed ingress and egress strategies, regardless of functional capacities. These movements are decomposed into phases for which sub-strategies are defined. The interactions between the hands and the environmental seem to play an important role. Compensation mechanisms are observed in the movements of persons with functional problems. The discomfort questionnaires show that elderly subjects face more problems when exiting than when entering a car. Discomfort ratings are influenced by the functional abilities of subjects but the results are very heterogeneous. An explanation would be that these ratings also reflect the preferences of subjects in terms of car accessibility. An external examiner would then better assess the difficulties of elderly people. The captured movements are structured in databases in order to simulate the accessibility movements of elderly using the RPx software
Ait, El Menceur Mohand Ouidir. "Modélisation, analyse et simulation du mouvement d'entrée dans des véhicules automobiles à géométrie variable : application aux mouvements d'entrée des personnes âgées et/ou ayant des déficiences motrices." Valenciennes, 2009.
Full textThe difficulty from which suffer elderly and/or disabled people when entering or exiting an automobile vehicle can lead them to never use it again. The car manufacturers are conscious of this fact and they are more and more interested in these growing elderly and/or disabled populations prone to locomotor apparatus disorders and in this complex gesture requiring a precise coordination of the human body articular movements. An alternative to understand and predict this movement is to use the digital simulation. Works completed in this thesis fall under this context and concern the kinematic simulation of the vehicle entering movement of a humanoid (constituted of a head, a trunk, a basin and lower limbs) in variably-dimensioned vehicles by using real data resulting from the experimentation. To solve this "complex" problem, we propose a three stage methodological procedure. A first stage carries on the constitution of a base of movements that we name "exploitable" movements which are issued from the experimentation carried out on two variably-dimensioned vehicles. These "exploitable" movements are the result of digital processing applied to the measured entry movements. These processing allow, among others, to adapt the measured joint articulation angles to the humanoid in order to avoid possible collisions with the cockpit which would not have been noted during the experiments. A second stage relates to the automatically analysis and identification of the vehicle entering movement strategies. This stage proceeds in four phases and it allows the identification of 2 entry movement strategies and 6 sub–strategies. A third stage, made up of 4 phases as well, uses the assets resulting from stages 1 and 2 to simulate an entry movement of a subject of the base adopting a given sub-strategy in another vehicle of different geometry. The simulation of the entry movement of the same subject in another vehicle concerns an inverse kinematics problem solved by constrained nonlinear programming. Simulations, implying elderly and/or having prostheses people, make it possible to validate the suggested procedure for the two entry strategies. In spite of the differences with the measured movements, the simulated movements are in conformity with the sub-strategies adopted by the subjects during the experiments. Furthermore, the realized simulations make it possible to explain partly the changes of strategy operated by some subjects, during the experiments, when shifting from one vehicle to another. Finally, simulations on fictitious vehicles show the limits of the developed simulation tool. This work opens several prospects for research as well concerning the improvement of simulation, by considering for example the intra-individual differences of subjects or the dynamics of the movement, as the development of new ergonomic indices in order to consider discomfort associated with the simulated movements
Allain, Pierre. "Analyse et synthèse de mouvements de foules par contrôle optimal." Lorient, 2012.
Full textIn the communities of computer graphics and vision the study of human crowds phenomena has raised an increasing interest over the past years. The main reasons stem from a continuous increase in the world population and the associated problems, but also from a search of a good visual realism in computer games or computer-generated images for the movie industry. Yet, most of the navigation mechanisms or collision avoidance strategies among pedestrians are not fully understood, resulting in empirical models inspired by qualitative observations. On the contrary, data- driven methods oppose to this qualitative methods by giving ways to describe quantitatively those phenomena. From crowd videos, it should be possible to enrich the behavioral simulation models through parameterization or calibration. In this thesis, an original approach is proposed to analyze and simulate crowd motions from videos, which exploits the optimal control formalism, and more specifically the variational data assimilation principles. By exploiting some existing physical models describing the dynamics of a crowd flow, and combining this information to the perceived motion in the image, it is shown in this thesis how to extract a high level information on the flow related to a disturbance potential. The information conveyed in this process is by essence Eulerian, and opposes to the Lagrangian nature of pedestrians. To overcome this plurality of representation, a new powerful graph-based representation is introduced. The control of individuals driven by a dynamical method and under external constraints (designed by an animator or acquired from videos) is then studied and discussed
Begon, Mickaël. "Analyse et simulation tridimensionnelle de mouvements cycliques sur un ergomètre spécifique au kayak." Poitiers, 2006.
Full textThe main purpose of this PhD thesis is the analysis of paddling an instrumented ergometer specific to kayak. The first part describes the measurement and kinematics validation of an ergometer instrumented by mono-axial force sensors with a motion analysis system. The continuation of the project requires a three-dimensional anthropometrical model and three-axial force sensors. In the second part, a geometrical and dynamic model of the system athlete – ergometer is defined to simulate paddling. Then effects of material and movement modifications are tested. The last part presents the interest of a model that dissociates shoulders from the trunk and divides the trunk. Kinematic data are improved by the treatment of partial occlusions due to paddle motion closed to lower limbs and by a procedure, to determine the hip joint centre, adapted to athletes
Pronost, Nicolas. "Définition et réalisation d'outils de modélisation et de calcul de mouvement pour des humanoïdes virtuels." Rennes 1, 2006.
Full textBenkhémis, Ines. "Essai de repérage du critère minimisé spontanément par le sportif : exemple du saut en longueur." Poitiers, 2006.
Full textThe aim of this study is to find criteria which is minimized by a long jumper at the take-off. After motion capture angular positionsand velocities at the initial and final time are used in parametric optimisation procedure with differents criteria. Energetic criteria are associated with economic goal. Sthenic criteria are associated with the musculo-skeletal concept. Results demonstrate that sthenic criteria simulate gestual with countermovement whereas energetic criteria simulate continuous gestual
Fusco, Nicolas. "Analyse, modélisation et simulation de la marche pathologique." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Analyse du mouvement – Simulation par ordinateur"
Treuil, Jean-Pierre. Modélisation et simulation à base d'agents: Exemples commentés, outils informatiques et questions théoriques. Paris: Dunod, 2008.
Find full textyuan, Zhongguo gong cheng. Fu za xi tong jian mo fang zhen: Modeling and simulation of complex systems. Beijing: Gao deng jiao yu chu ban she, 2014.
Find full textMacKay, D. Étude et analyse critique de modèles pour l'évaluation de l'exposition des humains aux substances chimiques. Ottawa, Ont: Santé et bien-être social Canada, 1991.
Find full textSmith, Jon M. Mathematical modeling and digital simulation for engineers and scientists. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1987.
Find full textBarr, George K. Scalometry and the Pauline epistles. London: T & T Clark International, 2004.
Find full textMitrani, I. Modelling of computer and communication systems. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Find full textKitagawa, Midori, and Brian Windsor. MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture. CRC Press LLC, 2020.
Find full textKitagawa, Midori, and Brian Windsor. MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture. CRC Press LLC, 2020.
Find full textKitagawa, Midori. MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
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