Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Analisi microarray'
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Pedotti, P. S. "Analisi dell'espressione genica : determinazione e confronto della potenza per diverse piattaforme microarray." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/50368.
Full textBASSI, DANIELA. "Interazioni tra batteri sporigeni e ambiente - Analisi molecolare di clostridi associati agli alimenti." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/402.
Full textFor several reasons, including their specific growth requirements, the diagnosis of infections and food contamination caused by clostridia still presents much difficulty at the clinical, bacteriological and molecular levels. The main purpose of this work is to learn more about clostridia and their interactions with environment. First, new microscopy techniques have been used to study the germination process in Clostridium tyrobutyricum, an anaerobic bacterium responsible for late blowing defects during cheese ripening; meanwhile, the application of real-time PCR methods have been employed to enumerate C. tyrobutyricum cells and spores in milk. Then, a molecular genotyping has been set in order to identify the most common clostridia in a agro-dairy production aimed to detect the possible ways of diffusion of these microbial species. The last part concerns the study of expression patterns of Clostridium sporogenes, an apathogenic gram positive clostridium usually involved in food damage and frequently isolated from late bowled cheese; Clostridium sporogenes is genetically indistinguishable from Clostridium botulinum and is often used as a model for the toxic subtypes. The objective of this study is to use an array-based large-scale transcriptional analysis in order to study gene expression in four different steps of Clostridium sporogenes life cycle: vegetative cells, sporulating cells, dormant spores and germinating ones. Our aims includes being able to relate gene-expression patterns to specific phenotypes and to discover gene expression divergences between the different phases of living, germination and outgrowth of spore-forming bacteria. An important aim is to assign functions to groups of or individual C. sporogenes genes and use this information to formulate specific hypotheses for further testing also on pathogenic clostridia types.
BASSI, DANIELA. "Interazioni tra batteri sporigeni e ambiente - Analisi molecolare di clostridi associati agli alimenti." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/402.
Full textFor several reasons, including their specific growth requirements, the diagnosis of infections and food contamination caused by clostridia still presents much difficulty at the clinical, bacteriological and molecular levels. The main purpose of this work is to learn more about clostridia and their interactions with environment. First, new microscopy techniques have been used to study the germination process in Clostridium tyrobutyricum, an anaerobic bacterium responsible for late blowing defects during cheese ripening; meanwhile, the application of real-time PCR methods have been employed to enumerate C. tyrobutyricum cells and spores in milk. Then, a molecular genotyping has been set in order to identify the most common clostridia in a agro-dairy production aimed to detect the possible ways of diffusion of these microbial species. The last part concerns the study of expression patterns of Clostridium sporogenes, an apathogenic gram positive clostridium usually involved in food damage and frequently isolated from late bowled cheese; Clostridium sporogenes is genetically indistinguishable from Clostridium botulinum and is often used as a model for the toxic subtypes. The objective of this study is to use an array-based large-scale transcriptional analysis in order to study gene expression in four different steps of Clostridium sporogenes life cycle: vegetative cells, sporulating cells, dormant spores and germinating ones. Our aims includes being able to relate gene-expression patterns to specific phenotypes and to discover gene expression divergences between the different phases of living, germination and outgrowth of spore-forming bacteria. An important aim is to assign functions to groups of or individual C. sporogenes genes and use this information to formulate specific hypotheses for further testing also on pathogenic clostridia types.
BATTISTA, SERENA. "Nuovi marcatori prognostici nel carcinoma epatocellulare: analisi immunoistochimica in Eastern and Western microarray tissutali." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/1005.
Full textIntroduction - HCC ranks among the most lethal cancer in the world with rising incidence. Attempts have been made to predict prognosis in patients with HCC using histopathological features. Tumour grade, size, number of lesions, micro and macrovascular invasion have been correlated with tumor relapse and patient’s survival. However, despite the several therapeutic options today available (tumor ablation, resection, transplantation, chemotherapy and the recent medical therapy with biological drugs) , HCC treatment is largely dictated by gross macroscopic features such as the tumor size and the number of lesions. Thus there is a consistent need to identify tissue biomarkers as individual fingerprints to predict individual. In recent years the interest in molecular biomarkers of HCC genesis and progression has grown, both in terms of prognostic significance and of potential therapeutic targets. We have therefore selected a number of proteins involved in critical cell functions such as staminality, differentiation, adhesion, motility and vascular invasion with the purpose of identify a phenotypic profile able to predict HCC outcome. - Methods. Two tissue microarrays ( a western set composed of 98 HCV-correlated HCC cases and an eastern set composed of 136 HBV-correlated HCC cases) with clinicopathological information (aetiology, age, sex, grade, stage, micro and macro-vascular invasion, and patient’s follow up) was used to test the immunocytochemical expression of the following antigens: Ep-CAM, LAMA3, Osteopontin, PAK1, alpha- and beta-tubulin, CK19, GS, HSP70 e GPC3. - Results. Our data showed that tubulins are the only markers able to reveal prognostic information in both western and eastern population. Osteopontina, Pak1 and HSP70, singularly or associated with each other, are able to predict an unfavorable outcome in the eastern patients; the other markers should be validated with other studies. - Conclusions. Finally, 1) we observe different markers expression profile in the two different populations; 2) it may be a reflection of genetic, aetiology and epidemiology differences between the two populations; 3) grade and macroscopic vascular invasion are still the strongest pathological criteria on the multivariate analysis, so the new antibodies to be developed should be compared to these parameters.
Padoan, Elisa. "Analisi dell'immuno-trascrittoma di cavallo nelle patologie IAD e RAO." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3425261.
