Academic literature on the topic 'Aerotenk'
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Journal articles on the topic "Aerotenk"
Ford CEng MRAeS, Terry. "FFV Aerotech." Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 62, no. 3 (March 1990): 26–28.
Full textDzhumagulova, Nazira, Ivan Gavrilov, and Dinh Dap Nguyen. "Activated sludge biocenosis regulation for intensifying aerating constructions." MATEC Web of Conferences 193 (2018): 02015.
Full textSholiak, K. V., S. О. Hnatush, T. B. Peretyatko, and S. P. Gudz. "Мікробоценози стічних вод Львова на різних етапах очищення." Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, medicine 4, no. 2 (December 2, 2013): 76–80.
Full textVyrina, E. E., O. N. Lukatcheva, N. A. Voinov, and Yu D. Alashkevitch. "Intensification of Water Oxidization in the Aerotank." Ecology and Industry of Russia 19, no. 11 (November 11, 2015): 10.
Full textStarovoytov, Sergey V., Ahmed S. Khalil, and Nikolai S. Serpokrylov. "The Rationale for the Fish Farms Circulating Water Biological Treatment Intensification." Materials Science Forum 931 (September 2018): 979–84.
Full textKul’kov, V. N., and E. Yu Solopanov. "Gas-hydrodynamic characteristics of aerotanks." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 880 (July 10, 2020): 012008.
Full textBoyko, W., N. R. Paterson, and K. Kwan. "AeroTEM characteristics and field results." Leading Edge 20, no. 10 (October 2001): 1130–38.
Full textBalch, S. J., W. P. Boyko, and N. R. Paterson. "The AeroTEM airborne electromagnetic system." Leading Edge 22, no. 6 (June 2003): 562–66.
Full textRudd, J., and S. Walker. "The AeroTEM system in Africa." ASEG Extended Abstracts 2009, no. 1 (2009): 1.
Full textKul'kov, V. N., E. Y. Solopanov, and A. M. Zelenin. "Optimization of water-air regeneration of aerotank-bioreactor synthetic loading." Vestnik MGSU, no. 7 (July 2014): 41–50.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Aerotenk"
Перетяченко, Дмитро Володимирович. "Модернізація локальних споруд очищення стічних вод Приватного акціонерного товариства „Київський картонно-паперовий комбінат”." Bachelor's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019.
Full textDiploma project entitled «Improvement of the technology of municipal sewage treatment in the city of Obuhiv». Total volume of work is: 59 worksheet, 10 tables, 7 picture, 3 appendices, 5 drawings on A1 and 10 sources. The purpose of the diploma project is to improve treatment facilities waste water capacity 15500 m3/day, with with subsequent discharging of water in the Dnipro river. Explanatory memorandum includes the following sections: introduction, feasibility of the project; technological part; technology and hydraulic calculations of treatment facilities; construction of; safety; conclusions; addition and references. Graphic of the diploma project include: technological scheme, the general layout of treatment facilities, cross-section and longitudinal section.
Дипломный проект на тему «Усовершенствование технологии очистки коммунально-бытовых стоков г.Обухов». Общий объем роботы составляет: 59 ст., 10 табл., 7 рис., 3 приложения, 5 чертежей формата А1, 10 источников. Целью дипломного проекта является усовершенствование очистных сооружений производительностью 15 500 м3/сутки, с последующим сбросом воды в р.Днепр. Пояснительная записка включает в себя следующие разделы: введение; технико-экономическое обоснование проекта; технологическую часть, технологические и гидравлические расчеты очистных сооружений; строительную часть; охрану труда, выводы; приложения и список литературы. Графическая часть дипломного проекта включает в себя: технологическую схему, генеральный план размещения очистных сооружений, продольный и поперечный разрезы.
Dicción, Virrueta Manuel Alejandro, Higa Clara Cecilia Ubillús, and Huck Eric Fabián Valdivieso. "Business consulting para Aerotech." Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021.
