Academic literature on the topic 'Aladdin'
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Journal articles on the topic "Aladdin"
Shao, Yakun Sophia, Brandon Reagen, Gu-Yeon Wei, and David Brooks. "Aladdin." ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 42, no. 3 (October 16, 2014): 97–108.
Full textKahambing, Jan Gresil De los Santos, and Anne Dominique Duque. "ALADDIN AS AN IMMORAL ETHICIST IN ALADDIN AND THE MAGIC LAMP." International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) 3, no. 1 (August 29, 2019): 84–95.
Full textDrakeford, Richard, Mette Ejsing, Guido Paevatalu, and Rozhdestvensky. "Nielsen: Aladdin." Musical Times 135, no. 1811 (January 1994): 47.
Full textMueller, J. T., Y. Guo, U. I. von Mehlem, and A. F. Cheng. "Aladdin mission concept." Acta Astronautica 52, no. 2-6 (January 2003): 211–18.
Full textBarillot, M., V. Coudé du Foresto, J. Surdej, O. Absil, C. Jamar, and E. Di Folco. "ALADDIN nulling instrument." EAS Publications Series 40 (December 24, 2009): 251–56.
Full textGuevara, Erick Blandón. "Symmetries/Aladdin Theater." Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 51, no. 2 (July 3, 2018): 237–39.
Full textHooikaas, Julian. "Lamp van Aladdin." TvV Tijdschrift voor Verzorgenden 56, no. 2 (February 26, 2024): 37–39.
Full textNurhana, Eni, and Rr Festi Himatu Karima. "The Analysis Of Character Building Values Found In Aladdin 2019 Movie." Buana Pendidikan: Jurnal Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 18, no. 1 (February 22, 2022): 106–23.
Full textYastanti, Unpris, Faridatul Hasanah, Anggraini Anggraini, and Lia Nurmalia. "Love in Aladdin Movie Directed by Guy Ritchie." Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 14, no. 1 (March 30, 2022): 62–71.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Aladdin"
Frostne, Jessica. "Konstruktionen av femininitet i Aladdin : Förändring i konstruktionen av femininitet mellan Aladdinfilmerna producerade år 1992 och 2019." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Sociologi, 2019.
Full textThe purpose of this study is to analyze how the construction of femininity changes in Disney's filmizations of Aladdin produced in 1992 and 2019. Based on this purpose, the question has been formulated to identify similarities and differences between these two filmizations regarding how femininity is portrayed in the female main character. This is done with an intersectional perspective where Hirdman (1988) and Said (1978) are used as theoretical perspectives. The study is done through content analysis and semiotic analysis as a method. The main result shows both similarities and differences, where the significant difference is that the female main character is given increased gender equality. Similarities between the filmizations are visible when the female main character is portrayed with the classic female body ideal. The conclusion is that a change can be identified in the area of gender when the female main character is attributed to new traits, which previously belonged to the male. Despite this, the dependence of a man is still evident. In the 2019 version there is still a clear separation between east and west, where east is described as different compared to the west.
Tadjouri, Emma. "Arabiska kvinnors representation inom västerländsk populärkulturell film : En jämförande studie av filmerna Aladdin och Tusen och en natt." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och kulturvetenskap (from 2013), 2018.
Full textVackmyr, Jesper. "And they lived happily ever after ... : Notions of masculine and feminine gender in movies produced by Walt Disney Animations Studios through the ages." Thesis, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Högskolan i Jönköping, HLK, Ämnesforskning, 2016.
Full textNaëck, Krishvy. "Interroger l’idéologie du studio Disney par la (re)composition musicale : une approche alternative de l’analyse filmique : La Petite Sirène (1989), La Belle et la Bête (1991) et Aladdin (1992)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2022.
Full textFrom aesthetics to cultural studies, Disney has been the subject of many studies. Thanks to this prolific research, it is possible de study it by another methodological angle to understand the ideology of and within the movies. Within the academic field of film music, our thesis will draw its attention on The Little Mermaid (1989), Beauty and the Beast (1991) and Aladdin (1992). It seems that, thanks to an alternative version of the original score that we would compose, we may bring the potentiality inscribed in the movie to be a part of our critical study: find the heroines’ voice Ariel, Belle and Jasmine. We think that this method will enable us to take account of the character’s consistency for the music can be a way to hear the potentiality of a movie (and specifically here, the characters), so it will be an opportunity to discuss Disney ideology. The musical recomposition enact the back and forth inside the different moments of the movie to help us understand what is at stake: it enlightens the resonances between the sequences and compose the surfacing promise initially build-up by the movie towards the heroine. It also helps us thinking about the movie’s interactions while getting to the surface the aforementioned promise the movie was trying to stop from actualising. By extending our analysis through the prism of intermediality, we consider the porosity of theses musical numbers with the Broadway stage (and more accurately the off-Broadway) whose enable us to do dual readings of the movie. All the music in its connexion to the rest of the audio-visual complex enable us to think about the power relations which occurs in the movie
Full textJühlen, Ramona, Mirko Peitzsch, Sebastian Gärtner, Dana Landgraf, Graeme Eisenhofer, Angela Huebner, and Katrin Koehler. "Compensation for chronic oxidative stress in ALADIN null mice." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2018.
