Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Algorithmes de course'
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Nguyen, Vu-Linh. "Imprecision in machine learning problems." Thesis, Compiègne, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018COMP2433.
Full textWe have focused on imprecision modeling in machine learning problems, where available data or knowledge suffers from important imperfections. In this work, imperfect data refers to situations where either some features or the labels are imperfectly known, that is can be specified by sets of possible values rather than precise ones. Learning from partial data are commonly encountered in various fields, such as bio-statistics, agronomy, or economy. These data can be generated by coarse or censored measurements, or can be obtained from expert opinions. On the other hand, imperfect knowledge refers to the situations where data are precisely specified, however, there are classes, that cannot be distinguished due to a lack of knowledge (also known as epistemic uncertainty) or due to a high uncertainty (also known as aleatoric uncertainty). Considering the problem of learning from partially specified data, we highlight the potential issues of dealing with multiple optimal classes and multiple optimalmodels in the inference and learning step, respectively. We have proposed active learning approaches to reduce the imprecision in these situations. Yet, the distinction epistemic/aleatoric uncertainty has been well-studied in the literature. To facilitate subsequent machine learning applications, we have developed practical procedures to estimate these degrees for popular classifiers. In particular, we have explored the use of this distinction in the contexts of active learning and cautious inferences
Naseem, Jat Sadaf. "Genetic algorithms for university course timetabling problems." Thesis, University of Leicester, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/10997.
Problemas de Programação de Horários (PPHs) tem sido amplamente estudados, dada a sua importância prática e teórica. A maioria das variações do problema pertence µa classe NP-Difícil. Em geral, trata-se da alocação de recursos materiais e humanos no espaço e no tempo, visando a otimização de um conjunto de objetivos definidos. Na Programação de Horários de Cursos Universitários, por exemplo, o objetivo pode ser a satisfação do corpo docente e o desempenho acadêmico dos alunos. Nos últimos anos, as formulações de PPHs propostas pela International Timetabling Competition (ITC) tem sido bastante utilizadas, sendo notável a predominância de métodos baseados em busca local e metaeurísticas entre as abordagens propostas recentemente. Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor algoritmos para o Problema de Programação de Horários Pós-Matrícula da ITC, focando principalmente em métodos heurísticos baseados em Programação Matemática. Entre os modelos de Programação Linear Inteira Mista que propomos para este problema, destaca-se o modelo baseado na Formulação de Representantes Assimétricos para o Problema de Coloração de Grafos. Abordamos a aplicação da heurística de Local Branching e propomos um esquema de resolução por Geração de Colunas, como forma de viabilizar o tratamento dos modelos propostos, uma vez que a complexidade de tais modelos representa um desafio para os resolvedores de Programação Linear Inteira Mista atualmente disponíveis.
Timetabling Problems have been widely studied, given its practical and theorical relevance. Most of its variations belong to the NP-Hard class of problems. In general, it is about allocation of material and human resources in time and space, aiming to optimize some set of defined objetives. In University Course Timetabling, for example, the objective might be the satisfaction of professors and the academic performance of students. In the last years, the formulations for timetabling problems proposed by the In- ternational Timetabling Competition (ITC) have been widely adopted. The predominance of meta-heuristics and local search-based methods is remark- able among the recently proposed approaches. The objetive of this thesis is to propose algorithms for the Post Enrolment-based Course Timetabling Problem of the ITC, focusing on Mathematical Programming-based heuris- tic methods. Among the Mixed Integer Linear Programming models that we propose for this problem, we highlight the one based on the Asymetric Representatives Formulation for the Graph Coloring Problem. We explore the application of the Local Branching heuristic and we propose a Column Generation solution procedure, as an attempt to handle the proposed models, given that the complexity of such models poses a challenge for currently available Mixed Integer Linear Programming solvers.
Karrolla, Sanjay. "WEB APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE COURSE ADVISING SYSTEM." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/606.
Full textLovelace, April L. "On the Complexity of Scheduling University Courses." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2010. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/245.
Full textRitzenthaler, Christophe. "Problèmes arithmétiques relatifs à certains familles de courbes sur les corps finis." Paris 7, 2003. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00003070.
Full textDhumal, Sayali. "WEB APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE COURSE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/605.
Full textRao, Michaël. "Décompositions de graphes et algorithmes efficaces." Metz, 2006. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2006/Rao.Michael.SMZ0607.pdf.
