Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Ambisonie de premier ordre'
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Mahé, Pierre. "Codage ambisonique pour les communications immersives." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LAROS011.
Full textThis thesis takes place in the context of the spread of immersive content. For the last couple of years, immersive audio recording and playback technologies have gained momentum and have become more and more popular. New codecs are needed to handle those spatial audio formats, especially for communication applications. There are several ways to represent spatial audio scenes. In this thesis, we focused on First Order Ambisonic. The first part of our research focused on improving multi-monocoding by decorrelated each ambisonic signal component before the multi-mono coding. To guarantee signal continuity between frames, efficient quantization new mechanisms are proposed. In the second part of this thesis, we proposed a new coding concept using a power map to recreate the original spatial image. With this concept, we proposed two compressing methods. The first one is a post-processing focused on limiting the spatial distortion of the decoded signal. The spatial correction is based on the difference between the original and the decoded spatial image. This post-processing is later extended to a parametric coding method. The last part of this thesis presents a more exploratory method. This method studied audio signal compression by neural networks inspired by image compression models using variational autoencoders
Georgy, Nicolas. "Equations de type implicite du premier ordre /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1999. http://library.epfl.ch/theses/?nr=2068.
Full textAndré, Simon. "Groupes hyperboliques et logique du premier ordre." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1S030/document.
Full textTwo groups are said to be elementarily equivalent if they satisfy the same first-order sentences in the language of groups, that is the same mathematical statements whose variables are only interpreted as elements of a group. Around 1945, Tarski asked the following question : are non-abelian free groups elementarily equivalent? An affirmative answer to this famous Tarski's problem was given in 2006 by Sela and independently by Kharlampovich and Myasnikov, as the culmination of two voluminous series of papers. Then, Sela gave a classification of all finitely generated groups that are elementarily equivalent to a given torsion-free hyperbolic group. The results contained in the present thesis fall into this context and deal with first-order theories of hyperbolic groups with torsion. In the first chapter, we prove that any finitely generated group that is elementarily equivalent to a hyperbolic group is itself a hyperbolic group. Then, we prove that virtually free groups are almost homogeneous, meaning that elements are almost determined up to automorphism by their type, i.e. the first-order formulas they satisfy. In the last chapter, we give a complete classification of finitely generated virtually free groups up to elementary equivalence with two quantifiers
Croce, Gisella. "Sur quelques inclusions différentielles de premier et de deuxième ordre /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004. http://library.epfl.ch/theses/?display=detail&nr=3010.
Full textWasiolek, Victor. "Analyse asymptotique de systèmes hyperboliques quasi-linéaires du premier ordre." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CLF22577/document.
Full textHyperbolic systems arise in a large field of sciences : kinetic theory, inviscid reactive flow, magnetohydrodynamics, inviscid gas dynamics, traffic flow, river or glacier flow, sedimentation processes, chemical exchange processes, etc. In these kind of systems, small paramaters often appear, and an asymptotic study may lead to mathematical or computational simplifications. One fundamental problem that we may work on is local and global existence of solutions for these systems, uniformly with respect to these parameters. This Ph.D. thesis includes, on one hand, general results on uniform local existence of solutions for first order quasi-linear hyperbolic systems ; and on the other hand, results on uniform global existence of solutions near constant equilibriums for these same systems. In the case of Euler-Maxwell systems, required conditions are not fulfilled for uniform global existence, then we treat it separately
Cohen, Cyril. "Formalisation des nombres algébriques : construction et théorie du premier ordre." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2012. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00780446.
Full textPottier, Loïc. "Algorithmes de complétion et généralisation en logique du premier ordre." Nice, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989NICE4261.
Full textDross, Claire. "Procédures de décision génériques pour des théories axiomatiques du premier ordre." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01002190.
Full textChihani, Hichem Zakaria. "Certification de preuves en logiques classique et intuitionniste du premier ordre." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EPXX0047.
Full textMilchior, Arthur. "Logique du premier ordre, relations d'entiers et automates dans une base fixe." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCC098.
