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Journal articles on the topic "Additional pays"


Rosano, Giuseppe M. C., Ilaria Spoletini, and Cristiana Vitale. "Who approves/pays for additional monitoring?" European Heart Journal Supplements 21, Supplement_M (December 1, 2019): M64—M67.

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Abstract Major considerations in the provision of healthcare are availability, affordability, accessibility, and appropriateness, especially in the setting of heart failure where disease burden is growing, developments have been rapid and newer biomarkers, diagnostic and imaging techniques, monitoring systems, devices, procedures, and drugs have all been developed in a relatively short period of time. Many monitoring and diagnostic systems have been developed but the disproportionate cost of conducting trials of their effectiveness has limited their uptake. There are added complexities, in that the utilization of doctors for the supervision of the monitoring results may be optimal in one setting and not in another because of differences in the characteristics of organization of healthcare provision, making even interpretation of the trials we have had, still difficult to interpret. New technologies are continuously changing the approach to healthcare and will reshape the structure of the healthcare systems in the future. Mobile technologies can empower patients and carers by giving them more control over their health and social care needs and reducing their dependence on healthcare professionals for monitoring their health, but a significant problem is the integration of the multitude of monitored parameters with clinical data and the recognition of intervention thresholds. Digital technology can help, but we need to prove its cost/efficacy and how it will be paid for. Governments in many European countries and worldwide are trying to establish frameworks that promote the convergence of standards and regulations for telemedicine solutions and yet simultaneously health authorities are closely scrutinizing healthcare spending, with the objective of reducing and optimizing expenditure in the provision of health services. There are multiple factors to be considered for the reimbursement models associated with the implementation of physiological monitoring yet it remains a challenge in cash-strapped health systems.
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Van Rijn, Piet A. "Fièvre catarrhale ovine aux Pays-Bas : aperçu sur trois ans." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 62, no. 2-4 (February 1, 2009): 117.

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Since August 2006, the Netherlands has been facing outbreaks of bluetongue (BT) caused by serotype 8 (BTV-8). In this first BT-season about 470 affected holdings were reported in the southern part of the country. It was believed that restrictions to animal movements slowed down the northwards spread of BTV. After a relatively mild winter, BT simultaneously resurfaced in July 2007 at many locations indicating that BTV-8 had survived well. Thousands of affected holdings across the country were reported during that year. After another mild winter, a vaccina­tion campaign for serotype 8 was launched in May 2008, with massive vaccination of sheep, goats and cattle. In 2008, less than 150 outbreaks were reported. The reported BTV-8 cases were in the north-eastern part of the country where the level of natural immunity and the willingness to vaccinate were rela­tively low. This third year with outbreaks was followed by a cold winter. In 2009, no BTV-positive animals were reported from mid-March on. Based on a questionnaire, the willingness of farmers to (re)vaccinate animals tended to decline in 2009, but for cattle farmers this was still at an acceptable level. It is questionable whether farmers will (re)vaccinate again in 2010. Optimism is growing with respect to control, and possibly eradi­cation of BTV-8, but re-emergence after a silent year is a serious possibility. One additional year of vaccination is thus probably required for eradication. In September 2008, because of the enhanced risk of BTV-1 intro­duction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive results were confirmed for BTV-8\net2006 by sequencing the amplicons of the serogroup-specific PCR test and by serotype-specific PCR testing. BTV-6 was found in infected animals in three different herds, irrespective of vaccination. The sequence of genome seg­ment 10 of this virus is genetically close to BTV-2, whereas other segments are all close to those of the modified-live vaccine for serotype 6. This suggests that BTV-6\net2008 is a reassortant of serotypes 2 and 6. Extensive monitoring and additional cases revealed an unusual epidemiology. No other affected animals were detected, but BTV-6 positive animals on a few additional farms were found. The distance between affected holdings was 30-50 kilometres, and there was no epidemiological link between the affected farms. All BTV-6 positive animals were PCR-negative in March 2009, with no new reports of BTV-6 infection. In October 2008, a BTV-1 positive bull was officially reported one month after import. In the same herd, four additional PCR-positive animals were found. Three of these also originated from France and were positive for BTV-8. Detailed investiga­tions revealed a French variant of BTV-8 never found in the Netherlands. We concluded that these animals were infected in France and that BTV-8 appeared to evolve differently in dif­ferent regions in Europe. The fifth animal was positive for BTV-6 and was moved from the BTV-6 affected area. Since no other BTV-positive animals were found in the respective herds and in the one-kilometre radius zone, no spread of BTV-1, BTV-6 and BTV-8 seemed to have occurred in this area. Furthermore, export of Dutch pregnant heifers began again in December 2008, with 2000 to 3000 animals per month. Export is allowed on the basis of vaccination (against serotype 8) before pregnancy and negative PCR testing. Since, no animals were found PCR-positive by the serogroup-specific PCR test, we con­cluded that the Netherlands was free of any BTV circulation in 2009. The situation in 2010 will show whether the Netherlands can be considered as BTV-free again.
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Pupeikis, Darius, Arūnas Burlingis, and Vytautas Stankevičius. "REQUIRED ADDITIONAL HEATING POWER OF BUILDING DURING INTERMITTED HEATING." JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 16, no. 1 (March 31, 2010): 141–48.

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By introduction of intermittent heating of building we can reduce the thermal energy consumption for heating. But it requires the additional power of heating system. It is determined that the most effective solution for energy savings is to enlarge the heating power approximately by 50% for most of buildings. The simulation has showed that for buildings with a medium thermal inertia (time constant τ = 144 h) the expenses by employing the intermittent heating (reduced temperature period: 12 h on working days and 48 h at weekends), pays back after one year. By designing the heating system we must pay attention to thermal inertia of building. Our research showed that for various thermal inertias of building, the adequate modes of intermittent heating must be chosen. Santrauka Šildant pastata, esant papildomai šiluminei galiai, galima sumažinti sunaudojamos šilumines energijos. Nustatyta, kad papildomos šilumines galios (+50 %) sanaudos, siekiant pagreitinti temperatūros padidinima vidutinio masyvumo (τ = 144 h) pastatu patalpose ir taikant protarpini šildyma (12 h darbo dienomis ir 48 h savaitgaliais), atsiperka po vieneriu metu. Projektuojant reikia atsižvelgti i pastato paskirti, masyvuma ir šildymo sistemos galia, siekiant sutaupyti šilumines energijos bei gauti ekonomine nauda, taikant protarpini šildyma. Tyrimai parode, kad ivairaus masyvumo pastatams turi būti taikomi atitinkami protarpinio šildymo periodai.
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Mukherjee, Anita. "Impacts of Private Prison Contracting on Inmate Time Served and Recidivism." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13, no. 2 (May 1, 2021): 408–38.

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This paper examines the impact of private prison contracting by exploiting staggered prison capacity shocks in Mississippi. Motivated by a model based on the typical private prison contract that pays a per diem for each occupied bed, the empirical analysis shows that private prison inmates serve 90 additional days. This is alternatively estimated as 4.8 percent of the average sentence. The delayed release erodes half of the cost savings offered by private contracting and is linked to the greater likelihood of conduct violations in private prisons. The additional days served do not lead to apparent changes in inmate recidivism. (JEL H76, K42)
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Zessner, M. "The combined approach—a challenge for border crossing water quality issues in Austria." Water Science and Technology 58, no. 10 (November 1, 2008): 1917–23.

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Is it sufficient to meet threshold values downstream of a discharge, even if this leaves no more space for future development? Is it simply bad luck for a downstream country, if threshold values are filled up at the border and there is no more space for additional emissions? If not: what are the criteria to distribute acceptable emissions between countries and regions? Who pays according to the “polluter pays” principle in a case, if several polluters contribute to the pollution, but the most cost-effective measures to reach the good status concern only some of the emitters/enterprises? There are little experiences with those and other related questions in Austria and many other EU-member states. This contribution intends to discuss these issues based on actual problems and would like to raise awareness for several of these unsolved questions.
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Lees, Emma. "The polluter pays principle and the remediation of the land." International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 8, no. 1 (April 11, 2016): 2–20.

