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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., ed. Data compression using adaptive transform coding. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1988.
Find full textRoddier, Franois. Adaptive Optics in Astronomy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Find full textN, Ageorges, Dainty J. C, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division., and NATO Advanced Study Institute on Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics for Astronomy (1997 : Cargèse, France), eds. Laser guide star adaptive optics for astronomy. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Find full textPaul, Casasent David, Clark Timothy S, and SPIE (Society), eds. Adaptive coded aperture imaging and non-imaging sensors: 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2007.
Find full text1970-, Urey Hakan, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International., Solid State Technology (Organization), and Sandia National Laboratories, eds. MOEMS display and imaging systems: 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 2003.
Find full textRogers, Stanley. Adaptive coded aperture imaging, non-imaging, and unconventional imaging sensor systems II: 1-2 August 2010, San Diego, California, United States. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2010.
Find full text1970-, Urey Hakan, Dickensheets David L, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International., Solid State Technology (Organization), and Sandia National Laboratories, eds. MOEMS display and imaging systems III: 24-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 2005.
Find full text1970-, Urey Hakan, Dickensheets David L, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. MOEMS display and imaging systems II: 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 2004.
Find full textDessenne, Caroline. Commande modale et pred́ictive en optique adaptative. Chatillon: ONERA, 1998.
Find full text1948-, Tyson Robert K., Lloyd-Hart Michael, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications: 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 2003.
Find full textSchmitt, Alexander. Towards Adaptive Spoken Dialog Systems. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.
Find full textKovačević, Branko. Adaptive Digital Filters. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Find full textF, Roddier, ed. Adaptive optics in astronomy. Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Find full textC, Roggemann Michael, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and Remote Sensing Society, eds. Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere IV: 3 August, 2000, San Diego, [California] USA. Bellingham, Washington: SPIE, 2000.
Find full textHui, Yap Kim, and Perry Stuart William, eds. Adaptive image processing: A computational intelligence perspective. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2010.
Find full textD, Gonglewski John, Voront͡s︡ov M. A, Gruneisen Mark Tyree 1958-, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. High-resolution wavefront control: Methods, devices, and applications II : 1-2 August, 2000, San Diego, [California] USA. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2000.
Find full textThomas, John Tudor. Display technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics III: 17 April 2009, Orlando, Florida, United States. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2009.
Find full textT, Thomas John, Malloy Andrew, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. Display technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics: 12 April, 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2007.
Find full textC, Roggemann Michael, Bissonnette Luc R, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and Remote Sensing Society, eds. Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere III: 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 1999.
Find full textAnton, Kohnle, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and Centre national d'études spatiales (France), eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems: 27-28 September 1995, Paris, France. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 1995.
Find full textR, Restaino Sergio, Junor William, Duric Nebojsa, and Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Meeting, eds. Catching the perfect wave: Adaptive optics and interferometry in the 21st century : proceedings of a symposium held as a part of the 110th Annual Meeting of the ASP, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 28 June-1 July 1998. San Francisco, Calif: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999.
Find full textAnton, Kohnle, Stein Karin, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., and European Optical Society, eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems IX: 11-13 September, 2006, Stockholm, Sweden. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2006.
Find full textStein, Karin. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems XIII: 20-21 September 2010, Toulouse, France. Edited by SPIE (Society) and European Association of Remote Sensing Companies. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2010.
Find full textStein, Karin. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems XIII: 20-21 September 2010, Toulouse, France. Edited by SPIE (Society) and European Association of Remote Sensing Companies. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2010.
Find full textR, Bissonnette Luc, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere II: 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 1998.
Find full textHau-San, Wong, and Guan Ling, eds. Adaptive image processing: A computational intelligence perspective. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002.
Find full textAnton, Kohnle, Gonglewski John D, Università di Firenze. Dipartimento di scienze della terra., and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems III: 23-24 September, 1999, Florence, Italy. Bellingham, Washington: SPIE, 1999.
Find full textAnton, Kohnle, Devir Adam D, and Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Italy), eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems II: 23-24 September 1997, London, UK. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 1998.
Find full textD, Gonglewski John, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and Boeing Company, eds. High-resolution wavefront control: Methods, devices and applications IV : 8-9 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2002.
Find full textD, Gonglewski John, Stein Karin, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., Sociedad Española de Optica (Spain), United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., and European Optical Society, eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VI: 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 2004.
Find full textAnton, Kohnle, Gonglewski John D, Schmugge Thomas J, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and European Optical Society, eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems IV: 18-20 September, 2001, Toulouse, France. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2002.
Find full textThomas, John Tudor. Display technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics III: 17 April 2009, Orlando, Florida, United States. Edited by SPIE (Society). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2009.
Find full textC, Dainty J., Bissonnette Luc R, North American Remote Sensing Industries Association., Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing., eds. Image propagation through the atmosphere: 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 1996.
Find full textAnton, Kohnle, Gonglewski John D, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing., eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems V: 24-27 September, 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2003.
Find full textD, Gonglewski John, Stein Karin, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., Sociedad Española de Optica, United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., and European Optical Society, eds. Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VII: 13-14 September, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2004.
Find full textTyson, Robert K. Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications IV: 21-24 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States. Edited by Lloyd-Hart Michael and SPIE (Society). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2011.
Find full textR, Bissonnette Luc, Dainty J. C, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere: 29-31 July 1997, San Diego, California. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 1997.
Find full textCanterbury Workshop on Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics (1st 2008 Canterbury, England). 1st Canterbury Workshop on Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics: 8-10 September 2008, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom. Edited by Podoleanu Adrian, University of Kent. School of Physical Sciences, Marie Curie Early Stage Training Consortium, European Commission. Marie Curie Actions, and SPIE (Society). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2008.
Find full textCanterbury Workshop on Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics (1st 2008 Canterbury, England). 1st Canterbury Workshop on Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics: 8-10 September 2008, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom. Edited by Podoleanu Adrian, University of Kent at Canterbury. School of Physical Sciences, Marie Curie Early Stage Training Consortium, European Commission. Marie Curie Actions, and SPIE (Society). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2008.
Find full textThomas, John Tudor. Display technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics V: And, Enhanced and synthetic vision 2011 : 25-26 April 2011, Orlando, Florida, United States. Edited by SPIE (Society). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2011.
Find full textD, Gonglewski John, Voront͡s︡ov M. A, Gruneisen Mark Tyree 1958-, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. High-resolution wavefront control: Methods, devices and applications III : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, [California] USA. Bellingham, Washington: SPIE, 2002.
Find full textWarren, Penny G. Astronomical and space optical systems: 2-3 August 2009, San Diego, California, United States. Edited by SPIE (Society). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2009.
Find full textRoggemann, Michael C., and Byron M. Welsh. Imaging Through Turbulence. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textRoggemann, Michael C., and Byron M. Welsh. Imaging Through Turbulence. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textRoggemann, Michael C., and Byron M. Welsh. Imaging Through Turbulence. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textMarchetti, Enrico, Jean-Pierre Véran, and Laird Close. Adaptive Optics Systems IV. SPIE, 2014.
Find full textRoggemann, Michael C., and Byron M. Welsh. Imaging Through Turbulence. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textRoggemann, Michael C., and Bobby Hunt. Imaging Through Turbulence, Second Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
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