Academic literature on the topic 'Air transport demand'
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Journal articles on the topic "Air transport demand"
Pitfield, D. E. "Predicting Air-Transport Demand." Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 25, no. 4 (April 1993): 459–66.
Full textAderamo, Adekunle J. "Demand for Air Transport in Nigeria." Journal of Economics 1, no. 1 (July 2010): 23–31.
Full textBonvino, Enzo, Michele Ottomanelli, and Domenico Sassanelli. "Sketch Models for Air Transport Demand Estimation." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2106, no. 1 (January 2009): 1–11.
Full textEndrizalová, Eva, and Vladimír Němec. "Demand for Air Travel." MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development 2, no. 12 (November 15, 2014): 15.
Full textDivisekera, Sarath. "Interdependencies of demand for international air transportation and international tourism." Tourism Economics 22, no. 6 (December 2016): 1191–206.
Full textAl-Mofleh, Anwar, Soib Taib, and Wael A. Salah. "MALAYSIAN ENERGY DEMAND AND EMISSIONS FROM THE TRANSPORTATION SECTOR." TRANSPORT 25, no. 4 (December 31, 2010): 448–53.
Full textZhukov, V. E. "Demand Analysis Models for Passenger Air Transportation." World of Transport and Transportation 18, no. 1 (December 7, 2020): 134–44.
Full textTang, Zhe. "Construction of Internal and External Environmental Management System of Human Resources in Civil Aviation Institutions Based on System Dynamics." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (June 22, 2022): 1–10.
Full textHoyos, Diana Tascón, and Oscar Díaz Olariaga. "Behavior of Air Passenger Demand in a Liberalized Market." Transport and Telecommunication Journal 21, no. 1 (February 1, 2020): 1–14.
Full textOzan, Cenk, Özgür Başkan, Soner Haldenbilen, and Halim Ceylan. "Modelling Domestic Air Transport Demand and Evaluating under Scenarios." Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 20, no. 9 (2014): 319–23.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Air transport demand"
Belova, Alexandra. "Estimation of consumer demand on the air transport market." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.
Full textNowadays one of peculiarities of the liberalized airline market is a huge divergence of ticket prices for the same flights. Mostly it reflects the companies' being unable to easily change the volumes of production or/and store them. The development and use of the yield management models (seat allocation models) have centered on airlines offering a variety of different types of fares for travel on the same flight. The goal of this dissertation is to construct a number of economic models to explain the price dispersion on the airline market from the different points of view. In Part 3, I create a direct price mode! which explains how different product and consumer characteristics influence the price level. It is shown how different attributes like the moment of ticket reservation, ticket class, weekday of the departure and number of coupons define the price and how it corresponds to the consumer characteristics (gender, income, age, etc.). Part 4 is devoted to the differences of the price level from the competition point of view. In a strategic game where firms compete against each other the set of rationalizable strategies for each player entails ail the best responses to the others' decisions. This chapter proposes an empirical test of the existence of the unique Nash equilibrium in a Cournot oligopoly. In Part 5 I treat an airline passenger market as a market with the product differentiation and apply a multinomial logit model to calculate price elasticities. The logit model (with a special focus on the consumers heterogeneity) estimates how the different product characteristics influence the market shares
Alsalous, Osama. "Global Demand Forecast Model." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2016.
Full textMaster of Science
Hasheminia, Hamed. "Essays in estimating air transport demand processes and the formation of oligopolies." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.
