Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Adsorption optimization'
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Vetukuri, Sree Rama Raju. "Advanced Optimization Strategies for Periodic Adsorption Processes." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2011. http://repository.cmu.edu/dissertations/30.
Full textVerde, Trindade María. "MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION OF AN ADSORPTION COOLING SYSTEM FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54120.
Full text[ES] Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el modelado de un sistema de adsorción diseñado para proporcionar aire acondicionado de vehículos a partir del calor residual disponible en el circuito de refrigeración de agua/glicol del motor. El sistema se basa en el calentamiento/enfriamiento secuencial de dos reactores que contienen un material adsorbente sólido que desorbe o absorbe vapor de agua. La condensación del vapor se lleva a cabo mediante un circuito de refrigeración, mientras que la posterior evaporación del agua condensada se emplea para producir agua fría, que se emplea finalmente en enfriar el aire de la cabina. El modelo desarrollado es completamente dinámico y se basa en modelos cero dimensionales de parámetros concentrados, para todos y cada uno de los componentes del sistema global incluyendo el motor, los reactores, el circuito de calentamiento, el circuito de enfriamiento, el circuito de agua fría y la cabina del vehículo. El modelo del reactor contempla el no equilibrio de los procesos de adsorción o desorción y es capaz de trabajar con cualquier par de materiales adsorbentes. No obstante el estudio se ha restringido a gel de sílice y zeolita que se encuentran entre los materiales más adecuados para esta aplicación. El modelo se emplea para simular un ciclo de conducción estándar del vehículo, evaluando el calor disponible instantáneamente en el sistema de refrigeración del motor, y el comportamiento dinámico del sistema descrito adsorción-Aire Acondicionado, permitiendo como resultado principal la estimación de la evolución de la temperatura de la cabina a lo largo el ciclo. El modelo del sistema global se ha desarrollado en el marco del entorno de programación MATLAB Simulink. El modelo del sistema de adsorción se ha validado primero contra resultados experimentales demostrando las excelentes capacidades del modelo para predecir el comportamiento dinámico del sistema. A continuación, el modelo se ha aplicado para analizar la influencia de los principales parámetros de diseño del reactor, y de los principales parámetros de operación, sobre el rendimiento del sistema: la capacidad y coeficiente de operación (COP), con el fin de proporcionar directrices para el diseño y operación óptima de este tipo de sistemas. Por último, el modelo ha sido empleado para analizar el funcionamiento y prestaciones del sistema en su conjunto (motor, sistema de absorción, los circuitos de calefacción y refrigeración, circuito de agua fría, y la cabina) a lo largo de un ciclo de conducción estándar, bajo diferentes estrategias de operación en lo que se refiere al estado inicial del material adsorbente en los reactores, y las condiciones de operación, para el caso de un coche, y para el de un camión. Los resultados muestran las dificultades de la activación del sistema en los periodos iniciales del ciclo, cuando el motor se está calentando, y las dificultades para sincronizar el funcionamiento del sistema con la disponibilidad de energía térmica excedente del motor, así como la limitación en la capacidad de enfriamiento del sistema diseñado, que no resulta capaz de satisfacer los requerimientos mínimos de confort dentro de la cabina en los días calurosos o de enfriarlo con suficiente rapidez cuando el vehículo ha estado estacionado bajo el sol durante varias horas. Parte de este estudio de doctorado se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de un proyecto de I + D denominado " Thermally Operated Mobile Air Conditioning Systems - TOPMACS", financiado parcialmente por la UE en el marco del programa FP6, y que perseguía la evaluación de la viabilidad y el potencial de aplicación de soluciones de sistemas de adsorción activadas por el calor residual del motor para el aire acondicionado de vehículos.
[CAT] Aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en el model d'un sistema d'adsorció dissenyat per a proporcionar aire acondicionat a vehicles a partir de la calor residual disponible al circuit de refrigeració d'aigua / glicol del motor. El sistema es basa en l'escalfament / refredament seqüencial de dos reactors que contenen un material adsorbent sòlid que desorbeix o absorbeix vapor d'aigua. La condensació del vapor es porta a terme mitjançant un circuit de refrigeració, mentre que la posterior evaporació de l'aigua condensada s'utilitza per a produir aigua freda, que s'empra finalment en refredar l'aire de la cabina. El model desenvolupat és completament dinàmic i es basa en models zero dimensionals de paràmetres concentrats, per a tots i cada un dels components del sistema global incloent el motor, els reactors, el circuit d'escalfament, el circuit de refredament, el circuit d'aigua freda i la cabina del vehicle. El model del reactor contempla el no equilibri dels processos d'adsorció o desorció i és capaç de treballar amb qualsevol parell de materials adsorbents. No obstant això, l'estudi s'ha restringit a gel de sílice i zeolita que es troben entre els materials més adequats per a aquesta aplicació. El model s'utilitza per a simular un cicle de conducció estàndard del vehicle, avaluant la calor disponible instantàniament en el sistema de refrigeració del motor, i el comportament dinàmic del sistema descrit Adsorció-Aire Acondicionat, permetent com a resultat principal l'estimació de l'evolució de la temperatura de la cabina al llarg del cicle. El model del sistema global s'ha desenvolupat en l'entorn de programació MATLAB Simulink. El model del sistema d'adsorció s'ha validat primer amb resultats experimentals demostrant les excel¿lents capacitats del model per a predir el comportament dinàmic del sistema. A continuació, el model s'ha aplicat per analitzar la influència dels principals paràmetres de disseny del reactor, i dels principals paràmetres d'operació, sobre el rendiment del sistema: la capacitat i coeficient d'operació (COP), amb la finalitat de proporcionar directrius per al disseny i operació òptima d'aquest tipus de sistemes. Finalment, el model ha estat utilitzat per analitzar el funcionament i prestacions del sistema en el seu conjunt (motor, sistema d'absorció, els circuits de calefacció i refrigeració, circuit d'aigua freda, i la cabina) al llarg d'un cicle de conducció estàndard, sota diferents estratègies d'operació pel que fa a l'estat inicial del material adsorbent en els reactors, i les condicions d'operació, per al cas d'un cotxe, i per al d'un camió. Els resultats mostren les dificultats de l'activació del sistema en els períodes inicials del cicle, quan el motor s'està escalfant, i les dificultats per sincronitzar el funcionament del sistema amb la disponibilitat d'energia tèrmica excedent del motor, així com la limitació en la capacitat de refredament del sistema dissenyat, que no resulta capaç de satisfer els requeriments mínims de confort dins de la cabina en els dies calorosos o de refredar amb suficient rapidesa quan el vehicle ha estat estacionat sota el sol durant diverses hores. Part d'aquest estudi de doctorat s'ha dut a terme en el marc d'un projecte d'I + D denominat "Thermally Operated Mobile Air Conditioning Systems - TOPMACS", finançat parcialment per la UE en el marc del programa FP6, i que perseguia l'avaluació de la viabilitat i el potencial d'aplicació de solucions de sistemes d'adsorció activats per la calor residual del motor per a l'aire condicionat de vehicles.
Verde Trindade, M. (2015). MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION OF AN ADSORPTION COOLING SYSTEM FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/54120
Yeung, King-ho, and 楊景豪. "An optimization model for a solar hybrid water heating and adsorption ice-making system." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2003. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B29632432.
Full textPANDIAN, ARIVAZHAGAN. "Optimization of the Information Collection Rule’s Adsorption/Elution Method for Virus Detection and Enumeration." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2000. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin975357716.
Full textSatam, Sayali S. "Optimization of Wet Friction Systems Based on Rheological, Adsorption, Lubricant and Friction Material Characterization." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1503358825451407.
Full textVoigt, David Robert 1954. "Optimization of combined air stripping and activated carbon adsorption for VOC removal from groundwater." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/191962.
Full textSmith, Nafeesah. "Development of capacitive deionisation electrodes: optimization of fabrication methods and composition." University of the Western Cape, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/7710.
