Academic literature on the topic 'Analyse d'images de document'
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Journal articles on the topic "Analyse d'images de document"
Eglin, Véronique. "Approches perceptives et cognitives en analyse automatique d'images de documents." Techniques et sciences informatiques 25, no. 4 (April 1, 2006): 523–51.
Full textDudoignon, Patrick, Anne Pantet, and Hélène Serra. "Analyse d'images de géomatéiaux argileux." Revue Française de Génie Civil 2, no. 8 (January 1998): 879–904.
Full textLouchet, Jean. "Évolution artificielle, optimisation et analyse d'images." Techniques et sciences informatiques 25, no. 8-9 (October 1, 2006): 1049–78.
Full textGaill, Francoise, Alain Negrate, and Ghislaine Frebourg. "Analyse de systemes fibrillaires par traitement d'images." Biology of the Cell 63, S1 (1988): 31–31.
Full textBreul, Pierre, Roland Gourvès, and Younes Haddani. "Géoendoscopie: caractérisation des géomatériaux par traitement et analyse d'images." Revue Française de Génie Civil 6, sup1 (January 2002): 85–100.
Full textNaudin, Stéphane, Hervé Pella, Nicole Charlon, Jeanne Garric, and Pierre Bergot. "Détection de larves de poisson anormales par analyse d'images." Aquatic Living Resources 9, no. 3 (July 1996): 281–87.
Full textGot, P., B. Baleux, and M. Troussellier. "Dénombrements directs des bactéries des milieux aquatiques par microscopie en épifluorescence : comparaison entre un système d'analyse d'images automatisé (Mudicam®) et l'observation visuelle." Revue des sciences de l'eau 6, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 269–84.
Full textTavernier, M., P. Cosserat, and A. Ruby. "Ajustement Des Trajectoires Obtenues Par Analyse D'Images En Ski De Fond." Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry 103, no. 3 (January 1, 1995): C127.
Full textKurtz, Camille, Pierre Gançarski, Anne Puissant, and Nicolas Passat. "Approches Multi-Hiérarchiques pour l'Analyse d'Images de Télédétection." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 205 (February 21, 2014): 19–35.
Full textMarsy, Guilhem, Flavien Vernier, William Castaings, Xavier Bodin, and Emmanuel Trouvé. "Détection automatique de zones en mouvement dans des séries d'images non recalées~: Application à la surveillance des mouvements gravitaires." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 217-218 (September 21, 2018): 25–32.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Analyse d'images de document"
Tochon, Guillaume. "Analyse hiérarchique d'images multimodales." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.
Full textThere is a growing interest in the development of adapted processing tools for multimodal images (several images acquired over the same scene with different characteristics). Allowing a more complete description of the scene, multimodal images are of interest in various image processing fields, but their optimal handling and exploitation raise several issues. This thesis extends hierarchical representations, a powerful tool for classical image analysis and processing, to multimodal images in order to better exploit the additional information brought by the multimodality and improve classical image processing techniques. %when applied to real applications. This thesis focuses on three different multimodalities frequently encountered in the remote sensing field. We first investigate the spectral-spatial information of hyperspectral images. Based on an adapted construction and processing of the hierarchical representation, we derive a segmentation which is optimal with respect to the spectral unmixing operation. We then focus on the temporal multimodality and sequences of hyperspectral images. Using the hierarchical representation of the frames in the sequence, we propose a new method to achieve object tracking and apply it to chemical gas plume tracking in thermal infrared hyperspectral video sequences. Finally, we study the sensorial multimodality, being images acquired with different sensors. Relying on the concept of braids of partitions, we propose a novel methodology of image segmentation, based on an energetic minimization framework
Chenoune, Yasmina. "Estimation des déformations myocardiques par analyse d'images." Thesis, Paris Est, 2008.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis is related to the cardiac images processing and the cardiac contractile function study, for a better comprehension of cardiac physiopathology and diagnosis. We implemented a method for the segmentation of the endocardial walls on standard MRI without tags. We used an approach based on the level set method, with a region-based formulation which gives satisfactory results on healthy and pathological cases. We proposed a practical method for the quantification of the segmental deformations in order to characterize the myocardial contractility. The method was clinically validated by the assesment of doctors and by comparison with the HARP method on tagget MRI. To improve the measurements precision, we proposed an iconic MRI/CT multimodal registration algorithm, using the maximization of the mutual information. We applied it to the localization of short-axis slices in CT volumes with good results. This work has as prospect its application to obtain high spatial and temporal resolutions CT sequences
Alsheh, Ali Maya. "Analyse statistique de populations pour l'interprétation d'images histologiques." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015.