Full textIl lavoro di ricerca svolto nell’arco dei tre anni di dottorato, è stato articolato in due progetti sviluppati nell’ambito delle malattie respiratorie su base infiammatoria che colpiscono gli equini. Tali patologie possono essere distinte in due grandi gruppi: Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO) ed Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD). Lo scopo dei progetti di ricerca si è basato sull’indagine dei profili di espressione di geni immuno-correlati nell’albero respiratorio di cavalli affetti da IAD e RAO, in relazione ad un gruppo di controllo. Su tutti i soggetti, sono stati eseguiti gli esami clinici mirati alla valutazione dell’apparato respiratorio, l’esame endoscopico e l’esame citologico e microbiologico da Broncho-Alveolar Lavage (BAL), per valutare le potenziali correlazioni esistenti tra i profili di espressione genica ed i parametri clinici. Il primo progetto è stato sviluppato comparando cavalli sani con soggetti affetti da RAO, su cui i campionamenti sono stati ripetuti due volte nell’arco di 15 giorni, al fine valutare una potenziale evoluzione temporale dell’espressione genica e degli altri parametri considerati nella ricerca. Inoltre, sono state eseguite biopsie del tessuto bronchiale, sottoposto sia a valutazione istologica che ad analisi di espressione genica. Mediante real time RT-PCR, sono stati indagati i profili di espressione di 10 geni target immuno-correlati (IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-8, IL-13, IL-17, TNFa, INF?, TGF-ß1, NF?-ß e TRL 4), sei dei quali hanno dimostrato una aumento statisticamente significativo dei livelli di espressione nel gruppo RAO rispetto al gruppo di controllo. Le analisi statistiche condotte, hanno riscontrato una correlazione positiva tra la quantità di muco nelle vie aeree e l’ espressione di alcuni dei geni indagati. Non sono state evidenziate differenze di espressione, dei geni inclusi nello studio, tra i tessuti bioptici prelevati dai soggetti affetti da RAO e quelli ottenuti dal gruppo di controllo. Il secondo progetto di ricerca, è stato sviluppato ampliando la casistica dei cavalli affetti da RAO ed introducendo lo studio della IAD. Su tutti i soggetti, le indagini cliniche e le valutazioni dei profili di espressione genica sono state condotte sia al momento della diagnosi che al termine del trattamento farmacologico della durata di 15 giorni. Valutati i risultati del primo lavoro, non sono state eseguite biopsie del tessuto respiratorio. Lo sviluppo di una piattaforma microarray specifica per i geni immuno-correlati di cavallo ha permesso di ottenere una visione globale dei pathway coinvolti nella risposta infiammatoria delle due patologie. Le analisi statistiche effettuate hanno evidenziato una differenza di espressione significativa per 379 trascritti (di cui 55 sovra-espressi e 324 sotto-espressi) tra il gruppo IAD ed il gruppo di controllo e per 1763 geni (di cui 903 sovra-espressi e 860 sotto-espressi) tra i pazienti affetti da RAO ed i soggetti sani. Da un punto di vista clinico, sono state riscontrate differenze statisticamente significative sia della frequenza respiratoria a riposo che della quantità di muco presente nelle vie aeree dei cavalli affetti da IAD rispetto ai soggetti RAO. Tra i geni sotto-espressi nei due gruppi di cavalli affetti da malattia respiratoria, hanno acquistato importanza alcuni trascritti coinvolti nella genesi, lunghezza e motilità dell’apparato ciliare dell’epitelio respiratorio. Nella popolazione IAD, è stata dimostrata la sovra-espressione di geni codificanti per mediatori coinvolti nella risposta infiammatoria. I geni sovra-espressi nel gruppo RAO, caratterizzati da maggior rilievo, sono coinvolti nella risposta infiammatoria, nella broncocostrizione, nella via apoptotica e nel pathway dell’ipossia. Nella medesima patologia, si sono mostrati sotto-espressi anche alcuni geni coinvolti nella genesi del film muco-proteico di protezione dell’epitelio respiratorio. Lo studio condotto mediante Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), ha evidenziato che il pathway attivato in corso di asma umano, viene arricchito anche nella patologia RAO equina, sebbene la significatività statistica sia marginale (False Discovery Rate < 25%, p value 0,08). Non è stato possibile valutare l’effetto della terapia farmacologica sui profili di espressione genica, poiché la bassa qualità dell’RNA estratto dal BAL di alcuni campioni non ha permesso di raggiungere un numero significativo di soggetti valutati prima e dopo il trattamento terapeutico. Gli studi effettuati hanno quindi permesso di far luce su alcuni dei meccanismi immunologici che stanno alla base delle patologie respiratorie equine di maggiore importanza veterinaria ed economica. In futuro, le informazioni ottenute, potrebbero condurre allo sviluppo di nuovi mezzi terapeutici per l’inibizione delle molecole coinvolte nello sviluppo di IAD e RAO, come già avviene in medicina umana. Infine, il coinvolgimento di un medesimo pathway nell’asma umano e nella RAO equina, potrebbe condurre all’utilizzo di tale specie come modello animale per lo studio delle patologie respiratorie croniche umane.
Lauriola, Mattia <1980>. "Studio di marcatori epiteliali del cancro del colon-retto mediante analisi dell'RNA con la tecnica del microarray." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2009. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/1595/1/lauriola_mattia_tesi.pdf.
Full textLauriola, Mattia <1980>. "Studio di marcatori epiteliali del cancro del colon-retto mediante analisi dell'RNA con la tecnica del microarray." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2009. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/1595/.
Full textMininni, Alba Nicoletta. "Risposta allo stress da freddo nei pesci: analisi del trascrittoma di Sparus Aurata (L.) esposta alle basse temperature." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3421681.