Full textRwunguko, Jean d'Amour. "Quantification of transport demand of hybrid lighter than air in Rwanda through stated preference methods." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today, development of innovative modes of transport is taking place in order to accelerate the economic growth of transport users as well as reducing the environmental pollution, through an improved transport system. These new transport modes are associated with advances in modern technologies that are able to provide solutions to different problems in the transport industry of developing countries. This research was motivated by the cost reduction and environmental benefits, accruing from the use of new technology of Hybrid Lighter Than Air (HLTA) transport mode. The intention then, was to evaluate the modes choice preference of transport users in the case where the HLTA is introduced in Rwanda. The new mode of HLTA is believed to make a contribution in solving transport challenges stemming from the fact that Rwanda is a landlocked country. The landlockedness is associated with lack of access to seaports, remoteness and isolation from major markets. This continues to impede the development of the country and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that, road transport mode dominates the transport operations in Rwanda. From an economic point of view, road transport causes high transport economic costs for both passengers and freight, and increases, to a large extent, environmental pollution. In order to achieve the transport users’ modes choice preferences, this study has developed and used an efficient survey design process of Stated Preference. Drawing from current literature, Stated Preference is an accurate tool for data collection of studies that relate to choice preferences. This technique made it possible to design questionnaires by hypothetically creating choice games using three attributes; i.e. In Vehicle Travel Time, Waiting Time and Travel Cost for available alternative modes of transport. Thereafter, the collection of data took place by interviewing the transport users of three routes that accommodate heavy traffic in the study area, Rwanda. The SPSS version 21 computer programme was used to analyse mode choice preference data and then for a matter of checking the results, STATA S/E 11.1 was used. Among the results, these computer programmes reported coefficients of attributes and these were applied in the Binomial logistic regression mathematical structure in the model building process. The model refinement and validation processes that followed, have suggested a removal of Waiting Time from the explanatory variables. This was due to poor performance that Waiting Time has demonstrated in terms of prediction and significance. Then, magnitudes of utilities of models were determined based on the two remaining variables. The choice probability value of each alternative on different routes was calculated; and thus transport demand of each mode was quantified. According to the results, transport users in Rwanda would prefer and use HLTA in case it starts operating. For both cargo and passenger transport, HLTA was chosen above other modes set into choice process, with probabilities of 79.7%, 86.1%, and 58% for HLTA-Passenger on long, medium and short routes respectively and 71%, 56% and 77% for HLTA-Cargo on long, medium and short route respectively. The passenger transport volume share of HLTA-Passenger projected in the year 2014 was found to be 6269256 passengers against a total annual passenger traffic demand of 7941752 passengers on the three routes considered. The annual freight volume of HLTA-Cargo was 10947921 tonnes against a total of 16935637 tonnes on all the routes considered. These high demand volumes of HLTA were due to high choice probabilities which in turn, were due to small values of attributes that HLTA has got compared to those of other modes. It is, therefore, proposed that more research should be conducted to study the viability of HLTA use in Rwanda. While doing so, such studies should consider issues of economic viability, environmental benefit research and other studies engaging demand data, since these data items would be published as the main results of this current work.