Full textMembrane Capacitive Deionisation (MCDI) is a technology used to desalinate water where a potential is applied to an electrode made of carbonaceous materials resulting in ion adsorption. Processes and materials for the production of electrodes to be applied in Membrane Capacitive Deionisation processes were investigated. The optimal electrode composition and synthesis approached was determined through analysis of the salt removal capacity and the rate at which the electrodes absorb and desorb ions. To determine the conductivity of these electrodes, the four point probe method was used. Contact angle measurements were performed to determine the hydrophilic nature of the electrodes. N2 adsorption was done in order to determine the surface area of carbonaceous materials as well as electrodes fabricated in this study. Scanning electron microscopy was utilised to investigate the morphology. Electrodes were produced with a range of research variables; (i) three different methods; slurry infiltration by calendaring, infiltration ink dropwise and spray-coating, (ii) electrodes with two different active material/binder ratios and a constant conductive additive ratio were produced in order to find the optimum, (iii) two different commercially available activated carbon materials were used in this study (YP50F and YP80F), (iv) two different commercially available electrode substrates were utilised (JNT45 and SGDL), (v) different slurry mixing times were investigated showing the importance of mixing, and (vi) samples were treated at three different temperatures to establish the optimal drying conditions. Through optimization of the various parameters, the maximum adsorption capacity of the electrode was incrementally increased by 36 %, from 16 mg·g-1 at the start of the thesis to 25 mg·g-1 at the end of the study.
Bentley, Jason A. "Systematic process development by simultaneous modeling and optimization of simulated moving bed chromatography." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/47531.
Full textYesuf, Jemil N. "Determination of single and multi-component adsorption isotherms using nonlinear error functions and spreadsheet optimization technique /." Available to subscribers only, 2006. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1136096201&sid=12&Fmt=2&clientId=1509&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Full textHentzschel, Christina M. [Verfasser]. "Optimization of the Liquisolid Technology : Identification of Highly Effective Tableting Excipients for Liquid Adsorption / Christina M. Hentzschel." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1010759698/34.
Full textNiedziela, Andrzej. "Efficient structure optimization methods for large systems and their applications to problems of heterogeneous catalysis." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/17541.
Full textThe present work was concentrated on developing the Rigid Body Genetic Algorithm (RBGA), and applying it to investigate the hydrocarbon adsorption on the MgO(001) surface. The RBGA method is a modified hybrid genetic algorithm with rigid body optimization at the local optimization step. The modification allows for a vast simplification of the optimization problem, and, in turn, to search a large number of possible configuration. The key assumption of the method is that individual parts of the system (rigid bodies) do not change their internal configuration throughout the global optimization. Therefore, this method is a perfect tool to study phenomena like adsorption, where all the subsystems – surface and individual molecules – preserve their internal structure. The algorithm allows to obtain global minima, which then can be fully optimized and to account for deformations due to the relaxation of the surface and adsorbate molecules.
Wood, Kevin. "Development of Computational Tools for the Design, Simulation and Optimization of Cyclic Steady State (CSS) Adsorption and Chromatographic Processes." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/72854.
Full textPh. D.
Yu, Yueying. "Simulation and Comparison of Operational Modes in Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography and Gas-Phase Adsorptive Separation." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/78319.
Full textPh. D.
PIERPAOLI, MATTIA. "Indoor Air Quality: Study, Optimization and Implementation of a Novel Hybrid Air Cleaning Process." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/263266.
Full textClean air is an essential requirement of life, together with food and water. Although the latter two have been a primary concern for many civilizations for multiple centuries, air is something imposed, with no possibility of choice. Since the industrial revolution, as people started to spend most of their time in confined environments, clean air should have been considered a prerogative, as indoor air had become a leading exposure for humans. The most common indoor pollutants can be classified by their form: particulate or gaseous. Conventional strategies to combat the formers are source removal, dilution through ventilation and air treatment. While indoor emissions are ubiquitous and it is not always possible to remove the source, dilution through mechanical and natural ventilation and air cleaners are the generally preferred. As sustainability and energy-efficiency are becoming prerogatives in many countries, ventilation may imply energy losses, and therefore it can not be the only applicable strategy. For these reasons, air cleaners constitute a solution for removing harmful indoor pollutants. Indoor air treatment technologies are classified according to the type of pollutant removed: filters, electrostatic precipitators, inertial collectors, scrubbers are generally used for the removal of particles, while adsorptive media, (photo)catalysts, and plasma-operated reactors are adopted for the removal of gases. In this study, a simultaneous and in situ combination of the three previously reported methods (adsorption, photocatalysis and electrostatic precipitation) was deeply studied for the enhanced removal of indoor pollutants. The synergistic effect between each coupled process was investigated, in order to highlight the novelty of operating photocatalysis, adsorption and electrostatic precipitation in the single hybrid reactor.
Gallon, Roger. "MODELAGEM E ESTIMAÇÃO DE PARÂMETROS DA ADSORÇÃO DE CORANTES EM CARVÃO ATIVADO." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/7952.
Full textA adsorção de corantes têm sido extensivamente estudada nas três décadas passadas. Entretanto, muito devido à dificuldade de se implementarem procedimentos numéricos, estes estudos têm sido realizados sem o respaldo estatístico necessário. O objetivo principal desse estudo foi aplicar técnicas avançadas para o planejamento de experimentos e estimação de parâmetros direcionadas para o estudo de adsorção. Como objetivos específicos, pretende-se demonstrar os efeitos causados na qualidade dos parâmetros obtidos e na avaliação da incerteza desses parâmetros, através da região de confiança dos parâmetros quando comparado com técnicas normalmente utilizadas e contribuir, através dos resultados, para desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para o estudo da adsorção de corantes em sólidos. As principais rotinas utilizadas fazem parte do pacote Estima (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ) que utiliza um método estocástico (Enxame de Partículas) combinado com um método de otimização do tipo Gauss-Newton para a minimização da função objetivo na estimação dos parâmetros. Foram comparadas as incertezas paramétricas obtidas pela aproximação elíptica, por avaliação de diversos pontos obtidos durante a minimização que possuem valor da função objetivo menor ou igual a um certo limite de corte e um método adaptado (SBA) a partir do método do Bootstrap para construção da região de confiança dos parâmetros. Ainda, foi utilizada uma metodologia para discriminação de modelos e estudado os efeitos da linearização de modelos de isotermas de equilíbrio e da correta caracterização do erro experimental. A realização de várias réplicas e a consequente caracterização do erro experimental mostraram-se de extrema importância para o estudo bem como buscar alternativas para obter uma estimativa do erro experimental em condições onde ainda não foi realizado experimento. Foi possível comprovar experimentalmente que os erros na variável quantidade adsorvida realmente não são independentes dos erros na variável concentração de adsorbato no equilíbrio, fato que apesar de conhecido com antecedência até então não foi encontrado na literatura. A comparação entre os modelos lineares e não lineares também demonstrou como o processo de linearização influencia negativamente a correta análise dos dados e a determinação dos parâmetros. Através da análise da distribuição de probabilidades das concentrações de equilíbrio (Ce), foi mostrado que os métodos para construção da região de confiança apresentam melhor desempenho quando a variável dependente é transformada para a distribuição Log-Normal, fazendo a operação logaritmo neperiano de Ce.
Pereira, José Manuel Santos. "Computational optimization of bioadsorbents for the removal of pharmaceuticals from water." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/22232.
Full textOs fármacos estão entre os contaminantes aquáticos mais persistentes, resistindo aos processos convencionais aplicados nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais (ETAR) e, muitos deles, representam uma ameaça séria para organismos não-alvo e para o meio ambiente. Neste contexto, a adsorção a carvões ativados (CA) é uma das mais promissoras metodologias para a remoção de fármacos da água dada a sua versatilidade e alta eficiência de remoção. Contudo, os CAs implicam custos elevados. A lama primária da resultante do tratamento de efluentes da indústria papeleira foi anteriormente apresentada como uma potencial fonte de carbono alternativa e barata para a produção de CA por pirólise. A química computacional pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa na elucidação de alguns aspetos do mecanismo molecular de adsorção de poluentes orgânicos a CAs. No presente trabalho , é proposta a utilização de lama primária da indústria papeleira para a produção carvões (não)ativados. Os diferentes materiais foram caracterizados por um conjunto de técnicas experimentais, e os dados adquiridos usados na formulação de um modelo computacional válido, na tentativa de reproduzir a variabilidade do CA em termos de composição elementar, grupos funcionais e porosidade. O modelo desenvolvido foi usado na obtenção de informação pertinente através de técnicas de denâmica molecular/Monte Carlo que possibilite o melhoramento do CA inicial. Os resultados adquiridos em simulaçõesMonte Carlo sugerem que CAs com teores de oxigénio superiores apresentam valores de área superficial mais elevados, e, consequentemente, capacidades máximas de adsorção superiores. A presença de iões positivos no meio de adsorção apresenta-se como um fator cooperativo para a adsorção de SMX, dada a formação de complexos CA-Na+-SMX em dupla camada e estabilização de conformações abertas, tal como demonstrado através de simulações de dinâmica molecular.