Full textDuring the last decade, digital pathology has been improved thanks to the advance of image analysis algorithms and calculus power. However, the diagnosis from histopathology images by an expert remains the gold standard in a considerable number of diseases especially cancer. This type of images preserves the tissue structures as close as possible to their living state. Thus, it allows to quantify the biological objects and to describe their spatial organization in order to provide a more specific characterization of diseased tissues. The automated analysis of histopathological images can have three objectives: computer-aided diagnosis, disease grading, and the study and interpretation of the underlying disease mechanisms and their impact on biological objects. The main goal of this dissertation is first to understand and address the challenges associated with the automated analysis of histology images. Then it aims at describing the populations of biological objects present in histology images and their relationships using spatial statistics and also at assessing the significance of their differences according to the disease through statistical tests. After a color-based separation of the biological object populations, an automated extraction of their locations is performed according to their types, which can be point or areal data. Distance-based spatial statistics for point data are reviewed and an original function to measure the interactions between point and areal data is proposed. Since it has been shown that the tissue texture is altered by the presence of a disease, local binary patterns methods are discussed and an approach based on a modification of the image resolution to enhance their description is introduced. Finally, descriptive and inferential statistics are applied in order to interpret the extracted features and to study their discriminative power in the application context of animal models of colorectal cancer. This work advocates the measure of associations between different types of biological objects to better understand and compare the underlying mechanisms of diseases and their impact on the tissue structure. Besides, our experiments confirm that the texture information plays an important part in the differentiation of two implemented models of the same disease
Bertrand, Sarah. "Analyse d'images pour l'identification multi-organes d'espèces végétales." Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Full textThis thesis is part of the ANR ReVeRIES, which aims to use mobile technologies to help people better understand their environment and in particular the plants that surround them. More precisely, the ReVeRIES project is based on a mobile application called Folia developed as part of the ANR ReVeS project and capable of recognising tree and shrub species based on photos of their leaves. This prototype differs from other tools in that it is able to simulate the behaviour of the botanist. In the context of the ReVeRIES project, we propose to go much further by developing new aspects: multimodal species recognition, learning through play and citizen science. The purpose of this thesis is to focus on the first of these three aspects, namelythe analysis of images of plant organs for identification.More precisely, we consider the main trees and shrubs, endemic or exotic, found in metropolitan France. The objective of this thesis is to extend the recognition algorithm by taking into account other organs in addition to the leaf. This multi-modality is indeed essential if we want the user to learn and practice the different methods of recognition for which botanists use the variety of organs (i.e. leaves, flowers, fruits and bark). The method used by Folia for leaf recognition being dedicated, because simulating the work of a botanist on the leaf, cannot be applied directly to other organs. Thus, new challenges are emerging, both in terms of image processing and data fusion.The first part of the thesis was devoted to the implementation of image processing methods for the identification of plant species. The identification of tree species from bark images was the first to be studied. The descriptors developed take into account the structure of the bark inspired from the criteria used by botanists. Fruits and flowers required a segmentation step before their description. A new segmentation method that can be used on smartphones has been developed to work in spite of the high variability of flowers and fruits. Finally, descriptors were extracted on fruits and flowers after the segmentation step. We decided not to separate flowers and fruits because we showed that a user new to botany does not always know the difference between these two organs on so-called "ornamental" trees (not fruit trees). For fruits and flowers, prediction is not only made on their species but also on their genus and family, botanical groups reflecting a similarity between these organs.The second part of the thesis deals with the combination of descriptors of the different organs: leaves, bark, fruits and flowers. In addition to basic combination methods, we propose to consider the confusion between species, as well as predictions of affiliations in botanical taxa higher than the species.Finally, an opening chapter is devoted to the processing of these images by convolutional neural networks. Indeed, Deep Learning is increasingly used in image processing, particularly for plant organs. In this context, we propose to visualize the learned convolution filters extracting information, in order to make the link between the information extracted by these networks and botanical elements
Foare, Marion. "Analyse d'images par des méthodes variationnelles et géométriques." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textIn this work, we study both theoretical and numerical aspects of an anisotropic Mumford-Shah problem for image restoration and segmentation. The Mumford-Shah functional allows to both reconstruct a degraded image and extract the contours of the region of interest. Numerically, we use the Amborsio-Tortorelli approximation to approach a minimizer of the Mumford-Shah functional. It Gamma-converges to the Mumford-Shah functional and allows also to extract the contours. However, the minimization of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional using standard discretization schemes such as finite differences or finite elements leads to difficulties. We thus present two new discrete formulations of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional using the framework of discrete calculus. We use these approaches for image restoration and for the reconstruction of normal vector field and feature extraction on digital data. We finally study another similar shape optimization problem with Robin boundary conditions. We first prove existence and partial regularity of solutions and then construct and demonstrate the Gamma-convergence of two approximations. Numerical analysis shows once again the difficulties dealing with Gamma-convergent approximations
