Academic literature on the topic 'Aerodynamic of plasmas'

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Journal articles on the topic "Aerodynamic of plasmas"


Caruana, D. "Plasmas for aerodynamic control." Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 52, no. 12 (November 15, 2010): 124045.

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Aleshin, B. S., V. Yu Khomich, and S. L. Chernyshev. "DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN PLASMA AERODYNAMICS." Доклады Российской академии наук. Физика, технические науки 508, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): 3–8.

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The most promising areas of research in the field of plasma aerodynamics are proposed. On the basis of the presented experimental data obtained recently, the possibilities of using the volumetric force effect on the gas flow in aerodynamic applications, which is realized with the help of near-surface electric discharges, are considered. One of these applications is to increase the length of the laminar section of the boundary layer on the swept wing in order to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the aircraft in the cruise flight mode. The second direction is associated with the control of the three-dimensional separation of the boundary layer on the elements of the mechanization of the swept wing in the take-off and landing modes. And the third direction is the reduction of surface friction in the turbulent boundary layer, which is realized on most of the surface of modern near- and supersonic aircraft. The proposed studies are not only of applied, but also of fundamental importance due to the physical complexity of the studied phenomena.
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Omidi, Javad. "Advances and opportunities in wind energy harvesting using plasma actuators: a review." Clean Energy 8, no. 1 (January 19, 2024): 197–225.

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Abstract The dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator has been recognized as a leading technology for controlling fluid flow and has found remarkable applications in wind energy harvesting over the past decade. Wind turbine aerodynamics are critical in this concept and performance is mainly determined by flow controllers, although significant technical progress is still required. This paper examines all the critical studies to investigate the potential application of plasma actuators for airflow control over wind turbines. This approach has been divided into three categories: wind turbine airfoils, horizontal-axis wind turbines and vertical-axis wind turbines aerodynamic performance and generated power. Finally, the potential functions of plasma actuators in current and future wind turbine generators are discussed. These actuators offer promising solutions to increasing power output, minimizing torque fluctuations and enabling self-starting capabilities, particularly in vertical-axis wind turbines. By adjusting blade pitch angles in conjunction with plasma actuators, significant improvements in airflow optimization and power extraction have been demonstrated. Despite the advancements, challenges persist, such as determining optimal actuator placement and overcoming structural limitations, especially concerning 3D effects and high Reynolds numbers. While plasma actuators enhance aerodynamic efficiency, their complexity needs to be balanced against marginal gains in power production, especially in high-megawatt turbines, for which controlling flow at low wind speeds is challenging. Future research must focus on the sustainable integration of plasma actuators, pitch angle adjustments and active control mechanisms to fully exploit the potential of wind energy for a sustainable future.
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Aleksandrov, N. L., S. V. Kindysheva, and I. V. Kochetov. "Kinetics of low-temperature plasmas for plasma-assisted combustion and aerodynamics." Plasma Sources Science and Technology 23, no. 1 (February 4, 2014): 015017.

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Bletzinger, P., B. N. Ganguly, D. Van Wie, and A. Garscadden. "Plasmas in high speed aerodynamics." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38, no. 4 (February 4, 2005): R33—R57.

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Xin, Wang, Yan Jie, and Zhang Yerong. "Exploring research on high-speed vehicle attitude control with plasma virtual flap manipulation." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 233, no. 10 (October 9, 2018): 3627–34.

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This work provides an attitude solution for a high-speed vehicle using plasma aerodynamic control called “plasma virtual flap” manipulation. This paper describes the concept of using plasma active control as plasma virtual flap for off-design attitude manipulation problem. Design of an attitude controller considering plasma aerodynamic effects for the high-speed vehicle is presented. The aerodynamic lift and drag force features in the high speed, long duration cruise flight with plasma actuator effect are introduced, where the estimated models and attitude controller are established. This paper documents the development and capabilities of plasma virtual flap attitude control authority. Simulation results are presented to exhibit the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Aleshin, B. S., V. Yu Khomich, and S. L. Chernyshev. "Development Trends in Plasma Aerodynamics." Doklady Physics 68, no. 1 (January 2023): 1–5.

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Hui, Zheng, Xingjun Hu, Peng Guo, Zewei Wang, and Jingyu Wang. "Separation Flow Control of a Generic Ground Vehicle Using an SDBD Plasma Actuator." Energies 12, no. 20 (October 9, 2019): 3805.

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Quiescent flow and wind tunnel tests were performed to gain additional physical insights into flow control for automotive aerodynamics using surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators. First, the aerodynamic characteristics of ionic wind were studied, and a maximum induced velocity of 3.3 m/s was achieved at an excitation voltage of 17 kV. Then, the optimal installation position of the actuator and the influence of the excitation voltage on flow control at different wind speeds were studied. The conclusions drawn are as follows. The effect of flow control is better when the upper electrode of the actuator is placed at the end of the top surface, increasing the likelihood of the plasma generation region approaching the natural separation location. The pressure on top of the slanted surface is primarily affected by airflow acceleration at a low excitation voltage and by the decrease of the separation zone at a high excitation voltage. The maximum drag reduction can be realized when the maximum velocity of ionic wind reaches 1.71 m/s at a wind speed of 10 m/s and 2.54 m/s at a wind speed of 15 m/s. Moreover, effective drag reduction can be achieved only by continuing to optimize the actuator to generate considerable thrust at a high wind speed.
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Tomohisa, Ohtake, Muramatsu Akinori, Motohashi Tatsuo, and Kobayashi Shunsaku. "1199 IMPROVEMENT OF AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A NACA0012 AIRFOIL APPLIED A DBD PLASMA ACTUATOR IN LOW REYNOLDS NUMBERS." Proceedings of the International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF) 2013.4 (2013): _1199–1_—_1199–6_.