Full textAerotech is a Peruvian enterprise dedicated to the commercial aircraft repair and maintenance services in Peru, and Chile. To be able to accomplish the provision of a quality service, Aerotech needs to have highly skilled and quality-focus trained staff, who can easily adhere to established procedures. Nevertheless, the company has been receiving a great quantity of claims referred to noncompliance of the client’s service expectations. The Business Consulting (BC) team analyzed the company, and found that though Aerotech grew rapidly, it lacks tools and methods for monitoring its plans and strategies, and mainly the quality of service. The analysis showed that the core issue is non-compliance of service standards established by the clients, which originates claims called “nonacceptances”. On the other hand, both the Operational Safety, and Continuous Improvement areas, directly involved in solving the nonacceptances, lack the operational capability to adequately implement the plans and strategies that can mitigate them, and additionally they are not integrated at working, and therefore the time of responsiveness is very long, not in time, and generates a great cumulative of new claims. To solve this problem, BC supported the preparation of a Balance Score Card, using Lean and Six Sigma methodologies to recognize and solve the main problem, as well as to use them to implement a new business performance mythology. This study is proposing a process restructuration for Operational Safety and Continuous Improvement, achieving a new response time of 4.6 days to solve the nonacceptances. In addition, an implementation program has been planted that includes talent acquisition, a training program for staff, the implementation of a new working system and recommendations to continue attending the requirements of the client, among other relevant topics.
Костенко, В. А., Валерій Олександрович Соляник, Валерий Александрович Соляник, and Valerii Oleksandrovych Solianyk. "Дослідження і оптимізація режимів роботи міських очисних споруд м. Шостка." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2017.
Full textГубиш, Валерія Володимирівна. "Технологія біологічного очищення стічних вод шкірзаводу та міста Бердичів." Bachelor's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020.
Full textThe diploma project consists of 77 pages of explanatory note and 3 sheets of drawings A1. The explanatory note contains an introduction, 5 sections, including 4 figures and 7 tables, conclusions, 30 references and an appendix. The purpose of the diploma project is to select and substantiate the most beneficial technological scheme for preliminary tannery wastewater treatment of the, as well as calculations of biological treatment facilities and development of process flowsheet for city of Berdychiv and tannery wastewater treatment. The project describes the composition and physical and chemical properties of the plant tannery wastewater; the technology of preliminary tannery wastewater treatment technology is selected and substantiated; wastewater characteristics s and the required treatment degree of their treatment are calculated; the technology of biological treatment of a mixture of city and tannery wasterwater is chosen and substantiated; biochemical processes in the biological treatment plant are described; the characteristic of the biological agent is given; parameters of control of biological treatment technology are given; the material balance of the cleaning process is calculated; calculations of the basic biological constructions are carried out. An hardware and process flowsheet the city of Berdychiv and tannery biological wastewater treatment , as well as a drawing of an aeration tank were worked up.
Суліменко, Сергій Євгенійович. "Проект системи очистки фенолвмісних стічних вод цеху очистки коксового газу з утилізацією осаду надлишкового мулу." Магістерська робота, 2020.
Full textUA : На основі аналізу існуючих способів очищення стічних вод коксохімічного виробництва розроблена технологічна схема біохімічного очищення, яка дозволяє зменшити об’єм споруд, підвищити надійність їх експлуатації та утилізувати надлишковий активний мул з отриманням понад 300 тис.м3 біогазу. Розроблена схема контролю та автоматизації роботи насосних агрегатів. Розглянуті шкідливі та небезпечні фактори виробничого процесу та запропоновані заходи щодо усунення їх негативного впливу на здоров’я обслуговуючого персоналу та підвищення техногенної безпеки виробництва. Визначні основні техніко-економічні показники проекту.
EN : Based on the analysis of existing methods for wastewater treatment of coke production, a technological scheme of biochemical treatment has been developed, which allows to reduce the volume of facilities, improve the reliability of their operation and utilize excess activated sludge to produce more than 300 thousand m3 of biogas per year. A scheme for monitoring and automating the operation of pumping units has been developed. Harmful and dangerous factors of the production process are considered and measures are proposed to eliminate their negative impact on the health of service personnel and to increase the technological safety of production. The main technical and economic indicators of the project are determined.
