Academic literature on the topic 'Addition calcaire'

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Journal articles on the topic "Addition calcaire"


Belmahi, Samir, Mohammed Zidour, and Tayeb Bensatllah. "Mechanical behavior of mortars composed of a mixture of cement and lime stone filler." Lebanese Science Journal 19, no. 1 (April 27, 2018): 95–104.

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This work consists in studying the mechanical behavior of mortars composed of a mixture of cement and fire-clay. The limestone filler is used as an additive in this mixture. The main idea wasto compare this mortar with an ordinary mortar,made with a normal sand, thus,to know the limit of their use in construction.The results showed and confirmed that fire-clay mortar, cannot give better resistances than a normal sand mortar. The second idea wasto introduce the limestone filler manufactured by ENG Tlemcen (Algeria) as an addition. Theproposed percentages varied from 5% to 30% of the cement mass. The resultsobtained showed that the substitution of a part of cement by the limestone filler helps to improve the mechanicals resistances of mortars and that the best fraction of limestone filler wasfixed at 10%.
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HAOUAT, Abdellah, and Omar AZZOUZ. "Substitution de Ciment pour Béton par des Pourcentages de Poudre de Marbre." International Journal of Financial Accountability, Economics, Management, and Auditing (IJFAEMA) 3, no. 4 (August 12, 2021): 552–59.

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Le but de cette étude est la valorisation des résidus minéraux en tant que substitution partielle du ciment qui entre dans la fabrication du béton. Il s'inscrit dans une démarche de développement durable. Il regroupe les résultats obtenus expérimentalement. L'utilisation des poudres de marbre en remplacement partiel du ciment Portland dans le béton permet de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et génère un béton ayant un impact moindre sur l'environnement. En mettant à profit diverses techniques expérimentales, une attention particulière est accordée au comportement de la poudre de marbre finement broyée associée au ciment Portland avec addition de calcaire. Cette étude a confirmé l’amélioration des propriétés physiques des bétons avec l’ajout de poudre de marbre, ce qui laisse augurer de bonnes perspectives pour son utilisation comme substituant de ciment.
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Bu, X. L., J. Su, J. H. Xue, Y. B. Wu, C. X. Zhao, and L. M. Wang. "Effect of rice husk biochar addition on nutrient leaching and microbial properties of Calcaric Cambisols." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74, no. 2 (2019): 172–79.

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López-Martínez, N., A. Olmo, and J. Torrent. "Dissolved reactive phosphorus in a Calcaric Fluvisol as affected by the addition of agricultural wastes." Soil Use and Management 20, no. 1 (January 18, 2006): 74–80.

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López-Martínez, N., A. del Olmo, and J. Torrent. "Dissolved reactive phosphorus in a Calcaric Fluvisol as affected by the addition of agricultural wastes." Soil Use and Management 20, no. 1 (March 1, 2004): 74–80.

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Ingerpuu, Nele, Loore Ehrlich, Mare Leis, Tiiu Kupper, Leiti Kannukene, and Kai Vellak. "Additions and changes to the species list of Estonian bryophytes." Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 59 (July 7, 2022): 23–25.

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Since the last additions (Vellak et al., 2021), four new species should be added to the list. Two of these (Calypogeia fissa and Timmia austriaca) are new finds, two (Hedwigia emodica and Syntrichia ruraliformis) were earlier known as varieties in Estonia. One species (Seligeria patula) should be excluded from the list since the voucher specimen was re-identified as S. calcarea and no other specimens were found among all collected specimens of genus Seligeria in Estonian herbaria and during inventories of genus Seligeria at all known localities in Estonia in 2020-2021. The number of species in Estonian bryoflora is now 615. The distribution and threats on the new species in Estonia are not known yet and need further inventories, thus all are evaluated here as data deficient (DD). Estonian names for all new species are presented in parenthesis and the distribution and ecology is briefly discussed.
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Yu, Yao, Dong-Yi Lan, Li-Ying Tang, Ting Su, Biao Li, Nan Jiang, Rong-Bin Liang, Qian-Min Ge, Qiu-Yu Li, and Yi Shao. "Intrinsic functional connectivity alterations of the primary visual cortex in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy: a seed-based resting-state fMRI study." Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 11 (January 2020): 204201882096029.

