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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Aladdin'

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Frostne, Jessica. "Konstruktionen av femininitet i Aladdin : Förändring i konstruktionen av femininitet mellan Aladdinfilmerna producerade år 1992 och 2019." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Sociologi, 2019.

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Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur konstruktionen av femininitet förändras i Disneys filmatiseringar av Aladdin producerade år 1992 och 2019. Utifrån detta syfte har frågeställningen formulerats till att identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan dessa två filmatiseringar gällande hur femininitet framställs hos den kvinnliga huvudkaraktären. Detta görs med ett intersektionellt perspektiv där Hirdman (1988) och Said (1978) används som teoretiska perspektiv. Undersökningen görs genom innehållsanalys och semiotisk analys som metod. Det huvudsakliga resultatet visar på både likheter och skillnader, där den betydande skillnaden är att den kvinnliga huvudkaraktären får en ökad jämställdhet. Likheter mellan filmerna är tydliga då kvinnan framställs utifrån det klassiska kvinnliga kroppsidealet. Slutsatsen blir att en förändring går att identifiera inom området genus då den kvinnliga huvudkaraktären tillskrivs nya egenskaper, som tidigare tillhört mannen. Trots detta, är beroendet av en man fortfarande tydligt. I versionen från 2019 finns fortfarande en tydlig separation mellan öst och väst, där öst framställs som avvikande och annorlunda i jämförelse med väst.
The purpose of this study is to analyze how the construction of femininity changes in Disney's filmizations of Aladdin produced in 1992 and 2019. Based on this purpose, the question has been formulated to identify similarities and differences between these two filmizations regarding how femininity is portrayed in the female main character. This is done with an intersectional perspective where Hirdman (1988) and Said (1978) are used as theoretical perspectives. The study is done through content analysis and semiotic analysis as a method. The main result shows both similarities and differences, where the significant difference is that the female main character is given increased gender equality. Similarities between the filmizations are visible when the female main character is portrayed with the classic female body ideal. The conclusion is that a change can be identified in the area of gender when the female main character is attributed to new traits, which previously belonged to the male. Despite this, the dependence of a man is still evident. In the 2019 version there is still a clear separation between east and west, where east is described as different compared to the west.
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Tadjouri, Emma. "Arabiska kvinnors representation inom västerländsk populärkulturell film : En jämförande studie av filmerna Aladdin och Tusen och en natt." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och kulturvetenskap (from 2013), 2018.

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Vackmyr, Jesper. "And they lived happily ever after ... : Notions of masculine and feminine gender in movies produced by Walt Disney Animations Studios through the ages." Thesis, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Högskolan i Jönköping, HLK, Ämnesforskning, 2016.

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Uppsatsen är en genushistorisk undersökning av tre filmer från olika decennier. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda hur filmer från Walt Disney Animation Studios framställer manligt och kvinnlig genus, samt i vilken mån filmerna speglar den tid de producerades. Metoden är en textanalys av tre filmer. De filmer som analyseras, baserat på specifika urvalskriterier, är Snow White and the Seven Dwarfes (1937), The Rescuers (1977) och Aladdin (1992). Textanalysen uppmärksammar vilka egenskaper som ges till respektive karaktär. De uppmärksammade egenskaperna delas upp i två kategorier: inre och yttre attribut. Med inre attribut avses karaktärernas personlighet och dialog. Yttre attribut avser konkreta ageranden samt det som är möjligt att se med blotta ögat. Undersökningen finner att framställningen av manligt och kvinnligt genus har förändrats över tid. Det blir lättare för karaktärerna att tillskriva sig egenskaper som traditionellt sett tillhört det andra genusets. Analysen av filmerna visar att de i många avseenden är avspeglingar av den tid de producerades. Vidare är det tydligt att karaktärernas inre attribut är mer stabila över tid, medan karaktärernas yttre attribut varierar mer över tid. Detta uppfattas som att det i filmerna finns en orubblig kärna i de inre attributen. Denna kärna ges dock olika uttryck i de yttre attributen.
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Naëck, Krishvy. "Interroger l’idéologie du studio Disney par la (re)composition musicale : une approche alternative de l’analyse filmique : La Petite Sirène (1989), La Belle et la Bête (1991) et Aladdin (1992)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2022.

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Notre travail concernant Disney s’inscrit dans le champ de la musique de film, et même si le studio a fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches tant sur des questions esthétiques que culturelles, il reste intéressant à étudier, car il peut ainsi devenir l’objet de recherche, non sur l’originalité d’un corpus, mais sur un déplacement de la méthode, nous permettant d’interroger l’idéologie à l’œuvre. Notre thèse concentre son attention sur La Petite Sirène (1989), La Belle et la Bête (1991) et Aladdin (1992) où il nous semble que, en recourant à la recomposition de la musique de certaines séquences des films, nous puissions faire jouer à la part de virtualité du texte filmique un rôle dans cette entreprise critique : retrouver la voix des héroïnes Ariel, Belle et Jasmine. Si un geste de recomposition musicale peut nous aider à penser ce rapport au personnage, c’est parce que nous pensons que la musique peut faire entendre la virtualité d’un film (et plus précisément de ses personnages), et devenir par cela un geste d’analyse critique de son idéologie. La recomposition musicale met en acte les allers-retours indispensables à la compréhension des séquences que nous travaillerons : elle redonne corps aux espaces de résonance du film et compose les affleurements d’une promesse initiale proposée par le film vis-à-vis de son héroïne. Ces allers-retours nous permettent de retrouver l’importance des numéros musicaux. En prolongeant notre analyse par le prisme de l’intermédialité, nous réfléchissons à la porosité avec la scène de Broadway (ou plus précisément ici avec le off-Broadway) qui permettent des doubles lectures issues des numéros musicaux
From aesthetics to cultural studies, Disney has been the subject of many studies. Thanks to this prolific research, it is possible de study it by another methodological angle to understand the ideology of and within the movies. Within the academic field of film music, our thesis will draw its attention on The Little Mermaid (1989), Beauty and the Beast (1991) and Aladdin (1992). It seems that, thanks to an alternative version of the original score that we would compose, we may bring the potentiality inscribed in the movie to be a part of our critical study: find the heroines’ voice Ariel, Belle and Jasmine. We think that this method will enable us to take account of the character’s consistency for the music can be a way to hear the potentiality of a movie (and specifically here, the characters), so it will be an opportunity to discuss Disney ideology. The musical recomposition enact the back and forth inside the different moments of the movie to help us understand what is at stake: it enlightens the resonances between the sequences and compose the surfacing promise initially build-up by the movie towards the heroine. It also helps us thinking about the movie’s interactions while getting to the surface the aforementioned promise the movie was trying to stop from actualising. By extending our analysis through the prism of intermediality, we consider the porosity of theses musical numbers with the Broadway stage (and more accurately the off-Broadway) whose enable us to do dual readings of the movie. All the music in its connexion to the rest of the audio-visual complex enable us to think about the power relations which occurs in the movie
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Jühlen, Ramona, Mirko Peitzsch, Sebastian Gärtner, Dana Landgraf, Graeme Eisenhofer, Angela Huebner, and Katrin Koehler. "Compensation for chronic oxidative stress in ALADIN null mice." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2018.

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Mutations in the AAAS gene coding for the nuclear pore complex protein ALADIN lead to the autosomal recessive disorder triple A syndrome. Triple A patients present with a characteristic phenotype including alacrima, achalasia and adrenal insufficiency. Patient fibroblasts show increased levels of oxidative stress, and several in vitro studies have demonstrated that the nucleoporin ALADIN is involved in both the cellular oxidative stress response and adrenal steroidogenesis. It is known that ALADIN knock-out mice lack a phenotype resembling human triple A syndrome. The objective of this study was to determine whether the application of chronic oxidative stress by ingestion of paraquat would generate a triple A-like phenotype in ALADIN null mice. Adult male mice were fed either a paraquat (0.25 g/kg diet) or control diet for 11 days. After application of chronic oxidative stress, ALADIN knock-out mice presented with an unexpected compensated glutathione metabolism, but lacked a phenotype resembling human triple A syndrome. We did not observe increased levels of oxidative stress and alterations in adrenal steroidogenesis in mice depleted for ALADIN. This study stresses the species-specific role of the nucleoporin ALADIN, which in mice involves a novel compensatory mechanism for regulating the cellular glutathione redox response.
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Richard, Patrice. "Aladin : une contribution methodologique et logicielle pour l'enseignement de l'algorithmique." Paris 6, 1991.

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Les travaux présentés font un bilan de plus de dix ans de recherches dans l'enseignement de l'algorithmique a des débutants de toutes origines. La thèse est partagée en cinq chapitres: définition de l'outil pédagogique Aladin. Mise en application de la méthode Aladin au cours d'un stage. Présentation technique du logiciel Aladin. Les extensions d'Aladin et exemple de prise en main du logiciel Aladin. Les choix pédagogiques de la méthode et les décisions concernant la création et l'évolution du logiciel sont détaillés et argumentes par rapport aux autres travaux portant sur le même domaine. Il est montre par ailleurs comment chaque amélioration a été mise en œuvre, validée pour être quelquefois abandonnée au vu de l'efficacité pédagogique et de l'adéquation avec l'objectif principal: l'enseignement de l'analyse descendante
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Jühlen, Ramona, Jan Idkowiak, Angela E. Taylor, Barbara Kind, Wiebke Arlt, Angela Huebner, and Katrin Koehler. "Role of ALADIN in Human Adrenocortical Cells for Oxidative Stress Response and Steroidogenesis." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015.

