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Ушенко, Поліна Анатоліївна. "Становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування (початок 30-х рр. – початок 90-х рр. ХХ ст.)." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.07 – історія науки і техніки. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут" – Харків, 2015. У роботі проведено дослідження становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування з поч. 30-х рр. – до поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст., сформованого завдяки співпраці двох провідних установ галузі – ХЗ "Кондиціонер" та ВНДІКондиціонер. Здійснено широкий історіографічний та джерелознавчий аналіз, а також запропоновано класифікацію наукової літератури та історичних джерел. Доведено значущість науково-технічних витоків галузі як історичної передумови становлення кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено доробок окремих учених зі всього світу. Обґрунтовано авторську періодизацію розвитку галузі, що складається з чотирьох періодів: перший (поч. 1930 рр. – 1957 р.), другий (1957–1967 рр.), найбільш результативний третій (1967 р. – поч. 1990-х рр.), четвертий період охоплював події після 1991 р. Розкрито особливість підготовки інженерних кадрів у Харкові для галузі кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено досвід підвищення кваліфікації працівників безпосередньо в межах ХЗ "Кондиціонер". Висвітлено непослідовність державного управління кондиціонеробудуванням, що призвела до згортання виробництва кондиціонерів у Харкові на поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст. Проте, незважаючи на серйозні ускладнення того часу, промислове виробництво кондиціонерів повітря в Харкові збереглося, і прямим спадкоємцем виробничого центру кондиціонеробудування сьогодні є ТОВ "Укркондиціонер".
Thesis for the Candidate of Historical Sciences degree, speciality 07.00.07 – History of Science and Technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" – Kharkiv, 2015. The formation and effective functioning of the Kharkiv scientific-industrial conditioner building complex, formed through the cooperation of two leading sectoral institutions – Kharkiv plant "Conditioner" and All-Union Scientific Research Institute "Conditioner", in the early 1930's – in the beginning of the 1990's, were studied in the paper. Wide historiographical and sources study analysis are done. The importance of science and technology beginnings as a historical background of the industry formation, is proved. Achievements of individual scientists from around the world are generalized. The author periodization of industry development, which consisted of four periods, is grounded. In particular, the first (early 1930 – 1957 year), the second (1957 – 1967 years), the third (1967 – the beginning of the 1990's). The fourth period covered the events after 1991. The feature of engineers training in Kharkiv for conditioner building branch is disclosed. Inconsistency of conditioner building industry state administration, which led to the curtailment of air conditioners production in Kharkiv at the beginning of the 1990's of the XX century, is highlighted. However, despite the serious complications of that time, manufacturing of air conditioners in Kharkiv survived, and the direct heir of the production center of conditioner building industry today is LLC "UkrConditioner".
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Ушенко, Поліна Анатоліївна. "Становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування (початок 30-х рр. – початок 90-х рр. ХХ ст.)." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.07 – історія науки і техніки. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут" – Харків, 2015. У роботі проведено дослідження становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування з поч. 30-х рр. – до поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст., сформованого завдяки співпраці двох провідних установ галузі – ХЗ "Кондиціонер" та ВНДІКондиціонер. Здійснено широкий історіографічний та джерелознавчий аналіз, а також запропоновано класифікацію наукової літератури та історичних джерел. Доведено значущість науково-технічних витоків галузі як історичної передумови становлення кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено доробок окремих учених зі всього світу. Обґрунтовано авторську періодизацію розвитку галузі, що складається з чотирьох періодів: перший (поч. 1930 рр. – 1957 р.), другий (1957–1967 рр.), найбільш результативний третій (1967 р. – поч. 1990-х рр.), четвертий період охоплював події після 1991 р. Розкрито особливість підготовки інженерних кадрів у Харкові для галузі кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено досвід підвищення кваліфікації працівників безпосередньо в межах ХЗ "Кондиціонер". Висвітлено непослідовність державного управління кондиціонеробудуванням, що призвела до згортання виробництва кондиціонерів у Харкові на поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст. Проте, незважаючи на серйозні ускладнення того часу, промислове виробництво кондиціонерів повітря в Харкові збереглося, і прямим спадкоємцем виробничого центру кондиціонеробудування сьогодні є ТОВ "Укркондиціонер".
Thesis for the Candidate of Historical Sciences degree, speciality 07.00.07 – History of Science and Technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" – Kharkiv, 2015. The formation and effective functioning of the Kharkiv scientific-industrial conditioner building complex, formed through the cooperation of two leading sectoral institutions – Kharkiv plant "Conditioner" and All-Union Scientific Research Institute "Conditioner", in the early 1930's – in the beginning of the 1990's, were studied in the paper. Wide historiographical and sources study analysis are done. The importance of science and technology beginnings as a historical background of the industry formation, is proved. Achievements of individual scientists from around the world are generalized. The author periodization of industry development, which consisted of four periods, is grounded. In particular, the first (early 1930 – 1957 year), the second (1957 – 1967 years), the third (1967 – the beginning of the 1990's). The fourth period covered the events after 1991. The feature of engineers training in Kharkiv for conditioner building branch is disclosed. Inconsistency of conditioner building industry state administration, which led to the curtailment of air conditioners production in Kharkiv at the beginning of the 1990's of the XX century, is highlighted. However, despite the serious complications of that time, manufacturing of air conditioners in Kharkiv survived, and the direct heir of the production center of conditioner building industry today is LLC "UkrConditioner".
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lundén, Hanna. "Concept Development of a Split Air Conditioner." Thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Inst.), 2014.