Pharmaceutically active ingredients are amongst the most persistent wastewater contaminants, resisting to wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) conventional processes, and some of them are proved to pose serious threats to organisms and the environment. In this contect, adsorption by activated carbons (AC)is one of the most promising methodologies for the removal of pharmaceuticals from water due to its versatility and high removal efficiency. However, ACs are expensive and therefore now widely applied. Primary sludge from paper mills has been previously appointed as a potential cheap and renewable source of carbon for activated carbon production by pyrolysis. Computational chemistry may help shed some light unto the molecular mechanisms underlying the adsorption of organic pollutants in ACs. In this work, it is proposed the usage of primary paper mill sludge in the production of (non)activated carbons. The different materials were characterized by a set of techniques and the gathered data was used in the formulation of a validated model in an attempt to reproduce the elemental composition, functional group variability and porosity. The developed model was used in order to collect relevant information through molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo techniques, enabling the improvement of the initial AC material. The obtained data in Monte Carlo simulations suggest that AC with higher oxygen levels present greater values of surface are, and consequently superior maximum capacity values. The presence of positive ions in the adsorption medium presents itself as a cooperative factor for SMX adsorption, guven the formation of CA-Na+-SMX complexes and the estabilization of open configurations, such as demonstrated in molecular dynamics simulations.
Ali, Majd [Verfasser], Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Karcher, Salman [Gutachter] Ajib, and Wolfgang [Gutachter] Streicher. "Thermodynamic optimization and electromagnetic control of the adsorption processes in the refrigeration technology / Majd Ali ; Gutachter: Salman Ajib, Wolfgang Streicher ; Betreuer: Christian Karcher." Ilmenau : TU Ilmenau, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1182543219/34.
Full textBorsos, Akos. "Modelling and control of crystal purity, size and shape distributions in crystallization processes." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2017. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/25478.
Full textPersson, Malin. "Characterization and optimization of the in vitro motility assay for fundamental studies of myosin II." Doctoral thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för kemi och biomedicin (KOB), 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-25241.
Full textRaymond, Alexander William. "Investigation of microparticle to system level phenomena in thermally activated adsorption heat pumps." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/34682.
Full textAngleby, Linda. "Structural and electronic properties of bare and organosilane-functionalized ZnO nanopaticles." Thesis, Linköping University, Linköping University, Linköping University, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-58691.
Full textA systematic study of trends in band gap and lattice energies for bare zinc oxide nanoparticles were performed by means of quantum chemical density functional theory (DFT) calculations and density of states (DOS) calculations. The geometry of the optimized structures and the appearance of their frontier orbitals were also studied. The particles studied varied in sizes from (ZnO)6 up to (ZnO)192.The functionalization of bare and hydroxylated ZnO surfaces with MPTMS was studied with emphasis on the adsorption energies for adsorption to different surfaces and the effects on the band gap for such adsorptions.
Sadowski, Michael Stuart. "Comparison of Aeration Strategies for Optimization of Nitrogen Removal in an Adsorption/Bio-oxidation (A/B) Process with an Emphasis on Ammonia vs. NOx (AvN) control." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/64385.
Full textMaster of Science
Wissmann, Paul J. "Simultaneous approach to model building and process design using experimental design application to chemical vapor deposition /." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/26543.
Full textCommittee Chair: Grover, Martha; Committee Member: Garmestani, Hamid; Committee Member: Hess, Dennis; Committee Member: McDowell, David; Committee Member: Nenes, Athanasios; Committee Member: Realff, Matthew. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
Yang, Song. "Épuration de minéraux silicatés : talcs de la société Talc de Luzenac : mécanisme de la flottation différentielle chlorite-dolomite-quartz." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995INPL056N.
Full textLacerda, Natalia de Souza de. "Análise de unidades de pré-purificação de ar por adsorção." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2011. http://www.bdtd.uerj.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=2579.
Full textThe main constituents of air, nitrogen, oxygen and argon, are increasingly present in industries where they are employed in chemical processes, to transport food and waste processing. The two main technologies for the separation of air components are the adsorption and cryogenic distillation. However, for both processes is necessary to remove air contaminants, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor and hydrocarbons, to avoid operational problems and safety concerns. Thus, this work deals with the study of air pre-purification using adsorption. In this system the air current flows alternately between two adsorbing beds to produce clean air continuously. More specifically, the focus of the dissertation is to investigate the behavior of pre-purification units, PSA (pressure swing adsorption), where the desorption step is accomplished by reducing the pressure. The analysis of pre-purification unit begins with adsorption beds modeling through a partial differential equations system of mass balance in the gas stream and in the bed. In this model, the adsorption equilibrium is described by the Dubinin-Astakhov isotherm extended to multicomponent mixtures. For the simulation model, the spatial derivatives are discretized via finite differences and the ordinary differential equations system resultant is solved by an appropriate solver (method of lines). To the operating unit simulation, this model is coupled to a convergence algorithm on the four phases of the operation: adsorption, depressurization, purge and desorption. The algorithm in question must ensure that the final terms of the final stage are equivalent to the initial conditions of the first stage (cyclic steady state). Thus, the simulation was implemented in the form of a computational code based programming environment Scilab (Scilab 5.3.0, 2010), which is a program of free distribution. The simulation algorithms of each individual step and the complete cycle are finally used to analyze the behavior of pre-purification unit, checking how their performance is affected by changes in design variables or operational. For example, we have investigated the charging system of the bed and showed that the optimal configuration of the bed is 50% alumina followed by 50% of zeolite. Process variables were also examined, the adsorption pressure, the flow rate and cycle time of adsorption, showing that increasing the feed flow rate leads to a loss of specification that can be taken up by reducing the cycle time of adsorption. It was also shown that a higher pressure adsorption leads to a greater removal of contaminants.
Ribeiro, Melicia Aline Cortat. "Modelagem e avaliação comparativa dos métodos Luus-Jaakola e R2W aplicados na estimativa de parâmetros cinéticos de adsorção." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2012. http://www.bdtd.uerj.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=3998.
Full textAs técnicas inversas têm sido usadas na determinação de parâmetros importantes envolvidos na concepção e desempenho de muitos processos industriais. A aplicação de métodos estocásticos tem aumentado nos últimos anos, demonstrando seu potencial no estudo e análise dos diferentes sistemas em aplicações de engenharia. As rotinas estocásticas são capazes de otimizar a solução em uma ampla gama de variáveis do domínio, sendo possível a determinação dos parâmetros de interesse simultaneamente. Neste trabalho foram adotados os métodos estocásticos Luus-Jaakola (LJ) e Random Restricted Window (R2W) na obtenção dos ótimos dos parâmetros cinéticos de adsorção no sistema de cromatografia em batelada, tendo por objetivo verificar qual método forneceria o melhor ajuste entre os resultados obtidos nas simulações computacionais e os dados experimentais. Este modelo foi resolvido empregando o método de Runge- Kutta de 4 ordem para a solução de equações diferenciais ordinárias.
The inverse techniques have been used in the determination of parameters involved in design and performance of many industrial processes. The application of stochastic methods has increased in recent years, demonstrating their potential in study and analysis of different systems in engineering applications. Stochastic routines are able to optimize the solution in a wide range of variables, it is possible to determine the parameters of interest simultaneously. In this work two adopted the stochastic methods, Luus-Jaakola (LJ) and Restricted Random Window (R2W), to obtain the optimum parameters for adsorption kinetics in batch chromatography system, aiming to determine which method would provide the best fit between the results obtained in computer simulations and experimental data. This model was solved using the Runge-Kutta 4th order for ordinary differential equations solution.
Fusteș-Dămoc, Iolanda. "Matériaux polymères durables synthétisés à base d'oligo- et de polysaccharides." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023COAZ4076.