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Triple A syndrome is caused by mutations in AAAS encoding the protein ALADIN. We investigated the role of ALADIN in the human adrenocortical cell line NCI-H295R1 by either over-expression or down-regulation of ALADIN. Our findings indicate that AAAS knock-down induces a down-regulation of genes coding for type II microsomal cytochrome P450 hydroxylases CYP17A1 and CYP21A2 and their electron donor enzyme cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, thereby decreasing biosynthesis of precursor metabolites required for glucocorticoid and androgen production. Furthermore we demonstrate that ALADIN deficiency leads to increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and alteration in redox homeostasis after paraquat treatment. Finally, we show significantly impaired nuclear import of DNA ligase 1, aprataxin and ferritin heavy chain 1 in ALADIN knock-down cells. We conclude that down-regulating ALADIN results in decreased oxidative stress response leading to alteration in steroidogenesis, highlighting our knock-down cell model as an important in-vitro tool for studying the adrenal phenotype in triple A syndrome.
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Jühlen, Ramona. "Role of ALADIN for Oxidative Stress Response and Microsomal Steroidogenesis in Human Adrenocortical Cells." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016.

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Autosomal recessive triple A syndrome is caused by mutations in the AAAS gene encoding the protein ALADIN. The disorder manifests with the triad of adrenocorticotropin-resistant adrenal insufficiency, achalasia of the stomach cardia and impaired tear production (alacrima) in combination with progressive neurological impairment of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. ALADIN is part of the nuclear pore complex acting as a scaffold nucleoporin. In this work the role of ALADIN in the human adrenocortical tumour cell line NCI-H295R1 was investigated. These cells were engineered to either over-express or down-regulate AAAS by inducible stable transfection. Alterations in steroidogenic gene expression and functional consequences were determined. In addition, the role of ALADIN on cell viability and oxidative stress response was analysed. Using both the human adrenal NCI-H295R1-TR AAAS knock-down and over-expression models the potential impairment of the nuclear import of aprataxin, DNA ligase 1 and ferritin heavy chain 1 was investigated. For this YFP-specific vectors transiently transfected into the cell lines were employed. The findings indicate that AAAS knock-down induces a down-regulation of genes coding for type II microsomal cytochrome P450 hydroxylases CYP17A1 and CYP21A2 and their electron donor enzyme cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, thereby decreasing biosynthesis of precursor metabolites required for glucocorticoid and androgen production. Furthermore I demonstrate that ALADIN deficiency leads to increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and alteration in redox homeostasis after paraquat treatment. Finally, I show significantly impaired nuclear import of DNA ligase 1, aprataxin and ferritin heavy chain 1 in ALADIN knock-down cells. I conclude that down-regulating ALADIN results in decreased oxidative stress response leading to alteration in steroidogenesis, highlighting the knock-down cell model as an important in vitro tool for studying the adrenal phenotype in triple A syndrome. In an approach to identify new interaction partners of ALADIN, co-immunoprecipitation followed by proteome analyses using mass spectrometry was conducted in a GFP-ALADIN over-expression model using the human adrenocortical tumor cell line NCI-H295R. These results were verified in co-immunoprecipitation assays of endogenous ALADIN using NCI-H295R wild-type cells. The results suggest a possible interaction between ALADIN and microsomal flavoprotein cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase and progesterone receptor membrane compartment 2. Co-localisation analyses of these findings were done using immunofluorescence. The data are suggestive for an involvement of ALADIN in the export of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins. Regulation of adrenocortical steroidogenesis is complex and there is increasing evidence that oxidative stress due to ROS accumulation and mitochondria are significantly involved. Furthermore, there may be an important cross-talk between functional organelles comprising nucleus, ER and mitochondria which presumably involves lipid metabolism. The goal of this work was to elucidate the function of ALADIN for the cellular oxidative stress response and its possible consequences for adrenocortical steroidogenesis in triple A syndrome patients
Mutationen im AAAS Gen verursachen die autosomal rezessive Krankheit Triple-A-Syndrom. AAAS kodiert das Nukleoporin ALADIN, welches Bestandteil des nukleären Porenkomplexes ist. Phänotypische Charakteristika des Triple-A-Syndroms sind Nebennierenrinden-Insuffizienz, Achalasie des unteren Speiseröhrenschließmuskels und eine fehlende Tränenproduktion (Alakrimie). Diese Symptome sind kombiniert mit progredienten neurologischen Störungen des zentralen, peripheren und autonomen Nervensystems. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle von ALADIN in der humanen Karzinom-Zelllinie NCI-H295R1 untersucht. Diese Nebennierenrinden-Zellen wurden stabil transfiziert und mit einem induzierbaren Expressionssystem modifiziert, so dass sie AAAS entweder überexprimierten oder herunterregulierten. In NCI-H295R1-Zellen wurden Veränderungen der Genexpression von Enzymen der Steroidogenese und funktionelle Konsequenzen der Überexpression oder Herunterregulation von ALADIN gemessen. Des Weiteren wurde die Rolle von ALADIN auf die Zellviabilität und die Redox-Homöostase analysiert. ALADIN überexprimierende und herunterregulierte Zellen wurden verwendet, um die potentielle Behinderung des nukleären Imports von Proteinen zu untersuchen, welche den Zellkern gegen oxidativen Stress schützen (z.B. Aprataxin, DNA-Ligase 1 und Ferritin Heavy Chain 1). Dazu wurden YFP-spezifische Vektoren transient in diese Zellen gebracht. Mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Herunterregulation von AAAS eine Verminderung der Genexpression von CYP17A1 und CYP21A2 und deren Elektronendonor Cytochrom P450 Oxidoreduktase bewirken. Die Biosynthese der Vorläufermetabolite von Kortisol und Aldosteron ist in diesen Zellen ebenfalls vermindert. Des Weiteren zeigen die ALADIN-defizienten NCIH295R1-Zellen eine erhöhte Sensitivität gegenüber oxidativem Stress und eine veränderte Redox-Homöostase nach der Behandlung mit Paraquat. Darüber hinaus konnte in dieser Studie auch gezeigt werden, dass herunterregulierte ALADIN NCI-H295R1-Zellen einen verminderten Zellkernimport von Aprataxin, DNA-Ligase 1 und Ferritin heavy chain 1 besitzen. Aus diesen Ergebnissen kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass ALADIN-defiziente Nebennierenzellen eine verminderte Stressantwort auf oxidativen Stress besitzen; dies führt schlussendlich zu einer veränderten Steroidogenese. Das beschriebene ALADIN knock-down Modell in NCI-H295R1-Zellen ist ein wichtiges in vitro Werkzeug, um die Pathogenese der Nebennierenveränderungen im Triple-A-Syndrom zu erforschen. Neue Interaktionspartner von ALADIN wurden mit Hilfe von Co-Immunpräzipitation gefolgt von Proteom-Analysen durch Massenspektrometrie in einem GFP-ALADIN Überexpressionsmodell in NCI-H295R charakterisiert. Die Ergebnisse wurden durch Experimente auf endogenem Niveau in NCI-H295R-Wildtypzellen verifiziert. Mit diesen Daten wird in dieser Arbeit erstmals eine Interaktion zwischen ALADIN und dem Flavoprotein Cytochrom P450 Oxidoreduktase und Progesterone Receptor Membrane Compartment 2 nachgewiesen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit Co-Lokalisierungsanalysen durch Immunfluoreszenzfärbung von ALADIN und Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreduktase ergänzt. Außerdem gibt die Arbeit Hinweise darauf, dass ALADIN als Nukleoporin an dem nuklearen Export mitochondrialer Vorläuferproteine beteiligt ist. Die Regulation der Steroidogenese in der Nebennierenrinde ist komplex und es existieren zahlreiche Hinweise darauf, dass oxidativer Stress aufgrund der Ansammlung reaktiver Sauerstoffradikale und. dass die Mitochondrien involviert sind. Außerdem ist ein funktionelles Zusammenspiel verschiedener Organellen, darunter Nukleus, ER und Mitochondrien, von großer Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Identifizierung der Funktion von ALADIN in der zellulären oxidativen Stressantwort und die möglichen Konsequenzen für die Steroidogenese in der Nebennierenrinden in Triple-A-Syndrom-Patienten
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Lima, Melina Silva de. "Manipula??o de imagens astron?micas com o uso Aladin para o ensino de astronomia." Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, 2015. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/297.