Full textThis manuscript deals with first order logic with order relation and modular predicate, denoted by FO[<,mod]. The, class of regular set, that is of of FO[<,mod]-definable sets, is the class of sets accepted by a base 1 automaton. Lt is also the greatest class C of set such that FO[C] only defines regular languages. It is therefore natural to consider this logic, and we give in this manuscript some new characterization of regular sets. We show that the class of regular sets adroits a characterization in terms of set of smaller dimension and in tenn of periodicity. We show that a set, definable in Presburger, is regular if and only if all unary function which are FO[<,R]-definable are regulars. This characterization allows to prove that the maximal fragment C of Presburger arithmetic such that the satisfiability of FO[<,C] is decidable is the class of regular sets. Similarly, the satisfiability of first-order logic over words with the successor function and an unary increasing function f is undecidable as soon as n-f(n) is unbounded. Lf f is uninterpreted, the first-order logic with the successor function and f is undecidable over integers. Finally, a linear time angolithm is given, which takes as input a automaton A in base b greater than 1 and accepts if and only if A accepts a regular set. A second algorithm, in quasi-cubi trame, returns a FO[<,mod]-formula which defines the set of integers accepted by the automaton A
ESCALADA-IMAZ, GONZALO. "Optimisation d'algorithmes d'inference monotone en logique des propositions et du premier ordre." Toulouse 3, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989TOU30136.
Full textJOLY, STEPHANE. "Contribution a l'etude des cinetiques des transitions de phase du premier ordre." Le Mans, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LEMA1020.
Full textBerthet, Jean. "Contributions à l'étude algébrique et géométrique des structures et théories du premier ordre." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00587634.
Full textBerthet, Jean. "Contributions à l’étude algébrique et géométrique des structures et théories du premier ordre." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LYO10266/document.
Full textThe notion of T-radical of an ideal allows G.Cherlin to prove a Nullstellensatz for inductive ring theories.We present here a model-theoretic analysis of closely related phenomena. At first, a reverse of this theorem leeds us to a characterization of algebraically closed fields, suggesting a “positive” version of Cherlin’s work, the theory of T-radical ideals. These are characterized by a representation theorem and associated to a “positive” Nullstellensatz. Those results are generalized to first order logic : thanks to the notion of special class, we then develop a logical theory of ideals. One may still speak about prime and radical ideals, relatively to a class of structures. In this setting, the representation theorem is an intrinsic property of special classes and the Nullstellensatz a logical preservation property, which we call “geometric completeness” and which is closely linked to positive model-completeness. The group-based algebras of P.Higgins allow us to apply these results to model-complete theories of fields with additional operators. In certain “noetherian” cases, the coordinate algebra is an algebraic invariant of “affine algebraic sets”. At last, it is possible from a set of formulas E to generalize special and other classes of structures. Moreover, our theory of logical ideals is a particular case of the localisation phenomenon studied by M.Coste ; in certain situations, a good choice of formulasleeds to an identification of the complete types of a given “algebra” with some localisation types
Fallot, Laurent. "Une aide interactive à la construction de preuves en logique du premier ordre." Bordeaux 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989BOR10526.
Full textMaltey, Fanton Isabelle. "Hyperpolarisabité de premier ordre de molécules organiques : complexes organoméetalliques, photochromes, molécules en lambda." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997DENS0016.
Full textJosserand, Christophe. "Dynamique des superfluides : nucleation de vortex et transition de phase du premier ordre." Paris 6, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA066674.
Full textKhatmi, Samira. "Eléments finis pour des systèmes hyperboliques du premier ordre peu ou non coercifs." Besançon, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001BESA0851.
Full textCollet, J. "Intégration des équations simultanées aux dérivées partielles du premier ordre d'une seule fonction ... Suivi de Du facteur intégrant pour les expressions différentielles du premier ordre renfermant un nombre quelconque de variables indépendantes /." Paris : Bibliothèque universitaire Pierre et Marie Curie (BUPMC), 2009. http://jubil.upmc.fr/sdx/pl/toc.xsp?id=TH_000280_001&fmt=upmc&idtoc=TH_000280_001-pleadetoc&base=fa.
Full textZabel, Nicolas. "Nouvelles techniques de déduction automatiques en logiques polyvalentes finies et infinies du premier ordre." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1993. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00343402.