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Barni, Ruggero, Hector Eduardo Roman, and Claudia Riccardi. "Ionizing Waves in Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharges Plasma Actuators." Actuators 13, no. 3 (February 22, 2024): 86.

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Plasma actuators have been proposed as a tool to produce hydrodynamical effects in the boundary layer of aerodynamical flows. We have analyzed some properties of these systems using suitable plasma diagnostics based on the emissivity characteristics of such plasmas. The direction and the velocity of propagation of the ionizing wave spreading on the dielectric surface were measured (in the 100–200 km/s range), and it was demonstrated that it behaves like a cathode-directed streamer. The averaged electron temperature (4–5 eV) and the reduced field strength (E/N ≈ 6 × 1019 V·m2) of the ionizing wave switching the discharges on were measured, too.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Aerodynamic of plasmas"


Gonçalves, Duarte. "Aerodynamic study of atmospheric-pressure plasma jets." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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Les jets de plasma à pression atmosphérique (JPPAs) étendent le plasma au-delà des parois d'un réacteur. Ces sources de plasma produisent et délivrent des espèces réactives à des matériaux sensibles. En conséquence, les JPPAs ont de nombreuses applications en biologie, médecine, analyse chimique et traitement des matériaux. Les JPPAs sont produits par le passage répétitif d'ondes d'ionisation (OI), guidées en aval par l'écoulement. À leur tour, les OI perturbent l'écoulement à chaque passage. L'étude de l'aérodynamique des JPPAs offre un chemin pour comprendre le couplage plasma-écoulement. Dans ce travail, nous étudions un JPPA d'argon coaxial, avec du gaz de blindage de N₂ et O₂, à travers des expérimentations et de la modélisation. Les expériences montrent deux décharges produites par une impulsion de tension appliquée : une à la montée et une autre à la descente. Chaque décharge produit des métastables d'argon, dont la densité peut être modulée en variant la fraction d'O₂ dans le gaz de blindage. Les températures rotationnelles et vibrationnelles augmentent pendant les décharges, indiquant des transferts d'énergie des électrons aux espèces lourdes. Nous visualisons le jet par imagerie de Schlieren, y compris comment une seule décharge crée des perturbations d'écoulement. En parallèle, nous avons adapté le code SPARK-CFD, initialement écrit pour les plasmas de rentrée, pour simuler les JPPAs sur plusieurs impulsions. Les simulations non réactives montrent comment la géométrie du réacteur affecte la vitesse et la composition chimique dans les jets simples et coaxiaux. Les simulations de JPPA montrent un chauffage des électrons et une excitation et ionisation subséquentes des atomes et molécules. Ce transfert d'énergie provoque une augmentation rapide de la température/pression, modifiant le champ de vitesse du jet. Ces effets s'accumulent sur plusieurs impulsions, changeant les profils spatiaux et temporels du jet et des espèces réactives. Finalement, la version adaptée de SPARK-CFD sera publiée en open-source, fournissant un code pour des simulations des plasmas subsoniques et hypersoniques
Cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) extend plasma beyond the walls of a reactor. These versatile plasma sources produce and deliver reactive species to sensitive materials. Accordingly, APPJs have many applications in biology, medicine, chemical analysis, and material processing. APPJs are produced by the repetitive passage of ionization waves (IWs), which are guided downstream by the flow. In turn, IWs perturb the flow at each passage. Studying the aerodynamics of APPJs provides a path to understanding the plasma-flow coupling. In this work, we study a co-axial argon APPJ with varying N₂ and O₂ shielding gas mixtures through experimental approaches and computational modelling. Experiments show two discharges produced by a square pulse of applied voltage: one at the rising and another at the falling edge. Each discharge produces argon metastables, whose maximum density can be modulated by varying the fraction of O₂ in the shielding gas. Rotational and vibrational temperatures increase during the discharges, indicating fast energy transfers from electrons to heavy species. We visualize the jet through Schlieren imaging, including how a single discharge creates coherent flow perturbations. In parallel, we adapted the SPARK code, initially designed for reentry plasmas, to simulate APPJs pulse-by-pulse and across multiple pulses. Non-reactive simulations show how the reactor's geometry affects the velocity and chemical composition in single and co-axial jet flows. In agreement with experiments, plasma jet simulations show electron heating and subsequent excitation and ionization of atoms and molecules. This energy transfer to heavy species causes a fast temperature/pressure increase, altering the velocity field of the jet. These effects accumulate over multiple pulses, changing the jet and reactive species' spatial and temporal profiles. Finally, the adapted version of SPARK will be released as open-source, providing a code for temporally accurate simulations of plasmas, including flows in subsonic and hypersonic conditions
Os jatos de plasma à pressão atmosférica (JPPAs) estendem um plasma além das paredes do reator. Estes plasmas são versáteis, produzindo e transportando espécies reativas que podem ser aplicadas em materiais sensíveis. São assim usados por em várias indústrias como a biológica, médica, de análise química e de processamento de materiais. Os JPPAs são produzidos pela passagem repetitiva de ondas de ionização (OIs), que são guiadas a jusante pelo escoamento. sendo este também perturbado pelo próprio plasma. Estudar a aerodinâmica dos JPPAs fornece um caminho para entender o acoplamento plasma-escoamento. Nesta tese, estudámos um JPPA coaxial de árgon, blindado por uma mistura de N₂ e O₂, através de experiências e modelização numérica. Experimentalmente observam-se duas descargas elétricas durante cada pulso de tensão aplicada: uma na subida e outra na descida do pulso. Cada descarga produz metaestáveis de árgon, cuja densidade pode ser modulada variando a fração de O₂ no gás de blindagem. Temperaturas rotacionais e vibracionais aumentam durante as descargas, indicando uma transferência rápida de energia entre eletrões e espécies pesadas. Imagiologia de Schlieren permite-nos ver o escoamento, incluindo como uma única descarga cria perturbações coerentes no mesmo. Paralelamente, adaptamos o código SPARK, inicialmente escrito para plasmas de reentrada atmosférica, para simular APPJs ao longo de múltiplos pulsos. Simulações mostram como a geometria do reator afeta a velocidade e a composição química do escoamento em jatos simples e coaxiais. Com plasma, nota-se o aquecimento dos eletrões e subsequente excitação e ionização de átomos e moléculas. Esta transferência de energia para espécies pesadas causa um aumento de temperatura e pressão, alterando o campo de velocidade do jato. Estes efeitos acumulam-se ao longo de múltiplos pulsos, mudando o perfil espaciotemporal do jato e das espécies reativas. Por fim, a versão adaptada do SPARK-CFD será lançada em código aberto, fornecendo uma ferramenta para simulações temporalmente precisas de plasmas subsónicos e hipersónicos
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BIGANZOLI, ILARIA. "Characterization of atmospheric pressure plasmas for aerodynamic applications." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2014.

