Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Afrique – 20e siècle'
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Iroko, Abiola Félix. "Les Cauris en Afrique Occidentale : du 10e au 20e siècle." Paris 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA010567.
Full textShongedza, Ignatiana. "L' évolution de l'éducation des femmes en Afrique australe." Paris 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA010572.
Full textMontarsolo, Yves. "L'Eurafrique, contrepoint de l'idée d'Europe : le cas français, des origines aux négociations des Traités de Rome." Aix-Marseille 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX10096.
Full textDeville-Danthu, Bernadette. "Education physique, sport, colonisation et décolonisation dans les anciens territoires français d'Afrique occidentale : 1920-1965." Aix-Marseille 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995AIX10019.
Full textMationgo, MBoungou Sébastien. "L'actualité de l'utopie en Afrique noire contemporaine." Paris 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA010724.
Full textThis thesis attempts to throw a positive and constructive light on the singularity of the utopian discourse of contempor black africa from 1930 to 1990, and, at the same time, on the originality of the specific fundamental concepts of this d and the influence of the schools of knowledge which mark its invention. The domain of investigation is limited to that o contemporary, french-speaking black africa as expressed through the medium of the books which are the foundation of the classical spirit of african intellectual life and in which its heritage is woven. The utopia discussed here is expressed creative and joyous sense of disobedience. By drawing on the blochian concept of the "non-encore-etre" this thesis attem an analysis of the dynamism of this utopia and the multiple forms of hope which it offers. This task of critical re-writ opens an investigation of the tragic interiority of contemporary africa : the existential question which underlies the t concerns the liberation of the african utopia, which we have described as a creative and joyous sense of disobedience, f dogmatic and metaphysical captivity in the logic of this tragic interiority. The stakes which are thus defined, in the f common identity which is still to be rebuilt, are nothing less than the possibility of constructing an intellectual comm contemporary africa. The very existence of this emergent community puts into a crisis of legitimacy the quasi-metaphysic question of the possibility of an african identity, and offers itself, through the modality of an enlightened utopia, as resumption of the historical initiative, now newly possible, of a serene conception of alterity. Hence the gnoseological ethico-existential access to the other of ourselves. Here is revealed the illegitimacy of the old, obscure alterity whic based on the will to power and on the tragic interiority which linked europe and africa. The chains which fall here are the actions of ethnographic gnosis, in general, and, more specifically, of the dogmatic and metaphysical confrontations anthropologico-cultural truths. The hope which is offered in this thesis concerns the sketch of a joyous philosophy whic
Dupraz, Yannick. "Le développement économique en Afrique dans le temps long de I'histoire." Paris, EHESS, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0084.
Full textContending that the current economic situation of African countries south of the Sahara can partly be explained by their colonial past, this thesis studies Africa's economic development in the long run of history, notably through the comparison between French and British colonialism. The first chapter studies dynamically the functioning of colonial states in West Africa, using a new database on colonial public finances in 4 British and 9 French colonies. The second chapter analyses French and British colonial legacies in education, using the division of German Cameroon between the French and the British after World War I as a natural experiment to identify the effect of colonizer identity and its evolution throughout the 20th century. The third chapter ask what explains the decline of polygamy in West Africa in the 20th century, using the boom in public education expenditure in Cameroon in the 1950s to identify the effect of women's education on marriage market outcomes
N'Dombi, Pierre. "L'administration publique de l'Afrique équatoriale française de 1920 à 1956 : histoire d'un Etat providence colonial." Aix-Marseille 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995AIX10018.
Full textAfter the 1914-1918 war, some politicians condemned the colonial policy of france for having made the development of colonies dependent on their individual financial means alone. Faced with the deficiencies of private capital, the government of france undertook the economic tooling of french equatorial africa through administrative intervention. However, the state played only a complementary role : it established conditions favourable for development without creating it directly. The public administration ordered studies the put the results to private entrepreneurs. To alleviate the economic crises from 1930 to 1952 it granted tax exemptions, bonuses and subsidies, and controled transportation networks. This thesis analyses the 1920 to 1956 involvement of the public administration acting as a colonial welfare state in economic and social fieds in french equatorial africa
Aubry-Memoli, Crescence. "Les relations monétaires entre la France et ses territoires d'Afrique centrale (1929-1960) : enjeux et intérêts des acteurs publics et privés." Paris 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA010586.