Full textDalla seconda metà del secolo scorso ad oggi l‟acquacoltura continua ad essere il settore delle produzioni animali in più rapida crescita, con il 46% di pesce fornito sul totale consumato nel 2010. Rimangono, tuttavia, problematiche strettamente legate ad aspetti ancora sconosciuti nell‟ambito della biologia di alcune specie d‟interesse come l‟orata comune (Sparus aurata). La genomica funzionale può fornire validi strumenti per ottenere informazioni sui meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nei processi fisiologici importanti anche da un punto di vista economico. Come le popolazioni e le specie marine reagiscono ai cambiamenti climatici è una questione di importanza centrale ancora non del tutto risolta. L‟orata comune risente fortemente del freddo, non sopravvivendo a temperature inferiori ai 5°C e spesso, durante l‟inverno, gli allevamenti subiscono ingenti danni economici per l‟elevata mortalità data dalla sindrome metabolica winter disease. In questo studio sono stati valutati i profili di espressione genica di individui di S. aurata esposti alle basse temperature, in condizioni sperimentali che fossero il più realistiche possibile con la stagione invernale. Il profilo di espressione genica può servire come strumento per legare il genotipo alla fisiologia e al fenotipo. Sono state, inoltre, esaminate popolazioni provenienti da regioni con condizioni climatiche diverse, Veneto e Sicilia, ipotizzando una differente tolleranza al freddo. Quattro gruppi di orate (120±16 g), provenienti a coppie dalle due regioni, sono state esposte per 21 giorni a due trattamenti di temperatura: 16 ± 0,3 °C (gruppi di controllo) e 6,8 ± 0,3 °C (gruppi dei trattati). Campioni di fegato e branchia sono stati raccolti durante esposizione acuta (0, 6 e 24 ore) e cronica (21 giorni). I profili di espressione sono stati analizzati usando un microarray a oligo-nucleotidi con circa 19.715 geni. I risultati hanno rivelato una risposta trascrizionale complessa per la risposta al freddo, con numerosi pathway coinvolti: metabolismo di lipidi e carboidrati, heat shock protein (HSP) e chaperoni, degradazione proteica, apoptosi, metabolismo di RNA e DNA, risposta immunitaria. La prima risposta è legata allo stress ossidativo, suggerendo un disturbo immediato del bilancio dell‟ossigeno a livello sistemico, mentre le più grandi differenze trascrizionali tra trattati e controlli si rilevano durante l‟esposizione a lungo termine, e coinvolgono principalmente geni del metabolismo lipidico per la ridistribuzione delle riserve energetiche e geni dell‟immunità per l‟importante effetto immuno-soppressivo del freddo. I dati del trascrittoma di branchia e fegato di orate esposte alle basse temperature forniscono un punto di partenza per indagare i meccanismi fisiologici sottostanti l‟adattamento al freddo a lungo termine nei pesci e per indirizzare ricerche future volte all‟identificazione di ceppi di S. aurata resistenti al freddo in acquacoltura.
Pizzini, Silvia/P S. "A bioinformatic approach to the study of gene, microRNA expression and alternative splicing regulation in colorectal cancer progression and liver metastasis." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3422457.
Full textNella ricerca oncologica sono sempre più utilizzati i profili di espressione genica e un numero crescente di dati di microarray è disponibile in database pubblici come NCBI GEO e ArrayExpress. Diventa quindi possibile il confronto di studi con obiettivi di ricerca simili attraverso approcci di “meta-analisi”. Il cancro colorettale (CRC) rappresenta un fondamentale modello biologico di tumorigenesi, oltre ad essere una patologia molto diffusa. Sono a disposizione nei database pubblici molti esperimenti sul CRC, che confrontano mucosa normale con mucosa tumorale del colon attraverso metodologia microarray. Noi abbiamo utilizzato A-MADMAN, un’applicazione web open source di supporto per la meta-analisi di dati grezzi d’espressione genica ottenuti con microarray, per scaricare dal database dell’NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), 27 collezioni di esperimenti per un totale di 1045 campioni ottenuti da mucosa normale, adenoma e CRC con e senza metastasi di colon-retto su cui erano state eseguite analisi di espressione genica con tecnologia gene chip Affymetrix. Dopo aver effettuato un controllo di qualità dei dati scaricati e aver disegnato 3 diversi flussi di lavoro per la ricostruzione del segnale d’espressione, sono state condotte delle analisi preliminari di espressione differenziale. In questo primo progetto ci siamo focalizzati sulle differenze molecolari sito–specifiche. Abbiamo quindi analizzato campioni di mucosa sana, di adenoma e di CRC suddivisi per localizzazione in colon destro e colon sinistro. Prendendo come riferimento il tessuto normale destro e sinistro, abbiamo ipotizzato che è possibile discriminare pattern di espressione genica tumorale sede specifica. Dal disegno dei tre flussi di lavoro abbiamo dedotto che il flusso di lavoro basato sulla generazione di chip virtuali e su una correzione del background chip-specifica è il più affidabile. Abbiamo identificato 647 geni differenzialmente espressi confrontando tessuto tumorale con tessuto normale e 683 geni nel confronto adenoma con tessuto normale, poi abbiamo individuato 72 geni nel confronto adenoma-tessuto normale specifici del colon sinistro e 1183 geni nello stesso confronto, colon destro specifici, mentre per quanto riguarda il confronto CRC e adenoma, 46 geni sono colon sinistro specifici e 69 sono colon destro specifici. Abbiamo inoltre trovato termini funzionali e pathway diversi sovra-rappresentati in colon destro rispetto a colon sinistro e rispetto ai corrispondenti normali. Nel secondo progetto, abbiamo ricostruito una rete regolatoria riguardante il CRC e la metastasi epatica da CRC integrando dati di originali di espressione genica, di splicing alternativo e di espressione di microRNA (miRNA). Lo studio si basa sulla raccolta di biopsie di tumore primario al colon, mucosa adiacente normale e metastasi al fegato di 55 pazienti, che sono state analizzate utilizzando piattaforme Affymetrix per l'analisi di