Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'African Academy of Languages'

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Gee, Trisha J. "An analysis of elementary foreign language immersion education and its effect on African American student basic reading skills and attitudes of Milwaukee Spanish Immersion School 4th graders toward academic and recreation reading." Online version, 2009. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/2009/2009geet.pdf.

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Sithole, Kateko Lucy. "The use of african language as media of teaching and learning in public schools in Mopani district (Limpopo Province):A critical analysis." Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/3160.

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Thesis (Ph.D.(African languages)) --University of Limpopo, 2019
This thesis investigated the use of African languages as media of teaching and learning in public schools in Mopani District of Limpopo Province. The study was guided by a qualitative approach. A total of 30 educators from five primary schools participated in the study. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants. Interviews were used as a tool for data collection. Data from the interviews was analysed by means of thematic method of data analysis, and was presented in the form of themes. The results revealed that African languages are admired by most educators. The findings of this study revealed that it is possible to introduce African languages as media of teaching and learning in South Africa, but it will require an extensive preparation, which involves effective training of teachers and the acquisition of teaching and learning materials in African languages. The study also revealed that the current use of English and Afrikaans as media of teaching and learning contributes to poor academic performance of learners. The findings of the study have important implications for both learners and educators. The study will provide the National Department of Education with information it might need to review its language policy with regard to instructional languages. The study will also contribute towards knowledge of African languages as media of instruction, and will help school administrators and policy makers to understand challenges associated with the current medium of instruction and learner performance in schools in South Africa. All education stakeholders might be able to identify the causal factors of language failure rate in grade 12

Makhatini, Freedom Nkanyiso. "The development of isiZulu as an academic language for the teaching of fundamental concepts in economics." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002164.

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This thesis looks at language as the medium of all our ideas and sentiments. The thesis represents a position statement regarding the development of isiZulu as an academic language. The field of Economics is used to merely illustrate and support the points that are being made in this work. It is argued that each language is viewed as the means of expression of the cultural heritage of its people, and it remains a reflection of cultural groups who speak that particular language. It is a fact that indigenous African Languages have been, for obvious reasons, blatantly understudied during the apartheid years in South Africa (Rudwick 2004). Languages have market value and the desirability of English as the most important global language today has an effect in most Black learners in South Africa. The study examined the development of indigenous African languages, isiZulu in particular, in Zululand University where ninety percent of students and lecturers are isiZulu first language speakers, and came to a conclusion that there is an urgent need for Black South African students to learn academic subjects through their mother tongues. This would help them in thorough understanding and interpretation of analytic text presented in a foreign language such as English. The study advocates that isiZulu, which is the mother-tongue of many students at the University of Zululand, should be a language for upward mobility to these students, but as the situation stands, isiZulu becomes a neglected or marginalised language since it is not the normal medium of instruction and it is not used for effective communication in their education system.

Martín-Chazeaud, Alexandre. "Succes or failure? The effect of the language of test on students’ academic achievement in rural Senegal." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/458236.

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In most Sub-Saharan countries, children grow up in a local environment attached to a culture and an identity which are embraced by a local language. However, when they start compulsory school at the age of six, they have to face a curriculum which is taught and assessed from the first year in a European language foreign to them and, in most cases, culturally far from their own reality. According to Heugh (2006; 2011b), these children must face a language barrier in monolingual educational systems in which a second language (L2) is the unique medium of instruction and where their mother tongue (L1) has no place. In such circumstances, learners are deprived from access to an education of quality and, consequently, obtain low results in tests, a fact depicted by Skutnabb-Kangas (2009: 1) as a “genocide and a crime against humanity”. As a result of school failure and grade repetition, young students feel demotivated and families encourage their children to drop out formal education in order to participate in the economy of the family or in the household at very young ages (Magga, Nicolaisen, Task, Skutnabb-Kangas and Dunbar, 2005; Brock-Utne, 2014). In other words, those educational systems which do not consider the learners’ L1 as a medium of instruction do not represent any longer the means by which knowledge and language are taught for future and personal growth, but instead, the means which generates a vicious circle of failure and socio- linguistic indifference, including poverty and social exclusion (Mohanty, 2009). This fact is of special interest to the female population living in rural areas of Sub-Saharan countries. Benson (2001a; 2001b) argues that females are considered academically incompetent as compared to males because they obtain low scores in tests and show an inactive presence during lectures, not only due to the fact that they scarcely understand lessons, but also to their hard responsibilities within the household. Benson (2005a) proposes that instruction through the mother tongue can have positive effects on females’ scores at school, a fact which leads to motivation and active participation in the learning process. Therefore, in such contexts, tests are designed in a European language when only 5% to 10% of the population, generally the high socio-economic class, is proficient in it (Brock-Utne and Alidou, 2006). According to Shohamy (2006) this circumstance creates an unfair situation known by the researcher as the power of tests in which only those students who master the official language can succeed at school. With the purpose of analysing students’ academic achievement depending on the language in which they take tests, the present study was carried out in rural Senegal. It gathered data from 149 participants (66 males and 83 females) who attended grade 3 or grade 6. They were given two types of tests: Six multiple-choice questions of social and natural sciences and three mathematical problem-solving tasks, with a different degree of language complexity and context familiarity. Participants were divided into an experimental group if they were given the tests in their mother tongue (L1 Sérère) and a control group, if they received the tests in the official language of formal education (L2 French). As revealed by the results obtained, L1 Sérère as language of tests benefitted students at both the quantity and the quality of their outcomes, and this was specially true for females. Moreover, the present study gave further evidence to Cummins’ theories Interdependence and Threshold Hypotheses and supported Heugh (2011b), Benson (2013) and Brock-Utne’s (2016) idea that school curricula in developing countries should consider the students’ L1 as medium of instruction and language of tests at school, at least during six years, with the purpose of developing linguistic and academic skills in the L1 for later transferring them to the European language as L2.
En la majoria de països de l’Àfrica Subsahariana, els infants creixen en un entorn lligat a una identitat i una cultura unides per una llengua. No obstant, quan comencen l’educació obligatòria a l’edat de sis anys, han de fer front a un currículum acadèmic impartit i avaluat en una llengua europea estrangera i, en molts casos, culturalment distant de la seva realitat. Segons Heugh (2006; 2011b), aquests infants han d’enfrontar-se a una barrera lingüística en un sistema educatiu monolingüe on una segona llengua (L2) es l’únic mitjà d’instrucció i on la seva llengua materna (L1) no hi té lloc. En aquestes circumstàncies, als aprenents se’ls priva d’accés a una educació de qualitat i, consegüentment, obtenen notes baixes en els tests, un fet descrit per en Skutnabb- Kangas (2009a: 1) com un “genocidi i crim contra la humanitat”. Com a resultat del fracàs escolar i la repetició, els joves alumnes se senten desmotivats i les famílies els animen a abandonar l’educació formal per participar en l’economia familiar i en les obligacions de la llar a partir d’edats molt joves (Magga, Nicolaisen, Task, Skutnabb- Kangas i Dunbar, 2005; Brock-Utne, 2014). Dit d’una altra manera, aquells sistemes educatius que no consideren la L1 dels alumnes com a mitjà d’instrucció ja no representen els mitjans a través dels quals els coneixements i les llengües s’ensenyen per un futur creixement personal, però en el seu lloc, són els mitjans que generen un cercle viciós de fracàs escolar i indiferència sociolingüística, incloent-hi pobresa i exclusió social (Mohanty, 2009). Aquest fet és d’especial interès en el cas de la població femenina que viu en zones rurals de l’Àfrica subsahariana. Benson (2001a; 2001b) argumenta que a les noies se les considera acadèmicament incompetents perquè obtenen notes baixes als tests i mostren una presència inactiva durant les classes, no només pel fet què amb prou feines entenen la lliçó, sinó també degut a les seves responsabilitats a la llar. Benson (2005a) proposa que un ensenyament en llengua materna pot tenir efectes positius en el rendiment escolar de les noies, fet que comportaria motivar-les i fer- les participar activament en el procés d’aprenentatge. Per tant, en aquest tipus de context, els tests són dissenyats en una llengua europea quan només entre el 5% i el 10% de la població, generalment de la classe social benestant, n’és competent (Brock-Utne i Alidou, 2006). Segons Shohamy (2006) aquesta circumstància crea una situació injusta, coneguda per la investigadora com a poder dels tests, pel la qual només els estudiants que dominen la llengua oficial poden atènyer l’èxit acadèmic. Amb el propòsit d’analitzar l’assoliment acadèmic dels estudiants depenent de la llengua en què reben els tests, aquest estudi va ser dut a terme en el Senegal rural. Es va recollir informació de 149 participants (66 homes i 83 dones) que cursaven grau 3 o grau 6. Se’ls varen donar dos tipus de tests: sis preguntes de resposta múltiple de ciències socials i naturals i tres problemes de matemàtiques, amb diferent nivell de complexitat lingüística i acadèmica i de proximitat del context social. Els participants van ser dividits en un grup experimental si se’ls varen donar els tests en llengua materna (L1 Serer) i en un grup de control si van rebre els tests en la llengua oficial de l’educació formal (L2 Francès). Tal i com van demostrar els resultats obtinguts, la L1 Serer com a llengua dels tests beneficia els alumnes tant en la quantitat com en la qualitat dels seus assoliments, i aquest fet és especialment rellevant en la població femenina. A més, aquest estudi és una prova de les teories de la Interdependència i del Llindar suggerides per Cummins, i dona suport a la idea de Heugh (2011b), Benson (2013) i Brock-Utne’s (2016) per la qual els currículums educatius en els països en desenvolupament haurien de considerar la L1 dels estudiants com a mitjà d’ensenyament i com a llengua dels tests a les escoles, almenys durant sis anys, amb l’objectiu de millorar les habilitats lingüístiques i acadèmiques en la seva L1 per després transferir-les a la llengua europea com a L2.

Owens, Jossie Etta. "Parkside Christian Academy: a different choice." Thesis, Boston University, 2003. https://hdl.handle.net/2144/33532.

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Thesis (Ed.D.)--Boston University
PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you.
The purpose of this study was to discover why African-American parents, traditionally supportive of public school education, are seeking private schooling for their children in growing numbers. In particular, this study addressed the question of "What are the factors, variables, or conditions that contribute to African-American parents selecting Parkside Christian Academy as their school of choice?" Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to find out how and why African-American parents select schools for their children. The findings of this study suggest that parents make choices regarding their children's early elementary school years many times based on the parents' own personal school experiences. As a result ofthe interviews and the survey, a new model called the Parent Concern Model was created. This model has ten dimensions that correspond to factors that might influence the way parents select schools for their children. The ten dimensions that emerged from the twenty qualitative interviews shape and affect the way African-American parents think and select schools. The ten dimensions, identified as the Parent Concern Model were financial concerns, performance concerns, equity concerns, self-esteem concerns, transportation concerns, safety concerns, displacement concerns, teacher concerns, parental involvement concerns, and emotional distress concerns.