Full textAudemard, Gilles. "Résolution du problème SAT et génération de modèles finis en logique du premier ordre." Aix-Marseille 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AIX11036.
Full textChapuis, Olivier. "Contributions à la théorie des groupes résolubles : elliptisme et théorie (universelle) du premier ordre." Paris 7, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA077217.
Full textCottalorda, Jean-Louis. "Techniques d'intelligence artificielle, réalisation d'un moteur d'inférences : logique du premier ordre et raisonnement approche." Nice, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986NICE4007.
Full textPierrot, Guillaume. "Développement et analyse d'une méthode sans maillage pour les systèmes hyperboliques du premier ordre." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ECAP0973.
Full textHyperbolic systems appear in many physical problems such as gas dynamics, hyper-elastic materials, or magneto-hydrodynamics. When the domain of interest doesn't change in time, the well-known numerical methods (Finite Differences, Finite Volumes, Finite Elements) have proven to be well suited and efficient. On the contrary when the domains changes in time, there is an over-cost due to the necessity of adapting the mesh at each time step. Moreover when the geometry is complex and/or the deformations are very large, 3D meshing and re-meshing is still a difficult task. As a consequence the interest of the scientific community for meshless methods has been growing over the last decade. The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method introduced by J. Monaghan in the early eighties for the simulation of astrophysical phenomenon has been the first purely lagrangian meshless scheme to be proposed. Unfortunately its mathematical analysis due to P-A. Raviart, S. Mas-Gallic, B. Ben-Moussa, and J-P. Vila has shown up some restrictive convergence conditions. In this work we propose a new meshless method that doesn't suffer for such restrictions. The scheme is roughly a generalisation of the Finite Difference Method in the ALE context. Special care has been taken to upwinding techniques for stability purpose and a general method for the enforcement of boundary conditions has also been developed. The scheme is consistent and stable and its convergence has been proven in the linear case (Friedrichs Systems). Special care has then been taken to its application to gas dynamics in lagrangian variables. 1D simulation have shown better accuracy than first order FVM (Roe scheme)
Dao, Thi Bich Hanh. "Résolution de contraintes du premier ordre dans la théorie des arbres finis ou infinis." Aix-Marseille 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX22080.
Full textCottalorda, Jean-Louis. "Techniques d'intelligence artificielle, réalisation d'un moteur d'inférences logique du premier ordre et raisonnement approche." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37596852z.
Full textZabel, Nicolas Caferra Ricardo. "Nouvelles techniques de déduction automatiques en logiques polyvalentes finies et infinies du premier ordre." S.l. : Université Grenoble 1, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00343402.
Full textTandabany, Sattisvar. "Composition dynamique de fonctionnalités de dispositifs en réseaux dans le web semantique." Grenoble 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009GRE10267.
Full textIn opportunistic networks — which topology is dynamic — of smart devices, we address the problem of looking for functionalities and of building a composition of functionalities with a logical description of the devices. We define a first order logic language in which the devices, their functionalities and their properties are expressed using taxonomies of classes to constrain the type of resources. We jointly define a query language based on the description language, allowing us to use a reasoner like P ROLOG to answer to the queries. Those answers are instanciations of the variables of interest which belong to the query. They represent composed functionalities. Next, to deal with the dynamicity of the network, the platform S OME W HERE — that make reasoning in propositional logic in a totally distributed manner — is used as a lookup service retrieving a subset of resources which descriptions are necessary to obtain all the answers to a certain query. For that purpose, we use an encoding of the descriptions and of the query, both written in first order logic, into propositional logic so that some good properties of the descriptions are kept
Belhout, Mohamed. "Analyse numérique de perturbations singulières d'opérateurs du premier ordre en temps et polynôme Lp extrémaux." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012ISAL0065/document.