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Detta examensarbete är en konceptutveckling utförd för Home Comfort avdelningen på Electrolux och Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan under vårterminen 2014. Författaren Hanna Lundén samarbetar med Industridesignstudenten Luis R. Velazquez från Lunds Universitet. Målet är att omdefiniera vad en Split airconditioner är idag och utveckla ett koncept i linje med vad användaren vill ha, önskar och åtrår. Projektet är begränsat till att använda den teknik som finns i dagens Split enheter samt att endast utveckla inomhusdelen av systemet. Ett teoretiskt ramverk är samlat för att besvara forskningsfrågan: Hur kan dagens teknik i Split airconditioning användas i en enhet för kyla och värme av ett rum, för att öka användarens belåtenhet, medans den är energieffektiv? Denna kompletteras med användar- och marknadsstudier som ska inspirera en användarcentrerad konceptutveckling. Insikterna används i idéframtagningsprocessen där scenarier skapas baserade på trendstudier för att öka kreativiteten. En teknisk analys genomförs parallellt och två workshops utförs för att generera idéer för en ny komponentarkitektur. Värmeväxlaren och fläkten är identifierade som de mest inflytelserika komponenterna på enhetens funktionalitet och alla andra komponenter ska utvecklas utefter parametrarna dessa sätter. Resultatet är en sovrums-airconditioner med ett nytt luftflöde, en ny form samt ny användarinteraktion. Det nya luftflödet är utformat efter två principer: varm luft stiger och luft följer ytor. Enheten riktar luften uppåt och ut mot angränsande ytor när den kyler och vice versa nedåt när den värmer rummet. Den runda formen och designen repellerar den boxliknande arketypen Split enheterna har idag. Den nya formen kräver en ny komponentarkitektur, vilket ändrar alla komponenters konstruktion. Den nya värmeväxlarkonstruktionen analyseras och jämförs med en nuvarande för att validera enhetens effektivitet. En ny fläkt definieras tillsammans med en av de största fläkttillverkarna Ebm-papst. För att skapa en åtråvärd produkt användare kan relatera till är interaktionen utformad för att skapa en god sömnmiljö i sovrummet. Forskning visar ett det är fundamentalt för hälsan att följa en sömnrytm och att ljus samt temperatur kan användas som hjälpmedel. Det är bevisat att omgivningsljus av olika våglängder främjar kroppens produktion av sömn- respektive väcknings-hormoner. LED lampor med aktuella våglängder är därför integrerade i enheten för att skapa en tyst guide till en regelbunden sömnrytm. Temperaturen är programmerad till att automatiskt ställa om sig till kroppens inre temperaturskillnader som sker under sömnen, vilket ska öka komforten och samtidigt sänka energiförbrukningen. Alla inställningar kan bli ändrade efter personliga preferenser. Kontrollen är designad för intuitiv användning som går att utföra under nattens sömntid. Detaljerade inställningar ändras i en Smartphone applikation medan en enkel fjärrkontroll kan ändra temperatur och tid för uppvaknande. Resultatet anses bemöta projektmålen väl. Sovrumsfokuset och det nya luftflödet är lätt att kommunicera och är något alla användare kan relatera till. De viktigaste komponenterna för enhetens effektivitet, fläkten och värmeväxlaren, är jämförda med nuvarande motsvarigheter med positiva resultat. Den nya formen differentierar sig från den nuvarande rektangulära boxen och är därav mer uttrycksfull för personlig smak. Detta går väl ihop med den expressionist Electrolux förmedlar som sin målgrupp.
This Master of Science thesis covers a concept development project conducted for the Home Comfort department at Electrolux and The Royal Institute of Technology during the spring semester 2014. The author Hanna Lundén collaborates with the Industrial Design student Luis R. Velazquez from Lund University. The aim is to redefine what a Split air conditioner is today and develop a concept aligned with what users want, wish and desire. The project is restricted to the technology used in today’s Split air conditioners and focus on the indoor unit only. The indoor unit is developed to match a current outdoor unit. It will be a reversed air conditioner, meaning it can both cool and heat. A theoretical frame of reference is gathered to answer the research objective: How can today’s technology in Split air conditioning be applied in one device for cooling and heating of a room, in order to create higher user satisfaction, while being energy efficient? Furthermore, extensive user and market research is gathered and analysed to inspire a user focused concept development. The insights are used for brainstorming where trend study input creates near future scenarios to trigger creativity. A technology analysis is performed as a parallel process and two workshops are conducted to generate ideas for new the component architecture. The heat exchanger and fan are identified as most important components and all other components should be developed according to the parameters they set. The result is a bedroom air conditioner with a new airflow, shape and user experience. The new airflow is developed based on two principles: hot air rises and air follows surfaces. The unit directs the air upwards out towards surrounding room surfaces when cooling and vice versa downwards when heating. The shape and design respells the box-like Split air conditioner archetype. The new shape demands a new component architecture, which change all component constructions. The new heat exchanger construction is analysed and compared to a current one to validate the unit efficiency. A new fan is defined together with one of the largest fan distributors Ebm-papst. The product is made more desirable and easy to relate to by developing the interaction to create a good sleep environment in the bedroom. Research shows that it is crucial to follow a healthy sleep cycle and that light as well as temperature can be used as aid. Ambient light in 5 different wavelengths is proven to trigger sleep or wake-up hormones. LED lights are integrated in the unit to provide a silent guide to a regular sleep pattern. The temperature is programmed to automatically adjust to the body temperature change during sleep, which aims to raise the comfort level and lower the energy consumption. All settings can be changed to personal preferences. The control is developed for intuitive interaction that can be done during the night’s sleep. The user choose detailed settings in a Smartphone application and can use a simplified remote control for changing temperature and wake-up time. The results are considered to meet the project purpose and goal. The bedroom focus and new airflow is easy to communicate and is something all users can relate to. The key components for unit efficiency, the fan and the heat exchanger, is validated in comparison to a current unit with successful results. The new shape differs from today’s rectangular box, which makes the unit a statement product more likely to find desirable for the Electrolux expressionist target group.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Dahlkvist, Jessica. "Development & Optimization of a Portable Air Conditioner." Thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Inst.), 2013.