Full textHien, Pierre Claver. "Le jeu des frontières en Afrique occidentale : cent ans de situations conflictuelles au Burkina Faso actuel (1886-1986)." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010614.
Full textUntil the European intervention, the pre-colonial geopolitics of the country forming the present time Burkina Faso (ex-upper volta) permitted to identify powerful kingdoms in the east and "stateless" socities in the west. Borders were delimitted by the hydrography and relief elements or by magico-religious methods and equalled to among other things the scope of a king's autority, the scope of a chief or a landlord of a village. For the various groups, conflicts were a ground for looting, a regulator of the established internal order and of the politico-military relations at a sub-regional scale. The creation of the colony of upper volta in 1919 resulted in an international franco-british boundary (upper volta-gold coast) and in colonial borders which were just simple administrative boundaries. The creation of the territorial state centred on the former mossi kingdoms gave rise to conflicting situations in connection with either the world conflicts or with the delation of the colony of upper volta from 1932 to 1947. Concurrently, the populations, devided by the border lines, got refuge among the british or were defrauding and smuggling at the border and this never caused an armed conflict. From 1960, Burkina Faso became independent and its six boundaries became state borders. Border conflicts with rather complex causes opposed Burkina Faso to Ghana in 1964 and to Mali in 1974 and 1985. However, the present time borders remain a reality well illustrated by the absence of separatism in a country which accounts more than 60 ethnical groups
Hayem, Judith. "La figure ouvrière en Afrique du sud après l'apartheid : de l'usine, lieu de la chance à l'usine, lieu de concertation : enquêtes sur les formes de pensée d'ouvriers de l'industrie automobile." Paris 8, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA082182.
Full textThis PhD focuses on the identification of South African workers' forms of thinking in the post-apartheid period. After the end of apartheid through negotiation and not a coup, how do workers who were conceived as the avant-garde of the national liberation struggle think ? My work is based on two factory fieldworks in Durban (1997) and Port-Elizabeth (1999). I show how, through their own categories of thinking, the workers conceive of access to qualified jobs in the factory during and after apartheid ; the workers' role in the country; relations at work. .
Bousbina, Saïd. "Un siècle de savoir islamique en Afrique de l'ouest (1820-1920)." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010621.
Full textThe Tijaniyya order was founded by Ahmad Al-Tijani around 1781 in the algerian south. Ever since then, this order has spread in all directions amongst the muslim world. However, the most dramatic propagation of the Tijaniyya was felt in western africa during the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks, notably, to the military action of Al-Hajj 'Umar and the pacific gesture of Al-Hajj Malik Sy. Parallely to this spread, a few members of this order produced a type of literature, hence called Tijaniyya literature, which also developed in that region. And it is precisely the aim of this thesis to deal chiefly with the tijaniyya literature. However, because it proved impossible to deal with the whole of this literature, we chose four authors who seemed to be the most representative of this literature : Al-Hajj 'Umar, Yirkoy Talfi, 'Ubayda Ben Anbuja et Al-Hajj Malik Sy. The writings of those authors cover a century (1820-1920) and are representative of the whole of western Africa, from present day Mauritania to actuel Guinea. The study, hence, the analysis of their works enable one to follow the Tijaniyya order within its african realm, and more especially its evolution and the fluctuation of themes within this literature. This should show how the tijanis authors presented and explained their order to their readers, which arguments were used in order to convince people to became affiliated to the tijaniyya, and finally which sources did they base themselves on and which religious and juridical authorities did they refer themselves to, in order to strengthen and articulate their arguments. This is precisely what this thesis attempts to show
Ndiaye, Ibrahima. "La critique artistique en Afrique noire de 1914 à 1990." Paris 4, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA040086.