Full textIn the first part of this work, we deal with, linear hyperbolic problems of first order or linear parabolic problems, which are degenerated with respect to the time operator. By using a singular mass matrix technique, we propose a finite element method allowing to get optimal error estimates with respect to space for the Lagrange first order finite element for example. Then our method is applied to a parabolic system degenerated with respect to time which is used in electrocardiology. The second part of this work is dedicated to extremal polynomials in Lp , outside to the unit circle associated to a measure α, with a general form given by α = βa + βs + γ. The regular part is denoted βa , the singular part βs and the discrete part γ. In a first step we take βs = 0, and we generalized to the Lp case the known results in the L2 case. When the singular part is non zero, by using different regularity functions, we get the same optimality formulae
Ma, Yue. "Modèles compacts électro-thermiques du premier ordre et considération de bruit pour les circuits 3D." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSEI042/document.
Full textThree Dimensional (3D) Integration and Packaging has been successful in mainstream devices to increase logic density and to reduce data movement distances. It solves the fundamental limits of scaling e.g. increasing delay in interconnections, development costs and variability. Most memory devices shipped today have some form of chip-stacking involved. But because of the power dissipation limits of ICs, today’s MPU’s operating frequency has been limited to a few GHz. The aim of the thesis is to provide a global design method for the 3D integrated circuit in electrical, thermal, electro-thermal and also noise field. To this end, the research question is as follows: How to realize the 3D IC design, how to manage VLS 3D IC and how to solve the thermal issues in the 3D IC. In this context, the simulation methods for substrate and also relative connectivity (TSV, RDL, Micro strip and circuits embedded into the substrate) are proposed. In order to satisfy the research demand, a 3D-TLE and a substrate impedance are programmed in Matlab, which can automatically extract from any contacts; impedance, of arbitrary shape and arbitrary material. The extractor is 100% compatible with SPICE core simulator, and verified with measurement results and FEM simulation results. And as for a demo, a 26 GHz frequency and 2GHz bandwidth RF filter is propose in this work. Another electro-thermal simulator is also programmed and verified with ADS. As a solution to the local heat dissipation, flat heat pipe (FHP) is proposed as a prospective component. The heat-pipe model is verified with FEM simulation. The substrates noise analysis method and electrical and thermos-mechanical keep-out-of-zone (KOZ) calculation methods are also presented
Ibañez, Maria Blanca Jorrand Philippe. "Inférence parallèle et processus communicants pour les clauses de Horn extension au premier ordre par la méthode de connexion /." S.l. : Université Grenoble 1, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00338381.
Full textPouillard, Nicolas. "Une approche unifiante pour programmer sûrement avec de la syntaxe du premier ordre contenant des lieurs." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00759059.
Full textFAYE, ABDOURAHMANE. "Decouverte d'associations entre tables d'une base de donnees : une approche par la logique du premier ordre." Paris 11, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA112202.
Full textGhavamian, Ataollah. "Un cadre de calcul pour un système de premier ordre de lois de conservation en thermoélasticité." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020ECDN0004.
Full textIt is evidently not trivial to analytically solve practical engineering problems due to their inherent nonlinearities. Moreover, experimental testing can be extremely costly and time-consuming. In the past few decades, therefore, numerical techniques have been progressively developed and utilised in order to investigate complex engineering applications through computer simulations. In the context of fast thermo-elastodynamics, modern commercial packages are typically developed on the basis of second order displacement-based finite element formulations and, unfortunately, that introduces a series of numerical shortcomings (e.g. detrimental locking, hour-glass modes, spurious pressure oscillations). To rectify these drawbacks, a mixed-based set of first order hyperbolic conservation laws for thermo- elastodynamics is presented in terms of the linear momentum per unit undeformed volume, the deformation gradient, its co-factor, its Jacobian and the balance of total Energy. Interestingly, the conservation formulation framework allows exploiting available CFD techniques in the context of solid dynamics. From a computational standpoint, two distinct spatial discretisations are employed, namely, Vertex-Centred Finite Volume Method (VCFVM) and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). A linear reconstruction procedure together with a slope limiter is employed in order to ensure second order accuracy in space whilst avoiding numerical oscillations in the vicinity of sharp gradients. The semi-discrete system of equations is then temporally discretised using a second-order Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta time integrator. Finally, a wide spectrum of challenging examples is presented in order to assess both the performance and applicability of the proposed schemes. The new formulation is proven to be very efficient in nearly incompressible thermoelasticity in comparison with classical finite element displacement-based approaches
Giguère, Alexandre. "Transitions de phase magnétiques du premier ordre, métamagnétisme et effet magnétocalorique dans des alliages intermétalliques choisis /." Thèse, Trois-Rivières : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1998. http://www.uqtr.ca/biblio/notice/resume/03-2192225R.html.