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Purpose: In this study, we aimed to investigate the differences in the intrinsic functional connectivity (iFC) of the primary visual cortex (V1), based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), between patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and healthy controls (HCs). Methods: In total, 26 patients (12 males, 14 females) with PDR and 26 HCs (12 males, 14 females), matched for sex, age, and education status, were enrolled in the study. All individuals underwent rs-fMRI scans. We acquired iFC maps and compared the differences between PDR patients and the HCs. Results: The PDR group had significantly increased FC between the left V1 and the right middle frontal gyrus (RMFG), and significantly reduced FC between the left V1 and the cuneus/calcarine/precuneus. In addition, the PDR patients had significantly increased FC between the right V1 and the right superior frontal gyrus (RSFG), and significantly reduced FC between the right V1 and the cuneus/calcarine/precuneus. The individual areas under the curve (AUCs) of FC values for the left V1 were as follows: RMFG (0.871, p < 0.001) and the cuneus/calcarine/precuneus (0.914, p < 0.001), while the AUCs of FC values for the right V1 were as follows: RSFG (0.895, p < 0.001) and the cuneus/calcarine/precuneus (0.918, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The results demonstrated that, in PDR patients, altered iFC in distinct brain regions, including regions related to visual information processing and cognition. Considering the rise in the diabetes mellitus incidence rate and the consequences of PDR, the results could provide promising clues for exploring the neural mechanisms related to PDR and possible approaches for the early identification of PDR.
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Reis, Ana Carolina Botelho dos, and Júlia Ronzella Ottoni. "Antifungal activity of homeopathic medicines against the white mold causing agent Sclerotinia sclerotiorum." Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences 43 (October 25, 2021): e56548.

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White mold disease, caused by fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary., is a disease hard to control due to the high amount of sclerotia produced, which guarantees its survival in the soil for years leading to significant yield losses. Alternative techniques to control the pathogen have been researched, including homeopathy. The present work aimed to evaluate the in vitro antifungal effect of homeopathic medicines on S. sclerotiorum mycelial growth. Homeopathic medicines Sulphur, fungal sclerotium Nosode and Calcarea carbonica, in 30CH, 200CH and 1000CH dynamizations were tested. Assays were carried out in a completely randomized design, with four repetitions. Experiments were performed through the addition of homeopathic medicines on the surface of plates containing culture medium, followed by insertion of a disc containing fungus mycelia and incubation. Control treatment received no homeopathic medicine. The mycelial progression was monitored by seven halo diameter measurements during experiment period. All homeopathic medicines tested and their dynamizations were able to inhibit partially the development of the fungus. Calcarea carbonica at the dynamization of 1000 CH showed the best inhibitory effect on S. sclerotiorum, which under its effect produced a mycelial halo 40% smaller than the control treatment.
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Glass, Phillip J., and William L. Gannon. "Description of M. uropataginalis (a new muscle), with additional comments from a microscopy study of the uropatagium of the fringed myotis (Myotis thysanodes)." Canadian Journal of Zoology 72, no. 10 (October 1, 1994): 1752–54.

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We describe a bundle of skeletal muscle extending between the last caudal vertebrae and the calcar in the distal uropatagium of the fringed myotis, Myotis thysanodes, and we name this muscle M. uropataginalis. This discovery may elucidate the function of the fringe hairs of M. thysanodes and other bats with hairs projecting distally and ventrally along the trailing edge of the uropatagium.
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Saul, Dominik, Tobias Himmelmann, and Klaus Dresing. "Humeral Tip-apex-distance as a Prognostic Marker for Proximal Humeral Fractures in 203 Patients." Open Orthopaedics Journal 11, no. 1 (April 20, 2017): 297–308.