McDuffie, Kay Frances Ward Crumpler Thomas P. "Private schooling research examination of a christian academy /." Normal, Ill. : Illinois State University, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=1390285861&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=2&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1203093443&clientId=43838.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Illinois State University, 2007.
Title from title page screen, viewed on February 15, 2008. Dissertation Committee: Thomas P. Crumpler (chair), Adel T. Al-Bataineh, Carol Camp Yeakey, Mary Murray Autry. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-176) and abstract. Also available in print.

Weinraub, Clarece D. C. "Influences of African American English that contribute to the exclusion of African American students from academic discourse." Thesis, University of Southern California, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10124477.

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This qualitative study explored how the teacher’s knowledge of African American English (AAE) influenced the interactions and perceptions teachers had about AAE speaking students. African American English is a rule based language system spoken by over 80 percent of African Americans (Charity Hudley & Mallison, 2011; Smitherman, 1977). Despite this statistic AAE is not classified as a second language and is generally not recognized in most U.S. Schools. Programs such as the Academic English Mastery Program (AEMP) classify those speakers of AAE and other languages that are generally referred to as English Only (EO) as Standard English Learner (SEL). This study looked at knowledge of AAE, perceptions demonstrated through interactions with students and strategies teachers used while working with primarily African American middle school students. The researcher observed classrooms, attempted to analyze lesson plans, and conducted teacher interviews. Findings showed that teachers may have known about AAE but most did not explore learning about the language or strategies to work with AAE speaking students despite having classes that were attended by mostly AAE- speaking students. This research also showed that even when teachers felt competent in using AEMP strategies lack of respect for students and understanding of African American culture stifled the teacher’s effectiveness.


Fokkens, Andries Marius. "Idealised redesign : the South African Military Academy by the year 2030." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/85386.

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Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
The changing external environment of the security sector and higher education influences the South African Military Academy (SAMA) as an institution within the broader Department of Defence, which is also associated with Stellenbosch University (SU) through the SAMA’s Faculty of Military Science (FMS). Graduates of the SAMA operate mostly within this changing security environment where their abilities and competencies are required. The research problem investigates the triggers that will initiate change and the drivers that will bring about paradigm shifts on the SAMA as an institution that delivers graduates for a changing security environment. The research question is to forecast an ideal SAMA in the year 2030. This ideal comes forth from critical analyses of current literature and qualitative data collected from experts through the Delphi technique. Sub-questions of the research question includes the programme content of the academic and military training programmes, the profile of the academic and administrative personnel, the student profile upon entering and exiting the SAMA, the organisational structure required, the infrastructure and finally the financial model. Furthermore, triggers and drivers identify actions to bring about change and critical success factors determine the requirements to achieve an ideal SAMA in 2030. The SAMA is a unique military unit that houses the only Faculty of Military Science in Southern Africa. The research report will empower decision-makers in the DOD and SU, including the unit members of the SAMA, to identify the triggers that will precipitate a coming change and properly manage the drivers pressuring change from the perspective of functionality, politics and society.

Corneilse, Carol E. "Living feminism in the academy South African women tell their stories /." College Park, Md.: University of Maryland, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/9203.

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Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2009.
Thesis research directed by: Dept. of Education Leadership, Higher Education, and International Education. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.

Pretorius, Marlize, and Marlize Redelinghuys. "Validation of a selection battery used by the South African Military Academy." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/5274.

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Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to determine whether the psychometric evaluation procedure, used by the South African Military Academy to make selection decisions, can validly predict academic performance of first year learners, whether this procedure is fair and whether the procedure is efficient. The sample used for this study consisted of three year groups (First Year Students of 2001, 2002 and 2003) enrolled at the Military Academy. In theory specific learning behaviours (learning competencies) are instrumental in attaining academic performance. These learning behaviours, in turn, depend on and are expressions of a complex nomological network of person-centered characteristics (learning competency potential). Differences in learning performance can be explained in terms of learning behaviours. Learning competencies are instrumental in achieving the learning outcomes for which the academic programme exists. Learning competencies, in turn, can be explained in terms of learner characteristics. In order to differentiate between candidates who have better or poorer training prospects in terms of a construct orientated approach to selection, a performance hypothesis on the person-centered drivers of the learning competencies is used. It is argued that the degree of competence in: (1) the core cognitive processes/competencies that constitute learning (transfer and automatization) and are necessary to create meaningful structure in novel learning material, (2) the intellectual drivers of these learning competencies (fluid intelligence and information processing capacity), (3) proficiency in English and (4) past academic performance, should discriminate between better or poorer academic performance of learners attending the academic programmes at the SA Military Academy. The grade point average of the first year first semester academic results is used as a measure of the criterion construct. Almost all of the results obtained in this study support the theory and propositions made by the performance hypothesis. Only one variable, accuracy of information processing, did not perform as predicted by the performance hypothesis. Prior learning explained the most variance in the criterion (r=0,4312). The inter-correlation amongst the predictors is used to infer the proportion of unique variance each predictor accounts for in the composite criterion. A regression of the composite criterion on the array of predictors (X2 – X12) revealed that only memory and understanding (X9) and prior learning (X12) uncovered relevant and unique information about determinants of performance on the criterion not conveyed by the remaining predictors in the model. The remaining predictors in the selection battery can consequently be considered redundant since they provide no new information not already conveyed by X9 and X12. When YGPA is regressed on the weighted combination of X9 and X12, only X12 significantly explains unique variance in YGPA when included in a regression model already containing X9. In the light of the reported findings there is no need to create a combined weighted linear predictor composite (Xcomp) which would form the basis of the actuarial mechanical decision rule that would guide selection decisions. Prior learning proved to be the only predictor that warrants inclusion in the actuarial mechanical prediction rule that will form the basis of selection decisions. In terms of the derived actuarial prediction rule the expected criterion performance of all applicants (E[Y|X12]) could consequently be estimated by inserting the measures obtained during selection of prior learning into the derived regression equation. The use of this equation could be regarded as permissible to the extent to which E[Y|X12] correlates significantly with YGPA. Since E[Y|X12] correlates 0,431 and statistically significantly (p<0,05) with YGPA, the predictions derived from this equation are valid. The findings of this research suggest that black and white students were sampled from the same population and therefore the use of the single, undifferentiated prediction rule would lead to fair selection decisions. To answer the question whether the selection procedure under investigation is adding any value to the organization, utility analysis is done based on the Taylor-Russell utility model as well as the Naylor-Shine interpretation of selection utility. A criterion-referenced norm table that expresses the risk of failure conditional on expected academic performance is derived from the use of only X12. Recommendations for further research are put forward.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of die psigometriese evaluasie-prosedure wat deur die Suid Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie gebruik word vir keuringsbesluite, akademiese prestasie van eerstejaar leerders geldig voorspel, en of hierdie prosedure regverdig en effektief is. Die steekproef vir hierdie studie bestaan uit drie jaargroepe (eerstejaar studente van 2001, 2002 en 2003) wat ingeskryf was by die Militêre Akademie. Teoreties is daar spesifieke leergedrag (leerbevoegdhede) wat instrumenteel is in die bereiking van akademiese prestasie. Hierdie leergedrag hang af van en is weer „n uitdrukking van „n komplekse nomologiese netwerk van persoongesentreerde eienskappe (leerbevoegdheidspotensiaal). Verskille in leerprestasie kan verklaar word in terme van leergedrag. Leerbevoegdhede is instrumenteel in die bereiking van die leeruikomste waarvoor die akademiese program bestaan. Leerbevoegdhede, op sy beurt, kan weer verklaar word in terme van leerdereienskappe. Ten einde „n onderskeid te kan tref tussen kandidate met beter of slegter opleidingsvooruitsigte, in terme van „n konstrukgeorienteerde benadering tot keuring, word „n prestasiehipotese gebruik wat gebaseer is op die persoongesentreerde drywers van die leerbevoegdhede. Dit word aangevoer dat die graad van bevoegdheid in: (1) die kern kognitiewe prosesse/bevoegdhede waaruit leer bestaan (oordrag en outomatisasie) en wat nodig is om sinvolle struktuur in nuwe leermateriaal te skep, (2) die intellektuele drywers van hierdie leerbevoegdhede (vloeibare intelligensie en informasieverwerkingskapasiteit), (3) bevoegdheid in Engels, en (4) vorige akademiese prestasie sal onderskei tussen beter of slegter akademiese prestasie van leerders wat akademiese programme by die SA Militêre Akademie bywoon. Die gemiddelde van eerstejaar eerste semester akademiese uitslae is gebruik as meting van die kriteriumkonstruk. Byna al die resultate wat in hierdie studie verkry is ondersteun die teorie en proposisies soos aangevoer deur die prestasiehipotese. Slegs een veranderlike, akkuraatheid van informasie-prosessering, het nie gereageer soos voorspel deur die prestasiehipotese nie. Vorige leer het die meeste variansie in die kriterium verklaar (r=0,4312). Die inter-korrelasie tussen die voorspellers is gebruik om die proporsie unieke variansie wat elke voorspeller in die saamgestelde kriterium verklaar te skat. „n Regressie van die saamgestelde kriterium op die reeks voorspellers (X2 – X12) toon aan dat slegs geheue en begip (X9) sowel as vorige leer (X12) relevante en unieke informasie in verband met die determinante van prestasie in die kriterium weergee wat nie reeds weergegee word deur die oorblywende voorspellers in die model nie. Die oorblywende voorspellers in die keuringsbattery kan gevolglik as oorbodig beskou word aangesien hulle geen nuwe informasie verskaf wat nie reeds deur X9 en X12 oorgedra word nie. Wanneer YGPA geregresseer word op die geweegde kombinasie van X9 en X12, verklaar slegs X12 unieke variasie in YGPA wanneer dit ingesluit word in „n regressiemodel wat alreeds X9 bevat. In die lig van die gerapporteerde bevindinge is dit onnodig om ‟n gekombineerde geweegde liniêre voorspellerkombinasie (Xcomp) te skep om as basis van „n aktuariële meganiese besluitnemingsreël te dien aan hand waarvan keuringsbesluite geneem sal word. Vorige leer blyk die enigste voorspeller te wees wat insluiting regverdig in die aktuariële meganiese besluitnemingsreël wat die basis van keuringsbesluite sal vorm. In terme van die afgeleide aktuariële besluitnemingsreël sal die verwagte kriteriumprestasie van alle toekomstige aansoekers (E[Y│X12]) geskat word deur die meting van vorige leer verkry tydens keuring in die afgeleide regressievergelyking in te stel. Die gebruik van hierdie vergelyking kan as toelaatbaar beskou word in die mate waartoe E[Y│X12] betekenisvol met YGPA korreleer. Aangesien E[Y│X12] statisties betekenisvol 0,431 (p<0,05) met YGPA korreleer, kan die voorspellings afgelei vanuit hierdie vergelyking as geldig beskou word. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing dui daarop dat swart en wit studente van hierdie steekproef uit dieselfde populasie geneem is en daarom sal die gebruik van „n enkele, ongedifferensieerde voorspellingsreël lei tot regverdige keuringsbesluite. Om „n antwoord te verkry op die vraag of hierdie keuringsprosedure enige waarde tot die organisasie toevoeg is „n nutanaliese gedoen wat gebaseer is op Taylor-Russell se nutmodel so wel as die Naylor-Shine interpretasie van keuringsnut. „n Kriteriumgerigde normtabel, wat die voorwaardelike risiko op mislukking gebaseer op akademiese prestasie uitdruk, is afgelei deur die gebruik van slegs X12. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word voorgestel.