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van innoverende vervoermiddels vind deesdae plaas ten einde die ekonomiese groei van die gebruikers van vervoer te versnel, asook om maniere te soek om omgewingsbesoedeling te bekamp deur die verbetering van vervoerstelsels. Hierdie nuwe vervoermiddels word geassosieer met vooruitgang in moderne tegnologie, wat ten doel het om oplossings te voorsien vir verskeie probleme in die vervoerindustrie van ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie navorsing is gemotiveer deur kostevermindering en omgewingsvoordele, wat uit die gebruik van die nuwe tegnologie van Hibriede Ligter as Lug vervoermiddels (lugskip) voortspruit. Die bedoeling was dan om die keuse van vervoermiddelvoorkeure deur gebruikers, te evalueer ingeval die bogenoemde lugskip in Rwanda as vervoermiddel implementeer sou word. Daar word beweer dat hierdie nuwe lugskip vervoermiddel ‘n aandeel sal hê om die vervoeruitdagingsprobleme van Rwanda, wat landingeslote is, te help oplos. Hierdie landingeslotenheid word geassosieer met ‘n gebrek aan toegang tot seehawens, afstand en afsondering van groot markte. Voorts belemmer dit die ontwikkeling van die land en die probleem word vererger deur die feit dat padvervoer die vervoer bedrywighede in die land oorheers. Padvervoer veroorsaak hoë vervoer onkoste in die land se ekonomie, vir beide passasiers- en vragvervoer, en daar is ‘n aansienlike toename in omgewingsbesoedeling. Ten einde die vervoergebruikers se vervoermiddelkeuse voorkeure te bereik, het hierdie studie 'n doeltreffende opname-ontwerp proses van Verklaarde Voorkeur ontwikkel en gebruik. Uit kennis van huidige literatuur, word aanvaar dat Verklaarde Voorkeur 'n akkurate instrument is vir data-versameling vir studies wat verband hou met die keuse van voorkeure. Hierdie tegniek het dit moontlik gemaak om vraelyste te ontwerp deur die hipotetiese skepping van keuse speletjies wat drie eienskappe gebruik, naamlik In-Voertuig Reistyd, Wagtyd en Reiskoste vir beskikbare alternatiewe vervoermiddels. Daarna het dataversameling plaasgevind deurdat onderhoude met vervoergebruikers van drie swaarverkeerroetes in Rwanda gevoer is. Die SPSS weergawe 21 rekenaarprogram is gebruik om die vervoermiddel-keuse voorkeurdata te analiseer, en daarna, ten einde die uitslae te ondersoek, is die STATA S/E 11.1 program gebruik. As deel van die uitslae het hierdie rekenaarprogramme berig oor eienskappe van koëffisiënte. Hierdie uitslae is toegepas in die Binomiale logistieke regressie wiskundige struktuur in ‘n modelbou-proses. Die model validasieproses wat gevolg het, het voorgestel dat wagtyd weggelaat word as een van die verklarende veranderlikes. Dit was as gevolg van swak prestasie wat wagtyd getoon het in terme van voorspelling en betekenis. Daarna is groottes van modelle se nuttigheid bepaal op grond van die twee oorblywende veranderlikes. Laastens is die keuse waarskynlikheidswaardes van elke alternatief op verskillende roetes bereken, en sodoende is die vervoeraanvraag van elke vervoermiddel gekwantifiseer. Volgens die uitslae sou vervoergebruikers in Rwanda die lugskip as vervoermiddel verkies en gebruik, indien dit implementer sou word. Vir beide vrag- en passasiersvervoer, is die lugskip bo ander vorme gekies wat in die keuse proses beskikbaar was, met waarskynlikhede van 79.7%, 86.1%, en 58 vir lugskip-passasier op 'n lang, medium en kort roete onderskeidelik, en waarskynlikhede van 71%, 56% en 77% vir lugskip-vrag op die lang, medium en kort roetes onderskeidelik. Die projeksie van die passasier vervoer volume gedeelte van lugskip-passasier vir die jaar 2014 het bevind dat 6269256 passasiers uit 'n totale passasiersverkeer aanvraag van 7941752, geprojekteer vir 2014, op die drie oorweegde roetes voorspel was. Die vrag volume van lugskip-vrag was 10947921 ton, teenoor 'n totaal van 16935637 ton op al die oorweegde roetes. Hierdie hoë aanvraag volumes van lugskip vervoer was as gevolg van hoë keuse waarskynlikhede wat op hul beurt, as gevolg van die klein waardes van eienskappe van die lugskip in vergelyking met dié van ander vervoermiddels veroorsaak is. Die voorstel is dus dat meer navorsing gedoen moet word om die lewensvatbaarheid van die gebruik van lugskip vervoer in Rwanda te bestudeer. Terselfdertyd moet sodanige studies kwessies oorweeg wat die ekonomiese lewensvatbaar van die vervoermiddel ondersoek, voordele vir die omgewing inhou en ander studies waar aanvraagdata oorweeg word, aangesien sulke data alreeds gepubliseer sal wees as die belangrikste resultate van hierdie huidige studie.
Yazici, Riza Onur. "Air Passenger Demand Forecasting For Planned Airports, Case Study: Zafer And Or-gi Airports In Turkey." Master's thesis, METU, 2011.
Full textNg, Wai-leung Weland, and 伍偉良. "A study of the impact of SARS on air transport demand in Hong Kong: the case of Cathay Pacific Airways." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2004.
Full textDasgupta, Amrita. "Modelling the energy demand for transport in Sub-Saharan Africa : World Energy Outlook as a Case Study." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019.