Nguyen, Thanh Phuong. "Etude des courbes discrètes : applications en analyse d'images." Thesis, Nancy 1, 2010.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in the study of discrete curves and its applications in image analysis. We have proposed an amelioration of curvature estimation based on circumcircle. This method is based on the notion of blurred segment of width [nu] and on the decomposition of a curve into the sequence of maximal blurred segment of width [nu]. Afterwards, we have applied this idea in 3D to estimate the discrete curvature and torsion at each point of a 3D curve. Concerning the applications, we have developed a rapid et reliable method to detect dominant points of a 2D curve. A dominant point is a point whose the curvature value is locally maximum. The dominant points play an important role in pattern recognition. Our method uses a parameter: the width of maximal blurred segments. Based on this novel method of dominant point detection, we proposed free-parameter methods for polygonal representation. They are based on a multi-width approach. Otherwise, we are interested in discrete arcs and circles. A linear method has been proposed for the recognition of arcs and circles. We then develop a new method for segmentation of noisy curves into arcs based on a method of noise detection. We also proposed a linear method to measure the circularity of closed curves. In addition, we have proposed a robust method to decompose a curve into arcs and line segments
Harouna, Seybou Aboubacar. "Analyse d'images couleurs pour le contrôle qualité non destructif." Thesis, Poitiers, 2016.
Full textColor is a major criterion for many sectors to identify, to compare or simply to control the quality of products. This task is generally assumed by a human operator who performs a visual inspection. Unfortunately, this method is unreliable and not repeatable due to the subjectivity of the operator. To avoid these limitations, a RGB camera can be used to capture and extract the photometric properties. This method is simple to deploy and permits a high speed control. However, it's very sensitive to the metamerism effects. Therefore, the reflectance measurement is the more reliable solution to ensure the conformity between samples and a reference. Thus in printing industry, spectrophotometers are used to measure uniform color patches printed on a lateral band. For a control of the entire printed surface, multispectral cameras are used to estimate the reflectance of each pixel. However, they are very expensive compared to conventional cameras. In this thesis, we study the use of an RGB camera for the spectral reflectance estimation in the context of printing. We propose a complete spectral description of the reproduction chain to reduce the number of measurements in the training stages and to compensate for the acquisition limitations. Our first main contribution concerns the consideration of the colorimetric limitations in the spectral characterization of a camera. The second main contribution is the exploitation of the spectral printer model in the reflectance estimation methods
Séropian, Audrey. "Analyse de document et identification de scripteurs." Toulon, 2003.
Full textThe axe of our study is limited to forms some areas of which are filled by cursive handwriting. After we elaborated a model of form used in a context of finite number of writers, our aim is here to create a process of identification of writer through fractal analysis of handwritten style writer. The identification of each writer depends on the extraction of a set of features that have to be intrinsic of the author of the document. The properties of autosimilarity in the handwriting are used. Some invariant patterns are extracted by the process of fractal compression to characterize the handwriting of the writer. These patterns are organized in a reference base to allow the analyse of an unknown handwriting through a Pattern matching process. The results of this analyze are evaluated by the signal to noise ratio. We can identify the text of a writer that we look for the identity of the author according to the set of reference bases
Amur, Khua Bux. "Contrôle adaptatif, techniques de régularisation et applications en analyse d'images." Thesis, Metz, 2011.
Full textAn adaptive control and regularization techniques are studied for some linear and nonlinear ill-posed problems in image processing and computer vision. These methods are based on variational approach which constitutes the minimization of a suitable energy functional made up of two parts data term obtained from constancy of grey value assumption and regularization term which cope with ill-posed problem by its filling in effect property. We have provided a novel adaptive approach for optic flow and stero vision problems. Which is based on adaptive finite element method using unstructutred grid as the domain of computation, which allow the automatic choice of local optimal regularization parameters. Various linear and nonlinear variational models have been considered in this thesis for scientific computations of optic flow and stereo vision problems and an efficient adaptive control is obtained. This novel regularization strategy is controlled by the regularization parameter [alpha] which depends on space and a posteriori error estimator called residual error indicator. This local adptive behavior has encouraged us to experiment with other problems in image analysis such as denoising, we add a preliminary chapter on hte model of Perona-Malik. This work falls in to the category novel and advanced numerical strategies for scientific computations specifically for image motion problems
Alvarez, padilla Francisco Javier. "AIMM - Analyse d'Images nucléaires dans un contexte Multimodal et Multitemporel." Thesis, Reims, 2019.