Full textThis study, by dealing with the problematic of the approach to works of arts, points out at the fact that oral civilisation had its methods of evaluation, wich could still be used today. Africain aesthetics should not be conceived of and perceived as a single in european aesthetics. But what about the weaknesses noticed in the critical written discourse in terms of number as well as quality ? in this sense, there lies the notion of reception of the critique by artists critique themselves and the audience. This three dimensional vision seems to remain the proper way to go beyond the mere statement of difficulties for the fine arts and its critique in black africa. The study goes on with the formulation of theoritical principles likely to develop the flowering of these latter, provided that the best critiques in the field aren't necessarily the very negro-african, and last but not the least, the responsabilities of the artists, the audience the critiques, as well as public, powers leaders are defined, for a better promotion of fine arts and critique in black africa
Nzenzé, Mireille. "L'armée française en A. E. F. : de 1919 à 1958." Nantes, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998NANT3006.
Full textGrolleau-Couton, Magali. "La politique arabo-musulmane de l'Union indienne (1947-1974), Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord." Nantes, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NANT3054.
Full textGuèye, Moustapha. "Le commerce régional du Sénégal (1900-1997)." Paris 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA010572.
Full textHoarau, Jean-Hugues. "Une vision du phénomène urbain en Afrique du Sud : le cas des villes petites et moyennes du Cap de l'Ouest." La Réunion, 2004. http://elgebar.univ-reunion.fr/login?url=http://thesesenligne.univ.run/04_09_Hoarau.pdf.
Full textSouth African city of the new democratic context is the focus of attraction of the future great stakes. Urban duality is the fact for the same reason of the slow community acculturation which is structurally effective. What is the pace and how those mechanisms have an effect at large as at small scale? Answers underlie urban diversity and regional varieties which are combined to disclose the range of disparities immanent of the urbanization process everlasting of economic strengths. In the Western Cape, restructured built-up aeras of 1996 are not at the same stage of development, some benefit from their asset of colonial town, others in support of their progressive situation, again of their administrative predominance. All the same, in this breeding ground for vitalities, interrelationships remain so much so that specific ranks emerge leaded to examine the rule of intermediate and small size cities in the structure of provincial urban phenomenon
Nimis, Erika. "Etre photographe en Afrique de l'Ouest : les Yoruba du Nigéria et la diffusion de la photographie au XXe siècle." Paris 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA010524.
Full textKoala, Salifou. "Histoire de la presse syndicale africaine de 1958 à 1982 : l'exemple de l'Ouest africain." Bordeaux 3, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988BOR30042.
Bidima, Jean-Godefroy. "Positivité et possibilité : analyse de la catégorie de possibilité dans la théorie critique face à la modernité non-européenne." Paris 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA010601.
Full textLessault, David. "Périurbanisation et recompositions socio-spatiales à Dakar : évolution des stratégies résidentielles d'un système métropolitain ouest africain." Orléans, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005ORLE1063.
Full textDakar, metropolitan system west african, recently knows new logical settlement, mainly endogenous, and underlain by phenomena of demographic redistribution. This dynamics leads in particular to the acceleration of urban creation in periphery, according to a process of periurbanisation. In the context, this analysis of the residential trajectories and access modes to the housing of the inhabitants allowed the reconstitution of the strategies which chair the installation in periurban medium, the households expressing in their choices of residence a report/ratio chosen with the society. The socio-space configurations which emerge of these practices brought to propose a transverse reading of metropolitan recombining in progress
Istasse-Moussinga, Cécile-Marie. "L'Afrique noire dans les relations franco-britanniques de 1940 à 1950." Paris 4, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA040175.
Full textAt the beginning of the franco-british relations in black Africa, there was the process of their establishment on the African continent. Until the Second World War, the relations between France and Great Britain were impressed by distrust. . In 1940, the franco-german armistice led to the division of France and its empire. The, Great Britain had to deal with the hostility of the Vichy government in French West Africa and French Somaliland. Meanwhile, in French Equatorial Africa, the government of London established a war collaboration with free France. 1942 marked the end of this ambiguous cohabitation. France and Great Britain were then to undertake a colonial collaboration marked by the new ideological and political influences. Until 1950, the two countries had to fight against these anti-colonial influences by elaborating a common policy to oppose to the United Nations. They also tried to overcome african nationalism by giving little autonomy to their colonies. Although France and Great Britain had recognised that the colonial collaboration was a necessity, they did not prevent some failures due to the realities of their colonial administration systems
Tchikaya, Odile. "Le contrôle de la main d'oeuvre dans les colonies françaises au XXe siècle : l'exemple de l'A.E.F. de la première guerre mondiale à l'aube des indépendances (1914-1960)." Nice, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NICE0031.