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The use of plasmas in aerodynamics has become a recent topic of interest. In particular, over the last ten years, plasma actuation has received much attention as a promising active method for airflow control. Flow control consists of manipulating the properties of a generic moving fluid with the aim of achieving a desired change, but flow dynamics in proximity of a solid object is usually considered, being a consistent and significant issue in many engineering applications, such as engine, automobile or airplane design. Plasma control of airflows along surfaces has been the subject of several experimental studies whose aim was to reduce turbulence, to decrease drag, to enhance airfoil lift or to prevent flow detachment. The fast temporal response and the absence of moving parts are the most promising features from which plasma actuators could benefit. Different types of plasma sources are currently studied as good candidates for plasma actuation, but Dielectric Barrier Discharges (DBDs) are usually preferred, being characterized by the presence of an insulating barrier between the electrodes. This allows the generation of a non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure and prevents the discharge from collapsing into an arc. Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharges (SDBDs) are particularly suitable for these kinds of applications, since plasma is created by ionizing a thin portion of air nearby the surface of the dielectric barrier and this can effectively influence the local properties of the boundary layer associated to an external flow. This thesis deals with SDBDs in an asymmetric configuration where one electrode is glued into an insulating material and to other one is exposed to air, so that plasma is created in correspondence of just one side of the dielectric barrier. The buried electrode is connected to the ground, whereas a sinusoidal high-voltage is applied to the exposed one. It has been noticed that, when these discharges are operated in quiescent air, an airflow of several metres per second is observed above the dielectric sheet and near the plasma region. This is usually called ionic wind because the main mechanism responsible for its generation is believed to be momentum transfer from the ions drifting in the discharge electric field to the surrounding fluid, by particle-particle collisions. When the electric field imposed by the voltage difference between the electrodes is sufficiently high, plasma is created and electrical charges are transported through the gap and accumulated on the insulating surfaces. This charge accumulation generates an electric field that locally weakens the external one. When the total electric field falls below the threshold necessary for plasma ignition, the discharge extinguishes. If the voltage imposed to the fed electrode is increased, the discharge can be locally initiated again, and that is the reason why a sinusoidal high-voltage supply is adopted instead of a continuous one. Consequently, the presence of the insulating barrier usually leads to a regime where charge is mainly transported in sub-millimetre regions consisting of current filaments with temporal duration limited to a few tens of nanoseconds. These plasma microdischarges are concentrated into two phase intervals of the sinusoidal voltage supply, when the modulus of the applied voltage difference is high enough and is increasing in time. These two phases of plasma activity are often called Backward Stroke (BD) and Forward Stroke (FD), depending if the high-voltage signal is rising from its minimum to its maximum or decreasing from its maximum to its minimum. This thesis is motivated by the fact new studies focusing on plasma properties and dynamics are required in order to get better and better aerodynamic results, to understand which parameters mainly affect the actuator performances and to validate numerical models trying to forecast the aerodynamic effects induced by the discharge. This has brought to a scientific collaboration between the Centre of Excellence PlasmaPrometeo of University of Milano-Bicocca and the Aerodynamics and Wind Tunnel Department of the aerospace company Alenia Aermacchi. During these years I have studied the properties of these discharges by means of electrical and optical diagnostics (mainly Rogowski coils, capacitive probes, a photomultiplier tube and a thermal camera). With some of them a temporal resolution high enough for studying several characteristics of plasma microdischarges has been achieved. This is important because these strokes manifest as series of current and light pulses, lasting tens of nanoseconds and a few nanoseconds respectively. I have first of all carried out a detailed investigation of the properties of these events and of their evolution in space and time in the course of the FD and BD. It has been pointed out that there are several analogies between the BD and FD, but that not all plasma properties are identical for the two semi-cycles, because of the asymmetrical configuration adopted. These investigations let think that light and current signals give insights about different microdischarge properties. Light is presumably ascribable to electrons that excite nitrogen immediately after the passage of the ionizing wave that initiates the microdischarge. In contrast, the current signal is due to the movement of charges into the plasma channel and thus reflects the microdischarge temporal evolution, rather than its formation. In the following experiments I have thus focused mainly on the electrical properties of plasma microdicharges, with the aim of better understanding which plasma characteristics are responsible for the ionic wind generation and properties. Several SDBDs with different geometrical configurations and operating parameters have been considered. It has been found that both the discharge and ionic wind characteristics are mainly affected by the dielectric thickness, whereas other properties of the SDBD are less decisive. These studies are of practical interest because optimizations of SDBD characteristics are still needed for adopting these discharges as plasma actuators for active flow control. In particular, it has been found that at first the speed of the induced wind increases quite linearly with the voltage amplitude, but then this velocity and thus the aerodynamic effects induced by the discharge tend to saturate. This is particularly evident when thin panels are adopted as dielectric barriers. I thus focused on this topic and I found that an asymmetry in the total charge transported by plasma microdischarges during the backward and forward strokes is favourable for obtaining a ionic wind with a greater velocity, and that the velocity saturation at the highest voltages is associated to a change in discharge regime, which is visible first of all because a pattern of plasma filaments appears superimposed to the more homogeneous plasma. I have thus characterized how this regime transition affects the dynamics of the backward and forward strokes. Three groups of microdischarges have been identified, depending on their temporal duration, and results let think that they don't contribute equally to the electric wind generation. These studies pave the way to a better understanding of the discharge peculiarities and ionic wind formation, with the aim of understanding if an intrinsic limit exists in plasma actuator potentialities or if new optimization strategies are possible. Eventually, I proposed to implement the Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) technique for the visualization and characterization of the airflow induced by the discharge. The potentialities of this technique have been evaluated in relation to the specifics of the available scientific equipment. The technique has then been proved to be able to visualize density changes induced by plasma. A spatial characterization of the air near the discharge was made in stationary wall jet conditions as well as in the transient period following the discharge ignition when a starting vortex is generated.
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Arcese, Emanuele. "Numerical modeling of microwave plasma actuators for aerodynamic flow control." Thesis, Toulouse, ISAE, 2019.