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Submitted by Luis Ricardo Andrade da Silva ( on 2016-02-04T21:17:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Melina Silva de Lima.pdf: 10052548 bytes, checksum: 73b20a87c9bf7f70b05b1e58665c5b7a (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-04T21:17:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Melina Silva de Lima.pdf: 10052548 bytes, checksum: 73b20a87c9bf7f70b05b1e58665c5b7a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-13
We have used the Aladin software, a sky atlas used to visualize and manipulate astronomical images developed by CDS of Strasbourg. To elaborate teaching activities involving astronomical concepts, such as distance, brightness, image manipulation, colors as well as to explain the nature of different objects showing their images in different filters, among others. In the total, we have elaborated four activities that were applied to students of the 6th year of elementary school, high school and undergraduate ones for the Engineering and Pedagogy courses. All activities and the results of their evaluation with students are detailed discussed and analyzed; a teacher guide is also provided. Our results show that in the four activities, the students have a significant learning supporting the use of such methodology. Also, we elaborated two memory games, based on Java platform, with the images of some astronomical objects. The activities are in The Portuguese language, but they can easily be adapted for any other language. This research also made the translation of Aladin to Portuguese.
Este trabalho contempla a an?lise de um estudo de aplica??es, em sala de aula, de estrat?gias e t?cnicas de facilita??o, que utilizem o software Aladin ( na forma??o de conceitos de Astronomia e possibilidade de desenvolvimento cognitivo, por meio da aprendizagem, consolidando o aprendizado atrav?s do uso de computadores. Conceitos de dist?ncia, brilho, cor, exist?ncia de diferentes tipos de objetos astron?micos, manipula??o de imagens e dados astron?micos, entre outros aspectos, foram tratados em sala de aula e fizeram parte deste trabalho. A pesquisa foi aplicada em diversas etapas do ciclo de aprendizagem escolar, mais especificamente: 6? ano do ensino fundamental, 2? ano do ensino m?dio, alunos de gradua??o em Engenharia e, por fim, uma turma de alunas de Pedagogia, quase todos professores atuantes e, portanto, divulgadores dos conceitos para eles passados. Todas as atividades utilizaram o software Aladin e uma o aplicativo de Observat?rio Virtual, denominado VO-Stat. Como produto, foi elaborado material did?tico com o conte?do das atividades assim como um roteiro voltado para os professores realizarem a aplica??o da atividade para o ensino fundamental, um jogo da mem?ria virtual que trata de Astronomia. A tradu??o do Aladin para a l?ngua portuguesa tamb?m foi realizada nesse trabalho.
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Kezzar, Khalid. "Etude des effets de la masse et de l'isopin dans le processus de la multifragmentation." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005.

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L'étude des effets isotopiques dans le processus de la multifragmentation du projectile spectateur a été effectuée en utilisant le spectrométre ALADiN auprès de l'accélérateur GSI à Darmstadt. Des réactions aux énergies relativistes avec des faisceaux stables d' 197Au et 124Sn et des faisceaux radioactifs de 124La et 107Sn ont été utilisés pour couvrir une large gamme en masse et en N=Z. La mesure du vecteur moment et l'identification des fragments du projectile ayant une charge Z > 1 entrant dans l'acceptance de l'aimant ALADiN ont été obtenues avec une grande effacité et résolution en utilisant le dispositif ALADiN amélioré en association avec le détecteur de neutrons LAND. L'étude des propriétés globales de la multifragmentation a montré une dépendance en N=Z en accord avec les prédictions du modèle statistique de la multifragmentation. L'effet pair-impair dans la multifragmentation du projectile spectateur a été investigé pour pouvoir trouver une interprétation à sa manifestation à hautes énergies d'excitation. Un accord qualitatif a été obtenu pour les mesures de la températures avec les précédentes données et les prédictions théoriques.
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Bubnova, Radmila. "Pouziti souradnice "hydrostaticky tlak" pro integraci elastického modelu dynamiky atmosféry v numerickém predpovednim systému ARPEGE/ALADIN=." Toulouse 3, 1995.

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Arpege/aladin est un modele tri-dimensionnel a domaine limite, qui fait partie du systeme integre de prevision numerique arpege/ifs. Comme son equivalent global, la version a domaine limite utilise une representation spectrale des champs horizontaux. Une version non-hydrostatique d'arpege/aladin a ete developpee en utilisant la pression hydrostatique comme variable independante. La dynamique choisie represente la version totalement elastique des equations d'euler, l'orographie etant introduite par le biais d'une coordonnee hybride epousant la surface terrestre a sa base. Le schema semi-implicite a ete adapte pour controler les ondes acoustiques comme les ondes de gravite. Il a fallu modifier l'approximation de l'epaisseur logarithmique des couches du modele, et ce pour respecter la regle de l'integration par parties dans le processus conduisant a l'equation de structure. Le schema classique est complete par une correction implicite supplementaire sur la partie non lineaire de la divergence tri-dimensionnelle: ceci implique d'iterer la solution de l'equation d'helmholtz. Tout ceci a permis de prouver pour la premiere fois la faisabilite de cette nouvelle methode. Les resultats de tests idealises dans une version bi-dimensionnelle plan vertical pour des ecoulements au dessus d'une montagne en cloche sont tres proches des solutions analytiques connues. La capacite du modele a representer les ondes de sillage non-hydrostatiques et l'influence de certains effets convectifs a aussi pu etre verifiee
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Salmaggi, Andrea, Lucia Zirilli, Chiara Pantaleoni, Joanna Gabriella De, Sorbo Francesca Del, Katrin Köhler, Manuela Krumbholz, Angela Hübner, and Vincenzo Rochira. "Late-Onset Triple A Syndrome: A Risk of Overlooked or Delayed Diagnosis and Management." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2014.

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Background/Aims: A 33-year-old man was referred for the first time to the Division of Neurology because of the presence and progression of neurological symptoms. Dysphagia, weakness, reduced tear production, and nasal speech were present. In order to point the attention of late-onset triple A syndrome we describe this case and review the literature. Methods: Hormonal and biochemical evaluation, Schirmer test, tilt test and genetic testing for AAAS gene mutations. Results: Late-onset triple A syndrome caused by a novel homozygous missense mutation in the AAAS gene (A167V in exon 6) was diagnosed at least 17 years after symptom onset. Conclusions: The association between typical signs and symptoms of triple A syndrome should suggest the diagnosis even if they manifest in adulthood. The diagnosis should be confirmed by Schirmer test, endocrine testing (both basal and dynamic), genetic analysis, and detailed gastroenterological and neurological evaluations. Awareness of the possible late onset of the disease and of diagnosis in adulthood is still poor among clinicians, the acquaintance with the disease is more common among pediatricians. The importance of an adequate multidisciplinary clinical approach, dynamic testing for early diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency and periodical reassessment of adrenal function are emphasized
Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich
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Carvalhal, Sara. "Characterisation of ALADIN's function during cell division." Thesis, University of Dundee, 2015.

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Cell division relies on many steps, precisely synchronised, to ensure the fidelity of chromosome segregation. To achieve such complex and multiple functions, cells have evolved mechanisms by which one protein can participate in numerous events on the cell life. Over the past few years, an increasing number of functions have been assigned to the proteins of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) also called nucleoporins. NPCs are large complexes studded in the nuclear envelope, which control the nucleocytoplasmic transport. It is now known that nucleoporins participate in spindle assembly, kinetochore organisation, spindle assembly checkpoint, and all processes important for genome integrity maintenance. This work demonstrates that the nucleoporin ALADIN participates in mitosis, meiosis and in cilia. In both mitosis and meiosis, ALADIN is important for proper spindle assembly. In mitosis, it was also discovered that ALADIN is a novel factor in the spatial regulation of the mitotic regulator Aurora A kinase. Without ALADIN, active Aurora A spreads from centrosomes onto spindle microtubules, which affects the distribution of a subset of microtubule regulators and slows spindle assembly and chromosome alignment. Interestingly, mutations in ALADIN causes triple A syndrome and some of the mitotic phenotypes observed after ALADIN depletion also occur in cells from triple A syndrome patients. In meiosis, ALADIN contributes to trigger the resumption of meiosis in female mouse. Impairment of ALADIN from mouse oocyte slows spindle assembly, migration and reduces oocytes ability to extrude polar bodies during meiosis I, which concomitantly affects the robustness of oocyte maturation and impairs mouse embryo development. Nucleoporins were also found at the base of the cilia, a centriole-derived organelle that participates in differentiation, migration, cell growth from development to adulthood. Here it is shown that ALADIN is also localised at the base of the cilia. With this work, new ALADIN’s functions have been identified across cell division, as well as uncovered an unexpected relation between triple A syndrome and cell division.
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Léon-Sironval, Margaret. "Metamorphose d'un conte aladin francais et anglais (xviiie et xixe siecles). Contribution a l'etude des mille et une nuits." Paris 3, 1998.

