Academic literature on the topic 'Altar pieces'
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Journal articles on the topic "Altar pieces"
Onderka, Pavel, and Vlastimil Vrtal. "Preliminary Report on the Twentieth Excavation Season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga." Annals of the Náprstek Museum 43, no. 1 (2022): 79–106.
Full textJakutowicz, Joanna. "Der gotische Muttergottes‑Altar von Guttstadt (1426)." Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza, no. 25 (September 16, 2022): 144–69.
Full textPrampolini, F., A. M. Oteri, S. Caporale, S. Mazzeo, and F. Muscherà. "FROM VIRTUAL TO MATERIAL RESTORATION. A PROPOSAL FOR THE REASSEMBLY OF THE ALTAR OF THE HOLY HEART OF MARY IN THE CATHEDRAL OF SANTA MARIA ASSUNTA IN GERACE (REGGIO CALABRIA, ITALY)." ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-5/W1 (May 15, 2017): 305–12.
Full textLazarovici, Gheorghe, and Cornelia Magda Lazarovici. "Tronurile din sanctuare comunitare și casnice. Opinii și comentarii." Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei 30 (December 20, 2016): 361–90.
Full textGoja, Bojan. "Oltar Sv. Jeronima u crkvi Sv. Šime u Zadru i radionica Bettamelli." Ars Adriatica, no. 2 (January 1, 2012): 203.
Full textBlume, Henry S. "The Furniture of the Gods: The Problem with the Importation of ‘Empty Space and Material Aniconism’ into Greek Religion." Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 17, no. 1 (December 1, 2016): 55–68.
Full textBruyn, J. "Het altaar van het Antwerpse kuipersgilde en Quinten Massys'Bewening te Ottawa." Oud Holland - Quarterly for Dutch Art History 116, no. 2 (2003): 65–95.
Full textNurova, Gerlya. "Museum of Kalmyk Scientific Center (RAS): Revisiting Some Buddhist Exhibits Associated with Je Tsongkhapa." Бюллетень Калмыцкого научного центра Российской академии наук 4, no. 20 (December 30, 2021): 72–93.
Full textRidgway, Brunilde Sismondo. "The Ludovisi “Suicidal Gaul” and his wife: bronze or marble original, Hellenistic or Roman?" Journal of Roman Archaeology 31 (2018): 248–58.
Full textPeña Velasco, Concepción, Josefina García León, and María de los Ángeles Riquelme Gómez. "ANÁLISIS MEDIANTE GEOMÁTICA DE TRES RETABLOS BARROCOS EN EL SURESTE ESPAÑOL: LA SINGULARIDAD DE UN PATRIMONIO RELIGIOSO DE INTERÉS TURÍSTICO." Cuadernos de Turismo, no. 48 (December 10, 2021): 429–55.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Altar pieces"
Nieddu, Luisa. "Retables peints en Corse aux XVe et XVIe." Thesis, Corte, 2022.
Full textThe research project carried out here is the result of a territorial census connected with an action of identification and recognition of the movable heritage of the XV-XVI century in Corsica, which I commenced on behalf of the Directorate of the Heritage of the Collectivité de Corse, back in 2004. This discussion therefore presents for the first time an analytical inventory of the wooden altarpieces of the chronological phase in question, in which, on the basis of formal and stylistic values, the pictorial evidences are linked to their possible cultural matrices of reference. In 1453 the Republic of Genoa transferred the island to the powerful institute of the Bank of Saint George, which possessed it at least until 1562. However, the island, Genoese from a political-administrative point of view, was not Genoese from a cultural-figurative one. In general, it would seem that the local artists refashioned in a reductive and basically modest way the styles of the masters working in the North Western Italian area (from Liguria to the Oltregiogo, to the Po Valley, and to Nice region), creating their own language, so much reworked in its simplification to make hardly recognizable any figurative matrices of the mainland. However, thanks to the commercial flows and the constant political relations with the Motherland, the island proved to be receptive to the impulses coming from the entire coastal arc of Liguria, in equal measure from the two shores of Ponente and Levante, as proved by the retable of Cassano, signed and dated by Antonio da Calvi in 1505. There was also a flow of up-to-date creations along the transalpine traffic routes into Corsica, such as the polyptych of the Assumption of Canari attributed to the mature phase of the Piedmontese Agostino Bombelli (1530 ca.). The sending of this work documents the spread in the territory of a "Palladian window" architectural scheme, with a triumphal arch, based on more modernized criteria, similar to the polyptychs of Moltifato and Tox. There are also cases that suggest adhesion to Lombard naturalism, and more specifically the Ligurian-Pavese one, such as the Madonna and Child of Piedicroce. The critical rediscovery of the figurative heritage of Corsica thus highlights how much this is the product of heterogeneous conjunctures, expressed by native masters who reworked multiple stylistic features according to their own means, so that perhaps we can finally speak of a "Corsican pictorial school"
Acuña, Alfaro Anggy Arleni, Salazar Ruth Mery Rodas, and Andagua Leydi Diana Torres. "Efectividad antimicrobiana de dos desinfectantes utilizados en las piezas de mano de alta velocidad de uso odontológico. Estudio in vitro." Bachelor's thesis, Chiclayo, 2015.