espressione genica/esonica (GeneChip Human Exon 1,0 ST), e di microRNA (GeneChip® miRNA Array ). Analizzando l’ espressione differenziale a livello genico ed esonico mediante il software AltAnalyze identificando 33.740 geni coinvolti in probabili eventi di splicing alternativo. Integrando i dati risultati dalle statistiche di questo programma con i risultati ottenuti con un software basato su un approccio Bayesiano, MMBGX, abbiamo identificato una lista più ristretta ma anche più robusta di candidati eventi di splicing possibilmente rilevanti per la formazione e la progressione del CRC. Confrontando metastasi epatiche con tessuto normale del colon sono stati identificati 182 geni, mentre un numero inferiore di geni sono stati identificati nel confronto contro le metastasi del tumore colorettale e del tumore del colon-retto rispetto al tessuto normale (51 e 10 rispettivamente). A partire da questi risultati, abbiamo scoperto il coinvolgimento di trascritti alternativi di due geni, VCL e CALD1, nella progressione tumorale. In parallelo, sono stati identificati microRNA modulati in seguito allo sviluppo del tumore e della metastasi, trovandone rispettivamente 62, 63 e 11 differenzialmente espressi nel tumore rispetto al normale, nella metastasi rispetto al normale e nella metastasi rispetto al tumore. Abbiamo quindi confermato la robustezza dei risultati validando cinque miRNA presenti nella lista dei differenzialmente espressi (hsa miR-150, hsa miR-10b, has miR-146a, miR-210 and has miR-122) mediante RT-PCR. Per ogni contrasto considerato, sono stati identificati i KEGG pathway modulate e quindi sotto putativamente controllate dai miRNA. Grazie all’analisi integrata di profili di espressione di miRNA e dei loro geni target anti-correlati, sono state definite le principali reti di regolazione post-trascrizionale coinvolte nella cancerogenesi. Particolarmente rilevante è la rete che coinvolge il sottoinsieme dei miRNA differenzialmente espressi nel tumore rispetto al normale. Tra le interazioni inferite, abbiamo convalidato sperimentalmente le relazioni miR-145 - c-Myc e miR-182 - ENTPD5. Quest’ultima rappresenta una relazione nuova, il cui ruolo patogenetico può essere rilevante. Dai nostri risultati possiamo concludere che le vie di regolazione che interessano la progressione tumorale sono complesse e difficili da interpretare, che implicano interazioni che coinvolgono miRNA diversamente modulati che agiscono in diversi modi sull’espressione di più geni appartenenti ad una stessa pathway e da trascritti alternativi di geni che vengono espressi in modo differenziale nei tessuti sani, nei tumori e nelle metastasi.
COSTA, MARTA. "Disturbo bipolare e cefalea a grappolo: identificazione di geni e pathway molecolari e loro potenziale coinvolgimento nella risposta alla terapia con sali di litio tramite analisi dei profili di espressione genome‑wide." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11584/266468.
Full textWang, Tao. "Statistical design and analysis of microarray experiments." Connect to this title online, 2005. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1117201363.
Full textTitle from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains ix, 146 p.; also includes graphics (some col.) Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-146). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center
Stephens, Nathan Wallace. "A Comparison of Microarray Analyses: A Mixed Models Approach Versus the Significance Analysis of Microarrays." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2006. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/1115.
Full textGuo, Ruijuan. "Sample comparisons using microarrays: - Application of False Discovery Rate and quadratic logistic regression." Digital WPI, 2008. https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/etd-theses/28.
Full textCenti, Sonia. "Identificazione di pattern di espressione genica della displasia renale associata ad uropatia malformativa." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3425156.
Full textManser, Paul. "Methods for Integrative Analysis of Genomic Data." VCU Scholars Compass, 2014. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/3638.
Full textAmaral, Telmo. "Analysis of breast tissue microarray spots." Thesis, University of Dundee, 2010. https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/0a83915d-2f11-4b89-9c24-8dc3c15346f2.
Full textCristo, Elier Broche. "Métodos estatísticos na análise de experimentos de microarray." Universidade de São Paulo, 2003. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45133/tde-06062007-112551/.
Full textIn this work we propose a comparative study of some clustering methods (Hierarchic, K -Means and Self-Organizing Maps) and some classification methods (K-Neighbours, Fisher, Maximum Likelihood, Aggregating and Local Regression), which are presented teoretically. The methods are tested and compared based on the analysis of some real data sets, generated from Microarray experiments. This technique allows for the measurement of expression levels from thousands of genes simultaneously, thus allowing the comparative analysis of sample of tissues in relation to their expression profile. We present a review of basic concepts regarding normalization of microarray data, one of the first steps in microarray analysis. In particular, we were interested in finding small groups of genes that were ?sufficient? to identify samples originating from different biological conditions. Finally, a search method is proposed, which will find efficiently the best classifiers from the results of an experiment involving a huge number of genes.
Zhu, Manli. "A study of the generalized eigenvalue decomposition in discriminant analysis." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2006. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1152133627.
Full textDabney, Alan R. "The normalization of two-channel microarrays /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/9537.
Full textWennmalm, Kristian. "Analytical strategies for identifying relevant phenotypes in microarray data /." Stockholm, 2007. http://diss.kib.ki.se/2007/978-91-7357-401-3/.
