Academic literature on the topic 'Alternative or flexible program'

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Journal articles on the topic "Alternative or flexible program"


Urs Baier, Norman, and Joel Costan Zovi. "Flexible Robot Programming using Solid Edge’s “Alternative Assemblies”." Athens Journal of Τechnology & Engineering 9, no. 1 (February 17, 2022): 9–24.

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Many assembly processes in small and medium-sized enterprises are still performed by human labour. One reason for this is the need for another expert to program the robot, which would simply not fit into the company structure. To address this issue a solution is developed, which allows to program the robot directly out of the CAD software. The positions of the parts are read out of the CAD file. Specific assembly instructions have to be given by the assembly developer and integrated in the tree structure of the CAD. To avoid collisions and ensure correct insertion angles, additional waypoints are given by alternate assemblies, a functionality within Solid Edge to create and use variations of an assembly. Keywords: assembly, task planning, intelligent and flexible manufacturing, CAD
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Handayani, Fajar Sri, Florentina Pungky Pramesti, Mochamad Agung Wibowo, and Ary Setyawan. "Agency cost estimation on flexible and rigid pavement." MATEC Web of Conferences 258 (2019): 02020.

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Flexible pavement is a road pavement type which is commonly used, however rigid pavement is also widely used now days in Indonesia. It has even been used for local roads (managed by local authority), which take in heavy vehicle loads. This rigid pavement is used because it has longer service life and higher durability. The need for a durable road resulted in higher construction costs, whereas the budget for local road design and construction is often limited. This study aims to evaluate the agency costs that must be incurred for flexible and rigid pavement construction. Two alternatives of design life are simulated for each type of pavement, namely design lives of 10+10 year and 20 year for flexible pavement and design lives of 20+20 year and 40 year for rigid pavement. The agency costs of those alternatives are analysed using Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) program-RealCost 2.5. The results show agency costs for alternative flexible pavement 1 (design life of 10y + 10y) and alternative 2 (design life of 20 y) are $ 1,421,930 and $ 1,061,680 respectively. Furthermore for the rigid pavement, the agency cost for alternative 1 (design life 20y + 20 y) and alternative 2 (design life 40 y) is $. 443,990 and $. 350,870 respectively.
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Howell, Doug, and Michael Chelius. "Alternative Fuel Vehicle Programs: Applicability of Government Incentives." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1587, no. 1 (January 1997): 1–9.

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The effectiveness of state and local government programs that are intended to foster the use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and the use of government-based incentives to enhance the effectiveness of government AFV programs are analyzed. The findings from surveys of all 50 states of officials overseeing or managing state AFV programs are reported. The survey investigated AFV program motivation, financing, fuel tracking, barriers, applicability of incentives, and future needs. Research revealed that most AFV programs are in their infancy and are focused on basic needs, such as AFV procurement and refueling infrastructure development. Research also revealed that the federal AFV purchase and air quality mandates are the primary reason states engage in AFV activities, and federal funds are the primary funding source. Federal AFV purchase mandates are clearly stimulating activity; however, delay and modification of these mandates have a deleterious effect on state AFV programs. Many officials indicated that dual and bifuel AFVs do not use alternative fuels and that tracking of fuel use is limited. Political support, “fuel neutrality,” and increased AFV promotion were reported as important to program success. The authors conclude that both federal mandates and incentives are important, if not critical, for continued AFV progress at the state level. Using state programs as models, federal incentive programs should be flexible and fuel neutral, should reflect a “polluter pays” concept, should provide funds for federal mandates, and should address multiple federal goals.
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Thomas, Jeff, Bianca Coleman, and Ebba Herrlander Birgerson. "Preparing Initial Teacher Education Students for Flexible Learning Programs." Australian Journal of Teacher Education 47, no. 1 (January 2022): 66–79.

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In Australia, there is currently no official training pathway or qualification required for working in Flexible Learning Programs (FLPs). This causes a problem for both new teachers wishing to work in this area and for employers who have no way of knowing whether a new teacher has the appropriate skills or knowledge to teach in this alternative context. To address this problem, we designed and implemented a program during which Initial Teacher Education (ITE) students were given the opportunity to experience teaching in a FLP. Here we report on the experiences and perceptions of the preparation program from the perspectives of the key stakeholders, including the ITE students, FLP staff, and the young people attending the FLP. All stakeholders perceived the project to be a success in enabling the ITE students to gain valuable theoretical knowledge and practical experience of the FLP context.
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Saputra, Asrul, Edy Purwanto, and Miftahul Fauziah. "Alternatif Desain Perkerasan Jalan dan Perkuatan Lereng Longsor." Rekayasa Sipil 17, no. 2 (May 3, 2023): 192–98.

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This study aims to provide an alternative design for flexible pavement and slope reinforcemen. To simplify the analysis process, this research will use the Geo5 program, the Kenpave program, the Bina Marga 2017, the Fellenius method, and the Wedge method. The results of alternative 3 flexible pavement designs are AC-WC 4 cm, AC-BC 5 cm, AC Base 6 cm, and LFA Class A 40 cm, with a load repetition value of 2.363.985 ESAL until deformation damage occurs at a service life of 20 years. For the soil nailing slope reinforcement design, the safe factor value is 1.90 ≥ 1.30 for the Wedge method calculation, and the safety factor value is 1.34 ≥ 1.30 for the results of the Geo5 program.
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Potteiger, Kelly, Christopher David Brown, and Leamor Kahanov. "Altering the Athletic Training Curriculum: A Unique Perspective on Learning Over Time." Athletic Training Education Journal 7, no. 2 (April 1, 2012): 60–69.