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Background:Humeral head fractures and their postoperative outcome remain a challenging problem in surgical daily routine. Predictive factors for loss of fixation are rare.Objective:Determination of predictive factors for the failure of osteosynthesis with the loss of fixation or migration of screws in humeral head fractures.Method:From 1995 to 2011, 408 patients with proximal humeral fractures [mean age 66.6 years, 50.9-82.3 years] and osteosynthesis were analyzed. Two hundred and three received open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) with the PHILOS®plate. The non-locking plate was used in 80, the locking plate in 16 and humeral head prosthesis in 26 patients, in addition to 23 patients undergoing other procedures. Intraoperative reduction that achieved an anatomical alignment of the medial aspect of the humerus (humeral calcar) was assessed in 94 patients by postoperative X-ray analysis. The loss of fixation was evaluated by a follow-up of three to five X-rays and measurement of the humeral tip-apex-distance (HTAD).Results:For stable fixed fractures with an intact calcar, percentual HTAD was significantly higher than for unstable fixed fractures (p=0.04). Morbidity, such as hypertension, orthopedic operations or diabetes, strongly influenced the HTAD, while postoperative passive motion treatment modestly affected the HTAD over time.Conclusion:The anatomic reconstruction of the calcar, leading to stable fixation of humeral head fractures, can significantly prevent an overproportioned decrease in the HTAD in postoperative X-rays and seems to be vital in multimorbid patients. Measurement of the HTAD over time delivers a tool for early detection of secondary loss of fixation.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Addition calcaire"


Mosser, Lucas. "Formulation de bétons décarbonés à base de clinker, métakaolin et d’addition calcaire pour une application aux produits préfabriqués." Electronic Thesis or Diss., IMT Mines Alès, 2023.

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L’objectif des travaux rapportés dans ce mémoire de thèse est la formulation de solutions à faible empreinte carbone (< 150 kg.éq.CO2/m3) et industriellement viables. En premier lieu, la substitution d’une forte teneur en clinker (65 % à 70 %) par du métakaolin et des additions calcaires est étudiée. Ensuite, l’optimum de compacité du squelette granulaire (via le Modèle d’Empilement Compressible) a été recherché pour minimiser le volume de pâte requis.L’application de leviers matériau (faible teneur en eau et adjuvantation) et procédés (traitement thermique) a permis d’approcher les performances d’une référence à base de ciment Portland. Une résistance à la compression supérieure à 14 MPa à 8 heures et des classes de résistance à 28 jours C25/30 et C40/50 ont été atteintes. Via l’approche performantielle, les classes de durabilité XC2 ou XC4, XS3e et XS3m ont pu être validées. Ces solutions décarbonées ont permis la fabrication de prémurs à l’échelle industrielle
The aim of the presented research is to formulate industrially viable low carbon footprint concrete (< 150 kg.eq.CO2/m³). First, high substitution of clinker (65 % to 70 %) by metakaolin and limestone has been investigated to reduce the concrete’s carbon footprint. Then, granular packing compacity has been optimized with the Compressible Packing Model to reduce the required paste volume.High water content reduction (with adapted admixture content) and a thermal treatment have been applied to approach an Ordinary Portland Cement concrete’s performances. Compressive strength of superior to 14 MPa at 8 hours and strength classes of C25/30 and C40/50 have been reached. Also, through a performance approach, durability classes XC2 or XC4, XS3e and XS3m have been validated. The developed low carbon solutions were used to produce walls with integrated formwork at the industrial scale
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Bourdot, Alexandra. "Étude de l’influence des schistes calcinés sur la réaction Alcali-Silice pour une meilleure valorisation en bétons de granulats réactifs." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013.