Full textEnergibehovsprognoser är grundläggande verktyg som möjliggör för beslutsfattare, ingenjörer, forskare, intressenter och andelsägare att bedöma framtida energibehov för ett land och förstå de tekniska, ekonomiska och de miljömässiga kostnaderna förknippade med att möta detta behov. Dessa verktyg är än mer oumbärliga i fallet för utvecklingsländer, där tidigare förbrukningstrender enskilt inte kan indikera den framtida utvecklingen av energibehoven. Transport är en av de största förbrukarna av energi utav alla slutanvändningssektorer. Under 2018 stod den för nästan 29% av den totala slutförbrukningen (TFC) av energi och 65% av oljekonsumtionen i världen[1]. Som en nyckelingrediens för ekonomisk tillväxt är rörlighet oumbärligt för åtkomst till anställning, hälsovård och andra tjänster och drift av industri och handelsaktiviteter. Den här rapporten beskriver en energibehovsmodell av transportsektorn för utvalda länder i subsahariska Afrika. Länderna som har modellerats är Angola, Elfenbenskusten, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Ghana,Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Sydafrika och Tanzania. Undantaget Sydafrika så är transportsektorn i de utvalda länderna i stora delar underutvecklad och föråldrad. Vägtransporter dominerar energibehoven för transport i regionen idag och den här trenden förväntas pågå fram till 2040. Ägandet av bilar ökar kraftigt, framförallt i städer, men den här tillväxten sker från väldigt låga nivåer då länderna i regionen tillhör den grupp länder med lägst ägande i världen. Som är fallet med växande ekonomier i Asien, så växer flottan av två- ochivtrehjulingar snabbare än den för bilar och en signifikant andel av den tillväxten sker i lantliga områden. Flyg är den största förbrukaren utanför vägarna vilket förväntas fortsätta fram till 2040 som en konsekvens av växande BNP och snabb urbanisering. Järnväg och sjöfart släpar efter aktuella globala nivåer men förväntas att utvecklas signifikant för att uppfylla industrialiseringsmålen som finns uppsatta av African Agenda 2063. I det aktuella stadiet, så möter sektorn stora utmaningar som otillräcklig och dåligt underhållen infrastruktur, ökade trafikstockningar i städer, storskalig import av andrahandsfordon med dåliga utsläppsstandarder som påverkar luftkvaliteten i städerna, avsaknad av säker och officiellt driven kollektivtrafik samt otillräcklig hänsynstagande för kvinnors transportbehov. Sunt beslutsfattande och investerande har potentialen att övervinna eller signifikant reducera allvaret av de flesta av dessa utmaningar inför framtiden.
Vega, Diego Javier Gonzales. "A Methodology to forecast air transportation demand with alternative econometric models." Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, 2012.
Full textLewe, Jung-Ho. "An Integrated Decision-Making Framework for Transportation Architectures: Application to Aviation Systems Design." Diss., Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005, 2005.
Full textAmy R. Pritchett, Committee Member ; Moore, Mark D., Committee Member ; Wilhite, Alan, Committee Member ; Schrage, Daniel P., Committee Chair ; Mavris, Dimitri N., Committee Co-Chair ; DeLaurentis, Daniel A., Committee Member. Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
Silva, Marcelo Haddad. "An analysis of the factors that influence per-seat, on-demand air taxi operational costs using very light jets." Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "Air transport demand"
National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board. Tools to aid state DOTs in responding to workforce challenges. Washington, D.C: Transportation Research Board, 2009.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. Air pollution: Meeting future electricity demand will increase emissions of some harmful substances : report to congressional committees. Washington, D.C: U.S. General Accounting Office, 2002.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--President's 104th special message for fiscal year 1992]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1992.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--President's fourth special message for FY 1994]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1994.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. [Status of budget authority pursuant to FY 1987 deferrals]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1987.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. Financial audit: Rural Telephone Bank's 1988 financial statements : report to the Congress. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1990.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. [ Impoundment control--President's fifth special message for FY 1995]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1995.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--comments on the President's first special impoundment message for fiscal year 1994]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1993.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. [Financial audit--Panama Canal Commission's 1991 management letter]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1992.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. [Impoundment control--President's fourth special message for FY 1994]. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Air transport demand"
Vasigh, Bijan, Ken Fleming, and Thomas Tacker. "Supply, demand, and elasticity." In Introduction to Air Transport Economics, 46–105. Third Edition. | New York : Routledge, 2018. | Revised edition of the authors’ Introduction to air transport economics, 2013.: Routledge, 2018.
Full textZheng, Xingwu, and Anne Graham. "Patterns and drivers of demand for air transport." In The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management, 313–30. 1 Edition. | New York : Routledge, 2018. | Series: Routledge companions in business, management and accounting: Routledge, 2018.
Full textHolst, Jens-Christian, Katrin Müller, Florian Ansgar Jaeger, and Klaus Heidinger. "City Air Management: LCA-Based Decision Support Model to Improve Air Quality." In Towards a Sustainable Future - Life Cycle Management, 39–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textStraubinger, Anna, Ulrike Kluge, Mengying Fu, Christelle Al Haddad, Kay Olaf Ploetner, and Constantinos Antoniou. "Identifying Demand and Acceptance Drivers for User Friendly Urban Air Mobility Introduction." In Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 2, 117–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textHepting, Michael, Henry Pak, and Dieter Wilken. "The Demand for Air Transport and Consequences for the Airports of Hamburg and Rostock." In Demography and Infrastructure, 111–29. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.