Full textThis thesis deals with the modular decomposition and several of its generalizations. In a first time we show how graph decompositions can be used to solve efficiently some problems on graphs. We show how the modular decomposition can be used to obtain linear algorithms for " independent set ", " clique ", " chromatic number " and " partition into cliques " on (P_5,gem)-free graphs. We also show how the split decomposition can be used to compute the chromatic number, and we give a new class of vertex partitioning problems which can be solved in polynomial time on graphs of bounded clique width. In a second time, we are interested to generalize the modular decomposition. We study a new decomposition called the bi-join decomposition. We give in particular several characterizations of completely decomposable graphs, and a linear time decomposition algorithm. We introduce some parametrized generalization of the modular decomposition, and we show that theses generalizations are relatively close to the clique width
Silva, Jose, Noel Varela, Jesus Varas, Omar Lezama, José Maco, and Martín Villón. "Comparison of bioinspired algorithms applied to the timetabling problem." Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/654075.
Full textRevisión por pares
Despiegel, Vincent. "Boîtes de substitutions : courbes hyperelliptiques et algorithmes de minimalisation." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007GRE10162.
Full textLn this thesis, the airn is the optimisation ofkey tools usually used in blocks cyphers: substitution boxes. The goal is the optimization of their linear and differential resistance and their protection against algebraic attacks, developped by ! N. Courtois and 1. Pieprzyk, which are a potential weakness of the AES (Advanced Encryption System). Various means of optimization are studied. First, the generalisation of elliptic substitution boxes developped by R. Gillard and F. Leprevost to hyperelliptic curves leads to similar results, but increased the space of research. Secondly, we develop minirnalisation algorithms of substitution boxes, relatively to linear and differential resistance. A greedy heuristic and clever choices of permutations leads to results close to the substitution box of the AES
Nigro, Abdelmalek. "Algorithmes progressifs stables pour l'approximation de courbes et surfaces." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1995. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00346056.
Full textDehry, Nicolas. "Multicoupes et sous-graphes induits : complexité et algorithmes." Paris, CNAM, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CNAM0598.
Full textDans ce travail de thèse, nous nous intéressons à plusieurs problèmes de théorie des graphes. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions différents problémes de coupes et de multicoupes pouis, dans un second temps, nous nous focalisons sur des problèmes de recherche de sous-graphes induits. Néammoins, ces deux parties suivent la même ligne directrice : donner une vue d'ensemble de la complexité des problémes en établissant leur NP-complétude ou en déterminant un algorithme polynomial de moindre complexité. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous abordons les problèmes de coupes et de multicoupes. Tout d'abord, nous étudions la conséquence de l'ajout d'une contrainte de cardinalité à ces deux types de problèmes et démontrons leur NP-complètude dans le cas général. Puis, nous déterminons leur complexité dans plusieurs classes de graphes particuliers telles que les étoiles orientées et les chaînes en élaborant, pour les cas polynominaux, différents algorithmes reposant principalement sur la programmation dynamique et l'utilisation de relaxations lagrangiennes. Nous généralisons ensuite cette approche en considérant les versions multicritères des problèmes de coupes et de multicoupes. Nous prouvons que ces derniers sont NP-complets même dans des typologies très simples comme les chaînes ou les cycles. Dans la seconde partie de ce mémoire, nous abordons des problèmes de recherche de sous-graphes induits. Nous nous intéressons principalement à la recherche d'arbres, de chaînes et de cycles induits ouvrant un ensemble T de sommets donnés. Après avouir prouvé la NP-complétude des cas généraux, nous nous focalisons davantage sur les cas ou la cardinalité de T est fixée. Nous donnons également plusieurs résultats structurels pour les graphes de maille suffisamment large
Bertone, Cristina. "Polynomial factorization and curve decomposition algorithms." Nice, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NICE4012.
Full textAffine algebraic curves are a tool applied in different fields, for instance CAGD. They are defined using polynomials, but they often have several different irreducible components. In this thesis we develop efficient algorithms to decompose a curve defined by rational polynomials. In the first part we present an absolute factorization algorithm for bivariate polynomials (this problem is equivalent to the decomposition of a curve in the plane). We start from the existing algorithm TKTD and we improve the definition of the algebraic extension needed for the factorization, using modular techniques and the LLL algorithm to identify an algebraic number form its p-adic approximation. In the second part we pass to the problem of decomposing a curve in the three-dimensional space: the corresponding technique of the factorization for the case of the plan is the primary decomposition of an ideal for the three-dimensional case. At first, we show some bounds on the degrees of the surfaces separating the different components, using some classical results of algebraic geometry, as the "Lifting problem" or the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. After this, we apply consider a classical algorithm of decomposition, which is not efficient for computations, and we apply on it the modular techniques. We obtain a modular algorithm giving the Hilbert function for the reduced components of the curve. The two main algorithms were tested on several examples and compared with the executions times of other softwares
Chammas, Kristoffer, and Simon Sirak. "An Evaluation of the Great Deluge Algorithm in Course Timetabling : As Applied to the KTH-Inspired University Course Timetabling Problem." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-259907.
