Academic literature on the topic 'Administration publique – Réforme – Bénin'
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Journal articles on the topic "Administration publique – Réforme – Bénin"
Desforges, Corinne. "I. – Réforme de l’État et gestion publique." Revue française d'administration publique N° 180, no. 4 (January 25, 2022): 1106–13.
Full textDesforges, Corinne. "I. – Réforme de l’État et gestion publique." Revue française d'administration publique N° 181, no. 1 (April 21, 2022): 242–51.
Full textYu, An. "Un « tournant » pour la réforme de l'administration publique en Chine aujourd'hui." Revue française d'administration publique 150, no. 2 (2014): 343.
Full textBouckaert, Geert. "La réforme de la gestion publique change-t-elle les systèmes administratifs ?" Revue française d'administration publique 105-106, no. 1 (2003): 39.
Full textCôté, Louis. "L'expérience québécoise en matière de réforme administrative: la loi sur l'administration publique." Canadian Public Administration/Administration publique du Canada 49, no. 1 (March 2006): 1–22.
Full textOngaro, Edoardo, and Nicolas Bellé. "Réforme de la fonction publique et introduction de la rémunération liée aux performances en italie." Revue française d'administration publique 132, no. 4 (2009): 817.
Full textLefèvre, Sylvain. "Les partenariats entre secteur public et fondations philanthropiques au Québec : genèse, contestation et épilogue d’une réforme de l’action publique." Revue française d'administration publique 163, no. 3 (2017): 491.
Full textTopalov, Christian. "Langage de la réforme et déni du politique. Le débat entre assistance publique et bienfaisance privée, 1889-1903." Genèses 23, no. 1 (1996): 30–52.
Full textBel Lakhdar, Abdelhak. "Survivance de l'esprit d'inventaire." Journal of Quality in Education 2, no. 2 (November 11, 2011): 13.
Full textOngaro, Edoardo. "L'influence de la nouvelle gouvernance européenne sur la réforme de l'administration publique dans les États de tradition administrative napoléonienne ? Plaidoyer pour l'adoption d'un nouvel agenda de recherche." Revue française d'administration publique 141, no. 1 (2012): 239.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Administration publique – Réforme – Bénin"
Karimou, Adamou Souradjou. "Les déterminants de la qualité de la gestion des communes béninoises." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Full textBenin, like most African countries, embarked on the decentralization process following the national conference of the nation's forces of life in February 1990. The new municipalities, created in place of the former sub-units. prefectures, are called upon to implement competences devolved to them with the aim of local democracy and grassroots development. But for some authors such as Vigoda-Gadot et al (2018) and Chitou (2013), public administrations (State, public enterprises) are generally poorly managed and display recurring poor performance. The question that arises is whether the new Beninese municipalities which are also public structures can be an exception to this general observation of poor quality management of public administrations.- The main objective of this study is to identify the main determinants of the quality of the management of municipalities in Benin. The methodological approach is based on econometric models with panel data through the STATA software on the one hand and the performance evaluation method called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) on the other hand. In particular, the DEA model made it possible to measure the overall technical efficiencies, pure and of scale in order to make a link with the quality of the management of the municipalities. According to the study, the results obtained are as follows:- - the efficiency in the functioning of governance bodies, the quality of management tools and the quality of the information system positively and significantly influence the quality of management;- - the results show that there is a relationship between efficiency and the quality of management. The overall technical efficiency score positively and significantly influences the quality of management when it is above thresholds which vary from 76.4% to 82.9% depending on the estimated models. Below these thresholds, overall technical efficiency negatively influences the quality of management
Nach, Mback Charles. "Genèse et dynamiques des réformes décentralisatrices dans les États d'afrique subsaharienne (1990-2000) : une approche comparée : Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Gabon, Mali, Niger." Bordeaux 4, 2000.
Full textImorou, Abou-Bakari. "Cliniciens versus santé publique : une analyse socio-anthropologique de la mise en œuvre d'une réforme sanitaire au Bénin." Paris, EHESS, 2006.
Full textThe thesis in hand entitled through the link between clinic workers and those who are working out of clinics. The analysis has been carried out throughout the 1995 sanitary implementation concerning the national sanitary system organization. The reorganization is noticeable through the setting up of sanitary zones, new operational units, taking into account better health care, whether they curative, preventive or promotional. The three case of studies based on the implementation of sanitary zones allude difficulties related to independent and functional sanitary zones organization. Then, rise at different level of sanitary questions related to the personnel qualification, the management of financial establishment and other health centers, medicine selling, private cabinets, reference and non reference organization between different structures. The implementation of this reform focuses more and more on the public health emergency and its importance. People then prefer public health care than private clinics. This situation has impacts on the real way sanitary zones function. Patricians in health care centers and hospitals do not always accept health professional "injunctions" and the non functionality of sanitary zones are partly due to the conflict between coordinating physicians (public health) and zone hospitals leaders (clinicians). Though there is no mutual interaction between clinic owners concerned about their clinics survival and public health administration managers, they still remain the two main actors of the implementation of this reform in Benin
Reis, Tarcila. "Administrative policy law : a comparative institutional analysis of State reform in Chile, Brazil and Argentina." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2013.