Marinos, Dyan. "Activism in the Academy: Predicting engagement among African American Students Attending HWCUs." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin152240007446444.

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Geider, Thomas. "Manuscripts in Swahili and other African languages." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2012. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-95167.

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Gregersen, Edgar A. "Noun Class Systems in African and Pacific Languages." Universität Leipzig, 1999. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A33559.

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Noun class systems are reported from a number of areas in the world, including Africa, the Pacific, the Caucasus, and various parts of North America. This paper deals with such systems found in Africa and the Pacific because of fairly idiosyncratic interests, not because they are especially closely related.

Civallero, Edgardo. "Improving African Languages Classification: initial investigation and proposal." UDC Consortium, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/200649.

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The importance of languages in the UDC is consistent with the significance of linguistic facets for knowledge organization in general. Languages are the main facet category implicated in processes as crucial as the development of the Linguistics class, the organization of national and regional literatures, the categorization of human ancestries, ethnic groupings and nationalities, and the description of the language in which a document is written. Language numbers are extensively used across the entire UDC scheme, and form the basis for a faceted approach in class structuring and number building. For this reason, Common Auxiliaries of Languages (Table 1c) deserve special attention. Upon the completion of the revision of American indigenous languages (2007-2008), it was evident that other language families would benefit from the same careful examination. The next class we are looking to improve is =4, Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan, Congo-Kordofanian, Khoisan languages. Thus, in 2009 the author has started a research into indigenous languages of Africa. In this paper, the initial research findings for the improvement of the class =4 are presented.

Barry, Abdoulaye. "The Joola languages : subgrouping and reconstruction." Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.338159.

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Anekwe, Obiora Nnamdi. "Satisfaction matters a comparative study of African American students in education programs within the academy /." Auburn, Ala., 2007. http://repo.lib.auburn.edu/2007%20Spring%20Dissertations/ANEKWE_OBIORA_41.pdf.

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Stevens, I., and Munro A. Allan. "Inventing the ‘vernacular’: Cases in South African crafts." Universit y of South Africa Press, 2009. http://encore.tut.ac.za/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1001853.

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Abstract This article investigates the notion of the ‘contemporary vernacular’ in the visual arts and how this is invented or developed in response to certain national imperatives, as delineated in Hobsbawm & Ranger (1983), Fine (2004) and Bowe (1993). It then examines the sociopolitical factors that give rise to the need for the invention of the ‘contemporary vernacular’ and the characteristics of such ‘vernacular’ arts, and clarifies this theoretical explanation briefly in relation to two historical examples, viz. the Russian matrioshka doll and the products of Morris & Co., the Victorian craft company belonging to William Morris. It then examines three examples of contemporary South African crafts, namely Ardmore Ceramic Art, Kaross embroideries and the Mapula project. The works produced by these initiatives show stylistic characteristics that reveal a developing South African ‘contemporary vernacular’ and, furthermore, in their modes of production, correlate with the social, political and economic characteristics of ‘vernacular’ arts in a number of countries.

Grier, Lara Anne. "Decolonising the media : the use of indigenous African languages in South African television advertisements." University of Cape Town, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/13659.

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Advertisements in African languages are generally confined to radio, and in that medium are factual, dialogic and direct. When used in television advertising, however, South Africa’s indigenous languages play a less informative role, being employed rather to index a concretised African essence, African identity, urban style, or a particular reified postapartheid togetherness and cultural mobility. In this dissertation I analyse six television advertisements, all using African languages or language varieties, broadcast over the years starting 2010 through to 2014. I reflect on how and why the African language is used and to what extent African languages are no longer seen by television advertisers as carriers of information but as exploitable symbols of trustworthiness, multiculturalism, belonging and innovation. Methodology includes interviews with agencies, sociolinguistic analyses of the varieties used, detail on brands and products represented by the language and a small pilot study with viewers to ascertain their responses to the six selected advertisements.

Grubic, Mira, Susanne Genzel, and Frank Kügler. "Linguistic Fieldnotes I: Information Structure in different African Languages." Universität Potsdam, 2010. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2010/4968/.

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This is the 13th issue of the working paper series Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 632. It is the first part of a series of Linguistic Fieldnote issues which present data collected by members of different projects of the SFB during fieldwork on various languages or dialects spoken worldwide. This part of the Fieldnote Series is dedicated to data from African languages. It contains contributions by Mira Grubic (A5) on Ngizim, and Susanne Genzel & Frank Kügler (D5) on Akan. The papers allow insights into various aspects of the elicitation of formal correlates of focus and related phenomena in different African languages investigated by the SFB in the second funding phase, especially in the period between 2007 and 2010.

Maseko, Pamela. "Intellectualisation of African languages with particular reference to isiXhosa." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/58035.

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The research explores the relationship between language and education, and motivates for the intellectualisation of African languages, isiXhosa in particular, and for their use in education. The main rationale behind this is that access to, and success in education can largely be realised if that education is mediated in one’s first language. The thesis discusses works of prominent scholars who have written on the subject - relating cognitive abilities and achievement in education to language in which that education is offered. The lack of terminology in new domains in African languages as barrier to mother tongue education is laid bare by looking specifically at the history of intellectualisation of isiXhosa, from the missionaries in the 1820s up to the new endeavours as recently as 2008. Terminologies that were developed during the Bantu Education era, where development of isiXhosa and other indigenous African languages was accelerated in order to respond to the demands of moedertaal-onderwys (mother tongue education) are surveyed, and the process of their development analysed. Three main terminology lists developed during this period are analysed against terminology development principles, approaches and methods that are seen as a measure to ensure quality terminology development. The efforts of the development of isiXhosa during the post-apartheid South Africa, especially the government-driven initiatives, are also critiqued even though these are not as effective and as extensive, especially in education. The result of this analysis is that African languages and isiXhosa in particular, can be used in scientific disciplines and at the highest levels of education. Its grammar is advanced, and its lexicon is extensive such that new concepts that need to be named can be named, using appropriate term creation strategies. There are also technological tools such as WordSmith tools that can be used that can advance its development, ensuring that the concept represented in the newly-created term is precise, concise and appropriate in terms of its discipline. Therefore it is argued that, in the interim, terminologies should be developed, in various subjects, to support learning, which at this stage is mediated in English, for those students who have other languages as mother tongue. Those terminologies that have been developed in the various historical periods should be collated, revised and brought into the classrooms. The thesis argues that real intellectualisation of isiXhosa and other African languages rests on the use of these languages in classrooms and lecture halls, and in the value that all role players place on these languages.

Geider, Thomas. "Manuscripts in Swahili and other African languages.: Book Review." Swahili Forum; 1 (1994), S. 205-208, 1994. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A10563.

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Du, Plessis Menán. "A unity hypothesis for the southern African Khoesan languages." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/11852.

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Includes abstract.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 357-373).
The study demonstrates for the first time the probable genetic unity of the KHOE, JU and UJ -T AA groups of southern African Khoesan, by means of the first full-scale application of a conventional comparative approach. It is shown in the first stage that there are repeated cross-SAK resemblances in the morphology of those verbs most frequently enlisted for grammatical purposes in the context of multi-verb constructions; and that these languages furthermore display multiple similarities 'horizontally' across their specifier systems. where the resemblances are often also visible 'vertically', i.e. down the lists of possible exponents. These structural affinities are sufficiently thoroughgoing to warrant a working surmise that the SAK languages might be genetically related. In the second stage, cross-SAK comparative material from various sources is presented in the form of arrays. The tabulations reveal a range of repeating alternations involving the basic positional click types, with some associated patternings of the possible click 'accompaniments'. The fact that the alternations are iterated and do not necessarily involve identities makes it more likely, when combined with the weight of the structural evidence, that the items in the comparative series are inherited than borrowed.

Botha, Gerrti Reinier. "Text-based language identification for the South African languages." Pretoria : [s.n.], 2007. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-090942008-133715/.

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Saliwa-Mogale, Ncebakazi Faith. "Development and empowerment of previously-marginalised languages: a case of African languages in South Africa." Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Humanities, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/33954.

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South Africa is a multilingual country with 11 official languages and 9 of these languages are Indigenous African languages. The South African government has developed policies and created an environment for these languages to be developed. National and provincial language policies have been adopted and the country has even passed a language Act called the Use of Official Languages Act, 2012. The national Department of Education has also passed policies and Acts that enable indigenous languages to be made compulsory to all learners in all public schools in the foundation phase. Despite all these efforts, very little has been done to implement these policies. The aim of this study is to interrogate the role played by these language bodies in the implementation of the National Language Policies, particularly the development and empowerment of these previously marginalized languages. Using textual analysis, questionnaires and interviews, the study identified the bottlenecks in the system that hinder the development of these languages. Amongst the many obstructions that were uncovered, is the increased economic benefit associated with English and how this continues to undermine efforts to elevate the status of African languages. Further, this linguistic hegemony has created a situation where speakers of the nine indigenous African languages are denied access to social, economic and political developments of the country, a clear violation of language rights enshrined in the Constitution of South Africa. The study concludes by making recommendations on steps that can be taken to develop African languages in South Africa.

Shoba, F. M. (Feziwe Martha). "The representation of phonetic-phonological information in Nguni dictionaries." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/52562.