Full textRichard, Patrice. "Aladin : une contribution methodologique et logicielle pour l'enseignement de l'algorithmique." Paris 6, 1991.
Full textJühlen, Ramona, Jan Idkowiak, Angela E. Taylor, Barbara Kind, Wiebke Arlt, Angela Huebner, and Katrin Koehler. "Role of ALADIN in Human Adrenocortical Cells for Oxidative Stress Response and Steroidogenesis." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015.
Full textJühlen, Ramona. "Role of ALADIN for Oxidative Stress Response and Microsomal Steroidogenesis in Human Adrenocortical Cells." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016.
Full textMutationen im AAAS Gen verursachen die autosomal rezessive Krankheit Triple-A-Syndrom. AAAS kodiert das Nukleoporin ALADIN, welches Bestandteil des nukleären Porenkomplexes ist. Phänotypische Charakteristika des Triple-A-Syndroms sind Nebennierenrinden-Insuffizienz, Achalasie des unteren Speiseröhrenschließmuskels und eine fehlende Tränenproduktion (Alakrimie). Diese Symptome sind kombiniert mit progredienten neurologischen Störungen des zentralen, peripheren und autonomen Nervensystems. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle von ALADIN in der humanen Karzinom-Zelllinie NCI-H295R1 untersucht. Diese Nebennierenrinden-Zellen wurden stabil transfiziert und mit einem induzierbaren Expressionssystem modifiziert, so dass sie AAAS entweder überexprimierten oder herunterregulierten. In NCI-H295R1-Zellen wurden Veränderungen der Genexpression von Enzymen der Steroidogenese und funktionelle Konsequenzen der Überexpression oder Herunterregulation von ALADIN gemessen. Des Weiteren wurde die Rolle von ALADIN auf die Zellviabilität und die Redox-Homöostase analysiert. ALADIN überexprimierende und herunterregulierte Zellen wurden verwendet, um die potentielle Behinderung des nukleären Imports von Proteinen zu untersuchen, welche den Zellkern gegen oxidativen Stress schützen (z.B. Aprataxin, DNA-Ligase 1 und Ferritin Heavy Chain 1). Dazu wurden YFP-spezifische Vektoren transient in diese Zellen gebracht. Mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Herunterregulation von AAAS eine Verminderung der Genexpression von CYP17A1 und CYP21A2 und deren Elektronendonor Cytochrom P450 Oxidoreduktase bewirken. Die Biosynthese der Vorläufermetabolite von Kortisol und Aldosteron ist in diesen Zellen ebenfalls vermindert. Des Weiteren zeigen die ALADIN-defizienten NCIH295R1-Zellen eine erhöhte Sensitivität gegenüber oxidativem Stress und eine veränderte Redox-Homöostase nach der Behandlung mit Paraquat. Darüber hinaus konnte in dieser Studie auch gezeigt werden, dass herunterregulierte ALADIN NCI-H295R1-Zellen einen verminderten Zellkernimport von Aprataxin, DNA-Ligase 1 und Ferritin heavy chain 1 besitzen. Aus diesen Ergebnissen kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass ALADIN-defiziente Nebennierenzellen eine verminderte Stressantwort auf oxidativen Stress besitzen; dies führt schlussendlich zu einer veränderten Steroidogenese. Das beschriebene ALADIN knock-down Modell in NCI-H295R1-Zellen ist ein wichtiges in vitro Werkzeug, um die Pathogenese der Nebennierenveränderungen im Triple-A-Syndrom zu erforschen. Neue Interaktionspartner von ALADIN wurden mit Hilfe von Co-Immunpräzipitation gefolgt von Proteom-Analysen durch Massenspektrometrie in einem GFP-ALADIN Überexpressionsmodell in NCI-H295R charakterisiert. Die Ergebnisse wurden durch Experimente auf endogenem Niveau in NCI-H295R-Wildtypzellen verifiziert. Mit diesen Daten wird in dieser Arbeit erstmals eine Interaktion zwischen ALADIN und dem Flavoprotein Cytochrom P450 Oxidoreduktase und Progesterone Receptor Membrane Compartment 2 nachgewiesen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit Co-Lokalisierungsanalysen durch Immunfluoreszenzfärbung von ALADIN und Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreduktase ergänzt. Außerdem gibt die Arbeit Hinweise darauf, dass ALADIN als Nukleoporin an dem nuklearen Export mitochondrialer Vorläuferproteine beteiligt ist. Die Regulation der Steroidogenese in der Nebennierenrinde ist komplex und es existieren zahlreiche Hinweise darauf, dass oxidativer Stress aufgrund der Ansammlung reaktiver Sauerstoffradikale und. dass die Mitochondrien involviert sind. Außerdem ist ein funktionelles Zusammenspiel verschiedener Organellen, darunter Nukleus, ER und Mitochondrien, von großer Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Identifizierung der Funktion von ALADIN in der zellulären oxidativen Stressantwort und die möglichen Konsequenzen für die Steroidogenese in der Nebennierenrinden in Triple-A-Syndrom-Patienten