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Au cours des dernières décennies, les plasmas créés par une décharge micro-ondes ont de plusen plus attiré l’attention de la communauté scientifique aérospatiale sur le sujet du contrôled’écoulements. En effet, il a été démontré expérimentalement que le dépôt d’énergie obtenu parle plasma peut modifier les propriétés aérodynamiques de l’écoulement autour d’un objet telleque la trainée de frottement. Or, la conception et l’optimisation de ces actionneurs plasma entant que technique de contrôle d’écoulements nécessitent une compréhension approfondie de laphysique sous-jacente que les seules expériences sont incapables de fournir.Dans ce contexte, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation numérique de l’interaction desondes électromagnétiques avec un plasma et le gaz afin de mieux comprendre la nature desdécharges micro-ondes et leur applicabilité. La modélisation de ces phénomènes présente desdifficultés importantes en raison du couplage multi-physique et donc de la multitude des échellesspatiales et temporelles qui apparaissent. Ce travail de thèse traite des questions de physiqueet de mathématiques appliquées soulevées par la modélisation numérique de ces plasmas.La première partie du travail se focalise sur les questions de validité du modèle physique duclaquage micro-onde fondé sur l’approximation de champ effectif local. En raison des gradientsde densité du plasma très élevés, la validité du concept de champ effectif local peut être misen doute. Pour cela, un modèle fluide du second ordre est développé en incluant une equationd’énergie électronique non-locale. Cette modélisation permet de décrire de façon plus précisele dépôt d’énergie par plasma induisant la formation d’ondes de choc dans le gaz. Une analysedimensionnelle du système d’équations fluide permet de caractériser la non-localité en espace dubilan d’énergie électronique en fonction du champ électrique réduit et de la fréquence de l’onderéduite. Une discussion est également menée sur d’autres approximations des coefficients detransport électronique. Dans une deuxième partie, la construction et l’analyse d’une méthode multi-échelles derésolution numérique du problème de propagation des ondes électromagnétiques dans le plasmasont réalisées. Il s’agit du couplage entre les équations de Maxwell dans le domaine temporel avecune équation de quantité de mouvement pour les électrons. L’approche s’appuie sur la méthodede décomposition de domaine de type Schwartz, basée sur une formulation variationnelle duschéma de Yee et utilisant deux niveaux de grilles Cartésiennes emboitées. Une grille locale,appelée patch, est utilisée pour calculer de manière itérative la solution dans la région du plasmaoù une meilleure précision est requise. La méthode proposée permet le raffinement local etdynamique du maillage spatial tout en conservant l’énergie du système. Une analyse théorique dela convergence de l’algorithme pour les résolutions temporelles explicite et implicite est égalementréalisée. Dans la dernière partie, des simulations numériques sur le claquage micro-ondes et la formation de structures filamentaires de plasma sont conduites. Les effets de différents types d’approximations sur le modèle physique du plasma sont analysés. Puis, ces expériences numériques démontre la précision et l’efficacité, en terme de temps de calcul, de la méthode multi-échelleproposée. Enfin, on étudie les effets de chauffage du gaz sur la formation et l’entretien de structures filamentaires dans l’air à pression atmosphérique. Pour cela, le modèle micro-onde-plasma développé est couplé avec les équations de Navier-Stokes instationnaires pour les écoulements compressibles. Les simulations montrent des caractéristiques intéressantes de la dynamique deces structures plasma pendant le processus de chauffage du gaz, qui sont en accord étroit avec les données expérimentales
In recent decades, microwave discharge plasmas have attracted increasing attention of aerospace scientific community to the subject of aerodynamic flow control because of their capability of sub- stantially modifying the properties of the flow around bodies by effective energy deposition. The design and optimization of these plasma actuators as flow control technique require a compre- hensive understanding of the complex physics involved that the sole experiments are incapable to provide.In this context, we have interest in the numerical modeling of the mutual interaction of elec- tromagnetic waves with plasma and gas in order to better understand the nature of microwave discharges and their applicability. A challenging problem arises when modeling such phenomena because of the coupling of different physics and therefore the multiplicity of spatial and tempo- ral scales involved. A solution is provided by this thesis work which addresses both physics and applied mathematics questions related to microwave plasma modeling.The first part of this doctorate deals with validity matters of the physical model of microwave breakdown based on the local effective field concept. Because of large plasma density gradients, the local effective field approximation is questionable and thus a second-order plasma fluid model is developed, where the latter approximation is replaced by the local mean energy approximation. This modeling approach enables to take into account the non-locality in space of the electron energy balance that provides a more accurate description of the energy deposition by microwave plasma leading to the shock waves formation into the gas. A dimensionless analysis of the plasma fluid system is performed in order to theoretically characterize the non-locality of the introduced electron energy equation as function of the reduced electric field and wave frequency. It also discusses other approximations related to the choice and method of calculation of electron transport coefficients.Concerning the mathematical aspects, the thesis work focuses on the design and the analysis of a multiscale method for numerically solving the problem of electromagnetic wave propagation in microwave plasma. The system of interest consists of time-dependent Maxwell’s equations coupled with a momentum transfer equation for electrons. The developed approach consists of a Schwartz type domain decomposition method based on a variational formulation of the standard Yee’s scheme and using two levels of nested Cartesian grids. A local patch of finite elements is used to calculate in an iterative manner the solution in the plasma region where a better precision is required. The proposed technique enables a conservative local and dynamic refinement of the spatial mesh. The convergence behavior of the iterative resolution algorithm both in an explicit and implicit time-stepping formulation is then analyzed.In the last part of the doctorate, a series of numerical simulations of microwave breakdown and the filamentary plasma array formation in air are performed. They allow to study in detail the consequences of the different types of physical approximations adopted in the plasma fluid model. Then, these numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the proposed patch correction method for the problem of interest. Lastly, a numerically investigation of the effects of gas heating on the formation and sustaining of the filamentary plasma array in atmospheric-pressure air is carried out. For doing this, the developed microwave-plasma model is coupled with unsteady Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows. The simulations provide interesting features of the plasma array dynamics during the process of gas heating, in close agreement with experimental data
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Audier, Pierre. "Etude d'une décharge à barrière diélectrique surfacique. Application au contrôle d'écoulement autour d'un profil d'aile de type NACA 0012." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2012.