Full text”The University Course Timetabling Problem” (UCTP) handlar i grova drag om att, baserat på ett antal kriterier, schemalägga föreläsningar, övningar och laborationer på ett optimalt sätt. Problemets relevans har ökat allt eftersom universitet utökar sina programutbud. På grund av komplexiteten hos UCTP löses problemet vanligtvis approximativt med hjälp av heuristiker. ”KTH-inspired UCTP” är en KTH-anpassad variant av UCTP för vilken endast ett fåtal heuristiker har implementerats. Denna variant har exempelvis inte lösts av en vanlig heuristik inom UCTP, ”The Great Deluge” (GD). Denna studie fokuserar därför på att applicera GD på ”KTH-inspired UCTP” och jämföra denna med äldre implementationer, med fokus på den bästa tillgängliga implementationen. GD-implementationen jämförs med den bästa tillgängliga implementationen för ”KTH-inspired UCTP” för olika tidsgränser. Kvaliteten hos de resulterande schemana evalueras och sparas sedan över flera körningar. Jämförelsen gjordes på två probleminstanser av olika komplexitet. Resultatet av jämförelsen föreslår att GD producerade bättre scheman för högre tidsgränser men sämre scheman för lägre tidsgränser. Vidare analys föreslår att denna förbättring beror på utnyttjandet av det giriga beteendet som vår GD-implementation uppvisar vid senare delar av exekvering.
Berggren, Robert, and Timmy Nielsen. "Investigating the Reliability of Known University Course Timetabling Problem Solving Algorithms with Updated Constraints." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-229695.
Full textSchemaläggning av föreläsningar, tentamen, seminarier etc. för ett universitet visar sig vara en svårare uppgift än vad det verkar vid första anblicken. Detta problem är känt som University Course Timetabling Problem (UCTP). UCTP har varit centralt i ett antal tävlingar genom åren av organisationen Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT). På grund av dessa tävlingar har problemet fått en standardbeskrivning och en uppsättning specifika begränsningar samt standard problemdata för enklare jämförelse av forskning och arbete i ämnet. Att sätta denna typ av standard har dock en stor nackdel; ingen variation tillförs då ny forskning för att hitta den bästa optimeringsmetoden inom UCTP tvingas att fokusera på en specifik uppsättning begränsningar och algoritmer som utvecklas kommer då endast att optimeras med dessa begränsningar i beaktande. I den här rapporten jämförde vi fem välkända UCTP algoritmer med standarduppsättningen av begränsningar mot en annan uppsättning begränsningar. Jämförelserna visade en skillnad i prestationsordningen mellan algoritmerna när vissa begränsningar ändrats för att passa ett visst behov. Skillnaderna var inte enorma men tillräckligt stora för att påvisa att tidigare forskning som förklarar vilka algoritmer som är bäst för UCTP-problemet ej är pålitlig om du inte använder nära till identiska uppsättningar av begränsningar. Om målet är att hitta den bästa algoritmen för en ny uppsättning begränsningar, bör man inte lita på en tidigare definierad effektiv algoritm utan istället använda sig utav två eller tre av de starkaste algoritmerna för den största chansen att hitta den mest optimerade lösningen.
Breakiron, Daniel Aubrey. "Evaluating the Integration of Online, Interactive Tutorials into a Data Structures and Algorithms Course." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/23107.
Full textMaster of Science
Mahmood, Asad. "Algorithmes d'adaptation pour la couche physique de systèmes multi-porteuses." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2008. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00004691.
Full textBertone, Cristina. "Algorithmes de Factorisation de Polynomes et de Décomposition de Courbes." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00560802.
Full textKaufmann, Alain. "Algorithmes distribués pour l'intersection de courbes et surfaces de Bézier." Grenoble 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990GRE10128.
Full textHabaieb, Hamadi. "Contribution à l'étude critique des algorithmes de prévision de crue en temps réel : exemples de l'Aveyron et de la Medjerdah." Toulouse, INPT, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987INPT015H.
Full textMorain, François. "Courbes elliptiques et tests de primalité." Lyon 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990LYO10170.
Full textSandh, David, and Lucas Knutsäter. "University Course Scheduling Optimization under Uncertainty based on a Probability Model." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-20353.
Full textBernède, Jean-Pierre. "Algorithmes adaptatifs et qualitatifs de prévision des crues en temps réel : application au cas de l'Aveyron." Toulouse, INPT, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990INPT060H.
Full textFouh, Mbindi Eric Noel. "Building and Evaluating a Learning Environment for Data Structures and Algorithms Courses." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/51951.
