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Rosano, Giuseppe M. C., Ilaria Spoletini, and Cristiana Vitale. "Who approves/pays for additional monitoring?" European Heart Journal Supplements 21, Supplement_M (December 1, 2019): M64—M67.

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Abstract Major considerations in the provision of healthcare are availability, affordability, accessibility, and appropriateness, especially in the setting of heart failure where disease burden is growing, developments have been rapid and newer biomarkers, diagnostic and imaging techniques, monitoring systems, devices, procedures, and drugs have all been developed in a relatively short period of time. Many monitoring and diagnostic systems have been developed but the disproportionate cost of conducting trials of their effectiveness has limited their uptake. There are added complexities, in that the utilization of doctors for the supervision of the monitoring results may be optimal in one setting and not in another because of differences in the characteristics of organization of healthcare provision, making even interpretation of the trials we have had, still difficult to interpret. New technologies are continuously changing the approach to healthcare and will reshape the structure of the healthcare systems in the future. Mobile technologies can empower patients and carers by giving them more control over their health and social care needs and reducing their dependence on healthcare professionals for monitoring their health, but a significant problem is the integration of the multitude of monitored parameters with clinical data and the recognition of intervention thresholds. Digital technology can help, but we need to prove its cost/efficacy and how it will be paid for. Governments in many European countries and worldwide are trying to establish frameworks that promote the convergence of standards and regulations for telemedicine solutions and yet simultaneously health authorities are closely scrutinizing healthcare spending, with the objective of reducing and optimizing expenditure in the provision of health services. There are multiple factors to be considered for the reimbursement models associated with the implementation of physiological monitoring yet it remains a challenge in cash-strapped health systems.
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Van Rijn, Piet A. "Fièvre catarrhale ovine aux Pays-Bas : aperçu sur trois ans." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 62, no. 2-4 (February 1, 2009): 117.

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Since August 2006, the Netherlands has been facing outbreaks of bluetongue (BT) caused by serotype 8 (BTV-8). In this first BT-season about 470 affected holdings were reported in the southern part of the country. It was believed that restrictions to animal movements slowed down the northwards spread of BTV. After a relatively mild winter, BT simultaneously resurfaced in July 2007 at many locations indicating that BTV-8 had survived well. Thousands of affected holdings across the country were reported during that year. After another mild winter, a vaccina­tion campaign for serotype 8 was launched in May 2008, with massive vaccination of sheep, goats and cattle. In 2008, less than 150 outbreaks were reported. The reported BTV-8 cases were in the north-eastern part of the country where the level of natural immunity and the willingness to vaccinate were rela­tively low. This third year with outbreaks was followed by a cold winter. In 2009, no BTV-positive animals were reported from mid-March on. Based on a questionnaire, the willingness of farmers to (re)vaccinate animals tended to decline in 2009, but for cattle farmers this was still at an acceptable level. It is questionable whether farmers will (re)vaccinate again in 2010. Optimism is growing with respect to control, and possibly eradi­cation of BTV-8, but re-emergence after a silent year is a serious possibility. One additional year of vaccination is thus probably required for eradication. In September 2008, because of the enhanced risk of BTV-1 intro­duction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive results were confirmed for BTV-8\net2006 by sequencing the amplicons of the serogroup-specific PCR test and by serotype-specific PCR testing. BTV-6 was found in infected animals in three different herds, irrespective of vaccination. The sequence of genome seg­ment 10 of this virus is genetically close to BTV-2, whereas other segments are all close to those of the modified-live vaccine for serotype 6. This suggests that BTV-6\net2008 is a reassortant of serotypes 2 and 6. Extensive monitoring and additional cases revealed an unusual epidemiology. No other affected animals were detected, but BTV-6 positive animals on a few additional farms were found. The distance between affected holdings was 30-50 kilometres, and there was no epidemiological link between the affected farms. All BTV-6 positive animals were PCR-negative in March 2009, with no new reports of BTV-6 infection. In October 2008, a BTV-1 positive bull was officially reported one month after import. In the same herd, four additional PCR-positive animals were found. Three of these also originated from France and were positive for BTV-8. Detailed investiga­tions revealed a French variant of BTV-8 never found in the Netherlands. We concluded that these animals were infected in France and that BTV-8 appeared to evolve differently in dif­ferent regions in Europe. The fifth animal was positive for BTV-6 and was moved from the BTV-6 affected area. Since no other BTV-positive animals were found in the respective herds and in the one-kilometre radius zone, no spread of BTV-1, BTV-6 and BTV-8 seemed to have occurred in this area. Furthermore, export of Dutch pregnant heifers began again in December 2008, with 2000 to 3000 animals per month. Export is allowed on the basis of vaccination (against serotype 8) before pregnancy and negative PCR testing. Since, no animals were found PCR-positive by the serogroup-specific PCR test, we con­cluded that the Netherlands was free of any BTV circulation in 2009. The situation in 2010 will show whether the Netherlands can be considered as BTV-free again.
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Pupeikis, Darius, Arūnas Burlingis, and Vytautas Stankevičius. "REQUIRED ADDITIONAL HEATING POWER OF BUILDING DURING INTERMITTED HEATING." JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 16, no. 1 (March 31, 2010): 141–48.

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By introduction of intermittent heating of building we can reduce the thermal energy consumption for heating. But it requires the additional power of heating system. It is determined that the most effective solution for energy savings is to enlarge the heating power approximately by 50% for most of buildings. The simulation has showed that for buildings with a medium thermal inertia (time constant τ = 144 h) the expenses by employing the intermittent heating (reduced temperature period: 12 h on working days and 48 h at weekends), pays back after one year. By designing the heating system we must pay attention to thermal inertia of building. Our research showed that for various thermal inertias of building, the adequate modes of intermittent heating must be chosen. Santrauka Šildant pastata, esant papildomai šiluminei galiai, galima sumažinti sunaudojamos šilumines energijos. Nustatyta, kad papildomos šilumines galios (+50 %) sanaudos, siekiant pagreitinti temperatūros padidinima vidutinio masyvumo (τ = 144 h) pastatu patalpose ir taikant protarpini šildyma (12 h darbo dienomis ir 48 h savaitgaliais), atsiperka po vieneriu metu. Projektuojant reikia atsižvelgti i pastato paskirti, masyvuma ir šildymo sistemos galia, siekiant sutaupyti šilumines energijos bei gauti ekonomine nauda, taikant protarpini šildyma. Tyrimai parode, kad ivairaus masyvumo pastatams turi būti taikomi atitinkami protarpinio šildymo periodai.
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Mukherjee, Anita. "Impacts of Private Prison Contracting on Inmate Time Served and Recidivism." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13, no. 2 (May 1, 2021): 408–38.

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This paper examines the impact of private prison contracting by exploiting staggered prison capacity shocks in Mississippi. Motivated by a model based on the typical private prison contract that pays a per diem for each occupied bed, the empirical analysis shows that private prison inmates serve 90 additional days. This is alternatively estimated as 4.8 percent of the average sentence. The delayed release erodes half of the cost savings offered by private contracting and is linked to the greater likelihood of conduct violations in private prisons. The additional days served do not lead to apparent changes in inmate recidivism. (JEL H76, K42)
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Zessner, M. "The combined approach—a challenge for border crossing water quality issues in Austria." Water Science and Technology 58, no. 10 (November 1, 2008): 1917–23.