Full textKennedy, Richard Ellis. "Probe Level Analysis of Affymetrix Microarray Data." VCU Scholars Compass, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10156/1637.
Full textSievertzon, Maria. "Transcript profiling of small tissue samples using microarray technology." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm Department of Biotechnology, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-158.
Full textHebelka, Tomáš. "Analýza dat z mikročipů pro zjišťování genové exprese." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-235549.
Full textDA, SACCO LETIZIA. "Analisi dei profili di espressione di microRNA applicata a modelli sperimentali in vitro e in vivo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/1381.
Full textOver the last decade, the discovery of microRNAs revealed a new mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation. MicroRNAs are involved in many biological processes such as development, differentiation, proliferation and cell death. Moreover, several evidences showed the pathogenic role of microRNAs in various diseases. A lot of studies used microarray technology to identify miRNAs involved in the pathogenesis, but also to obtain the expression pattern characteristic of pathology with diagnostic or prognostic assessment. These studies suggest that profiling of microRNAs may be used to understand the role they play in regulating pathophysiological processes. In this work we employed microarray technology to investigate the expression profile of microRNAs in two different experimental models: 1) an in vitro model, useful for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the immune response, 2) a in vivo model, suitable for studying the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, also known as NAFLD. Recently, has been explored the relationship between inflammation, innate immunity and microRNAs, which are described to be involved in regulating cellular response to microbial infection. Thus, we identified the specific expression profile of microRNAs in human dendritic cells, using an in vitro model of stimulation and activation by agonists of different Toll-like Receptors (TLRs): R848/Resiquimod, ligand of TLR7/8; LPS, ligand of TLR4; and poly(I: C), ligand of TLR3. Analysis of expression profiles identified groups of miRNAs expressed specifically in response to treatments with LPS, R848, or their combination with respect to control dendritic cells. This analysis will help to clarify their possible role in mechanisms of dendritic cells to discriminate pathogens. The non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD is an emerging disease characterized by a wide spectrum of liver conditions from simple steatosis, steatohepatitis with or without fibrosis (NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). The etiopathogenesis of NAFLD is complex and still unclear. To identify possible molecular mechanisms involved in the development of NAFLD, we used an animal model, able to reproduce various aspects of human pathology. In this study we performed the analysis of microRNAs expression profiles in liver tissue of rats subjected to different diets. Our results showed that treatment with different ipercaloric regimens caused a significant increase in body weight and liver, and some metabolic parameters, compared to control animals, as well as different liver damage. The analysis of microRNAs showed the significant downregulation of three microRNAs (miR-122, miR-451 and miR-27a) and the up-regulation of other three microRNAs (miR-200A, miR-429 and miR-200B) in animals treated with ipercaloric diets respect to those with a standard diet. Among the potential targets of these microRNAs we found some molecules involved in the regulation of apoptosis and inflammation, but also intracellular signaling proteins, and lipid and glucose metabolism.
Lindroos, Katarina. "Accessing Genetic Variation by Microarray Technology." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Univ.-bibl. [distributör], 2002. http://publications.uu.se/theses/91-554-5251-5/.
Full textKorkmaz, Gulberal Kircicegi Yoksul. "Mining Microarray Data For Biologically Important Gene Sets." Phd thesis, METU, 2012. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12614266/index.pdf.
Full textPodder, Mohua. "Robust genotype classification using dynamic variable selection." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/1602.
Full textBergemann, Tracy L. "Image analysis and signal extraction from cDNA microarrays /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/9603.
Full textKhamesipour, Alireza. "IMPROVED GENE PAIR BIOMARKERS FOR MICROARRAY DATA CLASSIFICATION." OpenSIUC, 2018. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/dissertations/1573.
Full textStelios, Pavlidis. "Pathway based microarray analysis based on multi-membership gene regulation." Thesis, Brunel University, 2012. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/6968.
Full textLee, Kyeong Eun. "Bayesian models for DNA microarray data analysis." Diss., Texas A&M University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/2465.
Full textZhao, Hongya. "Statistical analysis of gene expression data in cDNA microarray experiments." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2006. http://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_ra/657.
Full textHaddad, Samia Ramos [UNESP]. "Aplicação de modelos lineares para análise de expressão gênica em experimentos de microarrays." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/95296.
Full textConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
O presente trabalho objetivou comparar, utilizando dados de um experimento de Microarray com um delineamento simples, os resultados de diferentes testes estatísticos a fim de verificar suas características na detecção de diferenças no nível de expressão dos genes. Os dados foram provenientes da South Dakota State University-EUA, do Department of Biology and Microbiology, Department of Animal Science, onde toda a parte experimental foi realizada. O material biológico envolveu quatro aves infectadas e quatro não infectadas com o vírus de bronquite infecciosa (IBV). O RNA utilizado foi extraído da camada epitelial da traquéia de animais controle e infectados com o vírus da IBV e, após a transcrição reversa foi marcado com os corantes fluorescentes (Cy3 e Cy5) e hibridizados com o microarray 13k cDNA de aves (FHCRC, Seattle, WA). A análise de dados dos resultados do experimento de microarray englobou dois estágios, sendo o primeiro denominado de Normalização, em que os dados foram pré-processados utilizando o procedimento Loess. A seguir foram realizadas as análises estatísticas propriamente ditas com testes de significância. Utilizou-se um modelo simples de ANOVA e aplicaram-se diferentes metodologias de análise. A análise das imagens revelou que dos 16192 spots em cada slide, apenas 10.926 puderam ser lidos sem defeitos no primeiro slide, 11.633 no segundo slide, 12577 no terceiro e 13.154 no quarto slide. A grande maioria dos spots em branco e controles negativos apresentou defeitos que determinaram sua eliminação. Um total de 13.597 spots foi lido no conjunto dos quatro slides, mas apenas 9.853 spots estavam representados em todos os slides. Concluiu-se que os experimentos de microarray, por tratarem de um conjunto muito grande de observações a serem analisados requerem análises estatísticas específicas. O método de Cui et al. (2005) reduziu...