Full textPh. D.
Salman, Alzahraa, and Rouwayd Hanna. "A Comparative Study between Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing and a Hybrid Algorithm for solving a University Course Timetabling Problem." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-229432.
Full textVarje år står universitetet inför problemet med att planera händelser till olika resurser, såsom föreläsare, klassrum och tidsluckor, med hänsyn till flertal fördefinierade villkor. Universitetsschemaläggningsproblemet är ett NP-fullständigt kombinatoriskt optimeringsproblem som kräver mycket tid och pengar om det löses manuellt. Att hitta en algoritm som automatiserar denna process skulle därför vara till nytta för samhället. Syftet med denna avhandling är att jämföra prestandan för en Genetisk Algoritm-Simulerad Glödning hybrid implementering med prestandan för var och en av algoritmerna individuellt för att lösa Universitetsschemaläggningsproblemet. Datamängderna som används är inspirerade av Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm. Resultaten visade att Simulerad Glödning presterade bättre än de andra två algoritmerna, med hänsyn till tidskonsumtion. Hybrid algoritmen visade dock ett stort potential att faktiskt ta fram en acceptabel lösning, innan den terminerar, när komplexiteten av datat ökade, till exempel i det största datasetet som testades.
Tuitman, Jan. "Counting points in families of nondegenerate curves." Paris 6, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA066247.
Full textCoeurjolly, David Miguet Serge Tougne Laure. "Algorithmique et géométrie discrète pour la caractérisation des courbes et des surfaces." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2002. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr:8080/sdx/theses/lyon2/2002/coeurjolly_d.
Full textDewaghe, Laurent. "Calcul du nombre de points sur une courbe elliptique dans un corps fini." Lille 1, 1996. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/1996/50376-1996-354.pdf.
Full textViry, Laurence. "Traitement de couche limite et méthodes Pic : algorithmes et approche objet." Nancy 1, 2000. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_2000_0015_VIRY.pdf.
Full textThe work exposed in this document is made up of two relatively independant parts. _ The first part deals with mathematical and numerical simulations for a model of high frequency electromagnetic shaping of liquid metals. The asymptotic analysis gives prominence to the existence of singular perturbation problems with a weak layer closeness of the conductor surface. From our numerical model simplified formulation emerge two kinds of singular perturbation problems, classical elliptic problem and elliptic problem with electromagnetic transmission. We study in details a domain decomposition without recovering based on finite difference framework in one dimensional space to solve the transmission problem. We show that, for a good choice of the domain decomposition and boundary conditions at the artificial interface, we obtain a uniform approximation of the solution and the iterative procedure convergence rate which is superlinear. Then, we generalize these results into a two dimensional space for the radial case and we apply our results to enhanced finite element computations. We obtained rigorous convergence and accuracy estimates which seems to indicate that these schemes could be extended to more general geometries. _ The second part deals with a problem in computer science from - a computer science point of view: underlining opportunities of the objectoriented paradigm for advanced P. LC (Particle-In-Cell in plasma physic) modelling, with these known advantages : increased fiexibility, extensibility, robustness and so on. A two-dimensional relativistic electromagnetic PIC code implementation has been made. - a numerical point of view : a comparative study about electrical field correction in electromagnetic PIC plasma simulations is done. We analyze two techniques for reducing electric field error: the first one consists in using a charge conservating method to compute charge and current density onto the Maxwell discretization mesh, the second one is to use one divergence correction of electric fields based on the reformulated Maxwell system
Zhao, Jinhua. "Maximum Bounded Rooted-Tree Problem : Algorithms and Polyhedra." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017CLFAC044/document.
