Academic literature on the topic 'Amphibiens – Effets du sel'
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Journal articles on the topic "Amphibiens – Effets du sel"
LORRAIN-SOLIGON, Léa, Frédéric ROBIN, Pierre ROUSSEAU, Marko JANKOVIC, and François BRISCHOUX. "Des petites différences pour de grands bénéfices : réponses sites-spécifiques des communautés d’amphibiens à la submersion marine sur la côte Atlantique française." Sciences Eaux & Territoires, no. 41 (September 23, 2022): xx.
Full textAgbohessi, Prudencio, and Ibrahim Imorou Toko. "Effets toxiques des herbicides à base du glyphosate sur les poissons et autres animaux aquatiques : approche bibliographique." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 15, no. 6 (February 23, 2022): 2685–700.
Full textVillard, Marc-André, Marc J. Mazerolle, and Samuel Haché. "L’impact des routes, au-delà des collisions : le cas des oiseaux forestiers et des amphibiens." Le Naturaliste canadien 136, no. 2 (May 11, 2012): 61–65.
Full textWang, M. N., and C. Chen. "Dynamic Modeling and Optimized Energy Distribution of a Novel Amphibian Legged Robot." Key Engineering Materials 392-394 (October 2008): 223–28.
Full textManus, Jean-Marie. "Hypertension artérielle : le sel a-t-il ou non des effets biologiques ?" Revue Française des Laboratoires 2001, no. 335 (September 2001): 14.
Full textRivas, Gilson A., Oscar M. Lasso-Alcalá, Douglas Rodríguez-Olarte, Mayke De Freitas, John C. Murphy, Cristian Pizzigalli, John C. Weber, Laurent de Verteuil, and Michael J. Jowers. "Biogeographical patterns of amphibians and reptiles in the northernmost coastal montane complex of South America." PLOS ONE 16, no. 3 (March 4, 2021): e0246829.
Full textRios-López, Neftalí. "Effects of increased salinity on tadpoles of two anurans from a Caribbean coastal wetland in relation to their natural abundance." Amphibia-Reptilia 29, no. 1 (2008): 7–18.
Full textBerlan, J., Y. Besace, G. Pourcelot, and P. Cresson. "Addition d'organocuprates aux oxazolidines chirales α-β ethyleniques : I - resultats - effets de sel et de solvant." Tetrahedron 42, no. 17 (January 1986): 4757–65.
Full textRonco, G., J. P. Petit, R. Guyon, and P. Villa. "Mécanisme de solvolyse descis- ettrans-(p-toluènesulfonates) d'aryl-2-cyclopentyle I. Etude de la première étape de la solvolyse: effets isotopiques de l' atone de deutérium en position 2, effets de sel basique et effet spécial de sel." Helvetica Chimica Acta 71, no. 3 (May 4, 1988): 648–57.
Full textLangevin, René, and Angélique Laurent. "Effets d’un programme fondé sur l’apprentissage socioémotionnel sur les compétences socio-émotionnelles d’élèves fréquentant une école francophone en milieu minoritaire." Journal of Quality in Education 13, no. 22 (November 20, 2023): 142–60.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Amphibiens – Effets du sel"
Lorrain-Soligon, Léa. "Conséquences de l’augmentation de la salinité sur la faune des marais littoraux : le cas des amphibiens." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023.
Full textCoastal wetlands are characterized by spatial, temporal, and global change-related variations in salinity. These variations in salinity can negatively impact the biodiversity of coastal wetlands. This is particularly the case for amphibians, characterized by a permeable integument and low dispersal abilities. Although amphibians’ sensitivity to salinity is well known, it has mainly been studied in the context of road de-icing salt, in communities that are naive to salt exposure. Nevertheless, coastal populations of amphibians, regularly exposed to these salinity variations, should express a higher tolerance to this environmental parameter in response to local adaptation processes. We investigated how salinization of coastal environments influences the ecology, physiology, behaviour and development of coastal amphibians. At all levels of integration (community, population, individual), we have shown negative impacts of salt exposure, affecting the composition of the community, the distribution of individuals, their growth, their development, their physiology and their behaviour. However, communities, adult individuals, and larvae all expressed physiological and behavioural resilience through compensatory mechanisms. Our work has led to a better understanding of the effects of salinity variations on coastal wetlands’ biodiversity, and to provide management options to compensate for the effects of this global change
Mandrillon, Anne-Lise. "Effets de substances indicatrices d’un risque de prédation sur le comportement, la morphologie et les traits d’histoire de vie de la grenouille rousse (Rana temporaria) et du crapaud commun : modulation par un herbicide, l’amitrole." Rennes 1, 2007.