Full textAcuña, Alfaro Anggy Arleni, Salazar Ruth Mery Rodas, Andagua Leydi Diana Torres, Alfaro Anggy Arleni Acuña, Salazar Ruth Mery Rodas, and Andagua Leydi Diana Torres. "Efectividad antimicrobiana de dos desinfectantes utilizados en las piezas de mano de alta velocidad de uso odontológico. Estudio in vitro." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 2015.
Full textTesis
Morales, Planas Sergio. "Contribución al desarrollo de una metodología de diseño para la fabricación con tecnologías aditivas de piezas con alta variabilidad de demanda." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019.
Full textLa presente tesis es el fruto de la colaboración entre la universidad (UPC) y la empresa (Fluidra S.A.) dentro del marco del programa de doctorados industriales de la agencia AGAUR (Agencia de Gestión de Ayudas Universitarias y de Investigación) de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Fluidra es un grupo de empresas que se dedican principalmente a la fabricación, desarrollo, distribución y comercialización de equipamiento para piscina, residencial y publica. La compañía opera con más de 20.000 referencias, fabricadas en diferentes centros productivos alrededor del mundo y comercializados en más de 170 países. Para los artículos con poca demanda y una comercialización global, los costes unitarios asociados son altos, de ahí la necesidad de innovar en la búsqueda de nuevas soluciones que optimicen los costes de producción y la cadena de suministro de dichos artículos. Por ello, la propuesta es el uso de la fabricación aditiva para la producción de aquellos artículos con baja demanda con el fin de optimizar los costes asociados a la fabricación y el suministro. El objetivo principal de la tesis es realizar una metodología de diseño y fabricación que permita a los ingenieros transformar la manera de producir, de los procesos convencionales a la fabricación digital con tecnologías aditivas. Existen una serie de barreras tecnológicas en la fabricación aditiva, como son la tecnología, el material, el diseño y las referencias, que hacen que la transformación digital no sea trivial. Por ello, es necesario la creación de un método que sea capaz de superar las barreras técnicas y económicas con el objetivo de transformar el proceso de producción de forma satisfactoria. A nivel de organización, los objetivos que se han marcado son decrementar la depreciación económica-contable causada por el tiempo de permanencia en stock de los artículos, reducir o eliminar el riesgo de obsolescencia de las referencias y reducir el tiempo de entrega de recambios para dar un mejor servicio de suministro al cliente. En conclusión, se trata de una contribución metodológica extrapolable a cualquier organización que pretende adoptar los sistemas de fabricación aditiva basados en plásticos en su entramado industrial. Además, se ha conseguido avanzar en el estado del arte con un método, basado en un sistema experto, que se diferencia de los demás por las siguientes razones: se focaliza en el proceso MJF y PA12, proporciona sugerencias de rediseño, fabricación y postprocesos y valora la factibilidad técnica y económica de la transformación digital. Fruto de dicho estudio se han determinado cuales son las limitaciones tecnológicas y de los materiales que no permiten la introducción masiva de la fabricación aditiva en las empresas productivas.