Full textComprend en annexe II un article scientifique publié dans "Physical Review B." : Magnetic properties of Dy-Zr nanocomoposites / A. Giguère...[et al.] Le résumé et la table des matières sont disponibles en format électronique sur le site Web de la bibliothèque. CaQTU Bibliographie : f. 97-100.
Legoux, Alphonse. "Étude analytique et géométrique d'une famille de courbes représentées par une équation différentielle du premier ordre." Paris : Bibliothèque universitaire Pierre et Marie Curie (BUPMC), 2009. http://jubil.upmc.fr/sdx/pl/toc.xsp?id=TH_000297_001&fmt=upmc&idtoc=TH_000297_001-pleadetoc&base=fa.
Full textGiguère, Alexandre. "Transitions de phase magnétiques du premier ordre, métamagnétisme et effet magnétocalorique dans des alliages intermétalliques choisis." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1998. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/3545/1/000651927.pdf.
Full textBaus, Marc. "Théorie microscopique des systèmes classiques avec brisure de symétrie. Applications aux transitions de phase du premier ordre." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/213281.
Full textAugoula, Steve. "Conception et analyse de schémas d'ordre élevé pour l'approximation des équations de Hamilton-Jacobi du premier ordre." Bordeaux 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR10599.
Full textThe propagation of a flame front in streaked medium can be seen as a particular case of a first order Hamilton Jacobi mixed problem. It acts like a system coupling a version of the well-known eikonal equation, Dirichlet boundary conditions and a state constraint. The aim of this thesis is to develop and analyse new numerical high order schemes for the approximation of general first order Hamilton Jacobi equations. And finally to simulate, thanks to these latter methods, the evolution of solid propellant combustion. The first part characterizes and analyses the Hamilton Jacobi systems stemming from the modelisation of the phenomenon. In particular, a proof of the existence and uniqueness is given in the viscosity sense. The second part is devoted to the approximation of standard Cauchy problems related to general first order Hamilton Jacobi equations. The numerical solutions are approached by new high order methods which are stabilized by innovator filters. The new schemes are valided by several numerical experiments giving k-th order convergence rate when the piecewise polynomials of degree k function are used, measured in L¹-norm
Fortin, Marie. "Expressivité de la logique du premier ordre, de la logique dynamique propositionnelle sans étoile et des automates communicants." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASG046.
Full textThis thesis is concerned with the expressive power of first-order logic and other formalisms over different classes of ordered structures, among which MSCs (Message Sequence Charts), a standard model for executions of message-passing systems. This study is motivated by two classic problems: the k-variable property, that is, the equivalence of first-order logic and its k-variable fragment over certain classes of structures, and the study of logic-automata connections, in the spirit of Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot theorem. Our approach relies on star-free propositional dynamic logic (star-free PDL), a variant of PDL with the same expressive power as the 3-variable fragment of first-order logic. We start by studying the expressive power of star-free PDL over linearly ordered structures with unary and binary predicates. We show that under certain monotonicity conditions, star-free PDL becomes as expressive as first-order logic. This implies that any first-order formula can then be rewritten into an equivalent formula with at most 3 variables. This result applies to various natural classes of structures, generalizing several known results and answering some open questions.We then focus on MSCs, to which this first result also applies. We use star-free PDL to address another important problem: the synthesis of communicating finite-state machines (CFMs) from first-order specifications. CFMs are a model of concurrent systems in which a fixed number of finite-state automata communicate through unbounded FIFO channels. They accept languages of MSCs. While logical characterizations of the expressive power of CFMs have been established under different restrictions (bounding the size of the communication channels, or removing the “happened-before” relation from the logic), the following question had remained open in the general case: can every first-order formula over MSCs be translated into an equivalent CFM? We prove that this is the case, using star-free PDL as an intermediate language
Lévy, Michel. "Contribution a l'analyse de la methode des tableaux." Grenoble 1, 1991. https://theses.hal.science/tel-00340419.