Full textGiven a simple undirected graph G = (V, E) with a so-called root node r in V, a rooted tree, or an r-tree, of G is either the empty graph, or a tree containing r. If a node-capacity vector c is given, then a subgraph of G is said to be bounded if the degree of each node in the subgraph does not exceed its capacity. Let w be an edge-weight vector and p a node-price vector. The Maximum Bounded r-Tree (MBrT) problem consists of finding a bounded r-tree T = (U, F) of G such that its weight is maximized. If the capacity constraint from the MBrT problem is relaxed, we then obtain the Maximum r-Tree (MrT) problem. This dissertation contributes to the study of the MBrT problem and the MrT problem.First we introduce the problems with their definitions and complexities. We define the associated polytopes along with a formulation for each of them. We present several polynomial-time combinatorial algorithms for both the MBrT problem (and thus the MrT problem) on trees, cycles and cactus graphs. Particularly, a dynamic-programming-based algorithm is used to solve the MBrT problem on trees, whereas on cycles we reduce it to some polynomially solvable problems in three different cases. For cactus graphs, we first show that the MBrT problem can be solved in polynomial time on a so-called cactus basis, then break down the problem on any cactus graph into a series of subproblems on trees and on cactus basis.The second part of this work investigates the polyhedral structure of three polytopes associated with the MBrT problem and the MrT problem, namely Bxy(G, r, c), Bx(G, r, c) and Rx(G, r). Bxy(G, r, c) and Bx(G, r, c) are polytopes associated with the MBrT problem, where Bxy(G, r, c) considers both edge- and node-indexed variables and Bx(G, r, c) considers only edge-indexed variables. Rx(G, r) is the polytope associated with the MrT problem that only considers edge-indexed variables. For each of the three polytopes, we study their dimensions, facets as well as possible ways of decomposition. We introduce some newly discovered constraints for each polytope, and show that these new constraints allow us to characterize them on several graph classes. Specifically, we provide characterization for Bxy (G, r, c) on cactus graphs with the help of a decomposition through 1-sum. On the other hand, a TDI-system that characterizes Bx(G,r,c) is given in each case of trees and cycles. The characterization of Rx(G,r) on trees and cycles then follows as an immediate result.Finally, we discuss the separation problems for all the inequalities we have found so far, and present algorithms or cut-generation heuristics accordingly. A couple of branch-and-cut frameworks are implemented to solve the MBrT problem together with a greedy-based matheuristic. We compare the performances of the enhanced formulations with the original formulations through intensive computational test, where the results demonstrate convincingly the strength of the enhanced formulations
Mohamed, Sidi Mohamed Ahmed. "K-Separator problem." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TELE0032/document.
Full textLet G be a vertex-weighted undirected graph. We aim to compute a minimum weight subset of vertices whose removal leads to a graph where the size of each connected component is less than or equal to a given positive number k. If k = 1 we get the classical vertex cover problem. Many formulations are proposed for the problem. The linear relaxations of these formulations are theoretically compared. A polyhedral study is proposed (valid inequalities, facets, separation algorithms). It is shown that the problem can be solved in polynomial time for many special cases including the path, the cycle and the tree cases and also for graphs not containing some special induced sub-graphs. Some (k + 1)-approximation algorithms are also exhibited. Most of the algorithms are implemented and compared. The k-separator problem has many applications. If vertex weights are equal to 1, the size of a minimum k-separator can be used to evaluate the robustness of a graph or a network. Another application consists in partitioning a graph/network into different sub-graphs with respect to different criteria. For example, in the context of social networks, many approaches are proposed to detect communities. By solving a minimum k-separator problem, we get different connected components that may represent communities. The k-separator vertices represent persons making connections between communities. The k-separator problem can then be seen as a special partitioning/clustering graph problem
Forsberg, Mikael. "Local search hybridization of a genetic algorithm for solving the University Course Timetabling Problem." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-229677.
Full textSchemaläggningsproblemet UCTP (University Course Timetabling Problem) består av problemet att tilldela platser (föreläsningssalar, laborationssalar) och tidpunkter (datum och klockslag) till en mängd tillställningar (föreläsningar, laborationer) under kravet att upprätthålla en mängd restriktioner, exempelvis att undvika dubbelbokningar. Det finns många varianter av problemformuleringen och de flesta realistiska formuleringer anses ge upphov till NP-svåra optimeringsproblem. En förhållandevis ny trend för lösningsmodeller till svåra schemaläggningsproblem ligger i tillämpningen av hybrida metaheuristiker, där förbättringar ofta ses när populationsbaserade algoritmer kombineras med någon typ av lokalsökning. I denna rapport undersöks en UCTP-lösning baserad på en Genetisk Algoritm (GA) som hybridiseratsmed en lokalsökning i form av en Tabusökning (TS). Resultaten visar på signifikanta förbättringar i prestanda och skalbarhet jämfört med den icke-hybridiserade GA:n. Två appliceringsstrategier för TS undersöks. Den första strategin utgörs av att byta algoritm från GA till TS, medan den andra utgörs av att sammanfläta de två algoritmerna. Appliceringsstrategiernas effektivitet ses bero av de individuella algoritmernas egenskaper.
Jeannin, Pierre. "Contrôle des courbes et surfaces rationnelles par vecteurs massiques." Lille 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988LIL10111.
Full textAlghamdi, Bandar. "Etude des méthodes d'ordonnancement sur les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Thesis, Reims, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015REIMS010/document.