The aim of this research was to compare, using real data of an experiment of Microarray with a simple design, the results of different statistical tests in order to verify their characteristics in the detection of differences in the level of expression of the genes. The data were coming of South Dakota State University-EUA, of the Department of Biology and Microbiology, Department Animal of Science, where the whole experimental part was accomplished. The biological material involved four infected animals and four no infected with the virus of infectious bronchitis (IBV). Used RNA was extracted of the layer epitelial of the windpipe of animals control and infected with the virus of IBV and, after the reverse transcription it was marked with the fluorescent colors (Cy3 and Cy5) and hybridization with the microarray 13k cDNA of birds (FHCRC, Seattle, WA). The analysis of data of the results of the microarray experiment included two apprenticeships, being the first denominated of Normalization, in that the data were pre-processed using the procedure Loess. To follow the statistical analyses they were accomplished properly said through real data with significant tests. A simple model of ANOVA was used and different analysis methodologies were applied. The analysis of the images revealed that of the 16192 spots in each slide, only 10.926 could be read without defects in the first slide, 11.633 in the second slide, 12577 in the third slide and 13.154 in the fourth slide. The great majority of the spots in white and negative controls presented defects that determined it elimination. A total of 13.597 spots was read in the group of the four slides, but only 9.853 spots were represented in all of the slides. It was ended that the microarray experiments, for they treat of a very big group of observations to be analyzed request specific statistical analyses. The method of Cui et al. (2005) it reduced... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Liu, Wanting. "An Integrated Bioinformatics Approach for the Identification of Melanoma-Associated Biomarker Genes. A Ranking and Stratification Approach as a New Meta-Analysis Methodology for the Detection of Robust Gene Biomarker Signatures of Cancers." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/7346.
Full textGusnanto, Arief. "Regression on high-dimensional predictor space : with application in chemometrics and microarray data /." Stockholm, 2004. http://diss.kib.ki.se/2004/91-7140-153-9/.
Full textZerati, Marcelo. "Estudo de fatores prognósticos moleculares no carcinoma renal de células claras pela técnica de tissue microarray." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/5/5153/tde-23082011-143257/.
Full textINTODUCTION: Renal cell carcinoma is an aggressive disease and its incidence is rising. The clear cell variant is the most common, and also the most aggressive. Recent advances in the understanding of the tumors molecular biology indicate that the oncogenesis of each histologic subtype is controlled by distinct cellular mechanisms. Current prognostic models are gradually incorporating the advances in molecular biology, in the hope to improve their predictive capacity. OBJECTIVES: To correlate the immunoexpression of selected markers with 1) overall survival, and 2) with established prognostic parameters (clinical TNM stage, tumor size, Fuhrman nuclear grade, microvascular invasion and perirenal fat invasion) in patients with non-metastatic ccRCC. METHODS: This is a retrospective cohort study, we evaluated 99 patients with non-metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma, as to the expression of the following proteins: CA-IX, EGF-R, Ki-67, p53, PTEN, VEGF e VEGF-R. The analyzed parameters where: overall survival, TNM stage, tumor size, Fuhrman nuclear grade, microvascular invasion, perirenal fat invasion. We utilized a custom built tissue microarray, and the immunoexpression was digitally quantified using the Photoshop® software. RESULTS: The mean follow-up time was 7,9 years. We found no correlation between the expression of the studied molecular markers and overall survival. As for the conventional prognostic parameters, we found the expression of EGF-R to correlate with T stage (p= 0,049) and perirenal fat invasion (p= 0,020), and VEGF-R to correlate with Fuhrman nuclear grade (p= 0,022) and microvascular invasion (p= 0,022). None of the other markers showed correlation with the studied parameters. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of EGF-R and VEGF-R may be useful tools in the prognostic evaluation of unfavorable risk in patients with non metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Zhang, Guilin. "Clustering Algorithms for Time Series Gene Expression in Microarray Data." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2012. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc177269/.
Full textLepikson-Neto, Jorge 1980. "Analise da expressão genica em diferentes especies de eucalipto utilizando a tecnologia de microarranjos de cDNA." [s.n.], 2008. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/314279.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T09:23:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lepikson-Neto_Jorge_M.pdf: 1765356 bytes, checksum: c73289c953d58c6b221c2e0927805499 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008
Resumo: Com o intuito de obter informações relevantes para o melhoramento genético do eucalipto para a produção de biomassa, o presente trabalho buscou comparar a expressão dos genes relacionados com a formação e desenvolvimento da madeira em quatro diferentes espécies de eucalipto, tendo como objetivo identificar os padrões que as tornam mais aptas, bem como quais genes relacionados com determinadas características. Essa análise abre a possibilidade da identificação de genes chave que possam ser manipulados, através do melhoramento clássico ou da transgênia, para aumentar o conteúdo relativo de celulose das plantas, incrementando a sua eficiência para processos econômicos. 384 ESTs do banco de dados do Consórcio Genolyptus foram selecionadas para serem analisadas através da tecnologia de microarranjos de cDNA. Foram selecionadas ESTs de genes com funções conhecidas relacionadas com a formação da madeira, bem como de genes relacionados com o desenvolvimento do vegetal e de genes com função ainda desconhecida. Os dados obtidos foram cruzados com a biblioteca de ESTs do Consorcio Genolyptus (Northern Eletrônico), e foram feitos PCR em tempo real para os principais genes diferenciais nos microarranjos e para os genes da via de lignina e flavonóides. Os resultados mostraram que diferentes genes estão expressos nas espécies estudadas sendo um grande número deles ainda com função desconhecida no metabolismo do eucalipto. A maioria dos genes relacionados com a formação da parede celular não apresentou perfil de expressão diferencial nos microarranjos, sugerindo que as diferenças fenotípicas entre as madeiras das espécies estudadas podem estar sustentadas em vias alternativas, com fatores de elongação, cliclínas e outros genes desempenhando papel importante, bem como genes ainda não relacionados com o desenvolvimento da parede celular e ou ao desenvolvimento do vegetal. Os experimentos com PCR em tempo real mostraram que genes da via de flavonóides relacionados com a via de lignina e formação da madeira podem estar desempenhando papeis importantes no controle da formação da madeira da espécie. Esses resultados representam avanços significativos no entedimento da formação da madeira em eucalipto e servem como base para orientar futuras investigações no intuito de melhorar geneticamente esta espécie.