Full textOn the basis of a comparative work, we argue that “State Reform” is a continuous, self-conflicting and overall public policy that challenges any stable conceptualization of Administrative Law. We do not only argue that the transformations of the State in the last twenty years have affected the previous paradigm of Administrative Law. Beyond that, the new paradigm is deprived of any programmed content: the commitment is to not be committed to any fixed set of tools to elaborate and implement public policy. Hence, there is a potential approximation between public law and public policy phenomena. Indeed, Chile pushed this approximation in a more aggressive way: the “pragmatic Weber” profoundly reformed the State without being revolutionary and articulated its parts without renouncing its unitary character. In Chile, nothing sounds truly public, but nothing seems to be completely out of the State control. Public and private confusion is further acknowledged. In turn, Brazil has absorbed some values from the public policy rational, but they only consolidate one more « chapter » of Administrative Law books. There is a fragmented understanding of Administrative Law in Brazil, which encompasses a bipolar (or even multi-polar) speech of a “confused Weber”, who manages a de-centralized State, deals with the tensions of the double legitimacy of regulatory agencies and bets on several public-private partnership models. Finally, neither is Argentinean Administrative Law confused, nor is it real. The “would-be Weber” pursues an ideal structure of the State that actually enlarges the gap between administrative law and public policy phenomena. The legal speech still seeks to provide a coherent and predictable system. However, the Argentinean institutional fragility constantly transforms this speech into a set of rhetoric arguments to allow the application of emergency measures. Administrative Law in Argentina has not become closer to public policy phenomenon, but a server of it
Al-Marek, Ahmed Fahd. "La haute administration saoudienne : la réforme statutaire de la fonction publique." Paris 10, 1998.
Full textRochet, Hélène. "Contribution à l'étude de l'organisation administrative centrale : l'exemple du ministère de l'Education nationale." Paris11, 2002.
Full textPilone, Caroline. "Déconcentration financière et réforme de l'État." Montpellier 1, 2004.
Full textGuennouni, Adil. "La modernisation de l'administration marocaine : vers une administration citoyenne." Perpignan, 2008.
Full textThe modernization of the Moroccan administration revet a central place among the large building sites to which the public administration was harnessed since nearly two decades. Perceived rather often like misfit compared to the evolution of the economy and the company, the administration was thus challenged in order to modernize its wheels and its methods of intervention to accompany and support the economic and social changes
Fadel, Fady. "La réforme de la fonction publique au Liban." Paris 5, 2006.
Full textThe idea of public function includes the assignment of the staff to which the public authorities resort to undertake their tasks. In Lebanon, the public function has never been to the level of the modern public function. The main problems it faces are the result of the gap between the offerings of the said public function and the needs of the citizens. In fact, the lebanese public function is still a quasi-archaic, slow, and inefficient institution. And even though the real problem regarding the reforms depends in its larger part on the failure of the political will to do as such, the lebanese administration might undertake the works of is own reform. Thus, to accomplish a respectful administrative reform, a primary factor should be taken ito consideration, I. E. The management factor. As a case study, we have chosen the Lebanese Ministry of Finance which has to present an impeccable profile and an irreprochable performance, a matter that has to go through the human resource administration
Zhu, Guobin. "La réforme de la fonction publique et son évolution en droit chinois : vers l'établissement d'un nouveau régime." Aix-Marseille 3, 1994.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to study the important events during the reform of chinese civil service system from nineteen seventy eight to the promulgation of the first general statute relative to the state civil servants in nineteen ninety three. It is composed of three parts. The preliminary part discusses the general background concerning the political institutions, the dominant ideology and the evolution of the system. The first part aims at the study of the important changes of reform between nineteen seventy eight and nineteen eighty seven. The main themes are about the new political orientation as regards cadres and personnel, the devolution of administration and new managements systems and procedures set up during this period. The second part specially deals with the establishment of a new regime of civil service in china. It lays emphasis on the elaboration and the promulgation of the first general statute of the state civil servants ; it also treats the experimental application of this new regime. The general statute now with the title of provisional ordinance relative to the state civil servants is published as an annexe at the end of this thesis
Books on the topic "Administration publique – Réforme – Bénin"
Chevalier, Gilles. Eléments de management public: Le management public par la qualité. La Plaine Saint-Denis: Afnor, 2009.
Find full textgénéral, Canada Bureau du vérificateur. Rapport d'étape sur les organismes de service spéciaux: Rapport final. Ottawa, Ont: Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada, 1994.
Find full textKernaghan, Kenneth. Comparaison internationale des réformes de la gestion des ressources humaines. Ottawa: Centre canadien de gestion, 2001.
Find full textSavoie, Donald J. Mondialisation et gestion publique. Ottawa, Ont: Centre candien de gestion, 1993.
Find full textPeters, B. Guy. La fonction publique, l'état en transition et la fonction gouvernementale. Ottawa, Ont: Centre canadien de gestion, 1993.
Find full textKagimbi, Dieudonné Upira Sunguma. La réforme de la fonction publique en R.D. Congo: Opportunités et contraintes. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013.
Find full textO'Neal, Brian. Réorganiser le gouvernement: Nouvelles conceptions de la réforme de la fonction publique. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1994.
Find full textEtat et gestion publique: Actes du colloque du 16 décembre 1999. Paris: La Documentation française, 2000.
Find full textSchmitz, Gerald. La réorganisation du gouvernement: Le débat sur la réforme mis en contexte. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1994.
Find full textSavigny, Don De. La réforme du système de santé. 2nd ed. Ottawa: Centre de Recherches Pour le Développement International, 2008.
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