Books on the topic 'Aesthetics Assessment'
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Landscapes beyond land: Routes, aesthetics, narratives. New York: Berghahn Books, 2012.
Find full text1944-, Klein Evelin E., Klein Hans-Dieter, and Birkhan Ines 1974-, eds. Technikkritik und Ästhetik. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2007.
Find full textInterpretare il paesaggio: Qualità territoriale e valorizzazione delle identità locali. Roma: Aracne, 2011.
Find full textNature and landscape: An introduction to environmental aesthetics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.
Find full textRobert, Schäfer, ed. Was heisst denn schon Natur?: Ein Essaywettbewerb. München: Callwey, 1993.
Find full textLiving in the landscape: Toward an aesthetics of environment. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1997.
Find full textHội thảo thả̂m mỹ môi trường (1999 Hanoi, Vietnam). Kỹ yé̂u Hội thảo thả̂m mỹ môi trường. [Hà Nội]: Nhà xuá̂t bản Mỹ thuật, 2002.
Find full textAndrews, Malcolm. The search for the picturesque: Landscape aesthetics and tourism in Britain, 1760-1800. Aldershot: Scolar, 1989.
Find full textAndrews, Malcolm. The search for the picturesque: Landscape aesthetics and tourism in Britain, 1760-1800. Aldershot: Scolar, 1990.
Find full textCynthia, Allen, College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Faculty of Landscape Architecture., United States. National Park Service., and Scenic America (Organization), eds. O, say, can you see: A visual awareness tool kit for communities. Washington, DC: Scenic America, 1999.
Find full textDarío I. Gazapo de Aguilera. Acciones conceptuales en el paisaje...: Paisaje cultural... dimensiones de la memoria = Conceptual actions in the landscape : cultural landscape... dimensions of memory : Beriain, Portmán, Riotinto, Gallarta, Nalón, Almadén. Madrid: Mairea Libros, 2007.
Find full textDistinktion, Macht, Landschaft: Zur sozialen Definition von Landschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008.
Find full textThe aesthetics of play: A didactic study of play and culture in preschools. Uppsala: [Uppsala University], 1995.
Find full textAnima e corpo dei luoghi: Incontri con James Hillman. Napoli: La scuola di Pitagora editrice, 2017.
Find full textLaura, Zampieri. Il mondo non è più un giardino: Verso una nuova estetica tra qualità del paesaggio e ragioni dell'ambiente. Macerata: Quodlibet, 2021.
Find full textSerrão, Adriana Verríssimo. Filosofia e arquitectura da paisagem: Um manual. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012.
Find full textMonique, Mosser, and Nys Philippe, eds. Le jardin, art et lieu de mémoire. Besançon: Editions de l'Imprimeur, 1995.
Find full textFerriolo, Massimo Venturi. Percepire paesaggi: La potenza dello sguardo. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2009.
Find full textR, Shepard Florence, ed. Where we belong: Beyond abstraction in perceiving nature. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2003.
Find full textCrandell, Gina. Nature pictorialized: "the view" in landscape history. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
Find full textHugill, Peter J. Upstate Arcadia: Landscape, aesthetics, and the triumph of social differentiation in America. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 1995.
Find full textAndrews, Malcolm. The search for the picturesque: Landscape aesthetics and tourism in Britain, 1760-1800. Aldershot: Scolar, 1989.
Find full textThe search for the picturesque: Landscape aesthetics and tourism in Britain, 1760-1800. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1989.
Find full textHägerhäll, Caroline. The experience of pastoral landscapes. Alnarp: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 1999.
Find full textEduardo, Martínez de Pisón, and Ortega Nicolás 1947-, eds. La recuperación del paisaje. Madrid: Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2008.
Find full textEcology, community, and delight: Sources of values in landscape architecture. London: E & FN Spon, 2000.
Find full textBohdan, Dziemidok, and McCormick Peter, eds. On the aesthetics of Roman Ingarden: Interpretations and assessments. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1989.
Find full textChase, David. Assessment in creative disciplines: Quantifying and qualifying the aesthetic. Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing, 2014.
Find full textAn aesthetic assessment of Bihu songs =: Ramaṇīẏa Bihu gāna. Kolkata: Pranoti Pub. House, 2004.
Find full textJ, McGuire Michael, and AWWA Research Foundation, eds. Water utility self-assessment for the management of aesthetic issues. Denver, CO: Awwa Research Foundation, 2004.
Find full textChurchward, Craig. Evaluation of methodologies for visual impact assessments. Washington, D.C: Transportation Research Board, 2013.
Find full textInternational Association of Landscape Ecology. Working Group 'Culture and Landscape'. International Conference. Place in space: Proceedings of the Second International Conference by the Working Group C̀ulture and Landscape' of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, September 1992. Wageningen: Pudoc Scientific Publishers, 1993.
Find full text1948-, Duncan Nancy, ed. Landscapes of privilege: The politics of the aesthetic in an American suburb. New York: Routledge, 2004.
Find full textHanich, Julian. The Structures of the Film Experience by Jean-Pierre Meunier: Historical Assessments and Phenomenological Expansions. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
Find full textPogodina, Svetlana. The development of children's visual creativity under the influence of artistic standards within the framework of the concept of transformable aesthetic archetypes. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.
Full textMarc, Treib, ed. Representing landscape architecture. London: Taylor & Francis, 2008.
Find full textKazakova, Gandalif. The problem of formation of romantic historicism and rehabilitation of medieval culture in the creative heritage of F. R. de Chateaubriand. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Full textCold, Birgit. Aesthetics, Well-Being and Health : Essays Within Architecture and Environmental Aesthetics: Essays Within Architecture and Environmental Aesthetics. Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
Find full textWhitehouse, Andrew, Nicolas Ellison, Arnar Árnason, and Jo Vergunst. Landscapes Beyond Land: Routes, Aesthetics, Narratives. Berghahn Books, Incorporated, 2015.
Find full textAesthetics, Well-Being and Health: Essays Within Architecture and Environmental Aesthetics (Ethnoscapes). Ashgate Pub Ltd, 2002.
Find full textPhilip, Dearden, Sadler Barry, and University of Victoria (B.C.). Dept. of Geography, eds. Landscape evaluation: Approaches and application. Victoria, B.C: Dept. of Geography, University of Victoria, 1989.
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