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Is it sufficient to meet threshold values downstream of a discharge, even if this leaves no more space for future development? Is it simply bad luck for a downstream country, if threshold values are filled up at the border and there is no more space for additional emissions? If not: what are the criteria to distribute acceptable emissions between countries and regions? Who pays according to the “polluter pays” principle in a case, if several polluters contribute to the pollution, but the most cost-effective measures to reach the good status concern only some of the emitters/enterprises? There are little experiences with those and other related questions in Austria and many other EU-member states. This contribution intends to discuss these issues based on actual problems and would like to raise awareness for several of these unsolved questions.
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Lees, Emma. "The polluter pays principle and the remediation of the land." International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 8, no. 1 (April 11, 2016): 2–20.

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Purpose The purpose of this article is to examine the national law regimes related to the remediation of contaminated land. Design/methodology/approach The methodology used is comparative. Models for different systems are described on the basis of varying interpretations of the polluter pays principle. The regimes present in the Member States are then analysed to see which model they have adopted. A comparator from each model group is then considered. Findings This article presents three key findings. First, it concludes that the extent to which additional national legislation relating to environmental damage is permitted, which depends upon the notion of “more stringent” legislation, is incoherent where more than one interpretation is given to the polluter pays principle. Second, the different interpretations given to the principle undermine harmonisation. Finally, this has wider implications for how we justify liability for contaminated land. Originality/value This comparative study of the interpretation of the polluter pays principle, through its implementation in Member States, provides a valuable and novel insight into environmental liability regimes in Europe. It also demonstrates the different type of regimes that are developed on the basis of such different interpretations. Although the different national attitudes to contaminated land policy and remediation have been considered before, this article adds to this debate by suggesting a central cause of such variation in the shape of different interpretations of a principle of the European Union.
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Gerdes, T. "Diagnostic des orbivirus dans un pays d'endémicité." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 62, no. 2-4 (February 1, 2009): 95.

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This presentation highlights the complexities of making a diag­nosis in a situation where vaccination is taking place, and where there are multiple virus serotypes and related viruses in circula­tion. The main orbiviruses of interest are those of African horse sickness (AHS) and bluetongue (BT) and further complicated by the viruses of equine encephalosis (EE) and epizootic haemor­rhagic disease of deer (EHD). South Africa is an endemic country with all 9 AHS serotypes and 22 of 24 BT serotypes present. Annual vaccination is carried out but a large pool of virus is available in unvaccinated zebra and donkeys for AHS, and indig­enous sheep, cattle and ruminant wildlife for BT. Diagnoses of the two diseases are discussed separately. AHS had its origin in zebras which, however, do not exhibit the disease, while up to 95% of susceptible horses die. Diagnosis requires recognition of recent infection, and a history of recent vaccination is essential. Diagnostic tests are based on detection of virus and/or antibodies. Use of antibodies is fast and inex­pensive and based on immunoglobulin M or G (IgM or IgG) responses. All horses are seropositive, and paired samples taken 14 days apart are required to demonstrate recent exposure and a rise in titre. IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for multiple serotype viruses are not available. The IgG ELISA result is based on a single dilution thus, in paired samples, a rise in titre is a qualitative estimate of exposure. The complement fix­ation test (CFT) is largely an IgM test which uses a dilution series, and paired samples can show a rise in titre. It is slow, old-fash­ioned and labour intensive, but it is the only useful serological option where there are pre-existing antibodies and a rising titre is required. Demonstration of virus or antigen or ribonucleic acid (RNA) presents advantages and disadvantages for each. Virus iso­lation on cells is slow for AHSV but faster intracerebrally in mice. Viral titres are low with circulating antibodies, and serotyping or sequencing to differentiate vaccine and field strains may be needed, an isolate becomes then necessary. Antigen detection by immunohistochemistry is useful, if only formalin material is received, or if tissue tropism is of interest. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in its many formats gives a rapid diagnosis but interpretation can be difficult. RNA is present for some months, therefore the time of infection and its significance is difficult to gauge. The antigen-capture ELISA is useful, particularly on tis­sue culture isolates to distinguish AHS and EE, if two PCR tests have not been done initially. As a primary diagnostic tool it lacks sensitivity, and an isolate is often required for additional tests. The best diagnostic option is to get a good history and to do as many different tests as possible in order to make an educated guess. This is because EE mimics AHS clinically, has the same vectors and co-circulates with AHS in the population. Tests do not cross-react, but it is important to focus on both viruses in order to make the proper diagnosis. Much that has already been mentioned for AHS also applies for BT. The pool of wild-type, infectious virus becomes proportion­ately much larger when BT vaccine coverage is lower, causing the disease to occur widely. Little diagnostic material is received as mortality in sheep is only a low 2–30%; each year, however, at least 2–3 dominant serotypes are present. Similar tests are available in an IgG format in use. All sheep are generally sero­positive because of multiple exposures. Negative sheep need to be sourced from high-altitude cold areas. The very helpful CFT cannot be used as this group-specific test cross-reacts signifi­cantly with EHDV. This problem is addressed in the competitive ELISA with a monoclonal antibody specific for BTV. This test is essential to obtain export certification. In South Africa mortal­ity caused by BT is low and sporadic, and virus spread is slow because of homologous and heterologous background antibod­ies in sheep flocks. Diagnoses become important in the export sector for testing ruminant wildlife going to zoological collec­tions or ovine embryos where donor sheep are tested. BT-free certification is obtained by PCR testing. As mentioned previ­ously, RNA is present for a prolonged period of time. A negative PCR means no exposure, whereas a positive result requires virus isolation to certify that no live whole virus is present, as it could infect vectors. Field, not vaccine strains, require amplification in embryonated eggs first, then isolation from dead embryos on tissue culture. The cross-reactivity between BTV and EHDV in diagnostic tests is not an important consideration except when an isolate cannot be typed. If EHD viruses were as widely preva­lent as those of EE, there would be a diagnostic problem, but EHDV isolates are not found in sheep. From time to time EHDV is found in alpaca and bovine cases. Finally, orbivirus diagnoses are challenging in an endemic country but always interesting and sometimes surprising in the final results obtained.
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Denning, Jeffrey T., Benjamin M. Marx, and Lesley J. Turner. "ProPelled: The Effects of Grants on Graduation, Earnings, and Welfare." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11, no. 3 (July 1, 2019): 193–224.

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We estimate effects of the Pell Grant—the largest US federal grant for college students—using administrative data from Texas public colleges and a discontinuity in grant generosity for low-income students. Within four-year institutions, eligibility for additional grant aid significantly increases first-time students’ degree completion and later earnings. Our estimated impacts on earnings alone are enough to fully recoup government expenditures within 10 years, suggesting that financial aid likely pays for itself several times over. (JEL H75, I22, I23, I26, J24, J31)
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Feess, Eberhard, Markus Walzl, and Michael Schieble. "Why it Pays to Conceal: On the Optimal Timing of Acquiring Verifiable Information." German Economic Review 12, no. 1 (February 1, 2011): 100–123.

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Abstract We consider optimal contracts when a principal has two sources to detect bad projects. The first one is an information technology without agency costs (ITP), whereas the second one is the expertise of an agent subject to moral hazard, adverse selection and limited liability (ITA). First, we show that the principal does not necessarily benefit from access to additional information and thereby may prefer to ignore it. Second, we discuss different timings of information release, i.e., a disclosure contract offered to the agent after the principal announced the result of ITP, and a concealment contract where the agent exerts effort before ITP is checked. We find that concealment is superior whenever the quality of ITP is sufficiently low. Then, ITP is almost worthless under a disclosure contract, while it can still be exploited to reduce the agent’s information rent under concealment. If the quality of ITPimproves, disclosure can be superior as it allows to adjust the agent’s effort to the updated expected quality of the project. However, even for a highly informative ITP, concealment can be superior as it mitigates the adverse selection problem.
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Xie, Nan. "Exploration and Practice in MCU Course Teaching Based on CDIO Mode." Applied Mechanics and Materials 263-266 (December 2012): 1638–41.