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Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concern of the study of phonetics and phonology is the speech sounds of languages. Phonetics is concerned with the description and the classification of speech sounds. Phonology, on the other hand is responsible for the sound patterns of speech sounds in a given language namely, the sound inventory, permissible sequences and how the sounds change in different circumstances. This study examines and evaluates the manner in which phonetic-phonological information is applied in South African dictionaries with particular reference to Nguni dictionaries. Dictionaries are regarded as authoritative linguistic tools, therefore, the phonetic-phonological aspects of the language is one of the important information categories that is included in dictionaries. A word as the linguistic unit consists of speech sounds which are in turn regarded as phonological units as well as phonetic entities. The phonetic-phonological signification of the lexical unit in the dictionary entry plays a role in access to facilitating the spoken form of the language recorded. This critical analysis and evaluation of Nguni dictionaries reflects on the current approaches pertaining to the presentation of both segmental and suprasegmental features of speech sound. Secondly, it also demonstrates the types of pronunciation information that is lexicographically relevant for the thorough treatment of the lemma. Although phonetic-phonological information is almost the prevalent feature of all dictionary types, there are problems encountered during its presentation. In the evaluation of Nguni dictionaries the treatment of pronunciation information is coupled with inadequacies and inconsistencies. This is due to the lack of lexicographic planning and the sound application of lexicographic principles. It is evident from the investigation that pronunciation information remains the essential component of the dictionary entry. The inclusion of phonetic-phonological information requires lexicographic planning that is actually based on linguistic theories that are primarily aimed at practical lexicography. The general guidelines that are presented in this study compel lexicographers to introduce innovative methods when handling pronunciation. The proposed approaches in future dictionaries will enhance the accessibility of information when harmonised. It is concluded that lexicographical products in the multilingual South Africa should begin to document the spoken form of various languages for the general record of the sounds of the language and also for pedagogic purposes. A good phonological and phonetic description of the official languages is also pertinent especially in the design stage of the dictionary. The lexicographic approaches followed in the treatment of any linguistic information should based on the (a) functional criteria of the dictionary compiled and (b) also on the prospective user's skills.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fonetiek en fonologie is die studie van die spraakklanke van tale. Fonetiek sien om na die beskrywing en klassifikasie van spraakklanke. Fonologie daarenteen is verantwoordelik vir die klankpatrone van spraakklanke in 'n gegewe taal nl. die klankinventaris, die toelaatbare sekwensies en hoe die klanke omvorm word in wisselende omstandighede, dit wil se die fonologiese proses. Hierdie studie ondersoek die manier waarop foneties-fonologiese inligting in Suid-Afrikaanse woordeboeke, veral die van die Nguni-tale, vergestalt word. Woordeboeke word gesien as gesaghebbende linguistiese werktuie en die foneties-fonologiese aspekte van taal kom as 'n vername informasiekategorie daarin voor. Die woord as linguistiese eenheid bestaan uit spraakklanke wat op hul beurt beide as fonologiese eenhede sowel as fonetiese entiteite beskou word. Die foneties-fonologiese komponent van die leksikale eenheid speel 'n betekenisvolle rol in die toegang tot die gesproke vorm van die opgetekende taal. Die kritiese analise en evaluasie van Nguni-woordeboeke oorweeg die huidige benaderings wat betrekking het op die aanbieding van beide segmentele en suprasegmentele kenmerke van spraakklanke. Tweedens toon dit ook die tipes uitspraakinformasie wat leksikografies relevant is vir die deeglike uiteensetting van die inligting. Alhoewel foneties-fonologiese inligting die mees algemene verskynsel in alle woordeboektipes is, is daar nietemin probleme met die aanbieding daarvan. Uit die evaluasie van Nguni woordeboeke blyk dit dat ontoereikendhede en inkonsekwensies voorkom. Dit is toe te skryf aan die gebrek aan leksikografiese beplanning en die tekort aan deeglike toepassing van leksikografiese beginsels. Dit blyk uit die ondersoek dat uitspraakinformasie 'n essensiele komponent van die woordeboekinskrywing bly. Die insluiting van foneties-fonologiese inligting verg leksikografiese beplanning wat gebaseer is op 'n linguistiese teorie primer gefokus op praktiese leksikografie. Die algemene riglyne wat in hierdie studie aangebied word dwing leksikograwe om innoverende maatreels toe te pas by die hantering van uitspraak. Die voorgestelde benaderings vir woordeboeke van die toekoms sal die toeganklikheid tot hul inhoud verhoog indien die benaderings harmonieer word. Die slotsom is dat leksikografiese produkte in die veeltalige Suid-Afrika die gesproke vorm van die verskillende tale moet dokumenteer beide as 'n algemene rekord en ook vir pedagogiese doeleindes. 'n Goeie fonologiese en fonetiese beskrywing van die amptelike tale is ook van belang veral in die ontwerpstadium van die woordeboek. Die leksikogafiese benaderings wat gevolg word in die behandeling van enige linguistiese informasie moet gegrond wees op (a) funksionele kriteria van die saamgestelde woordeboek en (b) ook op die vaardighede van die voorgestelde gebruiker.

Tyam, Nolubabalo. "An exploration of teaching and learning in an isiXhosa communicative language skills course in a medical school." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/20631.

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This thesis reports on research conducted into the teaching and learning of an isiXhosa Communication Skills course as a Second Language (SL) at the University of Cape Town (UCT). The research was an exploration of an isiXhosa language teaching pedagogy with a particular focus on learning and teaching and the usage of isiXhosa in the isiXhosa Communications Skills classroom. In doing this research, I wanted to know what could be the cause of these attitudes. Questions that need to be considered in developing this pedagogy are: What are the benefits of its usage in the classroom? What are the language pedagogies that the teachers are struggling with? The study was carried out with second year medical students. In this study, questionnaires were distributed to 63 research subjects. Four classroom observations were carried out and 12 students were interviewed. I observed that teachers as a group had characteristic pedagogical styles and approaches. The teachers were using more teacher-centred method, relying heavily on the use of textbooks, focused more on the teaching of pure isiXhosa language and used less varied techniques of instruction and engagement. There was little evidence of learner-centred teaching and incorporation of more communicative, interactive lessons and activities that help students for speaking competence. Students had strong positive attitudes towards learning isiXhosa communication skills. The students' views from the interviews and classroom observations point towards broadly issues of learning second language and pedagogy in learning and teaching. Students seemed to be concerned and frustrated with the fact that they cannot speak in isiXhosa with the patients. They felt that learning isiXhosa was essential for their future careers, and the ability to speak isiXhosa would be beneficial for their work. The students' interviews reinforced the conclusions that I drew from the classroom observations and yielded insights into how teachers teach a Second Language.

Sigcau, Nompucuko Eurica. "Educational implications of nonstandard varieties of Xhosa." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/17152.

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Bibliography: pages 124 -138.
This study aims: (i) to find out if language interference and language change would cause the students to fail Xhosa. The response of schools to this situation will be investigated and an attempt will be made to understand the dichotomy that exists in spoken and written Xhosa. (ii) to look at the implications on nonstandard Xhosa of sociolinguistic factors such as attitudes, language policies, communicative influence of the mass media, and language use in multilingual societies. (iii) to examine the effects of 'dialects' of Xhosa on standard Xhosa. (vi) to investigate the causes of this apparent lack of learners' interest towards learning Xhosa. (iv) to assess the contribution of language planners towards remedying the situation.

Theletsane, Kula Ishmael. "Developing a conceptual model for transformation at the South African Military Academy : the Ubuntu approach." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/18706.

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Thesis (MMil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The initial conceptual framework for transformation proposes the context (why), the content (what), and the process (how) as three dimensions of transformation that are always present. A distinction is made between external and internal triggers of transformation, and information is provided on the challenges posed by, among others, the knowledge society, globalisation, and changing market conditions that require companies to become learning organisations staffed by empowered knowledge workers. Literature study on transformation clearly shows that transformation brings about change. There are different models on transformation and this shows that there are different approaches to transformation. Ubuntu should be introduced as a way forward for the South African Military Academy (SAMA) to deal with transformation issues. Ubuntu is more concern about the wellbeing of the people and their morale during and after transformation has been implemented. Subsequently, a conceptual model for transformation is proposed in which generic elements of the “why”, “what”, and “how” dimensions are included. The SAMA model is developed to fit the scope of a conceptual model, and to be in line with what is generally proposed in the literature for organisations that want to transform in order to become market leaders and enhance long-term goals. Conclusions drawn from the ongoing SAMA transformation process are that its aims and principles are not in line with what appears to be required in creating an innovative learning organisation. With regard to the “how” of transformation, it is found that improvement is still needed to the processes to change attitudes, mindsets, and styles on the part of managers as well as employees that might inhibit empowerment and stifle creativity and innovation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvanklike konseptuele raamwerk vir transformasie stel die konteks (waarom), die inhoud (wat) en die proses (hoe) voor as drie dimensies van transformasie wat altyd teenwoordig is. Daar word ‘n onderskeid getref tussen eksterne en interne aanleidende oorsake van transformasie, en inligting word voorsien oor die uitdagings wat voortspruit uit, onder andere, die kennissamelewing, globalisering, en veranderende marktoestande wat vereis dat maatskappye leerorganisasies word met ‘n personeel van bemagtigde kenniswerkers. Uit ‘n literatuurstudie oor transformasie is dit duidelik dat transformasie verandering teweegbring. Daar is verskillende modelle van transformasie en dit toon dat daar uiteenlopende benaderings tot transformasie bestaan. Ubuntu moet ingestel word as ‘n manier waarop die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie (SAMA) voortaan transformasie kan hanteer. Ubuntu is meer besorg oor die welstand van die mense en hulle moreel terwyl en nadat transformasie geïmplementeer is. Daar word dus ‘n transformasiemodel voorgestel waarin generiese elemente van die “waarom”-, “wat”- en “hoe”-dimensie ingesluit word. Die SAMA-model word ontwikkel om dieselfde omvang te hê as ‘n konseptuele model, en om ooreen te stem met wat algemeen in die literatuur voorgestel word vir organisasies wat wil transformeer om sodoende markleiers te word en langtermyndoelwitte te bevorder. Gevolgtrekkings wat voortspruit uit die voortgesette SAMA-transformasieproses is dat die doelwitte en beginsels nie ooreenstem met wat skynbaar vereis word om ‘n vernuwende leerorganisasie te skep nie. Ten opsigte van die “hoe” van transformasie, word bevind dat verbetering nodig is voor die prosesse verandering gaan meebring aan houdings, ingesteldhede en styl, by bestuurders sowel as werknemers, wat tans nog bemagtiging beperk en kreatiwiteit en vernuwing onderdruk.

Jacobs, Noel Mkhululi. "An organisational culture approach to improve military-civilian relations at The South African Military Academy." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/95564.

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Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
The primary focus of this study is to look at the interplay of the military and academic cultures at the South African Military Academy (SAMA). The question was raised about the nature of these two conflicting subcultures within the SAMA faculty, some avoidable damage that is being done, and ways to overcome the conflict for the future. Research data obtained from interviewing a sample of the SAMA members was used to investigate whether the two subcultures, which appear each to have a different ethos, can complement one another and how they define and shape the organisational culture of the institution. Findings from this study confirmed the existence of conflict between the academic and military culture and showed that this conflict has historical origins. It was further shown that part of the conflict arises from the tendency of the military culture to impose itself over the academic culture. The study revealed that this conflict also affects the civilian-military relations amongst the staff members, which impacts on the staff morale and organisational performance. It was found that ineffective organisational communication of the Academy was partly the source of this organisational culture and that the strengthening of an effective organisational communication particularly on the part of senior management of the Academy could go a long way towards creating an inclusive organisational culture that accommodates and encourages the coexistence of both the academic and military subcultures. The study concluded that peaceful coexistence of both these subcultures will lead to healthier relations between the civilian and uniformed members and to the SAMA as a whole. Recommendations for further consideration and action by the Military Academy were given.