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L'histoire d'aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse fait partie des contes des mille et une nuits qui ont ete transmis oralement avant d'etre mis par ecrit en arabe. Une critique des sources arabes presumees du conte, une etude de sa transmission et de ses metamorphoses retracent l'itineraire historique et geographique du texte et les avatars de son entree dans le folklore international. L'etude comparative porte sur la thematique de l'illustration au travers de 73 editions francaises et 76 editions anglaises du conte et s'attache egalement a suivre et a commenter les differentes reecritures du texte qui ont ete faites en france et en angleterre aux dix-huitieme et dix-neuvieme siecles. L'importance des documents collectes a necessite l'elaboration d'une banque de donnees et d'une banque d'images. Le grand nombre d'illustrations du conte (661 images) et la variete des scenes representees ont rendu necessaire, dans le cadre de cette etude, d'operer un choix parmi les passages illustres. C'est pourquoi l'analyse des rapports du texte et des images s'appuie essentiellement sur les illustrations situees en position liminaire et en position conclusive du conte. Son statut de conte "celebre" pose la question des raisons de sa longue duree dans la memoire collective. On a tente de cerner en quoi aladin pouvait etre un type social et comment celui-ci avait ete interprete par les illustrateurs et dans les reecritures du recit. La multiplication de ces dernieres pour la litterature pour enfants, pour le colportage, pour les scenes du theatre, pour le cinema et le fait que le conte a ete une source d'inspiration pour des ecrivains ont contribue a apparenter aladin a un mythe. Le modele mythique propose, celui de l'homme parti de rien et arrive au comble du pouvoir et de la richesse, met l'accent sur la part de magie et de merveilleux contenus dans le recit
The story of aladdin or the wonderful lamp is part of the "thousand and one nights" which were orally transmitted before being transcribed into arabic. A critical review of the alleged arabic sources and a study of the transmission of the story and its metamorphoses, have made it possible to retrace the historical and geographical itinerary of the text and the avatars of its entry in the international folklore the study of the tale focuses on the comparative analysis of the illustrations through 73 french editions and 76 english editions and of the different eighteenth and nineteenth century rewritings, in france and in england. This important volume of collected documents required the creation of both a data bank and an image bank. The large number of images (661) illustrating the story, made it necessary to choose a limited number of illustrated passages. Consequently, this is why the analysis of the relations between text and images, takes into account only the illustrations in the preliminary and final pages of the narration. The fame of the tale raises questions as to the reasons of its lasting impact in the collective memory. One would be inclined to identify aladdin as a social archetype and understand how such an archetype was related through the different illustrations and rewritings of the tale. Indeed, the rewritings of the text for various purposes such as children's books, popular publications, the theatre, the cinema, and the fact that the tale was a source of inspiration for some writers, also raises the question of the relation of aladdin to a myth. The suggested mythical model, that of a man who started from scratch and became immensely rich and powerful, highlights the dimension of magic and wonder in the tale
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Léon-Sironval, Margaret Pageaux Daniel-Henri. "Métamorphose d'un conte Aladin français et anglais, XVIII et XIXe siècles : contribution à l'étude des Mille et une nuits /." Paris : M. Léon-Sironval, 1998.

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Salmaggi, Andrea, Lucia Zirilli, Chiara Pantaleoni, Joanna Gabriella De, Sorbo Francesca Del, Katrin Köhler, Manuela Krumbholz, Angela Hübner, and Vincenzo Rochira. "Late-Onset Triple A Syndrome: A Risk of Overlooked or Delayed Diagnosis and Management." Karger, 2008.

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Background/Aims: A 33-year-old man was referred for the first time to the Division of Neurology because of the presence and progression of neurological symptoms. Dysphagia, weakness, reduced tear production, and nasal speech were present. In order to point the attention of late-onset triple A syndrome we describe this case and review the literature. Methods: Hormonal and biochemical evaluation, Schirmer test, tilt test and genetic testing for AAAS gene mutations. Results: Late-onset triple A syndrome caused by a novel homozygous missense mutation in the AAAS gene (A167V in exon 6) was diagnosed at least 17 years after symptom onset. Conclusions: The association between typical signs and symptoms of triple A syndrome should suggest the diagnosis even if they manifest in adulthood. The diagnosis should be confirmed by Schirmer test, endocrine testing (both basal and dynamic), genetic analysis, and detailed gastroenterological and neurological evaluations. Awareness of the possible late onset of the disease and of diagnosis in adulthood is still poor among clinicians, the acquaintance with the disease is more common among pediatricians. The importance of an adequate multidisciplinary clinical approach, dynamic testing for early diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency and periodical reassessment of adrenal function are emphasized.
Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Voitus, Fabrice. "Étude de la faisabilité des conditions aux limites latérales bien posées et transparentes dans la dynamique des modèles Aladin et Arome." Toulouse 3, 2008.

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Villano, Sebastián, and Rafael Casado. "Misión Académica a la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración ALADI-Uruguay." Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020.

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Crear profesionales íntegros y con una visión global que posean experiencias internacionales y ,es en ese sentido, se realiza esta Misión Académica virtual a uno de los más antiguos organismos intergubernamentales de integración de corte económico-comercial regional. / Programa: •ALADI: objetivos, estructura institucional y situación actual / •Mecanismos preferenciales suscritos al amparo del Tratado de Montevideo / •Resultados del proceso de integración – Estudios / •Perú en la región / •Algo más que bienes ? -> Servicios
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Zubizarreta, Gabaldoni Armando. "SANCHEZ. LUIS ALBERTO. Aladino. o vida 9 obra de José Santos Chocano. México. Libro Mex. 1960. 551 págs." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017.

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Jühlen, Ramona [Verfasser], Angela Akademischer Betreuer] Hübner, and Andreas [Akademischer Betreuer] [Androutsellis-Theotokis. "Role of ALADIN for Oxidative Stress Response and Microsomal Steroidogenesis in Human Adrenocortical Cells / Ramona Jühlen. Betreuer: Angela Hübner. Gutachter: Angela Hübner ; Andreas Androutsellis-Theotokis." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016.

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Botkin-Levy, Micah. "Distributed Control of Electric Vehicle Charging: Privacy, Performance, and Processing Tradeoffs." ScholarWorks @ UVM, 2019.

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As global climate change concerns, technological advancements, and economic shifts increase the adoption of electric vehicles, it is vital to study how best to integrate these into our existing energy systems. Electric vehicles (EVs) are on track to quickly become a large factor in the energy grid. If left uncoordinated, the charging of EVs will become a burden on the grid by increasing peak demand and overloading transformers. However, with proper charging control strategies, the problems can be mitigated without the need for expensive capital investments. Distributed control methods are a powerful tool to coordinate the charging, but it will be important to assess the trade-offs between performance, information privacy, and computational speed between different control strategies. This work presents a comprehensive comparison between four distributed control algorithms simulating two case studies constrained by dynamic transformer temperature and current limits. The transformer temperature dynamics are inherently nonlinear and this implementation is contrasted with a piece-wise linear convex relaxation. The more commonly distributed control methods of Dual Decomposition and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) are compared against a relatively new algorithm, Augmented Lagrangian based Alternating Direction Inexact Newton (ALADIN), as well as against a low-information packetized energy management control scheme (PEM). These algorithms are implemented with a receding horizon in two distinct case studies: a local neighborhood scenario with EVs at each network node and a hub scenario where each node represents a collection of EVs. Finally, these simulation results are compared and analyzed to assess the methods’ performance, privacy, and processing metrics for each case study as no algorithm is found to be optimal for all applications.
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Pinchemel, Elisa de Sousa Ribeiro. "Instituições e integração regional na América do Sul : uma análise comparativa entre ALADI, MERCOSUL e UNASUL." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2016.

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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas, 2016.
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Neste trabalho analisa-se a hipótese de existência de um modelo de integração regional propriamente sul-americano, que não se confunde com outros processos, em especial com o da União Europeia, geralmente utilizado como paradigma para os estudos da área. Por meio de uma análise histórico-institucional, serão examinados a Associação Latino-Americana de Integração (ALADI), o Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul) e a União de Nações Sul-Americanas (Unasul), com o objetivo de verificar padrões de organização institucional comuns entre eles. No primeiro capítulo, os principais marcos históricos referentes à formação de coalizões regionais na América do Sul serão investigados. A pesquisa tem início no período colonial, passa pelos processos de independência das nações sul-americanas, sua formação territorial e conflitos, chegando até os dias atuais. São estudados os antecedentes basilares que deram início ao processo de integração regional no subcontinente, bem como a sua evolução. No segundo capítulo, são comentadas as teorias das relações internacionais que, ao mesmo tempo, embasam e explicam os processos de integração, por meio da análise do estado anárquico da sociedade internacional e o seu desenvolvimento rumo a um modelo cooperativo. Considera-se a evolução das teorias de formação do Estado para sua transposição às teorias que abordam as comunidades de nações. No terceiro capítulo, descrevem-se as três organizações internacionais mencionadas acima, com o detalhamento de suas estruturas e órgãos. No quarto e último capítulo, é promovida uma comparação dos processos de criação, dos antecedentes políticos-institucionais, das influências de teorias econômicas e de governos, para, finalmente, comparar os processos de tomada de decisão e de solução de controvérsia desses organismos. Como conclusão, verificamos a existência de um padrão institucional adotado pelos três referidos organismos. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN
En esta tesis analizamos la hipótesis de la existencia de un modelo propio de integración regional suramericano, que no se confunde con otros procesos, especialmente lo de la Unión Europea, normalmente utilizado como paradigma para los estudios del campo de relaciones internacionales. Utilizamos un abordaje histórico-institucional para examinar la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI), el Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) y la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur), con el objetivo de verificar estándares de organización institucional común entre ellos. En el primer capítulo, investigamos los principales marcos históricos de la formación de coaliciones regionales en América del Sur. La investigación tiene su inicio en el período colonial, pasa por los procesos de independencia de las naciones suramericanas, su formación territorial y conflictos, hasta nuestros días. Los antecedentes básicos del inicio del proceso de integración regional en el subcontinente y su evolución también son estudiados. En el segundo capítulo, se comentan las teorías de las relaciones internacionales que, al mismo tiempo, son usadas como base y explican los procesos de integración, utilizando el análisis del estado anárquico de la sociedad internacional y su desarrollo rumbo a un modelo cooperativo. Se considera la evolución de las teorías de formación del Estado para su transposición a las teorías que abordan las comunidades de naciones. En el tercer capítulo, se describen las tres organizaciones internacionales anteriormente mencionadas, con los detalles de sus estructuras y órganos. En el cuarto y último capítulo, hacemos una comparación de los procesos de creación, de los antecedentes políticos-institucionales, de las influencias de las teorías económicas y de gobiernos, para, finalmente, comparar los procesos de toma de decisiones y de solución de controversias de estos organismos. En conclusión, verificamos la existencia de un estándar institucional adoptado por los tres organismos referidos. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
This dissertation aims at analyzing the hypothesis of the existence of a peculiar model of South American integration, which is unique in regard to others process of integration, specifically the one of the European Union, often used as a paradigm for studies in the realm of international relations. Using an historical-institutional analysis, we will examine the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), with the aim of verifying institutional organization patterns shared among them. In the first chapter, we investigate the main historical milestones of the establishment of South American regional coalitions. The research goes back to the colonial period, investigates the processes of independence of the South American nations, their territorial story and conflicts, to our days. We study the cornerstone background that initiate the subcontinent’s regional integration process, as well as its evolution. In chapter two, we discuss international relations theory which, simultaneously, support and explain integration processes, analyzing anarchical state of the international society and its development towards a cooperative model. We study the evolution of state formation theories and their development into theories of communities of nations. In the third chapter, we describe the three aforementioned international organizations, detailing their structures and organs. In the fourth and last chapter, we compare these organizations’ creation processes, political-institutional background, economic and government theories influences, and, finally, decision-making processes and dispute settlement. In conclusion, we ascertain the existence of an institutional pattern adopted by the three organizations.
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Yan, Xin. "Assimilation de données GPS pour la prévision de la convection profonde." Toulouse 3, 2009.