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As the MCU course is combination with theory and practice, and pays attention to cultivate students' practical ability. This paper has introduced the present situation and characteristic of the course. Going with the novel CDIO teaching mode, the practical solution of CDIO mode in the MCU course teaching was designed and applied. By practicing the teaching mean, students can complete the course study in the process of learning during doing and doing during learning. In additional, students can reach the course training purpose and can improve higher innovation and independent thinking abilities.
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Stark, Findlay. "IT'S ONLY WORDS: ON MEANING AND MENS REA." Cambridge Law Journal 72, no. 1 (March 2013): 155–77.

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AbstractIn English law, mens rea terms can be defined differently depending on the context. This article attacks this approach, arguing that it pays insufficient attention to the criminal law's twin needs to communicate effective guidance to citizens who wish to avoid punishment, and to control the discretion accorded to the criminal law's institutions. It would be preferable to have clear definitions of mens rea terms applied uniformly across the criminal law. If there are gaps, these ought to be filled by additional mens rea terms. The practical issues raised by this argument are considered briefly.
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Koroseczné Pavlin, Rita, Anett Parádi-Dolgos, and Diána Koponicsné Györke. "The effects of employment policy measures on the labour demand of persons with changed working abilities." Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Economics and Business 7, no. 1 (December 1, 2019): 37–46.

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Abstract Based on the methods used by economic theory, the study analyses the labour demand of companies and pays special attention to people with changed working ability. The European Union emphasizes the development of active employment policy programmes in line with the wide range of benefits linked to additional labour force utilization in our country. Tax liabilities and tax allowances related to additional labour force utilization significantly affect the profitability of companies. For this reason, the study examines the effects of the use of the production factor in certain cases on the profit based on the example of a 25-person company. Despite active employment policy measures, experience shows that the labour demand of companies is less directed towards people with changed working abilities. However, in this situation, besides the estimated lower labour productivity, infrastructural and sociological factors also play an important role.
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Pérez, José-Luis, and Kazutoshi Yamazaki. "REFRACTION–REFLECTION STRATEGIES IN THE DUAL MODEL." ASTIN Bulletin 47, no. 1 (October 3, 2016): 199–238.

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AbstractWe study the dual model with capital injection under the additional condition that the dividend strategy is absolutely continuous. We consider a refraction–reflection strategy that pays dividends at the maximal rate whenever the surplus is above a certain threshold, while capital is injected so that it stays non-negative. The resulting controlled surplus process becomes the spectrally positive version of the refracted–reflected process recently studied by Pérez and Yamazaki (2015). We study various fluctuation identities of this process and prove the optimality of the refraction–reflection strategy. Numerical results on the optimal dividend problem are also given.
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Vértesy, László. "Debt Management Strategies of Local Governments in the EU." Pro Publico Bono - Magyar Közigazgatás 8, no. 1 (2020): 146–69.

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A considerable part of public debt originates from the budgetary practices of local governments: this amounted to nearly 850 billion euros, which was 6.7% of the EU-28’s general government gross debt in 2018. This paper briefly presents the magnitude and relevance of local government debt at a national level, then it outlines the effective debt management strategies taking a multi-level governance approach. Four debt management categories can be classified: changing the conditions, repayment strategies, additional resources and, finally, state intervention. Unfortunately, there are no good/best practices for the first two methods. For additional resources, in some Mediterranean and Scandinavian countries, state or local government-owned specialised financial institutions were established, while in other European countries, the state pays the bailout or consolidation by overtaking the unsustainable local debts. In most cases, only the direct and/or indirect state intervention methods were proven to be successful solutions.
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Nettleman, Mary D. "Decision Analysis: A Tool for Infection Control." Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 9, no. 2 (February 1988): 88–91.

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Financial resources for health care have been restricted. Constraints demand that physicians and administrators get the most for their money, yet the myriad of diagnostic tests and antibiotics available today can easily boggle the minds of those who must choose among them. This situation is particularly true of infection control where active research continually produces new products. Each hospital must choose among disinfectants, detergents, antibiotics, protective clothing, immunizations, dressing supplies, respiratory therapies, and many other products. At every point, questions arise. Is a new product worth the extra money? Alternatively, is a less expensive product really more cost-effective? How many additional infections must be prevented before a product “pays” for itself?
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Almstedt, Åsa, and Maureen G. Reed. "Introducing a framework for good and adaptive governance: An application to fire management planning in Canada’s boreal forest." Forestry Chronicle 89, no. 05 (October 2013): 664–74.

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Planning for and managing disturbances in protected areas requires governance arrangements that are both adaptive to changing conditions and effective in dealing with multiple challenges. This paper presents a framework composed of principles and criteria of good and adaptive governance that pays attention to inclusiveness, responsibility, fairness, strategic vision, performance orientation, and adaptiveness. The framework was empirically tested on fire management planning in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada, involving interactions between Parks Canada and Saskatchewan Environment. Our results suggest that while the principle of performance orientation was upheld, principles such as inclusiveness and adaptiveness were only partially supported. Additional testing beyond fire management planning can help determine the utility of the framework for other environmental management situations.
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SADCHENKO, O. V., and I. V. ROBUL. "ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING SPACE OF THE ECONOMICS OF EXPERIENCE." Economic innovations 22, no. 1(74) (March 20, 2020): 129–39.