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Purpose The purpose of this article is to examine the national law regimes related to the remediation of contaminated land. Design/methodology/approach The methodology used is comparative. Models for different systems are described on the basis of varying interpretations of the polluter pays principle. The regimes present in the Member States are then analysed to see which model they have adopted. A comparator from each model group is then considered. Findings This article presents three key findings. First, it concludes that the extent to which additional national legislation relating to environmental damage is permitted, which depends upon the notion of “more stringent” legislation, is incoherent where more than one interpretation is given to the polluter pays principle. Second, the different interpretations given to the principle undermine harmonisation. Finally, this has wider implications for how we justify liability for contaminated land. Originality/value This comparative study of the interpretation of the polluter pays principle, through its implementation in Member States, provides a valuable and novel insight into environmental liability regimes in Europe. It also demonstrates the different type of regimes that are developed on the basis of such different interpretations. Although the different national attitudes to contaminated land policy and remediation have been considered before, this article adds to this debate by suggesting a central cause of such variation in the shape of different interpretations of a principle of the European Union.
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Gerdes, T. "Diagnostic des orbivirus dans un pays d'endémicité." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 62, no. 2-4 (February 1, 2009): 95.

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This presentation highlights the complexities of making a diag­nosis in a situation where vaccination is taking place, and where there are multiple virus serotypes and related viruses in circula­tion. The main orbiviruses of interest are those of African horse sickness (AHS) and bluetongue (BT) and further complicated by the viruses of equine encephalosis (EE) and epizootic haemor­rhagic disease of deer (EHD). South Africa is an endemic country with all 9 AHS serotypes and 22 of 24 BT serotypes present. Annual vaccination is carried out but a large pool of virus is available in unvaccinated zebra and donkeys for AHS, and indig­enous sheep, cattle and ruminant wildlife for BT. Diagnoses of the two diseases are discussed separately. AHS had its origin in zebras which, however, do not exhibit the disease, while up to 95% of susceptible horses die. Diagnosis requires recognition of recent infection, and a history of recent vaccination is essential. Diagnostic tests are based on detection of virus and/or antibodies. Use of antibodies is fast and inex­pensive and based on immunoglobulin M or G (IgM or IgG) responses. All horses are seropositive, and paired samples taken 14 days apart are required to demonstrate recent exposure and a rise in titre. IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for multiple serotype viruses are not available. The IgG ELISA result is based on a single dilution thus, in paired samples, a rise in titre is a qualitative estimate of exposure. The complement fix­ation test (CFT) is largely an IgM test which uses a dilution series, and paired samples can show a rise in titre. It is slow, old-fash­ioned and labour intensive, but it is the only useful serological option where there are pre-existing antibodies and a rising titre is required. Demonstration of virus or antigen or ribonucleic acid (RNA) presents advantages and disadvantages for each. Virus iso­lation on cells is slow for AHSV but faster intracerebrally in mice. Viral titres are low with circulating antibodies, and serotyping or sequencing to differentiate vaccine and field strains may be needed, an isolate becomes then necessary. Antigen detection by immunohistochemistry is useful, if only formalin material is received, or if tissue tropism is of interest. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in its many formats gives a rapid diagnosis but interpretation can be difficult. RNA is present for some months, therefore the time of infection and its significance is difficult to gauge. The antigen-capture ELISA is useful, particularly on tis­sue culture isolates to distinguish AHS and EE, if two PCR tests have not been done initially. As a primary diagnostic tool it lacks sensitivity, and an isolate is often required for additional tests. The best diagnostic option is to get a good history and to do as many different tests as possible in order to make an educated guess. This is because EE mimics AHS clinically, has the same vectors and co-circulates with AHS in the population. Tests do not cross-react, but it is important to focus on both viruses in order to make the proper diagnosis. Much that has already been mentioned for AHS also applies for BT. The pool of wild-type, infectious virus becomes proportion­ately much larger when BT vaccine coverage is lower, causing the disease to occur widely. Little diagnostic material is received as mortality in sheep is only a low 2–30%; each year, however, at least 2–3 dominant serotypes are present. Similar tests are available in an IgG format in use. All sheep are generally sero­positive because of multiple exposures. Negative sheep need to be sourced from high-altitude cold areas. The very helpful CFT cannot be used as this group-specific test cross-reacts signifi­cantly with EHDV. This problem is addressed in the competitive ELISA with a monoclonal antibody specific for BTV. This test is essential to obtain export certification. In South Africa mortal­ity caused by BT is low and sporadic, and virus spread is slow because of homologous and heterologous background antibod­ies in sheep flocks. Diagnoses become important in the export sector for testing ruminant wildlife going to zoological collec­tions or ovine embryos where donor sheep are tested. BT-free certification is obtained by PCR testing. As mentioned previ­ously, RNA is present for a prolonged period of time. A negative PCR means no exposure, whereas a positive result requires virus isolation to certify that no live whole virus is present, as it could infect vectors. Field, not vaccine strains, require amplification in embryonated eggs first, then isolation from dead embryos on tissue culture. The cross-reactivity between BTV and EHDV in diagnostic tests is not an important consideration except when an isolate cannot be typed. If EHD viruses were as widely preva­lent as those of EE, there would be a diagnostic problem, but EHDV isolates are not found in sheep. From time to time EHDV is found in alpaca and bovine cases. Finally, orbivirus diagnoses are challenging in an endemic country but always interesting and sometimes surprising in the final results obtained.
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Denning, Jeffrey T., Benjamin M. Marx, and Lesley J. Turner. "ProPelled: The Effects of Grants on Graduation, Earnings, and Welfare." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11, no. 3 (July 1, 2019): 193–224.

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We estimate effects of the Pell Grant—the largest US federal grant for college students—using administrative data from Texas public colleges and a discontinuity in grant generosity for low-income students. Within four-year institutions, eligibility for additional grant aid significantly increases first-time students’ degree completion and later earnings. Our estimated impacts on earnings alone are enough to fully recoup government expenditures within 10 years, suggesting that financial aid likely pays for itself several times over. (JEL H75, I22, I23, I26, J24, J31)
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Feess, Eberhard, Markus Walzl, and Michael Schieble. "Why it Pays to Conceal: On the Optimal Timing of Acquiring Verifiable Information." German Economic Review 12, no. 1 (February 1, 2011): 100–123.

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Abstract We consider optimal contracts when a principal has two sources to detect bad projects. The first one is an information technology without agency costs (ITP), whereas the second one is the expertise of an agent subject to moral hazard, adverse selection and limited liability (ITA). First, we show that the principal does not necessarily benefit from access to additional information and thereby may prefer to ignore it. Second, we discuss different timings of information release, i.e., a disclosure contract offered to the agent after the principal announced the result of ITP, and a concealment contract where the agent exerts effort before ITP is checked. We find that concealment is superior whenever the quality of ITP is sufficiently low. Then, ITP is almost worthless under a disclosure contract, while it can still be exploited to reduce the agent’s information rent under concealment. If the quality of ITPimproves, disclosure can be superior as it allows to adjust the agent’s effort to the updated expected quality of the project. However, even for a highly informative ITP, concealment can be superior as it mitigates the adverse selection problem.
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Xie, Nan. "Exploration and Practice in MCU Course Teaching Based on CDIO Mode." Applied Mechanics and Materials 263-266 (December 2012): 1638–41.