Full textThis work focuses on the proposition of cancerous tumor segmentation strategies in a multimodal and multitemporal context. Multimodal scope refers to coupling PET/CT data in order to jointly exploit both information sources with the purpose of improving segmentation performance. Multitemporal scope refers to the use of images acquired at different dates, which limits a possible spatial correspondence between them.In a first method, a tree is used to process and extract information dedicated to feed a random walker segmentation. A set of region-based attributes is used to characterize tree nodes, filter the tree and then project data into the image space for building a vectorial image. A random walker guided by vectorial tree data on image lattice is used to label voxels for segmentation.The second method is geared toward multitemporality problem by changing voxel-to-voxel for node-to-node paradigm. A tree structure is thus applied to model two hierarchical graphs from PET and contrast-enhanced CT, respectively, and compare attribute distances between their nodes to match those assumed similar whereas discarding the others.In a third method, namely an extension of the first one, the tree is directly involved as the data-structure for algorithm application. A tree structure is built on the PET image, and CT data is then projected onto the tree as contextual information. A node stability algorithm is applied to detect and prune unstable attribute nodes. PET-based seeds are projected into the tree to assign node seed labels (tumor and background) and propagate them by hierarchy. The uncertain nodes, with region-based attributes as descriptors, are involved in a vectorial random walker method to complete tree labeling and build the segmentation
Books on the topic "Analyse d'images de document"
1972-, Richard Laurent, ed. Bali a la varicelle. Paris: Flammarion-Père Castor, 2003.
Find full textStockinger, Peter. Le document audiovisuel: Procédures de description et exploitation. [Paris]: Hermès science publications, 2003.
Find full textJ, Lavreau, ed. Spectrométrie à haute résolution: In situ et analyse d'images Landsat et Spot au Burundi. Tervuren, Belgique: Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, 1990.
Find full textEducation, Ontario Ministry of. Les années de spécialisation: Document de consultation : analyse des réponses des francophones. Toronto: Ministère de l'éducation et de la formation, 1993.
Find full textOntario. Ministère de l'éducation et de la formation. Les années de spécialisation: Document de consultation : analyse des réponses des francophones. Toronto, Ont: Ministère de l'éducation et de la formation, 1993.
Find full textD, Barni Mauro Ph, ed. Document and image compression. Boca Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006.
Find full textGabon, ed. Analyse de programme et élaboration de stratégies en matière de population (APES): Document de base. Libreville: République gabonaise, 1997.
Find full textDirectorate, Canada Technology Development, and Canada Environment Canada, eds. Guidance document on collection and preparation of sediments for physicochemical characterization and biological testing. Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Analyse d'images de document"
Castellano Martínez, José María. "Wine, Tourism and Translation." In Text and Wine, 41–56. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.
Full textGrassia, Maria Gabriella, Marina Marino, Rocco Mazza, Michelangelo Misuraca, and Agostino Stavolo. "Topic modeling for analysing the Russian propaganda in the conflict with Ukraine." In Proceedings e report, 245–50. Florence: Firenze University Press and Genova University Press, 2023.
Full textAugustine, Tshuma Lungile, Trust Matsilele, and Mbongeni Jonny Msimanga. "‘Weapons of Oppressors’: COVID-19 Regulatory Framework and its Impact on Journalism Practices in Southern Africa." In Health Crises and Media Discourses in Sub-Saharan Africa, 253–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textBeretka, Katinka. "Critical Analysis of the Linguistic Rights Strategies of the Hungarian National Minority Council in Serbia." In Realising Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights Through Non-Territorial Autonomy, 121–37. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.
Full textMULLER, Catherine. "Analyse critique d’images et production visuelle créative." In "L'interculturel" dans l’enseignement supérieur, 115–30. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textKARBOU, Fatima, Guillaume JAMES, Philippe DURAND, and Abdourrahmane M. ATTO. "Seuils et distances pour la détection de neige avec les séries d’images Sentinel-1." In Détection de changements et analyse des séries temporelles d’images 1, 139–58. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textATTO, Abdourrahmane M., Fatima KARBOU, Sophie GIFFARD-ROISIN, and Lionel BOMBRUN. "Clustering fonctionnel de séries d’images par entropies relatives." In Détection de changements et analyse des séries temporelles d’images 1, 121–38. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textCONRADSEN, Knut, Henning SKRIVER, Morton J. CANTY, and Allan A. NIELSEN. "Détection de séries de changements dans des séries d’images SAR polarimétriques." In Détection de changements et analyse des séries temporelles d’images 1, 41–81. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textZANETTI, Massimo, Francesca BOVOLO, and Lorenzo BRUZZONE. "Statistiques par différences pour les changements multispectraux." In Détection de changements et analyse des séries temporelles d’images 1, 247–303. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textPHAM, Minh-Tan, and Grégoire MERCIER. "Détection de changements sur les graphes de séries SAR." In Détection de changements et analyse des séries temporelles d’images 1, 183–219. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Analyse d'images de document"
Delgado Quirós, Lorena Joaquina, and José Luis Ortega. "Comparing bibliographic descriptions in seven free-access databases." In 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023). International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, 2023.