Abstract: In this work we intended to assemble relevant information for the genetic engineering of Eucalyptus for biomass production by comparing gene expression of genes related with the xylem and wood development of four different Eucalyptus species with distinct caractheristics, as a form to identify patterns and wich genes are possibly related to their differences. This analysis opens the possibilities to manipulate the specie and increase the overall celluloses content and its purpose for industrial production. 384 ESTs were selected from de Genolyptus database and analysed by microarryay cDNA experiments. Among the ESTs selected some were related to wood formation, cell wall assembly and some still had no general function known on the specie. The data from the microarray experiments were then crossed with the Genolyptus ESTs lybrary (Eletronic Northern) and Real-Time PCR were performed for the most relevant resultas as well as the genes from de lignin and flavonoid pathway. Results show that different genes are expressed among the xylem of the four species studied and most of them still have no related function to the metabolism of the plant. Most of the genes related to cell wall formation were not differentially expressed on the microarrays suggesting that the differences on the quality and structure of the wood among the four species might as well be resulted from the expression of alternative pathways and genes such as elongation factors, ciclins and others not yet related to the cell wall formation and wood development. Real-Time PCR experiments shown that genes from the flavonoid pathway related to lignin and wood formation might be playing a crucial role determining wicht pathway must be followed and therefore the type and quality of the wood on Eucalyptus. These results represent significant advances to our understanding on the formation of wood on Eucalyptus and will be valuable as a basis for future investigation aiming genetic engeneering of the specie.
Mestre em Biologia Funcional e Molecular
Jernås, Margareta. "Microarray analysis of gene expression in human adipocytes and adipose tissue /." Göteborg : Institute of Medicine, Dept. of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2077/9583.
Full textZhu, Yitan. "Learning Statistical and Geometric Models from Microarray Gene Expression Data." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/28924.
Full textPh. D.
Haddad, Samia Ramos 1978. "Aplicação de modelos lineares para análise de expressão gênica em experimentos de microarrays /." Botucatu : [s.n.], 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/95296.
Full textBanca: Raysildo Barbosa Lobo
Banca: Danísio Prado Munari
Resumo: O presente trabalho objetivou comparar, utilizando dados de um experimento de Microarray com um delineamento simples, os resultados de diferentes testes estatísticos a fim de verificar suas características na detecção de diferenças no nível de expressão dos genes. Os dados foram provenientes da South Dakota State University-EUA, do Department of Biology and Microbiology, Department of Animal Science, onde toda a parte experimental foi realizada. O material biológico envolveu quatro aves infectadas e quatro não infectadas com o vírus de bronquite infecciosa (IBV). O RNA utilizado foi extraído da camada epitelial da traquéia de animais controle e infectados com o vírus da IBV e, após a transcrição reversa foi marcado com os corantes fluorescentes (Cy3 e Cy5) e hibridizados com o microarray 13k cDNA de aves (FHCRC, Seattle, WA). A análise de dados dos resultados do experimento de microarray englobou dois estágios, sendo o primeiro denominado de Normalização, em que os dados foram pré-processados utilizando o procedimento Loess. A seguir foram realizadas as análises estatísticas propriamente ditas com testes de significância. Utilizou-se um modelo simples de ANOVA e aplicaram-se diferentes metodologias de análise. A análise das imagens revelou que dos 16192 spots em cada slide, apenas 10.926 puderam ser lidos sem defeitos no primeiro slide, 11.633 no segundo slide, 12577 no terceiro e 13.154 no quarto slide. A grande maioria dos spots em branco e controles negativos apresentou defeitos que determinaram sua eliminação. Um total de 13.597 spots foi lido no conjunto dos quatro slides, mas apenas 9.853 spots estavam representados em todos os slides. Concluiu-se que os experimentos de microarray, por tratarem de um conjunto muito grande de observações a serem analisados requerem análises estatísticas específicas. O método de Cui et al. (2005) reduziu... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The aim of this research was to compare, using real data of an experiment of Microarray with a simple design, the results of different statistical tests in order to verify their characteristics in the detection of differences in the level of expression of the genes. The data were coming of South Dakota State University-EUA, of the Department of Biology and Microbiology, Department Animal of Science, where the whole experimental part was accomplished. The biological material involved four infected animals and four no infected with the virus of infectious bronchitis (IBV). Used RNA was extracted of the layer epitelial of the windpipe of animals control and infected with the virus of IBV and, after the reverse transcription it was marked with the fluorescent colors (Cy3 and Cy5) and hybridization with the microarray 13k cDNA of birds (FHCRC, Seattle, WA). The analysis of data of the results of the microarray experiment included two apprenticeships, being the first denominated of Normalization, in that the data were pre-processed using the procedure Loess. To follow the statistical analyses they were accomplished properly said through real data with significant tests. A simple model of ANOVA was used and different analysis methodologies were applied. The analysis of the images revealed that of the 16192 spots in each slide, only 10.926 could be read without defects in the first slide, 11.633 in the second slide, 12577 in the third slide and 13.154 in the fourth slide. The great majority of the spots in white and negative controls presented defects that determined it elimination. A total of 13.597 spots was read in the group of the four slides, but only 9.853 spots were represented in all of the slides. It was ended that the microarray experiments, for they treat of a very big group of observations to be analyzed request specific statistical analyses. The method of Cui et al. (2005) it reduced... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Harvey, Eric Scott. "Normal Mixture Models for Gene Cluster Identification in Two Dimensional Microarray Data." VCU Scholars Compass, 2003. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/1309.