Full textThe durability of materials is their ability to withstand over time the influence of various factors such as temperature, humidity and breakage while maintaining their characteristics.Durable polymer materials are the solution to environmental pollution. In this context, the development of sustainable polymer materials based on biodegradable compounds, which are abundant in nature, even from industrial waste, and which also have a low cost price, is a possible alternative to materials based on fossil compounds, which are toxic. At the same time, the use of minimal chemicals is an advantage for large-scale production by industries. In addition, obtaining advantageous properties under these conditions, tailored to certain types of applications, brings added value, which recommends their use over toxic materials.Oligo- and polysaccharides represent a suitable raw material that could be exploited in the design of durable polymeric materials. Their use has already aroused real interest among researchers, but their industrial application faces a number of difficulties: from inadequate technological processes and high consumption of solvents and chemicals to the high costs of obtaining, recycling and reusing materials, in line with a circular economy, which is essential in addressing environmental protection. This circular economy is about extending the life cycle of materials by reducing waste. by promoting the repair, reuse and recycling of materials for as long as possible. This PhD thesis presents the results obtained from the synthesis, characterisation and testing of sustainable oligo- and polysaccharide-based materials.The overall objective of the PhD thesis is to develop durable materials that incorporate and exploit non-toxic, renewable, environmentally friendly, cheap and naturally abundant compounds such as oligo- and polysaccharides in a circular economy.The main research directions developed in the thesis are:- Valorisation of β-cyclodextrin, from the oligosaccharide category, and chitosan, from the polysaccharide category, in sustainable material systems;- Development of such sustainable materials using a minimum number of steps and a reduced number of compounds and solvents;- The use, in particular, of chitosan in solid (powder) form to optimise the mechanical and thermal properties of the systems;- Achieving improved mechanical and thermal properties of the materials by introducing oligo- and polysaccharides, compared to reference systems, for chitosan-based systems, and for β-cyclodextrin-based systems: optimised adsorption of various pollutants such as antibiotics, organic dyes, heavy metals;- increased application potential of materials in various fields such as biomedical, food packaging, epoxy coatings, aerospace, due to the advantages of oligo- and polysaccharides;- Testing the recyclability of β-cyclodextrin-based nanomaterials to improve material durability
Aniceto, José Pedro Salgado Castro. "Separation of triterpenic acids by simulated moving bed chromatography." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/22882.
Full textA exploração de compostos, subprodutos e resíduos naturais é um passo chave para a obtenção de um futuro sustentável. A valorização e comercialização destes materiais dependem da aplicação de técnicas adequadas de conversão e separação/purificação que permitam obter os níveis desejados de pureza e produtividade. Os ácidos triterpénicos, particularmente os ácidos betulínico, oleanólico e ursólico, são compostos de elevado valor que têm atraído interesse devido às suas já reportadas propriedades nutraceuticas e farmacológicas. Estes triterpenoides estão presentes em diversas fontes vegetais mas podem ser encontrados com abundâncias consideráveis na casca do eucalipto (decídua e externa), um resíduo comum da indústria da pasta e papel. O isolamento dos ácidos triterpénicos é uma tarefa difícil devido às suas semelhantes estruturas moleculares, especialmente no caso dos ácidos oleanólico e ursólico, que são isómeros de posição. O leito móvel simulado (simulated moving bed, SMB) é uma técnica cromatográfica de separação contínua e em contracorrente que maximiza a força diretriz de transferência de massa permitindo a separação de moléculas mesmo quando as seletividades se aproximam de um. Por exemplo, é frequentemente utilizada no isolamento de enantiómeros. No SMB clássico a separação de dois componentes é efetuada em quatro zonas, os caudais e concentrações de alimentação são fixos e as portas de entrada/saída são comutadas simultaneamente. Recentemente, novas implementações tais como a modificação da concentração ou caudais da alimentação, a utilização de tempos de comutação variáveis e a introdução de novas zonas para separação multicomponente, têm permitido a obtenção de maior flexibilidade e melhor performance. Uma revisão profunda destes modos de operação foi feita durante esta tese. A modelação e otimização são passos essenciais no dimensionamento e desenvolvimento de qualquer processo e particularmente importantes no SMB. Como ponto de partida para o estudo do fracionamento de ácidos triterpénicos por leito móvel simulado, modelos fenomenológicos conhecidos foram aplicados para desenvolver de um simulador SMB. Durante este trabalho uma estratégia de otimização de unidades de SMB foi desenvolvida combinando as metodologias de desenho de experiências e respostas de superfície com simulações computacionais, com o objetivo de obter condições de operação ótimas com baixa complexidade e um esforço computacional reduzido. Esta técnica de otimização foi aplicada ao estudo da separação dos enantiómeros de óxido de trans-estilbeno, usando informação da literatura, e posteriormente comparada com outros procedimentos de determinação de condições de operação ótimas. Esta técnica permitiu purezas acima de 99.5 % para ambos enantiómeros, necessitando de um baixo número de simulações. A separação de ácidos triterpénicos foi inicialmente estudada à escala analítica, através de uma série de ensaios cromatográficos em diferentes condições para seleção de fase móvel e estacionária apropriada. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com uma coluna Apollo C18 usando metanol/água 95/5 (%,v/v) e os parâmetros de equilíbrio e transporte foram determinados através de experiências de rutura com os compostos puros. Esta informação foi utilizada com sucesso na simulação da separação de uma mistura ternária, cujos resultados foram validados com experiências de rutura ternárias. A separação em SMB de uma mistura representativa de um extrato natural contendo os ácidos betulínico, oleanólico e ursólico foi desenhada utilizando um processo em dois passos: inicialmente o ácido betulínico foi isolado dos ácidos oleanólico e ursólico e, de seguida, os ácidos oleanólico e ursólico foram fracionados. Esta separação foi otimizada usando a metodologia de desenho de experiências e respostas de superfície combinada com simulações rigorosas e permitiu demonstrar que é possível produzir os ácidos betulínico, oleanólico e ursólico com purezas de 99.4 %, 99.1 %, e 99.4 %. Os polímeros molecularmente impressos (molecularly imprinted polymers, MIPs) são sintetizados para possuírem centros ativos altamente seletivos para moléculas alvo, tornando-os adsorventes muito promissores. Vários MIPs foram sintetizados por polimerização por precipitação usando diferentes formulações. Após a preparação, estes polímeros foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento e os mais promissores, em termos de características morfológicas, foram diretamente testados através de experiências de adsorção. Os resultados revelam que o material “MIP1b” exibe selectividade infinita para o ácido oleanólico, a molécula alvo usada na sua síntese. Em conjunto com a sua capacidade de adsorção – superior à da previamente estudada fase C18 – estes resultados demonstram o elevado potencial do polímero “MIP1b” para aplicação na separação dos ácidos triterpénicos. Investigação adicional é necessária neste tópico onde diferentes técnicas de separação podem ser antecipadas. Este trabalho culminou com o dimensionamento e montagem de uma unidade laboratorial de leito móvel verdadeiro baseada num sistema de uma-válvula-ST por coluna recentemente patenteado, que permite à unidade operar sobre diferentes estratégias de operação e configurações.