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Ce travail de thèse visait à exploiter le potentiel des observations GPS sol pour l'assimilation de données à mesoéchelle et la prévision numérique du temps à haute résolution. Nous avons tout particulièrement examiné l'impact de l'assimilation des données GPS sur la prévision à l'échelle convective des systèmes orageux. Les systèmes d'assimilation utilisés sont les systèmes d'assimilation à mesoéchelle de Météo-France : le 3DVAR/ALADIN et le 3DVAR/AROME. Deux cas d'étude ont été traités, avec pour chacun des cas un nombre important de données GPS assimilées au cours de cycles d'assimilation continus sur de longues périodes. Les situations météorologiques des deux cas d'étude sélectionnés sont caractérisées plusieurs évènements convectifs précipitants. Pour le premier cas d'étude (5-9 septembre 2005), le système d'assimilation utilisé est le 3DVAR/Aladin à la résolution de 9,5 km et l'impact de l'assimilation est étudié sur la prévision à 2. 4km de résolution réalisé avec le modèle MESO-NH. Pour le second cas d'étude (18-20 juillet 2007), les observations GPS du réseau dense déployé au cours de la campagne COPS en complément des observations du réseau opérationnel européen E-GVPAP sont assimilées directement avec le 3DVAR/AROME à la résolution de 2,5 km. Pour les deux cas, les résultats des expériences d'assimilation et de prévision avec ou sans assimilation de données GPS montrent un impact positif sur la prévision des précipitations intenses de l'assimilation des données GPS; l'impact est plus significatif sur le second cas d'étude
The aim of this thesis work is to exploit the potential of ground based GPS observations for mesoscale data assimilation and high-resolution numerical weather prediction. Our main interest lies in the investigation of the impact of GPS observation assimilation in improving the forecast of convective scale weather phenomena such as convective storms. The data assimilation systems we have used are the Météo-France 3DVAR/ALADIN and 3DVAR/AROME systems. Two case studies were conducted with large numbers of GPS observations being assimilated. The cases selected are both convective rainfall events. For the first case (5-9 September 2005) with heavy precipitation over the French Mediterranean regions, the system we used is the 9. 5km 3DVAR/ALADIN assimilation system. Analyses produced by one month of assimilation cycle experiments are used later as the initial and boundary conditions for starting the simulation of the 2. 4km high resolution research model MesoNH. For the second case study (18-20 July 2007), high density GPS observations obtained from the COPS observations field campaign together with GPS observations coming from the European operational E-GVAP network are assimilated directly into the 3DVAR/AROME system with 2. 5km horizontal resolution. Special attentions have been paid on the selection and pre-treatment of the GPS observations before they enter in the assimilation system. Such procedure can be viewed as a quality control for the observations. For both cases, results of twin experiments with and without assimilating GPS observations have suggested a positive impact on the prediction of heavy precipitation, the impact being more significant on the second case
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Mokhtari, Mohamed. "Amélioration de la prise en compte des aérosols terrigènes dans les modèles atmosphériques à moyenne échelle." Toulouse 3, 2012.

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L'objectif de cette thèse est d'améliorer la modélisation numérique des processus liés à l'apparition, au transport et au dépôt des aérosols terrigènes, en l'occurrence les poussières désertiques. La première partie de ce travail a consisté à intégrer une paramétrisation physique globale des émissions de poussières désertiques, plus compatible avec les bases de données ECOCLIMAP et FAO utilisées dans le schéma de surface SURFEX, en prenant en compte la granulométrie et la texture des sols, dans le but d'améliorer la représentation des flux de surface des poussières désertiques dans SURFEX. La deuxième partie a consisté à gérer les processus de transport et de dépôt (sec et humide) dans le modèle atmosphérique ALADIN. Ceci permettra à terme de donner des prévisions plus fiables des concentrations de poussières, leurs propriétés optiques, mais aussi leurs rétroactions sur la prévision météorologique. L'évaluation du système couplé ALADIN-SURFEX sur la situation des 6-13 mars 2006 a montré sa capacité à simuler les épisodes de poussière tant en intensité qu'en extension. Les changements apportés au schéma des émissions de poussière renforcent par ailleurs nettement les émissions dans des régions réputées pour ces phénomènes et bien documentées comme la région de Bodélé. Ils améliorent aussi largement la représentation des épaisseurs optiques observées, par exemple dans les régions d'Ilorin et Mbour. Ce système couplé a été utilisé, ensuite, pour établir une climatologie simulée des émissions et des propriétés optiques des aérosols désertiques pour l'Afrique du Nord. Les simulations ALADIN montrent que cette région est une source majeure d'émissions à l'échelle globale avec en moyenne 878 Mt. An-1 d'aérosols désertiques. La région de Bodélé apparaît dans nos résultats comme la zone la plus émettrice avec en moyenne 2kg. M-2. An-1. Enfin, les résultats obtenus dans l'étude de l'impact des poussières sur la modélisation sont assez satisfaisants dans la mesure où on a obtenu un signal très cohérent, les poussières désertiques n'ayant jusqu'à présent jamais été introduites dans le modèle ALADIN. Cependant, ces résultats, analysés en finesse, montrent quelques défauts de modélisation liés à l'interaction rayonnement/poussière. Ces défauts suggèrent qu'un travail d'analyse supplémentaire, accompagné de tests expérimentaux, reste à faire. Ce travail fait partie des perspectives de cette étude
The goal of this PhD work is to improve the numerical modeling of the processes related to the onset, transport and deposition of ground-originating aerosols, namely desert sand dust. The first part of this work is to integrate a global physical parameterization of dust emissions more compatible with the ECOCLIMAP and FAO databases used in the surface model SURFEX, taking into account the surface soil size distribution and the soil texture, in order to improve the representation of surface fluxes in SURFEX. The second part of this study is devoted to modeling the transport and deposition (wet and dry) in the atmospheric model ALADIN. The aim is to ultimately obtain more reliable predictions of dust concentrations, their optical properties and their feedback on the forecast weather. The evaluation of the coupled system ALADIN-SURFEX on the situation of 6-13th March 2006 demonstrates the ability of this system to simulate dust events both in intensity and extension. The changes proposed in the dust emission model provoke a substantial increase of dust emission in areas that are well known and well documented for these phenomena, like the Bodélé region. They also greatly improve simulated optical thicknesses observed in the areas of Ilorin and Mbour. This coupled system was then used to establish a simulated climatology of emission and optical properties of dust aerosols for North Africa. The ALADIN simulations show that this region is a major source of emissions on a global scale with an average of 878 Mt. Year-1 dust aerosols. The Bodélé region is found to be the area with the highest average emission with about 2 kg. M-2. Year-1. Eventually, the results obtained when studying the impact of dust on the behaviour of the numerical weather prediction model, are found satisfactory in regards of the fact that this is the first time desert dust is introduced in ALADIN. However, these results, when analyzed in more details, show some defects related to the interaction between radiation and dust. These defects suggest that the dust/radiation interaction requires more analysis, along with experimental tests. Such analysis is part of the perspectives of this study
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Moravec, Vojtěch. "Změna vodnosti povodí Hačky s ohledem na předpokládanou změnu klimatu." Master's thesis, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2016.

