Books on the topic 'Algorithmes de course'
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S, Wagon, ed. A course in computational number theory. New York: Key College Pub. in cooperation with Springer, 2000.
Find full textUehara, Ryuhei. First Course in Algorithms Through Puzzles. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textAdamson, Iain T. Data Structures and Algorithms: A First Course. London: Springer London, 1996.
Find full textData structures and algorithms: A first course. London: Springer, 1996.
Find full textAdamson, Iain T. Data Structures and Algorithms: A First Course. London: Springer London, 1996.
Full textBarnett, Michael P. Animated algorithms: A self-teaching course in data structures and fundamental algorithms. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986.
Find full textGass, Saul I. Decision making, models and algorithms: A first course. Malabar, Fla: Krieger Pub. Co., 1991.
Find full textDecision making, models and algorithms: A first course. New York: Wiley, 1985.
Find full textVabishchevich, P. N. Computational technologies: A first course. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015.
Find full text1965-, Greif Chen, ed. A first course in numerical methods. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2011.
Find full textDemazure, Michel. Cours d'algèbre. 2nd ed. Paris: Cassini, 2008.
Find full textLongueville, Mark. A Course in Topological Combinatorics. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.
Find full textYger, Alain, and Jacques-Arthur Weil. Mathématiques appliquées L3: Cours complet avec 500 tests et exercices corrigés. Paris: Pearson Education, 2009.
Find full textDivay, Michel. Algorithmes et structures de donne es ge ne riques: Cours et exercices corrige s en langage C. 2nd ed. Paris: Dunod, 2004.
Find full textReshetnikova, Irina, Mariya Kulikova, Tat'yana Verbenko, Vitaliy Luk'yanov, Mihail Skuratovskiy, Ekaterina Serditova, Yuliya Kolyasnikova, et al. Handbook of evidence in the arbitration process. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.
Full textInc, ebrary, ed. Moodle 1.9 multimedia: Create and share multimedia learning materials in your Moodle courses. Birmingham, U.K: Packt Publishing Ltd., 2009.
Find full textKostyukov, Viktor. Molecular mechanics of biopolymers. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Full textPanteleev, Andrey, Natal'ya Savost'yanova, and Natal'ya Fedorova. Mathematical analysis. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Full text1943-, Savitch Walter J., ed. Data structures and other objects: A second course in computer science. Redwood City, Calif: Benjamin/Cummings, 1995.
Find full text1974-, Zomorodian Afra J., ed. Advances in applied and computational topology: American Mathematical Society Short Course on Computational Topology, January 4-5, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana. Providence, R.I: American Mathematical Society, 2012.
Find full textBreutmann, Bernd. Data and Algorithms. An Introductory Course. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2001.
Find full textUehara, Ryuhei. First Course in Algorithms Through Puzzles. Springer, 2018.
Find full textPicart, Saux. Cours de calcul formel: Algorithmes fondamentaux. Ellipses Marketing, 1999.
Find full textCollins, Nick. Origins of Algorithmic Thinking in Music. Edited by Roger T. Dean and Alex McLean. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textData Structures and Algorithms: A First Course. Springer, 2011.
Find full textCormen, Thomas H., and Ronald L. Rivest. Introduction à l'algorithmique : Cours et exercices corrigés, 2e édition. Dunod, 2002.
Find full textSedgewick, Robert. Algorithmes en langage C : Cours et exercices. Dunod, 2001.
Find full textFirst Course: Data Structures and Algorithms Using Java. iUniverse, Inc., 2004.
Find full textAlgorithme et programmation en Java : Cours et exercices. Dunod, 2000.
Find full textHochstättler, W., and A. Schliep. Combinatorial Algorithm Toolbox: An Interactive Course on Discrete Mathematics. Springer, 2008.
Find full textPetersen, Jennifer. How Machines Came to Speak. Duke University Press, 2022.
Full textDivay, Michel. Algorithmes et structures de données : Cours et exercices en langage C. Dunod, 1999.
Find full textPrassl, Jeremias. Lost in the Crowd. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textIliopoulos-Strangas, Julia, Egils Levits, Michael Potacs, and Jacques Ziller, eds. Die Herausforderungen der digitalen Kommunikation für den Staat und seine demokratische Staatsform | The Challenges of Digital Communication for the State and its Democratic State Form | Les défis de la communication numérique pour l’État et sa forme démocratique. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021.
Full textMalgouyres. Algorithmes pour l'informatique graphique : Synthèse d'images et animations 3D, cours et exercices corrigés. Dunod, 2002.
Find full textShaffer, Kris. Data versus Democracy: How Big Data Algorithms Shape Opinions and Alter the Course of History. Apress, 2019.
Find full textda Costa, Sabrina C., Joao L. de Quevedo, and André F. Carvalho. Predominant polarity, polarity index, and treatment selection in bipolar disorder. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textFernandez, Jean-Charles, Fabienne Lagnier, Laurence Maraninchi, and Pascal Sicard. Architectures logicielles et matérielles : Cours, études de cas et exercices corrigés. Dunod, 2000.
Find full textSavitch, Walter, and Michael Main. Data Structures and Other Objects: A Second Course in Computer Science. Addison Wesley Longman, 1994.
Find full textvan, José. Education. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBarakat, Amin Y., and Russell W. Chesney, eds. Pediatric Nephrology for Primary Care. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008.
Full textCompston, Alastair. A short history of clinical neurology. Oxford University Press, 2011.
Full textZubairy, M. Suhail. Quantum Mechanics for Beginners. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textHong, Sun-ha. Technologies of Speculation. NYU Press, 2020.
Full textMpedi, Letlhokwa George, ed. Santa Claus: Law, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Decolonisation and Covid-19. African Sun Media, 2020.
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