The exploitation of natural compounds, by-products and residues is a key strategy for the pursuit of a sustainable future. The effective valorization and commercialization of these materials depends on the application of adequate conversion and separation/purification techniques that can provide desired levels of purity and productivity. Triterpenic acids, particularly betulinic, oleanolic, and ursolic acids, are high value molecules that have attracted considerable interest due to their reported nutraceutical and pharmacological properties. These triterpenoids are present in diverse vegetable sources but significant abundances are found in Eucalyptus bark (deciduous and external), a common residue from the paper and pulp industry. The isolation of triterpenic acids is a difficult task due to their similar molecular structures, particularly in the case of oleanolic and ursolic acids, which are positional isomers. The simulated moving bed (SMB) technology is a countercurrent continuous chromatographic technique that maximizes the mass transfer driving force, thus allowing the separation of compounds even when selectivities approach one. For instance, it is often used for enantiomers isolation. In a classic SMB, the separation of two components is accomplished across four zones, the flow rates and feed concentrations are fixed, and the inlet/outlet ports are switched synchronously. Recently, new implementations and modifications, such as the modulation of feed concentration or flow rates, variable switch times and additional zones for multicomponent separations, enabled better flexibility and performances to be achieved. A thorough review of these modes of operation was performed in this thesis. Modeling and optimization are necessary steps for the design and development of any process, being particularly important in SMB. As the starting point for the study of the fractionation of triterpenic acids by simulated moving bed, well know phenomenological models were applied to develop a SMB simulator. During this work, an optimization strategy of SMB units was developed combining the design of experiments and response surface methodologies (DoE-RSM) with computer simulations, aimed at providing good operating conditions with low complexity and reduced computational effort. This optimization technique was applied to the separation of trans-stilbene oxide (TSO) enantiomers using data from the literature and compared with other existing procedures for the determination of the best operation conditions. It allowed purities above 99.5 % for both TSO enantiomers while requiring a small number of simulations. The separation of triterpenic acids was initially studied at analytical scale, through a series of chromatographic assays under different conditions, to select appropriate mobile and stationary phases. Best results were obtained using an Apollo C18 column and methanol/water 95/5 (%, v/v), and equilibrium and mass transport parameters were determined through breakthrough experiments with pure compounds. This information was then successfully applied in the simulation of a ternary mixture separation, whose results were validated with ternary breakthrough measurements. The SMB separation of a representative natural extract containing betulinic, oleanolic and ursolic acids was designed using a two-step process: firstly, betulinic acid was isolated from oleanolic and ursolic acids, and secondly, oleanolic and ursolic acids were fractionated. This separation approach was optimized using DoE-RSM combined with rigorous simulations, and it was demonstrated that it is possible to produce betulinic, oleanolic and ursolic acids with purities of at least 99.4 %, 99.1 %, and 99.4 %. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are synthesized to possess binding sites highly selective to specific molecules, making them very promising adsorbents. Several MIPs were synthetized by precipitation polymerization using different formulations. After preparation, these polymers were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and the most successful ones, in terms of morphological features, were directly tested carrying out batch adsorption experiments. The results disclosed that “MIP1b” material exhibits infinite selectivity for oleanolic acid, the template molecule used in its synthesis. Together with its adsorption capacity – even higher than that of the previously studied C18 phase – these results demonstrate the high potential of “MIP1b” polymer for application on the separation of triterpenic acids. Additional research is required in this topic, where distinct separation approaches may be anticipated. This PhD work culminated in the design and assembling of a laboratory simulated moving bed unit based on a recently patented system using a one- ST valve per column valve scheme, thus allowing the SMB to run under several operation strategies and configurations.
DUMAS, HERBIN CHRISTINE. "Chromatographie en phase liquide et synthese organique, exemple d'un produit industriel : la cylcododecanone oxime." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066104.
Full textRogers, Chad. "Optimization of Nonadsorptive Polymerized Polyethylene Glycol Diacrylate as a Material for Microfluidics and Sensor Integration." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2015. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5310.
Full textSaulich, Sven. "Generic design and investigation of solar cooling systems." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2013. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/13627.
Full textLai, Sin-Cheng, and 賴信誠. "Optimization of adsorption and desorption processes for β-D-galactosidase." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/84788777402916355981.
Full text明志科技大學
In this study, the commercial STREAMLINE DEAE adsorbent was used to investigate the adsorption and desorption characteristics b-D-galactosidase (b-gal, EC in the crude cell homogenate. In a series of batch and packed bed operations, the optimal adsorption and elution conditions for b-gal were obtained. These experiments included a series of operating parameters such as the choice of absorption pH, the effect of whole cells on the binding capacity, the experiments equibrium adsorption isotherm and uptake rate were also investigated. The effects of ionic strength, salt concentration, and linear velocity on the elution process were carried out in a small packed bed. The results were used to assess the feasibility of using stirred fluidized bed chromatography for direct recovery of b-gal from different operating conditions in highly crude cell homogenates. The recovery yield for b-gal was approximately 45.07% with a purification factor of 2.07 by using 0.5 M NaCl as an eluent at a linear velocity of 150 cm/h.
tzu-wei, cheng, and 程子維. "Optimization of adsorption and desorption processes for His-tag enhanced green fluorescent protein." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/42141992611925992105.
Full text明志科技大學
The method development for direct capture of His-tag enhanced green fluorescent protein (His-EGFP) from unclarified E.coli homogenates using stirred fluidized bed (SFB) has been described. Cu(II), Zn(II), Ni(II) and Co(II) metal ion were evaluated in immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) for the recovery of His-EGFP. Immobilized Ni(II) chelating adsorbent was found to be the most effective for capture of His-EGFP. The adsorption characteristic of Ni(II)-STREAMLINE chelating adsorbent used in this work for total protein and His-EGFP in unclarified E.coli homogenates has been assessed by the measurements of equilibrium adsorption isotherm and uptake rate. Optimal conditions for the elution of His-EGFP were also investigated in packed bed experiments conducted with clarified E.coli homogenates. On the basis of the results, direct capture of His-EGFP from unclarified E.coli homogenates by SFB was carried out under the different loading volumes (50-200 ml). The purification results showed that the His-EGFP was directly recovered using 150 mM Imidazol buffer (pH 7) from unclarified E.coli homogenate with a purification factor of 2.04 and yield of 73.6% in the single step. Other contaminants were completely eluted by using 25 mM EDTA ( pH 7).
Sabbagh, Lee-At. "Optimization of microbial adsorption (Biofilm Creation) on activated carbon by surface modification of substrate." Thesis, 2014.
Find full textCHIANG, CHIEN-HSING, and 江建興. "The optimization of adsorption efficiency for β-D-galactosidase by using high density adsorbent." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/10705325717542009902.
Full text明志科技大學
Pichia pastoris was genetically engineered to express beta-galactosidase (β-gal) for use in this study. To increase beta-gal production, the growth conditions in the shake flask culture and fermentor culture were investigated. Under the conditions employed, the OD600 value of the fermentor culture was approximately 45. The collected cells were disrupted by high pressure homogenizer for six cycles at 30 Kpsi and 4oC. The release of beta-gal and total protein from 25% (ww/v) disrupted cells were 2.02x103 U/ml and 17.2 mg/ml, respectively. The ion exchange adsorbent (i.e. STREAMLINE DEAE) was chosen and used to evaluate the adsorption efficiency for beta-gal at various pH values. The optimal adsorption pH for β-gal was found to be pH 6 and the binding capacity of the adsorbent was 5.6x106 U/ml. For one-factor-at-a-time experiments, the effects of loading flow rate, bed height, cell concentration, and residence time on 5% dynamic binding capacity (DBC) were investigated in packed beds. The optimization of 5% DBC for β-gal in packed beds was performed using both fractional factorial design (FFD) and response surface methodology (RSM). A second-order was proposed to represent the binding capacity for β-gal as a function of loading flow rate (F), cell concentration (Co), packed bed height (H). Under optimal conditions (F: 2.96 ml/min, Co: 45% (ww/v), H: 16.6 cm), the model predicted binding capacity for β-gal was 1.15x105 U/ml which approached to the average experimental value of 1.13x105 U/ml.
Huang, Zhi-Juan, and 黃芷娟. "Synthesis optimization and gas adsorption of chromium metal-organic frameworks based on 4,4'-stilbene carboxylic acid." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/36038574492279445966.
Full text中原大學
In this thesis, the concept of isoreticular chemistry was used by extended the length of organic ligands in the synthesis of Metal-Organic frameworks (MOFs). The ligand used in this study is 4,4'-stilbene dicarboxylic acid (H2SDC).The optimization synthesis was achieved by using ammonium fluoride (NH4F), potassium fluoride (KF) as additives. The study MOFs were listed as: [Cr3F/OH(H2O)2O(SDC)3]……..(1) [Cr(OH)(SDC)]…………...........(2) On the structural identification, powder X-ray diffraction can identify the product phases; scanning electron microscopy (SEM) displays the crystal morphology and size; thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measures sample weight loss under heating; gas adsorption displays the porous behaviors. All measurements confirmed the optimization synthesis in both MOFs. The final results display optimized addition of ammonium fluoride and potassium fluoride is about 0.06~0.10 mmole and result in higher specific surface area of MOF (1). In addition, the higher porosity can be observed in the addition of ammonium fluoride when compare to potassium fluoride.
You, Geeng Shyan, and 尤耿賢. "Study on Optimization of a Thermal Swing Adsorption System in Fixed Beds for Air Purification and Solvent Recovery." Thesis, 1994. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/33541198125774218925.