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Context: The cohort athletic training curriculum features a competency-based approach that allows the student to matriculate through the program in a systematic fashion. This method is desired as it allows for efficient delivery and mastery of the educational content and associated clinical skills. The result may be an inflexible curriculum that can be unforgiving when unforeseen circumstances arise. Objective: To introduce a unique curricular design to the undergraduate athletic training setting that is more flexible than the traditional curricular model. Background: Athletic training education has expanded and proliferated greatly since 1998. The high rate of growth resulted in programs that are similar in design. The curricular structure is based on competency-based categories whose subjects rely on each other so strongly that there is little flexibility. This rigidity can create matriculation issues for students who are unable to proceed through the program at the required pace. Synthesis: Review of the current curricular model and accompanying literature indicates a desire for a new curricular model to provide flexibility within the athletic training curriculum. Results: The Adaptive Athletic Training model provides a flexible alternative to the cohort athletic training curriculum. This design uses a holistic and problem-based approach that is more closely associated with the entry-level workplace. Limitations include its ability to conform directly to the Commission onbetter Accreditation of Athletic Training Education competency matrix and the increased academic resources needed for implementation. Recommendations: Professional athletic training education programs should examine whether their current curricular model benefits their student population in the greatest extent. If room for improvement is identified, then alternative curricular models should be explored. Conclusions: The Adaptive Athletic Training model provides a flexible curricular option when examining alternative professional athletic training education program curriculums.
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McWilliam, Carol L., Moira Stewart, Evelyn Vingilis, Jeffrey Hoch, Catherine Ward-Griffin, Allan Donner, Gina Browne, Peter Coyte, and Karen Anderson. "Flexible Client-Driven In-Home Case Management: An Option to Consider." Care Management Journals 5, no. 2 (June 2004): 73–86.

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Changes in health services and care needs have created high demand for case management of in-home services. To address this challenge, several models of case management have been used. Evaluations to date suggest that clients need different approaches for different circumstances at different times to optimize cost-effectiveness. Accordingly, one Canadian home care program adopted flexible client-driven case management, engaging clients as partners in flexibly selecting either an integrated team, consumer-managed or brokerage model of case management in keeping with their preferences and abilities. Using an exploratory, multimeasure quasi-experimental design, a generic model of program evaluation, and both quantitative and qualitative methods, researchers identified challenges in implementing this intervention, policy impediments the clients characteristically in each of the three case management models, and client, provider, and caregiver outcomes of flexible, client-driven care. While further longitudinal investigation is needed, findings suggest several important considerations for those interested in this option for care management. Alternative case management models do attract different client groups, and having a choice does not alter care costs or outcomes. Flexible client-driven case management may be experienced positively by case managers and other providers.
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Hatjimihail, Aristides T. "A Tool for the Design and Evaluation of Alternative Quality-Control Procedures." Clinical Chemistry 38, no. 2 (February 1, 1992): 204–10.

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Abstract I have developed an interactive microcomputer simulation program for the design, comparison, and evaluation of alternative quality-control (QC) procedures. The program estimates the probabilities for rejection under different conditions of random and systematic error when these procedures are used and plots their power function graphs. It also estimates the probabilities for detection of critical errors, the defect rate, and the test yield. To allow a flexible definition of the QC procedures, it includes an interpreter. Various characteristics of the analytical process and the QC procedure can be user-defined. The program extends the concepts of the probability for error detection and of the power function to describe the results of the introduction of error between runs and within a run. The usefulness of this approach is illustrated with some examples.
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Hatfield, F. J., and D. C. Wiggert. "Water Hammer Response of Flexible Piping by Component Synthesis." Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 113, no. 1 (February 1, 1991): 115–19.

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Water hammer pressure in piping is modified by the consequent motion of the piping. In general, accurate estimates of dynamic pressure and pipe displacement must account for this interaction. One approach is to formulate and solve the coupled equations of motion for the liquid and pipe structure. Implementation for practical pipe systems would require a computer code comparable in scope to a structural finite element program combined with a hydrodynamics program. This paper presents an alternative approach that utilizes any available finite element program to compute natural frequencies and mode shapes of the piping, and then uses those modes to modify a hydrodynamic analysis and to predict motion of the piping. An example analysis demonstrates application of the method to assess the consequence of removing a brace intended to restrain pipe motion caused by water hammer. Results are compared to those given by analyses that neglect the effect of pipe motion on pressure.
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Klingner, Donald E., and Dahlia Bradshaw Lynn. "Beyond Civil Service: The Changing Face of Public Personnel Management." Public Personnel Management 26, no. 2 (June 1997): 157–74.

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Contemporary public personnel management differs from the past because it is characterized by two emergent alternatives to traditional civil service systems for delivering public services: alternative mechanisms and flexible employment relationships. These alternatives are not new, but they are more commonplace than before. And when new public programs are designed, these alternatives have largely supplanted traditional public program delivery by “permanent” civil service employees hired through appropriated funds. Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to ask how competent are public personnel managers to deal with human resource management under these new conditions, given that most of their training and experience has been in working with traditional civil service systems and collective bargaining arrangements. This article will (1) clarify the alternatives to traditional public personnel management; (2) discuss their impact on the role of the public personnel manager; and (3) evaluate the adequacy of training in this area based on information gathered from a focus group of local government personnel managers.1
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Alternative or flexible program"


Sun, Lin S. M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative ozone control strategies : flexible nitrogen oxide (NOx) abatement from power plants in the eastern United States." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009.