Full textThe Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is the most critical field when considering Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). It must be a self-organizing network architecture, meaning that it should be able to efficiently manage all network architecture requirements. The WBAN usually contains at least two or more body sensors. Each body sensor sends packets to or receives packets from the Personal Area Network Coordinator (PANC). The PANC is responsible for scheduling its child nodes' tasks. Scheduling tasks in the WBAN requires a dynamic and an adaptive process in order to handle cases of emergency that can occur with a given patient. To improve the most important parameters of a WBAN, such as quality link, response time, throughput, the duty-cycle, and packet delivery, we propose three scheduling processes: the semi-dynamic, dynamic, and priority-based dynamic scheduling approaches.In this thesis, we propose three task scheduling techniques, Semi-Dynamic Scheduling (SDS), Efficient Dynamic Scheduling (EDS) and High Priority Scheduling (HPS) approaches. Moreover, a comprehensive study has been performed for the WBAN platforms by classifying and evaluating them. We also investigate the mobility model for the WBANs by designing an architecture that describe this model. In addition, we detail a diagnosis procedure by using classification methods in order to solve very sensitive epidemic diseases. Then, our proposals have been validated using two techniques to check out the feasibility of our proposals. These techniques are simulation scenarios using the well-known network simulator OPNET and real implementations over TelosB motes under the TinyOS system
Scherdel, Pauline. "La surveillance de la croissance des enfants comme outil de repérage." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLS326.
Full textGrowth monitoring in children is a worldwide health activity which aims at early detection of serious underlying disorders of apparently healthy children. Existing empirical evidence shows that growth-monitoring performance were low, this can be explained by a lack of consensus on three key and interconnected questions: which conditions should be targeted? how should abnormal growth be defined? and which growth charts should be used?We showed that there is a large heterogeneity in growth-monitoring practices in Europe and that the seven algorithms proposed for defining an abnormal growth had low performance and/or a level of validation. We performed an external validation study and head-to-head comparison of these seven algorithms and demonstrated that the Grote clinical rule had the best performance. We found that the growth of contemporary French children were closer to the WHO than French growth charts, except during the first six month of life. The introduction of WHO growth charts would increase the sensitivity at the expense of their specificity. We obtained an international consensus on the typology of priority target conditions and national consensus on a short list of eight priority target conditions of growth-monitoring algorithms.This new knowledge will most likely allow developing validated tools for growth monitoring and standardizing practices for improving child outcomes
Abelard, Simon. "Comptage de points de courbes hyperelliptiques en grande caractéristique : algorithmes et complexité." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0104/document.
Full textCounting points on algebraic curves has drawn a lot of attention due to its many applications from number theory and arithmetic geometry to cryptography and coding theory. In this thesis, we focus on counting points on hyperelliptic curves over finite fields of large characteristic $p$. In this setting, the most suitable algorithms are currently those of Schoof and Pila, because their complexities are polynomial in $\log q$. However, their dependency in the genus $g$ of the curve is exponential, and this is already painful even in genus 3. Our contributions mainly consist of establishing new complexity bounds with a smaller dependency in $g$ of the exponent of $\log p$. For hyperelliptic curves, previous work showed that it was quasi-quadratic, and we reduced it to a linear dependency. Restricting to more special families of hyperelliptic curves with explicit real multiplication (RM), we obtained a constant bound for this exponent.In genus 3, we proposed an algorithm based on those of Schoof and Gaudry-Harley-Schost whose complexity is prohibitive in general, but turns out to be reasonable when the input curves have explicit RM. In this more favorable case, we were able to count points on a hyperelliptic curve defined over a 64-bit prime field
Mahdi, Abdel Halim. "Utilisation de métaheuristiques hybrides pour la Résolution de problèmes d'agencement d'atelier, de découpe 2D et d'ordonnancement." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000INPL089N.
Full textIn this thesis, we present efficient methods for solving three optimization problems dealing with production systems : 1) Two physical facility layout problems. We consider rigid and polygonal rectilinear shapes for the cells and the material handling system assignment to transport the different production flows. 2) 2 dimensional cutting problem for polygonal rectilinear shapes 3) Flowshop scheduling problems. For solving each problem, we use hybrid methods combining metaheuristics such an genetic algorithms and simulated annealing with other procedures used specifically to each application. Hitchcock algorithm for layout problems, complex repairing procedures and free space exploration algorithms for the 2D cutting problems and data oriented operators for flowshop problems
Delaunay, Christophe. "Formes modulaires et invariants de courbes elliptiques définies sur Q." Bordeaux 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002BOR12628.
Full textBroberg, Felix, and Emelie Eriksson. "Comparing MAX-MIN and Rank-based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for solving the University Course Timetabling Problem." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-229790.