Books on the topic "Aerotenk"
(1995), Aerotech 95. Aeroengines and propulsion: Selected papers from Aerotech 95. London: Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited for The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
Find full textVaratharajoo, R., E. J. Abdullah, D. L. Majid, F. I. Romli, A. S. Mohd Rafie, and K. A. Ahmad. AEROTECH IV: Recent advances in aerospace technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the AEROTECH IV, November 21-22, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 2012.
Find full textAerotech 22. Amer Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991.
Find full textAerotech 19. Amer Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991.
Find full textAerotech 2. FASA, 2000.
Find full textAerotech 92: Propulsion. London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1991.
Find full textInstitution of Mechanical Engineers. Aerospace Industries Division., ed. Aerotech 92: Propulsion. London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1991.
Find full textInstitution of Mechanical Engineers. Aerospace Industries Division., ed. Aerotech 92: Reliability. London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1991.
Find full textAerotech 94: Aerodynamics. London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1994.
Find full textAerotech 92: Propulsion. London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1991.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Aerotenk"
Karahiaur, Andriy, Tamara Airapetian, Valeriy Novokhatniy, and Oleksandr Matyash. "The Influence of Oxygen Regime on Aerotank-Displacer with Fixed Biocenosis Operation." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 591–99. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textMurray, Andrew. "9. Software." In Information Technology Law, 219–57. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Aerotenk"
Rudd, Jonathan. "The AeroTEM HD Advantage." In 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 August 2011. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2011.
Full textBalch, S. J., W. P. Boyko, G. Black, and R. N. Pedersen. "Mineral exploration with the AeroTEM system." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2002. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2002.
Full textKrouse, Charles, and Brendan Nelson-Weiss. "Implementation and Comparison of Model Co-Simulation Methods in a Turbofan Model." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textHutchison, Matthieu, David Marles, Ashutosh Singh, Henning Witt lng, and Pierre Boulon. "System Integration in Aircraft Environment - Hydraulic Performances through Coupled Simulations." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textRaczkowski, Brian C., Nicholas Jones, Tim Deppen, Charles Lucas, Rodney Yeu, Eric Walters, Adam Donovan, Soumya Patnaik, and Mark Bodie. "A MATLAB Simulink Based Co-Simulation Approach for a Vehicle Systems Model Integration Architecture." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textRajamani, Mani Rathinam, and Eshwaraiah Punna. "A Study on the Development of Aerostructures Design for Assembly Guidelines and Their Effective Use to Proactively Identify Opportunities for Improvement in Mitigating Common Defects of the Aerostructures Assembly." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textForbes, Mark. "Case Study on the Challenges and Responses of a Large Turnkey Assembly Line for the C919 Wing." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textRekik, Khansa, Rainer Müller, Jörg Hoffmann, and Matthias Vette. "A Communication-Free Human-Robot-Collaboration Approach for Aircraft Riveting Process Using AI Probabilistic Planning." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textSawyer, Daniela, Lloyd Tinkler, Nathan Roberts, and Ryan Diver. "Improving Robotic Accuracy through Iterative Teaching." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textLuker, Zachary, and Erin Stansbury. "In-Process Hole and Fastener Inspection Using a High-Accuracy Laser Sensor." In AeroTech. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Aerotenk"
Cheng, Mengdawn, Erik Kabela, and Paula Cable-Dunlap. Intercomparison of Aerosol Instrumental Responses Using AEROTRAK, SMPS, and APS in a Simulated Building. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2021.
Full textOldenborger, G. A. AeroTEM III Survey, Spiritwood Valley, Manitoba, parts of NTS 62G/3, 62G/4, Manitoba. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2010.
Full textOldenborger, G. A. AeroTEM III Survey, Spiritwood Valley, Manitoba, parts of NTS 62G/3, 62G/4, 62G/5, 62G/6, Manitoba. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2010.
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