Lima, Melina Silva de. "Manipula??o de imagens astron?micas com o uso Aladin para o ensino de astronomia." Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, 2015. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/297.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2016-02-04T21:17:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Melina Silva de Lima.pdf: 10052548 bytes, checksum: 73b20a87c9bf7f70b05b1e58665c5b7a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-13
We have used the Aladin software, a sky atlas used to visualize and manipulate astronomical images developed by CDS of Strasbourg. To elaborate teaching activities involving astronomical concepts, such as distance, brightness, image manipulation, colors as well as to explain the nature of different objects showing their images in different filters, among others. In the total, we have elaborated four activities that were applied to students of the 6th year of elementary school, high school and undergraduate ones for the Engineering and Pedagogy courses. All activities and the results of their evaluation with students are detailed discussed and analyzed; a teacher guide is also provided. Our results show that in the four activities, the students have a significant learning supporting the use of such methodology. Also, we elaborated two memory games, based on Java platform, with the images of some astronomical objects. The activities are in The Portuguese language, but they can easily be adapted for any other language. This research also made the translation of Aladin to Portuguese.
Este trabalho contempla a an?lise de um estudo de aplica??es, em sala de aula, de estrat?gias e t?cnicas de facilita??o, que utilizem o software Aladin ( na forma??o de conceitos de Astronomia e possibilidade de desenvolvimento cognitivo, por meio da aprendizagem, consolidando o aprendizado atrav?s do uso de computadores. Conceitos de dist?ncia, brilho, cor, exist?ncia de diferentes tipos de objetos astron?micos, manipula??o de imagens e dados astron?micos, entre outros aspectos, foram tratados em sala de aula e fizeram parte deste trabalho. A pesquisa foi aplicada em diversas etapas do ciclo de aprendizagem escolar, mais especificamente: 6? ano do ensino fundamental, 2? ano do ensino m?dio, alunos de gradua??o em Engenharia e, por fim, uma turma de alunas de Pedagogia, quase todos professores atuantes e, portanto, divulgadores dos conceitos para eles passados. Todas as atividades utilizaram o software Aladin e uma o aplicativo de Observat?rio Virtual, denominado VO-Stat. Como produto, foi elaborado material did?tico com o conte?do das atividades assim como um roteiro voltado para os professores realizarem a aplica??o da atividade para o ensino fundamental, um jogo da mem?ria virtual que trata de Astronomia. A tradu??o do Aladin para a l?ngua portuguesa tamb?m foi realizada nesse trabalho.
Books on the topic "Aladdin"
ill, Torrisi Gary, ed. Aladdin. Lincolnwood, Ill: Publications International, 1994.
Find full textDisney Enterprises. Pixar Animation Studios. Aladdin. [London]: Hachette Partworks, 2009.
Find full textDisney Enterprises. Pixar Animation Studios. Aladdin. Orlando, Florida: Advance Publishers, 2005.
Find full textAladdin. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Produced and published by Phidal Publishing, Inc., 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Aladdin"
Hooks, Ed. "Aladdin (1992)." In Acting for Animators, 90–108. Fourth edition. | New York : Routledge, 2017.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textGalland, Antoine. "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp." In Red Magic, 171–238. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textEsping, Björn, Dan Holm, and Odd Romell. "The OASIS-ALADDIN Structural Optimization System." In Software Systems for Structural Optimization, 159–85. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1993.