Full textAfter the First world War, the France has significant economic difficulties. It is necessary to rebuild the devastated metropolis but there is not enough financial means. Because of these economic difficulties was born a politic of exploitation of the French colonies, including those of A. E. F. (French Equatorial Africa) territory, (Gabon, Middle Congo, Oubangui-Chari and Chad) inducing their development. On April 21, 1921, the Minister of colonies, Albert Sarraut, filed a Bill to that effect. This extensive development programme requires a large labour force. However, the colonial administration faces demographic weakness of the territory which increases with the practice of forced labour, forcing workers to flee the work sites. To resolve these difficulties, the colonial administration applies the Decree of May 4, 1922, establishing the system of indigenous labor which the control is provided by a specialized institution, created by order of 24 July 1936: «inspectorate of work and indigenous workforce". Intervened belatedly, it fails to fulfill its primary mission: "the control of the application of labor legislation". The paralysis of the exploitation of workforce policy led the Government to abolish the forced or compulsory labor by the Act of April 11, 1946 in overseas territories. In addition, for the effectiveness of the control of the workforce, by the Decree of August 24, 1946, it puts inspectorate of work under "direct authority" of the Governor General, allowing it to exercise its missions independently. The efforts of the administration are not sufficient. Influenced by the trade unions and political parties, workers of the colonies want the establishment of a genuine Code of work. That’s why, on October 17, 1947 is promulgated the Code work in the territories of overseas called "Code Moutet". However, the Code is inadequate to the colonies and its provisions are very inadequate. It will therefore not applied. However, the requirement of a legal framework adapted to work overseas relations is asserted by African parliamentarians who want a social legislation, in accordance with the colonial realities. As a result, on December 15, 1952 is adopted the "Code of the work of the overseas territories", largely inspired by the Metropolitan legislation. The Code is "guarantor of social peace. " Nevertheless, it is adopted shortly before the framework law of 23 June 1956 that allows colonies to be more autonomous with respect to the metropolis. Thus at the dawn of independence, each colony of A. E. F. Develops its own institutions in order to organize work through principles of social cohesion and freedom
Goeh-Akué, N'buéké Adovi. "Finances publiques et dynamique sociale en Afrique Noire sous influence française : le cas du Togo (1920-1980)." Paris 7, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA070109.
Full textTagliacozzo, Sara. "Prophétisme artistique et création féminine dans l'oeuvre de Werewere Liking." Paris 8, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA082592.
Full textBoussalâa, El Bekkay. "La notion de démocratie dans le discours "islamiste" du Maghreb." Strasbourg, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009STRA1082.
Full textRoulet, Pierre-Armand. ""Chasseur blanc, coeur noir" ? La chasse sportive en Afrique Centrale : une analyse de son rôle dans la conservation de la faune sauvage et le développement rural au travers des programmes de gestion de la chasse communautaire." Orléans, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ORLE1053.
Full textThe interdisciplinary thesis analyses the role of sport hunting in the programmes of participative management of wildlife in Central Africa, more particularly on two pilot sites (northern Central African Republic and south-east Cameroon). Over the course of the 20th century, sport hunting evolved greatly through the joint processes of "democratisation", professionalisation and internationalisation of its protagonists. These days, safari operators can play a major role in conservation, notably owing to their spatial control of sizeable cynegetic zones, globally sustainable harvesting and a sound capacity to look after and defend the natural environment. This statement can, however, only be fully appreciated when the activity of safari operators plays a part in programmes linking the state, specific projects and the local population. The analysis of the techniques, ideology and discourse of safari guides and those of their clients reveals the antinomy of their ideas of safari as well as the onset of a nostalgia for colonial hunting. We note also the surprising fact that the "great white hunters" often fit better into the rural socio-cultural context than do other non-indigenous protagonists. Finally, if the economic argument presenting sport hunting as a signifiant tool in programmes of participative management of wildlife remains valid, it is nevertheless essential not to overlook the conceptual and technical limits of the proposed models, as well as the very real stakes lying behind the appropriation of the land and resources
Manya, Judith. "Le parti communiste portugais et la question coloniale, 1921-1974." Bordeaux 4, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR40023.