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Dans un contexte de croissance du trafic aérien et dans le but de réduire la consommation de carburant ainsi que les émissions de polluants dans l'atmosphère, l'avion de demain se doit d'être plus respectueux de l'environnement. Dans un objectif d'optimisation de ses performances aérodynamiques,d'importantes activités de recherche sont menées dans le monde pour étudier de nouveaux dispositifs de contrôle actif des écoulements en temps réel. Depuis une dizaine d'années, l'utilisation de la décharge à barrière diélectrique surfacique comme actionneur plasma pour le contrôle d'écoulements suscite un intérêt grandissant. Ce type d'actionneur permet de créer un plasma non-thermique capable de générer un écoulement basse vitesse, appelé vent ionique, qui interagit avec l'écoulement naturel en proche paroi pour l'amener dans un état souhaité. Les études expérimentales présentées dans cette thèse portent, d'une part, sur la caractérisation de l'actionneur plasma sous atmosphère contrôlée pour étudier le rôle de l'azote et de l'oxygène sur le comportement de la décharge et d'autre part, sur l'évaluation des potentialités de cet actionneur à contrôler le décollement massif naissant au bord d'attaque d'un profil d'aile placé à forte incidence. Les résultats mettent en évidence l'importance du rôle joué par O2 dans l'amorçage des filaments de plasma et dans la production de vent ionique. Le taux de production d'ozone de l'actionneur plasma a été quantifié en fonction de la puissance électrique. Les essais en soufflerie, réalisés dans le cadre du projet européen PLASMAERO, montrent l'effet de la fréquence de pulsation du signal d'alimentation haute tension sur la réponse de l'écoulement décollé et des ses instabilités naturelles. Il est ainsi possible, pour le profil placé à des incidences au-delà de l'incidence de décrochage naturel, d'augmenter la portance du profil en supprimant le décollement ou en favorisant la formation de tourbillons portants à l'extrados du profil.
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Starkey, Ryan P., Mark J. Lewis, and Charles H. Jones. "PLASMA TELEMETRY IN HYPERSONIC FLIGHT." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2002.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California
Problems associated with telemetry blackout caused by the plasma sheath surrounding a hypersonic vehicle are addressed. In particular, the critical nature of overcoming this limitation for test and evaluation purposes is detailed. Since the telemetry blackout causes great concern for atmospheric cruise vehicles, ballistic missiles, and reentry vehicles, there have been many proposed approaches to solving the problem. This paper overviews aerodynamic design methodologies, for which the required technologies are only now being realized, which may allow for uninterrupted transmission through a plasma sheath. The severity of the signal attenuation is dependent on vehicle configuration, trajectory, flightpath, and mission.
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Starkey, Ryan P., Mark J. Lewis, and Charles H. Jones. "PLASMA SHEATH CHARACTERIZATION FOR TELEMETRY IN HYPERSONIC FLIGHT." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2003.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
During certain hypersonic flight regimes, shock heating of air creates a plasma sheath resulting in telemetry attenuation or blackout. The severity of the signal attenuation is dependent on vehicle configuration, flight trajectory, and transmission frequency. This phenomenon is investigated with a focus placed on the nonequilibrium plasma sheath properties (electron concentration, plasma frequency, collision frequency, and temperature) for a range of flight conditions and vehicle design considerations. Trajectory and transmission frequency requirements for air-breathing hypersonic vehicle design are then addressed, with comparisons made to both shuttle orbiter and RAM-C II reentry flights.
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Jacobsen, Lance Steven. "An Integrated Aerodynamic-Ramp-Injector/ Plasma-Torch-Igniter for Supersonic Combustion Applications with Hydrocarbon Fuels." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2001.

