Academic literature on the topic 'Ambiances sonores'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ambiances sonores"
Léobon, Alain. "La qualification des ambiances sonores urbaines." Natures Sciences Sociétés 3, no. 1 (January 1995): 26–41.
Full textAmin Hammami, Mohamed, and Christophe Claramunt. "Vers une approche psychoacoustique et qualitative des paysages sonores de la commune de Sidi Bou Saïd." Revue Internationale de Géomatique 30, no. 3-4 (July 2020): 215–43.
Full textAdjiman, Rémi. "Les usages des ambiances sonores dans les films de fiction." Communications 102, no. 1 (2018): 137.
Full textWoloszyn, Philippe. "Vers un simulateur des ambiances sonores urbaines. Le modulateur morpho-acoustique." Les Annales de la recherche urbaine 70, no. 1 (1996): 158–59.
Full textMorin, Michel. "Ambiances et nuisances sonores: Recherches sur les represéntations sociales du bruit." PSICOLOGIA 9, no. 1 (August 22, 2018): 81–91.
Full textCornell, Andrea-Jane. "Un entretien avec Diane Labrosse." Articles 26, no. 2 (December 7, 2012): 75–80.
Full textRainhorn, Judith. "Olivier Bala, L’espace sonore de la ville au XIXe siècle, Grenoble, À la croisée (coll. « Ambiances, Ambiance »), 2003, 291 p." Histoire urbaine 18, no. 1 (2007): 170.
Full textArdenne, Paul. "Le sonore, l�imaginaire et la ville. De la fabrique artistique aux ambiances urbaines." L'Observatoire N�43, no. 2 (2013): 91.
Full textMoser, Walter. "Nouvelles formes d’art et d’expérience esthétique dans une culture en transit : les promenades de Janet Cardiff." Hors dossier, no. 15 (October 13, 2010): 231–50.
Full textTorgue, Henry. "Carlotta Darò, Avant-gardes sonores en architecture." Ambiances, April 19, 2014.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ambiances sonores"
Raimbault, Manon. "Simulation des ambiances sonores urbaines : intégration des aspects qualitatifs." Nantes, 2002.
Full textThe aim of the present work is to propose parameters of sound perception to fulfil new simulation tools for urban planning. In fact, the urban planners should answer two restraints : the obligation to respect the strict regulations and the increasing of population complaints. .
Tixier, Nicolas. "Morphodynamique des ambiances construites." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2001.
Full textMiranda, Santos Marta. "La terre crue à l'épreuve des ambiances sonores. : Un dialogue entre la mesure physique et les expériences sensibles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2022.
Full textRaw earth provides importantenvironmental benefits, such as low embodiedenergy, lower greenhouse gas emissions, andinfinite reversibility. Today, these already wellknownbenefits are boosting interest in rawearthconstruction to help overcome one of oursocieties’ most pressing challenges: the «climateemergency». Yet, earth can further contribute tobuilding interior comfort in many ways. The studyof these other advantages is where this thesisfinds its field of research.To do this, we inquire about atmospheres, inthe field of sound atmospheres in particular,which tends to receive little attention in scientificresearch on raw earth. Through the lens ofambiences, this study allows us to more faithfullycapture the complexity of the represented,perceived, and lived modes of raw earth spaces.It also contributes to deepening the yet-to-bestrengtheneddialogue among physical data andsensitive data. This is done with the ultimate goalof evaluating the physical and sensitive effectsthat a natural material like raw earth can bring tousers’ quality of life.To find answers to our questions, we studyphysical data, mainly acoustic data, and sensitivedata in two contexts at the same time. Being thefirst of them based on a case study on existingschools with various user profiles and a set of rawearth implementations. The second compares thesame environment with and without raw earth
Hussein, Faten. "Construction et expérimentation d'un protocole pour le traitement des ambiances sonores urbaines adapté aux personnes agées presbyacoustique." Nantes, 2012.
Full textThe question of urban spaces accessibility for disabled persons and elderly is frequently asked with more and more of acuity. In a universal context of an aging population and an increasing attention for security problem of aged pedestrian movements in the city, we are interested in the altered perception of the urban sonic ambiances by older people affected by presbycusis during their walks in the city. This work with an operational view is composed by three parts. First of all we identify the urban configurations in which are situations of danger encountered by older presbycusis persons appearing for the acoustic register. This identification is based on the notion of scenario-types accidents. Then we are constructing an experimental protocol correlating quantitative data issues of commented walks, physiologic measures of stress level engendered by the crossing of configurations previously identified and signal processing. This treatment is declined under multiple graphic representations allowing detecting in two dimensions those situations of danger: the temporally evolution of sound, the sonograms, the “audio textures” and the segmented images resulting. The superposition of those different graphic levels of urban sonic ambiances translations as perceived by older presbycusis persons intends to reflect the complexity following this altered perception. Finally, in the third part of this research, our double objective is to enrich the graphic translation of the acoustic dimension downtown as seen by an older presbycusis person and to propose the sketch of specifications regrouping dispositions and devices palliative to the appearance of danger situations for this category of city dwellers in order to guarantee them a serene using of urban space
Maffiolo, Valérie. "De la caractérisation sémantique et acoustique de la qualité sonore de l'environnement urbain : structuration des représentations mentales et influence sur l'appréciation qualitative : application aux ambiances sonores de Paris." Le Mans, 1999.