Full textDet universitetsbaserade schemaläggningsproblemet (UCTP) avser schemaläggning av kurser till rum och tider där hänsyn till en mängd funktionella krav ofta måste tas. Traditionella beräkningsmetoder har visats vara ineffektiva då icke-triviala fall av problemet är NP-svåra. Myrkolonisystemsalgoritmen (ACO) är ett meta-heuristiskt alternativ som framgångsrikt har använts för att lösa UCTP. Denna rapport jämför effektiviteten mellan MAX-MIN ACO-variationen och den Rank-baserade ACO-variationen i att hitta lösningar till UCTP. Variationerna jämförs också vid använding av "local search" och en vägvalsheuristik. Rapporten visar att ACO-variationerna presterar likvärdigt vid användande av vägvalsheuristiken. Användandet av både "local search" och vägvalsheuristiken leder till bästa resultat för samtliga svårighetsgrader och ACO-variationer. Efterforskning krävs angående parametrarna för ACO-variationerna för att säkerställa giltigheten av slutsatserna.
Luhandjula, Thierry. "Algorithme de reconnaissance visuelle d'intentions : application au pilotage automatique d'un fauteuil roulant." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00794527.
Full textDang, Thanh-Hung. "Scalar complexity of Chudnovsky-type algorithms of multiplication in finite fields." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020AIXM0131.
Full textThe evaluation-interpolation algorithm on algebraic curves, introduced by D.V. and G.V. Chudnovsky in 1987, is the basis of algorithmic techniques currently providing the best bounds of the bilinear complexity of multiplication in finite fields. In particular, these algorithms are known to have asymptotically linear or quasi-linear bilinear complexity. But until now no work has been done on the analysis of their scalar complexity. Therefore, in this thesis we are interested in the scalar complexity of these algorithms. More precisely, we present a generic strategy to obtain Chudnovsky-type algorithms with optimized scalar complexity. This complexity is directly related to a representation of the underlying Riemann-Roch spaces aimed at obtaining sparse matrices. The theoretical and numerical results obtained suggest that our optimization strategy is independent of the choice of the divisor used to construct the Riemann-Roch spaces. Using this strategy, we improve by 27% the scalar complexity of the construction of Baum-Shokrollahi (1992) on the field F256/F4. Moreover, for this field, our construction is the best known in terms of total complexity. The sources of the Magma programs used in this thesis are given in appendix
Taktak, Raouia. "Survavibility in Multilayer Networks : models and Polyhedra." Thesis, Paris 9, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA090076/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with a problem related to survivability issues in multilayer IP-over-WDM networks. Given a set of traffic demands for which we know a survivable logical routing in the IP layer, the aim is determine the corresponding survivable topology in the WDM layer. We show that the problem is NP-hard even for a single demand. Moreover, we propose four integer linear programming formulations for the problem. The first one is based on the so-called cut inequalities. We consider the polyhedron associated with the formulation. We identify several families of valid inequalities and discuss their facial aspect. We also develop separation routines. Using this, we devise a Branch-and-Cut algorithm and present experimental results. The second formulation uses paths between terminals of the underlying graph as variables. We devise a Branch-and-Price algorithm based on that formulation. In addition, we investigate a natural formulation for the problem which uses only the design variables. Finally, we propose an extended compact formulation which, in addition to the design variables, uses routing variables. We show that this formulation provides a tighter bound for the problem
Mameri, Djelloul. "L'indépendant faiblement connexe : études algorithmiques et polyédrales." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014CLF22513/document.
Full textIn this work, we focus on a topology for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). A wireless sensor network can be modeled as an undirected graph G = (V,E). Each vertex of V represents a sensor and an edge e = {u, v} in E implies a direct transmission between the two sensors u and v. Unlike wired devices, wireless sensors are not a priori arranged in a network. Topology should be made by selecting some sensor as dominators nodes who manage transmissions. Architectures that have been studied in the literature are mainly based on connected dominating sets and weakly connected dominating sets.This study is devoted to weakly connected independent sets. An independent set S ⊂ V is said Weakly Connected if the graph GS = (V, [S, V \S]) is connected, where [S, V \S] is the set of edges with exactly one end in S. A sensor network topology based on weakly connected sets is partition into three groups, slaves, masters and bridges. The first performs the measurements, the second gathers the collected data and the later provides the inter-group communications. We first give some properties of this combinatorial structure when the undirected graph G is connected. Then we provide complexity results for the problem of finding the minimum weakly connected independent set problem (MWCISP). We also describe an exact enumeration algorithm of complexity O∗(1.4655|V |) (for the (MWCISP)). Numerical tests of this exact procedure are also presented. We then present an integer programming formulation for the minimum weakly connected independent set problem and discuss its associated polytope. Some classical graph operations are also used for defining new polyhedra from pieces. We give valid inequalities and describe heuristical separation algorithms for them. Finally, we develop a branch-and-cut algorithm and test it on two classes of graphs
Li, Le. "Online stochastic algorithms." Thesis, Angers, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018ANGE0031.