Full text逢甲大學
To emphasize the importance of the functions of thermal swing adsorption system in fixed beds on both air purification and solvent recovery, the system cyclic behavior includes not only the purification efficiency of the process air but also the enhancement ratio of the regeneration gas. For a specified adsorbate-adsorbent pair at a specified inlet temperature and concentration, the dimensionless parameters of the model affecting the system cyclic behavior include the dimensionless heat and mass transfer parameters and the dimensionless operating parameters, which are mainly functions of the transport properties and the operating conditions. In the study, the theoretical analysis was performed for a single component system to establish the relationship between the cyclic behavior and the dimensionless parameters, i.e. the so called dimensionless cyclic behavior chart in which the ordinate represents the cyclic behavior and the abscissa represents the operating cost. Each curve on the chart was formed at a specified purification efficiency and the lowest point of the curve can be taken as the optimal operating point of the system at this purification efficiency. Also, this optimal operating point was used as a criterion to select the optimal design and operating parameters in several case studies. Taking the acetone-activated carbon system as an example, the simulation results showed that the addition of a cooling step into the system can only improv1;the enhancement ratio of the regeneration gas a little and the enhancement ratio is about∼ 2.5 for the base point of the simulation , where the purification efficiency of the process air is set at 95%. The enhancement ratio of the system can be futher increased by decreasing the inlet concentration of the process air, increasing the inlet temperature of the regeneration gas, decreasing the purification efficiency of the process air, improving the mass transfer rates within the particles, and increasing the bed length.
liu, lin hau, and 劉凌華. "Density Functional Geometric Optimization for the Adsorption of Monatomic、Diatomic and Triatomic Magnesium Molecule on the Silicon (100)and (111)Surfaces." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/58887721142435526660.
Full text中國文化大學
Most studies in this area focus on the alkali atom Si(001)-2×1 surface. Work on the alkali or alkaline earth clusters, has not been seen. We have used some small Si-H clusters to represent the nuit cells of a reconstructed ideal Si(111) surface. Adsoprtion of some Mg clusters will be reported here. We used the softwares and GAUSSIAN 03 package at the NCHC of structure imization on the B3LYP/6-31G* level. For adsorptions on the Si-H cluster of one surface unit cell, peripheral Si atoms are much more free to make unreasonable moving, This problem can be gradually improved by increasing the number of unit cells. Our current result shows that upon adsorption, at least one of the metal-metal bond is shorten compared to that an isolated molecule. When two alkaline atoms bond, theirσns* filled. Thus, the bonding is actually very weak. When the metal molecule comes onto Si surface, part of the anti-bonding density flows into surface dangling bonds and then strengthens the metal- metal bond. Mg clusters having their bond distances shorten upon O2 adsorbed at neighbor sites is due to the same reason.
Find full textSpace and water heating contribute over 50% of all the residential building energy consumption and are especially major energy consumers in the cold climates. Meanwhile, conventional furnaces and boilers with energy efficiency limited to below 100% dominate the residential heating in the cold climate, and the electric vapor-compression heat pump capacity and efficiency decline drastically at low ambient temperatures. Thermally driven ammonia-based chemical adsorption (chemisorption) heat pump (CSHP) systems utilize the reversible chemical reaction between the ammonia vapor and solid sorbent to generate heat pumping effect, which can provide heating with much higher energy efficiency than existing cold-climate heating technologies. Despite the significant potential of energy efficiency improvement from existing technologies, most studies in the literature on chemisorption heat pump systems focus on adopting the technology for refrigeration and energy storage applications, with very limited investigations available for using the technology for producing heating in cold climates.
This thesis study is thus conducted to characterize the operation behavior and performance of a CSHP system under cold ambient conditions and further identify optimal design and control for such systems to achieve high performance. In this study, both experimental and modelling approaches are pursued to investigate a CSHP heating system from the perspective of the sorption material using the multiple-stage LiCl-ammonia reactions, to the novel adsorber component with hybrid heat pipe heat exchanger, and finally to the performance of the complete heat pump system. The experimental studies are based on a prototype CSHP system tested to identify the chemical kinetics of the sorption material, as well as the transient performance of the adsorber and the system. The calibrated chemical kinetics are then used in the development of a transient adsorber model to analyze the operation and improve design of the adsorber. The heating COP of the prototype system was measured to be 0.75-1.16 under ambient temperatures of 8-20 C. Finally, a dynamic system model is developed based on the dynamic models of the adsorber and other components in the system. The system model is validated against the experimental data and used to analyze the detailed energy flow and operation dynamic. Based on the inefficiencies revealed by the simulation of the current prototype system, an improved system design with reduced thermal mass and heat loss is introduced. Simulation of the improved system results in heating COP of 1.17 to 1.23 under -13.9 C to 8.3 C ambient, respectively.Neves, Kévin das. "Sorption of Cr(III) in fixed-bed column by modified pine bark: optimization and modeling studies." Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/83097.
Full textO processo de adsorção, utilizando colunas de leito fixo, mostra-se como um dosprocessos mais vantajosos para a remoção de metais pesados de efluentes industriais. O facto de o leito poder ser regenerado, haver a possibilidade de ser reutilizado e recuperar o metal adsorvido são outros fatores a favor para o seu uso. O crómio, por ser utilizado em processos de galvanoplastia, revestimentos e curtumes, ocorre frequentemente no meio ambiente devido aos efluentes provenientes deste tipo de indústrias.Neste trabalho será estudado o comportamento dinâmico de uma coluna de leito fixoem que o adsorvente utilizado foi obtido no laboratório a partir de casca de pinheiro. No seguimento de trabalhos anteriores, este material, será utilizado como adsorvente para remover o Cr(III). Foram realizadas várias experiências para testar diversos parâmetros operacionais, como a altura do leito, a velocidade superficial do fluido e a concentração de entrada do efluente. Na prática pretende-se obter a máxima fração de leito saturado e prever o comportamento dinâmico do processo de adsorção. Um modelo de natureza mecanística foi desenvolvido de modo a prever a resposta do sistema face a variações dos parâmetros operacionais. Foram incluídas as relações de equilíbrio bem como o modelo Linear Driving Force (LDF) para expressar o transporte de massa intraparticular. Deste modo verificou-se que, para uma concentração de entrada fixa em 100 mg/L, a máxima fração de leito saturado obtidaé de 0.65, para o caso onde se utilizada uma altura de leiro de 6,5 cm e uma velocidade superficial de 14.43×10-2 cm/s. Foi também estudado a influência dos mesmos parâmetros de modo a minimizar a diferença entre o tempo de exaustão onde as condições ótimas são uma altura de leito de 2,5 cm e uma velocidade superficial de 14.43×10-2 cm/s Para além disto, desenho fatorial do tipo Box-Benken-Design foi utilizado de modo a determinar quais as variáveis que mais influenciam a eficiência do processo de adsorção em leito fixo. Utilizando uma regressão linear múltipla, dois modelos empíricos foram construídos onde foram identificas as condições ótimas de operação de modo a maximizar a fração de leito saturado. Por fim, a regeneração do adsorvente foi feita utilizando dois agentes químicos (ácido nítrico e N,N-Bis(carboxymethyl)-DL-alanine trisodium salt). Assim, deste estudo foi possível concluir que o adsorvente testado pode ser utilizado em processos com colunas de leito fixo para a remoção de crómio de efluentes líquidos.
The adsorption process in fixed bed columns, is one of the most advantageous processes for the removal of heavy metals, allowing the treatment of large volumes of effluent. The fact that the bed can be regenerated and the possibility of being reused allowing the recover the adsorbed metal are other factors in favor of its use in large-scale industrial processes. Chromium is the heavy metal selected in this study, because of its relevance in the electroplating, coating and tanning industries. The effluents from these industries may contain detrimentalconcentrations of Cr.This work, aims to analyse the dynamic behavior of a fixed bed column, in which theadsorbent was prepared in the lab. Following the previous work, mercerized pine bark (MPB) will be used as adsorbent to remove Cr (III) and to purify a synthetic effluent. Thus, operational parameters such as bed height, fluid velocity and effluent inlet concentration were tested to obtain the maximum saturated bed fraction and to predict the behavior of the adsorption process for each case. A mechanistic model was developed for predicting the behaviour of the fixedbed, that includes equilibrium parameters and the Linear Driving Force (LDF) approach to express the intraparticular mass transport. For an inlet concentration of 100 mg/L, the maximum saturated bed fraction was 0.65, obtained for the case where a height of 6.5 cm and a superficial velocity of 14.43×10-2 cm/s is used. Moreover, the influence of the same parameters was also studied to minimize the difference between the exhaust time and the break time of the column.In this case, using an inlet concentration of 100 mg/L, a bed height of 2.5 cm and a surface speed of 14.43×10-2 cm/s, were the best conditions.Moreover, a Box-Benken-Design was used to determine the most influent inlet variables (factors) on adsorption efficiency. By using multiple linear regression, empirical models were developed and the optimal operating conditions to maximize the saturated bed fraction were identified. Finally, a regeneration of the adsorbent material was assessed through two chemical agents (nitric acid and N,N-Bis(carboxymethyl)-DL-alanine trisodium salt).From this study, it was possible to conclude that the biosorbent tested can be used in fixed-bed column process for remove chromium from liquid effluents.