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This master thesis is a product development project that has been carried out between Electrolux, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design. The purpose of the project was to explore the feasible opportunities within the field of portable air conditioning. User oriented studies were conducted where six key problem areas were found with the existing portable air conditioner units. A majority of the users find the unit large, hard to handle, noisy and inefficient. Furthermore, the connected exhaust air outlet that removes the heat from the room is often complicated and inefficient to use. How can a new type of portable air conditioner be developed in order to satisfy the user demands as well as containing a realistic technology on the inside? Ideas were initially generated about the unit’s overall shape and assembly. Thereafter the components were fragmented down in their own categories in order to optimize them for the new design. The result was a cylinder shaped portable air conditioner, with its air distribution in the top, distributed in a radial half circular direction out in the room. It is designed to make the handling easier for the user by using simplistic features and intuitive details. The inner components are dimensioned by references from existing portable air conditioners and placed favorably for both efficiency and maintenance. The final proposal of this project was considered to be successful. The result delivers proposals on all the six key problems, and a large part of the details in the entire air conditioner unit has been taken into account. Furthermore, the result was considered to stand out among existing portables which also contributed to the success.
Detta examensarbete är ett produktframtagningsprojekt som har utförts i samarbete mellan Electrolux, KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan och Konstfack. Syftet med projektet var att utforska möjligheter inom området portabel luftkonditionering för att kunna ta fram en ny innovativ enhet. Projektet skulle arbeta med befintlig teknik. Användarorienterade studier genomfördes i den inledande fasen av projektet där sex övergripande problemområden hittades inom de befintliga portabla luftkonditioneringarna. En majoritet av användarna finner enheten för stor, otymplig att hantera och högljudd. Dessutom anser många att enheten kyler ineffektiv och att det påkopplade frånluftsröret som tar ut värmen från rummet många gånger är komplicerad att använda. Utgående från studiens resultat genererades idéer för hur den generella formen och sammansättningen av den nya enheten skulle te sig. Därefter fragmenterades komponenterna ner till egna kategorier för att optimera dem för den nya designen.Resultatet var en cylinderformad portabel air conditioner, med dess luftdistribution placerad högst upp på enheten. Luften distribueras i en radiell halvcirkulär riktning ut i rummet. Enheten är designad för att förenkla handhavande för användaren genom att inneha enkla features och intuitiva detaljer. De inre komponenterna är dimensionerade utifrån referenser från existerande portabla enheter och placerade fördelaktigt för både effektivitet och underhåll. Resultat av detta projekt ansågs vara framgångsrikt. Den nya designen levererar förslag till alla sex problemområden, och en stor del av detaljerna i hela enheten har tagits i åtanke. Avslutningsvis kan det konstateras att resultatet står ut bland existerande portabla enheter vilket bidrog till det framgångsrika slutkonceptet.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Bantan, Mafor Glory. "Thermodynamic and electrical performance monitoring of a domestic split-type air conditioner and development of a simulation based R22 permanent replacement." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2017.

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The difficulty that exists in accurately monitoring the performance of air conditioners has made performance prediction an arduous task. Nevertheless, the performance still needs to be monitored and predicted as it helps solve a lot of problems resulting from this technology like effect of the technology on the grid, energy consumption, water utilisation and GHGs emission. With the introduction of regression modelling as a means of system monitoring and prediction some years ago, the accuracy was still a call for concern. It is worth realising that increasing the number of predictors will enhance this method’s accuracy. As such, this document intends to increase the accuracy of this method’s monitoring and predicting ability by increasing the number of predictors to cut across system thermal, environmental and human behavioural variation. These predictors experimentally gotten are used to build an environ-behavioural model that monitors the coefficient of performance and energy consumption of a domestic split-type air conditioner with higher accuracy. Refrigerants have undergone evolution in the past decades in a bid to come up with a refrigerant that has zero ODP, lower – than – R22 GWP and much better than R22 thermodynamic performance. No pure refrigerant has been found to possess these qualities as such mixtures or blends are the best shot at the moment. R410A could stand the test of time to be the long term R22 replacement but for the fact that besides R410A’s higher GWP than that of R22, the former’s system performance is lower than that of the latter’s due to the lower thermodynamic performance of the former. This means the search continues. In this document, a combination of carefully chosen refrigerant components are carefully blended to come up with a simulation based R22 long term replacement, which will be referred to in this document as BTEP.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Shao, Jingjing. "Development of a novel energy efficient phase change emulsion for air conditioning systems." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2015.

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Buildings represent more than 40% of final global energy consumption, among which 50%-60% of energy consumption is attributed to Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. The application of phase change material emulsions (PCMEs) in air conditioning systems is considered to be a potential way of saving energy because with their relatively higher energy storage capacity, they are able to reduce flow rate whilst delivering the same amount of cooling energy. PCMEs can also simultaneously act as cold energy storage to shift peak-load to off-peak time and improve coefficient of performance of systems. However, one of the main barriers affecting the application of PCME is the difficulty in maintaining stability in the emulsions without experiencing any temperature stratification during phase change process. To this end, an innovative energy efficient phase change emulsion has been developed and evaluated. The emulsion (PCE-10) which consists of an organic PCM (RT10) and water has a phase change temperature range of 4-12°C with heat capacity of twice as much as that of water thus making it a good candidate for cooling applications. Particular attention was also paid to the selection of the surfactant blends of Tween60 and Brij52 since they are capable of minimizing the effect of sub-cooling as well as ensuring stability of the emulsion. For the purpose of testing the performance of developed PCE-10 in fin-and-tube heat exchangers, series of theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out to understand the rheological behaviour and heat transfer characteristics of the developed PCE-10 in a fin-and-tube heat exchanger. Both experimental and theoretical results were fairly close and showed that the PCE-10 did enhance the overall heat transfer rate of the heat exchanger. In order to evaluate the potential of the integrated system, whole building energy simulation was carried out with a building simulation code TRNSYS. It was found out that the required volumetric flow rate of PCE-10 was 50% less than that of water which is equivalent to 7% reduction in total energy consumption when providing the same amount of cooling power. Despite its potential in cooling systems, the viscosity of the developed sample was found to be much higher than water which could contribute to high pressure drop in a pumping system. Its thermal conductivity was also found to be about 30% lower than the value for water which could influence heat transfer process. There is therefore the need to enhance these thermophysical properties in any future investigations.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Jarumongkonsak, Pornput. "Development and performance investigation on solar-powered thermoelectric radiant cooling in building-integrated system for a bedroom under hot and humid climate." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2016.

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In order to replace a conventional air-conditioner (AC) based on vapour compression technology that directly has high global warming potential and also currently consumes the most fossil fuel primary energy in building sector of tropical countries for generating thermal comfort on sleeping purpose, other alternative green space cooling technologies, as thermoelectric cooling (TEC), has to be improved to have same performance with AC. This research aims to develop and investigate a performance of Solar-powered Thermoelectric Radiant Cooling (STRC) system, as the combination of TEC and radiant cooling (RC) that is well known in its low energy consumption advantage. The studies were conducted through calculations, CFD simulations, system performance simulations and experiments. The results of optimum STRC system design was proved to provide better thermal and air quality performances, while the result in energy performance was depended on the TEC’s COP and vapour condensation prevention. After novel developing of TEC’s cooling channel with combined helical and an oblique fin to induce effective secondary flows that highly reduced the TEC’s hot side temperature in this research, the COP was able to increase up to 175%. Meanwhile, a novel bio-inspired combined superhydrophobic and hydrophobic coating on RC panel were able to competently repel most condensed water droplets, leaving just tiny droplets that was hard to be seen by naked eye. Finally, the COP of STRC system from house model experiment in 1:100 scales under hot and high humid climate was as high as 2.1 that helped STRC to consume electricity 34% less than AC system. Along with other benefits, as no working fluid, noise-free and low maintenance needs, the return of investment (ROI) was studied to be only 5-6 years when being operated with grid electricity and 17-18 years with PV panel generated electricity.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Brown, Veronica M. "Development of improved methods for the characterisation of organic chemicals emitted into indoor air by building and furnishing products." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2013.