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As the MCU course is combination with theory and practice, and pays attention to cultivate students' practical ability. This paper has introduced the present situation and characteristic of the course. Going with the novel CDIO teaching mode, the practical solution of CDIO mode in the MCU course teaching was designed and applied. By practicing the teaching mean, students can complete the course study in the process of learning during doing and doing during learning. In additional, students can reach the course training purpose and can improve higher innovation and independent thinking abilities.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Additional pays"


Ivaškevičius, Arvydas. "Darbo užmokesčio karjeros valstybės tarnautojams teisinis reguliavimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos 48 straipsnyje įtvirtintos teisės gauti teisingą apmokėjimą už darbą valstybės tarnyboje realizavimą reguliuoja Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymas. Kaip praktiškai veikia valstybės nustatyta karjeros valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo sistema, kokios iškyla problemos ir sunkumai, ką karjeros valstybės tarnautojai mano apie savo darbo užmokesti ir jo reguliavimą, ką reikėtų keisti yra analizuojama šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe Darbo užmokesčio karjeros valstybės tarnautojams teisinis reguliavimas. Darbą sudaro dvi dalys – teorinė ir praktinė. Teorinėje dalyje autorius išsamiai nagrinėja teisės aktų, reguliavusių valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokestį raida Lietuvoje, pateikia požiūrį į valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo problemas Europos Sąjungos bei Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros organizacijos valstybėse, palygina kelių valstybių darbo užmokestį reguliuojančius teisės aktus su Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymo pagrindinėmis darbo užmokestį reguliuojančiomis nuostatomis. Apžvelgiama karjeros valstybės tarnautojų pareiginės algos, priedų ir priemokų skyrimo tvarka bei nagrinėjamos jų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo problemos ir pateikiamos išvados bei pasiūlymai. Darbo praktinėje dalyje pateikiama atlikto empirinio tyrimo atlikimo metodologija bei tyrimo metu nustatytų rezultatų apibendrinti duomenys. Siekta nustatyti darbo užmokesčio karjeros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 48 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania realization of the rights to have proper pay of work at public service regulate Republic of Lithuania Law on Public Service. There is analysis of practical activity of the career of public servants remuneration legal regulation system, problems and difficulties, opinion of the career of public servants about the their remuneration and this law corrections in this Master’s paper “Legal regulation of career public servant remuneration”. Paper consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. Author of the paper analyses comprehensive law acts, development remuneration of public servants in Lithuania, opinion of public servant law regulation problems in European Union and economic cooperation and expansion organizations in other countries, compares several countries remuneration legal law acts with Lithuanian Republic Law on Public Service statues in theoretical part. Review remuneration of public servants basic salaries, bonuses and additional pays determination order and also investigates their remuneration law regulation problems and presents conclusions and offers. There are methodology of the fulfilled empirical analysis and also the ascertained sum up data in the practical part of the paper. Try to attain remuneration of public servants legal regulation practical relation with public servants needs, to investigate the view of the remuneration law regulation... [to full text]
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Gao, Zhifeng. "Effects of additional quality attributes on consumer willingness-to-pay for food labels." Diss., Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2007.

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Šakėnaitė, Indrė. "Pacientų ketinimų mokėti už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas vertinimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013.

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Darbo tikslas – įvertinti pacientų ketinimus mokėti už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas. Metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo pacientai, tyrimo vykdymo laikotarpiu apsilankę sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Respondentams buvo pateikta anoniminė anketa, kurią sudarė 37 klausimai. Pagrindinės klausimų grupės buvo: pacientų charakteristikos; naudojimosi paslaugomis dažnis ir papildomas mokėjimas; pacientų ketinimas mokėti už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas, priklausomai nuo naudojimosi paslaugomis dažnio ir savo sveikatos būklės vertinimo; veiksniai, įtakojantys pacientų ketinimus mokėti. Iš visų tyrime dalyvavusių pacientų anketas užpildė 604 (atsako dažnis 86,3 proc.). Statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS statistinį paketą (17.0 versija). Hipotezėms, kad požymiai tarpusavyje susiję, tikrinti skaičiuotas chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijus bei Spearmano koreliacijos koeficientas (r). Proporcijų skirtumų statistiniam reikšmingumui nustatyti buvo skaičiuojamas z - kriterijus. Rezultatai. Per paskutinius 6 mėn. į gydymo įstaigą kreipėsi 80,3 proc. apklaustųjų. 32,1 proc. pacientų teigė, kad niekada nėra papildomai mokėję už sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamas paslaugas. Dažniausiai papildomai už suteiktas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas yra tekę mokėti mieste gyvenantiems pacientams bei turintiems aukštąjį neuniversitetinį (17,1 proc.) ir profesinį (12,4 proc.) išsilavinimą. Vidutiniškai kas 9 apklaustasis teigė, kad už daugumą sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Aim of the study - assess patients willingness to pay for health care services. Methods. The study included pacients, who at the duration of the study visited health care facilities. The respondents were given an anonymous questionnaire consisting of 37 questions. The main groups of questions were: characteristics of patients; access to services frequency and additional payments; patients willingness to pay for health care services depending on the frequency of use of these services and their health status; factors influencing the patient's intentions. Of all the participating pacients filled out questionnaires to 604 (response rate 86.3 percent). Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical package (version 17.0). Hypothesis that the features are related, check the calculated chi-square (χ2) criteria and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Statistical significance of differences between proportions were calculated to determine z - criteria. Results. Over the last 6 months 80.3 percent interviewees wented to the hospital. Respondents most commonly applied to medical institutions for chronic diseases or acute illnesses or appropriate tests. 32.1 percent patients said that they have never paid for additional health care services. The most common extra for the costs of health care have had to pay the city for patients and those with higher education (17.1 percent) and professional education (12.4 percent). On average every 9 interviewee said that the majority of... [to full text]
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Suarez-Bertoa, Ricardo, Michael Clairotte, Bertold Arlitt, Shigeru Nakatani, Leslie Hill, Klaus Winkler, Charlotte Kaarsberg, et al. "Intercomparison of ethanol, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde measurements from a flex-fuel vehicle exhaust during the WLTC." Elsevier, 2017.

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An intercomparison exercise of the world-harmonized light-duty vehicle test procedure (WLTP) aiming at measuring ethanol, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde emissions from a flex-fuel light-duty vehicle using E85 was conducted in the Vehicle Emission Laboratory (VELA) at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC), Ispra, Italy. The instruments used during the intercomparison allowed online measurements of these compounds directly from the diluted exhaust. Measurements were done either in real time or immediately after the test. The measurement and analysis of exhaust emissions over the world-harmonized light-duty vehicle test cycle was done by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-Qi-ToF-MS), photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) and gas chromatography (GC). Results showed that online systems can perform measurements from the vehicle diluted exhaust assuring a good repeatability (within instrument variance) and reproducibility (between instrument variance) of the results. Measurements from all the instruments were in good agreement (|Z-score| < 2). Results showed that online systems can perform measurements from the vehicle diluted exhaust assuring the reproducibility and repeatability of the results. Results obtained measuring at the tailpipe using a FTIR were in good agreement with those acquired measuring at the constant volume sampler (CVS). Considering the low sensitivity of the current technique used to measure hydrocarbons emissions towards oxygenated compounds (flame ionization detector; FID), non-methane organic gases (NMOG) were calculated applying their FID response factors to the measured emissions of ethanol, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. NMOG resulted to be up to 74% higher than measured non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC).
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Lai, Yi-Ping, and 賴宜平. "A Study on Regional Additional Pay of Military Personnel." Thesis, 2015.

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Regional additional pay is a type of pay mechanism aimed at encouraging service personnel serving on offshore islands, high mountains, and in remote areas. Similar to the additional pay mechanisms adopted in the United States and Japan, the regional additional pay mechanism for civil servants and teaching personnel in Taiwan is periodically reviewed and adjusted. Although military officers and soldiers undertake the tasks of preparing for wars and relieving disasters, the regional additional pay for serving on offshore islands and years of service do not apply to them. According to the principle of equity theory, military officers and soldiers should be provided with adequate regional additional pay, which can then serve as a motivating factor to increase their work performance when serving on offshore islands. Therefore,decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory methods and the analytic network process are applied to facilitate an objective, scientific examination of the research questions, thereby highlighting the importance of providing regional additional pay to military officers and soldiers. The objective of this study is to investigate the structure and content of regional additional pay mechanisms to provide information for applicable departments to continue reviewing and adjusting the regional additional pay for military officers and soldiers serving on offshore islands, high mountains, and in remote areas. Subsequently, the amount of regional additional pay as well as the competitive salary level of these personnel can be increased, which would attract talented individuals to serve in the military, thus strengthening the military force of Taiwan.
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Wu, Tsai-Yun, and 吳采芸. "PAHs and cytotoxicity of exhaust emissions from a generator fuelled by waste-edible-oil-biodiesel with acetone and isopropyl alcohol addition." Thesis, 2014.