Full textOn'Okundji, Okavu Ekanga Blaise. "Ethique négro-africaine et technoscience moderne : défi pour des nouvelles orientations dans l'Afrique contemporaine." Lyon 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LYO31004.
Full textDeep-rooted in "live metaphysics", the holiotic dimension of the negro-african universe, made of synergy and intelligence, convergence and membrality - that is to say of reciprocal interaction happens to be strongly shaken in an africa that more and more chooses occidental science and technics as a means to get out of the deadloks of underdevelopment. Nevertheless these science and technics are not "falling from the sky". They bear a history, tradition and culture. But they also drain their myths, beliefs and blindness. So true is it that adopting, adapting or transferring to africa what we will call techno-science do not go without raising new challenges. The future of man will not be technoscientific. The development of africa will be less a matter of competence and material means than that of ethics. Africa must invent and create for itself new paradigms of significance and new meanings out of the action of articulating rationalities and through the dynamics of contaries promised to improvement and to pluridimensionality. The fundamental project will have been to answer this question : "wich science for which africa"? a question culminating in this other one : "which ethics in an africa in quest of an authentic development"?
Fourniol, Jackie. "Quarante ans d'enseignement technique en Afrique : évolution des représentations." Tours, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOUR2001.
Full textYao, Koffi. "Tribalisme et vie politique en Afrique Noire." Nice, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992NICE0030.
Full textDesRoches, Christian. "The burdens of a world power : the Eisenhower administration and decolonisation in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1955-1960." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/MQ57857.pdf.
Full textNtsobe, Amah Marie-Pascale. "La médiatisation de la littérature africaine en France et en Afrique de 1960 à 2000 : une étude socio-descriptive." Cergy-Pontoise, 2005. http://biblioweb.u-cergy.fr/theses/05CERG0276.pdf.
Full textThe media and literature, from time immemorial, appear to be inextricably linked. So do we also take delight in underlining the complementary and interdependence of the two fields that develop and gain ground together. We speak of African literature, it will be proper to say that its emergence and engraving the media and especially in the press are very recent facts, in a given period, African fiction comes up, with dazzling speed in the press in France as well as in Africa ? Presenting the problem of the African literature media coverage in France and in Africa in this way as a main hypothesis, this thesis sets out to clear up the links between the media, especially the press and African fiction. This work comprises three major parts : The first has to do with the genesis and development of the media and African Literature. The second part of this work examines the criteria of media coverage of African Literature. It is a study of reception of the African literary fact in the media in France as well as in Africa. “The media, writers and authorial function” is the title of the third part. It shows on the basis of studies in the field of sociology applied to literature, the work of art has some links with social structures
Mebiame, Zomo Maixant Maurèle. "Le pentecôtisme d'Afrique centrale (Gabon) : stratégies d'évangélisation et conversion." Paris, EHESS, 2007. http://faraway.parisnanterre.fr/login?url=http://www.harmatheque.com/ebook/9782343110653.
Full textThe pentecostalism, major religious phenomenon of the turning of the 21st century, is considered in this thesis in the Gabonese context (central Africa). Established around the thirties by a French-Swiss dissident pastor of the Evangelic Mission of Paris, this Christianity immediately caused a strong interest for the indigenous people. Organized under the "Church of the Assemblies of God" historical denomination, this pentecostalism is the first French missionary undertaking abroad and the heart of the expansion of this new form of religiosity in central Africa. The thesis apprehends the socio-historical stakes of the transnationalization of this Church, which is in short a minor movement but with spectacular strategies of evangelization. This study also brings up the question of the conversion of many believers to this religion considered as a "sect" by the State, the media and a large majority of the population and the social consequences of this religious turn. The force of the pentecostalism consists in providing to his believers new forms of sociability which enable them to face the unconverted world
Kiamba, Claude-Ernest. "Construction de l'État et politiques de l'enseignement au Congo de 1911 à 1997 : une contribution à l'analyse de l'action publique en Afrique noire." Bordeaux 4, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007BOR40017.