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A wide range of organic compounds are released from building and furnishing products and these have the potential to adversely affect indoor air quality. There are growing international requirements for testing and controlling these emissions for the protection of public health. The test methods require specialist analytical chemistry facilities based on thermal desorption/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD/GC/MS). This project has addressed the need for better performance and greater automation of the analysis, as well as development of simpler screening tests. A variety of products were tested using screening techniques, with an emission cell method being used as a reference test. Short duration tests, using a micro-scale chamber at slightly elevated temperature, were shown to have the potential to predict emissions occurring during longer term reference tests. Multi-sorbent air sampling tubes, that have the potential to extend the volatility range of compounds determined by a single TD/GC/MS analysis, were compared with Tenax TA tubes specified by current standard methods. This showed no difference in performance for the range of compounds for which Tenax is optimal, with improved performance for a number of more volatile compounds. The determination of formaldehyde was investigated using 2-hydroxymethylpiperidine as a derivatising agent, followed by TD/GC/MS. The results showed the possibility of this method being developed as an alternative to the current standard method that involves solvent elution and liquid chromatography. The performance of a newly developed time-of-flight mass spectrometer was compared with a standard quadrupole instrument. This showed its potential, with the use of re-collection, to extend the concentration range of compounds quantified from a single air sample, of particular benefit for the determination of carcinogens. New compound identification software was applied to increase automation of analysis of the TD/GC/MS data. Good correlation with manual processing was achieved, demonstrating the possibility of routine application to material emissions testing.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Braish, Tamara. "Development of sensitive analytical and measurement methods for characterizing the emissions of SVOCs from building and consumer materials into indoor air." Thesis, Pau, 2019.

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Les Composés Organiques Semi-Volatils (COSV), notamment les phtalates et retardateurs de flamme organophosphorés (RFOP), entrent dans la composition de nombreux matériaux de construction et produits de consommation. En effet, ils confèrent à ces produits des caractéristiques techniques spécifiques en tant que plastifiants ou retardateurs de flamme. Du fait de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques spécifiques, ces composés émis par les matériaux peuvent être présents à la fois en phase gazeuse mais également en phase adsorbée sur les surfaces et les poussières intérieures. Par conséquent, les voies d’exposition aux COSV dans les environnements intérieurs sont multiples, et l’évaluation des risques sanitaires complexe. Dans ce contexte, l’émission des matériaux ou produits, sources de ces polluants dans les environnements intérieurs, doit être caractérisée. De nombreuses méthodes de mesure ont été mises au point pour étudier les émissions de COSV à partir de produits et de matériaux d'intérieur. Mais, celles-ci présentent encore des inconvénients et des limites, notamment dus aux effets d’adsorption sur les parois des chambres d’essai d’émission. De plus, peu d’études traitent des RFOP et aucune méthode ne permet d’évaluer simultanément les émissions de phtalates et de RFOP. L’objectif de ce travail est donc de développer une nouvelle méthode pour caractériser les émissions gazeuses de phtalates et RFOP émis par les matériaux. La thèse comporte deux parties principales : ̶ Le développement d’un protocole robuste et d’une méthode innovante de caractérisation de phtalates et de RFOP émis respectivement par des revêtements de sol en vinyle et des mousses de polyuréthane. Pour cela, une micro-chambre d’essai d’émission (µ-CTE), recommandée par la norme ISO 16000-25 a été utilisée. Ce dispositif permet de réaliser des essais à des températures allant jusqu’à 250 °C, ce qui permet de limiter le phénomène d’adsorption des composés sur les parois du système et de réduire les temps d’expérimentation. Les phtalates et RFOPs émis en phase gazeuse ont été prélevés au moyen de cartouches d’adsorbant analysées par ThermoDésorption-Chromatographie Gazeuse - Spectrométrie de Masse (TD-GC-MS). ̶ Le développement de la méthode d’analyse par TD-GC-MS, incluant l’optimisation des paramètres de désorption des cartouches et les paramètres chromatographiques dans le but de pouvoir analyser simultanément les phtalates et les RFOPs à des niveaux de concentrations faibles dans l’air (inférieurs au µg/ m3). La méthodologie développée permet de déterminer la concentration de phtalates et de RFOP en phase gazeuse en équilibre avec la surface de matériaux (y0). Deux approches ont été mise en œuvre : mesure directe de y0 à température ambiante en optimisant le volume de la chambre d'essai et extrapolation à partir de valeurs de y0 obtenues à des températures plus élevées selon une relation linéaire entre ln (y0) et l'inverse de la température adaptée de l’équation de Clausius-Clapeyron. La méthodologie a été validée sur des échantillons de revêtements de sol en vinyle et des mousses de rembourrage en polyuréthane. Elle peut donc être généralisée à d’autres matériaux ou produits et ainsi conduire à une meilleure connaissance de l’impact des phtalates et RFOP sur la qualité de l’air intérieur et la santé. Elle peut également être testé pour d'autres familles de COSV
Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), including phthalates and organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs), are used in many building and consumer materials. They are added to different indoor materials in order to enhance their properties as plasticizers or flame retardants. Because of their specific physico-chemical properties, these compounds emitted by the materials can be present both, in the gaseous phase and adsorbed on internal surfaces and dust. As a result, human exposure pathways to SVOCs in indoor environments are multiple leading to complex health risk assessment. In this context, the emission of materials or products, sources of these pollutants in indoor environments, must be characterized. Many measurement methods have been developed to study the emissions of SVOCs from indoor products and materials. However, these methods still have drawbacks and limitations, in particular due to adsorption of these compounds on the walls of the emission test chambers. In addition, few studies deal with OPFRs and there is no existing method for simultaneously evaluating phthalates and OPFRs emissions. The objective of this work is therefore to develop a new method to characterize the gaseous emissions of phthalates and OPFRs from the materials. This work is divided into two parts: ̶ The development of a robust protocol and an innovative method for the characterization of phthalates and OPFRs emitted from vinyl flooring and polyurethane foams (PUF), respectively. For this, a micro-emission test chamber (μ-CTE) recommended by the ISO 16000-25 standard was used. This device allows to carry out tests at temperatures up to 250 °C, which makes it possible to limit the phenomenon of adsorption of the compounds on the walls of the system and to reduce the time of experimentation. Phthalates and OPFRs emitted in the gaseous phase were collected using adsorbent tubes analyzed after by thermal desorption - gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS). ̶ The development of the TD-GC-MS analytical method, including the optimization of the adsorbent tubes desorption parameters and chromatographic parameters in order to be able to simultaneously analyze phthalates and OPFRs at low air concentration levels (at the level of μg/ m3). The methodology developed enables determining the gas-phase concentration of phthalates and OPFRs in equilibrium with material surface (y0). Two approaches have been implemented: direct measurement of y0 at room temperature by optimizing the volume of the test chamber and extrapolation from y0 values determined at higher temperatures based on an obtained linear relationship between ln(y0) and the reciprocal of temperature adapted from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The methodology was validated on vinyl flooring samples and PUF padding. It can be generalized to other materials or products and thus lead to a better understanding of the impact of phthalates and RFOP on indoor air quality and health. It can also be tested for other families of SVOCs
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Baltazar, Cervantes Juan Carlos. "Development of an automated methodology for calibration of simplified air-side HVAC system models and estimation of potential savings from retrofit/commissioning measures." Texas A&M University, 2006.