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Topicality. It is relevant to determine the equilibrium dynamic state of the system based on the harmonization of the interaction between economic and environmental subsystems in the market space. The product of the economy of experience is: a product or service plus additional profit from experience. Impression - entertainment, training, the possibility of personal participation, self-expression, the development of social contacts and skills (socialization) and more, these are added value factors. Additional costs in the originality or uniqueness of a product or service are paid off and bring additional profit. Therefore, goods or services related to natural resources or conditions are especially relevant. The economics of experience should be considered in the economic and environmental marketing space, which will allow to form the price of goods and services that increases in the first case (location) from the additional costs for rent and additional profit for the uniqueness of receiving a service in this area or increasing due to the impression of a product or service and overlapping cost of services. In the second case, the price of the service is adjusted relative to additional costs and profits for the originality of the provision of impression services. That is, we can consider differential rents of the first and second order taking into account the environmental factor. Rent in the conditions of the economy of experience - additional income received by the entrepreneur in excess of a certain profit for the uniqueness of the location of his activities and capital; the formation of environmental rents, when considering the natural resource potential, is due to more favorable location conditions in which one entrepreneur is in front of another, not in equal conditions. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to determine the economic and environmental marketing space in the context of the development of the economy of experience by substantiating the theoretical and scientific-practical foundations of the formation of the mechanism of economic and environmental innovative development. Research results. Issues related to the “economy of experience” make it possible to go to that level of economic development that allows you to take advantage of the competitive advantages of this enterprise. When considering the innovation and ecological space, competitive advantages can be used more effectively in terms of attracting impressions to meet the needs of both the B2B, B2C market and international markets. Impression marketing is an additional human activity that relates to the market in the conditions of fierce competition and a saturated market, when its principles serve as the only possible way to ensure profitability and plus additional profitability of production, growth and development of the enterprise. Market orientation determines the main areas of economic activity and evaluates its results by the value of the final income. A distinctive feature of such a service is that it can exist only with the relationship between the buyer of the service, the manufacturer of the service and the “additional service”, which does not always depend on the manufacturer of the service, but is formed depending on the location, historical value of the place or the unusual nature of the service , that is, from the uniqueness of the provision of this service. So, in fact, the consumer pays for a pleasant, sometimes unforgettable experience, and the producer (owner) of this service overpays (relative to the average price level) for rent or for the purchase of additional fixed assets (or additional investments). The manufacturer must have compensation for the "overpayment" and, of course, additional profit. So, the consumer pays extra money for an additional service-impression, and the owner also pays extra either for renting a room or for the additional supply of this service, that is, “impression” is the additional costs that are reflected in the price of the goods. An impression in the economic sense is additional costs and additional profit. Only ecologically high-quality goods and the same high-quality environmental services are in real demand in the market and can attract consumers. Proceeding both from the interests of society as a whole and each member of the society, it is necessary to use new forms of organizing production, business and labor, improving the structure of production and economic activity, taking into account national characteristics of nature management. The condition for the formation of environmental rents is not only the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the resource (resource-goods - land), but also the environmental characteristics of this resource and products grown on this site. Therefore, with the expenditure of equal capital, they give a different quantity and quality of products. Ecological rent can be formed on the worst land fertility, but the best environmental characteristics. At the same time, lands of higher categories can be removed from agricultural circulation in connection with an environmental disaster. Therefore, in an economy of experience, when determining the price of “decision making”, environmental components must be taken into account, however, environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources, and excessive pollution indicate failures in the market mechanism. The economics of experience in modern conditions can change this negative practice. Conclusion. In modern conditions of economic development, a fundamentally new environmental policy of the state is needed, which would clearly define the strategy and tactics for improving relations between society, production and nature, the optimal combination of environmental, economic and marketing positions. In this regard, multidimensional studies of marketing systems that are part of integrated socio-ecological-economic systems, combined by information flows, are needed. In the process of formation of market structures of the economics of experience, the task is to combine the interests of the economy, society and improve the environment. Reducing pollution and conserving natural resources becomes beneficial to the economics of experience. If earlier the interests of economics and ecology were located in the plane of conflicts, now in the ecological and economic space their interests coincide: the producer receives additional profit, while improving the environment.
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Wang, Jun Wei, and Yong Tao Wei. "PSO-Based Trust QoS Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks." Applied Mechanics and Materials 401-403 (September 2013): 1751–55.

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The existing routing algorithm of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) pays more attention to the energy efficient. However, Quality of Service (QoS) supported and the validity of packet transmission unveil additional challenges. Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), this paper presents a trust QoS routing algorithm for WSNs. Hierarchical structure is adopted and the trust value of the node is constructed with the direct trust value and the indirect trust value. In addition, delivery delay and packet loss are considered as main QoS metrics. Finally, under the optimization ability of PSO, the proposed algorithm tries to find the route with maximum residual energy and reliability in order to maximize network utilization as well as meets QoS constraints. Compared to typical routing algorithms in sensor networks, this new algorithm has better performance.
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Livingston, Michael, Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo, and George B. Frisvold. "Economic Returns to Herbicide Resistance Management in the Short and Long Run: The Role of Neighbor Effects." Weed Science 64, SP1 (September 2016): 595–608.

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A bioeconomic model is used to estimate how managing glyphosate resistance to horseweed affects short- and long-run profits in corn, soybean, and corn-soybean rotation systems. Model results found that resistance management reduces profits in the first year of implementation, but increases profits in the second and subsequent 18 yr. In all three systems, long run gains begin to outweigh short-run costs (and resistance management “pays for itself”) by the second year. Over a 20-yr horizon, the estimated annual average profit advantage from managing resistance exceeded $158 ha–1($64/acre) for corn, $137 ha–1($55/acre) for corn-soybean, and $55 ha–1($22/acre) for soybean. Seed immigration from a neighbor's field can reduce these gains, but this reduction is negligible if the neighbor also practices resistance management. If the neighbor did not manage resistance, however, the grower's estimated annual profit advantage fell to roughly $123 ha–1($50/acre) for corn, $60 ha–1($24/acre) for the corn-soybean rotation, and virtually zero for soybean. Methods applied in this study identify corn and corn-soybean rotations as cases where resistance management “pays for itself' quickly and significantly, even if the neighbor does not manage resistance. Continuous soybean presents a more challenging case that may require additional programs and incentives to encourage collective resistance management among growers. Even for continuous soybean, however, joint grower–neighbor resistance management can pay for itself within 2 yr.
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Baumgart, F. "The “Mixing” of Implant Systems." Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 4, no. 02 (1991): 38–45.

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SummaryThe so-called “mixing” of implants and instruments from different producers entertain certain risks.The use of standardized implant materials (e.g. stainless steel ISO 5832/1) from different producers is necessary but is not sufficient to justify the use of an osteosynthesis plate from one source and a bone screw from another.The design, dimensions, tolerances, manufacturing procedure, quality controls, and application technique of the instruments and implants also vary according to make. This can lead to damage, failure or fracture of the biomechanical system called “osteosynthesis” and hence the failure of the treatment undertaken. In the end, it is the patient who pays for these problems.Some examples also illustrate the potential problems for the staff and institutions involved.The use of a unique, consistent, well-tested, and approved set of implants and instruments is to be strongly recommended to avoid any additional risk.
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Zhou, FenghuaZou, Wu, and Gu. "Potential of Model-Free Control for Demand-Side Management Considering Real-Time Pricing." Energies 12, no. 13 (July 4, 2019): 2587.

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This paper presents a detailed description of data predictive control (DPC) applied to a demand-side energy management system. Different from traditional model-based predictive control (MPC) algorithms, this approach introduces two model-free algorithms of artificial neural network (ANN) and random forest (RF) to make control strategy predictions on system operation, while avoiding the huge cost and effort associated with learning a grey/white box model of the physical system. The operating characteristics of electrical appliances, system energy consumption, and users’ comfort zones are also considered in the selected energy management system based on a real-time electricity pricing system. Case studies consisting of two scenarios (0% and 15% electricity price fluctuation) are delivered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Simulation results demonstrate that the DPC controller based on ANN pays only 0.18% additional bill cost to maintain users’ comfort zones and system economy standardization while using only 0.096% optimization time cost compared with the MPC controller.
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Opper, Michael. "What's in the Future? — the Forest Industry Viewpoint." Forestry Chronicle 64, no. 3 (June 1, 1988): 280–82.

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The forest industry in Ontario makes a largo contribution to both national and provincial economies. Withdrawal of productive forest for purposes other than timber production along with constraints upon logging to manage for other uses are tending to erode the competitiveness of the forest industry.To effect a practical integrated approach to forest land use management the following items are discussed.(1) The question of who pays the additional cost of management for uses other than timber production needs to be resolved.(2) The planning process requires strengthening particularly in the data base management at the field level.(3) Practical results-oriented scientific research reflecting the Ontario situation is needed to validate fish and wildlife guidelines used in the timber management planning process.(4) More co-operation and better communication between all disciplines involved in the timber managementplanning process is required. Key words: Wildlife Management, Timber Management Planning, Forest Economics, Integrated Resource Planning.
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Dash, A. C., and D. L. Grimshaw. "Dread Disease Cover—An Actuarial Perspective." Journal of the Staple Inn Actuarial Society 33, no. 1 (1993): 149–93.

