Academic literature on the topic 'Administration publique – Tunisie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Administration publique – Tunisie"
Ben Hassine, Anissa, Olfa Zeribi, and Salma Baouab. "Un profil tiraillé entre des compétences bureaucratiques versus managériales pour les gestionnaires publics tunisiens1." Management international 16, no. 3 (July 10, 2012): 50–63.
Full textBen Khelil, Haykel, and Neji Bouslama. "Marketing Et Administration Publique: Apports Et Limites Du Marketing Public En Tunisie (Marketing and Public Administration: Contributions and Limits of Public Marketing in Tunisia)." SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Administration publique – Tunisie"
Ghrab, Ali. "La réforme administrative en Tunisie : vers une redéfinition des rapports administration-citoyen." Paris 1, 2004.
Full textBeji, Kamel. "Analyse économique de l'emploi public dans les économies en développement : cas de la Tunisie." Toulouse 1, 2000.
Full textSan, Martino Laurence. "Les stratégies des collectivités locales en matière de délégation de service public. Le cas de la distribution de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement." Montpellier 1, 2006.
Full textPerrier, Antoine. "La liberté des protégés : souverains, ministres et serviteurs des monarchies marocaine et tunisienne sous protectorat français (1881-1956)." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2019.
Full textThe Beylical and Cherifian monarchies were maintained by France when its protectorate was established in Tunisia (1881) and Morocco (1912). This dissertation intends to write the history of their political institutions and civil servants facing colonial administrations by explaining how the monarchies reacted to the colonial presence. It relies on the association of two corpuses. The first, a classic one, combines colonial sources and legal documentation to understand the protectorate as an object of administrative law. The second, more original, is composed of archives in Arabic produced by the sovereigns, ministers and servants of both countries. The combination of sources helps to understand how two polycentric monarchies were recomposed under colonial domination. This work thus shows that Moroccan and Tunisian actors were the main authors of the reform of the monarchy which is rejected by the colonial authorities. Its main hypothesis is that the survival of autonomous public services was enabled by the mosaic nature of the monarchies. Leaning on powerful public services, the Moroccan and Tunisian monarchs and servants were able to oppose the colonial authority with a progressive intensity until independence. This work helps to rethink the limits of the "State" in the North African context by highlighting administrations that have hitherto been ignored by colonial sources. It also feeds the comparative history between a triumphing monarchy in Morocco and another that disappeared in Tunisia in the first year of independence
Chaabane, Rania. "La co-création de valeur dans le service public : un regard de côté via l'étude de la mise en œuvre du budget participatif dans les municipalités en Tunisie." Thesis, Université de Lille (2022-....), 2022.
Full textValue co-creation practices in the public service consist for a public organization to outsource functions traditionally carried out internally to citizens. It is a social innovation strategy open to the various stakeholders (citizens, users, public managers) where their creativity and knowledge can be mobilized. Despite the wide literature on value co-creation in the market context, it is still limited for the public sector (Engen et al, 2021). In a post-New Public Management spirit where the theory of Public Value Management emerges (Moore 1995; Stoker, 2006), we propose to study a mechanism of citizen participation adopted by the Tunisian public authorities and which is at the crossroads of dynamic social innovation and public management reforms: The Participatory budgeting. Using a qualitative methodology, this work explores the values created and the perceived obstacles of this practice of co-creation of public value. In order to answer the central question, we carried out a multi-level analysis (Desjeux, 2002, 2006). Our results reveal that participatory devices generate public values at different scales: Micro, Meso and Macro. Our results also demonstrate that participatory mechanisms can constrain the creation of public value, or even contribute to its destruction. Our contributions are multiple: interest of value co-creation mechanisms in the public domain, contributions to the theory of Public Value Management, and contributions of multi-level analysis to study a topic rarely treated in the literature on public service
Ajili, Wissem. "La gestion de la dette publique selon les approches économique, institutionnelle et financière : Application à une petite économie en développement, la Tunisie." Phd thesis, Université Paris Dauphine - Paris IX, 2007.
Full textL'objectif recherché est l'étude de la question de l'endettement public sous sa triple nature : économique, institutionnelle et financière dans le cas d'une petite économie en développement. En conséquence, l'exercice visé est l'approfondissement de la problématique de l'endettement public en général et dans le cas tunisien en particulier.