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Thesis (S.M. in Technology and Policy)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, Technology and Policy Program, 2009.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 90-93).
Ozone formation is a complex, non-linear process that depends on the atmospheric concentrations of its precursors, nitrogen oxide (NOx) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), as well as on temperature and the available amount of sunlight. The dependence of ozone formation on meteorology makes the timing of emissions important, suggesting the need for a temporally differentiated regulation for NOx emissions. Such a flexible NOx regulation policy, so-called "smart trading", which is designed to target ozone episodes by reducing NOx emissions prior to and during forecasted episodes, has the potential for reducing the compliance cost and helping to solve the persistent ozone non-attainment problem in the Eastern United States. However, the total compliance cost of this new policy depends critically on the accuracy of ozone forecasting. This thesis aims to address the question of whether a NOx trading program that differentiates across emissions by time could reduce ozone concentrations more cost-effectively than the conventional command-and-control method in the Eastern U.S. given the uncertainty in ozone forecasting. A cost-effectiveness analysis is conducted to compare the average cost for achieving a certain amount of ozone reduction under the proposed smart trading plan and the command-and-control policy. The probability distribution of the compliance cost under a smart trading policy is simulated using a stochastic decision model based on the simulated electricity generation and air quality data.
(cont.) This study demonstrates the scientific and economic feasibility of a time-differentiated trading scheme. I explore whether such a regulatory design is justifiable with respect to ozone forecast accuracy by conducting sensitivity analysis of ozone prediction errors and discover that uncertainty in ozone forecasting may not be a major limiting factor for the feasibility of a time-differentiated NOx cap-and-trade program.
by Lin Sun. Technology and Policy
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Glover, Steven James. "Inherently flexible software." Thesis, Durham University, 2000.

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Software evolution is an important and expensive consequence of software. As Lehman's First Law of Program Evolution states, software must be changed to satisfy new user requirements or become progressively less useful to the stakeholders of the software. Software evolution is difficult for a multitude of different reasons, most notably because of an inherent lack of evolveability of software, design decisions and existing requirements which are difficult to change and conflicts between new requirements and existing assumptions and requirements. Software engineering has traditionally focussed on improvements in software development techniques, with little conscious regard for their effects on software evolution. The thesis emphasises design for change, a philosophy that stems from ideas in preventive maintenance and places the ease of software evolution more at the centre of the design of software systems than it is at present. The approach involves exploring issues of evolveability, such as adaptability, flexibility and extensibility with respect to existing software languages, models and architectures. A software model, SEvEn, is proposed which improves on the evolveability of these existing software models by improving on their adaptability, flexibility and extensibility, and provides a way to determine the ripple effects of changes by providing a reflective model of a software system. The main conclusion is that, whilst software evolveability can be improved, complete adaptability, flexibility and extensibility of a software system is not possible, hi addition, ripple effects can't be completely eradicated because assumptions will always persist in a software system and new requirements may conflict with existing requirements. However, the proposed reflective model of software (which consists of a set of software entities, or abstractions, with the characteristic of increased evolveability) provides trace-ability of ripple effects because it explicitly models the dependencies that exist between software entities, determines how software entities can change, ascertains the adaptability of software entities to changes in other software entities on which they depend and determines how changes to software entities affect those software entities that depend on them.
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Park, Sherry. "Stakeholders' Perception of Alternative Certification Program." ScholarWorks, 2015.

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The diminution of Alternative Certification Program (ACP) teachers contributes to the teacher shortage and complicates the challenges of hard-to-staff schools. Some ethnic minority, economically challenged districts have experienced a growing attrition rate of teachers prepared by ACPs, resulting in a scarcity of qualified teachers. The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of stakeholders, including teachers currently in the program, teachers who left the program before completion, and program administrators, in order to understand the ACP program. A conceptual framework was based upon theorists Feistritzer and Klagholz, the originators of the ACP movement. Ten participants were selected for this qualitative case study using purposeful sampling, and data were collected through open ended interviews focused on training, challenges, support, and improvements. The hand analysis method was used to generate codes and subsequent themes. The themes developed from the interview questions and that provided some insight into stakeholders' perceptions included the influences of a positive school environment, the detriments of lack of support and preparation, and the apparent need for program restructuring. An ACP training manual based on study findings was designed to address the immanent training and support needs of ACP teachers. The manual may be implemented to train and retain ACP teachers in the district of study. Positive change implications of this study and of this manual may include more relevant professional development and a more structured ACP.
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Fossati, Valentina <1978&gt. "An alternative B cell development program." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008.