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A Dread Disease contract pays out a lump sum on the diagnosis of any of a number of specified diseases. Those most commonly covered are heart attack, coronary artery disease requiring surgery, cancer and stroke. The benefit can take either of two main forms—it may provide an acceleration of all or part of any death benefit or it may be an additional benefit. It can be sold in conjunction with many conventional products or as a stand-alone policy.Dread Disease contracts were originally developed in South Africa in the early 1980's, although cancer riders had previously been sold in the U.S.A., Japan and Israel. To some extent the marketing of these contracts was insensitive and preyed on people's fears in a distasteful way. This may explain some initial reluctance amongst U.K. insurers to enter this market; however with marketing literature now emphasizing more positive aspects, this appears to have been overcome.
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Arkolakis, Costas. "A Unified Theory of Firm Selection and Growth *." Quarterly Journal of Economics 131, no. 1 (February 1, 2016): 89–155.

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Abstract This article develops an analytical framework to study firm and exporter growth and provides a dynamic foundation for a standard general equilibrium trade model. Firm-level growth is the result of idiosyncratic productivity improvements with a continuous arrival of new potential producers. A firm enters a market if it is profitable to incur the marginal cost to reach the first consumer and pays an increasing marketing cost to reach additional consumers. I calibrate the model using data on the cross section of firm sales and bilateral trade, as well as the rate of incumbent firm exit. The calibrated model predicts that a firm’s growth is inversely related to its initial size, and that the distribution of growth rates of small firms is heavily skewed to the right. These predictions are confirmed by looking at the growth of sales of U.S. firms and Brazilian exporters to the United States. I use this model to study the impact of cross-firm reallocations on economic activity and measured productivity.
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Perevoshchikov, D. V. "ON THE MATTER OF THE WAGES OF FOREIGN PRISONERS OF WAR ON UDMURT ENTERPRISES IN 1942–1948." Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, no. 4 (January 10, 2018): 85–89.

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The current research studies the wages of foreign prisoners of war (P.O.W.s) who worked in the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1942–1948. The paper contains the information about the pays to the P.O.W.s were transferred from the funds of the enterprises where they worked. The article analyses the level of P.O.W. wages, the dependence of the wages from the labour activities and the bonus that the P.O.W.s received for good performance. The paper contains the data on the average level of P.O.W. wages in Izhevsk and lists the kinds of labour activities where the P.O.W.s received the highest wages. The research is based on archival documents, most of which were involved in the scientific use for the first time.It is highly unlikely that the P.O.W.s who were in Udmurtia in 1945–1948 starved since they could use their wages to buy additional provisions in the camp stalls and town shops.
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Bernhart, German, and Jan-Frederik Mai. "On the impact of a scrip dividend on an equity forward." International Journal of Financial Engineering 03, no. 04 (December 2016): 1650024.

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We consider an equity forward contract on a stock which pays a dividend during the forward’s lifetime. Furthermore, the stock owner is assumed to have the right to opt for either cash or scrip dividend. In the latter case, the stock owner receives the dividend in the form of additional shares and the number of shares to be received depends on the average stock price in a certain averaging time period. The decision between scrip or cash must be made by the stock owner at some time point during the averaging period. Within a Black–Scholes-type setup we derive a closed formula for the fair strike price of such an equity forward contract in dependence on the stock volatility parameter. If the decision between scrip or cash can be delayed until close to the end of the averaging period, it is demonstrated how the optionality for the stock owner has a non-negligible value which lowers the forward equity strike.
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Monaldi, Daniela. "The Indirect Observation of the Decay of Mesotrons: Italian Experiments on Cosmic Radiation, 1937––1943." Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 38, no. 3 (2008): 353–404.

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Following the discovery of mesotrons (intermediate-mass particles) in cosmic radiation in the 1930s, a group of physicists originating in Italy participated in a series of experiments designed to permit the observation of the spontaneous decay of elementary particles. The experimental results were classified as "indirect observations" of the microphysical process of decay, and the development of experimental methods was regarded as a progression toward increasing observational directness. This paper traces the activities of the cosmic-ray experimenters, viewing them as part of a stream in the international current of interest and research on the natural ββ radioactivity of the mesotrons. The paper pays particular attention to those aspects of experimental practice that the researchers associated with observational directness. I argue that the attribution of degrees of directness depended on the elimination of intrusive additional assumptions in the phenomenological models of the experiments. My study thus contributes to the analysis of experimental observation in microphysics.
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Faulkiner, Michael R., and Michael H. Belzer. "Returns to compensation in trucking: Does safety pay?" Economic and Labour Relations Review 30, no. 2 (March 20, 2019): 262–84.

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Large truck crashes remain a significant problem in the truckload sector of the US motor carrier industry. Employing a unique firm-level data set from a large US truckload motor carrier, we identified two different driver groups hired during two distinct pay regimes. Before-and-after data on wages and safety outcomes created a natural experiment. Higher wages paid to experienced drivers in the new pay regime led to higher driver retention rates. Experienced drivers had lower average crash costs and were more productive during each tenure month. Experienced drivers had a much larger expected discounted net present value when compared with inexperienced drivers. As the previously inexperienced drivers gained additional experience, their crash probabilities and their value began to mirror those of the experienced drivers, demonstrating the value of greater tenure. This research supports ‘safe rates’ public policy because safety pays – for trucking companies, for cargo owners and for society. JEL Codes: J24, J28, J33
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Yu, Chunfang, Jizhe Zhou, and Qin Li. "Multi-Supervised Encoder-Decoder for Image Forgery Localization." Electronics 10, no. 18 (September 14, 2021): 2255.

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Image manipulation localization is one of the most challenging tasks because it pays more attention to tampering artifacts than to image content, which suggests that richer features need to be learned. Unlike many existing solutions, we employ a semantic segmentation network, named Multi-Supervised Encoder–Decoder (MSED), for the detection and localization of forgery images with arbitrary sizes and multiple types of manipulations without extra pre-training. In the basic encoder–decoder framework, the former encodes multi-scale contextual information by atrous convolution at multiple rates, while the latter captures sharper object boundaries by applying upsampling to gradually recover the spatial information. The additional multi-supervised module is designed to guide the training process by multiply adopting pixel-wise Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) loss after the encoder and each upsampling. Experiments on four standard image manipulation datasets demonstrate that our MSED network achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to alternative baselines.
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Vasylkova, Y. K. "IMPROVING THE ENTERPRISES COMPETITIVENESS BY OPTIMIZING PRODUCTION COSTS." Economic innovations 19, no. 2(64) (July 7, 2017): 59–64.

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The technology of management decisions was studied in the article. The agricultural enterprises of Kherson region were analyzed. The modernization necessity of morally and physically obsolete fixed assets as an important component of compliance with rules and regulations protecting the environment was proved. The consequences of changes in legislatively established wage were analysis. In the article there is given the analysis of the consequences of implementation of governmental bodies� initiatives on the forming of tax burden when paying salary. It was discovered that increasing of nominal level of labour remuneration in general self cost of production may lead to increasing of selling price and worsening of competitive ratio in comparison with production (work, services) of foreign business entities. It was found that just internal changes in the structure of labour remuneration concerning the increase of a share of basic wage together with the simultaneous decrease of a share of additional wage and premium pays may almost equalize the wage levels of qualified specialists that have considerable intellectual potential and occur the positions of responsibility with the wage levels of unskilled service personnel.
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Siouris, G. J., D. Skilogianni, and A. Karagrigoriou. "Post Model Correction in Risk Analysis and Management." International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 4, no. 3 (June 1, 2019): 542–66.