Full textLévy, Michel. "Contribution a l'analyse de la methode des tableaux." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1991. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00340419.
Full textLignereux, Aurélien. "Force à la loi ? Rébellions à la gendarmerie et autorité de l'Etat dans la France du premier dix-neuvième siècle (1800-1859)." Le Mans, 2006. http://cyberdoc.univ-lemans.fr/theses/2006/2006LEMA3005.pdf.
Full textBased on a set of 3 706 collective and violent confrontations against the gendarmes, this study reveals the outline of the rebellious France during the first half of the nineteenth century. Here, this phenomenon is connected with the growth of the gendarmerie's network and the evolution of his tasks and practices. At the close of a clashing process, the gendarmerie has found a place and a legitimacy in society. This institution established itself fully as a public force : on the one hand, the hold of political power over the gendarmerie is weakened ; on the other hand, the gendarmes manage to monopolize the use of legitimate force. Better, they resort less to this legal violence, that gives proof of growing authority. Thus, this study gets to the heart of the Nation-State's development by means of this basic and emblematic staff. A first period, from 1800 to 1817, shows the unpopular formation of an arm in the service of government. This loyalty is broken up, without difficulties, from 1818 to 1835, under the effects of the legalist and liberal claim. , hence the identity crisis of an institution in search of authority and respect. The revival has gone through a conspicuous reorientation in the service of society. So, between 1836 and 1859, a new pattern of gendarmerie is setting up, in a consensus way at first, then controversial, with the Second Republic. In spite of such contrasted evolutions, the fundamental function of gendarmerie as a pacificatory force has been confirmed during this period, which is promoted by the contemporaries as a the century of civilization
Lignereux, Aurélien Vivier Nadine. "Force à la loi ? Rébellions à la gendarmerie et autorité de l'Etat dans la France du premier dix-neuvième siècle (1800-1859)." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. http://cyberdoc.univ-lemans.fr/theses/2006/2006LEMA3005.pdf.
Full textGONCALVES, MARIE-ELISABETH. "Vers des operateurs d'apprentissage pour la logique du premier ordre etude de leurs proprietes de correction, completude et minimalite." Paris 11, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA112228.
Full textMalonga, Moungabio Fernand. "Interactions entre les mathématiques et la physique dans l'enseignement secondaire en france : cas des équations différentielles du premier ordre." Paris 7, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA070026.
Full textThe French mathematics curriculum encourages strongly the mathematics and physics teachers of upper Sixth to cooperate in the teaching of differential equations. This fact has led us to take an interest in the teaching of this theme in both matters. In this aim, we were driven to characterize the viability of a synergy between mathematics and physics in terms of didactical continuity. Taking former researches about interactions between mathematics and physics teaching as a basis, we have organized our research around some specific questions, namely: How do differential equations appear in mathematics and physics textbooks? Does a didactical continuity exist between the two matters and, if yes, in which form? Is the Euler method a theme able to foster this didactical continuity? How do the teachers perceive this didactic continuity and put it into play? Our research showed that the didactical continuity that could be expected from official injunction is far from being assured and encounters many difficulties, as an analysis of textbooks brings it to the fore. Moreover, studying how they deal with the Euler method shows that the two curricula ignore completely each other, to such extent that they give the impression that there are indeed two different methods of Euler, according to the matter. To end with, the study of the answers given by teachers of both matters to a questionnaire confirms the difficulties of implementing a didactical continuity and allows identify some reasons for it
Ibáñez, Maria Blanca. "Inférence parallèle et processus communicants pour les clauses de Horn : extension au premier ordre par la méthode de connexion." Grenoble INPG, 1990. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00338381.
Full textHu, Liping. "Equivalence au premier ordre des systèmes non linéaires : application à l'identification et à la commande, exemple d'un échangeur thermique." Grenoble INPG, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990INPG0084.
Full textMeyer, Robert. "Classes d'universalité du temps de premier passage en milieu complexe : application à la régulation de l'expression des gènes." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066530.
Full textBrisoux, Devendeville Laure. "Satisfaisabilité propositionnelle en informatique : aspects algorithmiques et extensions du formalisme." Artois, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/2000ARTO0401.
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