Munive, Torres Juan Esteban. "Trabajo de investigación acerca de sistemas de inyección de zamak en cámara caliente para la manufactura a alta presión de piezas de reguladores de flujo de gas de 300 gr de masa para una producción de 1200 unidades por jornada laboral." Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020.
Full textTrabajo de investigación
Diaz, Maldonado Alexander Alberto, and Ponce Steven Roomel Rivera. "Desarrollo de un sistema de automatización industrial aplicado a una máquina de moldeo por inyección para elaborar y enfriar piezas de plástico de polietileno de alta densidad." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021.
Full textThe manufacturing industry in Peru has a high participation in the country's economy, making up 75% of the industry according to the National Society of Industries. Plastics production is among the main booming industries. Also, one of the most demanding economic activities in 2016 was the manufacture of polymer-based products. In this way, the increase in orders related to plastics generates that the companies dedicated to the sector increase their production through more specialized machines, where the additional infrastructure that these machines have facilitates the production of plastic parts; however, not all have the same capabilities. Indeed, Firings E.I.R.L. It has a plastic injection machine capable of manufacturing parts made of polyethylene; However, the mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic infrastructure is not adapted to withstand certain factors, such as resistance calibration or cooling of the manufactured parts, causing delay in production and exposure to the operator to solve these deficiencies manually. In this way, the main objective of the project is to develop an industrial automation system for the manufacturing and cooling process of plastic parts, through 3 development stages: a control system in the injection unit, a cooling system, and a host of visual interfaces in real time, to reduce the time lost in manual manufacturing and avoid electrical accidents to the operator.
Flores, Díaz Matilde Berenice. "Evaluación de grado de contaminación cruzada en piezas de mano de alta rotación en la atención a pacientes en la clínica de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - Lima 2013." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2014.
Full textTesis
Books on the topic "Altar pieces"
From altar to chimney-piece: Selected stories. Kingston, N.Y: McPherson & Co., 1992.
Find full textFairchild, G. M. Notes on an exhibition of some old masterpieces at Laval University that have lately been restored by J. Purves Carter: Including the two celebrated altar pieces that were seriously damaged by fire in the Seminary chapel : exhibition open June 10th to 18th inclusive. [Québec?: s.n.], 1995.
Find full textEvelin, Bubenik, ed. Leonardo Da Vinci's Single Immaculate Madonna, painting from the altar of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception in the church San Francesco Grande at Milan : Leonardo's Annunciation, lunette intended for the crown piece of the main altar of the church Santissima Annunziata in Florence: And the Virgins of the Rocks, case. Wolnzach: Kastner, 2009.
Find full textDowd, Amanda. Also, the Altar Piece. Small Pr Distribution, 1992.
Find full textApfelstadt, Eric. Andrea Ferrucci's "Crucifixion" altar-piece in the Victoria and Albert Museum. 1993.
Find full textFarkas, Ferenc. Two Piano Pieces: Regi nota, regi tanc (Alte Weise, alter Tanz). Editio Musica Budapest, 2005.
Find full textCamacho Ángeles, María Montserrat. Catálogo de piezas prehispánicas del estado de Hidalgo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, 2016.
Full textTaillant, Jorge Daniel. Meltdown. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textFortich-Navarro, Mónica Patricia. La mujer del porvenir : Concepción Arenal Ponte. Universidad Libre Sede Principal, 2022.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Altar pieces"
Blom, Joleen. "The Player’s Interpretative Agency and the Developer’s Disruptive Powers: How Blizzard Enforces Authorial Intention in Overwatch." In Modes of Esports Engagement in Overwatch, 49–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textNeedham, Andrew. "A Piece of the Action." In Power Lines. Princeton University Press, 2014.
Full textLeavitt-Alcántara, Brianna. "To Educate and Evangelize." In Alone at the Altar. Stanford University Press, 2018.
Full textBoswell, James. "X. Description of Holbein's altar-piece, ‘The Sufferings of Christ’, Bâle, 26 November 1764." In The Yale Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell: Research Edition: Journals, Vol. 1: James Boswell: The Journal of his German and Swiss Travels, 1764, edited by Marlies K. Danziger, 349. Edinburgh University Press, 2008.