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In the presented paper the changes in mean runoff, temperature and precipitation totals in an observed period 1962-2015 in the catchment river Hačka are assessed. The paper further presents the analysis of climate change impact on mean runoff between the periods 1984-2014 (control period) and 2035-2065 and 2068-2098 (scenario periods) using the projections of three regional climate model simulations. Thin Plate Spline interpolation was used to estimate basin precipitation and temperature. Modified hydrological analogy was used for precise quantification of naturalized runoff (i.e. not affected by water use). Climate change scenarios were derived using simple delta change approach, i.e. observed series of precipitation and temperature were adjusted in order to give the same changes between the control and scenario period as regional climate model simulations. Hydrological balance was modelled with a conceptual hydrological model Bilan. The parameters of the hydrological model were estimated using observed data. These parameters were subsequently used to derive discharge series under climate change conditions for each regional climate model simulation. Results showed a 1.7 °C average increase in mean annual temperature in the scenario period 2035-2065 and a 2.8 °C average increase in the scenario period 2068-2098. The seasonal cycle of precipitation in the scenario conditions is shifted, although mean annual precipitation totals remain practically unchanged (max changes -8.1 %; +9.3 %). The mean annual discharge decreases by 5.7% in average (most 20.3 %) in period 2035-2065 and a significant decrease of 25.5% in average (most 45.9 %) in annual mean discharge is expected in the period 2068-2098. Frequency of minimal runoff is expected to increase up to two times. Precipitation increase is expected from the beginning of the fall to the beginning of the summer, with a slight decrease in spring. Increase in precipitation is followed by evapotranspiration increase, caused by increase in temperature. Summer precipitation is expected to decrease as well as summer runoff. Due to the temperature increase, time shift of the snowmelt is expected from the periods between March-April to January-February. This will also affect the increase of the discharge in this period. This knowledge can be applied in water management planning in the future.
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Kezzar, Khalid. "Etude des effets de la masse et de l'isospin dans le processus de la multifragmentation." Phd thesis, Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg I, 2005.

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L'étude des effets isotopiques dans le processus de la multifragmentation du projectile spectateur a été effectuée en utilisant le spectromètre ALADiN auprès de l'accélérateur GSI à Darmstadt. Des réactions aux énergies relativistes avec des faisceaux stables d'197Au et 124Sn et des faisceaux radioactifs de 124La et 107Sn ont été utilisés pour couvrir une large gamme en masse et en N/Z. La mesure du vecteur moment et l'identification des fragments du projectile ayant une charge Z>1 entrant dans l'acceptance de l'aimant ALADiN ont été obtenues avec une grande efficacité et résolution en utilisant le dispositif ALADiN amélioré en association avec le détecteur de neutrons LAND. L'étude des propriétés globales de la multifragmentation a montrée une dépendance en N/Z en accord avec les prédictions du modèle statistique de la multifragmentation. L'effet pair-impair dans la multifragmentation du projectile spectateur a été investigé pour pouvoir trouver une interprétation à sa manifestation à hautes énergies d'excitation. Un accord qualitatif a été obtenu pour les mesures de la températures avec les précédentes données et les prédictions théoriques.
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Aladini, Firouzeh [Verfasser], Christian F. W. [Akademischer Betreuer] Becker, and Fritz Elmar [Akademischer Betreuer] Kühn. "New elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs): Synthesis, characterization and application in enzyme recycling / Firouzeh Aladini. Gutachter: Christian F. W. Becker ; Fritz Elmar Kühn. Betreuer: Christian F. W. Becker." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2014.

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Sadiki, Wafaa. "Estimation et validation a posteriori des statistiques d'erreur pour une assimilation à aire limitée." Toulouse 3, 2005.

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Les méthodes d'assimilation réalisent une combinaison entre une ébauche de l'état de l'atmosphère et des données d'observation. Il est nécessaire de fournir à l'algorithme assimilateur une estimation des erreurs affectant les différentes sources d'information. Nous nous intéressons surtout au schéma variationnel 3d dans le modèle à aire limitée ALADIN. L'objectif est d'étudier d'une part les propriétés des covariances d'erreur de prévision dans un modèle à aire limitée et, d'autre part, de tester dans un cadre de données d'observation réelles, des méthodes de réglage a posteriori des écarts-types d'erreur (prévision, observation). Nous avons d'abord constaté qu'aux grandes échelles les erreurs de prévision dans ALADIN sont contrôlées par le modèle coupleur ARPEGE. Par la validation a posteriori, nous avons mis en évidence une sous-estimation de la variance d'erreur de prévision, et une surestimation de la variance d'erreur d'observation. Nous avons également adapté ces diagnostics au cadre d'un système au nombre d'observations éventuellement faible, en faisant appel à des propriétés d'ergodicité dans les signaux
Data assimilation methods perform a combination between a background state of the atmosphere and observations. The formulation of any assimilation system requires the knowledge of the weights attributed to each source of information. The system of interest is the limited area 3d-Var analysis of ALADIN. The aim is, on the one hand, to study the properties of background error covariances in a limited area model and, on the other hand, to apply the a posteriori diagnostics in a real data observation environment, in order to calibrate the background and observational error standard deviations. Firstly, we show that, for the large scales, the background errors are controlled by the ARP\`EGE global model. Secondly, through a posteriori validation, we have found an underestimation of the background error variance, and an overestimation of the observational error variance. Moreover, we have adapted these diagnostics to the frame of a limited amount of observations using ergodic properties of the signals
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Flores, M. Víctor Andrés. "Proceso de inserción económica Chilena en la década de los 90 :acuerdos en el marco de la ALADI y la asociación con el MERCOSUR." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 1999.

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Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales)
No autorizada por el autor para ser publicada a texto completo
En la primera parte de este trabajo, se abordará el estudio del marco jurídico en el cual se desarrolla la inserción económica chilena en el ámbito latinoamericano, cual es, el de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI). Luego, en el segundo capítulo, abordaremos el tema del contenido de los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio y particularmente de los Acuerdos de Complementación Económica. Por último, nos abocaremos al estudio de la relación Chile - MERCOSUR y al análisis de los principales problemas que se han presentado entre ambas Partes.
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Guidard, Vincent. "Assimilation multi-échelle dans un modèle météorologique régional." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007.

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Les modèles météorologiques à aire limitée sont aujourd'hui dotés de systèmes d'analyse de données observées propres, pour la plupart. Ces analyses combinent en général une ébauche provenant du modèle et des observations dans le but de rafraîchir les structures décrites par le modèle à aire limitée. Néanmoins, l'information provenant du modèle coupleur présente également un intérêt. En effet, le modèle coupleur est en général un modèle global bénéficiant de techniques d'assimilation de données performantes, qui permet de fournir une bonne description des grandes échelles notamment. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est d'injecter l'information issue du modèle coupleur directement dans l'assimilation variationnelle tridimensionnelle (3D-VAR) du modèle à aire limitée, en tant que nouvelle source d'information. Concrètement, on décrit le vecteur d'information entrant dans l'assimilation du modèle à aire limitée comme étant la concaténation des différentes sources d'information : l'ébauche du modèle, les observations et les grandes échelles de l'analyse du modèle coupleur. Ce formalisme utilise une mesure de l'incertitude sur les sources d'information, décrite par les covariances entre les erreurs des différentes sources d'information. Des simplifications sur les covariances croisées entres les sources d'information sont proposées, afin de pouvoir développer le formalisme en vue de le rendre applicable simplement dans un logiciel d'analyse déjà existant. Une première utilisation de ce nouveau formalisme est faite dans un modèle académique unidimensionnel “en eaux peu profondes”, en mettant en oeuvre un modèle coupleur et un modèle couplé. Ces expériences montrent des résultats neutres à positifs, suivant les configurations, limités par le cadre simplifié de ce modèle académique. Dans le cadre de l'application de cette méthode dans les modèles utilisés à Météo- France (modèle global ARPÈGE et modèle à aire limitée ALADIN), une évaluation des statistiques liées aux erreurs sur les sources d'information est menée. Tout d'abord le choix des échelles venant de l'analyse du modèle global est fait, pour ne garder que les plus grandes structures (environ 240 km). Puis les statistiques sont calculées à partir de travaux précédents utilisant des méthodes ensemblistes pour échantillonner les erreurs. L'étude de ces statistiques permet de décrire les propriétés des covariances d'erreurs (écarts types, isotropie, etc.) et de quantifier l'erreur commise en appliquant les simplifications proposées. L'évaluation sur des cycles d'assimilation d'une quinzaine de jours montre que l'introduction des grandes échelles de l'analyse du modèle global a un impact légèrement positif en terme de score objectif. Néanmoins, malgré des différences visibles et systématiques engendrées par l'utilisation de cette nouvelle source d'information, aucun cas d'étude sur des champs diagnostiques, comme les précipitations, ne permet d'illustrer cet apport en terme de temps sensible ou de phénomènes météorologiques spécifiques. Ce travail de thèse propose donc une technique d'analyse en aire limitée permettant de prendre en compte des informations provenant du modèle coupleur, en plus des observations, pour corriger l'ébauche du modèle. Il ouvre la voie à d'autres recherches, notamment en sélectionnant d'autres échelles venant du modèle coupleur à considérer ou en l'étendant par l'ajout de la dimension temporelle.
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Jeníčková, Martina. "Integrační procesy v Latinské Americe." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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Diplomová práce se zabývá integračními procesy v Latinské Americe s důrazem na období od začátku 90. let 20. století, kdy dochází k oživení integračních snah. Zkoumá souvislosti mezi ekonomickou, politickou a kulturní dimenzí integrace. Poukazuje na určitý posun v charakteru integrace od 90. let minulého století a také na některé nové trendy. V první části stanovuje východiska k problematice. V druhé části zkoumá integraci ze subregionálního hlediska. V třetí části se zabývá celoregionálními iniciativami. Práce rovněž naznačuje vliv USA na latinskoamerickou integraci.
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Nyh, Johan. "From Snow White to Frozen : An evaluation of popular gender representation indicators applied to Disney’s princess films." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för geografi, medier och kommunikation, 2015.