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The Contents of Abstract in this Thesis : Due to the depletion of oil reserves decreasing and the rise of oil price in recent years, many countries have devoted to the research and development of alternative energies, among which biodiesel is regarded as an attractive substitute fuel for diesel engines. In this study, the addition of acetone (denoted as A)/water-containing acetone (denoted as WA) (1–3%) and isopropyl alcohol (denoted as P) (1%) mixed with waste-edible-oil biodiesel(denoted as W)(1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30%) to pure petrodiesel (67–97 %) to form Biodieselhol as the fuels of a generator (unloaded and 3 kW loaded) to investigate the emission characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and toxicity equivalency(denoted as BaPeq). The male human promonocyte cell line (U937) and MTT (3-(4,5dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) methods were used to test the cytotoxicity of organic solvent extraction of emission gas. Preliminary results showed that the Total-PAHs and Total-BaPeq of W20 was the lowest among using W1, W3, W5, W10, W20 and W30, in spite of the load mode (unloaded or loaded) of generator. Compared with D100, using either Waste-edible-oil biodiesel or Biodieselhols reduced the emitted Total-PAHs and Total-BaPeq, despite the load mode of generator. Further reduction of Total-PAHs and Total-BaPeq emission was obtained when adding 1–3% acetone/water-containing acetone to waste-edible-oil biodiesel, and generally the more acetone/water-containing acetone addition the more Total-PAHs and Total-BaPeq reduction. Compared with D100, adding acetone/water-containing acetone to Biodieselhols decreased the mortality of organic solvent extraction of emission gas to U937, at both modes of generator load. Compared with W1, W3, W5, W10 and W20, adding 1–3% acetone/water-containing acetone to Biodieselhols further decreased the mortality of organic solvent extraction of emission gas to U937 as the generator was loaded at 3 kW. More acetone/water-containing acetone addition further reduced the mortality of organic solvent extraction of emission gas. The reduction of the mortality of organic solvent extraction of emission gas to U937 was in order WnWA3 > WnWA2 > WnWA1. Keyword : Diesel generator, Waste-edible-oil-biodiesel, Acetone,Isopropyl alcohol, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Cytotoxicity
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Pinto, Ana Cristina Monteiro. "Prediction of the in vitro mixture effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) using the mathematical concepts of concentration addition and independent action." Dissertação, 2020.

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Pinto, Ana Cristina Monteiro. "Prediction of the in vitro mixture effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) using the mathematical concepts of concentration addition and independent action." Master's thesis, 2020.

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Books on the topic "Additional pays"


Stringfield, William R. Additions and corrections to Le pays des fleurs oranges. Buras, La. (P.O. Box 831, Buras 70041): Blossom Press, 1991.

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Addition (Flip Flash Pads). Byeway Books, 2004.

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Sime, Stuart. 20. Additional Claims under Part 20. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter discusses the rules for additional claims under Part 20 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR). An additional claim typically will seek to pass any liability established against the defendant to a third party. This is achieved by seeking indemnities, contributions, or related remedies against the third party. A third party may in turn seek to pass on its liability to a fourth party, and so on. Permission to issue an additional claim is not required if the additional claim is issued before or at the same time as the defendant files its defence. An additional claim operates as a separate claim within the original claim.
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Sime, Stuart. 20. Additional Claims under Part 20. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter discusses the rules for additional claims under Part 20 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR). An additional claim typically will seek to pass any liability established against the defendant to a third party. This is achieved by seeking indemnities, contributions, or related remedies against the third party. A third party may in turn seek to pass on its liability to a fourth party, and so on. Permission to issue an additional claim is not required if the additional claim is issued before or at the same time as the defendant files its defence. An additional claim operates as a separate claim within the original claim.
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Sime, Stuart. 20. Additional Claims under Part 20. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter discusses the rules for additional claims under Part 20 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR). An additional claim typically will seek to pass any liability established against the defendant to a third party. This is achieved by seeking indemnities, contributions, or related remedies against the third party. A third party may in turn seek to pass on its liability to a fourth party, and so on. Permission to issue an additional claim is not required if the additional claim is issued before or at the same time as the defendant files its defence. An additional claim operates as a separate claim within the original claim.
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Addition And Subtraction (Play and Learn Pads). Byeway Books, 2004.

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Gordon, Edwin E. Audie Set of Additional Tonal and Rhythm Game Pads/G-3303Gp. G I a Pubns, 1989.

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Baxter, Donald L. M. Hume on Space and Time. Edited by Paul Russell. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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For Hume, the ideas of space and of time are each a general idea of some indivisible objects arranged in a certain manner with additional qualities that make them conceivable to the mind. He argues that the structures of these ideas reflect the structures of space and time. Thus, space and time are not infinitely divisible, and there cannot be empty space nor time without succession. Hume’s idiosyncratic theory can be seen to be reasonable if one pays careful attention to the fact that Hume, in accordance with his skepticism, is concerned only to give vent to views about space and time as they appear in experience. The chapter focuses on explicating Hume’s central arguments rather than trying to give a comprehensive treatment.
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Smart Pads! Addition & Subtraction Grades 2-3: 40 Fun Games to Help Kids Master Addition & Subtraction Skills. Teaching Resources, 2005.

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Novelli, Joan, and Holly Grundon. Smart Pads! Addition & Subtraction Grades 1-2: 40 Fun Games to Help Kids Master Addition & Subtraction Skills. Teaching Resources, 2005.

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Book chapters on the topic "Additional pays"


Zimmermann, Sascha, and Eckart Uhlmann. "Kinematic Simulation of Material Removal at Single-pass Honing with Additional Oscillation." In Advances in Production Research, 381–90. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Jou, Rong-Chang, Chung-Wei Kuo, and Yi-Chun Chiu. "LCC Passengers’ Willingness-to-Pay for the Baggage Check-in Additional Service: A Case Study on the Taiwan-Japan Route." In Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2018, 1125–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Komatsu, Hiroaki. "Study on Premium Rent of Refurbished Apartments Based on Bayesian Modeling Using Stated Preference Data of the Tenants." In New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, 195–216. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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AbstractIn this study, we evaluated the premium rent of refurbished apartment houses in Greater Tokyo. We found that as a residential building’s age increased, the premium rent decreased. Male tenants in the age group of 20–30 years showed the highest willingness to pay (WTP). In addition, a high degree of residential satisfaction and the sense of expense toward rent had negative effects on the WTP toward premium rent.
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Maciel, Carolina, and Bettina Bock. "Animal welfare measures and the WTO Post-EC - seal products case: a renewed debate and research agenda." In The economics of farm animal welfare: theory, evidence and policy, 156–72. Wallingford: CABI, 2020.

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Abstract For nearly 20 years trade officials and scholars debated whether a national measure restricting trade on the basis of animal welfare concerns could be deemed compliant with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In June 2014, the dispute settlement body of the WTO adopted the decision on the EC - Seal Products case confirming that trade-restrictive measures aimed at safeguarding the welfare of animals can be deemed necessary to protect citizens' moral concerns. While this decision provides long-awaited answers and insights, it does not exhaust the debate on the obstacles for justifying animal welfare trade restrictions. This paper provides an overview of controversies surrounding the topic of animal welfare from a WTO perspective and a brief review of the findings from the EC - Seal Products case. In addition, this chapter calls for further research on potential controversies that may rise in relation to trade measures in contexts beyond seal hunting; like, for instance, regulatory divergences over farm animal welfare measures. In doing so, it recommends that future research pays special attention to the potential controversies associated with the use of animal welfare recommendations elaborated by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (OIE, 2019).
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Mong, Sherry N. "Who Pays?" In Taking Care of Our Own, 56–68. Cornell University Press, 2020.