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L’emploi de granulats dits “potentiellement réactifs” (PR) vis-à-vis de la Réaction Alcali-Silice (RAS) peut conduire à la dégradation des bétons. Pour pallier aux risques d’expansion de béton constitués de ces granulats, des ajouts minéraux tels les schistes calcinés (SC) peuvent être utilisés comme substituants au clinker. Ce travail a un double objectif qui est de mieux comprendre le rôle des SC pour lutter contre la RAS et le comportement du granulat PR calcaire siliceux de Brunnen en particulier vis-à-vis de la RAS.Parmi les granulats utilisés, le Brunnen a donc fait l’objet d’une caractérisation fine. La présence de silice micronique voire submicronique de type quartz monocristallin semble être très réactive par sa petite taille et pourrait être responsable de l’expansion des bétons à base de ce granulat. Les SC ont également fait l’objet d’une caractérisation détaillée. Malgré une minéralogie et une structure complexes, de la silice micronique a été distinguée. L’action des SC par rapport à la RAS a ensuite été étudiée en milieu réactionnel modèle et enfin en milieu béton. Les résultats montrent un effet bénéfique des SC en milieu réactionnel, malgré des conditions non optimales pour mettre en évidence la réaction pouzzolanique. De même, les SC permettent de diminuer les expansions de béton sous le seuil limite toléré dès 17 % de SC pour le silex et à 30 % de SC ou bien avec le ciment CEM II/B-M (S,T) 42,5 R (Robusto 4R-S) pour les calcaires siliceux. Les SC auraient un double effet pour inhiber la RAS par la fixation des alcalins sur les produits de la réaction pouzzolanique mais aussi par la neutralisation de ceux-ci sur sa silice micronique
The use of the so-called “potentially reactive” (PR) aggregates, with respect to Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR), leads to concrete degradations. In order to avoid the expansion of concrete made with them, some mineral additions such as burnt oil shales (SC) can be used as substituents to the clinker. The present work has a two aims, first to better understand the role of the SC against ASR and then the behavior of the siliceous limestone PR of Brunnen towards ASR. Among the aggregates used, the Brunnen was characterized. The presence of crypto to micro-SiO2, consisting of monocrystalline quartz, seems to be very reactive by its small size and would engender the expansion of concretes based on this aggregate. Despite a mineralogical and textural complexity, a micro-SiO2 was highlighted. The action of SC towards ASR was then studied by a model reactor and finally in concretes. Results show a beneficial effect of SC in the model reactor, in spite of non optimal conditions to show the pozzolanic reaction. As far as that goes, SC allowed the decrease of concrete expansions under the threshold limit for a 17 %wt of SC for flint and 30 %wt of SC or with CEM II/B-M (S,T) 42,5 R (Robusto 4R-S) for siliceous limestones. SC could have a dual effect of inhibiting ASR by fixing alkalis on products of the pozzolanic reaction and also neutralizing alkalis on its micro-SiO2
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Engelaère, Charlotte. "Etude de valorisation des coproduits marins coquilliers sous forme d'additions et de granulats dans les matériaux cimentaires." Caen, 2012.