Full textIn larval amphibians, predation risk assessment and adaptive anti-predator responses are tightly dependent on the detection of chemical signals released from predators and (or) injured conspecifics. However, such olfactory-mediated processes can be particularly vulnerable to the presence of waterborne chemical contaminants. Thus, the thesis aims to evaluate the behavioural, morphological and life-historical effects of single and combined embryo-larval exposures to a triazole herbicide (amitrole) and to different types of chemical signals indicative of a predation risk in the common frog (Rana temporaria) and the common toad (Bufo bufo). This experimental approach has resulted in a series of scientific articles, and the suggestion of some new research prospectives and measures relative to amphibians’ conservation
Ciolek, Eric. "Effets de la triiodothyronine endogène et exogène, et du clofibrate sur les peroxysomes hépatiques des amphibiens anoures." Nancy 1, 1991.
Full textDecamp, Antoine. "Etude des conditions d’accumulation et de production de polysaccharides solubles (ou exopolysaccharides - EPS) chez des microalgues marines cultivées en photobioréacteur." Thesis, Nantes, 2020.
Full textThis thesis concerns the study of the mechanisms implicated in Porphyridium cruentum exopolysaccharides synthesis and the optimization of their production in photobioreactors. In order to achieve this objective, the effect of salinity and light were mainly studied. Salinity is a parameter which affect the carbohydrates metabolism of Porphyridium cruentum favouring biomass production at median salinity, starch accumulation in hypo-osmotic conditions and glycoside accumulation (more particularly floridoside) in hyper-osmotic conditions. MRPA (Mean rate of Photon Absorption) was used to evaluate the behaviour of red microalgae in light stress conditions and in photo limitation. The first part of this study showed that Porphyridium cruentum is a light-sensitive organism with an effective absorption cross section 7 times smaller than the green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. In the second part, different levels of light stress were imposed on the red microalgae, the results showed that from a threshold value the increase in MRPA allows to strongly accelerate the production of polysaccharides (in the form of starch and BPS in a first step and in the form of RPS during a prolonged stress).The combination of osmotic and light stress has made it possible to develop a protocol to valorise the biomass of Porphyridium cruentum in order to produce floridoside in controlled hyper-osmotic conditions or polysaccharides for hypo-osmotic conditions coupling with high MRPA
Bouraïma-Madjèbi, Saliou. "Influence de la salinité (NaCl) sur la croissance et la photosynthèse des Mils (Pennisetum) d'origines géographiques différentes." Paris 11, 1986.
Full textThe effects of salinity were studied in six genotypes of pearl millet. We have attempted to characterize the resistance to salinity of Pennisetum typhoides Drôo Zarzis, a Tunisian ecotype from a saline habitat cultivated in controlled conditions and to compare its behaviour with five other Pennisetum genotypes from different geographic origins. The growth behaviour of P. Typhoides Drôo Zarzis can be characterized by a high tolerance to salt (halophytic response). P. Violaceum shows the least resistance to saline conditions, while the 4 other genotypes show intermediate response to the 2 extremes. An analysis of the mineral and organic composition was compatible with the halophytic tendency of P. Typhoides Drôo Zarzis and could explain the sensitivity ta saline conditions of P. Violaceum. The results provide evidence that there is a definite specific ion effect which is related to salt sensitivity. It is suggested that superior compartmentation of ions, principally K+ may be a mechanism of salt resistance. An enhancement in the maximum capacities of the key-enzymes of C4 metabolism (PEPC, RuBPC + NADP-EM) has been measured under limiting photosynthetic conditions related to the saline treatment. An immunological approach clearly showed that this stimulation in the capacity of PEPC and NADP-EM is due to an increase in the total quantity of the enzymes. We have also demonstrated for the first time in Pennisetum that an increased in RuBPC capacity is related to an increase in the enzyme amount but its specific activity remains constant. The marked increase in cytosolic GS observed in P. Typhoides Drôo Zarzis is modulated by the intracellular environment, namely the ionic compartmentation related to the halophytic nature of the genotype. With regards to the cytosolic GS1 this isœnzyme might be interpreted as a marker of halophyty. An heterosis effect is noted in the net photosynthesis and starch content for P. Typhoides Tiotandé a "male sterile". Lts behaviour is completely modified in saline conditions. Finally this work demonstrate the utility of comparative experiments with related genotypes deliberately selected for differences in salt resistance for elucidation of mechanisms governing the response of Pennisetum to salt stress. The research of heterosis in saline condition could be obtained with crossing P. Typhoides "Tiotandé male sterile" and one of salt tolerant genotype principally P. Typhoides Drôo Zarzis
Grondin, Marie-Ève. "Rôle des enképhalines et des récepteurs mu opiacés dans l'appétit pour le sel." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2006.
Full textLandouar-Arsivaud, Lucie. "Recherche de gènes intervenant dans la tolérance au stress salin dans le phloème de céleri (Apium graveolens L. )." Poitiers, 2004.