Full textPolitical science has traditionally focused on issues pertaining to the study of regimes, political elites, institutions and power, discriminating against analyses of the "day to day" functioning of the State, that is, what the State does or does not do. Yet a great number of scholars consider that political analysis should unfold within a more dynamic envisioning of the State-society relationship so as to foster the knowledge of the State while using new problematiques. This thesis attempts to understand the process of State construction in Congo not from a previous conventional perspective but rather from a thorough analysis of policy-oriented strategies of local political actors in the course of implementing the national education agenda. It aims at showing capacities often used by those actors in creating legal rational mechanisms sustaining State modernization via realistic public policies, how they operate in selecting those policies, which are alternatives offered to them, issues arisen and resources mobilized in the course of implementation, and how they impact the process of State construction. Sequencing and interactionist approaches are useful in understanding various educational programs set against the backdrop of State construction from 1911 (When schooling was officially instituted) to 1997 (at the outbreak of the second Congolese civil war)
Oloba, Likanda. "Les acteurs étatiques dans la coopération au développement Europe-Afrique à l' ère postbipolaire." Toulouse 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002TOU10052.
Full textCooperation in development Europe-Africa is currently called in to question because the states which are the principal and central actors know a rupture at the level of their interests, roles and political logic concerning the cooperation. This cooperation is also subject to various constraints such as changes in the European union, rivalry of Central and Eastern European countries, rivalry between France and the U. S. In the Sub-saharian Africa as well as the vulnerability of the African states themselves. The emergence of a multiplicity of differing types of actors pursuing multipol interests, roles and political logic increase the degree of complexity and uncertainty
Ahounou, Chantal. "Education noire et conscience politique de la jeunesse noire urbanisée en Afrique du Sud 1945 - 1990." Paris 7, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA070152.
Full textBy the late 1940s, the missionary education produced the emergence of Bantou education system in South Africa. His evolution is analysed between 1948 and 1990. When the government decided to introduce Bantu education, the black youth reacted vehemently. Since 1976, they created a culture of resistance
Nsoudou, Carine. "L' émergence de cultures politiques au Cameroun (1918-1961) : étude comparée des zones sous administration française et britannique." Paris 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA010696.
Full textOuld, M'Bareck Sleimane. "Chaikh Sidiyya Baba et les élites musulmanes maures face à la pénétration coloniale française 1900-1924." Toulouse 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU20020.
Full textDefinitly the time of the chaikh-s is not ready to be gone by yet and studying the modern (contemporaneous) history of Mauritania is impossible if one ignores all about the Sidiyya Family. The islamic religion and its dignitries had widely overwhelmed the discussion during the colonial period. In Mauritania, a certain family had been singularized by the political, intellectual and religeous wisdom of its leaders, in particular Chaikh Sidiyya Baba. His involvement in the colonization of Mauritanie has provided us an opportunity to have a view on islamic elite of moorish origin in Mauritania. Resistence, collaboration or accomodation are mentionned here one next to the other. This work tries to understand the question of the relationshps between muslim and non-muslim lands white giving a prospect on those between the cohabitation between Islam and the West today
Ridha, Shili. "Milieux d'affaires et activité minière coloniale : les mécanismes de l'emprise des structures : (le cas de quelques mines du Centre-Ouest tunisien 1900-1956)." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA01A002.
Full textEbah, Mathias Codjo. "L'Afrique au fond des yeux : conceptions contemporaines de l'histoire africaine." Reims, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993REIML006.