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Dans le but de gérer les déchets coquilliers générés par la pêche et l’aquaculture, une valorisation dans les matériaux cimentaires est envisagée. Trois types de coquilles présentes localement sont utilisés : huître, coquille Saint-Jacques et crépidule. Chacun d’eux est trié, nettoyé, concassé, tamisé pour obtenir les fractions granulométriques : 0/0,063 mm, 0,063/2 mm, 2/4 mm, 4/6,3 mm, 6,3/10 mm et 10/14 mm. Les caractéristiques des coquilles sont déterminées pour définir leurs potentiels et appréhender leur comportement dans les matériaux cimentaires. Les conclusions confortent ce choix de valorisation et l’intégration des coquilles est étudiée dans les mortiers et les bétons, en tant qu’additions, granulats et fillers. Les résultats sur mortiers montrent que l’huître et la coquille Saint-Jacques sont performantes sous forme d’additions ; les crépidules sont plus appropriées en tant que granulats. Globalement, l’ajout de coquilles en remplacement de granulats entraîne une perte d’ouvrabilité et de résistance du matériau cimentaire. La comparaison des mortiers et bétons est faite à consistance similaire : un ajout d’eau est donc nécessaire pour conserver l’ouvrabilité et peut expliquer les baisses de résistances. Un superplastifiant est alors ajouté à certaines formulations de béton. Leurs résistances sont 1,1 à 1,9 fois plus importantes que celles des bétons témoins. Les analyses microstructurales ne révèlent pas la présence d’un nouveau matériau formé : les coquilles auraient donc un rôle de remplissage dans la matrice cimentaire. Ce travail de recherche témoigne de la possible et bénéfique intégration des coquilles dans les matériaux cimentaires
This research work was born from a desire to manage waste shells produced by fishing and shellfish farming activities. In this purpose, a study of waste shells reusing in cementitious materials is envisaged. Three types of local shells are used: oyster, scallop and slipper limpet. Each of them is sorted, cleaned, crushed, sieved to obtain the grading fractions: 0/0,063 mm, 0,063/2 mm, 2/4 mm, 4/6,3 mm, 6,3/10 mm and 10/14 mm. Shells properties are determined to define their best potentialities and to comprehend their behavior in cementitious materials. The conclusions consolidate this reuse idea, and shells integration is studied in mortar and concrete, as additions, aggregates and fillers. The mortars results show that oyster and scallop shells are successful as additions, slipper limpet shells are better as aggregates. From a global point of view, the aggregates substitution by shells decreases workability and resistance of cementitious materials. Mortar and concrete were made with the same workability; an addition of water is thus necessary to maintain the workability and can explain the resistance decrease. A superplasticizer is then added to some concrete. Their resistances are 1. 1 to 1. 9 times more important than control concrete specimens. The microstructural analysis survey reveals that no new material seems to be formed; shells would thus have a role of filling in cement matrix. This research work confirms the possible and beneficial integration of shells as addition, fillers or aggregates into cementitious materials
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Beylouni, Mohamed Fouad. "Fillerisation du ciment alumineux : etude de l'influence des conditions thermiques d'hydratation." Toulouse, INSA, 1988.

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Etude experimentale de l'influence de la chaleur degagee au cours des reactions initiales dans le beton sur l'hydratation du ciment alumineux pur ou fillerise (filler calcaire), en appliquant a des eprouvettes de pate et de microbeton des cycles thermiques simulant la chaleur d'hydratation dans des ouvrages en beton de diverses dimensions; conclusions sur le probleme de la conversion des aluminates de calcium hexagonaux et sur l'influence du filler calcaire sur la resistance en fonction des processus de formation initiale des aluminates hydrates
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Berger, Catharina [Verfasser]. "Gegenüberstellung der klinischen und strukturellen Ergebnisse nach arthroskopischer Kalkdepotentfernung bei Tendinosis calcarea : Welchen Einfluss hat die additive Rotatorenmanschettennaht im Vergleich zum reinen Débridement? / Catharina Johanna Maria Berger." Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2019.

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Berger, Catharina Johanna Maria [Verfasser]. "Gegenüberstellung der klinischen und strukturellen Ergebnisse nach arthroskopischer Kalkdepotentfernung bei Tendinosis calcarea : Welchen Einfluss hat die additive Rotatorenmanschettennaht im Vergleich zum reinen Débridement? / Catharina Johanna Maria Berger." Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2019.

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Books on the topic "Addition calcaire"


Walsh, Thomas, ed. Visual Fields. Oxford University Press, 2010.

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Visual Fields: Examination and Interpretation, 3rd edition contains revisions and updates of earlier material as well as a discussion of newer techniques for assessing visual field disorders. The book begins with a short history of the field of perimetry and goes on to present basic clinical aspects of examination and diagnosis of visual field defects in the optic nerve, optic disc, chorioretina, optic chiasm, optic tract, lateral geniculate field bodies, and the calcarine complex. Additional aspects of visual field examination are explored including those of monocular, binocular, and junctional field defects, congruity vs. incongruity, macular sparing vs. macular splitting, density, wedge-shaped homonymous field loss, and monocular temporal crescent. Various new techniques of automated perimetry are also considered including SITA, FASTPAC, and SWAP. This volume provides a very useful overview of the techniques of visual field examination in a number of eye disorders and will be of interest to all ophthalmologists, neuro-opthalmologists, retina specialists, and optometrists.
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