Full textSalt stress constitutes one of the major environmental constraints for melon culture in the south of Spain and in the mediterranean basin, and for other cultures as well in many regions of the world (Australia, United-States). The availability of tolerant plants is therefore a major goal for breeders. Plant response to salt stress and the development of tolerance mechanisms imply the regulation of a large number of genes. On the other hand, phloem is an essential tissue for plant development allowing long distance transport of photo-assimilates and information transmission between different organs. The aim of this thesis has been to identify genes whose expression is stimulated by salt stress, in Celery phloem (Apium graveolens L. Dulce cv. Vert d'Elne). A salt treatment (300 mM) was applied during 3 weeks on celery grown in the green house. A physiological study of salt stress response in plants (growth, relative water content) was made. A subtractive library was produced from petiole phloem mRNAs extracted from "stressed" and "control" celery. This method isolated exclusively genes whose expression was stimulated by salt stress. Among the 736 cDNAs obtained and analysed on macroarray by differential screening, 30 partial cDNAs met the two selection criteria : salt stress induction and phloem tissue localisation. Only 3 clones were selected with our private partner on the basis of novelty and certification. Promoters of these genes have been cloned and placed upstream of the GUS reporter gene (b-glucuronidase) in order to study their expression profile in Arabidopsis thaliana, in response to salt stress
Voisin, Aurore. "LES ENKÉPHALINES ET LA NEUROBIOLOGIE DU SEL Caractérisation électrophysiologique, neuroanatomique et fonctionnelle." Thesis, Université Laval, 2013.
Full textIn rats, extracellular sodium (Na+) variations are detected by neurons in the median preoptic nucleus (MNPO) due to the presence of NaX channels. First, we wanted to determine the electrical properties of MnPO Na+ sensor neurons using electrophysiological recordings. We demonstrate an increase in the excitability of Na+ sensors, probably due to a decrease in ionic channels responsible for spike frequency adaptation and an increase in the ionic channels sustaining time-dependent membrane rectification. Since our laboratory demonstrated a modulation of Na+ sensors excitability by enkephalins (ENK) and mu-opioid receptors (mu-OR) system for an acute sodium deficit, so we wanted to demonstrate an enhancement in this neuronal excitability during repeated sodium depletion. Our results demonstrate that repeated sodium depletion induced desensitization of Na+ sensors and NaX channels expression. However, Na+ sensors show a hyperexcitability in response to three Na+ deficits that appears to be mitigated by the overexpression of functional mu-OR. Then, we wanted to determine the brain regions releasing ENK within the MNPO by injecting a fluorescent retrograde tracer. Our data report the parabrachial nucleus and the nucleus of solitary tract as the main ENK sources to MNPO; the bed nucleus of stria terminalis and the paraventricular nucleus as moderate ENK projections. This ENK release could initiate salt appetite in response to sodium deficit. Since salt appetite is a motivated behavior and some studies reported an enhanced salt appetite named salt sensitization, so we wanted to correlate ENK and/or mu-OR expression in reward circuit and salt sensitization. We show that salt sensitization is not a universal phenomenon in rats and that it is correlated with a decreased mu-OR expression in the ventral pallidum (VP). In addition, mu-OR expression in the VP is a fundamental requisite to the development of salt sensitization.
Ouedraogo, Lazare. "Etude de quelques effets de la métamorphose des amphibiens sur certaines protéines et sur la structure hépatique." Paris 13, 1987.
Full textOuedraogo, Lazare. "Etude de quelques effets de la métamorphose des amphibiens sur certaines protéines et sur la structure hépatique." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textBooks on the topic "Amphibiens – Effets du sel"
Eliminez le sel retrouvez la forme !: Moins de sel, plus de potassium : La clé de votre santé. Monaco: Alpen éditions, 2007.
Find full text(Editor), Donald W. Sparling, Greg Linder (Editor), Christine A. Bishop (Editor), and Sherry Krest (Editor), eds. Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles, Second Edition. 2nd ed. CRC, 2009.
Find full textStille, Mark. Philippines Naval Campaign 1944–45. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2024.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Amphibiens – Effets du sel"
"5 Effets des dépôts de sel." In Le sel, saveur de la Terre, 58–67. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"5 Effets des dépôts de sel." In Le sel, saveur de la Terre, 58–67. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textMeshaka, Walter E., Suzanne L. Collins, R. Bruce Bury, and Malcolm L. McCallum. "Salamanders (Caudata)." In Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles of the United States, 20–24. University Press of Florida, 2022.
Full text"Chapitre 18. Le sel à Poitiers, les lions en Afrique et autres effets particuliers d’un ciel immobile." In Studia Sententiarum, 251–83. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2021.
Full textHolman, J. Alan. "Introductio." In Pleistocene Amphibians and Reptiles in Britain and Europe. Oxford University Press, 1998.
Full textBrockes, Jeremy. "Effect of retinoic acid on regenerating urodele limbs." In Retinoids in Normal Development and Teratogenesis, 113–18. Oxford University PressOxford, 1992.
Full textMulloy, Garren. "Defenders of Japan Present and Future." In Defenders of Japan, 191–264. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Amphibiens – Effets du sel"
Matveev, Konstantin I., and Zachary J. Malhiot. "Construction and Testing of Radio-Controlled Power Augmented Ram Model." In ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Amphibiens – Effets du sel"
Yaron, Zvi, Abigail Elizur, Martin Schreibman, and Yonathan Zohar. Advancing Puberty in the Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) and the Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis). United States Department of Agriculture, January 2000.
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