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Simple content analysis methods, such as the Bechdel test and measuring percentage of female talk time or characters, have seen a surge of attention from mainstream media and in social media the last couple of years. Underlying assumptions are generally shared with the gender role socialization model and consequently, an importance is stated, due to a high degree to which impressions from media shape in particular young children’s identification processes. For young girls, the Disney Princesses franchise (with Frozen included) stands out as the number one player commercially as well as in customer awareness. The vertical lineup of Disney princesses spans from the passive and domestic working Snow White in 1937 to independent and super-power wielding princess Elsa in 2013, which makes the line of films an optimal test subject in evaluating above-mentioned simple content analysis methods. As a control, a meta-study has been conducted on previous academic studies on the same range of films. The sampled research, within fields spanning from qualitative content analysis and semiotics to coded content analysis, all come to the same conclusions regarding the general changes over time in representations of female characters. The objective of this thesis is to answer whether or not there is a correlation between these changes and those indicated by the simple content analysis methods, i.e. whether or not the simple popular methods are in general coherence with the more intricate academic methods.

Betyg VG (skala IG-VG)

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Crow, David James. "Introduction of firearms to the land of Aladdin." Thesis, 2005.

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In the late 1300s and early 1400s, when firearms made their arrival in the lands of Islam, the various dynasties exhibited differing responses. While the Ottoman sultanate wasted no time in incorporating firearms into their formidable military machine, both the Mamluks of Egypt and the Safavids of Persia were far more reluctant in adopting the new weapons. David Avalon, investigating the question of Mamluk reluctance, identified the rigid sense of pride in the traditional forms of warfare to be found in the ruling class; however, the same attention has not yet been paid to the Safavids. A paucity of relevant references in the accounts of European travellers combined with a tendency in the Safavid sources to apply identical terms to both gunpowder and non-gunpowder weapons made the relative abundance of firearms difficult to quantify. In all, the same stubborn attitude found in the Mamluks was also found in the Safavid elite, but in the case of Persia, this cannot be considered the sole answer. Instead, the historical background and military situation also played an important role.
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Liu, Jianyang. "Investigation and simulation of nonlinear dynamics in ALADDIN." 1989.

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Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1989.
Typescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 42-43).
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Liu, Jianyang. "Nonlinear dynamic study on the Aladdin electron storage ring at SRC." 1993.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1993.
Typescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 211-213).
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CHU, HSIN-JOU, and 朱馨柔. "The Concept and Analysis of Orchestra Work “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”." Thesis, 2017.

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Chapter one describes the preface, motivation of composition, compositional ideas and the reason for takes “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” as source material. The influence of contemporary composers also invoked some ideas of composition. Chapter two talks about the character theme derived from program music, such as natural scene, life, literature and painting then concentrate on the similar character between “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” and other composers. The principal compositional method is described in chapter three, including how to blend story into music, arrangement and orchestration, manipulation of persian scale as well as the arrangement of tonality and combined it with Arabic temperament. Chapter four to six are analyses of the three movement of “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”. Each movement depicts story plot, music structure, character and analyses of sections. In conclusion, the author tells the reason for composing Arabic style music, some difficulties encountered when creating such music style and the expectation for the future.
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Donaldson-Selby, Susan Jeannette. "The craft of scenic illusion : an investigation into how theatre space and dramatic genre influence the scenographic process, with specific reference to Greg King's set designs for Aladdin (2007), Oleanna (2008), and the Wizard of Oz (2008)." Thesis, 2012.

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This dissertation analyses the influence theatre space and the dramatic genre have on the design process, by examining three designs of Greg King: Aladdin (2007), a pantomime presented at the Playhouse Drama Theatre, Oleanna (2008) a drama at the Seabrooke's Theatre, and The Wizard of Oz (2008), a musical presented at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. Through a semiotic analysis of the productions, the scenographic choices of King are interrogated to ascertain the ways theatre space and dramatic genre affected his design choices. The theories around sign systems in the theatre of Keir Elam (1980), Martin Esslin (1987), and Elaine Aston and George Savona (1991) are examined and used to decode King's designs. This dissertation theorises that the theatre space has influenced and continues to influence the decisions and choices of the scenographer, and it is this linkage that informs the discussion around the historical development of the proscenium arch theatre and the scenographer. The case studies offered in this dissertation highlight the challenges involved with the physical limitations of the theatre space, as each venue selected differs in size, shape, and the technical equipment available for the designer. The dramatic text provides the primary basis for both the director and the designer to develop a production concept. However, dramatic texts can be divided into many different genres and the following three genres, namely drama, musical and pantomime, provide the focus for this study. As these three genres have evolved from earlier forms, the historical development of the three genres is examined to ascertain how the genre affects the scenographic process. Atheatre production is the result of a collaboration between many specialists and therefore, the relationship between the designer and other member of the production team is examined. A set design is a visual image of an imagined environment and many designers use symbols, consciously or subconsciously, to communicate their ideas. A theatre production is the result of a collaboration between many specialists and therefore, the relationship between the designer and other member of the production team is examined. A set design is a visual image of an imagined environment and many designers use symbols, consciously or subconsciously, to communicate their ideas. The work of three international designers, Josef Svoboda, Ming Cho Lee and Ralph Koltai is examined further to understand the influence theatre space and the dramatic genre have on the design process.
Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.
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Benáček, Patrik. "Studium korekce biasu pro asimilaci dat v NWP modelu ALADIN." Master's thesis, 2010.

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Satellite sensor AMSU-A provides passive measurements of the radiation emitted from the earth's surface and the atmosphere. The radiances contain temperature and humidity information, but in order for this information to be directly assimilated in a numerical weather prediction (NWP) system, biases between the observed radiances and those simulated from the model first guess must be corrected. After the introduction we recall a notion of analysis, data assimilation and implementation in numerical model ALADIN, which is used by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. Then we introduce two radiance-bias correction schemes so-called Harris and Kelly method and variational correction method VarBC. In the last part of my thesis are presented the results of both correction methods for satellite measurements, available in one month periods, and effect of correction demonstrated on the figures.
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Bučánek, Antonín. "Studie použití dat AMDAR pro jejich asimilaci v NWP modelu ALADIN." Master's thesis, 2009.

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The impact of assimilation (using 3D-Var method) of aircraft measurements on forecasts of the numerical model ALADIN is studied in the present work. Methods of measuring several meteorological parameters by aircrafts and their recording to AMDAR message are shown. So called BLUE equation for production of an analysis (the best assessment of the state of atmosphere represented by a numerical model) is deduced. The equivalence between the BLUE equation and a minimization of the quadratic functional used by 3D-Var is shown. Essentials steps of integrating meteorological measurements to assimilation procedure are outlined. The process of assimilation used in Czech Hydrometeorological Institute is shown and the results of aircraft measurements assimilation are presented.
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Jühlen, Ramona. "Role of ALADIN for Oxidative Stress Response and Microsomal Steroidogenesis in Human Adrenocortical Cells." Doctoral thesis, 2015.