Full textRomieu, Patrick. "L'expérience sonore des ambiances festives : contribution à une ethnologie du sonore." Grenoble 2, 2009.
Full textThe perceptible pan of the experience is not the most explicit one. Within the sensitive approach, the sonic experience seems mostly tangible during the high points of the musical presence or during the noise exposure. Besides, various fields of individual or collective action are sonic related. They react to sonic environments and write meanwhile their complex score. Through an ethnographical approach, this research investigates some relatively stable models of the local feast, the pregnancy of some historically constituted systems on forms and contents of the sonic action. Like other systems, the expressions of Noise, Music, Voice and the whole sonic gestures have been rendered natural by the feast. It is necessary to investigate the sonic spaces where merge the dynamics of individual impulses assembled in connective moments, strong intersubjectivity and intercorporality, as well as physical and symbolic resistance of places and perceptive habits. The ever singular relationsl1ip between feast and local area must be examined through the sonic impulses of collective actions. Finally, it is within an always mysterious connection that the sonic paradigm, and more generally the sensorial one - mark out the furrow of the societal link. How do these various registers of the sonic action make link and how do they locate ? Here are the two fundamental questions of this research
Marry, Solène. "L'espace public sonore ordinaire : les paramètres de la perception sonore dans les espaces publics : contribution à une connaissance de l'ambiance sonore." Thesis, Grenoble, 2011.
Full textThe particularity and challenge of this research subject lie in the confrontation between the urbanistic vision of the public space, the physical approach to acoustic measurement and the consideration of how the sonic environment is perceived. Several types of public spaces were used to study the assessment of urban sonic ambiances. We problematize our study of the understanding and assessment of sound perception in order to highlight some of its relevant parameters. The methodology was designed to combine perceptive data and physical measurements. The first stage of in situ investigation thus provided a corpus of 174 questionnaires, 513 photographs and 18 non-directive group interviews. Acoustic measurements were then made at the same temporalities. Finally, a second stage of in-depth individual interviews conducted with the 29 participants was completed with the realization of 145 mental mind maps. This multifaceted methodology helped to determine the influence of several parameters such as human presence, nature, the mineral aspect, seasonality and urban forms on the spatial and sonic assessment in public spaces
Full textLa première partie met en évidence le fait que celles-ci ne sont pas toutes perçues de la même manière et qu'en conséquence leurs évaluations métrologiques doivent être adaptées. Ce travail permet de proposer un indicateur lié au désagrément sonore ; en fonction du lieu, cet indicateur utilise la force sonore de la séquence, mais il prend toujours en compte les caractéristiques des différentes sources émergentes.
La deuxième partie de l'étude propose deux méthodes pour la mesure automatique de cet indicateur à travers l'identification des sources. Ces outils représentent, in fine, une aide à la gestion d'un environnement sonore de quartier.
Tardieu, Julien. "De l'ambiance à l'information sonore dans un espace public : méthodologie et réalisation appliquées aux gares." Paris 6, 2006.
Full textArlaud, Blaise. "Vers une infographie de l'ambiance sonore urbaine." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2001.
Full textBooks on the topic "Ambiances sonores"
Le sonore, l'imaginaire et la ville: De la fabrique artistique aux ambiances urbaines. Paris: Harmattan, 2012.
Find full textBreviglieri, Marc, Noha Gamal-Said, and David Goeury, eds. Résonances oasiennes. MetisPresses, 2021.
Full textBoutin, Aimée. Blason Sonore. University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Ambiances sonores"
Nadrigny, Pauline. "Ambiances sonores, ambiances de pensée : Thoreau et Ives." In L'usage des ambiances, 407–18. Hermann, 2021.
Full textVogel, Corsin. "Approche interactive des ambiances sonores urbaines." In Quatre ans de recherche urbaine 2001-2004. Volume 2, 291–96. Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2006.
Full textMarche, Hélène. "La régulation sociale des ambiances sonores dans les services de cancérologie." In Soundspaces, 183–92. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015.
Full textWalker, Étienne. "Caractériser les cohabitations nocturnes dans les hypercentres au prisme des perceptions des ambiances sonores." In Soundspaces, 333–48. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015.
Full textGavazza, Giuseppe. "Projection de Paris Port d’André Sauvage (1928), avec une composition sonore originale de Giuseppe Gavazza." In L'usage des ambiances, 25–29. Hermann, 2021.
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