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The first integrated, flush-wall, aero-ramp-fuel-injector/plasma-torch igniter and flame propagation system for supersonic combustion applications with hydrocarbon fuels was developed and tested. The main goal of this project was to develop a device which could be used to demonstrate that the correct placement of a plasma-torch-igniter/flame-holder in the wake of the fuel jets of an aero-ramp injector array could make sustained, efficient supersonic combustion with low losses and thermal loading possible in a high enthalpy environment. Three phases of research were performed to develop the device using the supersonic cold flow facilities at Virginia Tech. The experimental investigations included some of the following methods: shadowgraphs, surface oil flow, pressure-sensitive paint, high- or low-speed photography, aerothermodynamic sampling, and spectroscopy. During this research effort, a new mixing parameter was also developed to quantify the injector plume mass fraction concentration values using successive profiles of ambient or heated air as the injectant. The first phase of the research effort was conducted at Mach 3.0 at a static pressure and temperature of 0.19 atm and 101 K. This phase involved component analyses to improve on the designs of the aero-ramp and plasma-torch as well as address integration and incorporation difficulties. The information learned from these experiments lead to the creation of the first prototype integrated aero-ramp/plasma torch design featuring a new simplified four-hole aero-ramp design. The second phase of the project consisted of experiments at Mach 2.4 involving a cold-flow mixing evaluation of the new aero-ramp design and a resizing of the device for incorporation into a scramjet flow path test rig at the Air Force Research Laboratories (AFRL). Experiments were performed at a static pressure and temperature of 0.25 atm and 131 K, and at injector-jet to freestream momentum flux ratios ranging from 1.0 to 3.3. Results showed the aero-ramp to mix at a considerably faster rate than the injector used in the AFRL baseline combustor configuration due to high levels of vorticity created by the injector array. In addition, the plume of the aero-ramp lifted off the test section wall without trapping a secondary core inside the shear layer near the surface, unlike the earlier nine-hole aero-ramp arrays. The mitigation of the secondary fuel core leads to a lower level of combustion near the surface and a lower potential for thermal loading on the wall. The last phase of the research involved testing the final device design in a cold-flow environment at Mach 2.4 with ethylene fuel injection and an operational plasma torch with methane, nitrogen, a 90-percent nitrogen 10-percent hydrogen (by volume) mixture, and air feedstock gases. Experiments were performed with injector jet to freestream momentum flux ratios ranging from 1.4 to 3.3, and 1.2 with the plasma torch at a nominal power level 2000 watts. Overall, the final integrated design showed a high mixing efficiency and a higher potential for repeatable main fuel ignition and flame propagation with the plasma torch placed at the middle of the three downstream torch stations tested (x/dinjector = 8 downstream from the center of the injector area), with nitrogen as the torch feedstock. Furthermore, the integrated device created a sustained flame, demonstrating main fuel ignition in a cold and low pressure supersonic environment with a plasma-torch. Local intensity distributions of the major excited species generated from the interaction of the plasma-torch with the main fuel plume were also identified with a spectrometer. As a result of the research and development process, an injector block for scramjet combustor experiments consisting of four integrated aero-ramp-injector/plasma-torch-igniters was created for near future tests at the AFRL.
Ph. D.
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Yugulis, Kevin Lee. "High Subsonic Cavity Flow Control Using Plasma Actuators." The Ohio State University, 2012.