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This chapter talks about the different medical care programs available in the United States. Medicare and Medicaid were both created in 1965 and are administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Medicare is a federally funded program, while Medicaid is funded by both the federal and state governments. Unlike Medicare, Medicaid is managed by individual states based on federal guidelines that stipulate the services that must be provided to specific groups of poor individuals. Medicare has historically been a driving force in U.S. health policy due to its conversion of typical fee-for-service medical reimbursements into a standardized prospective payment system. The differences in state regulations and mandates, as well as specific policy guidelines, mean that private insurance has significant variation. In regard to home health care, home visits are limited and home health agencies must get approval for the number of visits they make. These limitations have significant impacts on care recipients, and they structure the work processes for caregivers and nurses alike. The chapter also talks about the system's complexity and the disparities in coverage among various payer sources. The fragmented nature of payer sources greatly affects patients and caregivers, who often negotiate systems with limited knowledge. A large problem for people interviewed in this book was that they didn't know about waivers and other services that were available to them and didn't apply for them when they could have. Caregivers often found out about waivers from acquaintances, family members, or others. Currently, the multiple-payer system promotes confusion, additional stress, and uncertainty.
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Cramer, Christopher, John Sender, and Arkebe Oqubay. "Introduction." In African Economic Development, 3–13. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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The keys to sustained economic growth and development lie in policy and investment strategy decisions taken within African countries. Our argument is ‘possibilist’: neither pessimistic nor naively optimistic. We draw on a wide range of economic and political economy research but also on research in history, anthropology, environmental science, agronomy, and more. The book pays attention to gender relations, offering thick descriptions of the ways in which the majority of African women struggle to survive. It pays closer attention than many to how data are produced and to the quality of evidence underpinning conventional wisdoms. It draws on an unusually wide range of types of evidence, qualitative as well as quantitative, historical and contemporary, providing a rich resource of references and a guide to additional reading. Our arguments through this book are often different from both those typically associated with mainstream neoclassical economics and those more common on ‘the left’.
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Damrosch, David. "Emigrations." In Comparing the Literatures, 50–83. Princeton University Press, 2020.

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This chapter explores the major role of emigrants in the history of comparative literature. It pays special attention to the role played by midcentury émigrés from Europe, such as Erich Auerbach, Leo Spitzer, René Wellek, and Paul de Man. It also looks into Lilian R. Furst, whose family fled Vienna in 1938 and who published a memoir with the title “Home Is Somewhere Else.” The chapter recounts the immigration story of Hu Shih and at Lin Yutang that provides an additional dimension of comparative study throughout the century. It also analyzes Hu Shih and at Lin Yutang's popular writings and academic scholarship that had a lasting influence on comparative literature and developed many of the terms explored in East/West and postcolonial studies.
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Oberlin, Kathleen C. "What Audiences Think of the Creation Museum." In Creating the Creation Museum, 166–92. NYU Press, 2020.

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Preceding chapters largely draw upon data collected on-site to examine internally why the Creation Museum emerged and how it operates. But what does it do for the movement? Who pays attention to the Creation Museum? Tracing perspectives of various audiences outside of the movement provides an external vantage point necessary for determining the extent to which AiG’s efforts have an impact. Analyzing news media coverage of and social media attention to the Creation Museum, this chapter shows the museum attracted attention because of its ability to draw together temporarily bombastic mobilization efforts with its non-disruptive character. It is a building, open every day, hosting large numbers of people and events. Conflict occurs on-site, like counter-demonstrators, rather than in the streets and additional movement efforts are grounded in the place itself. Media attention suggests that AiG and its Creation Museum have already succeeded: so many other social movement organization’s tactics never receive coverage let alone sustain it.
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Sime, Stuart. "20. Additional Claims under Part 20." In A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure, 217–26. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter discusses the rules for additional claims under Part 20 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR). An additional claim typically will seek to pass any liability established against the defendant to a third party. This is achieved by seeking indemnities, contributions, or related remedies against the third party. A third party may in turn seek to pass on its liability to a fourth party, and so on. Permission to issue an additional claim is not required if the additional claim is issued before or at the same time as the defendant files its defence. An additional claim operates as a separate claim within the original claim.
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Sime, Stuart. "20. Additional Claims under Part 20." In A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure, 221–30. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This chapter discusses the rules for additional claims under Part 20 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR). An additional claim typically will seek to pass any liability established against the defendant to a third party. This is achieved by seeking indemnities, contributions, or related remedies against the third party. A third party may in turn seek to pass on its liability to a fourth party, and so on. Permission to issue an additional claim is not required if the additional claim is issued before or at the same time as the defendant files its defence. An additional claim operates as a separate claim within the original claim.
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Conference papers on the topic "Additional pays"


Felfoeldi-Szuecs, Nora, Peter Juhasz, Gabor Kuerthy, Janos Szaz, and Agnes Vidovics-Dancs. "Modelling Economic Crises In Hua He Framework." In 35th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. ECMS, 2021.

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In our paper we model firms’ liquidity using the Hua He methodology. We investigate how cooperation of firms improve the possibilites of liquidity management. During a crisis, various effects identified in the literature hurt firms’ liquidity position and lead to increased bankruptcy risk. We may counterbalance these adverse effects by providing immediate cash transfers and granting periodic cash flow transfers or additional credit lines. Cooperating with peers pays off. The importance of liquidity transfer between agents is higher during a crisis than in normal economic environment. It contributes to a lower default rate the losses are more moderate as well. Several consequences can be drawn for policy makers how ameliorate resilience of agents.
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Kamma, Anil, G. Shrikanth Reddy, and Jayanta Mukherjee. "Band notch UWB band pass filter with additional GSM 1800 band." In 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS). IEEE, 2016.

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Lo, Wing-hang, and Yu-liang Wu. "Improving Single-Pass Redundancy Addition and Removal with Inconsistent Assignments." In 2006 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test. IEEE, 2006.

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Hong, Heon-Jin, Dong-Phil Jang, In-Seon Kim, Chul-Soo Kim, Min-Ho Chung, and Dal Ahn. "Design of Multilayer Type 2-Pole Band Pass Filter with Additional Poles using Closed Loop Resonator." In 27th European Microwave Conference, 1997. IEEE, 1997.

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Agapiou, John, Eric Steinhilper, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, and Jeffrey Q. Xie. "Eliminating Redundant Operations While Improving Part Quality by Modeling Machining Errors." In ASME 2005 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2005.

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A methodology to predict part quality was applied to the perpendicularity quality of the bell face and main axis of a transmission case. By modeling the quality of different processing sequences, we were able to show that the quality of the part - perpendicularity of critical features - does not improve significantly by performing two-pass machining process instead of a single-pass. This application of our quality methodology required the modeling of additional system errors which were not developed in the earlier version and which were needed to predict certain types of form errors. In addition to improved part quality, changing the existing line to a single-pass process eliminated a bothersome job-setting procedure and tooling costs at the second-pass and increased productivity of a rebalanced line.
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Chiriac, Victor, and Tien-Yu Tom Lee. "Modeling Strategy in Evaluating Thermal Performance of an RF Module for Wireless Communications." In ASME 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2004.

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A detailed study was performed to evaluate the thermal performance of RF Modules and to identify meaningful correlations between specific design characteristics and the power dissipation needed to satisfy the required thermal budget under various critical operating conditions. The investigation focuses on the thermal characteristics of the RF module die layout and transistor cells, and on the thermal impact of the metallic air bridges connecting the load cells to the collector pads/vias to the overall thermal performance of the RF module. A first-pass modeling predicts higher temperatures than IR measurement, by ~20–30%. The addition of the die layout air bridges connecting the load cells in the detailed simulation models leads to a predicted air bridge temperature of ~9% higher than the IR measurement. Additional modeling reveals that between the open (not encapsulated) and the closed module, the die peak temperature differs by less than 3 °C, most of the heat being dissipated through the substrate and board to the heat stage. Thus, the impact of mold compound is insignificant. For a closed module, the mold compound helps dissipate the heat, so the die temperature is slightly cooler than for the open module (&lt;&lt;3°C). This suggests that the die peak temperature measured in an open module can be adjusted (by subtracting 2–3°C) to represent the die temperature in a closed module.
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Ramakrishnan, Kishore, Simon K. Richards, Franc¸ois Moyroud, and Vittorio Michelassi. "Multi-Blade Row Interactions in a Low Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor Stage With a Vaned Diffuser." In ASME 2011 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011.

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Previous experimental and CFD investigation of a GE Oil and Gas centrifugal compressor stage with a vaneless diffuser revealed a complex excitation mechanism caused by an aero-acoustic interaction between three blade rows. In stages with vaned diffusers, additional sources of aeromechanical excitation on the impeller can be expected. This unsteady CFD investigation is a follow-up from the previous vaneless diffuser study to identify any additional sources of excitation that arise in the presence of a vaned diffuser in preparation for aeromechanic tests to be conducted later. The study confirms that excitation from impeller-diffuser interaction generated acoustic modes can dominate the potential field excitation from the diffuser vanes. In addition, a significant aero-acoustic excitation to the impeller at a vane pass frequency corresponding to the sum of the vane counts in the two downstream vane rows is observed, and its origination is discussed. The latter excitation is different from that observed in the vaneless diffuser stage where the vane pass frequency observed by the impeller corresponds to the sum of the vane counts in the upstream and downstream vane rows.
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Soloviev, Nikita Romanovich, Daniil Vladimirovich Emets, and Nikita Sergeevich Agafonov. "SECURITY OF USING A BANK CARD WITH ADDITIONAL PROTECTION MEASURES AND DIFFERENT FORMS OF SUBMISSION OF SMS2 / SMM2 CODE." In XIII Международная научно-практическая конференция "Научные междисциплинарные исследования". KDU, Moscow, 2021.