Peters, April Lynette. "A case study of an African American female principal participating in an administrative leadership academy." Connect to this title online, 2003. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1060955233.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2003.
Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xv, 274 p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-228). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center

Docrat, Zakeera. "The role of African languages in the South African legal system: towards a transformative agenda." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/60809.

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This interdisciplinary thesis, partly located in the emerging discipline of forensic linguistics, seeks to investigate the status and use of African languages in the South African legal system and how language can be used as a tool to transform the legal system. The research commences with an overview of the development of African languages in the legal system, pre and post Apartheid. The research proceeds to an overview of scholarly literature concerning the role of legislation, language policy and planning in regulating the use of African languages in the legal system, in order to give effect to South Africa’s constitutional provisions and enable linguistic transformation of the legal system. This research furthermore provides a critique of the constitutional language framework in relation to language rights of litigants in the legal system, when accessing justice through the medium of an African language. To this effect the research advances cases conducted in their entirety in an African language, illustrating that it is both possible and practicable. This research engages critically with the legislative and policy frameworks of the legal system, where issues concerning the equal recognition and use of African languages are highlighted. Language demographics in the form of statistics are provided, illustrative of the fact that the majority of South African’s speak an African language as their mother tongue. Additionally, the statistics provide that litigants in the legal system have poor proficiency in English, the language of record in courts. The research addresses the legislative and policy deficiencies of the non insertion of language requirements for legal practitioners and judicial officers that reflect the language demographics. Furthermore the need for linguistically competent legal practitioners and judicial officers is discussed in giving meaning to the constitutional language rights of litigants. A Canadian comparative jurisprudential case study is advanced, that can be emulated by the South African legal system. The Canadian model offers a precise and effective constitutional, legislative and policy framework where language rights are purposively interpreted in cases conducted in the official languages of the country. Furthermore the Canadian model provides that legal practitioners and judicial officers are linguistically competent in the official languages of the province in which they practice. This thesis highlights the issues hindering real transformation of the legal system, and concludes with recommendations which are both legally and linguistically sound.

Güldemann, Tom. "Quotative indexes in African languages a synchronic and diachronic survey." Berlin [u.a.] de Gruyter, 2008. http://www.reference-global.com/action/showBook?doi=10.1515%2F9783110211450.

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Mahlalela-Thusi, Babazile. "Curriculum 2005 and (post)modernising African languages : the quantum leap." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/16134.

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Includes bibliographical references.
This study examines the status of ALs in the school context. In this thesis I argue that AL syllabi and textbooks are not at the same cognitive, affective and psycho-social level as their English counterparts. The important role of the mother tongue as a powerful platform for cognitive and psycho-social development of the African child is also discussed. My argument is that the low status of the ALs is visible in the textbooks that are in schools. With the introduction of the new Curriculum, there arises a need to write new AL textbooks. As the expertise is lacking among AL speakers to write postmodern textbooks as envisaged by Curriculum 2005, I propose a collaboration between AL and English practitioners as a necessary and feasible transitory step in the development of new AL textbooks.

Güldemann, Tom. "Quotative indexes in African languages a synchronic and diachronic survey." Berlin New York, NY Mouton de Gruyter, 2002. http://d-nb.info/979523680/04.

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Dlamini, Phindile Alice. "The impact of Siswati L1 on the acquisition of academic english by tertiary students in Swaziland." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/26203.

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Research has pointed to the influence of the first language (L1) in the acquisition of the second (L2). In this study I investigate the interface between siSwati as an L1 and the acquisition of Academic English by students of the tertiary institutions of Swaziland. I examine five theoretical frameworks which are germane to L2 acquisition – error analysis, interdependency, transfer, interlanguage and fossilization. I discuss how these frameworks can help explain the low levels of proficiency in Academic English among learners in tertiary institution in Swaziland. In my research I employ qualitative research methods – questionnaires with both students and lecturers on initial and subsequent encounters with reading and writing both in the L1 (siSwati) and the L2 (English) – as well as quantitative research methods including statistical analyses of demographic and biographic data. In addition, in order to gauge the impact of the L1 on the L2 I analyse written texts of first and final year students at a number of tertiary institutions in Swaziland. Findings reveal that the students' L1 does, to some extent, interfere with their ability to properly acquire Academic English but cannot entirely explain the students' failure to acquire competency or near native proficiency in Academic English. Other militating factors include early educational environments which were not conducive to stimulating bilingualism, poor supply of text resources in both the L1 and the L2, the lack of a culture of reading in either the L1 or L2, the remoteness of English mother-tongue contexts, peripheral normativity practices in the institutions and indeed the emergence and development of a new variety of English in Swaziland. My own assessment criteria were critiqued during the course of this study and suggestions were made as to the validity of some of my assumptions about what constitutes "correct English". This insight should necessitate a new study on how English competency is assessed in Swaziland and to what it extent it is in line with contemporary views of what constitutes Standard English. It is hoped that the findings of this study will inform current debates on language teaching and assessment in tertiary institutions in Swaziland and also highlight areas of concern for academic programmes that focus on developing language and writing skills. Finally, I recommend that it is literacy in the L1 that needs to be addressed at the grass-roots route level in order for transfer to the L2 to occur successfully. Ultimately I conclude that efficient acquisition of Academic English can only be achieved when cognitive abilities have been properly developed in the L1.

Glover, Wandalyn Fanchon. "Navigating the academy: The career advancement of Black and White women full-time faculty." W&M ScholarWorks, 2006. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539618637.

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The recruitment, retention, and promotion of Black women in the academy continue to be a challenge even after numerous policies and programs to rectify historical and social injustices in American society. This study utilized a womanist lens as a framework to conceptualize the interlocking impact of race and gender on the experiences of Black women in higher education. Utilizing a quantitative design, the primary source for the study included data gathered from the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty conducted by the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) in survey cycles of 1993, 1999, and 2004. The researcher examined the pace at which Black women full-time faculty have advanced during this period compared to White women full-time faculty.;The results of this study revealed very little difference between the two populations in degree attainment, institution type, age, salary, discipline, workload, productivity, and job satisfaction. The greatest differences were found in marital status and perceptions of fairness. The findings from this study contradict the literature that paints a picture of objective inequality, but leave room for further study based upon the uniqueness of the Black woman's experience when placed in the context of race, gender, and class. It is possible that objective equality of status comes at personal sacrifice that the researcher did not measure or assess. The researcher suggests the study be expanded to include a qualitative segment, which would provide a more holistic picture of the Black woman faculty member.

Jackson, James Talmadge Maddox Mario Renara. "The role of the Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training (BOOST) program in supporting the Navy's minority accession policies." Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 1990. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA241649.

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Thesis (M.S. in Management)--Naval Postgraduate School, December 1990.
Thesis Advisor(s): Eitelberg, Mark J. Second Reader: Roberts, Benjamin J. "December 1990." Description based on title screen as viewed on March 30, 2010. DTIC Identifier(s): Naval Planning, Naval Training, BOOST Project, Theses. Author(s) subject terms: Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training, BOOST, Minority, Affirmative Action, Black, Hispanic, NROTC, Naval Academy, Naval Academy Prep School, NAPS. Includes bibliographical references (p. 69-78). Also available in print.

Esterhuyse, Abel Jacobus. "Professional military education in the South African national defence force : the role of the military academy." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/5691.

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340 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i-xvii and numbered pages 1-322. Includes bibliography, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of abbreviations.
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study represents a descriptive analysis of the tensions that drive the need for an educated military in South Africa and, more specifically the role of the South African Military Academy in the provision thereof. The purpose of the research was to demarcate the proper role of the South African Military Academy in the academic and professional preparation of officers for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). This purpose necessitated, firstly, an analysis of the need for education in armed forces in general and in South Africa in particular, with specific reference to the tensions underpinning military education and training. It secondly called for a broad assessment of the nature of professional military education in the SANDF at large to contextualise the role and function of the South African Military Academy. These discussions are based on a literature overview, document analysis and unstructured interviews with decision makers. In the first part of the study, a framework is developed for the education of officers. The framework is based on the assumption that modern military professionalism is rooted in a need for training to develop military skills, education to understand and develop the military body of knowledge and experience as the application of skills and knowledge. It is also based on the identification of four knowledge clusters that need to be the focus of officer education, namely the external security environment within which armed forces operate, the nature of armed forces as organisations, the professional employment of armed force(s), and the physical environment within which armed forces operate. The framework highlights three levels of officer development: the making of lieutenants, the making of colonels, and the making of generals. This framework is used for the analysis of education, training and development in the SANDF. Both the positive and negative attributes as well as trends in training and education in the SANDF are discussed. The discussion serves as the departing point for an outline of the debate about the role of the Military Academy since democratisation in 1994. It is argued that there is no clarity about the role and function of the Military Academy. Critical questions are also asked about the nature of the academic programmes offered to officers at the Military Academy. The departmental level agreement between the Department of Defence and the University of Stellenbosch is pointed out as the raison d'être for many of the problems with which the Military Academy is confronted. The study finally highlights the need for education as a requirement for officership in the SANDF, a reconsideration of military socialisation at the Military Academy, the difficult position of the Faculty of Military Science, the need for a core academic programme, and structural changes that are needed at the Military Academy. It is recommended that, like many foreign military academies, the future existence of the Military Academy be assured through national legislation. The involvement of the University of Stellenbosch in the education of young officers at the Military Academy should not be terminated. However, the existence, functioning, organisation and structure of the Military Academy should not be based on a “goodwill-approach” between the University and the Department of Defence.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie bied beskrywende analise van die spannings wat die behoefte aan opgevoede weermag in Suid-Afrika onderlê en, meer spesifiek, die rol van die Militêre Akademie in die voorsiening van opvoeding in dié verband. Die besondere oogmerk van die navorsing is die afbakening van die werklike rol van die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie in die akademiese en professionele voorbereiding van offisiere vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW). Hierdie oogmerk vereis, eerstens, ontleding van die noodsaaklikheid vir die opvoeding van weermagte in die algemeen en in Suid-Afrika in die besonder, met spesifieke verwysing na die spannings wat militêre opvoeding en opleiding onderlê. Dit noodsaak, tweedens, breë waardering van die aard van professionele militêre opvoeding in die SANW om die rol en funksie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie te kontekstualiseer. Die besprekings is gebaseer op literatuuroorsig, dokumentontleding en ongestruktureerde onderhoude. In die eerste deel van die studie word raamwerk vir die opvoeding van offisiere ontwikkel. Dié raamwerk is gebaseer op die aanname dat moderne militêre professionalisme gebaseer is op militêre opleiding om vaardighede te ontwikkel, opvoeding om die militêre kennisliggaam te verstaan en ontwikkel, asook ervaring as toepassing van vaardighede en kennis. Die raamwerk omvat ook die identifisering van vier fokus kennisareas, naamlik die eksterne omgewing waarin weermagte opereer, die organisatoriese aard van krygsmagte, die professionele aanwending van krygsmag(te), en die fisiese omgewing waarin krygsmagte opereer. Die raamwerk beklemtoon voorts drie vlakke van offisiersopvoeding: die ontwikkeling van luitenante, die ontwikkeling van kolonels, en die ontwikkeling van generaals. Die raamwerk word vervolgens vir ontleding van opvoeding, opleiding en ontwikkeling in die SANW gebruik. Beide die positiewe en die negatiewe kenmerke sowel as tendense van opleiding en opvoeding in die SANW word bespreek. Dié bespreking dien as vertrekpunt vir ontleding van die debat oor die rol van die Militêre Akademie sedert demokratisering in 1994. Daar word aangevoer dat daar geen duidelikheid oor die rol en funksie van die Militêre Akademie bestaan nie. Kritiese vrae word gevra oor die aard van die akademiese programme wat aan offisiere by die Militêre Akademie gebied word. Die departementele ooreenkoms tussen die departement van Verdediging en die Universiteit Stellenbosch word voorgehou as die raison d'être van baie probleme waarmee die Akademie gekonfronteer word. Die studie beklemtoon die behoefte aan opvoeding as vereiste vir offisierskap in die SANW, die heroorweging van militêre sosialisering by die Militêre Akademie, die heroorweging van die posisie van die Fakulteit Krygskunde, die behoefte aan akademiese kernleerplan, en strukturele veranderinge wat by die Militêre Akademie vereis word. Daar word aanbeveel dat, soos in die geval van verskeie buitelandse militêre akademies, die toekoms van die Militêre Akademie deur nasionale wetgewing verseker word. Die betrokkenheid van die Universiteit Stellenbosch in die opvoeding van offisiere moenie daardeur beëindig word nie. Die bestaan, funksionering, organisering en struktuur van die Militêre Akademie moet egter nie op “welwillendheidsooreenkoms” tussen die Universiteit en die Departement van Verdediging gebaseer wees nie.