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This dissertation provides one methodology to determine potential energy savings of buildings with limited information. This methodology is based upon the simplified energy analysis procedure of HVAC systems and the control of the comfort conditions. Numerically, the algorithm is a tailored exhaustive search over all the independent variables that are commonly controlled for a specific type of HVAC system. The potential energy savings methodology has been applied in several buildings that have been retrofitted and/or commissioned previously. Results from the determined savings for the Zachry building at Texas A&M after being commissioned show a close agreement to the calculated potential energy savings (about 85%). Differences are mainly attributed to the use of simplified models. Due to the restriction of limited information about the building characteristics and operational control, the potential energy savings method requires the determination of parameters that characterize its thermal performance. Thus, a calibrated building is needed. A general procedure has been developed to carry out automated calibration of building energy use simulations. The methodology has been tested successfully on building simulations based on the simplified energy analysis procedure. The automated calibration is the minimization of the RMSE of the energy use over daily conditions. The minimization procedure is fulfilled with a non-canonical optimization algorithm, the Simulated Annealing, which mimics the Statistical Thermodynamic performance of the annealing process. That is to say, starting at a specified temperature the algorithm searches variable-space states that are steadier, while heuristically, by the Boltzmann distribution, the local minima is avoided. The process is repeated at a new lower temperature that is determined by a specific schedule until the global minimum is found. This methodology was applied to the most common air-handler units producing excellent results for ideal cases or for samples modified with a 1% white noise.
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Sandstrom, Karl. "Modes of mobilisation : socio-political dynamics in Somaliland, Somalia, and Afghanistan." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2011.

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This thesis provides a framework for viewing socio-political contexts and how these relate to interventionist projects. The framework draws on and combines strands from international relations and sociological perspectives of social interaction. The central question becomes how intervention and existing social contexts interact to produce unintended outcomes. It applies the analysis to two separate wider contexts: Afghanistan and Somalia, with a particular focus on the self-declared independent Somaliland as an internally generated and controlled transformational process. Unlike abstract directions of theoretical development the framework seeks to provide a platform that sets aside ideological assumptions and from which interventionist projects can be observed and evaluated based on literature, field observations and interviews. Drawing on such diverse influences as fourth generation peace and conflict studies, Morphogenetics, and social forces theory, the framework explores conditions and interest formations to capture instances of local agency that are part of a continuity of local realities. It views social interaction without imposing Universalist value assumptions, but also without resorting to relativism or raising so many caveats that it becomes impractical. It exposes the agency of local interest formations hidden beneath the discourses of ideologically framed conflicts. These social agents are often dismissed as passive victims to be brought under the influence of for example the state, but are in reality able to subvert, co-opt, constrain or facilitate the forces that are dependent on them for social influence. In the end, it is the modes of mobilisation that emerge as the most crucial factor for understanding the relevant social dynamics.
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Song, Yan-Syun, and 宋彥勳. "Design and Development of Thermoelectric Distributed Air-Conditioner." Thesis, 2014.

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In this study, thermoelectric coolers were used as the main refrigeration components in vehicle air-conditioner. Also, a vehicle distributed air-conditioning modules were designed. With the development of electric and hybrid vehicles, the vehicle subsystems have gradually been electrified. These subsystems include air-conditioning system which maintain a comfortable environment in the cabin, and the thermoelectric cooler which use electricity instead of refrigerant to make heat exchange besides electric compressor. Based on the distributed concept, the latter module can install on each single seat in the vehicle. This design enables individual control in air-conditioning system. In other words, passengers will be able to control the air system individually, save the energy, and increase the endurance of vehicle in turn. This experiment developed and designed a process of Thermoelectric Distributed Air-Conditioner in the specific vehicle, and then evaluated the whole cooling system. The result showed that Thermoelectric Distributed Air-Conditioner needed with using 2.1A electricity in order to achieve the desired cooling power 136W which we need, after platform testing this module can achieve the design requirements.
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Yu-JiaChou and 周育嘉. "The development of moveable solar power air conditioner." Thesis, 2018.

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黃建忠. "The development of an Innovative Natural Air-conditioner." Thesis, 2002.

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Indoor comfort requirements often involve strong ventilation in buildings, but they conflict with the necessity to limit energy and economic costs connected with supply air handing. From the energy point of view, these must be improved to prevent unnecessary wasted electricity. Heat exchangers are being widely used for energy recovery in buildings. In addition to recovering heat from the return air in winter for preheating the fresh air, the return air can be evaporatively cooled and utilized for precooling the fresh air in summer. Heat exchanger made of two-phase closed thermosyphons are one of the most effective pieces of equipment for waste heat recovery. This research is to investigate the thermal performance of an innovative equipment called “nature air conditioner”. This nature air conditioner constitutes of water sprayer, heat pipe heat exchanger and fin-tube heat exchanger. In order to reduce the outdoor air cooling load to the minimal extend., experiments and computer simulations were performed with changing various parameters such as outdoor air dry bulb temperature, outdoor air relative humidity, room air dry bulb temperature, room air relative humidity, and supply water temperature. The experimental results show that outdoor air cooling load decrease 20.56 kJ/kg of air, and the results of numerical model agree well with the experimental data. The detailed design and performance of this nature air conditioner as well as its thermal recovery system are described and discussed.
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Li, Jheng-Yi, and 李政毅. "Development and Performance Study for Air Distributor on Window Type Air-Conditioner." Thesis, 2017.