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This work focuses on Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) in conjunction with the so called, low price effect. In order to improve forecasts of risk measures like VaR or ES when low price effect is present, we propose the low price correction which does not involve additional parameters and instead of returns it relies on asset prices. The forecasting ability of the proposed methodology is measured by appropriately adjusted popular evaluation measures, like MSE and MAPE as well as by backtesting methods. For illustrative and comparative purposes a real example from the Athens Stock Exchange as well as a number of penny stocks from Nasdaq, NYSE and NYSE MKT are fully examined. The proposed technique is always applicable, but its superiority and effectiveness is evident in extreme economic scenarios and severe stock collapses. The proposed methodology that pays attention not only to the asset return but also to the asset price, provides sufficient evidence that prices could contain important information which could if taken under consideration, results in improved forecasts of risk estimation.
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Howe, Amanda. "Recognizing Psychological Distress in the Consultation." InnovAiT: Education and inspiration for general practice 2, no. 6 (June 2009): 352–57.

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The new MRCGP curriculum devotes a whole section to the care of people with mental health problems—and rightly so, for up to 30% of us will have some kind of significant episode of psychological disturbance in our lifetimes. Far more of us suffer transient but problematic psychological distress, especially when we or others for whom we care are unwell. So the GP registrar doing a routine clinic in UK general practice will find that as many as one in four of their patients are experiencing psychological symptoms, with higher rates in the elderly. Previous articles have covered the specific tasks of performing mental health assessments and diagnosing depression: this article aims to review the broader context of psychological distress in the consultation. It pays additional attention to factors associated with psychological distress to which GPs and other primary care staff should be alert and to ways of addressing these in a sophisticated and humane manner. Finally, I address the queston of self-management—that is minimizing the ‘human sponge’ effect often incurred by empathic GPs at the start of training.
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Hussien, Hamid. "Modeling the impact of education on individual earnings: 2019 evidence from Sudan." Technium Social Sciences Journal 14 (November 24, 2020): 296–309.

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The impact of education on individual earnings has not been adequately discussed in the Sudanese literature. This paper estimates the rate of return on education by modeling individual-level Sudanese survey data for 2019. The importance of these data lies in the fact that they represent the period of Islamist rule in Sudan, which spanned thirty years and ended in April 2019 as a result of a peaceful youth popular revolution. A secondary aim is to trace how demographic characteristics (marital status, gender, locale) affect individual earnings. Results show, on average, an additional year of education increases individual earnings 4% (4.4% for men, 9.2% for women). Marital status exhibits the largest impact on Sudanese individual earnings, with married respondents’ earnings 78.7% more than singles. Almost 90% of the variation in wages is determined by all levels of education, and trade pays the highest wage among surveyed occupations. Mincer models prove that the return on education was significantly positive for occupations in healthcare and electricity and significantly negative in real estate.
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Walls, Margaret, and Yusuke Kuwayama. "Evaluating Payments for Watershed Services Programs in the United States." Water Economics and Policy 05, no. 04 (October 2019): 1950003.

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We review 15 forest watershed protection programs in the United States in which a local government agency or water provider collects payments from downstream service beneficiaries, such as water consumers, and pays upstream forest landowners for provision of watershed services. We describe the features of these Payments for Watershed Services (PWS) programs, focusing on funding sources, how the payment mechanisms work, and outcomes achieved. We also assess the extent to which the programs adhere to the economic principles that are associated with efficient or cost effective PWS schemes. In general, we find that payments in the programs do not closely reflect the marginal value of the service provided. Payments received by landowners mainly reflect the landowners’ opportunity costs. Fees paid by water consumers are set to yield revenue targets and/or reflect the avoided cost of additional water filtration and treatment. The programs appear to yield societal benefits, primarily through cost savings, but data from program outcomes is limited and more rigorous analysis of both the benefits and costs would be worthwhile.
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Афонина, E. Afonina, Смекалкина, and L. Smekalkina. "Current State of the Treatment Problem of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C (Literature Review)." Journal of New Medical Technologies 22, no. 2 (February 25, 2015): 116–21.

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Contemporary views of experts on integrated healthcare and psychological approach to diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis С are presented in review. Combined mental disorders were found to have a maladaptive effect on patients to determine the severity of clinical status when standard treatment was used in patients. The use of interferons, common in this disease, provokes more than half of the patients the psychiatric symptoms, especially depressive. Psychosomatic and somatopsychic maladaptive interactions have an impact on patients, cause some problems and lead often to disability of people of working age. In practice, the doctor of the infectious department pays little attention to psychological aspects of care management of such patients. The researchers are now actively seeking the optimal combination of standard antiviral therapy and modern methods of psychological correction taking into account comorbid mental maladjustment. Long-term pharmacotherapy with the use of traditional psychotropic drugs is an additional unwanted burden on the liver. Timely diagnosis and correction of concomitant mental disorders in the patients with hepatitis С in somatic hospitals by complementary non-pharmacological methods, is a very urgent task.
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Fender, Blakely Fox, Susan Washburn Taylor, and Kimberly Gladden Burke. "Isn’t It Ironic? Research Rewards And Teaching Taxes." Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER) 13, no. 4 (October 5, 2015): 231.

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<p>The use of person-specific data for economists across all types of public academic institutions provides several insights into the academic wage equation for economists. First, this study confirms the alignment of the academic incentive structure with the underlying value of scholarship in an academic institution, i.e. scholarship pays off. Interestingly, though, the richness of this data set allows for a better understanding of that payoff. For while economists at doctoral granting institutions earn more on average than their counterparts at non-doctoral granting institutions, the marginal benefit for additional publications is higher for those economists at non-doctoral granting institutions.</p><p>Most importantly, the study validates the recent findings of Binder et al. (2012) that the incentive structure at academic institutions imposes a teaching tax. Whether at doctoral or non-doctoral granting institutions, the marginal cost of teaching undergraduates is significant although there is a positive return to award-winning teaching. Thus, despite the inherent educational mission of the Academy, this study supports the ironic conclusion teaching imposes a tax on the academic economist. </p>
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POND, RACHAEL, CHRISTINE STEPHENS, and FIONA ALPASS. "How health affects retirement decisions: three pathways taken by middle-older aged New Zealanders." Ageing and Society 30, no. 3 (December 14, 2009): 527–45.

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ABSTRACTConcerns about the economic impact of an ageing population have triggered many developed countries to advance policies that attempt to extend working lives and discourage early retirement. There is considerable evidence of a relationship between poor health and early retirement, but some researchers have suggested that there is a ‘justification bias’ in claims that ill-health is the cause of retirement. This paper reports a longitudinal qualitative study that interviewed 60 New Zealanders aged between 55 and 70 years on two occasions, and analysed their explanations of health-related retirement decisions. Although the participants' explanations included poor health as an important reason for retirement, two additional health-related retirement pathways were identified: the ‘maximisation of life’, being decisions to retire whilst healthy to fulfil other life goals; and ‘health protection’, being decisions motivated by health protection and promotion. These health pathways interacted with other factors such as financial security. An elucidation of these motivations pays particular attention to the social and discursive context of explanations of retirement, and considers the three identified health-retirement pathways in relation to the sickness justification bias and current government policies to extend working lives.
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Maza, Adolfo. "Internal Migration in Spain: A Complementary Approach." Economies 8, no. 3 (July 16, 2020): 59.