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Two major types of B cells, the antibody-producing cells of the immune system, are classically distinguished in the spleen: marginal zone (MZ) and follicular (FO). In addition, FO B cells are subdivided into FO I and FO II cells, based on the amount of surface IgM. MZ B cells, which surround the splenic follicles, rapidly produce IgM in response to blood-borne pathogens without T cell help, while T cell-dependent production of high affinity, isotype-switched antibodies is ascribed to FO I cells. The significance of FO II cells and the mechanism underlying B cell fate choices are unclear. We showed that FO II cells express more Sca1 than FO I cells and originate from a distinct B cell development program, marked by high expression of Sca1. MZ B cells can derive from the “canonical” Sca1lo pathways, as well as from the Sca1hi program, although the Sca1hi program shows a stronger MZ bias than the Sca1lo program, and extensive phenotypic plasticity exists between MZ and FO II, but not between MZ and FO I cells. The Sca1hi program is induced by hematopoietic stress and generates B cells with an Igλ-enriched repertoire. In aged mice, the canonical B cell development pathway is impaired, while the Sca1hi program is increased. Furthermore, we showed that a population of unknown function, defined as Lin-c-kit+Sca1+ (LSK-), contains early lymphoid precursors, with primarily B cell potential in vivo. Our data suggest that LSK- cells may represent a distinct precursor for the Sca1hi program in the bone marrow.
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Fossati, Valentina <1978&gt. "An alternative B cell development program." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008.

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Two major types of B cells, the antibody-producing cells of the immune system, are classically distinguished in the spleen: marginal zone (MZ) and follicular (FO). In addition, FO B cells are subdivided into FO I and FO II cells, based on the amount of surface IgM. MZ B cells, which surround the splenic follicles, rapidly produce IgM in response to blood-borne pathogens without T cell help, while T cell-dependent production of high affinity, isotype-switched antibodies is ascribed to FO I cells. The significance of FO II cells and the mechanism underlying B cell fate choices are unclear. We showed that FO II cells express more Sca1 than FO I cells and originate from a distinct B cell development program, marked by high expression of Sca1. MZ B cells can derive from the “canonical” Sca1lo pathways, as well as from the Sca1hi program, although the Sca1hi program shows a stronger MZ bias than the Sca1lo program, and extensive phenotypic plasticity exists between MZ and FO II, but not between MZ and FO I cells. The Sca1hi program is induced by hematopoietic stress and generates B cells with an Igλ-enriched repertoire. In aged mice, the canonical B cell development pathway is impaired, while the Sca1hi program is increased. Furthermore, we showed that a population of unknown function, defined as Lin-c-kit+Sca1+ (LSK-), contains early lymphoid precursors, with primarily B cell potential in vivo. Our data suggest that LSK- cells may represent a distinct precursor for the Sca1hi program in the bone marrow.
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Gislén, Linda. "Alternative design of robot cell concepts for flexible production." Thesis, Högskolan Väst, Avdelningen för maskinteknik och naturvetenskap, 2016.

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Flexible manufacturing is something that most companies is aiming to accomplish due to the increased demand for variety and a competitive global market. This thesis report includes an introduction to the automation concept and the development towards flexible automation. A general flexible assembly cell is presented and its content and requirements are discussed. The work has been done with focus on an assembly process with dedicated fixtures at VCE (Volvo Construction Equipment). Based on the literature review and the general example, a list of actions to take while planning and implementing a process is developed. The actions roughly include: mapping of the process, defining goals, investigation of automation level, holistic view while planning, definition of the need for flexibility, investment plan, designing and comparing concepts, investigation of possible issues and implementation in small scale. The current manual process at VCE is presented and analysed. Three concepts are designed with product flexibility as an alternative to processes in which traditional dedicated fixtures are used. The designed concepts are a fully automated concept, a hybrid concept with separated workspace and a human-robot collaboration. Finally, the concepts are analysed and compared based on following parameters: productivity, product cost, investment, flexibility, space requirement and setup time. One final comparing summary of the concepts is done. The analysis shows that a fully automated concept is to prefer in this case. However, a human-robot collaboration could be appropriate to use if the process is expected to improve with the human workforce. Examples of when it could be reasonable to use human-robot collaboration despite this are: if the task provides better quality when conducted by human or if the task is complex to automate.
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Dan, Tapan Kumar. "A study of alternative forms of flexible manufacturing systems." Thesis, Loughborough University, 1988.

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The study relates to manufacturing conditions in a particular company. Flow synthesis and cell formation analysis have been conducted. A modification of methodology proposed by other researchers has assisted analysis. The main investigation is concerned with modelling, simulation and evaluation of seven alternative FMS configurations conceived for the machining cell manufacturing prismatic parts. The alternative systems encompass 6 CNC machines with (i) manual transport of materials and tools, (ii) with two and four station automated pallet changers, (iii) conveyor system, (iv) stacker crane, (v) rail guided shuttle, and (vi) AGV transport.
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Wrobel, Stefen. "A flexible framework for automatic program understanding." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1986.

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McShea, Matthew D. "Flexible options in semiconductor design." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

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Thesis: S.M. in Engineering and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design and Management Program, 2019
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 79-82).
In semiconductor design, system architects must find the right balance between competing goals [1]: 1. Creating customer value with low average development costs to minimize overhead over a range of products. 2. Fulfilling customer demand with the lowest per unit cost to maximize profit. 3. Exceeding customer expectations to increase market opportunity and drive future growth. As the cost for semiconductor development and investment increases, so does the uncertainty of market success for new products. In this risky environment, a flexible design that increases market opportunity is potentially highly valuable. Flexible designs allow system architects to defer decisions about the exact system configuration and functionality which in turn minimizes the downside effects associated with unforeseen changes in market demand and promotes learning opportunities which lower per unit cost over time [2].
In semiconductors, monolithic designs built for a single, specific application, often have lower overall manufacturing cost when compared with discrete, general-purpose designs built to handle multiple applications. This thesis focuses on two dimensions of how flexible designs in semiconductors can meet changing requirements: modularity and generality. Modularity is when we can quickly re-configure elements in a system. Generality is when a single element in the system accommodates changing requirements. When carefully applied to semiconductor design, these flexibilities can provide higher overall value across all possible project outcomes when compared with single application, monolithic designs. The thesis presents a case study describing potential applications of flexible design techniques for semiconductor products.
A Net Present Value (NPV) analytical model calculated the expected return on investment for flexible designs combining multiple, smaller dies in a System in Package (SiP) integration. Its goal is to show how proper recognition of uncertainty and the time value of money, generally counter-balances, and sometimes overwhelm the economy of scale benefits from monolithic designs. Ultimately, this case study demonstrates the economic potential of flexible designs of semiconductor products.
by Matthew D. McShea.
S.M. in Engineering and Management
S.M.inEngineeringandManagement Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design and Management Program
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Andrews, David University of Ballarat. "Program behaviour modelling with flexible logical entity abstraction." University of Ballarat, 2006.