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In this study, the air distributors (AD) for enhancing the performance of the window type air conditioner (WAC) was developed based on the distribution of the return airflow and the surface temperature of the evaporator, and the influence of different configuration parameters on the performance of the window type air conditioner were studied. The performance of WAC was tested under the T1 condition of CNS14464. In addition, in order to understand the effect of outdoor air temperature on the performance of WAC, an additional performance experiment of WAC was carried out by adding the outdoor air temperatures of 30 ℃ and 40 ℃. The results showed that all air distributors could significantly improve the dehumidification capacity of WAC and had little effect on the power consumption of WAC under all test conditions. The enhanced ratio of cooling capacity, dehumidification capacity and energy efficiency ratio (EER) of the WAC with air distributor of S3 was 13.70%, 59.63% and 14.37%, 6.19%, 30.97%, and 6.75%, and 5.57%, 25.92%, and 5.84% that compared with the original WAC at outdoor air temperature of 30, 35, and 40 ℃, respectively. Therefore, this study proposed the optimal configuration (S3) of the AD could effectively improve the performance and electricity efficiency of the WAC.
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Lin, Da-Chen, and 林大程. "Thermal Analysis Simulation of Outdoor Unit of Air Conditioner Distributing on the Building." Thesis, 2013.

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In this thesis, the main issue is simulating the air-conditioning outside unit heat sink analysis between other buildings , because modern focus on architectural aesthetics, so they usually install air-conditioning outside unit in the balcony of the building or fire alley behind the building. Even some Urban renewal plan and new buildings add barriers and fences on the place where they install the air-conditioning outside unit in order to achieve the visual appearance of building, result in air-conditioning outside unit get the phenomenon of poor heat sink in summer. The case is a small area of three residential condominiums, each one is 80 meters high. Each air-conditioning outside unit was installed behind the building when the architect designed it. The orientation of the building is opposite with the normal local wind, result in head wind obscured completely by the building, so the air-conditioning outside unit behind the building occurs the phenomenon of poor heat sink. This research uses CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) numerical analysis method, using the computational fluid dynamics simulation software Ansys 14.0. Simulation parameters tuned for the orientation of the building, and distance of the building. Through different buildings arrangement ways to explore the air-conditioning outside unit back air heat sink situations and evaluated it. The results of this research that the worst architectural arrangement compared with the best one. Average of each air-conditioning outside unit back air temperature difference is 4.46℃.
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HUNG, CHUAN-SHENG, and 洪詮勝. "Development of membrane-base dehumidifier and its application on air conditioner." Thesis, 2019.

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Membrane Dehumidification The thermal sensation is an indicator of the person's feelings about the environment, which is about a large of part of relative humidity. Not only for human beings, though for animals but also electric equipment will not be able to perform a better efficiency. We can dehumidify in many ways like cooling the air below dew point or absorption and adsorption. In those sayings, we use the same theory from it, made the object surface pressure gradient lower than the water vapor pressure, so the pressure gradient will drive the mass transfer to the surface. In the study we will optimize the best moisture transfer and the vacuum degree with fuel cells humidifier membrane (Nafion) and chitosan with LiCl coating on PAN. In this study proposes four kinds of conditions and three kinds of downstream side pressure degree in 0.25 m² membrane area to calculate the dehumidity efficience.
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翁國亮. "The Development and Application of an Energy-Efficient Air-Conditioner with Air-Washer Cleaning Function." Thesis, 2002.

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Conventional air-conditioners use much energy to promote heat transfer in rejecting cooling load for air-conditioning purpose. The waste heat will cause environmental thermal pollution if it is rejected by sensible heat transfer mode. To improve this inevitable defect of traditional air-conditioner, an innovative package unit with high energy-efficiency as well as air cleaning features is presented in this study. The present air-conditioner can provide clean air by an outside air washer and takes the advantage of evaporative cooling to recover cold energy. The working principle is, first, the outside air is introduced into a permeable water array for washing to remove the contaminant. At the same time the exhaust air is conducted into an air shower to proceed evaporative cooling, lowering its temperature and readily for cold energy recovery by upper portion of a heat-pipe heat exchanger located downstream. The exhaust air stream is then heated and all rejected to outdoor, which will lower the potential of environmental thermal pollution. On the other hand, the clean outside air after washing passes the lower portion of the heat-pipe heat exchanger, lowering its temperature by the recovered cold energy. This air stream is then introduced to a water heat exchanger to further cool down and then the low temperature and clean air is supplied for ventilation. This innovative air-conditioner is expected to be very energy-efficient and able to improve great indoor air quality. It will be studied and rated experimentally in detail in the present study to validate its operation functions, energy-saving ability and economics. The experiments of this innovative unit were performed in a certified standard laboratory as well as in application field. The test results show that, the initial cost and running cost comparing to the conventional one is about 40% to 70% and 20% to 70% respectively. Regarding the indoor air quality, there is about 50% running time suitable for utilizing 100% outside air for ventilation in the case of 10-hour operation per day, while there is 70% in the 24-hour operation case.
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Lin, Ying-kai, and 林英凱. "Development of Movable Frequency-Convener-based Energy-Saving Multi-functional Air Conditioner." Thesis, 2006.

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The research of this thesis is to develop a movable variable frequency air conditioner. A prototype machine based on the dehumidifier and condenser was developed. By connection of two fans in parallel with installation of temperature sensor, the fan speeds are adjusted by the converter based on the temperature feedback. Is installed between the concentrator and condenser, An additional valve to change the wind flow direction. When the prototype machine is established for dehumanization purpose, it can dehumidify and dry the indoor air. Moreover, the dehumidified air can be supplied to any place with relative high humidity area, such as cabinet, wardrobe, shoes cabinet, etc. For instance, air conditioning and heating functions can be switched by changing the wind flow direction via the special design valve. The prototype machine is characterized as the multi-functional air conditioner, such as dehumidifying, dryness, air conditioning or hearing. In this machine, four gyro wheels and remote controller are installed to increase its movability and remote-control function to increase user’s convenience. Is this thesis, the adopted machine can improve the design of the traditional single function dehumidifier. Finally, a prototype machine with innovation of multi-function with benefits of convenience and energy-saving was presented.
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Yu-LuenJang and 張育綸. "The research and development of high performance air conditioner for the Data Center." Thesis, 2010.