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Autosomal recessive triple A syndrome is caused by mutations in the AAAS gene encoding the protein ALADIN. The disorder manifests with the triad of adrenocorticotropin-resistant adrenal insufficiency, achalasia of the stomach cardia and impaired tear production (alacrima) in combination with progressive neurological impairment of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. ALADIN is part of the nuclear pore complex acting as a scaffold nucleoporin. In this work the role of ALADIN in the human adrenocortical tumour cell line NCI-H295R1 was investigated. These cells were engineered to either over-express or down-regulate AAAS by inducible stable transfection. Alterations in steroidogenic gene expression and functional consequences were determined. In addition, the role of ALADIN on cell viability and oxidative stress response was analysed. Using both the human adrenal NCI-H295R1-TR AAAS knock-down and over-expression models the potential impairment of the nuclear import of aprataxin, DNA ligase 1 and ferritin heavy chain 1 was investigated. For this YFP-specific vectors transiently transfected into the cell lines were employed. The findings indicate that AAAS knock-down induces a down-regulation of genes coding for type II microsomal cytochrome P450 hydroxylases CYP17A1 and CYP21A2 and their electron donor enzyme cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, thereby decreasing biosynthesis of precursor metabolites required for glucocorticoid and androgen production. Furthermore I demonstrate that ALADIN deficiency leads to increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and alteration in redox homeostasis after paraquat treatment. Finally, I show significantly impaired nuclear import of DNA ligase 1, aprataxin and ferritin heavy chain 1 in ALADIN knock-down cells. I conclude that down-regulating ALADIN results in decreased oxidative stress response leading to alteration in steroidogenesis, highlighting the knock-down cell model as an important in vitro tool for studying the adrenal phenotype in triple A syndrome. In an approach to identify new interaction partners of ALADIN, co-immunoprecipitation followed by proteome analyses using mass spectrometry was conducted in a GFP-ALADIN over-expression model using the human adrenocortical tumor cell line NCI-H295R. These results were verified in co-immunoprecipitation assays of endogenous ALADIN using NCI-H295R wild-type cells. The results suggest a possible interaction between ALADIN and microsomal flavoprotein cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase and progesterone receptor membrane compartment 2. Co-localisation analyses of these findings were done using immunofluorescence. The data are suggestive for an involvement of ALADIN in the export of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins. Regulation of adrenocortical steroidogenesis is complex and there is increasing evidence that oxidative stress due to ROS accumulation and mitochondria are significantly involved. Furthermore, there may be an important cross-talk between functional organelles comprising nucleus, ER and mitochondria which presumably involves lipid metabolism. The goal of this work was to elucidate the function of ALADIN for the cellular oxidative stress response and its possible consequences for adrenocortical steroidogenesis in triple A syndrome patients.
Mutationen im AAAS Gen verursachen die autosomal rezessive Krankheit Triple-A-Syndrom. AAAS kodiert das Nukleoporin ALADIN, welches Bestandteil des nukleären Porenkomplexes ist. Phänotypische Charakteristika des Triple-A-Syndroms sind Nebennierenrinden-Insuffizienz, Achalasie des unteren Speiseröhrenschließmuskels und eine fehlende Tränenproduktion (Alakrimie). Diese Symptome sind kombiniert mit progredienten neurologischen Störungen des zentralen, peripheren und autonomen Nervensystems. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle von ALADIN in der humanen Karzinom-Zelllinie NCI-H295R1 untersucht. Diese Nebennierenrinden-Zellen wurden stabil transfiziert und mit einem induzierbaren Expressionssystem modifiziert, so dass sie AAAS entweder überexprimierten oder herunterregulierten. In NCI-H295R1-Zellen wurden Veränderungen der Genexpression von Enzymen der Steroidogenese und funktionelle Konsequenzen der Überexpression oder Herunterregulation von ALADIN gemessen. Des Weiteren wurde die Rolle von ALADIN auf die Zellviabilität und die Redox-Homöostase analysiert. ALADIN überexprimierende und herunterregulierte Zellen wurden verwendet, um die potentielle Behinderung des nukleären Imports von Proteinen zu untersuchen, welche den Zellkern gegen oxidativen Stress schützen (z.B. Aprataxin, DNA-Ligase 1 und Ferritin Heavy Chain 1). Dazu wurden YFP-spezifische Vektoren transient in diese Zellen gebracht. Mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Herunterregulation von AAAS eine Verminderung der Genexpression von CYP17A1 und CYP21A2 und deren Elektronendonor Cytochrom P450 Oxidoreduktase bewirken. Die Biosynthese der Vorläufermetabolite von Kortisol und Aldosteron ist in diesen Zellen ebenfalls vermindert. Des Weiteren zeigen die ALADIN-defizienten NCIH295R1-Zellen eine erhöhte Sensitivität gegenüber oxidativem Stress und eine veränderte Redox-Homöostase nach der Behandlung mit Paraquat. Darüber hinaus konnte in dieser Studie auch gezeigt werden, dass herunterregulierte ALADIN NCI-H295R1-Zellen einen verminderten Zellkernimport von Aprataxin, DNA-Ligase 1 und Ferritin heavy chain 1 besitzen. Aus diesen Ergebnissen kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass ALADIN-defiziente Nebennierenzellen eine verminderte Stressantwort auf oxidativen Stress besitzen; dies führt schlussendlich zu einer veränderten Steroidogenese. Das beschriebene ALADIN knock-down Modell in NCI-H295R1-Zellen ist ein wichtiges in vitro Werkzeug, um die Pathogenese der Nebennierenveränderungen im Triple-A-Syndrom zu erforschen. Neue Interaktionspartner von ALADIN wurden mit Hilfe von Co-Immunpräzipitation gefolgt von Proteom-Analysen durch Massenspektrometrie in einem GFP-ALADIN Überexpressionsmodell in NCI-H295R charakterisiert. Die Ergebnisse wurden durch Experimente auf endogenem Niveau in NCI-H295R-Wildtypzellen verifiziert. Mit diesen Daten wird in dieser Arbeit erstmals eine Interaktion zwischen ALADIN und dem Flavoprotein Cytochrom P450 Oxidoreduktase und Progesterone Receptor Membrane Compartment 2 nachgewiesen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit Co-Lokalisierungsanalysen durch Immunfluoreszenzfärbung von ALADIN und Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreduktase ergänzt. Außerdem gibt die Arbeit Hinweise darauf, dass ALADIN als Nukleoporin an dem nuklearen Export mitochondrialer Vorläuferproteine beteiligt ist. Die Regulation der Steroidogenese in der Nebennierenrinde ist komplex und es existieren zahlreiche Hinweise darauf, dass oxidativer Stress aufgrund der Ansammlung reaktiver Sauerstoffradikale und. dass die Mitochondrien involviert sind. Außerdem ist ein funktionelles Zusammenspiel verschiedener Organellen, darunter Nukleus, ER und Mitochondrien, von großer Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Identifizierung der Funktion von ALADIN in der zellulären oxidativen Stressantwort und die möglichen Konsequenzen für die Steroidogenese in der Nebennierenrinden in Triple-A-Syndrom-Patienten.
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lin, hsin-yi, and 林欣怡. "“The small platform is Aladdin's magic blanket”--- The Study of Effective Classroom Management Strategies of Experienced Junior High School Teacher." Thesis, 2009.

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“The small platform is Aladdin's magic blanket”--- The Study of Effective Classroom Management Strategies of Experienced Junior High School Teacher Hsin-Yi Lin Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate effective classroom management strategies of experienced teachers in junior high schools. There were two purposes in this study described as follows:(1)to investigate the contents and current condition of effective classroom management strategies of the experienced teachers.(2)to understand the advices about classroom management for novice teachers from experienced teachers in junior high school. This study adopted qualitative methods. The participants of this research were three experienced junior high school teachers in Taipei County and they were recommended anonymously by the school teachers, managers, chief of the teacher’s association and principal.The methods of data collection included in-depth interview, observations, and documentary analysis supported by voice recording, on-site descriptions and reflective diaries to collect primary data and conduct through investigations. Based on literature review, research analysis and discussions, the conclusions of this study were drawn as following: Ⅰ. The contents and current condition of effective classroom management strategies of the experienced teachers, including: 1. The strategies of administrative management in the classroom can be divided into 7 dimensions which include 19 strategies, such as “The strategy designed based on the characteristics and needs of the whole class.” 2. The strategies of routine and counsel management in the classroom can be divided into 4 dimensions including 12 strategies, such as “The strategy of class disciplines follow school disciplines.” 3. The strategies of the interpersonal relationship in the classroom can be divided into 4 dimensions including 12 strategies, such as ” The strategy of developing teachers’ personal charisma.” 4. The strategies of environment management in the classroom can be divided into 3 dimensions including 9 strategies, such as “The strategy of maintaining classroom’s cleaning should be responsible for everyone.” 5. The strategies of parent-teacher cooperation management in the classroom can be divided into 5 dimensions including 19 strategies, such as “The strategy of constructing bridges of communication between parents and teachers constantly.” Ⅱ. The advice about classroom management for novice teachers from experienced teachers in junior high school, including: 1. The advice for novice teachers who teach 7 graders includes 10 strategies, such as “Taking summer vacation to draw up the blue-printed plan of classroom management.” 2. The advice for novice teachers who teach 8 graders includes 7 strategies, such as “Participating in class activities among students, and paying more attention to student’s changing.” 3. The advice for novice teachers who teach 9 graders includes 7 strategies, such as, “ Instructing students to arrange their review plans.” Finally, based on the results of this study about the classroom management of homeroom teachers in junior high schools, this research provided some suggestions for the schools, educational administration, the teachers and future studies of junior high schools. Key words:experienced teachers, classroom management strategies.
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Rodd, Vernon. "Effect of nitrogen addition on yield and symbiotic dinitrogen fixation of soybeans (Glycine max. L. Merr. c.v. Maple Amber), fababeans (Vicia faba L. minor c.v. Aladin), and lentils (Lens esculenta)." 1987.

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Váňa, Radek. "Spojené státy americké jako příčina latinskoamerické integrace." Master's thesis, 2017.

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The thesis deals with the causes of emergence of the most important Latin American integration groups in a period since the end of the World War II till the present days. The set of groups consists of ALADI, CAN, SELA, OTCA, MERCOSUR, ACS-AEC, ALBA, UNASUR, CELAC, and the Pacific Alliance. The main goal of the thesis is to discover how did the power predominance of the United States contribute to the emergence of Latin American integration groups. The tested hypothesis is based on the concept of soft balancing, and assumes that the primary cause of emergence of Latin American integration groups was the fear of the power predominance of the United States. The causes of emergence are always examined from the perspective of the historical context and the founding treaty. If needed, other relevant documents are examined as well. Moreover, the thesis deals with the direct predecessors of the selected groups, too. Pursuant to 4 basic criteria, the selected integration groups were divided into 3 categories according to their relevance to represent the region of Latin America as a whole. Thanks to that, the qualitative evaluation of the causes of emergence of the groups could have been done. Apart from an overview of development of the Latin American integration process, the thesis also provides an answer...
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Urban, Radek. "Procesy integrace Latinské Ameriky po 2. světové válce." Master's thesis, 2011.

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The origins of Latin American regional integration can be found in the first half of nineteenth century, nevertheless the biggest boom of integration in Latin America have been observed during the last sixty years. Just after the World War II the Organization of American States was established followed by Latin American Free Trade Association, and many others. This thesis analyses the progress and its problems of six major processes of regional integration: OAS; LAFTA/LAIA; Andean Community; processes of integration in Central America and Caribbean; and MERCOSUR. The Thesis is complemented by brief introduction to theories of integration and by a summary of remaining processes of integration since WWII to the present.
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