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It is difficult to imagine the modern world without a convenient opportunity to pay for goods on the Internet. However, the convenience faced the problem of stealing card data during transactions. Cybercriminals come up with more and more ways to steal money. Therefore, more advanced protection technologies must be developed. At the moment, many original solutions are offered, but they all have their advantages and disadvantages. The paper discusses some of the methods of protection and analyzes the possibility of their implementation, price, practicality and degree of protection.
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Maran, Audrey M. "Please pass the salt: The effect of sodium addition on insect contributions to nutrient cycling." In 2016 International Congress of Entomology. Entomological Society of America, 2016.

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Vaccarino, Pietro, and Francesco Borsa. "The Control of the Interference Pattern From a Double Exhaust Tailpipe During a Motorcycle Pass-by Test: An Additional Free Muffler." In SAE 2011 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2011.

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Reports on the topic "Additional pays"


Knight, Lynn, and Suzy Hodgson. Irrigation Pays in Protecting Vegetable Crop Revenues in the Northeast U.S. USDA Northeast Climate Hub, September 2017.

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Climate records show that the Northeast is experiencing more rainfall. However, much of the additional precipitation is occurring as heavy events, leaving intervening periods of hot and dry weather. With this extreme and variable wet weather taking its toll on farms, a key question is: Does crop irrigation make sense as a farm resilience strategy given_name the overall increased precipitation in the Northeast?
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Pelletier, Austin, Amanda Hohner, Idil Deniz Akin, Indranil Chowdhury, Richard Watts, Xianming Shi, Brendan Dutmer, and James Mueller. Bench-scale Electrochemical Treatment of Co-contaminated Clayey Soil. Illinois Center for Transportation, June 2021.

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Industrial soil contamination is frequently unearthed by transportation agencies during construction within the right-of-way. As a result, transportation agencies may experience construction delays. Soils co-contaminated with high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HMW-PAHs) and metals are commonly encountered in Illinois and exhibit recalcitrance towards conventional treatment technologies. This issue is exacerbated in the fine-grained soils common to Illinois, where low-permeability and immense sorption capacity increase treatment complexity, cost, and duration. Contaminated sites are spatially and temporally restrictive and require rapid in situ treatments, whereas conventional soil remediation requires 1 to 3 years on average. Consequently, transportation agencies typically pursue excavation and off-site disposal for expediency. However, this solution is expensive, so a comparatively expeditious and affordable treatment alternative is needed to combat the increasing cost of hazardous waste disposal. The objective of this work was to develop an accelerated in situ treatment approach adaptable for use at any construction site to cost-effectively remove HMW-PAHs and metals from clayey soil. It was hypothesized that an in situ electrochemical treatment which augments electrokinetics with H2O2 could remediate both HMW-PAHs and metals in less than a month. Bench-scale reactors resemblant of field-scale in situ electrokinetic systems were designed and fabricated to assess the electrochemical treatment of clayey soils contaminated with HMW-PAHs and metals. Pyrene, chromium, and manganese were used as model contaminants, spiked into kaolinite as a model clay. Electrokinetics were imposed by a low-intensity electrical field distributed by graphite rods. Electrolytic H2O2 systems were leveraged to distribute electrical current and facilitate contaminant removal. Average contaminant removals of 100%, 42.3%, and 4.5% were achieved for pyrene, manganese, and chromium, respectively. Successful development of this bench-scale treatment approach will serve to guide transportation agencies in field-scale implementation. The results from this work signify that electrochemical systems that leverage eco-friendly oxidant addition can replace excavation and disposal as a means of addressing clayey soils co-contaminated with HMW-PAHs and metals.
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Cao, Shoufeng, Uwe Dulleck, Warwick Powell, Charles Turner-Morris, Valeri Natanelov, and Marcus Foth. BeefLedger blockchain-credentialed beef exports to China: Early consumer insights. Queensland University of Technology, May 2020.

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The BeefLedger Export Smart Contracts project is a collaborative research study between BeefLedger Ltd and QUT co-funded by the Food Agility CRC. This project exists to deliver economic value to those involved in the production, export and consumption of Australian beef to China through: (1) reduced information asymmetry; (2) streamlined compliance processes, and; (3) developing and accessing new data-driven value drivers, through the deployment of decentralised ledger technologies and associated governance systems. This report presents early insights from a survey deployed to Chinese consumers in Nov/Dec 2019 exploring attitudes and preferences about blockchain-credentialed beef exports to China. Our results show that most local and foreign consumers were willing to pay more than the reference price for a BeefLedger branded Australian cut and packed Sirloin steak at the same weight. Although considered superior over Chinese processed Australian beef products, the Chinese market were sceptical that the beef they buy was really from Australia, expressing low trust in Australian label and traceability information. Despite lower trust, most survey respondents were willing to pay more for traceability supported Australian beef, potentially because including this information provided an additional sense of safety. Therefore, traceability information should be provided to consumers, as it can add a competitive advantage over products without traceability.
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Agrawal, Asha Weinstein, and Hilary Nixon. What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Transportation? Results from Year Twelve of a National Survey. Mineta Transportation Institute, June 2021.

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This report summarizes the results from the twelfth year of a national public opinion survey asking U.S. adults questions related to their views on federal transportation taxes. A nationally-representative sample of 2,516 respondents completed the online survey from February 5 to 23, 2021. The questions test public opinions about raising the federal gas tax rate, replacing the federal gas tax with a new mileage fee, and imposing a mileage fee just on commercial travel. In addition to asking directly about support for these tax options, the survey collected data on respondents’ views on the quality of their local transportation system, their priorities for federal transportation spending, their knowledge about gas taxes, their views on privacy and equity matters related to mileage fees, travel behavior, and standard sociodemographic variables. This large set of variables is used to identify personal characteristics and opinions correlated with support for the tax options. Key findings include that large majorities supported transportation improvements across modes and wanted to see the federal government work towards making the transportation system well maintained, safe, and equitable, as well as to reduce the system’s impact on climate change. Findings related to gas taxes include that only 2% of respondents knew that the federal gas tax rate had not been raised in more than 20 years, and 71% of respondents supported increasing the federal gas tax by 10 cents per gallon if the revenue would be dedicated to maintenance. With respect to mileage fees, roughly half of respondents supported some form of mileage fee, whether that was assessed on all travel or just on commercial travel, 62% believe that low-income drivers should pay a reduced mileage fee rate, and 52% think that electric vehicles should pay a lower rate than gas and diesel vehicles. The analysis of trends across the survey series, which has run from 2010 to 2011, shows that support for both higher gas taxes and a hypothetical new mileage fee has risen slowly but steadily, and Americans’ experience with COVID over the past year has not disrupted those trends. Finally, support for the tax and fee options varies mostly by most personal characteristics, but there are frequently large differences correlated with age, community type, and political affiliation.
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Putriastuti, Massita Ayu Cindy, Vivi Fitriyanti, and Muhammad Razin Abdullah. Leveraging the Potential of Crowdfunding for Financing Renewable Energy. Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center, June 2021.