Daniels, Peter Isaac. "Perceptions of sexual harassment amongst university students : a case study of the South African Military Academy." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/52991.

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Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Tertiary institutions worldwide as well as locally have investigated sexual harassment on their campuses. This was done partly because of the negative consequences of sexual harassment on students and staff, particularly their work performance. Incidents of sexual harassment reported at universities range from rape and sexual assault to threats and sexist remarks by lecturers. When researching this phenomenon, difficulty is normally encountered partly due to the uncertainty that surrounds this activity. This is because perceptions differ as to what kind of conduct constitutes sexual harassment. Research further indicates that there are gender and racial differences in the assessment of sexual harassment. The current study investigates the uncertainty, gender and racial differences that exist regarding sexual harassment at a specific university campus. By means of a survey the perceptions of students regarding these three issues were determined at the Faculty of Military Science, a satellite campus of the University of Stellenbosch. With the utilisation of statistlcal packages, frequencies and statistical differences amongst the various sub-groups at the campus were determined. This was done in order to compare these findings with those of other universities who conducted similar sexual harassment surveys on their campuses in South Africa. It was found that no clear idea of what constitutes sexual harassment exist amongst these students. In particular women in the survey consistently viewed more incidents as contributing to sexual harassment than men. As oppose to other findings, Blacks registered a more conservative attitude when assessing whether certain incidents can be viewed as sexual harassment. The above was found notwithstanding the differing social context, especially the socialisation process and the fairly rigid codes of conduct, that students at the Military Academy are exposed to.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie tersiêre instellings, wêreldwyd sowel as plaaslik, het seksuele teistering op hul kampusse ondersoek. Dit was deels gedoen as gevolg van die negatiewe gevolge wat hierdie aktiwiteit op studente en personeellede het, veralop hul werksprestasie. Gerapporteerde insidente by universiteite wissel vanaf verkragting en seksuele aanvalle tot dreigemente en seksistiese opmerkings deur dosente. Probleme is ondervind tydens navorsing oor die verskynsel wat deels toegeskryf kan word aan die onsekerheid wat hierdie aktiwiteit omhul. Dit hou verband met persepsies wat verskil ten opsigte van die soort gedrag wat seksuele teistering teenwoordig. Navorsing wys verder daarop dat geslags- en rasverskille bestaan by die assesering van seksuele teistering. Die huidige studie ondersoek die onsekerheid, geslags- en rasverskille ten opsigte van seksuele teistering by 'n spesifieke universiteitskampus. Deur middel van 'n opname word die persepsies van studente rakende die drie kwessies bepaal by die Fakulteit Krygskunde, 'n satelietkampus van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Met behulp van statistiese pakkette, word frekwensies en statistiese verskille tussen die verskillende subgroepe op die kampus bepaal. Dit was gedoen ten einde in staat te wees om die bevindinge te vergelyk met die van ander Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite wat seksuele teistering opnames op hul kampusse gedoen het. Daar word bevind dat geen duidelike idee van wat seksuele teistering behels bestaan onder die studente nie. In besonder word bevind dat vroue in die opname deurlopend meer insidente aanslaan as seksuele teistering, as mans. In teenstelling met ander bevindinge, registreer swart persone 'n meer konserwatiewe houding wanneer bepaal word of sekere insidente seksueel teisterend van aard is, al dan nie. Bogenoemde was bevind desondanks die eiesoortige sosiale konteks waarin studente hulself bevind, veral die sosialiseringsproses en die redelike streng gedragskodes, waaraan studente van die Militêre Akademie onderwerp word.

Vorwerk, Shane Paul. "Genre analysis and the teaching of academic literacy: a case study of an academic discipline in the social sciences." Thesis, Rhodes University, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002648.

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Students in tertiary educational institutions in South Africa come from many different backgrounds and have varied educational experiences. Some students, especially those from non-English speaking backgrounds, may encounter linguistic difficulties with various academic tasks. In order for students to be successful at university, they must become academically literate. That is, they must master all the reading, writing, listening and comprehension tasks required by the disciplines in which they are studying. One such task is presented by the academic lecture which is an integral part of any course of study. Linguistically, the academic lecture can be seen as a particular genre with unique characteristics. This study investigated some linguistic characteristics of academic lectures. The discipline of Political Science, as a Social Science, was chosen because there is little research that has been done on language in the Social Sciences. The Political Science sub-disciplines of Political Philosophy, South African Politics, and International Relations were used in this research. First year lectures were recorded from each of these three sub-disciplines. The linguistic characteristics of lectures were analysed using techniques drawn from Systemic Functional linguistic theory. The analysis concentrated on the aspects mode and field as they were realised in the lectures. In addition, higher level generic structure was also analysed. The insights gained from the analysis were validated through interviews with the lecturers who gave the lectures. The aim of this research was to develop a linguistic characterisation of the lecture genre as it occurs in the three sub-disciplines of Political Science. The results of this research suggest that although there is a unified academic lecture genre, there is variation according to sub-discipline. The implications of this variation are discussed with reference to their relevance to teaching academic literacy.

Khumalo, Pamela Hlonipha Vivienne. "Uhlalutyo lwemibongo echongiweyo engabasetyhini." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/6710.

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Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates how women are portrayed in selected published poems. Chapter One, is the introduction to the study. The aim, the scope and the analytical approach are presented in this chapter. Chapter Two deals with literature review of theories and techniques to be employed in analyzing these selected poets. In Chapter Three the selected poems are analysed using the theories discussed in chapter two. Chapter Four deals with the comparisons, similarities and differences in the characterization of women by poets. Chapter Five deals with findings, recommendations and conclusion.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die manier waarop vroue in ’n seleksie gepubliseerde gedigte uitgebeeld word. Hoofstuk 1 is die inleiding tot die studie, en sit die oogmerk, omvang en analitiese benadering uiteen. Hoofstuk 2 handel oor literatuur wat die teorieë en tegnieke beoordeel wat ingespan gaan word om hierdie seleksie gedigte te analiseer. In hoofstuk 3 word die seleksie gedigte geanaliseer aan die hand van die teorieë wat in hoofstuk 2 bespreek is. Hoofstuk 4 handel oor vergelykings, die ooreenkomste en die verskille tussen die maniere waarop digters vroue karakteriseer. Hoofstuk 5 bevat bevindings, aanbevelings en ’n slotsom.

Ndlovu, Sambulo. "A comparative analysis of metaphorical expressions used by rural and urban Ndebele speakers: the contribution of S'ncamtho." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/29515.

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This thesis explores language expansion and change through metaphorical expressions that originate with urban youth varieties. It focuses on the impact of S'ncamtho, an Ndebele-based urban youth variety of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe along the variables of rural/urban, sex, age and level of education. The thesis uses Cognitive Metaphor Theory to build on research on metaphor in urban youth varieties to answer the overarching question; how is S'ncamtho impacting Ndebele? It confirms that sex and sexuality, music and partying, love and relationships are popular themes in S'ncamtho. The thesis identifies relexicalisation and replacement of metaphoric vehicles as the main metaphor derivational strategies in S'ncamtho and confirms the existence of clearly discernible genres of metaphor in S'ncamtho which are proverbs, sayings, aphorisms and euphemistic metaphors. While S'ncamtho and other youth varieties in Africa have been identified as urban varieties, the study brings in the dimension of measuring the spread of S'ncamtho to peri-urban and rural areas. Data from questionnaire tests, interviews and observations is analysed using the Idiom Familiarity and Comprehension Judgement Method to measure the impact and spread of S'ncamtho metaphors. The guiding theory in evaluating the spread of S'ncamtho metaphors is a Social Psychology framework- Social Impact Theory (SIT). The thesis argues that S'ncamtho metaphors spread outside Bulawayo’s high density male youth to female and older Ndebele speakers in and outside the city, it identifies male youth in the age cohort 15- 35 years as more familiar and using more S'ncamtho metaphors compared to females and older males in urban, peri-urban and rural areas. It also reveals that S'ncamtho metaphor familiarity declines with age and distance from Bulawayo, and that generally females use less S'ncamtho compared to males and the young are more familiar with S'ncamtho compared to adults. The research reveals that there is no significant difference between rural and urban professionals in S'ncamtho metaphor familiarity and this confirms that improved communication networks impact on the spread of S'ncamtho as professional people frequent Bulawayo for pay and other services. However, the study also noted that there are still more people who have negative attitudes towards S'ncamtho, compared to those who view its impact positively. The thesis argues that the popularity of S'ncamtho has seen S'ncamtho metaphors operating in professions including journalism, health professions, teaching and religious professions. Furthermore, attitudes are changing as some people have begun to view S'ncamtho positively outside the criminal prejudices.