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"This study extends the use of abstration in program behaviour modelling, and provides a flexible abstraction technique that allows modelling in terms of the logical abstract concepts with which a program operates. This technique is called a Logical Entity Abstracted Program Behaviour Modelling (LEAPBM)."--leaf [ii]
Doctor of Philosophy
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Books on the topic "Alternative or flexible program"


U.S. Army Materiel Command (1984- ), ed. LOGCAP battle book: Logistics Civil Augmentation Program : --a flexible alternative for supporting the force. [Alexandria, VA (5001 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria 22333-0001): Dept. of the Army, Headquarters, U.S. Army Materiel Command, 1998.

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Garber, Peter R. Alternative workforce strategies. Amherst, MA: HRD Press, 2008.

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Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife. Alternative dispute resolution program. [Washington, D.C.?]: Office for Human Resources, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior, 1996.

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United States. Federal Election Commission., ed. Alternative dispute resolution program. [Washington, DC]: Federal Election Commission, 2000.

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Alternative dispute resolution program. [Washington, D.C.?]: Office for Human Resources, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior, 1996.

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Maines, N. Robert. Organizing for promoting alternative work schedules. Santa Barbara, Calif. (P.O. Box 6701, Santa Barbara 93160): Flexible Career Associates, 1985.

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American Bar Association. Young Lawyers Division. and American Bar Association. Affiliate Outreach Project., eds. Lawyers for alternative work schedules. [Chicago, Ill.?]: American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division, 1996.

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Board, Canada Treasury, ed. Framework for alternative program delivery. Ottawa: Planning and Communications Directorate, Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat, 1995.

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Bolivia. Unidad de Análisis de Políticas de Defensa. and Bolivia. Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural., eds. Dignity plan: Alternative development program. La Paz: Unit for the Analysis of Defense Policies (UPADE) of the Ministery of National Defense, 2000.

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Burkardt, Leo A. RAMSCRAM: A flexible ramjet/scramjet engine simulation program. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1990.

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Book chapters on the topic "Alternative or flexible program"


Brownbill, Robert, and Adam Roberts. "Development of a Low-Cost, High Accuracy, Flexible Panel Indexing Cell with Modular, Elastic Architecture." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 168–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThe global aerospace industry is driving a demand for flexible manufacturing systems to accommodate multiple programs with variable capacities within a modular, economical production cell [1]. Traditional manufacturing cells often involve bespoke, monolithic hardware limited to single program use. This inherent restraint results in significant incurred costs and program disruption when reacting to design and capacity changes. This paper describes the development of a reconfigurable panel-indexing cell with a dynamic cost architecture as an alternative approach to established, monolithic tooling structures.
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Erdélyi, Ferenc, and Olivér Hornyák. "NC Program Simulation with the Capability of Generating Alternative Process Plan for Flexible Manufacturing." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 43–49. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.

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Chung, Heejung. "Work, Alternative/Flexible Arrangements." In Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, 7203–8. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Hilliard, Robert E. "Chemical Demilitarization Program." In Mobile Alternative Demilitarization Technologies, 1–17. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Link, Albert N., and John T. Scott. "Alternative Refrigerant Research Program." In Public Accountability, 91–102. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998.

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Petitjean, J., C. Fabre, and J. M. Balay. "A380 Flexible Pavement Experimental Program." In Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, 241–51. London: CRC Press, 2021.

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Andrews, Derek. "The Alternative Command." In A Theory and Practice of Program Development, 145–58. London: Springer London, 1997.

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Solomon, Steven. "The Triangle Program: Canada’s Only High School Program for LGBTQ Students." In Alternative Schooling and Student Engagement, 203–12. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Singh, Ambuj K., and Ying Liu. "Flexible program structures for concurrent programming." In Reasearch Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages, 64–71. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Lam, Wanda, Ian Greenwalt, and Jeffrey Marks. "Masters Program Flexible Endoscopy Pathway: Stenting." In The SAGES Manual of Flexible Endoscopy, 69–80. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Alternative or flexible program"


Mahalingam, Vijay Kumar. "A Simulation Study of Flexible Manufacturing System Using Dynamic Scheduling Approach." In ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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This paper presents a simulation study aimed at evaluating the performances of a typical Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) problems in terms of make span, average flow time, average delay time at local buffers and average machine utilization, subject to different control strategies which include routing flexibilities and dispatching rules. The routing strategies under evaluation are ‘No Alternative Routings (NAR)’; ‘Alternative Routings Dynamic (ARD)’; and ‘Alternative Routings Planned (ARP)’. The ARP rule was introduced into the FMS and coded with C++ program. The above routing strategies are combined with five dispatching rules and studied in different production volumes. Since an FMS usually deals with a variety of products, effects of changing the part mix ratio are also discussed. Simulation study was performed by using ARENA software. Finally results indicate that the ‘alternative routings planned’ strategy outperforms other routing strategies in general.
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Yip, T. Gary, and Ajay R. Patel. "A Window Based Graphical User Interface for a Supersonic Combustion Fortran Code." In ASME 1992 International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992.

