Academic literature on the topic 'Agir du médiateur'
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Journal articles on the topic "Agir du médiateur"
Kolboom, Ingo. "Le « Triangle de Weimar » et la « double ouverture » euro-atlantique de la Pologne." Études internationales 40, no. 2 (October 9, 2009): 261–75.
Full textBaron, Marie-Pierre, and Hélène Makdissi. "Lecture interactive et théorie de l’esprit : agir en tant que médiateur avec l’enfant ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme." Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 29 (2019): 3.
Full textGrenier, Simon, Francesco Montani, Jean-François Gagnon, and Alexandrine Dupuis. "La compassion managériale comme propulseur de la santé organisationnelle en temps de perturbations." Ad machina, no. 6 (December 22, 2022): 179–95.
Full textMontoya, Nathalie. "Médiation et médiateurs culturels : quelques problèmes de définition dans la construction d’une activité professionnelle." I Définir la médiation culturelle, no. 60 (January 12, 2009): 25–35.
Full textNadeau, Brigitte. "Albert Tessier, agent de transmission d’une idée du Québec en France entre 1930 et 1950." Mens 12, no. 2 (February 6, 2013): 61–101.
Full textVyncke, Johanna D., and Danielle Julien. "Divulgation de l’orientation sexuelle, soutien de la famille d’origine et adaptation conjugale chez des mères lesbiennes ayant eu leur(s) enfant(s) dans le contexte d’une relation hétérosexuelle. Étude exploratoire." Santé mentale au Québec 30, no. 2 (January 25, 2006): 121–38.
Full textKnowles, Ric. "IMPACT, Interculturalism, and the International Theatre Festival Model." Theatre Research in Canada 43, no. 2 (October 1, 2022): 206–38.
Full textBlondiaux, I. "Dr Destouches et Mr Céline." European Psychiatry 28, S2 (November 2013): 70.
Full textBensaïd, Albert, S. Bourdoulous, D. Lerhun, D. Calvez, L. Droogman, Dominique Martinez, and P. O. Couraud. "Expression d’interleukine 6 après infection par Cowdria ruminantium de cellules endothéliales de cerveau bovin." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 46, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1993): 195.
Full textLUCAS, Jean-François. "Socialisations volontaires, médiateurs et régimes d’engagement dans les mondes virtuels." Formes et dynamiques d'attention, de présence et d'engagements 7, no. 1 (July 11, 2018).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Agir du médiateur"
Al-Khatib, Jamila. "Les gestes professionnels des médiateurs culturels lors d'une séquence de médiation." Thesis, Paris, HESAM, 2022.
Full textIn a cultural institution, the mediator contributes to the discovery and understanding of the piece of art exhibited in a museographic context. He transmits this knowledge by creating linkages between the piece of art exhibited, the visitor and himself (Allard, 1999). This transmission is made through discourse, specific actions and gestures (McNeill, 1992).Phenomenological (Merleau-Ponty, 1945), sociological (Goffman, 1973) and anthropological (Mauss, 1934) approaches tend to show that gesture is an important instrument in communicating with the world as well as in establishing linkages according to codes established by society. Thus, the professional gesture (Jorro, 2002, 2004, 2018) is characterised by its addressability and its efficiency. In order to be efficient, the professional gesture is mobilised at appropriate moments according to the perceived affordances (Gibson, 1979). It can be defined according to "la matrice d'agir" elaborated by Jorro (2002, 2017) in the context of research concerning the action of a teacher or that of a cultural mediator.In this research, mediation sequences were filmed at the Louvre-Lens, the Cité des Télécoms in Lannion, and the Musée des arts et métiers (Paris). Their analysis, completed by the analysis of semi-directive and self-confrontation interviews of the filmed mediators, made it possible to identify three categories of professional gestures: the gesture of staging knowledge which is centred on the presentation of an object, of knowledge or a device, which explains a scientific or cultural concept; the gesture of communication to involve the visitor in the animation or establish an atmosphere of benevolence or mark an active listening; the gesture of adaptating the mediation process to manage the scenic space, modify the initial presentation of an object.How are these gestures specific to the profession of cultural mediator transmitted to mediators during the training organised on their arrival in a cultural institution? An analysis of semi-directive interviews conducted with mediator-trainers has provided some answers. The trainers recognise the importance of mobilising these specific professional gestures during a mediation sequence to transmit knowledge, although this question of professional gestures has not been addressed yet
Book chapters on the topic "Agir du médiateur"
"Le guide-facilitateur et le guide-médiateur dans le développement de l’enfant." In L' étayage : agir comme guide pour soutenir l'autonomie, 47–58. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012.
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