Full textLukasiewicz, Agnieszka, Venere Stefania Sanna, Vera Lúcia Alves Pereira Diogo, and Anikó Bernát. "Shared Mobility: A Reflection on Sharing Economy Initiatives in European Transportation Sectors." In The Sharing Economy in Europe, 89–114. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textAhmad, Sheikh Saeed, and Syeda Qamar Batool. "Evaluation of Energy Demand and Air Emissions by Using the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) Model in Transport Sector of Punjab, Pakistan." In Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind Vol I, 57–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textInturri, Giuseppe, Nadia Giuffrida, Matteo Ignaccolo, Michela Le Pira, Alessandro Pluchino, and Andrea Rapisarda. "Testing Demand Responsive Shared Transport Services via Agent-Based Simulations." In AIRO Springer Series, 313–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textDaoud, Alaa, Hiba Alqasir, Yazan Mualla, Amro Najjar, Gauthier Picard, and Flavien Balbo. "Towards Explainable Recommendations of Resource Allocation Mechanisms in On-Demand Transport Fleets." In Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems, 97–115. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textYamori, Wataru. "Strategies for Engineering Photosynthesis for Enhanced Plant Biomass Production." In Rice Improvement, 31–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Air transport demand"
Olson, William. "O'Hare International Airport Parking Demand Sensitivity Analysis Forecast." In 27th International Air Transport Conference. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2002.
Full textWu, Ming-Cheng, and Peter Morrell. "China's Air Cargo Demand: Future Market Developments and Implications." In 29th International Air Transport Conference. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007.
Full textFahriza, Basri, and Frank Willey. "DEMAND IN INDONESIAN DOMESTIC AIR TRAVEL MARKET AFTER DEREGULATION." In Global Research on Sustainable Transport (GROST 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.
Full textKrejsa, Tomas. "AIR TRANSPORT DEMAND IN THE COUNTRIES OF VISEGRAD GROUP." In 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2017. Stef92 Technology, 2017.
Full textTate, J. F. "Evaluation of a traffic demand management strategy to improve air quality in urban areas." In Tenth International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control. IEE, 2000.
Full textWai, Cho Wing, Kailun Tan, and Kin Huat Low. "Preliminary Study of Transport Pattern and Demand in Singapore for Future Urban Air Mobility." In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021.
Full textMunari, Pedro. "Mathematical modeling in the airline industry: optimizing aircraft assignment for on-demand air transport." In CNMAC 2016 - XXXVI Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional. SBMAC, 2017.
Full textLa Franca, L., M. Catalano, F. Castelluccio, and F. Montano. "Travelling towards and from minor islands through non-conventional air transport: demand and cost analysis." In ISLANDS 2010. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2010.
Full textHromcová, Martina, and Anna Tomová. "The importance of scheduled air traffic for airport existence." In Práce a štúdie. University of Zilina, 2021.
Full textSander, Frank, Sebastian Foeste, and Roland Span. "Model of an Oxygen Transport Membrane for Coal Fired Power Cycles With CO2 Capture." In ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Air transport demand"
Hsueh, Gary, David Czerwinski, Cristian Poliziani, Terris Becker, Alexandre Hughes, Peter Chen, and Melissa Benn. Using BEAM Software to Simulate the Introduction of On-Demand, Automated, and Electric Shuttles for Last Mile Connectivity in Santa Clara County. Mineta Transportation Institute, January 2021.
Full textAl Hosain, Nourah, and Alma Alhussaini. Evaluating Access to Riyadh’s Planned Public Transport System Using Geospatial Analysis. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, June 2021.
Full textGarcia, Paula, Ashtin Massie, Bridget Saunders Vial, Edyta Sitko, James Gignac, John Rogers, John Walkey, et al. En la ruta hacia 100% energía renovable, Los estados pueden liderar una transición energética equitativa. Union of Concerned Scientists, April 2022.
Full textNilsson Lewis, Astrid, Kaidi Kaaret, Eileen Torres Morales, Evelin Piirsalu, and Katarina Axelsson. Accelerating green public procurement for decarbonization of the construction and road transport sectors in the EU. Stockholm Environment Institute, February 2023.
Full textTanny, Josef, Gabriel Katul, Shabtai Cohen, and Meir Teitel. Micrometeorological methods for inferring whole canopy evapotranspiration in large agricultural structures: measurements and modeling. United States Department of Agriculture, October 2015.
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