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Abstract Fortran has been used widely in number crunching applications. In recent years, as the size of application programs increases significantly, users begin to demand interactive capability so that they can interface with the applications in real time in a more flexible and convenient manner. In spite of the wide acceptance by engineers in various fields in the seventies and eighties, Fortran currently does not offer these features. INPUT/OUTPUT are structured rigidly by the order of the READ and WRITE statements in the application programs. The situation would get even worse when the program requires a large number of inputs from the user. A user can use a large input file in which the data must be in a fixed format and no comment statements are allowed. An alternative is to write a real time input interface with requests for inputs displayed on the screen. This leads to a long list of questions and answers scrolling up the screen. When a mistake is made in answering any one of the questions, the input sequence has to be restarted at the beginning of the program again.
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Novojen, Olga. "The specificity of the entrepreneurial competence model for technical vocational education in the Republic of Moldova." In Conferinta stiintifica internationala "Strategii si politici de management in economia contemporana", editia VII. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.

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A society that encourages young people to embrace entrepreneurship as an alternative opportunity for their professional future is the responsibility of each country. Today's young people will become tomorrow's entrepreneurs if they are presented with this opportunity as a viable form in a training program aimed at identifying and developing entrepreneurial skills. We are currently facing a situation in which vocational secondary education (VET) is threatened by a changing labor market, in which it automates and digitises “excludes” the intermediate level skills traditionally offered by VET. The role of VET in the entrepreneurial program refers to facilitating students' personality (commitment to self-assessment; tolerance of ambiguity, uncertainty, creativity, self-confidence, adaptability, motivation, leadership) with skills that demonstrate successful entrepreneurial competence. The article presents the analysis of the evaluation model for entrepreneurship education programs. The core of the model is the dynamic and flexible training strategy, based on formative and summative assessment. The training program is divided into five modules, the finality of each module is measured by computerized assessment training tests. To demonstrate the outcome of the course in terms of learning outcomes, young people will be tested online. KEYWORDS: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills
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Chen, Benjamin. "3D Printed Manikin for Human Factor Testing Programs: A cost effective and flexible alternative for cast or mold models." In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering - Asia (ISPCE-ASIA). IEEE, 2021.

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Amorim, Andre Ramiro, Felipe Oliveira Ribeiro, Rodrigo Klim Gomes, Rodrigo do Nascimento Carvalhal, and Alexandre Rezende Diezel. "Gimbal Joint Riser: Qualification Program of a Novel Concept." In Offshore Technology Conference. OTC, 2023.

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Abstract As oil and gas exploration is moving to deeper waters, a key challenge is to design risers in harsh environments. Steel catenary risers (SCR) are cost-effective solutions that have been used in offshore developments due to their simplicity and robustness. However, stresses at the touchdown zone (TDZ), in such configurations are very large in ultra-deep waters for FPSOs in harsh environments leading the solution to become unfeasible in some fields. Therefore, steel lazy-wave risers (SLWR), are the market solutions for those fields. Nonetheless, SLWRs are, normally, longer risers with buoyancy modules, which increases installation time and overall cost. Gimbal Joint Riser (GJR) provides an alternative to reduce stresses at TDZ in SCRs. It is a patented device that comprises a series of hinged connection elements placed around a flexible pipe. This mechanism articulates, absorbing the energy coming from the motion of the hang-off, thus reducing stresses at TDZ. GJR is currently under qualification process. Recently, an experimental campaign involving two small scale models have been concluded. This paper brings a summary of the improvement in the GJR development obtained from these tests. A numerical model has been built to represent the experiments and the results of the calibrated real scale model derived from the experimental outputs are also presented. Results show a significant mitigation in the compressive wave at the TDZ of between 50% to 70% reduction in energy in comparison to SCRs.
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Yvon, Pascal, Dominique Hittner, and Jean-Michel Delbecq. "Perspectives for the French R&D Program for High and Very High Temperature Reactors." In Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology. ASMEDC, 2008.