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The theoretic analysis of container-type computer room cooling load is estimated by Cooling load temperature difference (CLTD), Solar cooling load (SCL) and Cooling load factor (CLF) respectively. It is convenient to calculate the overall cooling load of container-type computer room, including indoor heat source (such as servers, lighting equipment, staff, etc.) and ventilating cooling load, as well as environmental cooling load. The analyzed results are written by using the Visual Basic (VB) programming language to show a set of interactive operation interface of cooling load calculation for computer-aided analysis software. The container-type computer room cooling load value of 9 Racks, 9 fan groups, 2 staff members and 9 4ft. T5 lamps are calculated through this software, and the result shows that the overall cooling load is approximately 270kw. Considering the installation of heat exchanger, the 3 sets of heat exchangers are used to carry out the 270kw of heat source, that means cooling load of the each heat exchanger is about 90 kw. Set this value to the heat exchanger design, the 4 rows, 2 passes heat exchanger is designed geometrically for long 1320mm, width 831mm and high 1016mm, and the 128 copper tubes, which are radius of 9.53mm, are adopted in heat exchanger. As regards the specification of the fin, the thickness is 0.12mm, the number of fin is 14 tablets/per inch and the cooling area is 80.4m2. Finally, the three -dimensional model of computer room is simulated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the detailed flow phenomena, including velocity field and temperature field. That may let the design of container-type computer room more completely. The governing equations are solved by CFD in sequence, including mass conservation equation, momentum conservation equation and energy conservation equation, and the k-ε turbulence model is used to describe the phenomenon of fluid turbulence. Via the simulation process, the improvements of temperature field and flow field of the computer room can be discussed.
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CHEN, MING-CHIH, and 陳明智. "Development of Air-cooled Conditioner for Medium- and High-temperature Industrial Environmental Application." Thesis, 2019.

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This study is focused on the iron and steel industry, petrochemical industry, food processing plant, etc. with the process products in maneuverability movement for industrial and commercial medium- and high-temperature environmental plant air-cooled conditioner machine system. Because of the high-temperature environmental in the process is needed the cooling equipment and the unit, as well as the working environmental for the operator to be comfortable, safe, and avoid heat effect operator health. It must need to design and development of air-cooled conditioner equipment system. In the particular, these are heavy industrial plants have the medium- and high-temperature environmental, high humidity, high pollution, high dust, high corrosion condition, etc. The general air-cooled conditioner equipment is hurt. It will need research special air-cooled conditioner machine system developed resistance to high temperature, high humidity, high pollution, high dust, high corrosion, high reliability, high quality components, and convenient maintenance in operation personnel and the environmental to thermal cooling. With the ambient temperature is between 35℃ and 80℃, because the environmental temperature of iron and steel industry, petrochemical industry, and processing plants in the control operational room maintenance temperature is between 15℃ and 25℃ with relative humidity is between 45% and 65%. Therefore, the development of medium- and high-temperature industrial special type air-cooled conditioner machine unit use eco-friendly refrigerant is R-124 and R-134a, the power is 3φ 460VAC/60Hz, the electricity consumption is lower than 2kW, 3kW, 6kW, and 9kW, and the cooling capacity is higher than 2,000 kcal/hr, 3,000 kcal/hr, 6,000 kcal/hr, and 9,000 kcal/hr. It will design a set of evaporation, condenser, electricity box, operating control box, compressor, expansion, cooling fan, oil separator, liquid-gas separator, dry filter, framework, and secondary cooler etc. It can apply to industrial plant in the medium- and high-temperature environment. It is possible to maintain a good and healthy comfortable with safe environment for the people in the space of the operating supply environment.
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Yu, Yi-Jhang, and 余易璋. "Development of Noise and Vibration Measuremt and Diangosis Procedure for Air Conditioner System." Thesis, 2016.

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The rotary compressor is installed within the air-conditioner system, and the related noise and vibration resulting from the assembly effect can be of concern. Finding the source and the resolution of noise and vibration in the air-conditioner system is a critical issue. This work aims to develop the noise and vibration diagnosis procedure for the air-conditioner system. The noise and vibration measurement is first introduced, including both the receiver test (R-test) and path test (P-test), respectively. The structural paths in the air-conditioner system are discussed, and the inlet and outlet pipes are the primary interest parts that are conducted by P-test, i.e. experimental modal analysis (EMA), to investigate structural vibration characteristics. The emitted noise from the air-conditioner is studied and found correlated to those pipe’s vibration modes. The P-analysis, i.e. finite element analysis (FEA) on the inlet and outlet pipes is also conducted to build up the analytical FE models and calibrate the pipe system models via EMA. Both BEAM and SOLID element models are, respectively, constructed and shown effective to simulate the inlet and outlet pipe properly. Importantly, the structural mode shapes of the pipes can be visualized to assist noise diagnosis on the air-conditioner system. This work studies the structural path of the air-conditioner system, in particular the inlet and outlet pipes. Through P-test and P-analysis on the pipes, this work builds up the noise and vibration prognosis procedure and helps on structural design modification for noise and vibration concern.
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Yen, Chou-Nan, and 顏銂男. "The Relationship between the Electricity Consumptions of Air Conditioner and the Factors of Indoor Heat Environment in Office Building." Thesis, 2008.

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The air condition equipment of building plant to construct enviromental control system''s important issue, in order to providing constructs the indoor comfortable hot environment, and provides the health the air quality, guaranties the user physiology health, we knows air-conditioning system''s use to come from the construction environment not to be comfortable, but constructs the internal environment to receive constructs the external environment the factor influence. But in Taiwan area, the summer is also long is also hot, the people use the air-conditioning to improve generally occupy the hot environment quality, creates the energy the mass consumptions. Therefore, creates the good indoor environment is one of work class architectural design duties. This study, based on the principles of the Building Environmental Studies, used of systems engineering technology to establish a set of the indoor environmental factors, through the indoor temperature of the Taichung office buildings measured and the cluster analysis methods to explore the quality of the building environment affected by the physical environmental factors in building design, and to clarify the relationship between external factors and indoor environmental control. And analyses the environment factor that influence the air conditioning electricity consumption. Furthermore, to setup the regression equation for designer’s reference.
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Huang, Wen-Nan, and 黃文男. "The Study of Benefit on Energy Conservation by Building Air Conditioner Energy Management System in Comprehensive Experiment Medicine Center." Thesis, 2014.