Full textSchacker, Jennifer, and Daniel O’Quinn. "Aladdin; or, The Wonderful Lamp (1813)." In The Routledge Pantomime Reader, 87–120. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textHöger, Alfons. "Oehlenschläger, Adam: Aladdin eller den forunderlige Lampe." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textHelttula, Esa, Aulikki Hyrskykari, and Kari-Jouko Räihä. "Principles of Aladdin and Other Algorithm Animation Systems." In Visual Languages and Applications, 175–87. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1990.
Full textMartin, Yvonne C. "Aladdin: A Real Tool for Stucture-Based Drug Design." In Crystallographic and Modeling Methods in Molecular Design, 254–63. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1990.
Full textRoverso, Davide. "ALADDIN: Event Recognition & Fault Diagnosis for Process & Machine Condition Monitoring." In Power Systems, 335–54. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.
Full textDorn, Reinhold J., Gert Finger, Gotthard Huster, Jean Louis Lizon, Hamid Mehrgan, Manfred Meyer, Joerg Stegmeier, and Alan F. M. Moorwood. "Design of the CRIRES 512×4096 Pixel Aladdin InSB Focal Plane Array Detector Mosaic." In Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, 523–28. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2004.
Full textPerakis, Konstantinos, Maria Haritou, and Dimitris Koutsouris. "ALADDIN, A Technology pLatform for the Assisted Living of Dementia elDerly INdividuals and Their Carers." In Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living, 878–81. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Aladdin"
Ma, Yun, Ziniu Hu, Yunxin Liu, Tao Xie, and Xuanzhe Liu. "Aladdin." In the 2018 World Wide Web Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2018.
Full textKo, Yunyong, Kibong Choi, Hyunseung Jei, Dongwon Lee, and Sang-Wook Kim. "ALADDIN." In CIKM '21: The 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.
Full textKrantz, Don, Ron Belt, Steve Gunderson, Belle Shenoy, and Mark Vojta. "The Aladdex operating systems for the Aladdin multiprocessor." In the conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1993.
Full textPausch, Randy, Jon Snoddy, Robert Taylor, Scott Watson, and Eric Haseltine. "Disney's Aladdin." In the 23rd annual conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1996.
Full textBranstetter, Reagan, Angela Harper, and Larry Denton. "Aladdin signal processor and architecture modeling." In Optical Engineering and Photonics in Aerospace Sensing, edited by Lynn E. Garn and Lynda L. Graceffo. SPIE, 1993.
Full textHulse, Russell A. "The ALADDIN atomic physics database system." In Atomic processes in plasmas. AIP, 1990.
Full textSampurna, Hadi. "Gender Resistance in Aladdin Disney Movie." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, STRUKTURAL 2020, 30 December 2020, Semarang, Indonesia. EAI, 2021.
Full textBoutros, Joseph J., and Hugues Randriambololona. "The Aladdin-Pythagoras space-time code." In 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT. IEEE, 2009.
Full textPakštas, Algirdas, Danuté Paketūraite, and Artūras Tamkevičius. "OCCAM-Oriented Software Tools." In Simpósio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores e Processamento de Alto Desempenho. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1992.
Full textLum, M., J. Brandt, M. Vojta, W. Wehner, and R. Belt. "Aladdin: a high performance, distributed memory multiprocessor." In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE, 1992.
Full textReports on the topic "Aladdin"
Kramer, S., and Y. Cho. Modified Aladdin lattice N30. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1985.
Full textKramer, S., and Y. Cho. Modified Aladdin lattice L2V2. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1985.
Full textSwanson, W., DeLuca, Jr, P M, R. Otte, and S. Schilthelm. Aladdin upgrade design study: shielding. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1985.
Full textZisman, M. S. PARAMETRIC STUDIES OF ALADDIN LATTICES. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1985.
Full textChattopadhyay, S., M. Cornacchia, A. Jackson, and M. S. Zisman. Accelerator physics experiments at Aladdin. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1985.
Full textSymon, K. Preliminary thoughts on the Aladdin experiments. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1987.
Full textSymon, K. More thoughts on the Aladdin experiments - experiment set 2. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1988.
Full textChattopadhyay, S. Coherent instability and ion trapping considerations for Aladdin lattices. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1985.
Full textLiu, J., E. Crosbie, L. Teng, J. Bridges, D. Ciarlette, R. Kustom, D. Voss, et al. Particle diffusion from resonance islands in Aladdin at SRC. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1993.
Full textLiu, J., E. Crosbie, L. Teng, J. Bridges, K. Symon, and W. Trzeciak. Difference resonance study on the electron storage ring Aladdin at SRC. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1995.
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