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A R&D programme has been launched addressing the needs of the development of an indirect cycle flexible modular HTR operating at 850°C for electricity generation and/or heat production for industrial processes. In the frame of this program, several significant technical challenges required to demonstrate the viability and performance of the system have been successfully addressed. Design and safety analysis needed the development of computational tools, therefore reactor physics, and thermo-fluid dynamics codes have been developed and are now in the process of being validated in the frame of international code-to-code and code to experiment benchmarks. Most importantly, the performance of the HTR/VHTR fuel identified as TRISO-coated particle must prove to be excellent in operating as well as accidental conditions. A manufacturing and quality control process has been developed and now fuel qualification based on irradiation and heating safety tests is being prepared on the basis of irradiation programs in France and in the frame of the GENERATION IV International Forum (GIF) as well as the development of fuel behaviour models including performance data, failure particle prediction and long-term integrity of the coating. Material and component technologies have been investigated in normal and accident conditions for V/HTR objectives. Significant progress has been made for vessel structures and reactor core structural elements. Major challenges still lie ahead for plate type compact intermediate heat exchangers, especially at temperatures above 850°C, but an alternative solution with helical tubes is also being developed. In order to demonstrate that materials have adequate performance over long service life under impure helium environment and constraints, the research programme focuses on microstructural and mechanical property data, long-term irradiation behaviour, corrosion, modelling and codification of design rules as well as qualification of components in representative helium test loops. The potential of this type of reactor for higher performances in terms of fuel burn-up and temperature (VHTR objective) has been explored, in particular for application to hydrogen production. The major research axes on hydrogen production technologies include the development and optimization of high temperature electrolysis and thermo-chemical water splitting processes such as sulphur/iodine or hybrid sulphur. Alternative thermo-chemical hydrogen generation processes operating at lower temperatures are also investigated. This paper addresses the R&D work performed since 2001 and the future work anticipated until 2012, where decisions about a demonstrator could be made at a European level within the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technological Platform (SNE-TP). This program is strongly connected to the Euratom Framework Programmes as well as to GIF.
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Herghiligiu, Ionut viorel, Ioanbogdan Robu, and Bogdan Sarghie. "E-LEARNING TRAINING PROGRAM FRAMEWORK ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN ORDER TO IMPROVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE." In eLSE 2017. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2017.

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The human society has progressed during the last decades to a knowledge-based economy and as a result organizations have reconsidered the importance level of the human capital, research, information/ knowledge engineering, standardized management systems (ISO 14001 - EMS; ISO 9001 - QMS; ISO 2600 - CSR, and so on) and strategic planning design. Nevertheless, in the current context organizations must take into account their environmental impact and their sustainable orientation; otherwise the result will be disruptive regarding the link/ interaction with other organizations and with the market in an effective way that could contribute sustainable to the economics welfare. Environmental management system (EMS) brought a major contribution to the organizational awareness regarding the environmental issues. Also real integration of such a system (EMS) brought many organizational benefits related to overall organizational business performance. The EMS actively links the organizations management with the sustainable development orientation, which it is followed by an organizational behaviour that considers the expectations of all stakeholders regarding environmental issues. Specifically, it refers to institutionalization (absorption) of EMS "key elements" into the organizational strategic management to effectively balance the equilibrium between environmental activities and organizational performance. New training programs are needed to fulfil this goal. Organizations often choose e-learning alternative for human resource knowledge acquisition/ instruction because is the most cost-effective tool, it's convenient, it's flexible, and it has a very positive final result. Concluding, the paper develops an e-learning training program framework regarding the EMS as a managerial instrument of business performance because e-Learning is the most desirable and effective method to implement inside organizations various training programs.
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Do, A. T., S. Legeay, D. Charliac, J. M. Pere, J. P. Roques, and A. Karnikian. "Design of Novel Solution of Flexible Pipe for Offshore Oil Offloading Transfer." In ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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Spread moored FPSO (Floating Production and Storage Offloading) vessels are generally used for the large West African oil fields. The oil is transferred from the FPSO to shuttle tankers via an Oil Loading Terminal (OLT). 2 to 3 large diameter flexible lines are connecting the FPSO to the OLT. The final connection between the OLT and the shuttle tanker is made by floating hoses. The single length of each flexible pipe can be typically 2,300 meters or higher, and the internal diameter is generally very large in the order of 15_23″ to minimize the pressure drop and the offloading time. Conventional flexible pipe is the most suitable solution for this application. However, its long length and large diameter require a large number of buoyancy modules which are necessary to support the substantial weight generated by the steel armor wires. An alternative to steel is Carbon Fiber Composite (CFC). This material is not only twice as strong and five times lighter than a high strength steel but it is also characterized by its exceptional performance in fatigue. As the weight of the composite armor flexible pipe is significantly reduced, the use of buoyancy is no longer necessary. The pipe can also be manufactured in a single length without intermediate connection. A qualification program based on a 19″ internal diameter prototype has been launched. This is the first time that a large internal prototype with Carbon Fiber Composite Armor (CFA) and end-fittings have been designed and manufactured. The main goals are to confirm the suitability of the CFA flexible pipe for oil offloading application in accordance with the design tools. The mechanical behavior responses of the CFA are monitored by strain gages when the flexible pipe is in straight and curved positions under internal pressure and bending cycles. The paper will present the main mechanical properties and the overall performance of the flexible pipe designed and tested. The economic viability will be demonstrated by showing how the CFC material cost is positively offset by the removal of the buoyancy modules and a faster offshore installation.
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Lambert, Anaïs, Anh-Tuan Do, Antoine Felix-Henry, and François Grosjean. "Qualification of Unbonded Dynamic Riser With Carbon Fiber Composite Armours." In ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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The development of Ultra Deep Water (UDW) oil and gas fields, down to 3000 m and beyond, requires high specification flowline and riser systems. At these depths, the flexible pipes must withstand high axial loads and severe dynamic loadings generated by currents, waves and vessel motions. Moreover, the constraints generated by the dynamic loadings are often combined to corrosion issues linked to the presence of CO2 and H2S. In case of sour service application, the structural layers of a classical flexible pipe require the use of steel with reduced mechanical properties compared to a sweet service application. The combination of UDW and sour service applications consequently lead to a riser design of considerable top tension. The main challenges of such applications are the suspended weight and the fatigue / corrosion performances. Carbon fiber composite have demonstrated high specific strength and outstanding corrosion and fatigue damage resistance. The use of carbon fiber composite instead of conventional steel for the tensile armour layers of flexible pipes represents a great alternative for the development of UDW applications combined with sour service conditions. Technip has been engaged for a number of years in the development and qualification program of Carbon Fiber Composite (CFC) Armour. In 2011, an important step has been passed with the successful realization of a full-scale tension-flexion dynamic test. The program of the full-scale dynamic test is based on a representative Brazilian offshore project, a typical UDW application. The CFC prototype structure was designed considering a 9” gas export riser installed at a water depth of 2140m, in free hanging configuration. The riser is made of 2 parts: a top riser with CFC armours and a bottom riser with steel armours. 1.8 millions of cycles were performed without damage, combining internal pressure, tensile loading and bending cycling. The whole test was monitored by acoustic emission to detect the potential damage of the CFC armours. After explaining the advantages of CFC structures compared to traditional steel structures, the paper will focus on the realization of the full-scale dynamic test program. It will detail the design and manufacture of the prototype structure, the construction of the test program representative of the offshore conditions first and then extended to more severe loadings. The paper will also present fatigue analysis and the construction of the CFC fatigue curves.
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Mahmood, Ahmad Abdullah, Hassaan Rasheed, Usman Ahmed Jan, Anum Yousuf Khan, and Jose Salazar. "Well Integrity Under Dynamic Stresses Using Flexible Cement Systems." In IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2022.