Full textErkers, Julia. "Towards automatic smartphone analysis for point-of-care microarray assays." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för biologisk grundutbildning, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-280663.
Full textRamasamy, Adaikalavan. "Increasing statistical power and generalizability in genomics microarray research." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2009. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:81ccede7-a268-4c7a-9bf8-a2b68634846d.
Full textKnowlton, Nicholas Scott. "Robust estimation of inter-chip variability to improve microarray sample size calculations." Oklahoma City : [s.n.], 2005.
Find full textSARTOR, MAUREEN A. "TESTING FOR DIFFERENTIALLY EXPRESSED GENES AND KEY BIOLOGICAL CATEGORIES IN DNA MICROARRAY ANALYSIS." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2007. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1195656673.
Full textDebaene, François. "Small molecule microarray : New tool to profile enzymatic activity on a proteomic scale." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2007/DEBAENE_Francois_2007.pdf.
Full textMicroarray has become an indispensable technology in postgenomic research area and allows for high throughput screening of several thousand analytes in few microliters. Several strategies have been developed to immobilize small molecules or antibodies on this format for drug discovery or for diagnostic tool. The peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-encoded small molecule library strategy allows for combinatorial libraries synthesize in a split and mix format to be organized into microarray by a self-sorting assembly. This methodology enables enzyme activity screening without a priori knowledge of the target in complex mixture such as crude cell lysates. Peptide and PNA chemistries were developed to synthesize and screen on a microarray format 3 generations of PNA-encoded inhibitor libraries targeting several protease families. Those libraries are presenting 625 to 4000 mechanism based inhibitors individually labelled with a PNA sequences that encodes the structure of a tetrapeptide inhibitor and its specific localisation onto a microarray. Substantial efforts on optimizing microarray spotting as well as signal detection and hybridization conditions presented in this thesis gives to PNA-encoded strategy a sensitive and specific format to quantify enzymatic activities and identify substrate specificities. The PNA-encoded strategy has been used to profiling enzyme activity from allergenic dustmite extract as well as to detect substrate specificities of purified enzyme samples. Identified inhibitors showed to be specific enough to decipher closely related activities of enzyme from the same family, and on the other hand, to identify the inhibitor’s target enzyme by affinity column coupled to mass spectrometry. Finally, identified inhibitors can be used to knock down the activity of an enzyme and evaluate its correlation to a phenotype. This strategy is to date the only functional methodology that enable to profile enzyme activity with inhibitors in a miniaturized format
Meyer, Patrick E. "Information-theoretic variable selection and network inference from microarray data." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210396.
Full textdata. In a lot of emerging fields, like bioinformatics, they are confronted with datasets
having thousands of variables, a lot of noise, non-linear dependencies and, only, tens of
samples. The detection of functional relationships, when such uncertainty is contained in
data, constitutes a major challenge.
Our work focuses on variable selection and network inference from datasets having
many variables and few samples (high variable-to-sample ratio), such as microarray data.
Variable selection is the topic of machine learning whose objective is to select, among a
set of input variables, those that lead to the best predictive model. The application of
variable selection methods to gene expression data allows, for example, to improve cancer
diagnosis and prognosis by identifying a new molecular signature of the disease. Network
inference consists in representing the dependencies between the variables of a dataset by
a graph. Hence, when applied to microarray data, network inference can reverse-engineer
the transcriptional regulatory network of cell in view of discovering new drug targets to
cure diseases.
In this work, two original tools are proposed MASSIVE (Matrix of Average Sub-Subset
Information for Variable Elimination) a new method of feature selection and MRNET (Minimum
Redundancy NETwork), a new algorithm of network inference. Both tools rely on
the computation of mutual information, an information-theoretic measure of dependency.
More precisely, MASSIVE and MRNET use approximations of the mutual information
between a subset of variables and a target variable based on combinations of mutual informations
between sub-subsets of variables and the target. The used approximations allow
to estimate a series of low variate densities instead of one large multivariate density. Low
variate densities are well-suited for dealing with high variable-to-sample ratio datasets,
since they are rather cheap in terms of computational cost and they do not require a large
amount of samples in order to be estimated accurately. Numerous experimental results
show the competitiveness of these new approaches. Finally, our thesis has led to a freely
available source code of MASSIVE and an open-source R and Bioconductor package of
network inference.
Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation Informatique
Xiang, Lianbin, Katalin Szebeni, Craig A. Stockmeier, Samuel S. Newton, and Gregory A. Ordway. "Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression in the Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus in Major Depression." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2006. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/8621.
Full textXue-Franzén, Yongtao. "DNA microarray approaches to understanding the regulation and evolution of gene expression networks." Stockholm : Huddinge : Karolinska institutet ; Södertörns högskola, 2009. http://diss.kib.ki.se/2009/978-91-7409-554-8/.
Full text