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Miki, Kenji. "Simulation of magnetohydrodynamics turbulence with application to plasma-assisted supersonic combustion." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.

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Thesis (Ph.D)--Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.
Committee Chair: Menon Suresh; Committee Co-Chair: Jagoda Jeff; Committee Member: Ruffin Stephen; Committee Member: Thorsten Stoesser; Committee Member: Walker Mitchell. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
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Görtz, Stefan. "Realistic simulations of delta wing aerodynamics using novel CFD methods." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering, 2005.

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The overall goal of the research presented in this thesis is to extend the physical understanding of the unsteady external aerodynamics associated with highly maneuverable delta-wing aircraft by using and developing novel, more efficient computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools. More specific, the main purpose is to simulate and better understand the basic fluid phenomena, such as vortex breakdown, that limit the performance of delta-wing aircraft. The problem is approached by going from the most simple aircraft configuration - a pure delta wing - to more complex configurations. As the flow computations of delta wings at high angle of attack have a variety of unusual aspects that make accurate predictions challenging, best practices for the CFD codes used are developed and documented so as to raise their technology readiness level when applied to this class of flows.

Initially, emphasis is put on subsonic steady-state CFD simulations of stand-alone delta wings to keep the phenomenon of vortex breakdown as clean as possible. For half-span models it is established that the essential characteristics of vortex breakdown are captured by a structured CFD code. The influence of viscosity on vortex breakdown is studied and numerical results for the aerodynamic coefficients, the surface pressure distribution and breakdown locations are compared to experimental data where possible.

In a second step, structured grid generation issues, numerical aspects of the simulation of this nonlinear type of flow and the interaction of a forebody with a delta wing are explored.

Then, on an increasing level of complexity, time-accurate numerical studies are performed to resolve the unsteady flow field over half and full-span, stationary delta wings at high angle of attack. Both Euler and Detached Eddy Simulations (DES) are performed to predict the streamwise oscillations of the vortex breakdown location about some mean position, asymmetry in the breakdown location due to the interaction between the left and right vortices, as well as the rotation of the spiral structure downstream of breakdown in a time-accurate manner. The computed flow-field solutions are visualized and analyzed in a virtual-reality environment.

Ultimately, steady-state and time-dependent simulations of a full-scale fighter-type aircraft configuration in steady flight are performed using the advanced turbulence models and the detached-eddy simulation capability of an edge-based, unstructured flow solver. The computed results are compared to flight-test data.

The thesis also addresses algorithmic efficiency and presents a novel implicit-explicit algorithm, the Recursive Projection Method (RPM), for computations of both steady and unsteady flows. It is demonstrated that RPM can accelerate such computations by up to 2.5 times.

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Books on the topic "Aerodynamic of plasmas"


United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., ed. In situ measurements of the plasma bulk velocity near the IO flux tube. Cambridge, MA: Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.

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Miller, Robert A. Characterization and durability testing of plasma-sprayed zirconia-yttria and hafnia-yttria thermal barrier coatings. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Program, 1993.

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A, Miller Robert. Characterization and durability testing of plasma-sprayed zirconia-yttria and hafnia-yttria thermal barrier coatings. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Program, 1993.

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A, Miller Robert. Characterization and durability testing of plasma-sprayed zirconia-yttria and hafnia-yttria thermal barrier coatings. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Program, 1993.

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A, Miller Robert. Characterization and durability testing of plasma-sprayed zirconia-yttria and hafnia-yttria thermal barrier coatings. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Program, 1993.

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A, Kotelʹnikov V., and Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ aviat︠s︡ionnyĭ institut, eds. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie obtekanii︠a︡ tel slaboionizovannoĭ stolknovennoĭ plazmoĭ. Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. aviat︠s︡ionnyĭ institut (tekhnicheskii universitet), 2007.

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Bychkov, Vladimir. Natural and artificial Ball Lightning in the Earth’s atmosphere. LCC MAKS Press, 2021.

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Issues related to ball lightning of natural origin and its laboratory modeling in air are presented. The data on the main known researchers of these issues are given. Experiments on modeling long-lived luminous formations and artificial ball lightning are discussed. Observational data on ball lightning are presented. Methods of statistical analysis of observational data on ball lightning are considered. The theoretical models of natural ball lightning are briefly discussed. The book is aimed for senior students of physics and physics and technology departments of universities, as well as for scientists and engineers who deal with complex systems containing low-temperature plasma, plasma aerodynamics, geography and geophysics.
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Narita, Yasuhito. Plasma Turbulence in the Solar System. Springer, 2013.

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Narita, Yasuhito. Plasma Turbulence in the Solar System. Springer, 2012.

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Moisan, Michel, and Jacques Pelletier. Physics of Collisional Plasmas: Introduction to High-Frequency Discharges. Springer, 2014.

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Book chapters on the topic "Aerodynamic of plasmas"


Kotsonis, Marios, Leo Veldhuis, and Hester Bijl. "Plasma Assisted Aerodynamics for Transition Delay." In Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, 219–24. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2009.