Pinheiro, Joana Marcelino. "Development of a zeolitic heat exchanger for heating applications." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/25540.
Full textAs alterações climáticas e a escassez de recursos naturais têm motivado a criação de medidas para reinventar o sistema energético, rumo a uma economia mais sustentável. As bombas de calor por adsorção (AHP) fazem parte das alternativas investigadas para a criação de edifícios com necessidades energéticas quase nulas. Este trabalho abrange vários domínios com relevância para a investigação e desenvolvimento das AHP, nomeadamente, caraterização de adsorventes, modelação e simulação de unidades de aquecimento por adsorção, otimização do design e operação de AHP, prototipagem e comparação com tecnologias convencionais. Foram investigados os desempenhos de diversos adsorventes em AHP, considerando a água como adsorvato e diferentes condições de operação e de geometria. Os adsorventes selecionados foram o titanossilicato número 10 (ETS-10), três zeólitos (13X, 4A e NaY), a rede metalo-orgânica cristalina (MOF) CPO-27(Ni) e o fosfato de sílica-alumina AQSOATM FAM-Z02. No tocante ao par ETS-10/água, foram medidas isotérmicas de adsorção e propriedades cinéticas, assim como condutividades térmicas e capacidades caloríficas específicas do adsorvente. Estes resultados foram utilizados para modelar e simular um permutador de calor tubular contendo ETS-10. O modelo desenvolvido contemplou balanços de massa e energia, equilíbrio de adsorção, resistência externa à transferência de calor e transporte intraparticular de massa. Para espessuras de leito (δ) de ETS-10 entre 2 e 6 mm, obtiveram-se valores de coeficiente de performance (COP) e de potência específica de aquecimento (SHP) nos intervalos 1.36-1.39 e 249-934 W kg−1, respetivamente. Estudos de sensibilidade mostraram que parâmetros como o δ e a temperatura de regeneração do adsorvente podem influenciar consideravelmente o tempo de ciclo (tciclo) e a capacidade cíclica de adsorção (ΔWciclo) do sistema. O ETS-10 foi comparado com adsorventes bastante conhecidos, tais como, sílica gel e os zeólitos 4A e 13X, tendo-se concluído que o seu desempenho para fins de aquecimento é ultrapassado pelo do zeólito 13X, para regeneração de leito realizada a 473 K, e condensação e evaporação do refrigerante a 333 K e 278 K, respetivamente. Estes resultados foram, em parte, atribuídos a uma maior libertação de calor por ciclo, quando se usa o par 13X/água. Para tamanhos de partícula entre 0.2 e 0.6 mm, este par apresentou COP = 1.48 e SHP no intervalo 1141-1254 W kg−1. Com o objetivo de reduzir o esforço numérico e computacional em simulações, foi estudado o impacto de se introduzirem algumas simplificações no modelo, sem deixar de garantir as previsões razoáveis de desempenho das AHP. Por exemplo, a utilização de um valor médio fixo para o coeficiente intraparticular de transferência de massa é razoável na avaliação dos desempenhos nos ciclos de aquecimento. Uma vez que a presença de agentes ligantes na formulação de adsorventes pode diminuir a capacidade de adsorção e afetar a cinética, foram estudados os desempenhos de aquecimento de adsorventes zeolíticos comerciais (13X e NaY) com e sem ligantes. Os resultados, considerando água como adsorvato, indicaram que a existência de um ligante na formulação do zeólito 13X não afetava consideravelmente o seu desempenho. No âmbito deste estudo, verificou-se ainda que o zeólito NaY sem ligante é o adsorvente mais promissor para temperaturas de regeneração do leito, condensação e evaporação de 398.15-448.15 K, 308.15-328.15 K e 278.15 K, respetivamente, atingindo COP ≤ 1.53 e SHP ≤ 430 W kg-1, essencialmente devido a ΔWciclo mais elevado do que o dos zeólitos 13X. Dado que a otimização das AHP é importante para aumentar a sua competitividade, o potencial de combinar modelação fenomenológica com ferramentas estatísticas, tais como o desenho fatorial de experiências e a metodologia da superfície de resposta (DoE/RSM), foi estudado na otimização de AHP com o par zeólito NaY/água. Para tal, foi considerado o desenho de experiências de Box-Behnken com quatro fatores – tempo de adsorção e dessorção, temperatura de condensação, temperatura da fonte de aquecimento e espessura de leito – e três níveis, sendo COP e SHP as variáveis de resposta. Deste estudo obtiveram-se gráficos de Pareto, mostrando a importância dos diversos fatores no COP e no SHP, e equações polinomiais para estimar de forma expedita o COP e o SHP em função dos fatores e vice-versa. Estas equações permitiram mapear o desempenho da AHP numa ampla gama de condições com um número pequeno de simulações, e ainda identificar combinações ótimas de parâmetros geométricos e de operação para cumprir pré-requisitos de desempenho. Em suma, este estudo mostrou o grande potencial de DoE/RSM para desenvolver componentes mais otimizados e estratégias de controlo avançadas de AHP. Tendo em conta a miríade de potenciais aplicações que tem sido reivindicada para redes metalo-orgânicas cristalinas (MOFs), sobre os quais existe um grande foco da investigação científica, o potencial do MOF CPO-27(Ni) para aplicações de aquecimento por adsorção de água foi investigado usando ferramentas de modelação e simulação computacional. Para este efeito, foi desenvolvido em OpenFOAM um solver customizado e uma metodologia para simular ciclos de aquecimento por adsorção, que foram validados com dados da literatura. Neste estudo, considerou-se uma geometria de leito de adsorvente mais avançada, consistindo num tubo metálico revestido com um filme de um compósito de CPO-27(Ni)/espuma de cobre. Os COP e SHP foram, respetivamente, 1.16-1.39 e 1922-5130 W kg-1, para temperatura de evaporação, condensação e regeneração de leito de 278.15 K, 308.15 K e 368.15 K. Uma comparação deste MOF com o adsorvente de referência para AHP, nomeadamente AQSOATM FAM-Z02, permitiu concluir que o desempenho do CPO-27(Ni) é ultrapassado pelo do segundo, essencialmente devido ao ΔWciclo inferior e à transferência intraparticular de massa mais lenta do CPO-27(Ni). No contexto desta dissertação, foi ainda desenhada uma instalação experimental combinando uma AHP com um esquentador, que poderá ser montada proximamente para testar o desempenho de diversos adsorventes, tendo sido elaborado o respetivo protocolo. As especificações técnicas de diversos componentes para o protótipo foram definidas e foram analisadas propostas de vários fornecedores, a partir das quais se estimou o custo da instalação. Finalmente, foi desenhado um possível conceito de uma AHP para aquecimento de água doméstica, o qual foi comparado com a atual bomba de calor da Bosch para este fim (Supraeco W). Apesar dos benefícios ambientais das AHP, concluiu-se que estes sistemas suscitam ainda grandes desafios técnico-económicos, uma vez que exigem dimensões significativas, bem como complexidade e preço elevados. No cômputo geral, conclui-se que a competitividade da tecnologia de aquecimento de água doméstica por adsorção depende largamente do desenvolvimento de adsorventes de água com melhor rácio desempenho/preço e da aposta em formulações mais eficientes como, por exemplo, na preparação de filmes ao invés de enchimentos aleatórios de partículas de adsorvente.
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia da Refinação, Petroquímica e Química
Janvier, Florence. "Optimization of Parameters Used in Predictive Models for Respirator Cartridge Service Life for Toxic Organic Vapors." Thèse, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/20072.