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• Renewable energy (RE) projects in Indonesia usually have IRR between 10% and 15% and PP around 6 to 30 years • Attractive return usually could be found in large scale RE projects, although there are numerous other factors involved including technology developments, capacity scale, power purchasing price agreements, project locations, as well as interest rates and applied incentives. • Crowdfunding (CF) has big potential to contribute to the financing of RE projects especially financing small scale RE projects. • P2P lending usually targeted short-term loans with high interest rates. Therefore, it cannot be employed as an alternative financing for RE projects in Indonesia. • Three types of CF that can be employed as an alternative for RE project funding in Indonesia. Namely, securities, reward, and donation-based CF. In addition, hybrid models such as securities-reward and reward-donation could also be explored according to the project profitability. • Several benefits offer by securities crowdfunding (SCF) compared to conventional banking and P2P lending, as follows: (1) issuer do not need to pledge assets as collateral; (2) do not require to pay instalment each month; (3) issuer share risks with investors with no obligation to cover the investor’s loss; (4) applicable for micro, small, medium, enterprises (MSMEs) with no complex requirements; and (5) there is possibility to attract investors with bring specific value. • Several challenges that need to be tackled such as the uncertainty of RE regulations; (1) issuer’s inability in managing the system and business; (2) the absence of third parties in bridging between CF platform and potential issuer from RE project owner; (3) the lack of financial literacy of the potential funders; and (4) lastly the inadequacy of study regarding potential funders in escalating the RE utilisation in Indonesia.
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Venäläinen, Ari, Sanna Luhtala, Mikko Laapas, Otto Hyvärinen, Hilppa Gregow, Mikko Strahlendorff, Mikko Peltoniemi, et al. Sää- ja ilmastotiedot sekä uudet palvelut auttavat metsäbiotaloutta sopeutumaan ilmastonmuutokseen. Finnish Meteorological Institute, January 2021.

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Climate change will increase weather induced risks to forests, and thus effective adaptation measures are needed. In Säätyö project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, we have summarized the data that facilitate adaptation measures, developed weather and climate services that benefit forestry, and mapped what kind of new weather and climate services are needed in forestry. In addition, we have recorded key further development needs to promote adaptation. The Säätyö project developed a service product describing the harvesting conditions of trees based on the soil moisture assessment. The output includes an analysis of the current situation and a 10-day forecast. In the project we also tested the usefulness of long forecasts beyond three months. The weather forecasting service is sidelined and supplemented by another co-operation project between the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Metsäteho called HarvesterSeasons ( The HarvesterSeasons service utilizes long-term forecasts of up to 6 months to assess terrain bearing conditions. A test version of a wind damage risk tool was developed in cooperation with the Department of Forest Sciences of the University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. It can be used to calculate the wind speeds required in a forest area for wind damage (falling trees). It is currently only suitable for researcher use. In the Säätyö project the possibility of locating the most severe wind damage areas immediately after a storm was also tested. The method is based on the spatial interpolation of wind observations. The method was used to analyze storms that caused forest damages in the summer and fall of 2020. The produced maps were considered illustrative and useful to those responsible for compiling the situational picture. The accumulation of snow on tree branches, can be modeled using weather data such as rainfall, temperature, air humidity, and wind speed. In the Säätyö project, the snow damage risk assessment model was further developed in such a way that, in addition to the accumulated snow load amount, the characteristics of the stand and the variations in terrain height were also taken into account. According to the verification performed, the importance of abiotic factors increased under extreme snow load conditions (winter 2017-2018). In ordinary winters, the importance of biotic factors was emphasized. According to the comparison, the actual snow damage could be explained well with the tested model. In the interviews and workshop, the uses of information products, their benefits, the conditions for their introduction and development opportunities were mapped. According to the results, diverse uses and benefits of information products and services were seen. Information products would make it possible to develop proactive forest management, which would reduce the economic costs caused by wind and snow damages. A more up-to-date understanding of harvesting conditions, enabled by information products, would enhance the implementation of harvesting and harvesting operations and the management of timber stocks, as well as reduce terrain, trunk and root damage. According to the study, the introduction of information is particularly affected by the availability of timeliness. Although the interviewees were not currently willing to pay for the information products developed in the project, the interviews highlighted several suggestions for the development of information products, which could make it possible to commercialize them.
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Vargas-Herrera, Hernando, Juan Jose Ospina-Tejeiro, Carlos Alfonso Huertas-Campos, Adolfo León Cobo-Serna, Edgar Caicedo-García, Juan Pablo Cote-Barón, Nicolás Martínez-Cortés, et al. Monetary Policy Report - April de 2021. Banco de la República de Colombia, July 2021.