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As the field of well construction has advanced over the years, one feature that has remained consistent throughout is the use of Cement as a primary well barrier element. The long-lasting, impermeable nature of the cement matrix means no other material has been considered as an effective, widely-available alternate almost a century from the first cement job. What has changed however, with advancement in the the field of well integrity, is how we approach the cement job design and how certain materials can complement the role of the cement in improving hydraulic isolation. The historical cement job design only targeted a pumpable slurry reaching the desired placement interval, then the design moved to improving liquid slurry properties such as rheologies, fluid-loss and free fluid. Later, the short-term performance as the slurry transitioned through a gel phase to a set state also became an important criterion. More recently, after the renewed global focus on well integrity as learning from disasters such as Macondo, the annular cement’s role as a well barrier has become a major focal area for any well construction program. This paper presents a systematic approach in designing cement systems that promise long-term well integrity starting with the root-cause identification, simulating the effect on the cement sheath, required modification of the design, and finally the application and associated results.
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Reports on the topic "Alternative or flexible program"


Jayme, Angeli, Imad Al-Qadi, Nadim Hamad, Breton Johnson, Hani Mahmassani, Jerry Quandt, Divyakant Tahlyan, and Berkan Usta. Smart Mobility Blueprint for Illinois. Illinois Center for Transportation, June 2023.

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Connected, automated, shared, and electric (CASE) technologies have invoked Mobility 4.0—a connected, digitized, multimodal, and autonomous system of systems. This project established a flexible and adaptable blueprint that would streamline multidisciplinary and multistakeholder efforts as well as leverage available resources to prepare the Illinois Department of Transportation and other transportation agencies. Illinois has several strengths that make it an attractive location for CASE technology companies, including a talent pool from top-ranked universities, well-developed transportation infrastructure, government support, and a robust ecosystem of collaboration and innovation. Illinois also faces potential challenges (e.g., competition from other states and countries, limited access to funding, regulatory hurdles, and infrastructure readiness for new mobility technologies). Seven smart mobility pillars were identified in this study for Illinois—namely, connected and automated (CA) freight, scaling intelligent transportation systems, farm automation, insurance, urban mobility, CA logistics, and alternative fuels. The balanced scorecard ranked the pillars as follows (from highest): alternative fuels, scaling intelligent transportation systems, CA freight, farm automation, CA logistics, insurance, and urban mobility. Tactical focus areas were also identified per pillar and were prioritized with suggested leads and stakeholders to champion the CASE directives and opportunities. Near-term actions for Illinois were also suggested that included establishing a central structure for Illinois’ CASE program, enriching the knowledge base and experience, preparing transportation infrastructure, partnerships with external stakeholders, and expansion of laws, regulations, and policies that will help administer and grow CASE technology deployment and integration.
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Author, Not Given. EPAct Alternative Fuel Transportation Program (Brochure). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2014.

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Taylor, William H., Wayne Ziegler, and William Newton. Alternative Cleaner Materials Compatibility Evaluation Program. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2002.

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DiCecio, Riccardo, Jennifer E. Roush, Neville Francis, and Michael T. Owyang. A Flexible Finite-Horizon Alternative To Long-run Restrictions With An Application To Technology Shocks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2005.

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Hamilton, W. Electric and hybrid vehicles: Technical background report for the DOE flexible and alternative fuels study. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1989.

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Hamilton, W. Electric and hybrid vehicles: Technical background report for the DOE flexible and alternative fuels study. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1989.

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Solis, John. A flexible framework for secure and efficient program obfuscation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2013.

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TODD PACIFIC SHIPYARDS CORP SEATTLE WA. Flexible Production Scheduling System (The National Shipbuilding Research Program). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1986.

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Author, Not Given. Assessment of costs and benefits of flexible and alternative fuel use in the US transportation sector. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1993.

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Hinds, Drew. Evaluating Alternative High Schools: Program Evaluation in Action. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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