Batyi, Thokozile Thelma. "Development of tourism diploma in IsiXhosa-speaking students' academic literacies : a multilingual intervention." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020194.

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In this study, it is argued that a bi/multilingual instruction is extremely beneficial for bi/multilingual students in higher education in South Africa. Since the adoption of democracy in 1994, cultural and linguistic diversity has become the norm in classrooms at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth. The testing of bi/multilingual strategies in this study (i.e. translation and development of multilingual glossaries; code-switching by tutor and students during teaching and learning; code-meshing by students online; and reading, speaking and writing bilingually), is an attempt to pedagogically adapt the curriculum to students’ needs. The data was collected from students in their Tourism Communication tutorial. The study was conducted in order to demonstrate that students benefit from bilingual pedagogies, which mobilise isiXhosa and English as languages of learning. Data was collected from tests, a questionnaire and interview, summaries, online discussions, written assignments and reflective journals in order to determine to what extent students’ performance was enhanced by bilingual tuition.

Bianda, Nkembi Lydie. "The Role of Prenatal Care and Systematic HIV Testing in Preventing Perinatal Transmission in Tanzania, 2011-2012." ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/3486.

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In 2012, Tanzania, the prevalence of HIV infection among Tanzanian women was 6.3%; that same year, 18% of Tanzanian children were born already infected with HIV. The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of prenatal care attendance on comprehensive knowledge of HIV mother-to-child transmission (MTCT), and HIV testing and counseling, as well as awareness of HIV testing coverage services, in Tanzania. The study population was Tanzanian women of childbearing, aged 15 to 49 years old. Guided by the health belief model, this cross-sectional survey design used secondary data from the 2011-2012 Tanzania Demographic Health Survey. Independent variables were comprehensive knowledge of HIV MTCT, HIV testing and counseling, and awareness of HIV testing coverage services; the dependent variable was prenatal care visit (PNCV) attendance. Findings showed that 69% of women had their first PNCV in the second trimester, meaning that they attended less than 4 visits. Multinomial logistic regression modeling assessed the association between independent variables and PNCV attendance after controlling for sociodemographic factors. Findings denoted that comprehensive knowledge of HIV MTCT after controlling for married vs. never married, maternal age, and wealth was associated with PNVC. HIV testing and post counseling, and awareness of HIV testing coverage services were also significant for women who attended their first prenatal visit in the 2nd trimester. These findings have positive social change implications by informing efforts to identify at-risk pregnant women through systematic HIV testing and counseling for early medical intervention; such efforts may reduce MTCT and encourage them to start their PNCV in the first trimester.

Bi, Ambe Martina. "Exploring first-year students’ voice and subjectivity in academic writing at a university in South Africa." University of the Western Cape, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/7222.

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Magister Educationis - MEd
Literacy development in South African higher education is increasingly challenged by several issues in dialogue and language of tuition. Despite the widening of access to South African universities, research shows that a large majority of entry-level university students are still failing in their chosen programme of studies. Almost all universities in the democratic South Africa incorporate academic development programs in first-year modules as an awareness raising attempt to scaffold novice students into the vocabulary of their various disciplines. However, these development programs sometimes fail to address the language needs of some of the students who have had more than seven years of schooling in their first languages (IsiXhosa and Afrikaans). My study seeks to explore how additional language IsiXhosa and Afrikaans students understand and construct written knowledge in one literacy development course using English medium of instruction. I further explore lecturers’ and tutors’ perspectives of the demand of sounding a scholarly voice in academic writing by entry-level students in their new roles as scholars in the University of the Western Cape (UWC). Literature indicated gaps when it comes to students’ and lectures’ perceptions on the construction of voice in academic writing in a language that the students are not comfortable in. My choice to use an interpretive frame made my study a qualitative one. I used a case study approach in which qualitative data was collected from one-on-one in-depth interviews with fourteen participants, documents analysis and field notes collected during interview process. A constructivist view of knowledge further guided my study to support the view of knowledge being socially constructed in the process of enquiry. My findings were categorised according to the research questions and themes that emerged from my analysis. The four themes from my presentation guided the findings. The findings of this study indicated that, IsiXhosa and Afrikaans students in the study used their first languages as resource to understand, formal English in essay of assignments. The lecturers’ perspectives of voice showed differences in the students’ perceptions who were mostly overwhelmed with the proactive life of academia and the language they are required to write in. In this context, the lectures’ views of competence mismatched with students’ views who felt their views were stranded in the language of discomfort (English).

Mletshe, Loyiso Kevin. "Deverbal nominals in Xhosa." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/5402.

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Thesis (PhD (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The relationship between deverbative noun classification and their effect on the semantic meaning of the derived deverbal nominal has been the focus of many studies in linguistics, with special reference to African languages in recent years. The study maintains that the descriptive analysis of deverbal nominals in African languages does not fully interrogate the predicate argument structures of the verbs that host these deverbal nominals. This thesis is an investigation of how the syntactic properties of verbs from which deverbal nouns are derived are invoked in explaining the argument structure and event structure properties of deverbal nouns, particularly in Xhosa. The analysis presented here is situated in terms of a lexical semantic representation drawing on Pustejovsky (1996) and Busa (1996), which aims to capture linguistically relevant components of meaning. Chapter 1 presents the purpose and aims of the study, and states the theoretical paradigm on which this study is couched, namely Pustejovsky’s (1996) generative lexicon theory as well as the methodology for conducting the research. Chapter 2 contains a literature review on deverbal nominals in African languages. This chapter explores the general definitions of concepts, the descriptive nature of deverbal nominals from various African languages, noun classification and the morphology of African nouns. Chapter 3 reports on an examination of the generative lexicon theory. This theory contains multiple levels of representation for different types of lexical information required, namely the argument structure, the event structure, the qualia structure and the lexical inherent structure. For the purposes of this study, the first three levels of representation were used for analysis. Chapter 4 contains the systematic classification of deverbal nominals that are derived from various semantic verb classes and are considered under their derivation from intransitive, transitive and di-transitive verbs, respectively. The first lexical schematic representation for each verb class gives a classification of various deverbal noun classes 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 14 in instances where the noun class applies. The second schematic representation details how these various verb classes are classified/categorised in terms of their semantic type. There are various noun class nominalisations for each verb class, which serve as a representative for each group of the various verb classes. Chapter 5 provides a detailed analysis of various deverbal nouns derived from different verb classes utilising the generative lexicon theory as a source of reference, particularly the first three levels of representation. The compositionality and the semanticality of derived nominals within the predicate argument structures are demonstrated. Chapter 6 summarises the findings of all previous chapters in this study.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verhouding tussen die klassifikasie van deverbatiewe selfstandige naamwoorde en hul uitwerking op die semantiese betekenis van die afgeleide deverbatiewe nominaal was die fokus van talle studies in linguistiek, met spesiale verwysing na Afrikatale in die afgelope jare. Hierdie studie doen aan die hand dat die deskriptiewe analise van deverbatiewe nominale in Afrikatale nie die predikaat-argumentstrukture van die werkwoorde wat hierdie deverbatiewe nominale bevat, ondersoek nie. Die tesis behels ’n ondersoek na die manier waarop die sintaktiese eienskappe van werkwoorde waaruit deverbatiewe selfstandige naamwoorde afgelei word, aangewend word om die argumentstruktuur- en gebeurestruktuureienskappe van deverbatiewe selfstandige naamwoorde, veral in Xhosa, te verklaar. Die analise is gegrond op ’n leksikaal-semantiese ontlening aan Pustejovsky (1996) en Busa (1996), met die doel om linguisties toepaslike betekeniskomponente vas te lê. In hoofstuk 1 word die doel en doelstellings van die studie uiteengesit, asook die teoretiese paradigma waarop die studie berus, naamlik Pustejovsky (1996) se generatieweleksikonteorie. Die navorsingsmetodologie word ook in hierdie hoofstuk uiteengesit. Hoofstuk 2 bevat ’n literatuuroorsig oor deverbatiewe nominale in Afrikatale. In hierdie hoofstuk word ondersoek ingestel na die algemene definisies van konsepte, die beskrywende aard van deverbatiewe nominale in verskeie Afrikatale, die klassifikasie van selfstandige naamwoorde asook die morfologie van selfstandige naamwoorde in Afrikatale. In hoofstuk 3 word verslag gedoen oor die ondersoek van die generatieweleksikon-teorie. Hierdie teorie bevat veelvuldige vlakke van verteenwoordiging vir verskillende soorte leksikale inligting wat vereis word, naamlik die argumentstruktuur, die gebeurestruktuur, die qualiastruktuur en die leksikaal-inherente struktuur. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is op die eerste drie vlakke van verteenwoordiging tydens die analise gefokus. Hoofstuk 4 bevat die stelselmatige klassifikasie van deverbatiewe nominale wat uit verskeie semantiese werkwoordklasse afkomstig is, en oorweging geniet op grond van hul afstamming van onderskeidelik intransitiewe, transitiewe en ditransitiewe werkwoorde. Die eerste leksikaal-skematiese verteenwoordiging vir elke werkwoordklas gee ’n klassifikasie van verskeie klasse van deverbatiewe selfstandige naamwoorde, naamlik 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 en 14, in gevalle waar die selfstandigenaamwoordklas van toepassing is. Die tweede skematiese verteenwoordiging sit uiteen hoe hierdie verskillende werkwoordklasse in terme van hul semantiese soort geklassifiseer/gekategoriseer word. Daar is verskeie nominaliserings vir selfstandigenaamwoordklasse vir elke werkwoordklas, wat as ’n verteenwoordiging vir elke groep van die onderskeie werkwoordklasse dien. Hoofstuk 5 bevat ’n gedetailleerde analise van verskeie deverbatiewe selfstandige naamwoorde wat uit verskillende werkwoordklasse afgelei is met behulp van die generatieweleksikon-teorie as ’n verwysingsbron, spesifiek die eerste drie vlakke van verteenwoordiging. Die samestelling en semantiek van afgeleide nominale in die predikaatargument-strukture word ten toon gestel. Hoofstuk 6 bevat ’n opsomming van die bevindinge in die voorafgaande hoofstukke.

Kabugo, Merit Ronald. "Participation and decision making in Luganda : an appraisal and genre-theoretic investigation of spoken discourse at community development project meetings." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/79924.