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1.1 Macroeconomic summary Economic recovery has consistently outperformed the technical staff’s expectations following a steep decline in activity in the second quarter of 2020. At the same time, total and core inflation rates have fallen and remain at low levels, suggesting that a significant element of the reactivation of Colombia’s economy has been related to recovery in potential GDP. This would support the technical staff’s diagnosis of weak aggregate demand and ample excess capacity. The most recently available data on 2020 growth suggests a contraction in economic activity of 6.8%, lower than estimates from January’s Monetary Policy Report (-7.2%). High-frequency indicators suggest that economic performance was significantly more dynamic than expected in January, despite mobility restrictions and quarantine measures. This has also come amid declines in total and core inflation, the latter of which was below January projections if controlling for certain relative price changes. This suggests that the unexpected strength of recent growth contains elements of demand, and that excess capacity, while significant, could be lower than previously estimated. Nevertheless, uncertainty over the measurement of excess capacity continues to be unusually high and marked both by variations in the way different economic sectors and spending components have been affected by the pandemic, and by uneven price behavior. The size of excess capacity, and in particular the evolution of the pandemic in forthcoming quarters, constitute substantial risks to the macroeconomic forecast presented in this report. Despite the unexpected strength of the recovery, the technical staff continues to project ample excess capacity that is expected to remain on the forecast horizon, alongside core inflation that will likely remain below the target. Domestic demand remains below 2019 levels amid unusually significant uncertainty over the size of excess capacity in the economy. High national unemployment (14.6% for February 2021) reflects a loose labor market, while observed total and core inflation continue to be below 2%. Inflationary pressures from the exchange rate are expected to continue to be low, with relatively little pass-through on inflation. This would be compatible with a negative output gap. Excess productive capacity and the expectation of core inflation below the 3% target on the forecast horizon provide a basis for an expansive monetary policy posture. The technical staff’s assessment of certain shocks and their expected effects on the economy, as well as the presence of several sources of uncertainty and related assumptions about their potential macroeconomic impacts, remain a feature of this report. The coronavirus pandemic, in particular, continues to affect the public health environment, and the reopening of Colombia’s economy remains incomplete. The technical staff’s assessment is that the COVID-19 shock has affected both aggregate demand and supply, but that the impact on demand has been deeper and more persistent. Given this persistence, the central forecast accounts for a gradual tightening of the output gap in the absence of new waves of contagion, and as vaccination campaigns progress. The central forecast continues to include an expected increase of total and core inflation rates in the second quarter of 2021, alongside the lapse of the temporary price relief measures put in place in 2020. Additional COVID-19 outbreaks (of uncertain duration and intensity) represent a significant risk factor that could affect these projections. Additionally, the forecast continues to include an upward trend in sovereign risk premiums, reflected by higher levels of public debt that in the wake of the pandemic are likely to persist on the forecast horizon, even in the context of a fiscal adjustment. At the same time, the projection accounts for the shortterm effects on private domestic demand from a fiscal adjustment along the lines of the one currently being proposed by the national government. This would be compatible with a gradual recovery of private domestic demand in 2022. The size and characteristics of the fiscal adjustment that is ultimately implemented, as well as the corresponding market response, represent another source of forecast uncertainty. Newly available information offers evidence of the potential for significant changes to the macroeconomic scenario, though without altering the general diagnosis described above. The most recent data on inflation, growth, fiscal policy, and international financial conditions suggests a more dynamic economy than previously expected. However, a third wave of the pandemic has delayed the re-opening of Colombia’s economy and brought with it a deceleration in economic activity. Detailed descriptions of these considerations and subsequent changes to the macroeconomic forecast are presented below. The expected annual decline in GDP (-0.3%) in the first quarter of 2021 appears to have been less pronounced than projected in January (-4.8%). Partial closures in January to address a second wave of COVID-19 appear to have had a less significant negative impact on the economy than previously estimated. This is reflected in figures related to mobility, energy demand, industry and retail sales, foreign trade, commercial transactions from selected banks, and the national statistics agency’s (DANE) economic tracking indicator (ISE). Output is now expected to have declined annually in the first quarter by 0.3%. Private consumption likely continued to recover, registering levels somewhat above those from the previous year, while public consumption likely increased significantly. While a recovery in investment in both housing and in other buildings and structures is expected, overall investment levels in this case likely continued to be low, and gross fixed capital formation is expected to continue to show significant annual declines. Imports likely recovered to again outpace exports, though both are expected to register significant annual declines. Economic activity that outpaced projections, an increase in oil prices and other export products, and an expected increase in public spending this year account for the upward revision to the 2021 growth forecast (from 4.6% with a range between 2% and 6% in January, to 6.0% with a range between 3% and 7% in April). As a result, the output gap is expected to be smaller and to tighten more rapidly than projected in the previous report, though it is still expected to remain in negative territory on the forecast horizon. Wide forecast intervals reflect the fact that the future evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic remains a significant source of uncertainty on these projections. The delay in the recovery of economic activity as a result of the resurgence of COVID-19 in the first quarter appears to have been less significant than projected in the January report. The central forecast scenario expects this improved performance to continue in 2021 alongside increased consumer and business confidence. Low real interest rates and an active credit supply would also support this dynamic, and the overall conditions would be expected to spur a recovery in consumption and investment. Increased growth in public spending and public works based on the national government’s spending plan (Plan Financiero del Gobierno) are other factors to consider. Additionally, an expected recovery in global demand and higher projected prices for oil and coffee would further contribute to improved external revenues and would favor investment, in particular in the oil sector. Given the above, the technical staff’s 2021 growth forecast has been revised upward from 4.6% in January (range from 2% to 6%) to 6.0% in April (range from 3% to 7%). These projections account for the potential for the third wave of COVID-19 to have a larger and more persistent effect on the economy than the previous wave, while also supposing that there will not be any additional significant waves of the pandemic and that mobility restrictions will be relaxed as a result. Economic growth in 2022 is expected to be 3%, with a range between 1% and 5%. This figure would be lower than projected in the January report (3.6% with a range between 2% and 6%), due to a higher base of comparison given the upward revision to expected GDP in 2021. This forecast also takes into account the likely effects on private demand of a fiscal adjustment of the size currently being proposed by the national government, and which would come into effect in 2022. Excess in productive capacity is now expected to be lower than estimated in January but continues to be significant and affected by high levels of uncertainty, as reflected in the wide forecast intervals. The possibility of new waves of the virus (of uncertain intensity and duration) represents a significant downward risk to projected GDP growth, and is signaled by the lower limits of the ranges provided in this report. Inflation (1.51%) and inflation excluding food and regulated items (0.94%) declined in March compared to December, continuing below the 3% target. The decline in inflation in this period was below projections, explained in large part by unanticipated increases in the costs of certain foods (3.92%) and regulated items (1.52%). An increase in international food and shipping prices, increased foreign demand for beef, and specific upward pressures on perishable food supplies appear to explain a lower-than-expected deceleration in the consumer price index (CPI) for foods. An unexpected increase in regulated items prices came amid unanticipated increases in international fuel prices, on some utilities rates, and for regulated education prices. The decline in annual inflation excluding food and regulated items between December and March was in line with projections from January, though this included downward pressure from a significant reduction in telecommunications rates due to the imminent entry of a new operator. When controlling for the effects of this relative price change, inflation excluding food and regulated items exceeds levels forecast in the previous report. Within this indicator of core inflation, the CPI for goods (1.05%) accelerated due to a reversion of the effects of the VAT-free day in November, which was largely accounted for in February, and possibly by the transmission of a recent depreciation of the peso on domestic prices for certain items (electric and household appliances). For their part, services prices decelerated and showed the lowest rate of annual growth (0.89%) among the large consumer baskets in the CPI. Within the services basket, the annual change in rental prices continued to decline, while those services that continue to experience the most significant restrictions on returning to normal operations (tourism, cinemas, nightlife, etc.) continued to register significant price declines. As previously mentioned, telephone rates also fell significantly due to increased competition in the market. Total inflation is expected to continue to be affected by ample excesses in productive capacity for the remainder of 2021 and 2022, though less so than projected in January. As a result, convergence to the inflation target is now expected to be somewhat faster than estimated in the previous report, assuming the absence of significant additional outbreaks of COVID-19. The technical staff’s year-end inflation projections for 2021 and 2022 have increased, suggesting figures around 3% due largely to variation in food and regulated items prices. The projection for inflation excluding food and regulated items also increased, but remains below 3%. Price relief measures on indirect taxes implemented in 2020 are expected to lapse in the second quarter of 2021, generating a one-off effect on prices and temporarily affecting inflation excluding food and regulated items. However, indexation to low levels of past inflation, weak demand, and ample excess productive capacity are expected to keep core inflation below the target, near 2.3% at the end of 2021 (previously 2.1%). The reversion in 2021 of the effects of some price relief measures on utility rates from 2020 should lead to an increase in the CPI for regulated items in the second half of this year. Annual price changes are now expected to be higher than estimated in the January report due to an increased expected path for fuel prices and unanticipated increases in regulated education prices. The projection for the CPI for foods has increased compared to the previous report, taking into account certain factors that were not anticipated in January (a less favorable agricultural cycle, increased pressure from international prices, and transport costs). Given the above, year-end annual inflation for 2021 and 2022 is now expected to be 3% and 2.8%, respectively, which would be above projections from January (2.3% and 2,7%). For its part, expected inflation based on analyst surveys suggests year-end inflation in 2021 and 2022 of 2.8% and 3.1%, respectively. There remains significant uncertainty surrounding the inflation forecasts included in this report due to several factors: 1) the evolution of the pandemic; 2) the difficulty in evaluating the size and persistence of excess productive capacity; 3) the timing and manner in which price relief measures will lapse; and 4) the future behavior of food prices. Projected 2021 growth in foreign demand (4.4% to 5.2%) and the supposed average oil price (USD 53 to USD 61 per Brent benchmark barrel) were both revised upward. An increase in long-term international interest rates has been reflected in a depreciation of the peso and could result in relatively tighter external financial conditions for emerging market economies, including Colombia. Average growth among Colombia’s trade partners was greater than expected in the fourth quarter of 2020. This, together with a sizable fiscal stimulus approved in the United States and the onset of a massive global vaccination campaign, largely explains the projected increase in foreign demand growth in 2021. The resilience of the goods market in the face of global crisis and an expected normalization in international trade are additional factors. These considerations and the expected continuation of a gradual reduction of mobility restrictions abroad suggest that Colombia’s trade partners could grow on average by 5.2% in 2021 and around 3.4% in 2022. The improved prospects for global economic growth have led to an increase in current and expected oil prices. Production interruptions due to a heavy winter, reduced inventories, and increased supply restrictions instituted by producing countries have also contributed to the increase. Meanwhile, market forecasts and recent Federal Reserve pronouncements suggest that the benchmark interest rate in the U.S. will remain stable for the next two years. Nevertheless, a significant increase in public spending in the country has fostered expectations for greater growth and inflation, as well as increased uncertainty over the moment in which a normalization of monetary policy might begin. This has been reflected in an increase in long-term interest rates. In this context, emerging market economies in the region, including Colombia, have registered increases in sovereign risk premiums and long-term domestic interest rates, and a depreciation of local currencies against the dollar. Recent outbreaks of COVID-19 in several of these economies; limits on vaccine supply and the slow pace of immunization campaigns in some countries; a significant increase in public debt; and tensions between the United States and China, among other factors, all add to a high level of uncertainty surrounding interest rate spreads, external financing conditions, and the future performance of risk premiums. The impact that this environment could have on the exchange rate and on domestic financing conditions represent risks to the macroeconomic and monetary policy forecasts. Domestic financial conditions continue to favor recovery in economic activity. The transmission of reductions to the policy interest rate on credit rates has been significant. The banking portfolio continues to recover amid circumstances that have affected both the supply and demand for loans, and in which some credit risks have materialized. Preferential and ordinary commercial interest rates have fallen to a similar degree as the benchmark interest rate. As is generally the case, this transmission has come at a slower pace for consumer credit rates, and has been further delayed in the case of mortgage rates. Commercial credit levels stabilized above pre-pandemic levels in March, following an increase resulting from significant liquidity requirements for businesses in the second quarter of 2020. The consumer credit portfolio continued to recover and has now surpassed February 2020 levels, though overall growth in the portfolio remains low. At the same time, portfolio projections and default indicators have increased, and credit establishment earnings have come down. Despite this, credit disbursements continue to recover and solvency indicators remain well above regulatory minimums. 1.2 Monetary policy decision In its meetings in March and April the BDBR left the benchmark interest rate unchanged at 1.75%.
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