Full textFor centuries africa has been at the center of european preocupations. It is evidentz when we study the manuscrit from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. But this continent had rathes been studied with prejudices than with reliable scientific methods. An ever if africa is closer to europe than the other continents, it is presented as isolated un-welcoming, without a true history and above all culturraly empty. If then proved to be of some interest being a continent rich in slaves and manpower. On the contrary, in asia systematic excavations were soon carried out, granding in the title of cradle of civilization. But in fact, for several de cades, thanks to scientific discoveries made by french and americans researchers, we begin to see africa with different way. It is nowadays proved that africa has not only been the cradle of civilization, but also the starting point of cultural and agricultural seats which had a universal unfluence. Africa once more saw itself propelled on the international scene with the colonization which gave the african people the opportunity to regain the control of their destinies. Therefore it is totaly lawful that every partenaires know each other at last, to examine objectiviely of the futur of humanity. For the african people the remebrance of things past must not lead to dejection. It is an exhortation to work. That's why have analized the present economical, social and political situation which is problematic. This report made us elaborate a cultural and economical recovery plan. We do know the difficulties and pitfalls, but thanks to a true awareness and good collaboration with the occident, the african continent can recover its dignity
Safta, Moez. "LAfrique du Nord dans l'imagerie coloniale : le cas de la Tunisie." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010605.
Full textBy inverting the hourglass of history, and examining literature, architecture and other forms of iconography, we have tried to detect the origin of certain tenacious prejudices that are detrimental to the mutual inderstanding of the french and maghreb peoples, and to show that colonial imagery is an esthetic reponse to questions posed during a specific period. Today, this same reponse poses questions about our present time, as this imagery is not anachronistic. The imagery divides the maghreb self into an autochtonous substratum and a european veneer, creating, through a hierarchy founded upon the mutation of meaningless exterior traits into essentiel elements, a self foreign to itself. It also transforms this self by the processes of de-culturation and acculturation. "re-presentation" and a "shared birth" do not equal "representation" and "shared knowledge". This imagery instigates one to reflect upon the social function of images as it is, in a sense, a dialogue between the image of "self" and the image of "other". The dialogue is a fluctuation between self and the self mirrored in others, the self and the photocopy of the other, the self and the blurred other, as well as the self and the erased other. Each image always returns to the same referent : the colonizer. The dichotomy brings us to propose a rough solution : the reorientation of the discourse on the maghreb identity
Rai͏̈s, Abdelahad. "L'idée de réforme dans le message et l'action d'Ibn Tumart." Bordeaux 3, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989BOR30015.
Full textDuring the elaboration of his religious doctrine and the fight he carried out against the almoravides, ibn tumart was promted by a will to teach the genuine islamic faith and found a religious law-abiding communauty. His writhings consist of opuscules and recensions of the hadiths aimed to a religious background for the barber tribesthat backed him. Even that his attachment to islamic sources is evident, we notice that he was deeply influenced by some beliefs on the apparearance of mahdi and on the vital role that people of maghreb should play inestablishing the religion. The harsh struggle that pitted him against both the almoravides and the malkit jurists added to the difficulty of making sure of his followers, loyalty count for some of his uncomprimising stances and his firmness in ruling his troops
Almeida, Amakoe d'. "Le référentiel dans la littérature pour enfants en Afrique noire francophone 1990-2000." Paris 4, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA040021.
Full textOur research can be divided into three parts whose common purpose is to define the weight of liteature for children as a whole, and especially of african child literature. The opening part called "Analytical approach to literature for children "sets out to show the beginnings of that particular litérature, through a diachronic analysis. Such a literature has its roots rased in oral sources (folhlore), identification criteria with the problems thus raised regarding literature and finally the present dimension of this literature in back french-speaking Africa. The second part has been devoted to the theme of the referential which had led us to demonstrate the philosophy which lies under the writing of these texts. Thus in the third part we have been induced to state that, along with the different aspects of the referential, books actually open out on to the blackafricanworld. Those are real spaces of initiation the African young reader will enter so as to get a better understanding of the world around him and in order to achieve his integration
Mindemon, Kolandi Laorewa. "Histoire économique du Tchad, 1924-1960." Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010674.