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Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: If they don’t come out clearly to show us the true picture of different areas, it means that some areas that do not get the weather forecast cannot profit from their farming activities. This pushes our country into more poverty. If an agency can be identified and charged with the responsibility to disseminate the forecast to the various parts of the country, it would greatly help the farmers and Uganda as a country to develop. These are the words of a participant at one of fifteen Ugandan farmer group meetings that were convened and asked to discuss a tape-recorded seasonal weather forecast, following their own rules of procedure. The audio recordings and transcriptions of these meetings, which are in Luganda, form the object of inquiry for this study. Using a multi-perspective approach to spoken discourse analysis, this study investigates manifestations and patterns of participation and decision-making as they emerge through evaluation and appraisal in the context of participatory community development processes. Taking the discourse of farmer group meetings as a genre of business meetings, where the public is included in decision-making interactions between government and citizens, the study invokes the appraisal theory, genre analysis theory, citizenship talk analysis model, and the business-meeting negotiation approach to explore how participants use Luganda to express assessment and make decisions during interactive discourse. The study identifies three main styles of making decisions, which demonstrate a culturally constructed concept of participation in Luganda. Whereas subtle decision-making involves spontaneous group positions that are not formally announced as a decision, explicit decision-making manifests positions that are overtly announced by a participant. Virtual decision-making involves intermittent moves towards a group position. While some meetings have moderators, several others have the role of moderator performed by various participants. Indeed, in several cases participants take turns to speak in a spontaneous way, without having to seek the permission of the moderator. Despite the difference in styles of decision-making, the overarching goal of participation in this genre of Luganda discourse is to reach consensus and to demonstrate a collective identity. This goal however does not take away the right and freedom of participants to reason critically, negotiate for a position, express conflict, and to question authority. This study breaks the ground for further research into areas of evaluation, intercultural communication, forensic linguistics, professional discourse, and other fields of applied linguistics in Ugandan languages, as well as in other African languages.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As hulle nie duidelik na vore kom om aan ons die ware prentjie van verskillende gebiede te toon nie, beteken dit dat sommige gebiede wat nie die weervoorspelling kry nie, nie wins uit hulle landbou-aktiwiteite kan maak nie. Dit dompel ons land al meer in armoede. As ʼn agentskap geïdentifiseer kan word en met die verantwoordelikheid getaak kan word om die voorspelling na die verskillende dele van die land te versprei, sal dit die boere baie help en Uganda as ʼn land help ontwikkel. Dit is die woorde van ʼn deelnemer by een van vyftien vergaderings vir Ugandese boere wat byeengeroep is en gevra is om ʼn bandopname van seisoenale weervoorspelling te bespreek deur hulle eie reëls van prosedure te volg. Die bandopnames en transkripsies van hierdie vergaderings in Luganda was die navorsingsonderwerp vir hierdie studie. Met behulp van ʼn multiperspektiefbenadering tot gesproke diskoersanalise het hierdie studie manifestasies en patrone van deelname en besluitneming ondersoek soos dit deur evaluering en waardebepaling teen die agtergrond van deelnemende gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprosesse na vore gekom het. Met die diskoers van vergaderings deur boeregroepe as ʼn genre van sakevergaderings, waar die publiek by besluitnemingsinteraksies tussen regering en burgers ingesluit is, het hierdie studie sig op die teorie van waardebepaling, die teorie van genre-analise, die model vir die analise van burgerskapgesprekke, en die benadering tot sakevergadering-onderhandeling beroep om te verken hoe deelnemers Luganda gebruik om assessering uit te druk en gedurende interaktiewe diskoers besluite te neem. Die studie het drie belangrike besluitnemingstyle geïdentifiseer wat ʼn kultureel gekonstrueerde begrip van deelname in Luganda demonstreer. Terwyl subtiele besluitneming spontane groepsposisies behels wat nie formeel as ʼn besluit bekend gemaak word nie, gee eksplisiete besluitneming blyke van posisies wat op overte wyse deur ʼn deelnemer aangekondig word. Virtuele besluitneming behels intermitterende beweging in die rigting van ʼn groepsposisie. Terwyl sommige vergaderings moderators het, voer verskeie ander die rol van moderator deur verskillende deelnemers uit. Om die waarheid te sê, in etlike gevalle neem deelnemers beurte om op ʼn spontane wyse te praat, sonder om die toestemming van die moderator te verkry. Ondanks die verskil in besluitnemingstyle is die oorkoepelende doel van deelname in hierdie genre van Luganda-diskoers om konsensus te bereik en ʼn kollektiewe identiteit te toon. Hierdie doel neem egter nie die reg en vryheid van deelnemers om krities te redeneer, vir ʼn posisie te onderhandel, konflik uit te spreek, en gesag te bevraagteken weg nie. Hierdie studie baan die weg vir verdere navorsing ten opsigte van gebiede van evaluering, interkulturele kommunikasie, forensiese linguistiek, professionele diskoers, en ander gebiede van toegepaste linguistiek in Ugandese tale, asook in ander Afrikatale.
The Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Stellenbosch, the African Doctoral Academy (ADA), Makerere University, the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA), and the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University

Stayton, Corey C. "The Kongo cosmogram: A theory in African-American literature." DigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, 1997. http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu/dissertations/1972.

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This study examines the use of Kongo cosmology as a theory of reading African-American literature. By analyzing the philosophical modes and belief systems of the Bakongo people, a general view of their cosmos is constructed and establishes the Kongo cosmogram used as the basis of this study. The community, crossroads, elders, and circularity of life all prove to be crucial elements in the Kongo cosmogram. These elements all have respective roles in the operation of the Kongo cosmogram as a literary theory. As the focus shifts from Africa to America, a study of how the Kongo cosmogram is disrupted by the Maafa and reconstructed in America via plantation existence is necessary to establish the history and function of the cosmogram in America. Finally, the Kongo cosmogram is applied as a literary theory, using Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin in the Sun" and James Baldwin's Go Tell It on the Mountain. These texts manifest the elements of the Kongo cosmogram and demonstrate its applicability as a literary theory.

Jakaza, Ernest. "Appraisal and evaluation in Zimbabwean parliamentary discourse and its representation in newspaper articles." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/79951.

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Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “Unofananidza Jesu naKombayi here? (Lit. Are you comparing Jesus with Kombayi?) (Condolences on the death of Senator Patrick Kombayi, 28th July 2009, Appendix B4, line 350) This Shona interjection during the debate on the motion on condolences on the death of Senator Patrick Kombayi (MDC- T) in the Zimbabwean parliament presents the speaker stance taking, appraising and strategically manoeuvering advancing certain argumentative positions. Considering the impact of the outcome of these debates on governance, discourse- analytic researches have to be carried out in order to explore the sorts of appraisal and argumentation principles that are realised. This study makes a multifaceted theoretical approach to a comprehensive exploration of debates and speeches in the Zimbabwean parliament and their representation in newspaper articles. The appraisal theory, the extended pragma- dialectic theory of argumentation and controversy analysis have been integrated to uncover important linguistic insights on parliamentary discourse and news reporting. The analysis is based on a corpus of debates and speeches in the Zimbabwean parliament within the period 2009 and 2010. Another corpus consists of newspaper reports on these debates and speeches in this period. A thematic approach informed by theoretical principles is utilised in the selection of reports, debates and speeches. Firstly, I examined parliamentary discourse. Focus have been on the critical discussion model, argumentative strategies- forms of strategic manoeuvering, how the dialectic- rhetoric relation can be understood, how appraisal resources are realised in the argumentation process and on examining how appraisal resources employed reflect the type of a debate or speech. Secondly, I explored newspaper articles from four Zimbabwean newspapers reporting on the same themes on debates and speeches. Focus has been to make comparative analysis of news reporting examining how appraisal resources are utilised in the representation of parliamentary discourse in different newspapers (independent versus government or state owned newspapers and English versus Shona newspapers) and to examine the nature of argumentation and strategic manoeuvering principles that are utilised in news reporting and how controversial (divergent) debates or issues are represented. This multifaceted analysis offered varied dimensions in the exploration of parliamentary discourse and news reporting and expansions of the appraisal and argumentation theories.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Unofananidza Jesu naKombayi here? (Letterlik: Vergelyk jy Jesus met Kombayi?) (Medelye ten tye van die dood van senator Patrick Kombayi, 28 Julie 2009, Bylaag B4, reël 350) Hierdie Shona-uitroep gedurende die debat oor die mosie van medelye ten tye van die dood van senator Patrick Kombayi (MDC-T) in die Zimbabwiese parlement wys hoe die spreker standpunt inneem, en sekere beredenerende posisies opper, beoordeel en op strategiese wyse manipuleer. Met die uitkomste van hierdie debatte oor bestuur in gedagte, moes diskoers-analitiese navorsing gedoen word om die soorte waardebepalende en beredenerende beginsels wat gerealiseer is, te verken. Hierdie studie het ʼn veelvlakkige teoretiese benadering tot ʼn omvattende verkenning van debatte en toesprake in die Zimbabwiese parlement en hulle uitbeelding in koerantartikels ingeneem. Die teorie van waardebepaling, die uitgebreide pragma-dialektiese teorie van beredenering- en geskilsanalise is geïntegreer om belangrike linguistiese insigte oor parlementêre diskoers en nuusrapportering bloot te lê. Die analise is gebaseer op ʼn korpus debatte en toesprake in die Zimbabwiese parlement uit die tydperk 2009 tot 2010. ʼn Verdere korpus bestaan uit koerantberigte oor hierdie debatte en toesprake uit hierdie tydperk. ʼn Tematiese benadering wat deur teoretiese beginsels geïnspireer is, is gebruik by die keuse van berigte, debatte en toesprake. Eerstens het ek parlementêre diskoers nagegaan. Die fokus was op die kritiese besprekingsmodel, beredenerende strategieë, vorme van strategiese manipulering, die wyse waarop die dialekties-retoriese verhouding verstaan kan word, die wyse waarop hulpbronne vir waardebepaling tydens die beredeneringsproses verwesenlik word en op ʼn ondersoek na hoe hulpbronne wat vir waardebepaling gebruik word, die soort debat of toespraak uitbeeld. Tweedens het ek koerantartikels uit vier Zimbabwiese koerante verken wat oor dieselfde temas oor debatte en toesprake verslag gedoen het. Die fokus was op die maak van ʼn vergelykende analise van beriggewing om na te gaan hoe hulpbronne vir waardebepaling gebruik word by die uitbeelding van parlementêre diskoers in verskillende koerante (onafhanklik teenoor koerante in besit van die regering of die staat en koerante in Engels teenoor ander in Shona) en om die aard van beredenering en strategiese manipulerings-beginsels wat by beriggewing gebruik word en die wyse waarop kontroversiële (uiteenlopende) debatte of kwessies uitgebeeld word, te ondersoek. Hierdie veelvlakkige analise het wisselende dimensies by die verkenning van parlementêre diskoers en beriggewing en uitbreidings van die waardebepaling- en beredeneringsteorieë gebied.
This project is a reality because of the generous scholarship I received from the African Doctoral Academy

Shockley, Muriel Elizabeth. "I'll Choose Which Hill I'm Going to Die on: African American Women Scholar-Activists in the White Academy." Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1370378305.

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