Full textKreider, Kristen, and James O’Leary. "Prairie (Argo)." In Seeing Degree Zero, 354–92. Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
Full textGunnes, Gyrid. "Den desentrerte kirke: Et bidrag til disability-ekklesiologien." In Religiøst medborgerskap, 249–67. Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP, 2020.
Full textSmith, Andrew Alan. "Jack Kirby." In Working-Class Comic Book Heroes, 191–205. University Press of Mississippi, 2018.
Full textHuf, Benjamin. "The Experience of Labor in the Age of Reform." In Frontiers of Labor. University of Illinois Press, 2018.
Full text"Una religión bovina." In Music for Unknown Journeys by Cristian Aliaga, edited by Benjamin Bollig, 124–25. Liverpool University Press, 2021.
Full text"Glossary Bailian Jiao White Lotus teachings baimiao paying homage at the temples ban band caijie street procession cha, ban small cymbals chi hui hold a feast for all the households chuige songs for winds chuigu shou drumers and wind players dangzi gong in frame daqu large pieces dizi transverse flute with kazoo membrane fang dengke releasing the lanterns fangshe or shishi pardon and distribution of food fang hedeng releasing the river lanterns gongche traditional notation gu large barrel drum guanshi, zan guan helper guanzi double-reed pipe guyueban, chuida ban wind-and-percussion band huahui assembly of performing troupes hui association huishou association head nanyue the southern music nao, bo large cymbals pai prelude paizi percussion pieces, cf. the melodic qupai qu pieces qupai labelled melodies shang miao going to the temple shan hui charitable associations she society she hui altar assembly shen body sheng free-reed mouth organ sheng-guan yue type of wind-and-percussion music shenghui outstanding association shifu masters tao suites wei tail xiangshou incense head xiaoqu small pieces xueshi learning the [ritual] business xuyuan make vows to the gods." In Tradition & Change Performance, 48. Routledge, 2012.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Altar pieces"
Murphy, Michael J. "Failure Analysis and Design Improvement Considerations of Wood Screw Conveyors." In ASME 1999 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999.
Full textMeadows, Joseph, and Ajay K. Agrawal. "Passive Mitigation of Noise in a Duel Fuel Combustor Using Porous Inert Media." In ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
Full textAnžlin, Andrej, and Luke J. Prendergast. "Influence of local scour at multiple piers on the vibration characteristics of a bridge under seismic excitation." In IABSE Symposium, Guimarães 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.
Full textZERBINO, RAUL LUIS, Graciela Giaccio, Maria Celeste Torrijos, Bibiana Maria Luccioni, Facundo Isla, Ramón Codina, and Daniel Ambrosini. "Respuesta frente a cargas estáticas y frente a explosiones en hormigones de alta resistencia reforzados con fibras." In HAC2018 - V Congreso Iberoamericano de Hormigón Autocompactable y Hormigones Especiales. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.
Full textIranzo, Amador, and Miguel Ángel Fortea. "El club de lectura como metodología activa para mejorar las competencias profesionales de futuros periodistas." In IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020.
Full text"ESPECTRO BIPOLAR, EPISODIO MIXTO: 30 AÑOS HASTA EL DIAGNÓSTICO. A PROPÓSITO DE UN CASO." In 23° Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Patología Dual (SEPD) 2021. SEPD, 2021.
Full textCarrillo Peña, Andrés L., Jeffer S. Eugenio Barroso, Alberto A. Martínez Vesga, Sebastián Roa Prada, and Victor A. Ardila Acuña. "Improving the Performance of Centrifugal Pumps in Serial and Parallel Configurations Using Digital Twins." In ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
Full textGalvez, Jaime, Marcos G. Alberti, Alejandro Enfedaque, and Adriana Cortez. "Combinación de fibras de acero de última generación para el refuerzo de hormigón autocompactante." In HAC2018 - V Congreso Iberoamericano de Hormigón Autocompactable y Hormigones Especiales. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.
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