Full textTong, Liang. "Simulations et optimisation de systèmes de stockage et de purification d'hydrogène en utilisant des adsorbants et des hydrures métalliques = Simulation and optimization of hydrogen storage and purification using adsorbents and metal hydrides." Thèse, 2020. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/id/eprint/9682/1/eprint9682.pdf.
Full textAlicia and 邱薇而. "Geometric Optimization with Density Functional Theory for Adsorptions of B3 on the Si(111) Ideal Surface Represented by Some Silicon-Hydrogen Clusters." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/38516489087276305385.
Full text中國文化大學
We investigated bonding and optimized geometries of Seperated boron atoms and B3 molecule adsorbed on the Si(111) surfaces at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. In the case of Si(111),different sizes of Si-H clusters were used, depending on the extent of marginal distortion of the clusters. General speaking, the bond lengths in B3 adsorbates are greatly reduced which mean that boron atoms and B3 molecule tend to from stronger boron molecule on the Si(111) surface .
HUANG, CHING-I., and 黃靜宜. "Geometric Optimization with Density Functional Theory for Adsorptions of , Li2 and Li3 on the Si(111) Ideal Surface Represented by Some Silicon-Hydrogen Clusters." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/32291158471895456658.
Full text中國文化大學
Abstract We investigated bonding and optimized geometries of 、Li2 and Li3 adsorbed on the Si(111) surfaces at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. Different sizes of Si-H clusters were used to represend He Si(111) ideal surface﹐depending on the extent of marginal distortion of the clusters. General speaking, the bond lengths in Li2 and Li3 adsorbates are enlarged due to the dissociation of the Lithium molecules on the surface﹐The lithium atoms then tend to saturate a more surface dangling bonds as they can.
Denga, Masindi Esther. "Fabrication of metal-oxide modified porous ceramic granules from aluminosilicate clay soils for defluoridation of groundwater." Diss., 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11602/894.
Full textDepartment of Ecology and Resource Management
Some boreholes in South Africa which serve as a source of drinking water for rural communities are reported to have high fluoride concentration, much above the WHO guideline of 1.5 mg/L. This study aimed at activating aluminosilicate clay soil mechanochemically, modifying aluminosilicate clay soil with Al-oxide and fabricating porous ceramic granules using Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil/ mechanochemically activated clay soil/ corn starch and evaluating their performances in defluoridation of groundwater. The raw clay materials were mechanochemically activated for 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes for physicochemical transformation of the solid aggregate. The morphology of the samples showed the honeycomb structure. The surface area analyses of samples using Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) gave the highest surface area of 50.5228 m2/g at 30 min activation time. Hence, the optimum activation time was 30 min. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) analysis showed increase in the absorbance of FT-IR by Si-O-H groups at 510 cm-1 with increasing milling time. This is evidence that more surface Si-O-H groups were available at higher particle surface area that would be necessary to interact with fluoride. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses revealed that, at 30 minutes milling time, the peak broadening is intensified whereas the reflection peak intensities decreased. The X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) results for 30 minutes milling time showed that silica and alumina were the highest components in the clay soil. Using the activated clay in batch defluoridation of fluoride-spiked water, a maximum fluoride removal of 41% was achieved at a pHe of 2.41. The initial fluoride concentration was 9 mg/L while the sorbent dosage was 0.6 g/100 mL and the contact time being 30 minutes. The adsorption data fitted to both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The adsorption data fitted only the pseudo-second-order kinetic, showing chemisorption. Optimization of Al3+ concentration for modification was carried out by modifying the mechanochemical activated aluminosilicate clay soil with different concentrations of Al3+ from which the optimum modification was achieved with 1.5 M. Characterisation studies on the Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil by SEM, BET, FT-IR, XRD and XRF, analyses were carried out to determine the resultant changes in physicochemical properties of the adsorbent owing to modification. The SEM image of Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated clay soil showed many small pores and honey-comb structure on the surface of different images. The BET surface area and the BDH adsorption cumulative area of the Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated v aluminosilicate clay soil were more than double those for the raw clay soil. There was also an increase in pore volume of the Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil. The FT-IR spectra showed that there was increase in the absorbance by the Si-OH, H-O-H, Al-O-H and Si-O-Al. The equilibrium pH of solution was higher than the point-of-zero charge (pHpzc) implying that fluoride removal occurred at solution pH > pHpzc where the net surface charge of the mechanochemically activated clay aluminosilicate soil was negative.The efficiency of 1.5 M Al-oxide modified aluminosilicate clay soil to remove fluoride from water was studied and found to be 96.5 % at pHe 6.86, contact time of 30 minutes and dosage of 0.3 g/100 mL for 10 mg/L fluoride solution at 200 rpm shaking speed. The result shows that Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil is effective for defluoridation. The adsorption data fitted to both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The adsorption data fitted only the pseudo-second-order kinetic, showing chemisorption. Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil was tested for fluoride removal on field water and the percentage fluoride removal was 96.5 % at the dosage of 0.6 g/100 mL with the pHe of 6.48. The optimum Al-oxide modified mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil/ mechanochemically activated clay soil/ corn starch mixing ratio for fabrication of porous ceramic granules was determined by varying ratios and temperature. The optimum ratio found was 20:5:1.The porous ceramic granules were characterised using SEM, BET, FT-IR, XRD and XRF. SEM analysis showed that the porous ceramic granules have the porous structure of the organic foam template. The porous ceramic granule showed an increase in pore surface area and volume as compared to mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil. The FT-IR showed the presence of a strong broad bending and stretching vibrations band at about 993 cm-1 which shows the presence of Si–O–Si bonds. Mineralogical characterisation showed the presence of quartz, albite, horneblende and microcline as the main minerals of the calcined porous ceramic granules. The major oxides of the porous ceramic granules as shown by XRF analysis were SiO2, Al2O3, MnO and Na2O. The porous ceramic granules reduced the concentrations of fluoride in the water from 10 to 3.31 mg/L. The optimum adsorption capacity was 0.6648 mg/g at a pHe of 6.32 and the percentage fluoride removal was 66.9 % at an adsorbent dosage of 1.0063 g/100 mL and a temperature of 600 ⁰C. The porous ceramic granules were tested for fluoride removal on field water and the percentage fluoride removal was 45.4 % at the dosage of 1.0009 g/100 mL with the pHe of 7.87. Mechanochemically activated aluminosilicate clay soil showed higher adsorption capacity at acidic pH, therefore it is recommended that future work should focus on improving their adsorption capacity at wider range of pH. The porous ceramic granules can also be evaluated in column dynamic flow experiments.
Lin, Jheng-Jhih, and 林正智. "Geometric Optimization with Density Functional Theory for Adsorptions of Na,Na2 and Na3 on The Si(111) Ideal SurFace Represented by Some Silicon-Hydrogen Clusters." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/51580125901952476603.
Full text中國文化大學
Abstract We investigated bonding and optimized geometries of Na、Na2 and Na3 adsorbed on the Si(111) surfaces at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. While in the case of Si(111),different sizes of Si-H clusters were used, depending on the extent of marginal distortion of the clusters. Finally, we put O2 onto the neighbor site of sodium adsorbate to see how oxygen interacts with metal and surfaces. This is expected to understand the oxidization process in the semiconductor industry. General speaking, the bond lengths in Na2 and Na3 adsorbates are greatly reduced due to the flowing of charge density from metal antibonding orbitals into the surface dangling bonds.
Cheng-Yu, Huang, and 黃政禹. "Geometric Optimization with Density Functional Theory for Adsorptions of Al,Al2 and Al3 on The Si(111) Ideal SurFace Represented by Some Silicon-Hydrogen Clusters SurFace Represented by Some Silicon-Hydrogen Clusters." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/97432780448555197489.
Full text中國文化大學
Adsorption of alkali atom on silicon surface has been applied to microelectronic and catalytical industries for many years. My research is investigate bonding and optimize Al Al2 Al3 adsorb on the Si(111) surface at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. In the case of Si(100), the Si9H12 cluster was used to represent the surface unit with one Si=Si surface dimmer, while in the case of Si(111),different sizes of Si-H clusters were used, depending on the extent of marginal distortion of the clusters. For adsorptions on the Si-H cluster of one surface unit cell, peripheral Si atoms are much free to make unreasonable moving results, we can solve this problem by increasing the number of unit cells. But the more unit cells we use, the more computation time we need.