La démarche suivie repose sur un plan en trois approches calqué sur la nature tri- dimensionnelle de la question posée. La Tunisie sert de cas d'application pour les trois approches.
Ainsi, la première partie de la thèse étudie l'aspect purement économique de la problématique. Elle pose la question de l'impact de la dette de l'Etat sur les agrégats macroéconomiques. La deuxième partie s'intéresse à la dimension institutionnelle de la dette souveraine. La troisième partie s'intéresse à l'aspect financier de la problématique de l'endettement public, au travers d'un essai empirique pour la mesure du risque de change associé au portefeuille de la dette publique tunisienne.
De par sa construction, cette thèse rappelle la triple nature de son objet. La dette publique est un instrument de la politique économique mais également un ensemble de règles institutionnelles. La dette publique est par ailleurs un portefeuille d'actifs.
Es-Sehab, Boutayeb. "La réforme budgétaire au Maghreb (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie) face aux défis d'une nouvelle gouvernance financière performante." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.
Full textThe thesis aims at analyzing the system of public finances in the three Maghreb countries (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) by focussing on the insufficiencies to the plans legal, institutional, administrative, tax and financial, on the constraints structural and the heavy tendencies with the glance as of requirements of transparency and of the performance and to expose strategic axes of credible alternatives for the improvement of the tax and budgetary procedures. The Maghreb countries are thus in search of a new model of governance more opened, more transparent and more responsible.The budgetary reform falls under the context of an in-depth reform of the States of the Maghreb through the budgetary intensifying of the control and the modernization of the public administration, in particular of its financial and managerial ways of managing as well at the central level as decentralized by the recourse to the multiannual programming (CDMT), the globalisation of the appropriations, the contractualisation and budgetary devolution.For that purpose, the budgetary reform conditions a strong political will and a permanent administrative piloting. Moreover, it must be understood in the direction most total, pragmatic, progressive, inclusive and participative of a approach based on the passage of a model only structured by nature of means and controlled by the regularity in comparison with the regulation, with a model also structured by the objectives of the policies and controlled by the results
Chahed, Anouar. "Un tournant dans l'histoire de la Régence de Tunis le règne du muschir Mu. Hammad Pacha-Bey (1855-1859) : traduction et commentaire historiques." Nice, 2000.
Full textBen, Jeddou Sameh. "Communication publique : ancrage des TIC dans l'organisation : étude de cas : l'administration tunisienne." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.
Full textThe Tunisian government saw significant transformations in its means of operation and management due to general ICT implementation in itsorganization. At a time when many teams are working to organize and sustain this presence in their structure,it seems interesting to do an inventory of the existing ICT and the different ways of evolution.Our research is focused more specifically on the analysis of organizational change caused by information and communication technologies in the organization process. ICT as a means of communication and information within the organization has raised our scientific curiosity. We tried,through four Tunisian offices to trace the methods of appropriation or resistance of ICT through a deep analyzing office's actors,forms of perception to understand ICT thereafter, the different types of use ICT and employee attitudes toward this new model organization in the Tunisian government.Promotional discourse on ICT in Tunisia supports the idea that these tools contribute to improving working conditions and increasing employee productivity. This "prophetic" speech we will confront the reality of the Tunisian government and the actual use of employees. Uses "real" and uses "prescribed" a perceptible difference in the Tunisian administration worthy of analysis and deepening
Kasdallah, Najet. "Dynamiques d'urbanisation des villes intermédiaires au Maghreb (Algérie, Maroc,Tunisie) : Effet chef-lieu et perspectives de développement." Phd thesis, Université de Cergy Pontoise, 2013.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Administration publique – Tunisie"
Mechat, Samia El. "Les libertés publiques à l’épreuve du Protectorat en Tunisie (1884-1940)." In Les administrations coloniales, XIXe-XXe siècles, 213–27. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
Full text"Les contrôles administratifs externes et la Cour des Comptes en Tunisie." In Une meilleure performance pour une meilleure gouvernance publique en Tunisie, 173–89. OECD, 2017.
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