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The content of this research was focus on air conditioning system energy management, and has applied to an air conditioning system of a multi-purpose research building of a medical center in southern Taiwan. Through checking hardware (pipeline, valve, etc.) wear-out consumption and depreciation, selecting appropriate equipments (chiller host group, cooling tower, all kinds of pumps, inverter), reviewing optimal operation point of way, and joining the energy management system into central monitoring system, it could manage each equipment under appropriate operation and furthermore optimized the whole system. Finally, again reviewed the system and compared with actual built afterward test run, it indicated that both functions and benefits have confirmed theoretical quantity assumption values, and also meet the contract required coefficient of performance (kW/RT) under different load. Furthermore, Energy Management System is proposed and established to provide the functions of chiller host group loading or unloading mode selection, optimal coefficient of performance (kW/RT) adjustment, illumination timing control, laboratory pressure differential control, small fan timing control, air conditioning timing control, outdoor air intake mixing ratio control, electricity meter records, electricity fee surpass warning or unloading, and all kinds of report of rendering in order to support enginner with clearly aware of the system status for adjusting needs.
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Nan, Chen Chien, and 陳建男. "The Development and Implementation of Optimum Load Control Strategies for Air-conditioner Based High Voltage Customers." Thesis, 2005.

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This thesis applies optimization mathematical techniques of dynamic programming(DP)algorithm to solve the daily optimal air conditioner loads(ACL) control schedule, and discusses regular control strategies based on different requirements in varied situations . The first proposed control scheme is called regular control mode which supports three control skills of demand control, cycling control and timer control to assist customer to save the electrical fee. The other one is called optimum load control scheme which supports any combinations of these three control skills to optimally save the customer’s electric fee in a specific period of time. In order to cope with the flexibility and uncertaineties associated with constraints on the on/off duration of the ACL, and the uncomfortableness felt by the customers due to the temperature variation, the interrupted capacities of the ACL are regarded as condition variables. Besides, in order to concretely realize the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed controlling strategies, the techniques of microprocessor hardware interface is applied in this thesis. For the ACL customers, the prototype of load controller is developed and implemented to enhance energy efficiency, and to clip the system peak load, and then to save the electrical fee. Visual C++ 6.0 language is adopted as the developing tool to carry out the proposed work. The daily scheduling result will be loaded into energy saving controller as the strategic decision via the RS-232 communication port. The field test of controlling the air conditioner located in the campus is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed load controller.
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Chen, Zhi–Wei, and 陳志瑋. "Exploring the Combination of Market Development Strategy and Balanced Scorecard in Taiwanese SMEs: An Example of Upgraded Products in An Air Conditioner Manufacture." Thesis, 2013.

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SMEs have been playing a pivotal role in the process of Taiwan’s economic development. In the recent years, in the competition from low labor costs among China and Southeast Asia countries, Taiwan''s SMEs are not only encouraged to actively consolidate the existing products in the market, but should also to actively upgrade its products to new markets to maintain the vitality of enterprises. This study investigates the product upgrade of Taiwan''s SMEs to explore new markets, by introducing the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) system in order to implement its strategy types for the key success factors needed. This study uses a Taiwan professional air-conditioning plant as an example, through literature review and interviews with executives to propose the upgraded products which are suited to their new market strategy types, as well as the ability to implement its strategic corresponding patterns of five BSCs'' key success factors proposition. After the data collection process with the relevant departments via in-depth interviews and relevant documentary records, the marketing strategy of target marketing (STP) analysis and pattern matching method are used to help the company to explore the patterns of suitable strategies and key success factors which are suitable to the situation of the case study company. The results show that the case company is suitable with the vision type strategy. Balanced Scorecard has found out five key success factors including "Internal consensus on a clear strategic vision and objectives" and "Construction Management Information and Communication Integration System". These two key success factors need to be strengthened; while the other factors such as "Top management support and participation", "Establishing Balanced Scorecard team" and "Communication and link strategic objectives and measure”, the status of the case company can meet the requirements of the proposition. Finally, this study also discusses with the various units of the case study company competent and pick up the most appropriate needed four dimensions of key performance indicators (KPI) for the Company’s BSC. This study also suggests how the case study company to use strategy types linked to BSC and action plans to promote the overall structure of recommendations, to assist them importing Balanced Scorecard to reach the implementation of its pioneering new upgraded product market strategy types.
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Truong, Pham Van, and Pham Van Truong. "Building A Forecasting Model for Hanoi – Bangkok Air Route Passenger Traffic Demand at Corporate Planning & Development Department – Vietnam Airlines." Thesis, 2013.

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Vietnam aviation company , the state company, established in 1996, based on connecting 20 air business companies, in which Vietnam Airlines is the key company. Corporate planning and development Department use the time - series model for forecasting passenger traffic demand, almost all based on empirical and expert methods. Using other mathematical models in comparision with expert methods for forecasting will contribute to accuracy of forecasts. Therefore, research and build a mixed forecasting model based on the comparison of forecasting methods is essential, especially for passenger traffic demand on the air routes between big cities. This study will focus in building a forecasting model for Hanoi – Bangkok air route passenger traffic demand. So the research questions of this study are: (1) Shortcomings and weaknesses of the model in forecasting air passenger traffic demand between Hanoi and Bangkok? (2) Efficiency of the model in forecasting Hanoi – Bangkok air traffic demand? The model helps to assess the accuracy of forecasts and save the unwanted costs. Because of applying mathematical model, so the forecast will be more scientific. The author designs research process, model, and variables of the research, data collection method, data analysing (mixed method of qualitative and quantitative), processing data, statistical tools helping to answer research questions which are presented in detail in the thesis. The whole research contents are implemented according to these steps: defining the topic and research objectives; researching qualitatively and quantitatively; constructing hypotheses and official research variables, research samples; establishing measure scale and design questionnaire; collecting data; analyzing and processing data using statistical tools; and concluding research topics. After collecting data, the author synthesized and analyzed data on Excel and SPSS 13, the author has pointed out the importance of the mix model, the significance of factors that influence on forecast. Consequently, these findings help accelerate the leaders at Vietnam Airlines forecast more scientific. The research also recommends come solutions to enhance the more suitable method of forecast air traffic demand between big cities based on scientific and quantified background. These solutions then support Vietnam Airlines leaders in making decisions regarding directions and strategies in forecast and in improving competitive capacity.
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