Full textThis thesis works mainly on three subjects. The first one is online clustering in which we introduce a new and adaptive stochastic algorithm to cluster online dataset. It relies on a quasi-Bayesian approach, with a dynamic (i.e., time-dependent) estimation of the (unknown and changing) number of clusters. We prove that this algorithm has a regret bound of the order of and is asymptotically minimax under the constraint on the number of clusters. A RJMCMC-flavored implementation is also proposed. The second subject is related to the sequential learning of principal curves which seeks to represent a sequence of data by a continuous polygonal curve. To this aim, we introduce a procedure based on the MAP of Gibbs-posterior that can give polygonal lines whose number of segments can be chosen automatically. We also show that our procedure is supported by regret bounds with sublinear remainder terms. In addition, a greedy local search implementation that incorporates both sleeping experts and multi-armed bandit ingredients is presented. The third one concerns about the work which aims to fulfilling practical tasks within iAdvize, the company which supports this thesis. It includes sentiment analysis for textual messages by using methods in both text mining and statistics, and implementation of chatbot based on nature language processing and neural networks
Bergé, Pierre. "Algorithmes pour voyager sur un graphe contenant des blocages." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLS480.
Full textWe study NP-hard problems on graphs with blockages seen as models of networks which are exposed to risk of failures.We treat cut problems via the parameterized complexity framework. The cutset size p is taken as a parameter. Given a set of sources {s1,...,sk} and a target $t, we propose an algorithm which builds a small edge cut of size p separating at least r sources from t. This NP-complete problem is called Partial One-Target Cut. It belongs to the family of multiterminal cut problems. Our algorithm is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) as its execution takes $2^{O(p^2)}n^{O(1)}$. We prove that the vertex version of this problem, which imposes cuts to contain vertices instead of edges, is W[1]-hard. Then, we design an FPT algorithm which counts the minimum vertex (S,T)-cuts of an undirected graph in time $2^{O(plog p)}n^{O(1)}$.We provide numerous results on the competitive ratio of both deterministic and randomized strategies for the Canadian Traveller Problem. The optimal ratio obtained for the deterministic strategies on general graphs is 2k+1, where k is a given upper bound on the number of blockages. We show that randomized strategies which do not use memory cannot improve the bound 2k+1. In addition, we discuss the tightness of lower bounds on the competitiveness of randomized strategies. The distance competitive ratio for a group of travellers possibly equipped with telecommunication devices is studied. Eventually, a strategy dedicated to equal-weight chordal graphs is proposed while another one is built for graphs with small maximum (s,t)-cuts. Both strategies outperform the ratio 2k+1
Norgren, Eric, and Johan Jonasson. "Investigating a Genetic Algorithm-Simulated Annealing Hybrid Applied to University Course Timetabling Problem : A Comparative Study Between Simulated Annealing Initialized with Genetic Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-186364.
Full textPotemine, Igor. "Arithmétique des corps globaux de fonctions et géométrie des schémas modulaires de Drinfeld." Grenoble 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997GRE10030.
Full textWang, Yuqiang. "Models and Algorithms for Some Combinatorial Optimization Problems: University Course Timetabling, Facility Layout and Integrated Production-Distribution Scheduling." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/28757.
Full textPh. D.
Grandjean, Arnaud. "Introduction de non linéarités et de non stationnarités dans les modèles de représentation de la demande électrique résidentielle." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2013. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00817969.
Full textMathault, Jessy. "Adaptation d'un algorithme de deuxième ordre pour l'analyse haute-résolution de courbes électrochimiques." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/30266.
Full textThis master's thesis describes a new method for analyzing cyclic voltammetry curves for an efficient peak detection and automatic baseline substraction. This method uses two distinct algorithms for a precise characterization of Gaussian redox peaks which are correlated with molecules' concentration in a solution. First, significant improvements are made to an existing algorithm that uses iterative polynomial approximations to suppress the baseline automatically from the voltammetric curves. With these enhancements, the algorithm extracts redox peaks from cyclic voltammetry measurements automatically and allows a better representation of the variation of peak's amplitude according to concentration. In addition, the approximation errors are reduced compared to the initial algorithm. Then, the development of an algorithm for characterizing Gaussian peaks based on the MUSIC second-order algorithm is presented. This algorithm is adapted to characterize the number, position, width and amplitude of redox peaks with high accuracy. Finally, the performances of this algorithm are compared with those of other similar algorithms using simulated and experimental curves. The suggested algorithm leads to a better characterization of non-overlapping peaks as well as distorted peaks. It also reduces the frequency of false detections and allows the precise measurement of peaks' positions in noisy signals.