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Wu, Jianjun, Jian Li, Yuanzheng Zhao, and Yu Zhang. "Numerical Simulation of the Arc Ablation Process of PTFE Propellant." In Numerical Simulation of Pulsed Plasma Thruster, 21–38. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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AbstractPolytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is commonly employed as a propellant in PPTs due to its favorable vacuum physical properties. These properties include its non-adhesiveness and non-brittleness at low temperature, low outgassing rate in vacuum, and inherent self-lubrication. PTFE is ablated and ionized under the action of the discharge arc, and the products are accelerated and ejected from the thruster under the combined action of the Lorentz force and aerodynamic force, thus generating thrust. Due to factors such as propellant ablation lag, the utilization efficiency of PTFE is very low, resulting in a low level of propulsion efficiency (about 10%), which is one of the crucial factors limiting the widespread application of PPTs in microsatellites. Therefore, establishing a simulation model that can accurately reflect the ablation process of the PPT propellant and conducting a theoretical analysis of the propellant ablation process are necessary for understanding the intrinsic mechanism of propellant ablation in the thruster and improving the propulsion performance of PPTs.
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Starikovskiy, Andrey Yu, and Nickolay L. Aleksandrov. "Plasma Aerodynamics and Flow Control by Superfast Local Heating." In Springer Series in Plasma Science and Technology, 939–1034. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Torres, Antonio J. Conesa. "Flow Structure Modification Using Plasma Actuation for Enhanced UAV Flight Control." In Advanced UAV Aerodynamics, Flight Stability and Control, 547–76. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Zhang, Yanhua, Dengcheng Zhang, Lin Li, Wuji Zheng, and Hao Luo. "Experimental Study on Aerodynamic Properties of Circulation Control Airfoil with Plasma Jet." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 985–95. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Li, Chang, Haiyang Hu, Xuanshi Meng, Jinsheng Cai, and Hui Hu. "Aerodynamic and Thermal Effects of Plasma Actuators on Anti-icing over an Airfoil." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1008–19. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Wang, L. J., C. W. Wong, W. Q. Ma, and Yu Zhou. "Mechanisms of the Aerodynamic Improvement of an Airfoil Controlled by Sawtooth Plasma Actuator." In Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, 181–86. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Zeng, Xue-jun, Jie Li, Cheng Cao, and Hai-feng Shu. "Effect of a Counterflow Plasma Jet on Aerodynamics Characteristic of a Blunted Cone." In 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 459–64. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Tan, Nurfarah Diana Mohd Ridzuan, Fudhail Abdul Munir, Musthafah Mohd Tahir, Nurfarah Nabila Saad Azam, and Herman Saputro. "Effect of Diaelectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma Actuator on Aerodynamics Performance of Vehicle Spoiler." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 430–33. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Chen, Haoyu, Long Zhou, and Xuanshi Meng. "Aerodynamic Characteristics and Plasma Flow Control of Static Hysteresis over an Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 996–1007. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Aerodynamic of plasmas"


Zhang, Y. F., H. Liang, and M. S. Liu. "Experimental investigation of slit sshaped inlet aerodynamic performance enhancement by plasma pneumatic actuation." In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1. IEEE, 2024.

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Hu, Ning, Xiao-Tian Shi, and Han-Dong Ma. "Aerodynamic Effects of Microwave-Excited Plasmas." In 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016.

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Ardelyan, N., V. Bychkov, K. Kosmachevsvskii, S. Chuvashev, and Norman Malmuth. "Modeling of plasmas in electron beams and plasma jets for aerodynamic applications." In 32nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001.

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Gallis, Michael, Ranjiva Prasad, and John Harvey. "The effect of plasmas on the aerodynamic performance of vehicles." In 29th AIAA, Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1998.

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Zhang, Zhili, Mikhail Shneider, and Richard Miles. "Diagnostics by RADAR REMPI: Microwave Scattering from Laser-Induced Small-Volume Plasmas." In 25th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2006.

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Enloe, C., Thomas McLaughlin, Robert Van Dyken, and John Fischer. "Plasma Structure in the Aerodynamic Plasma Actuator." In 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004.

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Klimov, Anatoly, Valentine Bitiurin, I. Moralev, B. Tolkunov, K. Zhirnov, and V. Kutlaliev. "Surface HF Plasma Aerodynamic Actuator." In 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008.

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Limbaugh, C., E. Felderman, D. Carver, and R. Spinetti. "Plasma aerodynamics test techniques." In 21st Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000.

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Nguyen Huu, Patrick, Sam Luu, Mathew Garcia, Kevin Chang, and Leah Zaragoza. "Plasma-Assisted High Lift Systems." In 27th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2009.

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Johnson, G., and S. Scott. "Plasma-aerodynamic boundary layer interaction studies." In 32nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001.

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Reports on the topic "Aerodynamic of plasmas"


Penetrante, B., and J. Sherohman. Feasibility study for analyzing plasma-aerodynamic effects. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1999.

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Munipalli, Ramakanth, Kamesh Subbarao, Shashi Aithal, Donald R. Wilson, and Jennifer D. Goss. Automated Design Optimization for Hypersonic Plasma-Aerodynamics. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2005.

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Mehul P. Patel, Srikanth Vasudevan, Robert C. Nelson, and Thomas C. Corke. Plasma Aerodynamic Control Effectors for Improved Wind Turbine Performance. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2008.

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Kolesnichenko, Yuri F. Optimization of MW Plasma Influence on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Body in Airflow. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2001.

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