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This study examines the determinants of internal migration of working-age population among provinces in Spain in the aftermath of the economic crisis. It pays special attention to two features of migration that have not been sufficiently studied so far: (a) Distance, namely the differences between the determinants that are behind short-distance and long-distance movements; (b) Age, that is to say, whether young and adult migrants hold different motivations. To accomplish this aim, an extended model is used in which, apart from a variable capturing distance, both economic and non-economic (amenities) variables are included. Findings reveal that both economic factors (mainly unemployment and income) and amenities (measured by a climate condition variable) are more important for adult population and long-distance movements than for young population and movements between neighbouring provinces. Additional findings seem to convey the message that, as far as housing prices are concerned, they play a significant role when migration takes place between neighbouring provinces, but lose importance when all migrations are studied together. Moreover, the paper’s results do not cast, as expected, any doubt on the importance of distance regardless of the type of migration or age of the migrant.
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Parslow, John. "Individual transferable quotas and the “tragedy of the commons”." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67, no. 11 (November 2010): 1889–96.

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The allocation of individual transferable quotas (ITQs) as shares of a total allowable catch (TAC) is now widely practised in fisheries management, but is not without controversy. It is often suggested that the possession of ITQs should provide an incentive for fishers to exercise stewardship of the resource. Quota holders acting in their economic self-interest should collectively exercise stewardship, setting TACs and supporting enforcement measures to maximize the present value of future profit streams. But it is in the economic self-interest of an individual fisher possessing ITQ to take additional unreported catch, through discarding, high-grading, or quota-busting. Thus, ITQs in themselves will not prevent a “tragedy of the commons”, unless there is sufficient compliance monitoring and enforcement to deter hidden catches. ITQs, with adequate enforcement, have been demonstrated to effectively address the race to fish and result in improved sustainability and profitability. There are questions of equity concerning the flow of benefits from the allocations of quotas and associated profit streams and who pays for the management costs required to sustain them. There are also issues around the ability of ITQ-based management to address other social and environmental objectives.
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Wibowo, Andi. "PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS: THE EXPECTED ROLE OF PUBLIC SECTOR AUDIT IN STATE FINANCE MANAGEMENT." Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara 5, no. 2 (December 26, 2019): 103.

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Public sector audit has an important role in development by improving transparency and accountability of state finance management. It is observed, however, that many development programs do not meet their objectives. It indicates that the current public sector audit has not been adequate to promote development program effectiveness. The objective of this research is to confirm whether the current public sector audit approach is not adequate to promote development program effectiveness and what additional roles are expected to be fulfilled by public sector audit. This study is based on the Indonesian context and uses a qualitative methodology where 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted to Member of Parliament and officials of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and government entities in Indonesia. The study shows that the existing public sector audit has not been adequate to promote development program effectiveness because it pays more attention to financial and compliance aspects of the development program. Moreover, it also focuses on a completed development program. Stakeholders expect that public sector audit also needs to provide the solution, provide preventive measures, create a good environment and produce useful information for decision making.
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Ashari, Mohamad Yahya, and Rifatul Mahfudhoh. "The Strategy of Arabic Learning for Inclusion Students in Islamic Primay School of Islamiyah Wathoniyah Jombang | Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Bagi Siswa Inklusi di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Islamiyah Wathoniyah Jombang." Mantiqu Tayr: Journal of Arabic Language 1, no. 2 (June 10, 2021): 83–100.

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This study pays close attention to explain the implemantation of inclusive education especially in using the strategies and its problems of learning process. The aims of this study are determinating of the learning objectives, strategy of arabic learning and the learning problems in arabic teaching for inclusion students in islamic primay school of Islamiyah Wathoniyah Jombang. This study uses the qualitative descriptive approach, it uses interviews, observation and documentation for collecting data. This study uses the method of data analisys by implementing the steps of Miles and Hubberman such as data colletion, data shorting, data display and conclusion. The results of this study are: 1) the subjects of arabic learning determinated to two subjects, they are the subjects of usual learning and the subjects of inclusive learning. 2) the arabic learning uses the strategy of contextual teaching and learning and the strategy of cooperative learning by applying language games and pictures. 3) the learning problems in arabic teaching are: (1) less effective of the time for arabic additional lessons outside of the official learning to increase the understanding of inclusion students, (2) the different varies of inclusion students caracteristicts, (3) the less communication and partipication of inclusion students parent.
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Sharipov, Fazliddin Galievich. "ATTITUDE TO THE PL O THE PLURAL AFFI URAL AFFIX IN UZBEK L X IN UZBEK LANGUAGE." Scientific Reports of Bukhara State University 5, no. 1 (February 26, 2021): 50–64.

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Introduction. The following article reflects the views of Uzbek linguist A. Gulomov, who made a great contribution to Uzbek linguistics sciences. In his scientific works, the scientist pays great attention to the analysis of additives. The period of creation of serious scientific research on the morphology of the Uzbek language falls on the 40’s of the XX century - the years created by A. Gulomov. By this period, a separate study of each morphological phenomenon began gradually due to general morphology. We will consider the work in this direction on an additional example, which was met in 1940 by the linguist A. Gulomov with more than hundreds of articles that reflect the many and other meanings of scientific research of the scientist. Research methods. By the 40’s of the twentieth century, in Uzbek linguistics, A. Gulomov applied an approach to the source of research, synthesizing various methods of analysis based on different directions, in all respects, based on the relationship of the source with other phenomena. Results and discussions. Without a deep study of A. Gulomov’s research, created in the 40’s and 50’s, these are unconscious opinions.
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Abramyan, A. "IMPACT OF FEED AND SUPPLEMENTATION ON COW DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE." Adaptive Fodder Production 2021, no. 2 (July 14, 2021): 81–85.

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On the basis of balancing rations of cows taking into account daily yields, additives, quality of volume feed, as well as the cost of rations, the economic efficiency of the complex of feed additives is deter-mined. The observations were carried out in farm in the Tver region, the Agrofirm Dmitrova Gora JSC. The branch, where the research was carried out, includes several sites for milk production and cultivation of young cattle. From lactating cows Holstein breed expect to receive the maximum amount of dairy products, both for lactation, and for the entire life of use. But the expectation should be active, the animal should be properly prepared for the physiologically stressful period of milk formation. Based on the re-sults, it can be stated that the volume feed in the farm, which breeds highly productive Holstein cattle, should be the 1 and 2 class. The additional cost of a complete balance of the diet while increasing the dai-ly yield from 17 kg to 39 kg using a set of feed additives pays off, reducing the total cost of feed in the calculation by 1 kg of milk received and increasing feed payment by 88.1%.
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Heaton, Jacqueline. "Notes on the Proposed Amendment of Section 21 of the Children's Act 38 of 2005." Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 22 (September 3, 2019): 1–21.

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In terms of section 21 of the Children's Act 38 of 2005, an unmarried father acquires full parental responsibilities and rights in respect of his child if he lives with the child's mother in a permanent life-partnership when the child is born. He also acquires full parental responsibilities and rights if, regardless of whether or not he has ever lived with the child's mother, he consents or successfully applies to be identified as the child's father or pays damages in terms of customary law, and contributes or attempts in good faith to contribute to the child's upbringing and maintenance for a reasonable period. Several provisions of section 21 are unclear and/or unsatisfactory. The draft Children's Amendment Bill, 2018 seeks to address problematic aspects of the section. Unfortunately, the proposed amendments to section 21 leave one disappointed. Although some of the amendments are welcome, the draft Bill fails to address several of the uncertainties flowing from the current wording of section 21 and even creates additional uncertainties. The wording of many of the amendments has not been properly thought through, and the draft Bill fails to address the key question of whether the requirements in section 21(1)(b) operate conjunctively or independently.
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Li, Tiankui, Yi Liu, Sijie Lin, Yangze Liu, and Yunfeng Xie. "Soil Pollution Management in China: A Brief Introduction." Sustainability 11, no. 3 (January 22, 2019): 556.