Full textCoret, Laure. "Traumatismes collectifs et écriture de l' indicible : les romans de la réhumanisation (Afrique noire francophone, Amérique latine, Antilles)." Paris 8, 2007. http://octaviana.fr/document/135519926#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Full textThe novels and testimonies studied in this thesis were all produced or created as a response to a shared experience of terror and to a common experience, from the onesuffered in the postocolonial era to the specific experience of thegenocides of the XXth century. Our reading put them into dialogue because they collectively indicate the coming of an extreme violence and of its representation. We have identified the emergence of a literary field and evaluated its formal coherence. Collective Traumas and The Writing of the Unspeakable : Novels of Becoming Human Again (Francophone Africa, Latin America, Caribbean) is a comparatist analysis of the literatures of the South related to the triangular slave trade. We have then confronted this corpus to the writings of genocides reenvisioned through the Holocaust. Adopting postcolonial, sociological, psychoanalytical, and literary theoretical frameworks, we have envisioned the conditions of possibility and invariability of a literature of the After representing crimes against humanity from torture to genocide
Faye, André. "L' Afrique et les Nations-Unies depuis la fin de la Guerre froide." Reims, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REIMD001.
Full textSince the end of the cold War, the place of Africa in the system of the United Nations is not any more the same one. The deep transformation which occurred in the international relations upset the conditions of the inscription of Africa in the contemporary world, and that in a paradoxical way. Could the United Nations bring a solution to this marginalisation of Africa in the search for solutions to the many interrogations which it is posed and which conditions the future of the world but also it is ? Beyond this interrogation, questions arise. Could the United Nations be used as framework with the diplomatic action of the African States and ultimately make it possible the latter to be true actors on the international scene ? How with the end of ideological confrontation, Africa was going it to reorientate its activities in the United Nations in order to continue to exist on the international scene ? The feelings of the African states with regard to the system of the United Nations can be located at three levels. We adopt in this relation an instrumental and critical attitude, at least protestor, and the recognition of " utility " of the organization by african states
Germain, Éric. "Malais et Indiens du Cap, 1860-1961 : émergence d'une identité musulmane sud-africaine." Paris, EHESS, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001EHES0083.
Full textSéverin, Marianne. "Les réseaux ANC (1910-2004) : histoire politique de la constitution du leadership de la nouvelle Afrique du Sud." Bordeaux 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006BOR40048.
Full textAfter a little more than forty years of discriminatory regime, South Africa's political scene changed in April 1994 with the victory of the African National Congress (ANC), accessing to the head of the Government. With these first democratic and multiracial elections, new political executives representing the whole South-African population, replaced those who had represented the white minority only. These new dealers, although lacking a bit of experience in State management, are long time political professionals. They followed their political courses between the years 1940 and 1990 as anti-apartheid activists. Then, they became actors of influence during the democratisation phase and the elections' victory. In order to understand their course and to give answers to the question concerning criteria of nominations between the middle of the years 1980 (during the secret negociations) and 2004, this thesis took into account the courses of life and the acquisition of "political competence" during the opposition years, to finally identify the criteria of selection and reconstitute the "ANC Networks"
Nicolas, Claire. "Sport, citoyenneté et genre en Afrique de l’Ouest : histoire sociale et politique comparée de la jeunesse au Ghana et en Côte d’Ivoire au XXe siècle." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019IEPP0046.
Full textThis thesis explores an unprecedented aspect of postcolonial citizen training in West Africa during the twentieth century. It compares the making and unfolding of three sporting and physical activity infrastructures in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire and reveals how sports, youth movements and physical training have helped to build the social and political history of Ghanaian and Ivorian youths. The study shows how, in both countries, physical and sporting activities were used by colonial and postcolonial states to promote the formation of a young idealized citizen: athletic, urban, educated and loyal to the state. On the one hand, this research highlights the ambivalence at play within sporting practice, between subordination and emancipation. On the other hand, it illuminates how sporting and physical activities were instruments that contributed to the redefining and reinventing of gendered social identities. This thesis is based on archives collected in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, France, Great-Britain, Switzerland and the USA and biographical interviews with forty former sportsmen and sportswomen in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire
Sadouni, Samadia. "Minorités religieuses, intégrations, transnationalités : les Indiens musulmans de Durban, Afrique du Sud (1860-1994)." Bordeaux 4, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR40001.
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