Full textRathnayaka, L. S. D., B. K. M. Nadeetharu, and U. Kulatunga. "Quantity surveyor’s perspective on document management in construction projects: an exploratory study in Sri Lanka." In World Construction Symposium - 2023. Ceylon Institute of Builders - Sri Lanka, 2023.
Full textBianchi, Annamaria, Camilla Salvatore, and Silvia Biffignandi. "Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility through Twitter: a topic model analysis on selected companies." In CARMA 2020 - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020.
Full textKonečný, Peter, and Matej Styk. "Isaac Potter's 1722 Engine House in Königsberg/Nová Baňa: evidence and archaeology." In 2nd International Early Engines Conference. International Early Engines Conference & ISSES, 2023.
Full textKajavathani, P., and T. Ramachandra. "An assessment of maintenance cost of residential apartments in Sri Lanka." In 10th World Construction Symposium. Building Economics and Management Research Unit (BEMRU), University of Moratuwa, 2022.
Full textMermiris, George, Ioannis Moatsos, P. K. Das, and I. E. Winkle. "Towards a Method for the Optimisation of Midship Section in Terms of Production Cost in Preliminary Ship Design." In ASME 2005 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2005.
Full textDinu, Andreea, Elena Raluca Lupu, and Alina Negrus-Costin. "Challenges of social and environmental issues of companies operating in the energy industry." In Conferința științifică internațională studențească „Provocările contabilității în viziunea tinerilor cercetători”, ediția VII. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Full textAvotiņa, Maruta, and Agnese Zīlīte. "Changes in the Mathematics Curriculum for Grades 10–12 in Latvia." In ATEE 2022 Annual Conference. University of Latvia Press, 2023.
Full textMotsoeneng, Molefi. "THE EFFECTS OF TEACHER EDUCATION ON TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COLLEGE LECTURERS." In International Conference on Education and New Developments. inScience Press, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Analyse d'images de document"
Meunier, Valérie, and Eric Marsden. Analyse coût-bénéfices: guide méthodologique. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, December 2009.
Full textAtuhurra, Julius, Rastee Chaudhry, and Michelle Kaffenberger. Conducting Surveys of Enacted Curriculum Studies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Toolkit for Policymakers, Researchers, and Education Practitioners. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), March 2023.
Full textMelloni, Gian. Local Government Leadership in Sanitation and Hygiene: Experiences and Learnings from West Africa. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), January 2022.
Full textDufour, Quentin, David Pontille, and Didier Torny. Contracter à l’heure de la publication en accès ouvert. Une analyse systématique des accords transformants. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, April 2021.
Full textNiesten, Hannelore. Les services financiers numériques et traditionnels sont ils taxés de la même manière ? Une évaluation approfondie des politiques fiscales dans neuf pays africains. Institute of Development Studies, April 2023.
Full textPearson, Ken, and Channing Arndt. Implementing Systematic Sensitivity Analysis Using GEMPACK. GTAP Technical Paper, November 2000.
Full textRinghand, Madlen, Maximilian Bäumler, Christian Siebke, Marcus Mai, and Felix Elrod. Report on validation of the stochastic traffic simulation (Part A). Technische Universität Dresden, 2021.
Full textBeaurain, Christophe, Julien Bernard, Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta, Hervé Flanquart, Séverine Frère, Frédéric Gonthier, Anne-Peggy Hellequin, and Antoine Le Blanc. Les risques et pollutions industriels sur le territoire dunkerquois: des perceptions à la «concertation». Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, July 2010.
Full textMarsden, Eric. Partage des modèles de sécurité entre donneurs d’ordres et entreprises intervenantes. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, December 2018.
Full textGiles Álvarez, Laura, Juan Carlos Vargas-Moreno, Alejandra Mejía, Aastha Patel, and Nerlyne Jean-Baptiste. Une approche spatiale pour analyser l’insécurité alimentaire dans le département du Nord-Ouest d’Haïti. Inter-American Development Bank, December 2022.
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