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Soil pollution has become a severe environmental issue in China over the past few decades due to rapid industrialization and urbanization. However, traditionally, few laws and regulations have focused on soil pollution in China. In response to this emerging threat, new policies, regulations, and measures have been proposed and implemented in recent years. This paper summarizes the existing law, action plan, regulations, and risk control rules regarding soil pollution prevention in China. Moreover, it compares soil pollution management between China and other developed countries. China has now established a comprehensive soil management system based on risk-based control. Regulations have been formulated for agricultural land, contaminated land, and industrial and mining land. Separate risk control rules exist for agricultural land and development land. Agricultural land can be classified as priority protection, safe utilization, and strict management with respect to soil pollution levels and agricultural products. The risk control rules for development land set different standards for sensitive land and non-sensitive land. Comparisons with developed countries show that their experiences of risk-based control and the “polluter pays” principle have been adopted in China. Additional scientific research and public participation are recommended for future updates to these policies. This study provides a comprehensive introduction to the newly established soil management system in China.
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Choi, Daeheon, Chune Young Chung, and Ha Truong. "Return on Education in Two Major Vietnamese Cities." Sustainability 11, no. 18 (September 7, 2019): 4903.

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To maintain its sustainable productivity growth, Vietnam needs to upgrade its education system. Although studies have examined the return on schooling in Vietnam, none have focused on Hanoi (the capital) or Ho Chi Minh (the biggest economy), which differ markedly from the rest of the country in terms of their levels of education and development. We address this gap in the literature using an extended version of the classic Mincerian human capital equation and data from the latest Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (2016). The Heckman two-stage method is used to address selection bias. In the two cities, there is no wage premium for people with a general education. Thus, workers need to earn at least a vocational degree to increase their wages significantly over those of people with a general education. In general, Ho Chi Minh offers higher salaries (4.45%) and tends to reward experience, whereas Hanoi pays more for an additional year of education (1.95%). Therefore, Vietnam should promote vocational education and develop a more open, flexible system that is less dependent on credential hiring, especially in the public sector. Lastly, we highlight the need to study returns on sustainable education in specific economic regions in Vietnam.
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Khan, Irfanullah, and Biswajit Sarkar. "Transfer of Risk in Supply Chain Management with Joint Pricing and Inventory Decision Considering Shortages." Mathematics 9, no. 6 (March 17, 2021): 638.

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This study is the first to consider a distribution-free approach in a newsvendor model with a transfer of risk and back-ordering. Previously, in many articles, discrete demand is considered. In this model, we consider a newsvendor selling a single seasonal item with price-dependent stochastic demand. Competition in markets has forced the retailer and manufacturer to coordinate in decentralized supply chain management. A coordination contract is made between a retailer and manufacturer to overcome the randomness of demand for a short-life-cycle product. The retailer pays an additional amount per product to transfer the risk of unsold items. The manufacturer bears the cost of unsold products from the retailer. Shortages are allowed with back-ordering costs during the season. The distribution-free model is developed and solved with only available demand data of mean and standard deviation. Stackelberg’s game approach is used to calculate the optimal ordering quality and price. This model aims to maximize expected profit by optimizing unit selling price and ordered quantity through coordination. To illustrate that the model is robust, numerical experiment and sensitivity analyses are conducted for both decentralized and centralized supply chain management. For applicability of the model in the real-world business scenario, managerial insights are provided with sensitivity analysis.
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Antipina, Natalya. "Dynamic Model of Optimal Allocation of an Individual's Wealth." Bulletin of Baikal State University 30, no. 1 (March 25, 2020): 149–54.

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Currently, numerous studies have been undertaken to examine the influence of external and internal factors on the process of accumulation of individuals’ savings and also the ratio between the population’s savings and the rate of economic growth. This notwithstanding, economic theory does not have a unanimous point of view on this issue. Moreover, Russian economic literature pays little attention to the issue of activation of investment potential of the population and to quantitative evaluation of its savings. Hence, the issue of optimal allocation of an individuals’ wealth between consumption and savings is essential and can be taken in consideration when using savings for investment. The interest in solving this kind of problems helps fill the gap in the theory researching population’s savings and allows scholars to develop a number of directions for new additional research, in particular, for investigation of mathematical models which formalize economic problems of consumption theory. In the article, the author suggests a dynamic model of optimal allocation of an individual’s wealth with some modifications and also a qualitative analysis of the basic model with the help of the optimal control theory. The results of the research are interpreted from the economic perspective. Recommendations for optimal allocation of an individual’s wealth according to the value of the model parameters are given.
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Détang-Dessendre, Cécile, Hervé Guyomard, Vincent Réquillart, and Louis-Georges Soler. "Changing Agricultural Systems and Food Diets to Prevent and Mitigate Global Health Shocks." Sustainability 12, no. 16 (August 11, 2020): 6462.

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No one would dispute that agricultural systems and food diets are not sustainable from an environmental and health point of view, and that increasing their sustainability must be a major objective of farm and food policies. Simultaneously, climatic, environmental, and health shocks are likely to increase in the coming years. This note defends the idea of an additional double benefit of public policies, aiming at favoring environmentally friendly food systems and healthy diets through two channels: by reducing the risks of developing shocks and by limiting their negative impacts on populations when they occur. As a result, public policies should address, simultaneously and consistently, supply and demand issues. This is illustrated in the case of the European Union. Supply measures should favor the agro-ecological transition of agricultural systems through a more rigorous application of the polluter pays principle, implying notably the taxation of the main determinants of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions (cattle heads and nitrogen fertilizers) and biodiversity loss (mineral fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, and antibiotic treatments). This would send the right signals to farmers and would legitimize an extended use of the provider gets principle, allowing the remuneration of positive externalities. Demand measures should favor the adoption of healthier and environmentally friendly food diets by changing consumer behaviors through dietary recommendations, information campaigns, nutritional labeling, and fiscal instruments.
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Benavente-Peces, César. "On the Energy Efficiency in the Next Generation of Smart Buildings—Supporting Technologies and Techniques." Energies 12, no. 22 (November 19, 2019): 4399.

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Energy efficiency is one of the most relevant issues that the scientific community, and society in general, must face in the next years. Furthermore, higher energy efficiencies will contribute to worldwide sustainability. Buildings are responsible for 40% of the overall consumed energy. Smart Grids and Smart Buildings are playing an essential role in the definition of the next generation of sustainable Smart Cities. The main goal is reducing the impact of energy consumption on the environment as much as possible. This paper focuses on information communication technologies (ICTs) and techniques, their key characteristics and contribution to obtain higher energy efficiencies in smart buildings. Given that electrical energy is the most used, the investigation mainly centres on this energy. This paper also pays attention to green energies and energy harvesting due to their contribution to energy efficiency by providing additional clean energy. The main contribution of this investigation is pointing out the most relevant existing and emerging ICT technologies and techniques which can be used to optimize the energy efficiency of Smart Buildings. The research puts special attention on available, novel and emerging sensors, communication technologies and standards, intelligence techniques and algorithms, green energies and energy harvesting. All of them enable high-performance intelligent systems to optimize energy consumption and occupants’ comfort. Furthermore, it remarks on the most suitable technologies and techniques, their main features and their applications in Smart Buildings.
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